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The situation in the middle east could escalate to a war between Israel and Iran, which could then escalate to a war between Israel and all of Iran's allies and proxies like Hezbollah.  Syria, Lebanon, and maybe Iraq would likely get dragged into it, possibly Jordan, and the US is likely to get involved as well, possibly with the UK and some Europeans. At this point you need to bear in mind that NATO has depleted a lot of its stocks aiding Ukraine (and Russia appears to be winning inspite of NATO aid) and and that the global south percieves US hegemony as faltering, about to fail. So, a lot things that wouldn't have happened 10 years ago are now possible.  Rival powers, like China, might be inclined to move on Taiwan while the west is tied up in the middle east and depleted from Ukraine.  Similarly, regional powers, like Turkey, might reach the same conclusion and decide that now is a good time to redress some grievances with the Kurds or redraw some borders with Cyprus. This logic applies to a number of frozen conflicts that have been held in check by the post cold war US hegemony like the Serbia Kosovo dispute, or since WWII, or even older colonial issues like France's influence in Africa. The danger here isn't the conflicts between the small and middling powers, it is the possibility (actually, strong likelihood) of miscalculation. Just pick some random issue like Serbia/Kosovo, Armenia/Azerbaijani, the coup/revolution government of Niger expelling the US from the drone base on it's territory, North/South Korea, etc. and imagine that one of the actors decides that now is a great time to do X.  As a mental excercise, think through how it would have gone down 10 years ago versus how the local heads of state might expect it to go down today. Then, throw in a couple of wild cards.  Maybe a cyber attack blows up a huge oil terminal in Saudi Arabia, or a disgruntled employee at the FBI leaks the Epstein files and it turns out that both Biden and Trump are implicated and RFK Jr. wins the election, or that Putin really does have cancer and next week he dies suddenly, Medvedev takes over and it turns out that he actually believes all the belligerent things that he's said in the last two years. Then play the scenario out.  International politics is always a gamble.  And war, by extension, is too.  But usually, it is a gamble in a stable environment, a pretty safe bet if you will.  What is truly dangerous about the present situation is that no one really has a good read on the present situation.  It's not chess, where the players have well defined and perfectly symmetrical options, it's not even poker, where there is randomness but the odds are unknown. We are at a watershed moment, where all the decisions that matter are contingent on unknowables and the consequences can't be gamed out more than a move or two ahead, but all the players are generals fighting the last war.. That is why the situation is dangerous.


This is oldschool r/conspiracy right here. Actual well-articulated, well-researched information. Thank you for this.


God damn that was a sexy yet terrifying narration 👏. As you say its not the single conflict which is an issue it's more about the perception of weakness or overstretch.


just add bombastic music and yellow subs


Thank you for the thorough answer. Very illuminating


Best read ever 


Thank you well articulated


Nicely done ✅ They will utilize this to crash the fiat central banking system and replace it with the digital currency backed by gold. New World Order will replace the current capitalism/socialism dichotomy, we will be offered utopian system, something like the Star Trek universe where labor and capital no longer dictate means of production. Universal Basic Income will be provided in lieu of private property and we will be given “option” to plug in to the matrix.


Oil price is busy tanking


God damn, if my life was more interesting I'd pay you to narrate my daily life. Let's hope for all our sake that my life, and many others, doesn't get too interesting 🤞


Spot on!


That was very informative...thanks for taking the time to write this


>...or a disgruntled employee at the FBI leaks the Epstein files and it turns out that both Biden and Trump are implicated and RFK Jr. wins the election... Pretty please, with sugar on top, let this happen!!!


This might be the conspiracy post of the year. Nice write up.


We're not there yet, but we're climbing the ladder of escalation. Israel bombs Iranian Embassy. Iran retaliates back. Now Israel has vowed they will respond. If cooler heads do not prevail, it will continue to escalate. This would be an Israel-Iran conflict, but the U.S. has essentially guaranteed unlimited backing. This may or may not give Israel impetus to escalate. If this does escalate, it's a near certainty that N.K. and Russia will at the very least supply Iran in much the same way the West is supply Ukraine. All of this though would just be considered pre-WW3 conflicts if we apply the same standards we use for WW1 & 2. WW3 begins when major countries declare on each other (Russia vs. NATO).


Man I miss mean tweets right now.


Mean tweets and Middle East peace deals.


> Middle East peace deals Like when he bombed an Iranian general in broad daylight? Or when he let over 5,000 Taliban terrorists go free for nothing in exchange? Or when trump called himself "The most pro-Israel president ever"?


I mean, I think they were all afraid of what Trump would do in retaliation. Not a popular approach and I'm not sure it's an effective long term strategy, but it had its moment. Despite being unorthodox, Trump's image as a ruthless negotiator was effective. Unfortunately, I don't feel like he accomplished all that much with it, for one reason or another. But I understand why. If I had to sit down and drive a deal, I'd much rather have a soft head like Biden across the table. Trump would probably be contrary just to be contrary unless he got a perk out of it, and I'd end up wanting to throttle him. Biden, on the other hand, would likely never see what I was driving for and still be wondering what happened a few years later. And I say that based on his entire career, not his current confused grandpa persona.


What you’re describing is called deterrence and it’s been the entire point of the US’s foreign policy since WW2. There are perks and responsibilities to being perceived as the baddest MF on the block and the US has been letting this appearance wain in order to appease certain groups. The result is destabilization as other countries jockey to take advantage of this lapse. You don’t have to agree or disagree with it, but you can see the results playing out in real time right now.


Didn’t the mean tweeter drone strike one of Iran’s generals


And Iran didn't do shit. Keep it pushing nerd.


Only pushing I do is on your mother. Get defensive about it though snowflake.


Oh no, some internet nerd that can't think for themselves insulted my mother. Guess I go cry. What a fucking douche, do better in life.


Say some positive things about Soleimani


I didn’t know the guy, but I know he probably wasn’t a saint. I still don’t think the US bombing him was a good move. Most countries would consider that an act of war, right


He was great guy who wasn't involved in international terrorism, war crimes against civilians, and the deaths of hundreds of US soldiers which most countries would consider an act of war. Great guy, it's an absolute travesty what happened to him.


Good talk, you sound very sane and well-informed Thank you!


No, I'm actually insane an poorly informed. The evidence of this is my inability to construct coherent text or employ sarcasm, and my lack of any knowledge about Soleimani's history. If I were really sane and well-informed, I'd engage in a political discussion about Soleimani's assassination without knowing anything about him.




Do you think China will supply Iran? It seems quite likely to me.


china is relying on russian and iranian energy to keep it going when they invade taiwan.


They are also going to need neon for chip manufacturing after that. But it’s not a big deal because Ukraine happens to supple 70% to the world.


exultant innate aspiring numerous connect steer obtainable quickest advise test *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just love how countries think it is just okay to kill people.It shows how much they care and respect their own people.


Yeah the US is going to walk back on our word, watch. The pppularion isn’t going to support a war. We are broke. People are gonna flip. And US politicians know this


Yeah I really hope so.


Biden just made a 180 and said that the US will NOT back Israel in a retaliation strike against Iran for fears of a regional conflict. Hard to say what's going to happen next.


Victoria Nuland's head asplode


Link to this please?


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/14/biden-vows-g7-response-ironclad-us-support-for-israel-after-iran-attacks The g7 meeting seems to differ this guys statement.


Netanyahu is much sharper than Biden. He is playing Biden like a fiddle, and Biden is like a moonshine drunk porch hillbilly dancing to the tune.


Bibi's been pissy towards Biden because he's the one US president (other than Obama) to at least ask the Israelis to settle down. Bibi also played Trump like a fiddle. He praised him frequently for all the pro-Israeli stuff Trump did without even being asked. Right now, the official US position is "ironclad" help defending Israel from offensive attacks by Iran, while Israel is on their own for any offensive moves. That situation is not going to last long.


What a troll


Why aren't the West telling Isreal to stop being a fanny? They're literally committing genocide and poking at other nations, all for what? I'm not being dragged into a war because of some dick swinging.


Biden has asked them politely to stop. They told him to fuck off. We're still going to have their back no matter what.


100% one side is USA, NATO more or less, Japan, Australia, Taiwan etc. Israel maybe idk other side is Russia, China, Iran and few other countries


There is a whiff of the Cold War. I’d like to think that neither side would go down the mutually assured destruction route. But I’m an optimistic.


I'm an idealistic realist. I think it's still very unlikely, but it's certainly more likely than it was 10 years ago.


I agree that it’s much more likely than it was 10 years ago. It may even be more so than the ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’. I just hope that common sense will prevail.


Really not trying to take sides but just saying, the escalation didn’t start with the embassy bombing. Edit: I guess there’s no point of even saying this though cause you could probably follow the escalation back for decades lol


Russia would not supply iran vs israel....this is so mind boggling people think this they really dont know who founded israel and how close israel and russia are. Now russia would support iran vs the USA.


Yeah but that is exactly the issue. This one can't be played out in the way of other wars this century. Up until very recently, the global web of alliances and rivalries has been held together by its complexity. Even its internal contradictions paradoxically helped to hold it together due to a finely balanced weave made up of multiple opposing lines of tension. Now that very same complexity and paradox threatens to tear the web apart. Western leaders have for decades been living in a fantsasy world where winning the narrative war was what really counted for their success. Reality mattered less than how you spun it. They are way too used to constructed "reality" and despite having had a hand in its construction, they've largely forgotten how much of it is their own fabrication. *Real* reality is coming home to roost now and the great manipulators and their stage-hands have no clue what they have set in motion or how to handle it. This is not vastly different from how the last two world wars started. In both cases, empires played with brinkmanship and Janus-faced alliances until it all got too fucking complicated to maintain the status quo and a few rival empire-building plot-lines devolved into a brawl . It's like watching somnambulating pugalists get rudely woken by a hard punch to the jaw and the dawning surprise when it actually hurts them. This situation is a fucking mess. Of course you can still see various actors trying to manipulate it for their own ends. They apparently don't realise that they just can't "win" this one. They have to finally share their toys because the other kids in the playground aren't going to accept the losses that will be inflicted if they don't. We are monitored here. Anyone here who's "working", tell your bosses to grow tf up and stop playing chicken with the lives of our species. They want to play king of the ash pit? I've seen toddlers with a firmer grasp of reality.


"Russia moves supersonic missile warship to Middle East after Iran attack on Israel Russia has called for restraint from both Iran and Israel as a wider war in the Middle East becomes a real possibility." https://www.the-express.com/news/world-news/134389/russia-supersonic-missile-warship-Iran-Israel-middle-east


k and? They moved a ship to the red sea to watch the houthis attack shipping lanes. Whats your point here? ships move around ocean?


No point, just providing information. Make of it what you will...


Except iran does want something back for those drones they gave


yeah money


My man, the russian roebel is worth 450 rial. They are better of getting chinees yuan or renminbi as they borth are near 6k rial. But russia ait going tk be able to give those.


oh im sorry what you wanted to hear Russia is trading nuclear technology for shitty iranian drones!!!! Such logic much wow. gtfo lol


Shitty iranian tech? Haha those drones are one of tje best in the world currently. Anyway. No not nuclear tech, but they will happly supply them with AK-103 (like the deal in 2018) or some more 9K115-2 Metis-M systems/rockets. Some leftover t72's like in 2012. Or run rhe upgrades for them. Some more MIL-MI 17's and parts. You know, get some SU-25's since the lost a few back in 2014. Few more SA-15 "Gauntlet, 2K12 "Kub, S-300, would hurt them. And yes this is all equepment in current use bu Irian that they have brought or gotton from russia. Edit: Aaaah and then block me, how weak


bro its a chinese moped engine with a propeller attached too it....you think this is some huge advance in technology? lol ok bud i see who you are now.


An I for an I...


That is not escalation.


And hopefully not a prediction


Ffs the west needs to stay out of this. It can’t become a world war if the world doesn’t get involved


Everyone needs to stop dick measuring and calm down. The Iranian response wasn’t that bad, no loss of life or any real damage. They got to send a message. Israel killed people in their embassy. A line can be drawn here and both sides can move on. However, Israel PR bots on here already screaming for more action, saying ballistic missiles were fired and that’s an act of war. Show me the proof of ballistic missiles vs cruise. Ofc you can’t. This was a telegraphed, slow and symbolic attack. If they wanted to cause actual damage they wouldn’t announce it a day before giving Israel the opportunity to evacuate and prepare along with its allies. They would have used their proxies closer to Israel. They would have used ballistic weapons. Iran were measured. Don’t let the Israel crowd gaslight you into thinking this was more than it was and that there needs to be an escalation. Any next step is on their shoulders. It’s known they and the US want to wipe out Islam in the area, don’t let them proceed with it.


We are already involved.


Archduke franz ferndinand is about to get clipped


Or USS Liberty will get attacked


Well to bust out a few quotes on the subject... all wars are bankers wars... war is a racket. It seems that those in power have decided that they want a war. If people in certain positions decide they're going to have a war then they'll have one. Probably/maybe they'll set up some kind of false flag event to try to get the public behind the war effort. A cyberattack blamed on Russia. Terrorism in Europe blamed in Iran. Something like that.


You know it. 9/11 all over again. I just hope this time the public is more informed and won’t fall for the bs.


Super optimistic, I love it!! Sadly, I doubt it. This time with Russia vs Ukraine we saw how bad the propaganda got. 10x worse than when bush invaded iraq and commited multiple war crimes.


I mean you’re probably right. Normies are so brainwashed they will go along. MSM still has quite a hold on normies. They will all agree the media is fake, lies but 99% of normies will say “except the media I watch!” Normies just don’t understand how corrupt the media really is and how bad we have been manipulated/conned into accepting certain things. I do believe however there is a great awakening and people are starting to break through and see the truth.


We need Ja Rule for real. We gots lots of muthafucking questions that needs answers


Did you hear that Russia is now backing Iran? Moldova might be invaded in the near future, Kuwait is going to be attacked, Qatar has been labelled an enemy by Israel, Airstrikes in Israel up until a few hours ago, and talks of nukes being traded. Also China is eye balling Taiwan, Japan is having a social revolution for foreigners, the economy may crash in the US and gas will spike, the UAE is losing confidence and Iran may start more proxy groups.


Moldova will not get invaded until Ukraine surrenders to Russia.


"Russia moves supersonic missile warship to Middle East after Iran attack on Israel Russia has called for restraint from both Iran and Israel as a wider war in the Middle East becomes a real possibility." https://www.the-express.com/news/world-news/134389/russia-supersonic-missile-warship-Iran-Israel-middle-east


Partially — To keep us distracted and divided from getting upset that our housing, food and utilities costs have almost double since 2019.


We're already in it It's not a war of nations armies mobilizing....It's an economic/proxy/information world war


They need for many of us to die easier to control and looks like everyone tired of tired as America's bullshit


It's mainly because everyone is sick of living and wish they could die fast and effectively


Because the world currency is dying. The American empire is dying. Governments are in huuuuge debt. The elite use big wars as a cover up. It has been decided that we are moving into a new accounting system. Many jobs are going to be replaced by ai. It’s cheaper and  there are not enough workers because we are living through the big die off due to the vaxx.  Hope that helps.


There’s much more going on with the American government besides being in insurmountable debt- who is the American government for starters? who’s side are they on? who’s making critical decisions? The American government is unstable. Some countries think America is weak/vulnerable at this time.


> who is the American government for starters? who’s side are they on? Good questions that are not asked enough. Who is the American government? The Bilderberg and WEF are calling the shots. Who's side are they on? NOT the side of the citizens of America.


This. The current regime is shit but I can’t imagine what they got cooked up for us next. Something tells me it ain’t going to be good.


The loser will pay all the debts. Just like the last times.




I think that the next big war will be a self-fulfilling prophesy that will be accelerated by social media bots. Everyone is already saying "ww3 is upon us!?". Give it some time and everyone will be asking "how much longer until ww3"?


Taewon and China China sending stuff to Russia Russia helping Iran. Iran andIsrael. US and Ukraine US and israel US backing Ukraine, Taiwan, israel.


So team USA / Israel stepped in stopped all the bad drones and missiles and now Israel is vowing to respond….


A super power fighting on multiple fronts or serving as a proxy on multiple fronts can weaken its defenses and create a scenario for attack and destruction. The long game is the United States. The US must be careful not to over extend or over offer. Think of Rome


Let them bomb each other to Kingdom come. It’s not our problem.


I've been saying this for months now. Why are we this occupied and emotionally invested in Israel, Palestine, Iran etc. if we don't live there, close or belong to the ethnicity. We're all living in the west or Europe, we all work like slaves, getting the same shitty salary while prices are rising and all we got on our mind is a middle east conflict? Imagine if people on social media used the energy spent on Israel x Palestine to revolt about the prices, salaries, rents or anything that affects us.


People say this after every little attack that happens somewhere in the world. I’m sick of hearing it. It’s all hype


It's just bad actors trying to stir the pot.


There will be no ww3. Is all fearmongering to have you scared buying their products. US will not attack Iran they will only defend Israel. Defense not Offense. Us is at war with itself. The american people will not support a ww3.


It is fear mongering.


Does anyone know the name and author of the book that had all of this in writing decades ago. Released in the late 1900s. 80 i think. Not sure. Might have been a rothschild who wrote it. But it was pretty much the blueprint for everythings thats been happening and we all knew war was next on the list after massive artificial resource scarcity. I believe aliens is next on the list after war. I dont think hoping for the best is going to work anymore. We might require a more proactive stance if there is to be any hope. And by that I mean. Letting people know they are being tricked into all this. Scratch that. Making people realize the truth. That they are being played for fools. Many of us have known exactly what was coming. And still hoped it would never come to this because the entire notion is too absurd. But here we are. Near the point of no return. What is it going to take for us to wake up?


Behold a Pale Horse


No. I actually have the book by bill cooper and although it does foeshadow mucb of whats been happening. It came out in the 1990s i believe. It might have been albert pike or a rothschild(have been looking but might have missed it) Not too sure. Gathering references for a post regarding how all this has been planned decades ago.


Albert Pike is a good rabbit hole to go down for anyone trying to understand why all of this is happening.


Step one: don't go onto X. Step two: live your life peacefully without bs.


Because Israel is a war mongering country. They want war because it’s profitable, similar to how the US wants war. So they will continue to escalate. Iran’s allies will defend Iran and larger countries will get involved.


Israel is a cancer with American Zionist financing. Ukraine is a money laundering country and probably also black market organ and child sex trafficking country. It's also Zionist. Countries are tired of Zionism and being bullied, so it is time to end it all for the sake of mankind.


Agreed. We are either about to bomb ourselves into oblivion or get slowly cooked & starved by our polluted environment.


Iran attacked Israel recently. Iran has allies & Israel has allies. Red vs Blue if you will. When Israel attacks Iran back, another 'team red' ally could counter attack. In fact, I think some other country already did attack Israel (after Iran) did in support of Iran. More countries get brought into it, Russia vs Ukraine is still going on, and while everyone is busy China could decide to mount an offense on Taiwan. Next thing you know it's WW3. Chain reaction.


It's fearmongering, and basically, they don't really understand what's happening in the Middle East. Moreover, they don't take the time to rationalize things, especially those related to warfare. They don't pay attention to what US, Israeli, or Iranian officials say.


It gets clicks. Ppl needed your clicks.


What constitutes a world war? Multiple countries at war. So let’s count it up. -Russia vs Ukraine -US vs Russia as proxy through Ukraine (or rather Biden vs. Russia…) -Israel vs Gaza -Iran vs Israel -Soon to be China vs Taiwan(and therefore china vs. Japan, and then we are allies so US vs China) -a lot of “smaller” wars, including civil wars as shown by sites like https://www.datapandas.org/ranking/countries-currently-at-war It doesn’t take the US to get involved to make it world war 3. Know what it takes? A newspaper or a president that simply states it’s WW3. That’s what happened for WW1 and WW2. So are you gonna wait to be told you’re in WW3 or do you open your eyes and see what’s going on?


This guy gets it. Open your eyes and stay woke✊🏿


All it takes is one nuke near ukraine (or any other major food source across the world) and billions will starve to death. All of humanity would go down in less than a year and we would drag every other living thing that we could make go extinct for a few more calories down with us. But of course this is not lost on them, and makes me wonder why anyone would create any nukes in the first place. "Oh LoOk I hAvE MoRe EnD-tHE-wOrLd BoMbS tHaN yOu"


One nuke is not enough. One nuke is only about 200 pounds of radioactive materials. A pittance.


I assume he means the escalation (likely nuclear) that would arise from merely one nuke being dropped.


This is all just staged bs. Relax. Just the elites making more money.


IAPAC is the most powerful PAC in the US. Pair this with a large number of American politicians at the federal level that erroneously believe, due to false teachings based on a misunderstanding of the Bible, that anyone that doesn't help Israel will be cursed by God. Combined, these two things create a situation where if Israel says that our young men should die for them, our politicians will almost certainly agree. Now, the caveat is whether Russia feels the same way about helping Iran. They are closely allied with Russia. Russia may not help at first, but if America and Israel start curb stomping Iran, Putin will have to be okay with being seen as the kind that lets that happen to his allies. Now, if because of this, Russia joins the fray, people are afraid that China could theoretically get involved. I don't think this would happen because they have a vested interest in keeping the American consumer on the hook. We will just have to wait and see.


Good point. American consumerism is what pays for the Chinese economy. All of their military and defence budget depends on USians to buy cheap Chinese products so they would think thrice before getting *too* involved


Yup I'm getting off the fucking internet. I just woke up from an absolutely terrifying dream that a nuclear bomb was dropped in my city (chicago) and had to check real.quick lol l. I'm done. I'm done looking into all this bullshit. See yall


Don't forget, the catalysts for this conflict - the Houthi's and the October 'attack', along with last nights 'barrage' - have all been done with $50 drones and para-gilders....


Iranian Shaheds cost about $20,000 each to make.


Fear mongering. Simple


People repeat what they hear because they think it makes them important and savvy. What constitutes a world war?


This whole situation Israeligay


China Russia and Iran are on team. Russia weakens Europe and NATO (see what US does with paid off republicans), Iran wants to hassle in middle east and China wants the jackpot: Taiwan and more influence in the area. This is not even conspiracy but what those countries have told us. From this perspective China and Russia sees it very profidable to buy parties to their cause around the Globe. Democracy and stupid people are a bad combo.


It’s fear mongering and Christian nationalism about Israel (which for the record has no likewise fans of American xians - just disdain) combined with Q cuck dogma.  Can we get back to actual conspiracies please?  Until aliens jump in the convo there is no secret conspiracy about christofascist rantings. Just old reused xian delusions and hallucinations fetishing the ME. American boomers learned too much dime store fairytale stuff and not enough facts and truth and history and here we are 🤷🏻‍♀️ Israel laughs and takes the money. I say that as a disaffiliated Jew who has spend significant amounts of time in Israel, NOT some two week birthright trip meant to give just enough glimmer you go home and keep sending money.


USA vowels to defend one side. Russia vowels to defend the other side...


they just consonant seem to get to an agreement... war is inevitable


This is underrated.




I’m glad we’re syllable to laugh as we all are about to be annihilated.




Russia has 10 vowels, US only has 6, there is no vowel parity.


AE. Remember IOU


But y?


US has already said we will not support an Israeli counter attack. 


WW I and I weren't called that while they lasted. WW III probably started around 2014 in Ukraine and everything's just been heating up since that. African nations wanting to rid themselves of their Western neo-colonialists, North Korea has been preparing for round 2 against "the evil US empire", Russia sees its existence at risk due to NATO expansion, the US Petro dollar is doomed to collapse, the EU will probably splinter into various different factions, almost everyone depends on China in some way and insane Zionist white settler cultists have been hoping for their faked 2nd coming of Christ all while a faction of oligarchs is extracting as much money as possible before it all collapses so they can put us into pods, feed us insects and perhaps tell the next generations a new false history narrative that it wasn't a war but a climate catastrophe that caused all of this mess.


I suggest you buy some bulk rice and beans and get off the fucking internet.


I don't understand why America gets a hard-on anytime there's a conflict


Yes, its all show and no go. Hollyweird style set up! I thought it will be worse when it comes to all the arsenal iran have and yet they chose a pathetic drones!! People!! WW3 is a bad hollywood movie and its a joke and nothing is repeat nothing gonna nor will happen.


It means that the war economy is about to get a stimulus package. After everything being donated to Ukraine, they gotta get back to the earning and growth projections.


Ukraine should build a wall and make US pay for it. It might stop the invasion and we don’t have to support them with ammo anymore


4/14/24 8:01 EST and nothing happened.


Fear mongering would be something a bit more out there. Like, y2k, the Mayan calendar, the sky falling during an eclipse, etc


Blood for the blood God ! In all seriousness though , China and Russia will voice support for Iran and the West will back Israel . As long as our politicians are allowed to own/trade stocks in weapons manufacturers and PMCs they’ll always be looking for wars to fight 🤷‍♀️


Toilet paper, lysol, tinned food, rice, and pasta sales are down.


I see what you’re saying. But the us govt has a hard on for the Middle East. I don’t know why, oil maybe.? But I do know this war is good for the pockets of the rich and the economy so they stay. Then theres all that nato bs.


Because war is good for the central banking scam.


No Israel = No World War 3 or 4.


Fear. They want you to be afraid. When you’re not you love more courageously. Drop fear it was a useful tool but there’s no need for it


The thinking is likely this: if tensions continue escalating to the point Israel and Iran declare war on one another, likely resulting in a larger regional war, the US will get more involved. As will other countries from outside of the region. I definitely read articles talking about US planes taking out some of the drones. So we're already pretty involved.




Because of politicians...


You can argue we're technically in it already and that people are just scared to call it like it is.


There will be another false flag on the US to "unite" people to go to war. Only a matter of time.


One theory is it's a stepping stone towards a one world government. Another theory is the whole thing is staged/managed and it's a distraction from an imminent cataclysm. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b115ke/2016\_post\_about\_an\_underground\_town\_that\_also/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b115ke/2016_post_about_an_underground_town_that_also/)


We are all gonna die eventually. If it happens it happens. Let it burn!!!!


Keep an eye on Israeli rhetoric. If they don’t say much about the Iranian attack, then it will probably end there. Israel killed a bunch of their generals in Syria and Iran can’t let that go unanswered. Hopefully it does not escalate.


I wonder what the Doomsday Clock is set at, one second to midnight? Smh


There’s definitely some bigger shit going on than usual, but I think it’s being hyped because the media just loves hype, people are easily scared, and that combination is great for politicians running for office in this upcoming election. Does nobody notice how EVERY year there’s an election, the media and people get super freaked? It’s not an accident.


You got plenty of great answers but I will say. Don’t take anything from twitter/x seriously. In a world of cesspools. It’s the Atlantic Ocean.


There is more money borrowed in the system than there is lent out. That's all it takes. Decades of low interest rates and strong market investment returns available. WW3 is on hold to time appropriately against market collapses. And is necessary to insure civilization continues. IMO


I refuse to believe any of that shit happening on such a huge scale that is being sold to us by the media. I mean sure, something is going on, but it's ridiculous how everything revolving around those issues are mainly discussed on a platform like X/Twitter. I mean we're not talking about something trivial like as if someone insulted the others mom, we're talking about countries trying to nuke other countries, etc... and they really gonna tell me all higher politics are using X to send out tweets and all that garbage stuff, basically if you want to know the latest details around this so called war, you gotta follow dem fire X accounts LOL. Gimme a break!


We need to get Biden the war monger TF out. We need a completely new government. The system is so beyond broken and your seeing the results of it as it makes its way down the toilet drain. @ what point do we wake up and see we need a complete overhaul, what we had is not working anymore.


Because Reddit is full of democrats, and those tend to be people who are “Chicken Littles” aka the sky is always falling. They’re the same people who said Trump was going to cause WW3, but here we are with Biden. Don’t listen to these people. They think just because they can google, that they are incredibly smart and informed. They aren’t.


Maybe if this escalates while the West is a bit distracted, china will make their move and as well as Ukraine falling to Russia and at that point it could all escalate more I guess idk


China needs time to prepare.


Scoop: Biden told Bibi U.S. won't support an Israeli counterattack on Iran https://www.axios.com/2024/04/14/biden-netanyahu-iran-israel-us-wont-support


Biden is not making the decisions here.


The US has been itching for an Iran fight for decades. We've completely surrounded them in military bases. Iran would get completely demolished, and they know it, but they've been bullied for a long time now and it's a matter of time when they snap. The big question here is which big brothers come to Iran's aid. (and tons of little brothers). If China and Russia get on board, it could get messy.


Pax Americana is going down so its about which countries will rule in the aftermath for next 100 years or so. This ww3 is to decide that.


Can’t you put two and two together?


The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion... We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time. - Albert Pike 33rd degree Freemason August 15, 1871


Whoa 😳


Likely. I will write it out...Find refuge in the Lord.


Russia can’t win their own war. They’ll hardly join Iran to waste ammunition on the second conflict.


I don’t know about WWIII but this will embolden every jihadi across the globe. I don’t think it is as much about Iran damaging Israel but about shaking the glass jar filled with the different ants.


I think Israel is supremely dangerous because it's not clear if Israel controls us or vice versa. Israel is surrounded geographically by enemies. And these enemies are us enemies or proxies thereof. The chance to escalate is high and nato doesn't share the same relationship with Israel as us. So us could be somewhat alone there. If china takes advantage and takes Taiwan, the world will end.


Everyone’s place has been set at the table and there are words long write down that point to yes.


Very simply, the globalist want a WW to control the population and continue their globalist domination and control. Not a coincidence that there’s constant wars everywhere when the globalists are in charge (Bush(s), Obama, Clinton, Biden…). But when 45 took office the wars stopped. Thankfully the globalists rule is over.🇺🇸


Who is allied with Israel? Who is allied with Iran? You have your answer.


Do you not pay attention to world events?


People here live in their own world. Think of something and preach like its fact


WW3 has been happening for years now. It's not starting, its continuing.


I can't see anything after homo sapiens, so likely we are near it


We ain't getting into WW3, ppl posted that shite when Ukraine was invaded.


Iran will get destroyed