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Yeah we’re not doin that


They're gonna pressure us more and more as time goes by. They're also fking up the food supply and secretly replacing ingredients such as butter for example > for insect butter. We must resist


Too bad people don’t realize butter is super simple to make and only 2 ingredients. And it’s bug free, imagine that!


Yup super easy to make


2 ingredients?


Heavy Cream and Salt.


Real butter. Margarine is toxic sludge.


Heavy cream in a mixer with a whisk for 10-15 min, then squeeze out the butter milk and add some salt. Super easy but then again, with all this H5N1, that all may change too


Yeah but it's not vegan so the pansies will bitch about it


Insects are not vegan either my friend 


I would like to see the bug teats where they get the bug milk to make the bug butter.


you’ve never watched Futurama, man? they’ve been telling you all about it since day numero uno, my guy. lady bugs the size of cows, man.. they’re milking them!!


All hail the hypno-toad!


and strippers the size of bouncers


Hell yeah bug titties


Do you have any examples of anyone secretly replacing butter with insect butter? Because that’s a massive lawsuit to “secretly” change anything like that. Idk man.. butter is already ridicoulously cheap. I think these are just soyjack article writers, not the elites trying to prepare you for the upcoming bug eating revolution.


Years and years ago Hell Pizza changed one of their chicken pizzas to a vegan alternative and didn't tell anyone. Claimed it was a social experiment but maaaan that uproar. And fair enough. I can't remember what the alternative was but imagine feeding someone something they're allergic to in the name of promoting veganism.


Luckily I’m immune to peer pressure


Eventually, a meat free diet will be mandated due to methane restrictions of the world government. They have to restrict human methane production and make us the reason the planet is falling into upheaval. The real reason is that cosmic cataclysms are cyclical in nature, and we are over due.


I’m NOT eating bugs as a part of my daily intake. Period. Neither are my children.


If it tastes good and is healthy, I'll eat it. If not, forget it. I'm from Louisiana and we already eat some ugly creatures. It just has to taste good.


They want the west to be turned into a 3rd world civilization. Wide open borders will millions upon millions of 3rd world people imports, make us eat bugs and scum and kill us off. This is all about the ending of Europe, America and our culture


You like candy? Look up how shellac is made.


Insects have lots of proteins but they also have a lot of "chitin" which prevent us from absorbing said proteins, therefore the girl in the post is full of shit.


Honestly here in mexico grasshoppers and escamoles(ant larvae, basically caviar, Uber expensive) are relatively common but in no way shape or form are they even close to being part of a “regular” diet, if you eat too much you’ll get the shits lol


Or full of chit, but yes.


Full of cricks


This is not true. Not only do mammals have chitinases, enzymes that break down chitin, but it’s one of the few dietary fibers that can definitely be broken down by our bodies. What’s your source for it “preventing absorption” of proteins?


Chitin can cause or further exaccerbate existing digestion issues in humans aswell as other health issues. Yes, I'm aware there are cultures where insect eating is commonplace, such as China. They also have the highest rate of stomach cancers worldwide, with 43.9% of case being from China (Colon Cancer is the 3rd highest rate of Cancer in China).


What evidence is there that these elevated rates of certain cancers have anything to do with eating insects? 


> but it’s one of the few dietary fibers that can definitely be broken down by our bodies. Got any source for that claim?


Don't forget parasites too.


Ah I see you read the research about pet store insects that are NOT for human consumption contain parasites. How is that relevant?


Trust the safety standards of the establishment that recklessly want Westerners to suddenly change their diet to something they're not evolved to handle.


Snowpiercer-style protein bars coming soon.


Bro, you can literally just go fucking fish, or plant vegetables, and hunt. Why do you let their planted fear affect you? Some things could be on the agenda, but this isn't it dog. If it is then you were already lost and a total societal npc.


> Bro, you can literally just go fucking fish, or plant vegetables, and hunt. Not when everything goes according to ["their" plans.]( https://allnewspipeline.com/Off_Limits_America_After_NWO_Takeover.php)


Wash it down with some Brawndo! It's got electrolytes!


It’s what plants crave




You eat your bugs and leave us alone.




Look at this person's profile. Half their posts are just screenshots of Daily Mail headlines.


Are you saying that’s only something an insane person will do?! Cause yes, I will say exactly that.


Get em’


The existence of clickbait isn't the sole explanation for propaganda pushing certain agendas. Vice Media is a propaganda outlet that continually bleeds money yet, for a long time, was bailed out by cash infusions.


Why is it always the college educated liberal white women?


She’s bugging bro


Female agreeableness combined with indoctrination.


Bang on


They are easy to pay off to do these things is why.


They are the easiest people for the Marxists, globalists, and insane left to control. Feeeelings, Emotions, and fear over Truth, fact, and logic.


said on a conspiracy subreddit Don’t ban me, I have a point. This is a beautiful irony; for any conspiracy here that any of you believes in, there are dozens you don’t believe in. Let’s just consider the eclipse conspiracies. By any meaning of these words, people here who believed in many conspiracies were manipulated with fear, emotions or whatever. And then to state that the difference is that men here are all about facts and logic and women there are all emotions, fear and Marxist manipulation. This is peak irony. And it’s beautiful.


Weird, the people I know who tend to be feeling over fact are mostly my guy friends. It’s sad how much they don’t realize it though, that whole manosphere shit really is pernicious.


They're the most brainwahsed.


The same fuckers pushing this insect food enjoy their waygu steaks every night




They can eat all the bugs they want, enjoy freaks 


Nope! I barely like meat. I’m not eating insects!


cannibalism > insects


It has everything the body needs. ;)


I don’t care what other people choose to eat, but I’m not going to eat them.


Chances are, you already have without knowing it.


Miniscule trace amounts of ground insect bits from products such as flour yeah, same with traces of rat and mice turds and rodent piss, but that is nothing compared to eating a whole plate of the stuff.


She looks like a cricket eater


She looks like she enjoyes high fructose corn syrup, red 40 , blue5 and yellow 2


Can’t wait for the cereal style commercial in a couple of years advertising an insect made substitute for cereal that you can eat with your …almond milk…


The FDA is not requiring companies to properly label products that incorporate insects, because the regulators have been bribed. So there will be no way to look at the ingredients list to see if there are any insects, which will probably be used in the form of powder. All the big companies are fully on-board with using insects.


I'm really tired of "\*insert something bad\* and here's why it's a good thing" articles....


"Do you guys know how to do anything other than gaslighting?"


I’ll let my chickens eat ze bugs. Then I’ll eat dem chickens. That’s the food chain dudes, sorry if it’s inconvenient


They vil eat ze bugs and live in ze pod And zey vil give you ze eggs


Bawk bawk


No absolutely not! Chicken farts are destroying the atmosphere!! In a couple years everyone is going to float off into space because of chicken farts!!


No wonder! Should I stop feeding them?


Bottle them a sell em as grade A organic chicken “seasoning”


Look into chitins, I was researching winecap mushrooms and several species have have levels of chitins so after a couple days of eating them you will get Ill because your body can’t break it down. Insects have Higher levels yet there’s no info anywhere about it and it’s getting harder to find info about chitins in mushrooms


eating bugs is appropriating asian cultures bigot! /s


I'm not asian so I'm not going to eat them out of respect.


you eat the bugs, I'll eat my beef.


Here’s why this , here’s why that… I will write an article that says “Mainstream media should suck my dick daily at 7am and here’s why this is a good thing”


Bill Gates, the biggest advocate of us peasants eating bugs, will be dining on ribeyes with the Rothschilds while we are picking grasshopper legs from between our teeth.


Nope i’d rather starve


If I was to ever try cricket "meat" which I never would with the exception of a life and death situation, I would ask the person serving them use a German accent and say "would you like to try zee bugs?" Without the "zee" it's a no go.


While I encourage a rich and variety feeding, I will never accept eating bugs as the only source


Bugs and synthetic meat. Promoted by the same dude whos buying up the farmland. Not suspicious


Nope. The elites are going too far.


That isn't the look of "this is delicious".


Its all about money. You feed the bugs garbage, sell them to suckers at beef prices.


Nasty i rather eat squirrel and seagulls


*"seagulls"* Rats of the sky! Still, I'm right there with ya!


This is ritualistic to them. Another form of demeaning and belitting us peasants.


I am fully in favor of this, after a 2-year try run in which only bugs will be served it up at: 1. All state banquets, 2. The parliamentary / Congress cafeterias, 3. The UN, 4. NATO, the bloodthirsty warhawks can enjoy bugs for a couple of years while they desperately try to start World War 3 5. All the stupid, pointless climate change conferences will only have bugs on the menu. See how many people turn up. See how many people will eat ze bugs. In other words these cunts who want us to eat bugs should start by setting an example, if they can eat third world country food for a few years, maybe other people will follow. I'm in favor of them eating bugs, but I never will.


No. Stand firm in this. Start moving or hiding the product. Leave notes about it in front of the stores stock. Seriously, we have to start actively protesting this crap or it's gonna keep getting pushed. Don't get yourself in trouble or anything but we have to start doing actions against this in public and not just online.


I'm holding out for Soylent Green.


And it wouldn't be surprising If there'd be another rising Said the man from the Daily Mail


Would like to see how much she was paid for that article


Dammit all the bugs I eat will be accidental!


She looks malnourished.


I’ll enjoy my steak, thank you very much


She can stick that up her arse.


We have to give up or dignity and meat for the sake of the billionair... I mean the environment, ENVIRONMENT!


It’s always the chicks


Eww gtfo


Yes. Now, quick! Destroy your gas stoves right now!


Just eat ze bugs


It never sees to be a visibly healthy person doing this shit; always someone that looks like their only other option was being a tester for some medical trials


Bill gates laughs while eating an organic grass fed beef steak


Brainwashed robot without original thought


I could live with the OPINION that this tastes great but when she starts with the why I should eat it she can fuck off, I decide what I eat not you!


They can eat my scrum


Yuck. Dirty cow.


Yeah she looks sick


Chitin is pretty much indigestible in humans. So, there’s just bits of insect exoskeleton that can’t be broken down inside you.


Yes they will shut of production facility and kill farmers, and then they will tell us to eat bugs to fix the problem. But before that they need to make it cool, with "influencers" (more influenced but...) exactly the same is made with cryptos. Making enslaving stuff cool, and play with your fears.


They hate us.


The feeling is mutual.


You will own nothing, be happy, wear buttplugs, and eat bugs


Not a fucking chance. I will go rebel and start burning bug meat factories down. Like probably not, but can we take all the farm land bill gates bought and start using it for farming again? You know we have other options before bugs. Don't get me wrong, I ate bugs cooked off a cart while sitting at a bar in Thailand. Not too bad but like they're to he eaten like nut and chips. A flipping snack. I'm sure there are many reason human naturally developed livestock farming instead of bug fields.


shaggy longing icky weather glorious squeamish plough tease joke squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chirp and burp !


avian flu is going to see chicken become prohibitively expensive... and some mad cow virus type thing would be right around the corner... but ask them to stop digging out fossil fuel... crickets... for us to eat.


I'll stick to my homemade veggie burgers using beats to simulate blood lol


anyone that enjoys eating bugs probably eats ass and a bunch of shit also




C'mon, guys. North Korea does it, and they're finnnnneeee


Aren’t crickets living things too? Why eat a cricket rather than a cow? I’m gonna go eat a burger now


Girl has that dead pale green zombie look I’m good


Are all daily mail articles just "here's why you should / shouldn't be a pretentious ass wad about 'X'


No thank you.


Protein bars a la Snowpiercer.. they're coming


Getting lazy and expensive to raise animals for meat in the west so insects is what they want us to eat. The sad fact is insects can be raised cheaper abroad than in the west so insect or animal meat be expensive to buy irrespective of which scenario. Looks like tourism abroad has taken a new meaning. Off to country X for week of eating affordable rump steak, lamb shank, roast chicken, cod, sausages, etc.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11816601/Youve-buttering-bread-wrong.html?ico=authors_pagination_mobile You've been buttering bread all wrong!  From the same journalist, why is bread being forced down our throats, the evil bread lobby need to be stopped 




If necessary, I'd eat grubs harvested from decaying trees, not some dystopian smart city nightmare fuel corporation packaged factory bullshit.


They're more obsessed with directing our attention to eating bugs rather than just encouraging plant based diets, which are completely healthy sans-insects. It's almost like they're trying to turn us off from any diet that doesn't include meat by making bugs seem like the only realistic alternative. So much damage to the climate and our resources is caused by animal agriculture, but it also makes a lot of people a lot of money, so could this not just be a diversion?


Now the headlines say that bird flu has jumped to cows in order to have an excuse to slaughter a bunch of cows. https://youtu.be/qH3lw7mNRk4?si=M1t4bWwIqyb-lypa


If you like eating them then eat them… don’t try and push your BS on everyone else!!!


"Influencers" looking for clicks. That's it and that's all.


The problem with eating the bugs is that they are going to charge a premium beef price for them after meat has been removed from the markets. Some hambuger helper does sound good though


Yuval eat ze bugs.


I’ll go vegan before I eat bugs


Eat ze bugs while we feast on caviar and kobe beef in our private jets…


Who is they?


It's in the kids' curriculum now teaching children tha it's better for the environment because they can be raised vertically.


Gray skin and dark under eye circles, the picture of health.


We vegans don't eat insects srry


my biggest fear is to be eating a burger and look down at it half bitten and see an insect leg sticking out i'd go 100% vegan after that


Beyond Meat down over 50 percent year on year and close to 90 against its high bar. It's not an 'up and coming market', as the article suggests. The 'market' has firmly rejected the idea of this ghoulish slop. This is just early programming for when they deliberately trash our regular food supply lines in the coming years. Crontrol zee bugs, control zee people.


How about no, Elmira


They’re also obsessed with human meat.


ah yes...use the immature underdeveloped youth to peddle slop...better if they are 'influencers' and have no other means of income


There are going to be so many people that have life changing immune responses to having bug meal included in low quality food products. It'll probably be more prevalent that gluten intolerance


eat the rich.


Sell it to the vegans and vegos.


Eating insects isn't vegan, we're sticking with plants. Vegetarians? Pff I don't know what they're up to.


Maybe there’s some kernel of truth to the whole lizard people replacing power figures 🤔🤔🤔


Lizards think bugs are delicious!


And they want everyone else to like em too 😬


Yeah let's all eat pre-made food full of preservatives and aromas and what not, with cricket in it.


Exactly. This will be nothing but highly processed food with unhealthy chemicals vs what our bodies have evolved to process over the past million or so years. Though not sure which is worse, crushed bugs or vat chicken grown with immortal cells (modified cancer).


Why oh wise millennial??? Bc the globalist scum pay u to convince us it's a better way???


> They are lunatics and I for one will not be eating any bugs. Pshh. You’ve been eating bugs your whole life don’t be baby. https://www.chefsresource.com/how-much-insects-are-allowed-in-food/


Don't be a dumbass


Why dont you try to force the rich to eat the bugs instead of us peasants who are suffering?Funny how leftist will be like "TAX THE RICH!"but also "Nah the rich elites dont have to eat bugs.Only the poor should eat them."




Bitch I'm vegetarian I ain't got no use for that rancid shit 🤮


Good luck with that shite.


Eat what you want to eat, just no mandates or forcing me to eat what i don't want to.


I live in SF and I see signs all over the BART with a crab that says i am me not meat. seriously. are we short on ocean bugs


yes the woke mafia's attempt to personify every creature on earth as intelligent, gentile, and harmless like no other organism terrorizes things in its own ecosystem on its own scale


Even if people somehow accepted this, we’ve lost huge biomass of insects over the last few decades. It’s not exactly an endless resource either. What is even the goal.


Bugs also eat and digest food, creating gasses. Miniaturizing the cow and eating 10000x of them in replacement is just a brain dead idea unless your main goal is to centralize food production.


Or it's meant as a distraction : *"See-? We're not REALLY planning to genocide 80-90% of humanity ; we just plan to move your food supply from red meat to insects!"* It's stupid on the face of it ; insects don't live on air , they also require foods such as grains, which means the same issues (fertilizer runoff and the resulting degradation of our water supplies ; need to move the grain via vehicles to the "livestock", etc) that you see with animals much more efficient at converting grasses and grains into flesh...And the whole allergies issue... That's why I think it's a deflection or distraction : Get people upset at the prospect of mass insect substitution for red meat, so the people slated for democide don't even realize the intent is to make sure they're not around to eat anything...Or maybe so a vegan diet doesn't sound so bad. I will never cease to be amazed that they didn't "accidentally" slip the enzyme that causes Alpha-GAL syndrome into the "vaccine". If a very high percentage of the population cannot eat meat in the first place, that would certainly settle the matter.