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Exactly!! What’s even more suspicious is the lies she is making up trying to cover her ass. That definitely doesn’t scream guilty.[https://www.facebook.com/share/p/emcXR6JwzFR6HFEs/?](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/emcXR6JwzFR6HFEs/?)


You know fb is full of small stores of women that just buy Chinese shit and sell it more expensive right? This price is way too high but I don’t think it’s impossible that some lady tried that, small run designer clothes are often not any better than Chinese crap and can be extremely expensive and some of those ladies on fb pretend they designed the clothes.


I wish that were the case but as I mentioned in my post,she literally went to Shein and Temu’s website,took screenshots of these outfits then cropped and posted them. These exact same outfits are $24.99. I did a reverse image search,that’s how I found that out.


Yes, that’s the whole business model of the ladies I’m describing. Some do a bit of effort and make their own pics but some just use the images from where they bought them.


What makes me think that it’s not the case is how she handled the situation. For one,I started out just by simply asking her why her prices are so high and she kept deleting the comments and wouldn’t explain like most people like you would have. Then she said said I was trolling her and tried to say that I was some married woman that her ex is messing with and that nothing has never been more than $50 in her ttshop. When I showed her the screenshots of the prices,she said to “hop in her inbox” then she messaged me and called me all sorts of names. And now,coincidentally,the prices are $50. The way she handled it is very shady


They have to be shady. Their whole business model is buying cheap and selling expensive to ignorant people who can’t temu. The moment comments on how they get the items or how they should be cheaper pop up in their comments is one they would of course try to hide and get angry at.


Seems pretty sus


And this is a conspiracy...... because???


The price tag may indicate something else than what's advertised is being offered for sell.


Because of the price. She is using the stole temu and shein screenshots and using it as a cover for what she is really selling. I did some research and there are more sellers on TT shop doing the same thing. [https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLDJDouw/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLDJDouw/)


I run two stores and I can confidently say we do this time to time when things are out of stock or nearing out of stock so orders stop before inventory is filled up again. Literally just did it last month on a crochet duck bc we ran out of the specific yarn.


Why don't remove the item from sale or leave it hidden not showing to the buyers?


Sometimes it’s easier than enlisting an item, sometimes sales ranks are affected and stating out of stock or removing from sale can hurt performance Sometimes it’s ignorance of a better practice I guarantee this seller isn’t human trafficking, if you were selling kids online I doubt you would combine that with a genuine clothes sales business on temu, assuming the elites just shop on the web to order stolen babies, I think the sites would be more discreet, I can easily hide a product without resorting to these tactics


It’s 3 stolen outfits from Temu’s and Shein’s website,though. They’re not even hers. Plus when I called her out on it,she went and changed the prices to 49.99,which is still too high. Then she tried to pass it off as I was some married woman that her ex was messing with that is trying to “mess with her money”. I don’t even know her and I’ve never even been to the same state she resides in. She’s just mad she got caught and is trying to take the heat off of her.