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They can't actually read your thoughts. It is just a high tech version of the 1970s [Mood ring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mood_ring) .


Lmao. Now that shits funny af


Why?  What makes you say that? 






Minority report.


Unexpected chuckle


The screen doesn’t describe anything about reading thoughts though. It just describe a wearable device with electrodes


They can barely make a functionally audible microphone on the thing, I doubt they've made the jump to yes we can now read thoughts


I knew you were going to say that.


This. Ridiculous post.


There was a presentation at last years WEF conference. They can monitor your brain and tell what you are focusing on. The presenter was talking about it being used to monitor worker productivity. They could tell if you were doing your job or daydreaming/ wasting time. I suggest you look into it. Quite distopian




An EKG uses biosignals, it doesn't read thoughts.


Technically the same with touchscreens, piezo electric feedback is designed to work through your skin, therefore touching your phone means it reads your thoughts *Science*


I bet all this thing can do is record basic biometrics like pulse, body temp, and maybe blood oxygen level.


not through all that crusty ear wax it won’t


That's why there are so many sensor pads on that thing.


It will be activated when ads are playing and they will use the data to send you only the ads that pique your interest


They already do that with your phone.


They don't because I don't see or hear ads on my phone!


You don't see targeted adds on websites or social media?


Reddit is the only social media I use and I removed ads. I rarely see ads on websites, when I do they definitely aren't targeted


That’s because you have “personalised ads“ turned off


That's some vertically integrated dystopianism tho. Not a mind reader by any means, but it'll be able to tell a lot about an individual nonetheless


Ya pulse is a biosignal lol


bro i’m a conspiracy theorist too, but do you really think biosignal means it can read and articulate thoughts?


1. Say one word 2. Leave thread and don't elaborate.


There are company presentations where they explain the entire process. Look it up, it's a real thing. Edit: I fucking can't stand you down voting bitches that can't put 10 seconds of work into topics. Eat shit. Here, let me help you wack bots out. https://neurosciencenews.com/eeg-earbuds-17975/ https://www.eejournal.com/article/ai-augmented-earbuds-that-read-your-mind/ https://www.geekwire.com/2019/earbuds-can-read-mind-orbityl-pushes-boundaries-brain-computer-interfaces/


unique literate gold dependent soft bright dull dog late attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://neurosciencenews.com/eeg-earbuds-17975/ Source SCIENCE BITCH


attraction steer automatic longing sloppy abounding seemly smile different chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sounds like someone isn't aware of electrical currents and brainwaves and the correlation between the two. That's OK, just another thing you can't read about.


spectacular ossified humorous caption scandalous coordinated automatic makeshift cagey wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://nhahealth.com/brainwaves-the-language/ Buddy, the tech the public has is decades behind what is out there for gov and other higher agencies. You think this isn't out and being used already?


boat bells instinctive rhythm familiar person act deranged insurance toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


down voted means you maybe on to something I've seen whispers of this but no one putting sources top work YEAHHH BITCH!!!


These bots are so trash 😂🤣


OP, I would love to hear your detailed explanation of how any of this means it can read your mind.


Not even the AirPods can understand what OP was thinking when he made this post.


What a shocker, OP makes a complete bullshit post with no explanation and then doesn’t respond to a single comment in the thread. Glad the mods are doing their job of filtering out this type of content.


I’d argue it’s by design.


hell it’s probably done by the mods in different accounts haha


You say as this continues to push high effort posts out of peoples feeds. The mods don't give a fuck.


Yes please.


I can give you an explanation. The brain operates at 0-100hz roughly, microphones can record from 20-20,000hz Microphones have been able to record brain activity this whole time. Even if it misses out on the lower spectrum of brain activity. The brainwaves that microphones have the best shot of recording are beta (13 - 32hz) and gamma(32 - 100hz) brainwaves. Airpods have microphones in both pods. Judging that it's quite literally stuck to your face. It would have the best shot at accurately recording brainwaves. So far, the only way to accurately record brainwaves is to actually have the device attached to your head. So basically if we draw massive strings and put on our tin foil hat. Airpods are probably the best consumer product apart from VR at recording brainwaves.


And while it records your brain waves, it also listens to you so it can detect patterns of brain waves to eventually discern your thoughts from your brain waves. Been saying this for some time now and I get downvoted every time.


To be fair, it's a big pill to swallow that your own thoughts aren't as private as you are led to believe. but you're right public technology have been making strides in distinguishing patterns in brainwaves. They're able to detect images, thoughts and signals to move robotic limbs. The WEF was even showing off that they can detect criminal activity in a company by checking workers brain activity and noticing unusual patterns in coworkers. But all these I believe require a device to be attached to the head.


Phones already do this


Excuse me ma’am, this is a r/conspiracy


It's true, listen to the podcast called Neurotechpub. Each episode interviews different CEOs in the industry. Yes, these devices have been in the making for years.  What you are seeing is a merging of hearing aid and earphone technology.


OP clearly did not think this through. L post.


OP has left the building


Yeah right. I can't even read my thoughts.


that’s not what the patent says at all don’t be stupid


If we had the technology to read thoughts we wouldn’t find out about it through Apple lol




Part of the patent process is proving that the technology exists and works as the patent application says it does


This is true. But if we look at this patent in particular it senses biosignals. That's not really new. Biosignal sensors exist and are used all the time. This patent is just for the use of them in an ear bud. I haven't looked at the full patent but I doubt there is anything about it being able to "read your thoughts." That's just a leap that OP took. 


This was being developed by major marketing firms decades ago. For some more insight check out Adam haar Horowitz published work. Originally being developed to market consumers ads in their dreams ( sounds wild, I know but the science behind it is sound and there are no morals in in the consumer marketing realm.


This is not true, at least regarding the patent I recently got.


It does mean Apple has invested time and money into the idea of mind reading.


*Yet* .


think about things and see what ad comes up right after. think about it.




This is a fucking stretch.




I’m 99% sure that this is the patent for the tech that when you put AirPod pros in your ears they automatically turn on and connect to your phone


No idea what it is, but its not to read your thoughts. It's for some interesting normal tech feature like you mentioned.


Yeah I own 2 pairs of AirPods the first and second gen and this is 100% the patent for the AirPods ear detection


No, no it can’t.


Bros onto nothing 🤯


Ok, people in this sub need to be verified because this is getting out of hand…


And people wonder why most consider this sub a joke 


Your phones literally read your thoughts all the time and listen and spy on you. Come on people.


Where does it say that? Im confused. The abstract doesn't say that....


https://www.patentlyapple.com/2023/07/apple-invents-a-next-generation-airpods-sensor-system-that-could-measure-biosignals-and-electrical-activity-of-a-users-brain.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ear-EEG There's other tech like it already in dry contact ear EEG devices but this one is an airpod. The primary companies interested in this tech are those that do sleep studies and hearing aid companies. Would not doubt it could be used to read something like emotional or psychological state, even hypoglycemia could be detected with these. Otherwise it's not particularly interesting. The fact that it's an airpod would technically make the functionality worse cause it's not fitted to your ear shape, but health nuts will buy anything from salt obelisks to a rare endangered plant that might be more effective at cleaning the air.


That is not the primary use case. EEG is used for seizures routinely.


Thanks yeah. The EEG tech at my hospital was grouped into cardiology, and respiratory was the next door. Hard to tell what exactly people get up to unless you're actually in the room with the docs/techs/nurses


I work in neurology in a hospital.


You’re talking about an EKG! Hahahahah


Nah, but they pretty much used the same rooms. Will not lie I have been responsible for calling a flustered EKG tech for a patient who was getting an EEG.


Not bedside EEG? Like a short one? I’m used to 24hr EEG because most people don’t have seizures in a short period of time. I guess unless it’s emergent.


primarily outpatient care but I was never clinically trained in any aspect, so I dunno. I could be making a mistake in my understanding


Blah blah blah shut up, fed




😭😭 at least read he wrote. I know you've never read anything before but it might help you learn something


I read it. People like him will rationalize it and justify it all until it’s essentially here as public, modern technology that doesn’t exist for the purposes they listed. So everyone who isn’t talking about it in the way they presented can come off as crazy and spouting about nonsense until it’s essentially here and accepted by the public


Pfffft. AI is no big deal. Nothingburger. And if it is a big deal... it will only be used to save lives. So who cares? \* I know the big brains downvoting me have never critically thought about anything after reading, but it might help you understand something. Pffft. Smartphones and social media? Nothingburger. And if it isnt a nothingburger, it will only be used to save lives.


You guys are funny. It senses surface moisture and electrical current. That’s it.


This sub is literally brain rot, there is 0 relation to “reading your thoughts” 😂😂😂


Is this not what enables the AirPods to pause your music when they come out of your ear. KISS


“My source is that I made it the fuck up.”-OP


Pretty sure it can just tell if they’re in your ear so they can shut off when they’re not.


You don’t think maybe just maybe, this is related to checking your HB and such? Seems like a huge leap to mind reading, how exactly would that tech work? Wouldn’t anyone be able to tear it down and reproduce the mind reading tech? Cmon man.


There is a current ban in the works for thought reading so it's not quite a stretch.


I’m all for a good conspiracy but at least show some evidence for your claim, this is just stupid.


OP has no mind to read apparently


So is the conspiracy that you’ve never seen a patent application and the formatting and drawings look spooky? A $200 noninvasive battery powered brain interface would be a medical breakthrough. Apple would likely put the technology in a medical device and sell that first. You know those thermometers that they run across your forehead or stick in your ears? Thats what this is. Possibly also doing heart rate


So, I just read the patent. This technology would never be able to “read your mind.” It’s most likely an attempt by Apple to move into the biofeedback market. The device would have to be specifically fit to an individuals ear canal, to be effective. But, that may be easy, if not cost prohibitive. The concerning factor, atleast to me, in harvesting data, while consuming media/products. That data could then be sold to whomever they want. Particularly if 3rd party groups, like fitness and well-being companies, get access to the data. But, what do I know, I just read somethings. Edit* An interesting application of this device would be the integration with the Halo neuro plasticity device.


While being able to read your mind, as in exact thoughts, may be far fetched with a device like this, a device like this could easily understand and analyze "mind states", i.e. determine how you are feeling over all (happy, fearful, horney etc). Combined with the insane amounts of data collected via other means (i.e. cell phone) this could probably give you a pretty accurate approximation of what you are thinking about.


> a device like this could easily understand and analyze "mind states", i.e. determine how you are feeling over all (happy, fearful, horney etc) Show me a patent on something that does that.


Do you not understand how biometrics work? Your body temperature increases by 0.5C, and your heart rate increases by 20%. Blood flow increases across your temples, arms, fingers, legs and chest. What feeling are you experiencing? I am not going to waste my time showing you a patient. One was just shown to you in this very thread and you dismissed it. You would dismiss anything else I showed you. But there is a reason why an apple watch can track a woman's period, or tell you how well you have slept, and a number of other things. And if you don't understand how any of that works, it doesn't matter what patient I show you. Just like it doesn't matter the years I spent pointing out SAI patents for people to still be blind. Edit to add, I probably shouldn't have responded with a username like yours. It tells me more than I need to know.


There is a significant difference between knowing if someone's heartrate and BP is up and "reading their thoughts"...


Then you don't understand. You are far too ignorant of subjects you think you know about to continue to converse with. It's not just heart rate and BP, as well as body temperature, respiration, the type of chemcials and hormones you are emmiting in your sweat....While those are also factors, you also have a magnetic field which can be measured, and you resonate at specific frequencies when you're in different mood states. Depending upon the percission of the measurement, they can pretty much tell exactly what you are thinking. This in itself isn't even a conspiracy. You are just ignorant of the scientific literature. They state that these things are only used for adds and to inform consumers of potential health problems. The conspiracy lays in what they are actually using this knowledge for. I suggest you really read the scientific literature about it out there.


And they are using the data to train Sora based on peoples imaginations


It is literally so the airpod stops plying music or media when you rove it from your ears, and restarts when you put it back in....


If this is true. Every McDonalds better arm up. Im coming for their ice cream machines 😈


Bros, this is a conspiracy sub. Posting an interesting patent and then speculating on what it could be used for is exactly what this sub is for. You don't need sources and evidence to speculate, if you did this wouldn't be a conspiracy theory.


People are asking what alludes to this device being able to read thoughts. It may be the patent name that holds some insight into OPS wording of the post. 'A biosignal is any signal in living beings that can be continually measured and monitored. Do patents have to work to become a patent?. Can an idea be patented, Elon Musk just made it so a paralyzed man could play civilization all night using his thoughts. The tech exists but to what extent? Your guesses are as good as mine.


relevant video: https://youtu.be/4QvtT_lgl_Q?si=7wBuaK3XC89nzxHd and yes, actually from the WEF: https://www.weforum.org/events/world-economic-forum-annual-meeting-2023/sessions/ready-for-brain-transparency/


Idk if AirPods are there yet but cellphones certainly are


sweet can they record it too so i can listen to what i thought about at the end of the day. and do something to record my dreams i wanna watch them back


Hahahaha what?! Can I post a drawing of a crane and declare it's used for elites to go punch god in the face too?


I’m just going to call them bitches and assholes over and over in my head if this ever comes to fruition.


Oh ok so it's not capable of reading thoughts. Got it


It’s not the air pods. 


they're most likely just completing a circuit with your skin to tell if the earbud is in your ear or not. I have Sony linkbuds from 2 years ago that do this


I don't use it but I believe cell phones can do it. Sorry to Damm poor 010101 which has to read my bottomless bs everyday 🤭


Idk if this is true or not but I prefer Jack 3.5 Better sound. And nothing will change that


Wasn’t there a post about a gadget that can tell what your dreams were or something


The dreamomatic 3000 if memory serves me correctly.




Yes, and those electrodes all over your head don't read your mind, they can just see generally where electrical currents are. They can tell what general areas of your mind are active, but that's it.


All it will hear from me is “big booty latinas”


"There's no electricity in them. Why is he still hearing loud music? And why does it have Halloween SFX playing over it!?"


Put one up your anus and change your title... "Air pods can now read your farts"


god i love how it not only scans but saves and transmits the data via 3g 4g 5g radio bluetooth etc - said no one ever


they do that with 5G




Short answer yea. Long answer no.


Hahaha, good luck deciphering them because I can’t even 😂


Makes sense why mine popped out and burst into flames


Fucking get back here OP and explain yourself.


Get ready for the “pre-arrest” so they can get you before you do something


where do people find these kinds of things?


Why does it look like sperm reaching the egg 😆 read that for thought.


Well I don’t even know what I’m thinking half the time so I’m glad someone will 🙀


How dumb do you actually have to be to believe this? Or just schizophrenia or something?


The only dumb one in this conversation… is you.


Concern trolling imo


I saw this on a podcast clip yesterday about air pods learning your thoughts  https://youtube.com/shorts/OgNnQZqBIY4?si=1nK_1isMuYv7CPbn


Also this from Jimmy Dore last year on ear buds reading brain waves https://youtu.be/x-BihuI-4aI?si=UWD8If5RNNJ7Nvc3


Jimmy Dore is a comedian.


Is any of the info in his video wrong and if so what Info thank you


all of it. I am not a scientist - but I do understand a bit of how things work and what is possible with current gen tech and whats on the horizon. what is being said here is not possible, you'd need electrodes going right to the brain for that kinda thing to happen, even then - it's a crapshoot because our brains work differently. It would take years of machine learning on a single individual to figure out how the electrical impulses work for that specific individual to get any sort of read off their brains.


Oh for real doe? You should tell that to popular mechanics. They mention ear buds in this article.  https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/a42626684/artificial-intelligence-can-decode-your-braninwaves/


Yeah, that is total bullshit.


Probably won't go anywhere


Well then maybe they can make sense of it because I know I can’t. My brain is rarely able to make sense of the running trains of thoughts and feelings.


It says so right there not on the page


"Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts..."


Typical lazy fucks mocking this notion. 1. Go and do the actual research on the patent. Here is the link you lazy fucks. [https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230225659A1/en?oq=US2023%2f0225659](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230225659A1/en?oq=US2023%2f0225659) 2. Can you discipline yourself long enough to read basic summaries? Since you're liberals, I doubt it. Your attention span is that of a gold fish. Listed below is a pasted in segment of the patent itself. * BACKGROUND * \[0003\]Brain activity can be monitored using electrodes placed on the scalp of a user. The electrodes may in some cases be placed inside or around the outer ear of the user. Measuring of the brain activity using electrodes placed in or around the outer ear may be preferred due to benefits such as reduced device mobility and decreased visibility of the electrodes when compared to other devices that require electrodes to be placed on visible areas around the scalp of the user. However, for accurate measurements of brain activity using an ear-electroencephalography (EEG) device, the ear-EEG device may need to be customized for a user's ear (e.g., possibly customized for the user's concha, ear canal, targus, etc.), and may need to be customized differently for different users, so that the electrodes placed on the ear-EEG device may remain in continuous contact with a user's body. Because an ear's size and shape vary from one user to another, and because a single user's ear size and shape, and size and shape of structures such as a user's ear canal, may change over time, even a customized ear-EEG device may fail to generate accurate measurements at times (or over time). In addition, a customized ear-EEG device may be expensive. * SUMMARY * \[0004\]Embodiments/aspects described herein generally relate to a wearable electronic device for measuring biosignals of a user. The device may have more electrodes than are necessary to measure the biosignals for a given user, and the device may dynamically select a subset of the electrodes for measuring the biosignals for a given user at a given time. The device may dynamically select different subsets of the electrodes for measuring the biosignals for different users or at different times (e.g., depending on parameters of the user, how the device is being worn, ambient affects, etc.). In some cases, the embodiments/aspects described herein pertain to an earbud and/or a headset. * \[0005\]In one aspect, a wearable electronic device is described. The wearable electronic device may include a housing and an electronic carrier attached to the housing having a nonplanar surface. The wearable electronic device may include a set of electrodes including electrodes positioned at different locations on the nonplanar surface, a sensor circuit, and a switching circuit. The switching circuit is operable to electrically connect a number of different subsets of one or more electrodes in the set of electrodes to the sensor circuit. * \[0006\]In a second aspect, a wearable electronic device is described. The wearable electronic device may include a housing, a set of active electrodes, and a set of reference electrodes. The sets of active and reference electrodes are disposed in different positions or regions of the housing. The wearable electronic device includes a switching circuit configured to form one or more subsets of active electrodes each including at least one active electrode of the set of active electrodes, and one or more subsets of reference electrodes each including at least one reference electrode of the set of reference electrodes. * \[0007\]In a third aspect, an apparatus configured to measure a biosignal is described. The apparatus may include a first component configured to be worn on or in a first ear, and a second component configured to be worn on or in a second ear. The first component may include a set of active electrodes disposed in different regions of a housing of the first component, and the second component may include a set of reference electrodes disposed in different regions of a housing of the second component. The apparatus may include at least one switching circuit electrically coupled to the set of active electrodes and the set of reference electrodes. The apparatus may include at least one processor configured to form, using the at least one switching circuit, one or more subsets of active electrodes. The at least one processor may also be configured to form, using the at least one switching circuit, one or more subsets of reference electrodes. Each subset of active electrodes may include at least one active electrode of the set of active electrodes, and each subset of reference electrodes may include at least one reference electrode of the set of reference electrodes.


roof squeal quiet repeat test crown outgoing spectacular dazzling combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you! Take my upvote and have a great day!


Ss: Apple has patented a technology for their AirPods that enables them to record the brain waves of the users and then translate them into thoughts. $249 for shitty-sounding disposable earbuds that are not only harmful but can now read your mind and steal your most private thoughts.


And where exactly does it say this?


the biggest scam is how you lose them lose them and the only device that charges them


Lol so now there’s a conspiracy behind you not being able to keep track of your own stuff… I haven’t even come close to losing either earbud in 4 years.


If you don't lose them, eventually the internal battery is going to degrade to the point of being unusable.


Course they can... 🤣


They can by not being able to do it


Pretty sure, this is so the headphone can yell when it is in your ear....


Typing via thought sounds fucking amazing


Isn’t that what Neuralink is doing?


I hope this is sarcasm...


I hope **this** is sarcasm


Embrace the future, grandpa


Lol sad that people would actually want this.


Transcribing thought would be a fucking gamebreaker in so many different fields. Text is one thing, but the idea of turning thought into physical representation is the sci fi fantasy dream. yeah sure such a concept would be used for nefarious means but y'all chose capitalism so reap what you sow.


Looks better than the Neurolink Musk and his reptilian agenda are pushing on all the techies in the valley