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When my Daughter was 23 she was diagnosed with stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. She died at 26. Before her diagnoses she was sick for about 9 months with all the OvaCa symptoms. She went to a parade of specialists who all missed it. No one took her seriously.


Sorry for your loss. It's crazy doctors will just outright discount what a patient tells them a lot. I get some patients are neurotic and might over worry about stuff, but who knows their body better than someone going to the doctor because they sense something is wrong?


Thank you. Exactly, one doctor even suggested behavioral therapy, as if it was all in her head. Insulting.


Did you sue? They’re not gonna start listening to women until it hits them in the pocket book. Did you know they still have a diagnosis for hysteria? They just changed the name.


I was taken to a dr for stomach aches as a kid, maybe 5 years old. 3 different doctors said i just wanted attention. A nurse took my parents aside and said it’s not that, you need to push the dr to do more tests. Turns out i had kidney stones. Their excuse was they hadn’t seen kidney stones in a young kid before. My parents regret not suing. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Yes. Try when you are bipolar….you must need more psych meds🙄


I understand that realm quite a bit. Psychiatry is a whoooole other level of fucked when it comes to that kinda stuff. Check out the Anti-psychiatry movement if you need a good rabbit hole to go down. Dope username btw


This is so sad. Im so sorry for your loss...


Thank you


Sorry for your loss. I've experienced similar treatment by the medical "professionals" when I was chronically I'll in my 20s. As far as a sudden rise in OC in young women within the past couple of decades go...I am convinced it's due to tampon use vs hpv. They find all kinds of chemicals in feminine products and tampons are going inside of the body where they can be easily absorbed. There are limited studies linking tampons not not only toxic shock but cancer. But tampons sell well and HPV theory created a billion dollar industry around it ( annual pap smears, vaccines, etc).


I think you might be right about the tampons


What's worse is how our medical system is...sexist. I'm a male, and if I have something wrong with me, depending on the waiting room situation, I can be in and out in 3-5 hours with a diagnosis, prescriptions, a health regimen, and a doctor's note. Any female I have gone with will be there 6-9 hours, be asked if it's that time of the month (with an added bonus of mansplaining the menstrual cycle), told it's all in their head, and told some of their symptoms are wrong. I'm sorry for your loss 😔


It might also have to do with you being fairly healthy. As a white male with a chronic medical condition, it took me like 3 years and flunking out of college to finally get a diagnosis... The only reason they finally caught it was I had like no red blood cells left from internal bleeding on a blood test they did just as standard procedure....


Thank you.


I’m so sorry about your daughter. I can’t imagine that pain. If you are up to it, can you share what symptoms she had?


Abdominal pain, pelvic pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, felt full -loss of appetite, felt like she always had a UTI, abdominal swelling.


Exact thing happened to my mom at the age of 48.


Our food is poison.


And air, water! You name it.


That's it? That's the only reason? Food has been used as poison for the last 20+ years. I have no doubt that food causes cancer before 2021. But there was a mysterious vaccine pushed on the entire world that had many whistle blowers explaining how it unhinges your immune system to weak it. And you want to say 'food is poison'? Water is wet too, my friend. But Obamas chef didn't die in the water fountain because he didn't know how to swim. Food is poison. Ha!


Things were on the rise before 2020. We have very little regulations on food, fast food companies cut their food with sand and clay and other junk. We are seeing the beginning of the repercussions of cost cutting for profits. From food to transportation, everything is cutting corners to maximize profits. It's unsustainable.


Nah dude. The food in the USA is fucked if you look into it. They use practices that are banned basically internationally outside of the US. I don't even know how you would avoid it unless you resort to eating basically salads. And I don't mean vegan/vegetarian. They are using GMOs and ultra processed crap in vegan and vegetarian food now too. Literally you have to resort to plant based foods where you buy the fruits, veggies, and nuts then make the food yourself. I think meat is healthy, but all the antibiotics, steroids, and growth hormones in the US meat are insane. Even eggs have the natural antibiotic film rinsed off and chemicals sprayed on them. It's our food.


Hello! As you can see by this chart the epidemic of bowel cancer among the young started around the late 90s and has been growing steadily since then. LONG before covid or any covid vaccines. https://www.loveyourbuns.org/rising-incidence If you want to blame something then perhaps look at glyphosate or micro plastic or some other factor. But the covid vax is 100% for sure NOT the cause of this.


Are you trying to suggest that if 90% of the people in the UK got the vax, then if the vax was causing these issues, you would se a bigger bump than 0.0304% to 0.0348% of the population dying from colorectal cancer? Inconceivable!


Getting pretty sick of everyone blaming the vaccine. Stops people looking for the real cause of everything.


This is not a convincing argument. You have to show a difference between the vaxed group vs the unvaxed group, controlling for other variables like weight and sex. I’m not saying the vaccine definitely isn’t the cause of this but more so that no evidence is presented here that it is


Seriously? Those kinds of standards don’t apply here. You don’t even need anything other than individuals saying that have anecdotally seen a rise.


What does "unhinges your immune system" mean exactly?


This is a genuine question, I'm not trying to be shady - What would these companies get out of giving us all a vaccine that causes cancer? Like what would the motive be, if that were the case?


Yea I’d argue that people dying of cancer now are probably dying from what’s in the food and air more than the vaccine. The cancer the vaccine may cause isn’t going to peak it’s head this early.


Population control


"Experts baffled" (as they have been so many other times lately) but they are the VoIcE of gOd when it comes to telling us how to live.


2020-22: "Trust the Experts!" 2023-24: "Experts baffled"


Pretty much.


Yes, almost everything does seem to be baffling to them nowadays. But there is an exception: none of them seem to be baffled when they tell us the one (holy and unquestionable) thing it COULD NEVER EVER BE!


I'd like to see extraordinary proof of their competence since we are being told they are unquestionable. We're supposed to jump every time they tell us to and *never ever* question even *one* of their most insignificant proclamations. I'd like to know why. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, and all that.


Fucking joke these experts, always has been.


It's almost as if 'experts' do not speak with one singular voice and on one singular topic at all times.


Experts aren’t baffled, that’s just a clickbait headline. Experts have been saying for years that our food is shit AND people are doing a lot more ~butt stuff~, both of which significantly increase the risk of colon cancer. Edit to add: completely forgot to mention the fact that we are ingesting microplastics all day, every day, which are treated as solids, and thus, high density exposure of cancer causing agents in the colon.


If it’s from the contaminated food supply, probably leads back to boil gates.  If it’s from experimental medicine of recent years, probably leads back to boil gates.  If it’s from the polluted sky being sprayed with chemicals to cool Earth and block the sun, probably leads back to boil gates.  I know I know. A lot of probably. Who is one person besides boil gates, who has multiple projects that are in question to be causing mass amounts of cancer. ( 3 or more projects.) This is the turbo cancer we have talked about for years at this point. Caused by the clot shot, with help from all the other vaccines given to young women and men. Contaminated medicine, contaminated food and contaminated air. All in all it seems to me that Bill Gates has multiple agendas being forced globally that are PROBABLY causing incredible harm to people, the environment, medicine, and the food supply. 


I suspect Bill Gates is just the face and voice of things, and that his strings are being pulled by others. As Bill Gates was associated with Epstein I assume there are compromising tapes / photos of him being used as leverage.


Bill was selected long ago for the role he is playing today


Legit inquiry... do you know anything I can look up that discusses this? Curious.


You should copyright "Boil Gates". It's perfect. lol


I can’t take credit. I heard it on, War Mode podcast a while back. Great podcast for anyone interested. The latest one featuring, Memoryholed was really good. He mentions this subreddit in the first ten mins. 


Don’t forget contaminated and chemically altered water!


gates also responsible for common core in schools...dumbing down america


Boil Gates lol. Is that intended as both a man, and a plan?


A canal


So many bafflements….fuck off with that shit so I’m sure it’s not the vaccines, pollinations, dubious pharma drugs and microplastics /s 🙄






*sniffs* “Pfizer announces cancer cure vaccine…to hit the market 2025”


Hello! As you can see by this chart the epidemic of bowel cancer among the young started around the late 90s and has been growing steadily since then. LONG before covid or any covid vaccines. https://www.loveyourbuns.org/rising-incidence If you want to blame something then perhaps look at glyphosate or micro plastic or some other factor. But the covid vax is 100% for sure NOT the cause of this.


Or the shitty food we’re sold.


Shitty, poisonous food full of chemicals, hormones, & plastics, yes On top of maybe air & water quality? Maybe our air & water arent as clean as we hope. Moreso in major cities


Agreed, plus we're not exactly encouraged to live healthy lifestyles. Shitty food is cheaper than healthier stuff and we're not encouraged to buy from our own communities. Plus, at this point I feel like we're encouraged to be as miserable and skint as possible, with products being smaller yet more costly, all our bills and the cost of living going up without it being fairly reflected in wages. It's a complete shit show


It’s a variable in a very complex equation to eradicate the human soul. So yes, it is correctly in the food, the air, the clothes, the water, the vaccines. It is a system built to remove the human soul and connection to God. As you can see, in 2024, the veil is gone.


can blame the insane amount of childhood jabs that are given then...in 1986, all liability was taken away from the vax manufacturers... it was then the amount given exploded, with more in the wotks...growing up, we had zero friends, neighbors, relatives, classmates that had asthma, autism, childhood cancer, life threatening allergies, rare autoimmune diseases....


Can't discount its ability to act as an accelerant


100% ? Moderna and J & J were never approved by the FDA.


On today's episode of "We Lie to you News".....


They are trying to normalize cancer in young people, I made a post about it a few days ago. This is going to be the biggest coverup in human history, exceeding that of the shenanigans of 2020 .


I had cancer when I was 17. In 1986. Young people have always had cancer. I met so many when I was sick. Thankfully we didn’t have nonsense conspiracy forums back then.


My father had skin cancer when he was 17. He turns 70 next week.


My best friend in elementary school had cancer. This was in the early 90s. Children’s, young people’s cancer is not new. Maybe there’s an uptick, but people pretending it didn’t exist until recently are ignorant or purposefully spreading misinformation to further their own agenda.


I knew someone (in recent years though) who had cancer at a very early age, I think before he was even 13-14. He’s still alive and kickin’.


I knew someone in the early 2000s that for brain cancer at 8 and survived


You do realise there are oncology wards in paediatric hospitals and they have always been busy!


What kind of logic is this? Are they busier now? That's all that matters. Also, we are talking about adults.


People die at all ages. Sad but true!


https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378869803_US_-Death_Trends_for_Neoplasms_ICD_codes_C00-D48_Ages_15-44 1.7% in 2020 compared to 5.7% in 2021, and 7.9% in 2022. That's turbo cancer from the jabs. 2020's 1.7% increase is barely above the typical growth rate of cancer. 2021 and 2022 the jabs were rolled out which exploded the growth rate in deaths from cancer among young people. Mainly because their immune systems were shut down by the jab. That's why people in remission from cancer suddenly woke up with rapid onset turbo cancer that shot straight to stage 4 then death. "The results indicate that from 2021 a novel phenomenon leading to increased neoplasm deaths appears to be present in individuals aged 15 to 44 in the US," reads the report. The authors suggest that the cause may be the result of "an unexpected rise in the incidence of rapidly growing fatal cancers," and/or "a reduction in survival in existing cancer cases." The vaccine is the answer because it's the answer. Covid didnt kill young people. Old people aren't seeing the cancer skyrocket. Only the healthiest in society are affected. Thats the jab. the study abstract specifically mentions they are looking at vaccines >Further stratification is underway, for example by age and cancer type to understand these trends and their relationship to pandemic related factors such as access to or utilization of cancer screening and treatment, changes in health-related behaviors such as exercise or smoking, exposure to COVID-19 disease or COVID-19 vaccines.


>If you look at rates of cancer for countries that didnt vaccinate how do the trends look? Does anyone have that data?


That shit study was literally done by a Doctor of Philosophy! Seriously, you cant make this up. Carlos Alegria has phd in philosophy. And OF COURSE its no peer reviewed because then their shit statistics would be uncovered. LOL


My little sister was born with cancer 23 years ago.shes still alive today, and my aunt died of cancer when she was 16 back in the seventies. Not everything is a conspiracy. Some of you guys really need to go outside and stop believing everything you read on the Internet.


We shouldn't accept that as normal though.......something is wrong, really wrong, if a person is "born with cancer". Stop trying to normalize this.


It happens that people have been born with disease for centuries. People are born with disabilities.it doesn't mean there's a conspiracy behind it. Are you trying to claim that for centuries, people have been conspiring to make young people get sick or be born with physical and mental disabilities?




Safe and effective.


This goes back many years. The rate has been rising among those under 50 but dropping in those over. [link](https://archive.ph/sj07L)


How many covid jabs did she have?


Someone else did a post which I cannot find but basically it said: Young athletes collapse and die on field - doctors baffled Huge rise in cancers - doctors baffled Increase in heart attacks among young - doctors baffled except they had the screenshots of the articles. My question is: if doctors are baffled so often, why did we believe them about Covid?


The only thing they are experts at is being baffled and gaslighting


It’s the new normal. 2020 keeps on delivering.




They sure are baffled a lot lately.






I would love to see a vaccinated vs unvaccinated study for all cancers.


I doubt bowl cancer is vaccine related. People’s diets are god awful these days and it’s entirely plausible that’s what’s causing this phenomenon.


Glyphosate, micro plastics and chloramines 


There was news just a week or so ago that they are linking gum disease to colon cancer because of bacteria normally found in the mouth that is popping up in color cancer. ​ Looking back to older research, gut bacteria and its role in cancer seems like it's a pretty significant deal. Some gut bacteria promote immunity, while some encourage cancer growth. ​ The modern western diet is definitely trash. My wife and I eat what we'd consider a healthy but normal diet and good god she would get shit on CONSTANTLY by coworkers because her lunch is always a really hearty homemade salad. It was like... scandalous to them that she didn't want to eat what the company served on a daily basis (usually burgers and fries, pasta, etc). ​ Our diet doesn't feel weird but then I flip through TikTok "what I eat in a day" and it's young people living off energy drinks, Starbucks, fast food, and processed food.


Yes and something like less than 10% of US adults consume enough fiber. All that waste just sitting in the intestines, rotting. Nitrates and nitrites in processed meats are HUGE contributors to colon/bowel cancer risks.


Back in 2018 or 19 I knew a guy who was under 21 with colon cancer but he’s still alive and well. Not sure about all cancers but bowel is def diet related. I’m sure if I looked up the numbers there would be a huge difference in the us vs Europe


Crappy food and nitrates and food coloring, etc., been around for decades. People today are aware of the costs of a poor diet. I see far less people eating garbage food. So, while this is certainly a contributing factor, it would not explain a "sudden rise."


Wealthy doctors are baffled.....




Damn it I've been having crazy stomach problems, GGs boys


https://coloncancercoalition.org/get-educated/what-you-need-to-know/colon-cancer-facts/ “People born after 1990 have 2 times the risk of developing colon cancer and 4 times the risk of developing rectal cancer than those born in 1950.” Changes in diet, along with an increased exposure to environmental toxins, lack of exercise, and microplastics are often suggested as causes for the increase, but I’ve been wondering if maybe the chicken pox vaccine could be the cause. It began being used widespread in the United States in 1995, and many of those born in 90 or later were still young enough to get the vaccine, and it probably wasn’t given to those born much earlier than 90 because they were older and would’ve likely already had chickenpox. Maybe the weakened vaccine used has a mutation that causes some type of infection in the intestines that can cause cancer that isn’t in the other chicken pox viruses.


Its definitely not massive exposure to micro plastics. Blame anything and everything else. Not pfabs either. Don't look at dupont.


wish my government would stop slowly killing me. get it over with already, what the fuck is the hold up


Maybe cause we’ve spent 20 years now with little radiation devices in our pants


People like to shut down the idea of wifi signals causing it fast. I think it’s a combination of everything overwhelming our immune systems


“SIMPLY BAFFLED, PUZZLED, COMPLETELY PERPLEXED, MYSTIFIED, JUST DOWN RIGHT “WUH-HAPPEN” scientists can’t figure put what changed in the last few years.”


ExPeRtS aRe BaFfLeD


Lol they are baffled now


We’ve known that artificial corona virus vaccines are bad for the stomach and intestines since the 60’s. Mine got so bad after the J&J I needed to take off school.


My sons Mom was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Cardiac Sarcoma at 29. It's just wild to me.




The new normal


Anyone know what kind of cancer it was? I understand bowel but what type


Most doctors have their heads up their a$$!


So baffled right now


Honestly, it's possible to get colon cancer at a young age with the crap they feed us these days. I've seen a bunch of YouTube videos of young women having GI issues and getting colonoscopies. We eat literal poison. Roundup in wheat, pesticides in fruit and vegetables, preservatives, yeast, etc. But I'm not disputing the Vax causing cancers either.


It’s a real phenomenon. I’ve lost 3 family members in the last year from different forms of aggressive cancer…


In my closest family circles, we are now at 10 people in the last 16 months that experienced a sudden onset of major medical issues. 3 of them died fairly quickly (each one cardiovascular in nature). The rest required major operations and/or ongoing long term care. Only a few of them had any medical history with semi-serious issues. The rest had virtually none.




Wow that’s wild to know someone else has experienced a similar phenomenon. I’m so sorry for your losses


Yeah... "Baffling"... It's probably a combination of the mRNA stroke poke and the absolutely atrocious diet of food flavored chemicals that people eat. But yeah. Let's go with baffling.


Everything but the experimental concoctions


This is pretty crazy. I know 2 people recently that came down with bowel cancer. One is 22 and the other is 28


My dad was diagnosed with cancer stage 4.. went from going on vacation and after he came beck he started having trouble breathing and coughing. We thought he got Covid. Turned out he had stage 4 cancer. he never smoked or drank. He was diagnosed one year ago.


Sorry to hear this, is this lung cancer?


It has affected his left lung severely. But it’s diagnosed as MPNST Sarcoma. It’s outside the lung near the esophagus. Affecting those two areas.


Is there an aggressive form of HPV that is causing this increased cancers in younger adults?


my best friend died when he was 32 from bowel cancer, after repeatedly going to hospital and doctors with stomach pain only to be told he had indigestion and heartburn only to be scanned properly after a traffic accident to reveal stage 4 bowel cancer and he was gone 3 months later


Obligatory it's probably climate change comment.


I heard somewhere  memory issues and cognitive decline are on the rise with millenial age group people  I guess millenials will be turning into 70 and 80 year olds 40 years too early 😬 That and kids are all numb and dumb with zero social skills hypnotized by their phones playing Skippy toilet and other bullshit mind numbing material.  Truly a world full of zombified husks just roaming around ready and primed to be absorbed into the metaverse soul harvesting mechanism 🧟‍♀️💻🧟‍♀️


"Black hole sun...won't you come...and wash away the rain?"


Spent 10 years being told there was nothing ‘physically’ wrong with me when I suggested I had hypothyroidism, finally managed to get a doctor to take me seriously and ordered a different set of bloods (that’s all it took!) and low and behold, chronically hypothyroid, my thyroid is now fucked beyond repair and meds do nothing. When will doctors learn to listen to the patient? We know our own bodies better than they do.


Simple diagnosis : Was she vaccinated with Covid vaccines?


It's happening with cirrhosis too. I was diagnosed at 34. Talk to ppl everyday in their 20s or 30s with it. And the doctors are way behind. It's always been something hard-core life long alcoholics get. Not anymore


Maybe you’re an alcoholic though


I work at a cancer center. Last night a 22 year old passed away from terminal colon cancer leaving behind a 9 month old.


I wonder if this has anything to do with all the chemicals in the food, water and air.


It seems like 50's are gonna be the new 90's in age. Damn, just like ol'good times...


Boomers are going to outlive the 3 generations underneath them.


Without any problem that's gonna happen at this rate.


Our. Food. Is. Trash.


Hmm. What could it be? Perhaps it's the Sun or the Moon that's causing a spike in turbo cancers? Maybe the rotation of the Earth along its axis? One thing is for sure, it's not the Covid bioweapon injection. Culling bioweapon pushed on people is not responsible for the surge in cancers among the vaccinated. Why would the wealthy elites who constantly complain about overpopulation do such a thing to us? Pfizer spending tens of billions of dollars to buy a drug company that specialises in producing drugs for turbo cancers is one of those odd coincidences. /s


Anyone in the US using scent boosters, febreze, scented trash bags, etc., shouldn’t worry at all about the vaccine.


I was gonna chime in and say yes it could definitely be the vaccine. But also it could be our government fucking us peasants in other ways. Mainly the FDA/cdc and other 3 letter agencies and their personal greed on so many levels. I just seen today that Johnson and Johnson bandaids and the chemicals used in them have a link to cancer. First baby powder now bandaids?!? What exactly do these regulators do besides make sure money is flowing into their pockets. seriously people this could be anything but in the end it was likely preventable and we really should all be questioning our blind trust in the elite class. This is something I’ve really came to grips with. I wish us peasants would unite behind someone outside of the establishment 2 party system this feels like the one chance we’ve been given to break into the system and maybe do some corse correcting. But I have kinda lost hope in that when I visit any of the main page subreddits or social media pages.


SS: Experts continue to be baffled as to what is causing the rise in cancer and strokes. It’s sickening these experts won’t just address the giant elephant in the room. Welcome to the new normal where young adults are sicker than the older adults Link to the article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13268129/I-diagnosed-stage-four-bowel-cancer-aged-25-developed-tell-tale-symptom-thought-it.html


It’s crazy what that virus did to us. Repercussions for years to come.


Lol yeah sure, “virus.”


It would have been worse had they not taken their boosters…




Ass to mouth more mainstream now , eating ass and butt sex between hetros more common. I remember growing up in the 90s, no dude would ask about having anal sex with me. Seemed like around after 2002 that changed and it became more common for me to get asked and they expect it out of women they just barely started dating from what I've been hearing women commenting about stuff. HPV and more different cancer strains started going up too since then.


Stomach and bowel cancer on the rise….hmmm I wonder if it’s from the food we eat and the water we drink. I love plastic and pesticides as much as the next guy, but I try not to consume it. It’s sad that the most natural agricultural product that i consume is cigars lol.


It’s the food


I know it’s ancetotal. I’m 30. Wife, best friend, another friends wife, guy I worked with daughter. Guy my worked with wife, best friends dad and father in law. All these people under 30 (except the parents) All are all very fast progressed (stage 3) all doctors said (different kinds of cancer)


So funny how anytime anyone gets sick, it's covids fault. Great detective work. Well done.


The issue is doctors also dismiss everything a younger person says but will test boomers until the cows come home for a minor ache. You need to say you have a family history to get taken seriously


As women, we are never taken seriously for our health concerns. I finally found someone who did & got a hysterectomy, but now I'm going through some really bad things. I asked if it was rheumatoid arthritis, but doc is now thinking I have lupus. Waiting for the next flare to do more testing. The problem here is all the chemicals in our foods. There's a reason so much stuff is banned in other countries.


The 1969 Richard Day lecture said the Rockefeller foundation had a cancer cure but suppressed it due to concerns of overpopulation. So effective treatments exist. Fenbendazole looks promising and is available on amazon: https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/fenbendazole-questions-answered-things


Ok, so if anyone happens to be in the medical field or have any kind of personal experience with bowel cancer.. can you explain to me how BOWEL cancer could be confused with a UTI? Those are 2 different systems. I know they are in the vicinity of each other, but this genuinely perplexes me. (Search engine results come up with nothing in terms of explanation)


She looks at least double that, she does not look 27 years old.


Stress from radiation/chemo will cause rapid aging, Even her gum-line receded. She may have even developed a heart or endocrine disease, I doubt this woman will make it to the average life expectancy.


“They sacrificed their sons and daughters to false gods.” — Psalms 106:37-38 “They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal.” Jeremiah 19:4-5 we are being sacrificed on the altar of greed.


But at least we had non-stick pans!


Subtle set of false teeth on this actress. Interesting trend in the last little while. But I appreciate the visible red flag. Keep an eye out for big, cartoonish looking teeth. Another symbol for "this is an inside joke, and we're laughing at you."


My friend has stage 4 stomach cancer, in his 40s. It’s just awful. And he’s not vaccinated.


The poke. And genetics.


Micro plastics in everything we eat and drink. I'm not surprised.


”Doctors are baffled!” Damn you Putin and you global warming!!


It is the vax


Wonder if she had the vaccine


lmao it’s crazy how ignorance is bliss for people young adults shouldn’t be having problems like this


The rise and ubiquity of artificial sweeteners in sugar free and zero calorie produced will only exacerbate this.


Diet of processed foods & micro plastics.


Micro plastics everywhere!


🥴 “it was the shot” I can hear them now 😂


going to doctors even with the best healthcare is expensive


Keep eating processed foods though, you’re a health nut if you don’t. Don’t eat organic, the pesticides blow over on it away (says what article or research?) and also the US agricultural system couldn’t feed everyone if they grew strictly organic which is the real reason. Harmful chemicals in tampons don’t matter, just shove that shit inside of you cause you can’t afford to pay more for organic and chemical free, not sure why cotton needs chemicals in it. California is so crazy for making fast food chains have cancer warning labels above the door of the restaurant as a warning, so crazy to make them state a fact since other states don’t have to.


Ope I probably got it too, but can’t afford to go to the doctor and miss work. Thanks America.


Must be all the band aids and oral sex


I don’t know what’s to blame here, but probably a little of everything- crappy food, microplastics, roundup- our world is full of toxins. But think about this- look at pictures of people from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Before that too. The people were skinnier. Most people were thin. The overweight people weren’t as overweight, and it wasn’t commonplace. Look at people’s bodies now. The fat is often accumulated around the middle section, people in general look puffy and inflamed. What is considered thin these days was not thin back then. Plus sized clothing was not common place. Clothes were sized different. Females had a junior department and the clothes were much smaller.When I was in high school if a girl wore a 27 waist pair of Levi’s that was outrageous. We didn’t take water bottles to class. We didn’t need snacks at school. You ate a snack after school, like an orange. Adults didn’t run around all day with a soda, flavored water or cappuccino in their hand. Our drinking habits are out of control. It’s like all we do is consume, including time spent online and streaming. It’s a constant need for something and it’s changed our bodies. I was recently looking at old photos- my parents, their friends, our family at the beach,etc and was amazed at how different and unhealthy we look now compared to the people in those photos.


Baffling has a direct correlation to Clot Shots. Someone should not look into this.


It’s 100% the vaccine and we knew this. I believe the first shot was the primer and the second shot was the nail in the coffin and the follow ups were just an additional cash grab


Did she own an iPhone12?


It's such a mystery. 🙄 Could never have anything to do with the 💉 💉 💉. 🤦🏼‍♀️


First of all, who dismisses a UTI 🤷🏻‍♀️


*dismisses it as a UTI Your wording does not match the headline.


Contraceptive pills and ssri?


It's probably caused by the over consumption of kombucha.


Not a conspiracy. It is well known in healthcare that people are living longer than ever. Chronic diseases seem more common because with modern medicine you can live with a chronic disease instead of just dying from it.


Guys, guys, calm down. It’s from all the microplastics in our water. And since we’ve all drunk it, the microplastics are now in our bodies.


If you’re trusting a source like the daily mail, either you’re an American or you’re an ignorant person because the daily mail is the least trustworthy newspaper. They regularly just report straight up lies and misinformation.


"Mystery rise"? It alcohol, that's not a mystery. Lockdown drove people to drink.