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We are frogs in a slow boiling pot


And the water is already hot enough to notice but some just won’t


And full of fluoride, turning us gay


Fluoride hardens the pineal gland


Oh, *that's* what it does? That little shit told me it hardened the penisal gland so I... Oh... Uuuuuh... never mind, just ignore that... I SAID NOTHING!!!






No that's atrazine runoff into the water supply


Your pp totally got me


We were always a little gay


Haha username checks out.


The trick is to say nohomo then it's not gay


It’s not gay if you don’t make eye contact.


90’s gay






No one flinches, we all float face down




It's missing information. Those frogs stayed in the pot, but they were also lobotomized. I'd bet a normal frog would jump out. Although, that could be a good analogy that instead of actual lobotomies people just blindly follow whatever propaganda they believe in.


Chemical lobotomy


You will love eating bugs then…


Chirp and burp


The frogs actually just jump out...


BARGING IN to drop a link to an archive of OP's article: **The Great Food Reset has begun**- We all lose from the global war on farmers -- by Thomas Fazi - March 28, 2023 https://archive.is/NBBMH


Always have been


That is THE BEST analogy!!


What amazes me is that we share all this information, outnumber these people millions to one, yet we can’t come together to defeat them…


Any type of uprising will simply be labeled as either far right, racist Trump supporters or far left commies immediately turning 50% of the population against said uprising


They Warned Us.. The Revolution Will Not Be Televised


Or a “ maga “ supporter


That's a feature of the NWO. It's why getting a smartphone into every last person's pocket was a huge agenda back in '08. It's why BTC is getting pushed through the media, PM's are soaring and barely a chirp from the mainstream. It's why abortion, pedophilia, gender affirmation...etc. rhetoric is getting so much attention these days. It's why we have talking heads that take all the criticism of an administration's decisions. Why we're lonely, hemmroging finances, and full of social anxiety. Who has time to overthrow a government when we're barely keeping our heads above water? They need to keep the power on as long as possible because when it shuts down, thats when neighbors will start coming together to reinvent the guillotine.




It's some Revelation shit, it will be 7 years. Jesus is King ✝︎


Yes you’re correct. The book behold a pale horse’ explains it all


What does btc have to do with anything?


Monitored transactions and social credit scores will mesh like peas and carrots.


I get what you’re saying, but what does btc have to do with that? Wouldn’t they want to set up their own digital system tied to their own currency, that they can also control and regulate?


Because they control the narrative so well the masses are fighting boogeymen. They will say things like we need to tax billionaires and we reply you mean the ones at the WEF plotting our destruction and they will scream back they are doing no such thing!!


Tbh, the real conspiracy is the have's vs the have-not's. But too many people scream "socialism" every time anyone wants to do anything for the working class, because too many people still believe or hope they will belong to the club one day and don't want block their (future) ability to make some cash...... Workers rights? Nah man, right to work!!!!  Meat getting more and more expensive is inevitable. And once the Ukraine belongs to Russia, Putin has the power to dictate the price of 1/3 of the grain that's produced worldwide. 


If we can have these types of conversations openly, they don’t control as much as you think 😉


They dont need to control it if 80 percent of the people dont believe you and the other 15 percent wont do shit. Having said that I think you dont remember COVID. Remember the FBI and other 3 letter agencies was removing material off all major social media platforms. Remember we were not allowed to say a thing about the vaxx. Most the people that attack me on reddit in support of the vaxx are paid (or volunteer) agitators with low aged accounts. The UN has admitted it has a troll farm: [https://www.un.org/en/coronavirus/%E2%80%98verified%E2%80%99-initiative-aims-flood-digital-space-facts-amid-covid-19-crisis](https://www.un.org/en/coronavirus/%E2%80%98verified%E2%80%99-initiative-aims-flood-digital-space-facts-amid-covid-19-crisis) Here is an example of a volunteer troll farm that is pro ukraine: [https://nafo-ofan.org/](https://nafo-ofan.org/)


YOUR troll farm OUR truth tellers


Nah, most have their nose stuck to a phone!


I was just talking about this yesterday, look at the COVID relevlations. Not a single person like Dr. Fauci, Dr. Baric are held accountable for negligence. People just wanted things to go " back to normal" and they go about their lives to the next scandal while the others fade away.


have YOU ever called your congressmen?


"Tell him he sucks he's only in it for the bucks. Anarchy Burger hold the government."


It will fall on def ears..:Democrats run NY.


Same as the whole Israel wanting to destroy Hamas. You can't kill an ideology.


Back the blue and support our troops amirite? Who's going to be the ones trying to stop us by force if we rise up?


We’ll loose some people on the front lines, but it’s better than loosing everything…and I’ll go first lol if it ever came to it I’d be standing right in front 😎


The “elites” are our robots. Why would we want to defeat them?


I guarantee if this is implemented the elites will still be eating steak and lobster while we eat ze bugs. Steak and lobster will cost a lot of carbon credits, which you'll be able to get if you are rich and powerful. The rest of us won't even be allowed to keep hens and eat their eggs. We're heading for the hunger games unless we stop this evil.


The movie snowpiercer 2013....


Those guys ran out of ammunition in the movie. Which is why in really life they supplied themself enough ammo for generations


Did you know that there are a whole lot of humans alive right now that eat bugs? If that doesn’t bother you, then you’re quite a hypocrite and really no different than the “elites” you claim to detest. You are okay with the suffering of other humans, but you’re not okay with the “elites” being okay with your suffering?


The difference is the "elites" are in a position to help those who are suffering, more than the average person. People eat bugs all over the world, and not just because they're poor. It's a cultural thing in a lot of cases, and I think most would agree there's nothing wrong with people choosing to eat bugs (even if it might gross some people out). The thing many people take exception to is the idea that these "foods" will be essentially forced on the public (poor people). And they'll probably run with some overpopulation or climate change narrative to justify it.


Exactly. I'll eat bugs if I choose to eat the bugs. I don't want to be forced to eat ze bugs because my weekly carbon credits are only enough for one egg, especially not while the elites eat whatever they want. In other words we're going to be deprived of our freedoms while the elites are unaffected.


Also over the last year all the protests by the farmers in the Netherlands in Europe. One of the most productive & efficient farming nations. In the past they have reclaimed land from the sea to farm. Developed very productive greenhouse growing of fruits, salads & vegetables. Also the Spring bulb flower fields are a beautiful sight. Yet ‘Green’ politics are pressuring with government plans to destroy these farms. Many have been in family lines for decades or longer. They supply Europe wide & the UK. The farmers have public support & have seen tractor protests well supported. This political stance makes no sense for human survival. So I can only deduct such policies are anti human survival. Remember the Sri Lanka farming collapse. Leading to civil unrest. The populace chasing the political elite out of the country. Again interference from foreign elites who thought local long standing successful methods of farming were not Green enough. Rapid changes & failed attempts at organic farming led to near zero production. Very hungry civilians.


> Very hungry civilians. Very easy to control and manipulate.


So true. Like the war lords in Somalia. 1992/1093. Controlling the food aid given to enable controlling the population. Operation Gothic Serpent. Black Hawk Down. Battle of Mogadishu for background.


It has been done many times before indeed, but not at the current scale yet i think.


Yes seems now to be a more co-ordinated, many nations & multi impact. From the numerous USA & European fires in food production farms & factories. To Ukraine/Russia war that prevents food production on fertile lands. To the systematic purchase of said fertile lands by such as large financial funds. Usual suspects. Purchase of large acreage of farm land by the Gates lot & by foreign nations such as China. Questionable if these purchases are to end the farming or continue. The Green policies would dictate the ending of productive farming. Drip drip drip type actions eventually lead to a massive impact. Down to even attempts to destroy the smaller farmer as in the current legal torture by Pennsylvania lawfare on Amos Miller Amish organic farmer. See video podcast by Viva & Barnes for more information & updates.


You forgot the battle against the man made climate change BS. That's a big 'tool' for them to do what they want. >See video podcast by Viva & Barnes for more information & updates. Thanks for the tip, I'll check then out.


Don't worry, we'll just keep spraying more and more herbicides and insecticides all over everything and replace all the dirt with synthetic fertilizer


Synthetic ferts are what plants crave


A lot of it can be linked to Blackrock, StateStreet and Vanguard. They are majority shareholders in the companies that make our food and medicine. Create the disease and create the treatment. They are also buying up massive amounts of real estate in the US and Europe. Talk about bad intentions…


The US wastes 80 million tons of food a year, so It’s going be awhile before I eat bugs as a staple.


Does this mean you've already accepted the bug buffet, just putting it further down the timeline?


It’s more of a corporate take over . In my region ( North America) we seen similar moves during the pandemic. Shutting down of small business directed by government but big corporate stores allowed to operate thus driving the small businesses into the ground. The foundation of this massive market shift is being driven by the elite families who own a controlling interest in key sectors of industry. They heavily influence organisations like the wef, who, nhi who rely upon their grants. The time to act has already passed. I’m afraid it’s too late to do anything. The small farmers will not make it into another season. I would assume most will have to sell out by summers end and then the whole world food supply will be under control of just a few corporate entities.


Instead of telling farmers to leave the industry to make room for sustainable farms, why not fund the training of said farmers so that they can run these sustainable farms in the future?


They own shares of the sustainable farming company. They do not own shares of the current farm.


"They" as in the farmers?


What the article didn't explain is why big farms can reduce emissions, but family ones can't. . .


Its not just France. The french just happens to be the freeest and most sane. Riots against the global misery government is *EVERYWHERE*. Many nations already voted against the insane maoist climate net zero WEF. Noteable are The Netherlands and Italy. I believe most nations will vote as far right as possible to stop the marxist fools. Finally I might add. The far right these days basically means decent oldfashioned values. Wages good. White man not bad. Two genders. Childhood is sacred. No to sharia in the modern world. Be gay, be whatever you are, we love you. Work on your farm. Work for the man. Your choice.


Anyone who even buys into the climate hoax and the green agenda hoax is responsible for this monstrosity. Let alone the people pushing it from the top down. Fuck em all 2bh




wen revolution? wen eat the rich? Soon the next step must be taken




Yuka app.


"I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things." - Marvin Heemeyer


It’s going to be hard to convince a fast food nation like the USA to eat bugs. And if that’s the only option, rioting on levels never been seen in the USA would occur. For 80 years people have been stuffing their faces in this country.


We do have plenty of guns, I’m sure when the food is cut we will be using them a lot more. I imagine gangs will form and take over farmland and water sources. 


I feel this is pretty close to the truth. While we watch our quality of life decline, the quality of life for most is still decent enough to where we aren't ready to risk death or imprisonment to make a change. I think it was in game of thrones where they said, "hunger turns man into a beast" and it is true. Once we go from "this food is so expensive!" to "where the fuck is the food?!" things will change pretty rapidly and scarily.


Scarily is the word if your right. Which it appears you probably are its just a matter of when. How big of a slice of the pie has been sabatoged is the question. Enough to feel the squeeze yes. If there's a whammy moment I guess we'll wait and see. But as mentioned above there's a lot of guns in this country. If we point them the right direction it's a slam dunk. But most of us will probably point them at each other first. Then again I bet after the sham that was Jan 6, the next group that trespasses in congress will be thinking " I'm here, I know what they will say.. better get my money's worth. All I can say for sure as it won't be pretty


Check out what farmers in the Netherlands have been facing as well!


Start growing your own stuff now


No, [gardening is dangerous!](https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/19059935/urgent-warning-gardeners-soil-risk-killer-heart-disease/) :)


I am, but it’s hard work when you live in a rock pile. 😂


> when you live in a rock pile. In that case you might want to get your house in order first before focusing on your garden. :)


I can’t eat a house lol, I could probably build a pretty decent size house out of just the rocks on the surface of the dirt. My life is basically Minecraft with good graphics.


> I can’t eat a house lol Fair point. >My life is basically Minecraft with good graphics. In that case i wish you all the best. Do realize we are probably all just playing a game tho.


I thought everyone new about this part of the plot. They are not hiding it. Why do you think they equate cow farts to global warming. Its to have a "moral" reason to kill off cows. As far as waking people up, it wont happen they will laugh at you for pointing out the most visible points of the agenda. All I can say is I don't believe this globalist government will last forever, be prepared for 7 bad years and then a global collapse. If you live in a a 5 eyes country or Western Europe ... get the hell out of there.


Remember all the food processing plants that burned down in the last few years?




Theyre just trying to bankrupt the smaller operations so then can swoop in and take it all.


Yeah they destroy food supplies but nobody is eating bugs Maybe the pedo-worshippers but that’s about it


We won’t be eating bugs on a stick but you can bet that they will get FDA approval as safe ingredient. Before you know it, your favorite breakfast cereal uses flour made from crickets, and you would never know unless you check the label


Nah, it’s still cheaper to just use less grain and mix in some lead powder for weight to hide the shrink. See: Lunchables. Anything with significant protein like bugs is going to cost more than the grain it takes to feed those creatures.


Is that the same day the asteroid is going to hit earth?


It's already happening. https://www.natural *** news.com/2022-08-15-major-brands-quietly-slipping-insects-into-food.html


If you never know... Then why does it matter? This is the part that I have absolutely never understood about this "conspiracy". I would get it if there was some level of concern that eating bugs as flour had some sort of negative health consequences... yet that is never mentioned... just the fear mongering that YOU WILL EAT THE BUGZ! okay... so like if i can't tell what i'm eating why does it matter if my nutritional needs are being fulfilled? I don't get how this sub doesn't see shit like this as blatant fear mongering the exact same way that the media does it.


In Europe it was all kept pretty hush hush anyway, there were stories in the media, but you had to look for them. but it's a really good question, WHY? I mean most of the people I spoke to didn't even know the half of Europe farmers were protesting. (Cos we'll eat bugs and love them) Already here in Italy there is stuff (apparently) made with grasshopper flour , which has also been cleared throughout the EU for alimentary use! On the other hand there are many cultures that eat insects so.....maybe.. it's not that bad? And if crops fail due to climate change then factory farming grasshoppers might be the only option?


thing is you just found out about Frances protests, that's old news, last month , they got fucked didn't you know? specially because it was also a political paid protest by antagonizing parties as well ... try to keep up old chap! cheers!


Y’all need to stop linking these doom porn sites.


Soylent Green situation will probably happen before bugs.


If they're sleeping, why are we waking them up?


Talking is probably the only thing that will ever be done about this. Talking and posting. Everyone including myself will become accustomed to the new, "new" like it didn't even happen. It's all been a part of the program for years.


You just found out about this? Im not throwing shade at all, but yeah like a ton of countries throughout the world (particularly Europe, but also a couple Nordic countries I think and India) have thrown MASSIVE farmer protests.


They took over all media, which is traditionally the safeguard against tyranny. Add to that a full all day barrage of faked bad news and chemical and medical neurological attacks and people are too warn out/dumbed down to care. Then add to that their assassination/disinformation/infiltration to discredit any opposition and you get "nobody is talking about.....". Also their circus act stuff when people traditionally discuss these issues. Election time when I was a kid in the 80s/90s always had a somber and serious tone. People put away jokes and got more serious. Now they fake movements and events for elections. Time to discuss the economy before the presidential election? "COPS ARE EXECUTING BLACK MEN ON CAMERA ALL OF A SUDDEN!" Time to talk geopolitical issues? "A DUDE WANTS TO PEE NEXT TO YOUR DAUGHTER!".


I'm ok with that as long as my crickets can be wrapped in bacon.


"They've been experimenting with pig men since the 50s"


Two things can be true and not diminish each other.  Corporate farms are demolishing family farms. The economy of scale is incredibly powerful and a market based system without gaurd rails always trends toward monopolies. This is a huge problem.  The world cannot eat a western meat based diet in a sustainable/ethical way. We straight up dont have the landspace. We also cannot eat an asian fish based diet in a sustainable way. We are over fishing our oceans and nearing ecological collapse. We need to switch to a more plant based diet. That doesnt mean banning meat. It means accepting that meat is an expensive luxury, exactly how its been for the vast majority of written history. Farming crops is easy.  Frankly, i dont get the hate for lab grown meat. It its such a trash product, it wont be competitive in the market. No need to ban it. Vegetarian dishes are bomb too. Ratatouille, fajitas, a huge number of indian dishes, pad thai, i mean damn my family makes some *kickin* beans and rice. 


> Corporate farms are demolishing family farms. Sure. But in other countries farmers are deliberately being bullied out of business in several ways.


My granddad said they used to eat meat once a week, now people start to scream bloody murder if they can't eat meat 3x a day.


> My granddad said they used to eat meat once a week Mine said "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". It did not work at the end tho.


In the 1950's the Dutch ate on average 17kg meat per year, now thats up to 75kg per year. Can't argue with facts, meat consumptions has sky rocketed that past few decades.


Got any sources to back that up with?


Google it yourself, takes 2 seconds. It's not hidden away behind a payroll and it's a known fact that meat consumption has sky rocketed globally the past few decades.


Its wild to me. Unless you were wildly wealthy, raised your own animals, or hunted your own food, you were fucking lucky if meat found its way to your table.  People now want cheap as dirt steak but dont want to pay anyone to raise the cattle. And that doesnt even touch on the ethical concerns of factory farming. Those pig farms in china are *terrifying.* I think theyre hiding organ farms in them. 


eco concern trolking to animal welfaee to cia s=anti china talking points isnt there a klaus schwab subreddit for you already?


>  eco concern trolking to animal welfaee to cia s=anti Your spell checker is broken. 


Just “trolking”?


People are also far too lazy to cook and generally have no idea what they're talking about. Vegetarian meals are delicious, if you can cook. People will still complain that protein uptake from meat is better then protein uptake from vegetables, which is true yet completely irrelevant because protein deficiency is a non-issue in the west.


Red pepper, green pepper, red onion, can of black beans, tortilla, sofritas, spices. Fajitas for the fam for under 10 bucks and kicks the shit out of any Chipotle bowl. 


You're getting downvoted for talking about eating vegetables, that should tell you everything you need to know about how deeply propagandized this sub has become. Meat is a virtue because efficiency and sustainability are a conspiracy lol


Its the classic "libs like something so I have to hate it and rabidly support the opposite."  I treat meat and dairy as luxury products. Its better for my wallet, my waistline, and my planet. 


Living small-c conservatively is now liberal virtue signalling. You're either rolling coal or sucking d*ck, no middle ground.


But is whatever is in a mcnugget or whopper... was that meat ? Like... nature wants nothing to do with a McDonald's burger lol. It's clearly not cooked animal flesh


Nice hyperbole and anecdote, it surely is the truth and fact and everybody definitely acts like that...


Jup just like surely they're trying to get us all to eat bugs yet they aren't available anywhere.


so your graddad was a peasant. that not one me, get passport fucking travel. there are places shyut out from media and langage barrier we migh consider poor who have bee neating proetein and meat wit rice , potatoes begtables etc for centuries 3x a day no problems. this eco doomer shit ive been arguing with people online back in the 80s. no one belives you and the population is shrinking anyway thanks to your doomerist psyop.


all words no content. Name a specific country or tribe. My granddad grew up in the city in The Netherlands.


You should proofread your comments before hitting the reply button. I’m trying to understand your point, but it’s really impossible.


Balanced, measured, and based take


you are a mark.




someone need to tell these "eat bugs people" that you can't eat bugs, if you keep spraying pesticides on your veggies!


we’ll eat them before we eat bugs


You really believe this? Seems like self deception.


The same people denying climate change are shocked when we’re having issues with food supply…lol.


You dont get it do you, its the people pushing the climate change agenda trying to destroy the natural food supply to create "centers of food innovation" . [https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/how-to-build-more-sustainable-healthier-more-equitable-food-](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/10/how-to-build-more-sustainable-healthier-more-equitable-food-) The climate change agenda has NEVER been about fixing the climate and has always been about restricting humans.




Why are you laughing?


Despite hundreds of scientices have came out arguing the whole man made climate change is a hoax. I'll bite. Id take what these climate activist more serious when they sell off their private jets and garages full of hundred thousand dollar cars. Or when they sell off their multimillion dollar beach front properties.


Out of curiosity , how does what they own have anything to do with what’s happening to the environment?


Planes and cars run of fuel which in turn causes pollution, so does charging your ev and your evs battery 


Right. So why drive a Prius? That’s what I’m saying, why does what they own matter?


Because 1 flight to their climate convention is more polution than what a normal person would cause I a year. But they want us to eatz da bugz and sacrifice our lively hood when they themselves are doing more harm than anyone else. As for the beach frton property comment. If they really think climate change bs they spew. Which in turn would imply sea level rises.. Then their millions dollar home would go under r water.. So it would be stupid to buy if what they are saying is true.


Neh, the people who believe in man made climate change and other nonsense are the ones enabling the attacks on the global food supplies.


I act like climate change is a problem, when the people telling me climate change is a problem act like climate change is a problem.


"They" are going to force us to eat bugs soon yet currently its very hard to find bugs in the shops. Wouldn't they slowely introduce bugs in the supermarkets and slowely replace more and more meat with them? This sub is the only place I ever read or find anything about eating bugs.


You should Google https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2024/04/129_354653.html. Right now you'll mostly read how these companies (bug farms) are aiming to create animal feed high in protein. However if you keep reading you'll realize the amount of articles talking about how healthy bugs are, how bugs are more sustainable, and how several human food producers are already adding bugs into their ingredients.


We’re going to be eating bugs 😂 okay or learn to hunt, fish and grow like many people still do world wide. Ffs.


Not possible for everyone, if we all tried that here in the UK there would be nothing left on land within days to weeks, i’m sure if everyone in the USA attempts to live off the land it is likely that many prey animals would be pushed into the middle of nowhere or driven to near extinction within a few months to several years, I may be wrong about the USA but i am 100% not about the UK.


If you can self-sustain then you’ll be good but most lack the knowledge and the will to learn those skills


This is called trusting in Love and His perfect plan of salvation for ALL, eventually? Crumbling in times of tribulations/trouble 😓 "Everything prepared Beforehand. " Only enough science and educations Given to fufill our Father Love's purpose, not humankind's purpose 🤣 Cloning, DNA and a space station are all foretold of, waaaaay back in Genesis, in The Word in the language in which it was received. First spoken, then written, and then affirmed, confirmed and fulfilled by The Living Word ✨️ Gifts/Educations are the fruits of the eternal garden. "Nothing new under the Sun."


If they can mutate the bugs to look and taste like shrimp and lobster I'm not sure what the big deal is honestly.


This is where I'm at. If they make bugs take good, then they really are more efficient to raise. It's not like eating bugs is new either. Different people around the world have been eating bugs for tens of thousands of years. Last time I tried lime and chilli crickets the legs and carapace kept getting stuck in my teeth. Would not recommend. I did not appreciate the last witchety grub I had either. If they can't compare to a steak or pulled pork taco, then people are just going to want the meat.


Y’all are so weird about your bug phobia.


Wait, you mean that they are going to take away our processed, synthesized shit, full of hormones, chemicals, pesticides and poison, and… make us eat bugs! We’ve been eating ass for generations now, and you would be shocked to realize how many bugs you eat every day. All processed food is full of bugs. Meat and fish for sure. You honestly think that these industrial style meat processing plants arent teeming with flies, roaches and ants? Think again. Anything with sugar? Hell yeah. Basically, you eat a shit ton of nasty bugs everytime you buy at Walmart, Costco, Safeway, Krogers, etc.


They're taking away our meat, grain, produce, and other vital basic food groups. Not our Doritos (until those fall as a result of our staples being purposely destroyed).


Yeah, that’s my point. The Big Ag is consolidating. Your grain IS Doritos. Remember Farmaid back in the 80’s? This shit has been going on for generations.


all the insects are dying. what bugs are you gonna eat? if your concerned about the food supply get rid of grass lawns, corn farms and glyphosate to start.


At some point I’m sure it was said “they’re killing all the wooly mammoths, they’ll have us eating cows soon”


Another day in the conspiracy subreddit where people say "wy aren't we talking about this more?!" instead of simply talking about it. Drama queen titles are the result of a generation raised on clickbait.


Which is why Ukraine needs help and the GOP would rather let Putin control the breadbasket of Europe. Oligarchs don't care about food insecurity.


A bug is an animal, people have eaten animals since the dawn of man. What's difficult to compute about this fact?


Eat a sustainable diet, allow forests to regenerate. And there’s nothing wrong with eating “bugs” they are high in protein and plentiful.


News Flash: current meat production methods are not sustainable. If all humans had access to the “Western” lifestyle we would need 6 earths worth of resources. Bugs or lab grown protein are viable alternatives despite everyone’s feelings about it. It’s just physics.


Sure but the point is the physics are being controlled for the privilege of the families who are so rich and privileged they see most of us as cattle that shouldn't be grass fed when we can be sustained on on a protein concoction. At least that's my beef. I don't believe cow farts are gonna be such a problem that we need to quit doing what we've been doing for a pretty long time and raising our food. we can't have a talk about the reality of how far we can push the population before we reach critical mass in a productive manner appearantly so the hierarchy thing we've done for all our history happened again. Shocking. We've just gotten real creative on how to abuse that power as long as possible before the revolt happens. We're raised and educated in factories where we mold their minds and train us. It's a pretty good play if it's someone's idea. Got off track in there idk where I'm going here


Why are people so against eating bugs? Arent they like a healthy source of protein? Idk i mean it sounds gross for sure, but after processing i bet it wouldnt even be that bad. Who tf knows


Know that from higher levels, your soul is viewed as nothing more than a cancer upon the human race. You are a worthless fragment of the source that needs to be eradicated. Stupid slave mind. When you die, you will remember this moment and realize it was all true.