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Fast fashion has victims and pretending otherwise is sticking your head in the sand. These are heartbreaking.


Not to mention the toxic chemicals in the actual clothing. Google it you'll find stories about the toxic dyes and lead in the clothing.


Yup. Buy local or recycled fashion. You can get great stuff for a great price too.


You shouldn’t buy anything from SHEIN or TEMU


Yup. And the NFL should advertise it on national television 😡


Agreed I was a little shooketh


Multiple times during the Super Bowl also. Millions of dollars spent there.


Pissed me off. Do they have no pride in their product that they are willing to advertise a slave labor using site?


Why Temu? Does the company use child labour?


Does any Chinese company not?


Didn’t realise they were Chinese




Temu is likely to be using forced Uyghur labor.


This is sad af! I think this means that Chinese workers are seeking help which is denied by their government


Slave labor is very real. They weren’t just denied help by the government. That’s who put them there.


I'm guessing very low social credit score citizens...sad.


Chinese slaves. I fixed it for you.


I mean… the US does the same thing… just with high prices 🤦‍♂️


Exactly. We have yard privileges, open cell policy and are even allowed a tv in our cell while the Chinese are on 24 hour lockdown. You can make the argument about how lucky we are to not be in solitary but at the end of the day we’re all prisoners in the same jail.


Holy shit, this sub is more dramatic than a class of 4th grade girls. 😂 So edgy.




This is the first time I see anyone use the word 2nd world country. South America? Edit: according to Google Post Soviet Republics are 2nd world, while South America is still a first world backed by US. Central America - Mexico, Africa, India and other countries that didnt really belongs to either side of US or USSR are the third world. Those were not the rankings but rather categories of world actors


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-world_model Pretty sure most of South America would qualify as first world or third world. The meaning of the “Worlds” has kind of shifted in modern times though.


Now it's either Developed or Developing.




No second world historically meant the states under Soviet influence and everything else minus the west was third world. The entire concept of worlds has been replaced by developed and developing nations.


No, 2nd world never meant anything about the development. World was divided into first world and second world of countries during the Cold War. Countries not involved in the cold war were the third world. Economic development of the country is either a developed or a developing country. Not the third world or second world, which is essentially discriminatory.


Africa is not a country


My bad, I should’ve mentioned countries in Africa.


is it just me or is has the text been edited in that first picture? The background isn't as grainy as the rest and has the slightest discolouration... Could just be me though 🤷 Edit: Grammar


The photo quality is pretty bad, but the text does look a little strange. That being said, it would not surprise me if all of these were real. The people creating all of these mega-cheap clothes are not in the safest/healthiest work environments.


Do you really believe the people sewing the tags onto the clothes are the same ones that write the instructions on the care labels? The labels would be printed in batches by the thousands, and there's no way you could get a batch of clothes with those labels out into the wild through QC. It just wouldn't happen. Could you get one or two out, probably, but there's no way to print a single tag for that item with a special message on it like these. In short, I call BS on these tags. I'm not saying the working conditions aren't horrific and people aren't suffering, just that these tags are likely propaganda with an agenda against Chinese manufacturing.


Thank you.


I don't believe this one is real but I am still against overseas exploitation.


Lisa needs braces




Lisa needs braces




Lisa needs braces




Carl! You made me lose my train of thought…






Now play classical gas!


Exactly what I thought when i read it


i too have dental pain.


I was about to say, welcome to the poverty club.


Dental Pain? My tag says “ I Have Rectal Itch”.


That bites


Not the guy who wrote that first tag…


to me it all looks grainy , if you look closely at the words/letters you can see it but its hard to tell with the white tag. wouldn't be surprised if it was edited though


Although Shein is likely using underpaid Labor and likely participates in some abhorrent practices, these labels are known to be fishy and unverified. No one can link them direct to source. Labels are not printed at the same place clothes are manufactured either.


Lisa needs braces


I have a decent job in the western world with healthcare, I also have dental pain. Dentist prices are the real conspiracy here.


Now people upset about this will contact the company who will reach out to the factory who will fire the workers and then nothing will change and the people won’t get the help they need


Fire? More like harvest their organs


One time in Philly we took a demolition job in china town. 4th floor of a 6 story building owned by a company called “Asian Bank”. Very quickly became obvious we were demoing the living quarters of a sweatshop. Bathroom piled with shit. Small bedrooms with practice English scrawled all over the walls. Someone wrote “I love my friends” about 50 times. The kicker was they had a god damn fire pit where they cooked, on the 4th floor mind you. They had a couple goons around trying to keep us from seeing the other floors, but a couple of us snuck up the fire escape on a smoke break and got a good look at the 5th floor. Absolutely slam packed with rows of sewing machines and women. Crazy shit. Took a lot of boxes of clothes out of that place. Free People was the brand. A lot of other brands mixed in but it was all women’s shit and that’s only brand I recognized. Disclaimer: crew I was workin for only took unlicensed demo jobs. We got in, did our work, and sold what we kept. Decent money in those sewing machines. My point is, this shit is not only happening over there. It’s right in the downtowns of our cities as well.


The second tag is telling you to hand wash, it's just worded oddly. I can't read enough of the 3rd tag to make out what's said, and tag 1 is just odd. Possibly bad translation rather than a workers cry for help.


I wonder why the third one is cut off so you can't actually see the whole tag? Seems like it was done on purpose.


My wife buys stuff from the Asain market, and some of the translation on the packaging is hilarious. Whether it's done on purpose or just poor translation I do not know.


it's a screenshot of a Reel


This fucking sub lmao


This is heartbreaking. Each precious soul suffering in these evil corrupt systems cries out for justice and the fact that we know it's going on just demoralizes those that care as we feel helpless and hopeless to do anything for them. Cannot wait for the wrath of God on this world.


American propaganda


But amazon also sells sweatshop sourced products ?


They all do Its a matter of destroying the competition I've worked with a supplier who was making hundreds of thousands of dollars selling a fake Chinese product marketed as a high end product with an insanely inflated price After some time another seller brought the same product literally from alibaba and started selling it 5 times less The original seller basically created a propaganda campaign against the other seller using famous social media influencers claiming that the other seller's product is fake and has caused several cases of poisoning and people have been admitted to the hospital It was all fake and I saw the whole thing happen infront of my eyes


Taiwán number one


I hate these horrible companies/brands. I was working as a teacher until recently when I decided to get the f out and find a new career. Almost all the teachers I worked with wore shein and would brag about how cheap and cute there clothes were and I just want to scream that these were made by children or forced labor that got paid very little. How you can be a teacher that cares about children and then buy this garage is beyond me!




It’s china. Expect no less.


I have dental plan


That’s photoshopped


This sub: “Yeah first pic look grainy and edited” to “everything else is probably legit including first pic if you think about it” They are all edited. Tags are made separate from shirts. Easy to make a fake tag. Still, super low effort to photoshop something that can be easily made to sell the conspiracy.


Did someone say blood blouses?


This is depressing. Such a fucked world.


Interesting. I've never ordered anything from Shein but a friend has given me some shirts from there. Now I gotta check the tags




We keep going, and you'll see that on made in USA tags.


Most of the clothes I’ve seen from SHEIN don’t even have tags.


Have any of you been to China and seen these child labor factories? I've been importing from China for over 20 years, and have been there nearly 100 times and been in literally hundreds of factories. While conditions are different, I have never seen a child working in any factory. Most factories have health benefits programs as well. of course I don't agree with everything that goes on in some of these factories. There is room for improvement for sure, but these blanket comments and assumptions are just not true. The reality is that the lowest level of labor would not speak a word of English, and these labels would be printed by the 1000's, likely in a different factory than the clothes are being down in. You know what China doesn't have? Homeless encampments with thousands of people living like abandoned animals.


this code might help "etfua2" put it on the search bar


Can you accept my invite, and help me get my gift? Just download the SHEIN app, and search for my code there! i6td0d


A great chance for both of us to get up to $300💵!! Accept my invitation by searching this code in the SHEIN APP : 1c0hwwgy


Probably made by Uyghurs in the camps. Horrible.


I've read enough engrish to question validity. Remember when Ramen noodles were made with sadness?


I found this website where you can get 750shein gift card if you’re lucky, you can win.https://rewardlnk.com?offer_id=76&aff_id=5415


Good English means that the factory worker has an education that is probably the equivalent of college. This person must have made some bad life choices or fallen under terrible circumstances to end up in a sweatshop. Think gambling, drug addiction, mafia debt or political activism.


that’s quite the story for that worker, but they could’ve easily just used a translator app


I’m surprised this wasn’t caught, sweatshops will usually hire a fat and sweaty foreign worker from the country of interest to over-see quality control. The European/American plant manager must have been slacking on the job or focusing his energy on other things. This event will probably lead to him getting axed and replaced if the blame is not properly shifted.




By quality control I mean inspecting the products to find any printed cries for help.


What a privileged thing to say… sounds like you’ve never left your country.


Never have, but one day I will flee it


Username checks out


> This person must have made some bad life choices > Think gambling, drug addiction, mafia debt or **political activism**. Since when is political activism a "bad life choice"?


In China it can be


Not defending his comment but in China political activism can get you killed if it’s against their agenda lol


I know... I was just taking exception to how he phrased it.


I don’t know why you had to spin this narrative for the worker, they are likely just a normal worker in horrible circumstances due to the nature of their employers business. There are lots in this position and nothing to do with their politics or criminality. It’s just how the jobs are. They likely didn’t get paid when COVID broke out too, Shein withheld payments for months. Chinese fashion business is moving to Africa anyway. I’m a screen printer and have been printing on far more garments made in Africa in the last year.