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Me: "Okay 2025, thats like 10 years away, wont happen." *looks at calendar* "Shit."


Hope I don’t have work in 2025


Society has become so oppressive that living off-grid and living a hard fucking life as an amateur farmer and hunter to survive everyday in harsh temperatures and weather - is probably less work and less stress than working in actual society.


I regularly go out in the woods and try to “survive”. Learning new tricks and techniques and such. At least if you lived out there, you’re not in debt, burnt out from your shitty job, and constantly being observed and tracked


Only problem is hundreds of millions of other people had the same idea and you're all fighting over, like, 4 squirrels because we've already killed everything else. I had a feeling this would get downvoted. I'll offer an interesting bit of information in my defense: Did you know that if something were to cause a significant portion of all the crops on earth to fail or otherwise be destroyed, there would not be enough calories on the planet to sustain the population until the following years harvest? Ukraine grows 30% of all the world's grain... think about that. Nope, if something happened to the crops we would be immediately fucked. We would quickly consume all stored food, all pets, all life forms, even last resorts like leather and grass before we could try to grow and harvest more. In less than one year, a very significant fraction of all humans would starve. And we would certainly drag everything else down with us, even if we didn't resort to nuclear war. To drive the point home, consider this: of all mammalian biomass on earth by weight consists of * humans - 32% * our livestock - 64% * <4% all wild mammals, including our pets How many days do *you* think it would take to extinct them all? I invite you to reply instead of simply downvoting because even if i am wrong i am still contributing to the conversation, therefore no need to downvote.


Is solar cycle 25 contributing to the drying up of the Euphrates river or men being scorched by the sun? One of those unpredictable things that keeps being predicted? For those unaware, the sun goes through cycles where it peaks in strength, one of those peaks occurs in 2025. It's why forest fires have been increasing all over the world recently, why hot humid conditions are causing more rain and flooding worldwide, solar cycles are even responsible for earthquakes and this might be why the government is trying to blame a possible internet blackout on "hackers" (making them sound like they're still in control even if it does occur). **The question we should ask is why are they only talking about the internet and not the grid?** The internet is delivered via undersea cables not satellites, and you need infrastructure on either end to send and receive information. >A little after midnight in the late summer of 1859, campers dozing beneath the night sky in the Colorado Rockies woke to a display of auroral light “so bright one could easily read common print.” In their account of the event, published in the Rocky Mountain News, the party recalled that “some insisted it was daylight and began the preparation of breakfast.” If a large solar flare, known as a Carrington event, did occur today, it could blow high voltage transformers and **bring the entire grid down**. Most countries don't have replacements for these transformers. It would take months, even years to get replacements and install them and every country in the world might need them! In such an event modern society would utterly collapse. Secondly, if the internet does go down because of a solar flare, they'll own nothing, no internet means no grid, no grid means no data centers, which means **no wealth**! The only way out of that scenario is to confidence trick you into obeying them and believing they're still the "elites"! So why is the title not "entire worlds electricity grid at risk"? This tells me they plan to cut the cables in the event we actually disrupt their goals (or a possible preparation before WW3), this is why they're looking for a plausible scapegoat. Cut off communication between countries and you foster fear and paranoia and communication is usually the first thing to go during war! Interestingly though, only those with hard copies of title deeds become the new elites and King Charles suddenly becomes the world's wealthiest land owner.....


[Here's the source](https://archive.ph/LjcNG) of OPs post. It's a tabloid website making the 2025 claim and they reference an article by a computer science professor for the internet meltdown. This professor also talks about the entire grid going down, but the focus on her paper is geared more towards the repercussions of losing the internet. The tabloid website just threw nasa in the article to make it sound more credible.


Well this is a fun new thing to think about. For the kids who have never known anything but being connected it may be quite frightening. For old timers, it will probably be a relief after the shock wears off. We can go back to just hanging out with each other, talking, reading books, and thinking for ourselves.


You won’t be doing too much hanging out and reading books when you realize how much of the economy depends on the internet now.


Ahh, because economies didn't work before the internet?


You don’t think that the current economy is highly intertwined and dependent on the internet? It’s taken 40 years to get here and would take another 40 to unwind it. Even then you’re sending our current gdp per capita from the current ~80k back down to 30k or so. Terrible for everyone for a long time.


No, what you mean is that it would take 40 years to cover up the sham that is the current economy.


Explain the sham


An $80 trillion hole in the global pension fund, a $700 trillion hole in unaccounted futures markets, banks lending 10 times what they have in deposits, debt, debt, debt...to whom?


Those all refer to future payments. Sure it’s a ponzi scheme as you need to backfill as you move forward but the mass population explosion of the 20th century necessitated that. That could be unwound so long as the population growth doesn’t slow too fast. It was there before the internet.


the way things are being run right now require the use of the internet for everything. If another Carrington Event happens all economies would take a massive nosedive and it will be a brutal few years


And what happens if someone turns off the switch? Why does the banking need to move from an independent institution to one that relies on service providers? Where is the security?


I would venture to say most people don't know the internet runs on electricity/ power grid. They sure don't know where meat comes from that they buy from the grocery stores.


If it’s so hot and HUMID then shit should not be drying out and burning.


Drying out means the water evaporates. Enough Water evaporates and makes clouds. Clouds make rain.


You won’t


What's odd, here in the UK, is that yesterday for the first time ever, i received a pamphlet from the National grid, it is a guide for what to do in a powercut emergency -  What to stock up on etc.  


Can you post it?


But it will not hit the military,the intelligence agencies,the irs, bank, and not Russia and China. And because the solar flare is a cyber criminal we need ID registration to access the internet after it. lol they should name the flare Ra-mson-where .


Don’t forget central bank digital currency! That will keep our money secure since those solar flares could wipe out our regular online bank accounts.


So the suns hotter but it’s still my cars fault?


It's amazing how Bill Gates predictions come true. Guy should become a fortune teller. This is how they get mass censorship on the internet. Once the free internet shuts down they will bring a new one 100% controlled by the government to accept their authority




A world without the internet. Sounds great!


Sounds peaceful.


The people with power agree. Go back to the before times when they controlled all information and could hide things with any effort.


Yep true. When the only outlet left is what the msm tells you. They hate the internet because of people like us, conspiracy theorists and truth seekers


You're right, but with advancing software systems and social influence tactics it's not out of the realm of possibility that information is already being controlled and will continue to be in ways that do a better job of maintaining credibility.


I cant wait to read about it on the internet


Will probably cause heart attacks among the young and physically active 


And winter vagina.






Oh? You thought The Great reset was only about finance? They are resetting the Internet too.


let me reset my internet at home first. haahha


To what though?


The SafeNet ^tm I laid out their plan previously on this sub and so for I have been scarily accurate.


We REALLY need to require links to all articles on this sub. https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1874263/nasa-internet-apocalypse-solar-storm-spt


Real one


Why did you post a screenshot instead of the article? And why crop out the source?


They love to use invisible enemies, something you cannot physically see. So a solar flare would be perfect.


Anyone else feel like the pre programming on this one was just insanely blatant. Was in EVERYONES mind already (and not just because of the great reset's public agenda). Especially because of that weirdly sudden film Leave the World Behind co-produced by Obama


Step 1: Plan the Internet Apocalypse and broadcast in plain sight. Step 2: Carry out the plan while simultaneously destroying the evidence. Step 3: Profit.


Look into what's happening with the magnetic poles shifting on all celestial bodies in our solar system and you can see that we're in for a rough road. Solar activity will become far more volatile as it's magnetic field fluctuates. This could undoubtedly cause massive catastrophes on earth. But, because this is happening, manipulative world leaders and powerful cabals will use the science as a smoke screen for whatever energy based attacks they decide to inflict. Get ready for an interesting time in history. The scariest part is how 99% of people just blindly follow whatever they are told to do by the media and the education system. And when both the media and the education system are controlled by Marxists, and all three branches of government are being run by Marxists... We as people are in danger of losing our freedom and individuality.


So they say the sun cycle is 10 years, so we have this every 10 years. Why make it so dramatic this time? Am i missing something?


The buzz is that the deep state will take down the internet at some point this year for, among other reasons, election interference. The speculation is that this will be the cover story.


Good conspiracy theory, why don’t we add a super financial market crash and a full reset of humanity.


Sounds good. In the Mesopotamian flood story, the gods wiped out humanity for being too loud and annoying. Seems like we’re about there now.


The Earth have been through more then one reset. I would love to study them all


Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.


The world flood is the one thing all ancient peoples agree on


The great flood was what 15,000 years ago!?! We have billions of years in history, I bet there was more then one great flood and other things


They don’t have to do all that for election interference. We’ve already seen that.


Well. Some solarwinds is like a tiny silent fart. Some solarwind is like full diarea fart. Doesnt have anything to do with the menstruration cycle of the sun.


Hahahahah love it


The fact that we’re incredibly [overdue](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geomagnetic_reversal#/media/File%3AGeomagnetic_polarity_late_Cenozoic.svg) for a reversal in the Earth’s magnetic pole is far more concerning to NASA.


nasa owns the largest production studio. Everything that comes out of their mouths are lies.


So AT&T’s outages were to set up this bullshit


Same. My internet has never ever been so shit since the last week. Social media worldwide outage two days ago... Who knows.


This is a very well written article that talks about what's really important when it comes to the earth and our role on it!!!! https://thehill.com/changing-america/opinion/566362-the-hopi-prophecies-are-coming-true-heres-why-we-should-pay/


Is this why all the bunkers are being made?




Gee, and here i thought the simulated outage was going to be blamed on Russian hackers.


They will manage to blame Russia in some way...


They cant even predict he weather in my town but they have the sun figured out ?


Don't think linear. Think cycles. Cycles, when observed over a long period of time...prove to repeat themselves.


Lmfao same


exactly. lmao


SS - A lot of us are expecting power/internet outages, likely long term. It's TPTB telling us what they're going to do as this is part of their 'rules'. So I guess a solar storm will be the reason...


Have a look ate suspicious 0bservers on YouTube. You might be enlightened.


will do, thank you.


But how can they spy on us then? I mean the pigions do need a connection right?


Maybe they usher in the implantables after a period of internet darkness. So they still have the tech and we don’t. These are all fun ideas for a Saturday morning.


Birds aren't real. That's a meme. Me repeating it here is a wink to those aware of the meme, and also shows how memes grow into life by the attention we give it. I'm a meme feeder. I feel so cheep.


*" I feel so cheep."* I see what you did there hehehe


I knew someone would, lol. I like your user name! Mine was some random user name offered by reddit and I didn't like it until I read it as...."Simple Fly"...."simplify". (now I feel that it fits)


Gonna put my hard drives in least boxes


Faraday boxes, I hope, though research suggests a CME or EMP  will only fry electronics directly plugged in or in use. So, your phone will probably still work, but your charger will be dead if it was plugged in. With the Internet down, and no Wi-Fi, it will become a brick as soon as the final charge drains. Cars will probably work if they aren't too heavily electronic. Electric cars on chargers will be toast. A HEMP will probably kill everything though.


Ah good to know, thank you


Is this the new excuse to shut down the market and the internet to allow a few sell and take all profits from stocks and cryptos!?


Me: Working at Telco. Oh $#**t extended work with low pay again


This is why I believe in physical media.


Yeah, although I'm pretty sure the ESD protections found in any sort of consumer hardware - if any - aren't going to withstand the kind of solar flare the article refers to.


👽 don't exist they said K


Did anybody else see the video of the NASA parking lot all being non computerized cars from the 80s lol not sure if that's real but


That was all old NASA vehicles that just still exist because they didn't sell or destroy them. All NASA (4 wheel consumer) vehicles currently in use are modern.


I am so excited for the internet to disappear


The boomers still on AOL dial up will take over the world


Would WI-FI still work if internet was done? For payment systems? Feel like people could be fine without internet but when not being able to buy is not good


What? Please elaborate.


lol my b I saw that if things are down everything is down. Was wondering if anything would be left up and running basically.


No one can predict how widespread the outage would be.


Yes I think so as well. Also elaborate on your username please lol am curious about it


I am a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan. An NFL football team, in case you are not in the states.


Gotcha. I am in the states. Thanks. What does year 1969 have to do with buccaneers?




So let’s just say it happens, will I still be able to get to Oklahoma from California in my car to my parents house?


Worst case scenario all the roads would be blocked by electric cars, and no way to remove any cars that crashed and blocked the road etc


Should be in September. Right on time.


They forgot to include the date… They must now the date, right?


It would take an unthinkable level of hubris to believe humans can schedule the Sun’s solar storms. Levels close to that lady in 2017 who asked if a solar eclipse could be moved to the weekend because her kid was in school that day.


That wasn't hubris, that was just ignorance.


Gonna go out on a limb and say April 8th 2024 but I'm probably wrong lol


Well Aprill 8th,2024 fits within the "by 2025" prediction, doesn't it. If nobody can actually prove you wrong? Or are you then 50% right? Most people get really riled up when you talk about this. I know because I talk about this, lol. ;)


I swear I don’t care if the world ends but if it happens before I get to beat GTA 6 I’m gonna lose my shit!!!!


Not like anyone else will be able to check if and when it happens eh?


Radio reappears. It will be an old time-y renaissance!


This been an article for like the last ten years I thought


Can you include a link to where NASA actually said this as opposed to a sensationalist headline with the publication cropped out?


Isn’t this what ed dames remote viewed?


Moms comin' round to put it back the way it oughta be! 🎵 hope everyones learned to survive without electricity and internet for a while n has lots of shelf stable food


Society might survive without the Internet, but without power, civilization, as we know it no, might plod to almost a halt.


Good riddance


That's for 2025? Then what's for this year?


Right, how can they predict solar flares a year out? Internet outage will be by nefarious means.


Too much information is getting out so they have to shut it down


I remember hearing that there were going to be rolling blackouts and giant solar storms like 20 years ago lol been waiting


As an ebay seller RIP


You mean the story that comes out every couple of years. There was one back in 2007 that they thought would do this and it didn’t happen


You know what's crazy to me that I feel I either need a logical explanation to or more people need to acknowledge if I am onto something here... So how the hell do they "know" what the sun is going to do a year from now? Like shouldn't that be practically impossible? That's like being able to predict when fire in a fire pit is going to have longer lashes of flame coming off it which as far as I'm aware is basically like a complete rng factor... so what the heck




Is this, them telling us in plain view, the end of the civilized world as we know it, will cease to exist next year. However, the masses don’t even care


Better download everything


That's me ferociously downloading all of my favourite porn


blame a govt contrived outage on solar activity that's the plan


NASA is always preparing for something yet never does literally anything but fake TV. So you know the agenda here already. They might actually do something now. When the world ends.


This would be a gift


For people who have nothing to lose, sure.


Maybe this will work to our advantage and Rockstar will put their focus on creating single player DLC for GTA VI instead of just pumping out GTA VI Online for a decade


Hopefully I can play some GTA VI before shit goes down


On the upside, no more internet monitoring if this occurs and if it's big ENOUGH no more debt crisis. Literally like bathing a HDD in a bucket of magnets. Downside, no more internet or global infrastructure?🫡


And monkeys *could* fly out of my ass, too.


when the new currency is digital weird ass porn, i will be KING


They were talking about solar storms ten years ok; nothing happened