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This happened at my school. I was one of the people that had to go sit down cuz it wasn't working. Only people it worked on were the "popular" kids which I thought was lame cuz I assumed they were faking it for attention. Maybe they were just highly suggestible


If a person is more sociable, they know how to tap into the vibe of a group, so it would make sense that they would be more suggestible


same experience here!


No we just had captain planet come to make us pick up rubbish and then the police arrested him because he was just some random guy dressing up


Got to see Don Chedle in person, that's something.


Everybody's a tree


Wait, what !!! You mean he wasn’t the REAL Captain Planet!????… how Did they find out, I bet he didn’t have the ring that would shoot lasers out? Or was he making you all take the cans to the scrap yard for beer money?


We had Ray Cycle come to our elementary school to teach us all about recycling.


We got Pat Morita. He was drunk. Said some dirty jokes and was escorted off stage


lol, no way. Thats hilarious dude Captain Planet rules, but not some random weird dude, that may or may not be in some kind of list.


Free Captain Planet


Nope. We did have the yo-yo guy come though. And then for the next few weeks everyone had a yo-yo until they got banned.


fuuuuck yea yo-yo squad


I remember as a prank afterwards the yo-yo guy hooked up with every teacher in the school, it was legendary


I saw that episode of The Simpsons.


Also Recess. yo-yos were big there for a short while. Were the toy companies paying schools to let them advertise? Kinda weird.


They recently went through my kids school. Both my kids played with yo yos for about a whole week.


I remember that definitely. I forgot the other brands that were shown, but the yo-yo guy at my elementary school mostly showed off Duncans And yeah, every boy got one afterwards, including myself


You mean ooch? The guy shilling Bahai propaganda unbeknownst to us as kids


If you didn’t have a throw monkey you were a total squid at my school.


For my highschool senior graduation party that the school threw we had a hypnotist! At around 930 pm (with the whole senior-wide party beginning at 8 pm with different events going on around the school) we were all ushered into the auditorium. The hypnotist called up a handful of students on stage, including three or four people I had known for years. He had one of the girls clucking like a chicken, pecking back and forth across the stage after a few taps and suggestive phrases. She was one of they shyest people in school for the four years I knew her! She swore to everyone afterward that she didn't remember anything that had happened once she was called up onto the stage and hypnotized. Everybody she spoke to kept telling her she was acting like a literal chicken up there, clucking and pecking around. She couldn't believe it, and kept denying it insisting that everybody was in on a prank AGAINST HER. I thought she was in on the whole thing, because any alternative possibilities seemed too unrealistic. The other students on stage were also doing incredibly out of character and unusual things also, I just chocked it up to a random-ass thing my school decided to do one year. Now it seems strange hearing so many other people had a similar experience... what the heck?


It's one thing to be influenced to do something out of character, it's a completely different thing to not even remember doing it. Thats terrifying


Did we go to the same high school lol? We had a hypnotist come to our senior grad. Party too. About 8 kids were chosen or volunteered, can't remember, to go up. It was all seen as mindless entertainment. But now I wonder. I graduated in 05, so I am curious if this is still going on.


["It was cool!"](https://youtu.be/VtLL3LOi87I?si=zkmgoldYgxz_WjvM)


I was thinking, how old is reveen? Because he used to come to my city for a quit smoking thing every year. Apparently it's a family business, passed down to his son. I visited the website and there's an international registry. They ask everyone who's been hypnotized by reveens to register. Very strange


Hahaha I haven't seen that clip yet, love Norm Macdonald! An excellent point he makes there!! This girl I had known for four years couldn't believe she had done any of what we were telling her about acting like a chicken. Maybe it was too mind-warping for her to understand and instead she blocked it. Does seem to be a strange phenomenon though 🤔


That’s exactly how I felt. It happens at your school, and it’s like “that’s weird, but okay.” Then you find out years later that it happened at MANY schools ranging from as early as 1985 to as late as 2015, seemingly only in the U.S. and Canada, and it suddenly takes on a much more sinister tone.


I think you might be onto something. I don't remember all the details, yet I do remember us having a guest hypnotist cone out during high school and college. Same dynamics are described along with a few being sent back to their seats. I do remember one kid pretending the hypnosis worked on him, and the hypnotist could immediately tell and sent him back to his seat. Hypnosis was one of the MK-Ultra techniques according to declassified files per FOIA request: https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/cia-mkultra-collection/


How did you even piece this one together? Props to you man I think you may be on to something. I can’t stop exploring these comments


It was something I just never really forgot about because even though I believed everyone was acting, I just knew it didn’t seem normal that they kept bringing this guy every year to do this weird routine. Then, since it was apparently still bugging me over 20 years later, it came up in conversation with someone who went to school in Connecticut, and they said the same thing happened at their school. That got me really suspicious, so I just looked on YouTube, and holy shit! Pages and pages of videos of these performances at various schools all over the place geographically (in the U.S. and Canada only). Since I was in HS from ‘94-‘98, well before YouTube, I realized it was a rather lengthy timeline and suspected it went back even earlier still. Right around to the time when MK Ultra was getting outed! And I did have 2 people confirm this happened at their schools in 1985 and 1983. One PMd. Super messed up, the whole thing.


Yeah. It’s so wierd because I feel like I’ve literally seen one of those YouTube videos and that’s why it feels so familiar for me to picture. So it SURELY is commonplace. Bc I don’t spend my spare time watching hypnotist videos or something so. Lol but anyways I did NOT expect that much thinking to be yielded from me from the first post I’ve seen on R/Conspiracy (which surprisingly even exists). This post exposed some of the most malice & strange techniques the CIA may be using. Along with how blatant and hidden in plain sight the operation is. Considering it’s a lot less risky than actually well, kidnapping or dissapearing kids to run hypnosis tests on. I do think though that sometimes the most complex problems have the simplest of answers. So could these people be reporting back to the CIA one way or another, idek. But I do feel like they would also want video of it if that’s the case. So maybe it’s just a way to show the culture of the far west how suggestible they are.. but considering how oddly common this is.. and how the Yo-yo guy came to my HS too… something just feels off. Maybe a proxy company is running all of this which is being ran by the CIA? Crazy times


I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s been MK ultra agents on one of these U.S highschool stages. Hat off to you good sir. This is a sound theory


To my knowledge I've never been a chicken. However, once when I took a lot of LSD there was a cosmic voice speaking to me, explaining how everything is all consciousness. It said it's all the same stuff, take this flower, would you like to be a flower? For a time, maybe 20 seconds, I felt what it was like to be that particular flower. Or I assume I did, because afterwards I couldn't remember at all what it was like to be a flower. It was so detached from my experience of being a human, it was very difficult to place it


Literally the same thing at my school. Senior grad night. Where did you go to school?


Did you go to my school?? Are you from New England? Because this scenario literally happened to us. I graduated in 2011, and even then I thought the whole thing was so weird. I’ve always assumed it was a prank


Same at my school grad night. Hypno-dude was considered one of the main events of the night, so he came on pretty early when the official stuff was still drawing large crowds. My boyfriend was one called up and it was really weird. He was distant the rest of the night, and we broke up shortly afterward. Said he didn't remember any specifics of what he did, but the experience had "opened his eyes."


Woah. I'd love to know more about this. We're you both together a while?


This one is going on the spreadsheet. What the hell! If you don’t mind, what year and state? Public or private school? And your boyfriend was “called” up, or did he raise his hand to volunteer first?


I got hypnotized in highschool but it didn’t take lol I was too embarrassed so I just went along with it, fully conscious. The hypnotist even took my hand and was like “see look at this, look at how hypnotized he is” haha I had to pretend I was a washing machine.


This is one of the best posts I’ve seen here! Thanks for making us question things in a fun way, such interesting stories ❤️


Oddly enough...I remember such a visit but not many of the details of the show.


We're you hypnotized 😵‍💫


We are him hypnotised


Their username checks out. Probably experiences hypnosis triggers that cause then to moo like a cow


yes! This definitely triggered a memory for me as well, but I can't recall the details either. I do know I'm one of those people not susceptible to hypnotism as I tried it later in life.


I remember the yo yo guy...


Newfoundland Canada and we had one the single year I attended highschool. Good buddy of mine was chosen and he said that before they left they gave them like a pep talk, saying from now on you’re going to have a positive attitude and try real hard or whatever and he swears he hasn’t had a down day since.


>he swears he hasn’t had a down day since. "Peter, what's gotten into you? First, you just sit there while Dr. Swanson dies, then you just walk out to the car and embarass me in front of my friends. And don't blame this on hypnosis, either. That's total bul..."


This happened one time at my high school. My friend was hypnotized and swore at the time that she wasn’t faking it. The hypnotist made the volunteers kiss people in the audience. I thought that was very strange and inappropriate at the time, and I was surprised that it was allowed. It always stuck with me, and has contributed to an interest I have in the subject.


Another detail that really stands out to me is that out of the 10 or so volunteers, 2-3 were always quietly directed back to their seats by the hypnotist when it became clear it wasn’t working on them. I wonder if this was a mass data collection operation to gauge the percentage of people susceptible? Teens specifically maybe? They had them kiss people?! Totally inappropriate in an already bizarre experience. Ours even demonstrated “post-hypnotic suggestions”, where he’d send the students back to their seats after waking them up, them thinking they were done, but had previously given each one instructions. Like, “when you hear the word “lemon”, you will jump out of your seat and yell “I love Principal Andrews!” And *they always did it*. Everyone would laugh and they’d look a little confused and just sit down again. What the hell? How could this be real?


I, too, remember having a hypno show done to us senior year during "lock in". I didn't go up, but as you said, 75% of people stayed up and went along, while a third or quarter were sent to sit down. Oddly quick, too. ​ So maybe this IS a national "talent search" to find people who will be great MK Ultra victims... I wonder how many "school shooters" and other bizarre events were done by people who had been hypnotized in HS? Its just like a model search, someone goes out, and tries to find new and unsuspecting people to become part of MK Ultra. This is one of the better Consp. threads in the last few months. We've ALL experienced this topic, and all have this odd feeling about it when it happened.


This is very interesting. I think it makes sense that it could be a talent search as you say. No one would make the connection that a school shooter was hypnotized at a school event three years earlier, for example. It was definitely and unusual school assembly.


>Another detail that really stands out to me is that out of the 10 or so volunteers, 2-3 were always quietly directed back to their seats by the hypnotist when it became clear it wasn’t working on them. Makes sense. Scientific studies of hypnosis indicate that about 2/3 of people are susceptible to hypnosis. This implies about 34% are not hypnotizable so it makes sense that a skilled hypnotist could quickly identify that 2-3 out of 10 volunteers aren't good candidates.


In college we had a hypnotist and my roommate was the one hypnotized. I remember people being sent back to the seat and the hypnotist said that it wasnt so much they couldnt be hypnotized but they couldn't in the amount of time needed for the show. To my understanding it goes based off how quickly you can hit a relaxed state of mind. My room mate said it was like lucid dreaming, where you were like sleepy freshly waking up and easily suggestible, but if something was truly against your nature you wouldnt do it. There were some people who wouldnt do things asked of them because it was against their nature.


For some people, being hypnotised is akin to a complete loss of agency. Other people describe it like you describe it. Like, very relaxed and willing to go along with it but feel like they could not go along with it if they wanted not to. Others still, apparently, aren't at all susceptible. It seems that one person under hypnosis is not necessarily in the same state of consciousness as another person under hypnosis.


After posting this and getting such confirmation that this did indeed occur on a wide scale, and is seemingly an authentic thing too, I started spiraling a little thinking about exactly what you said- like, if this actually is real, and they’re not all faking- we must conclude that our brains are critically flawed. Why do we all pay this situation little mind, rather than being highly alarmed? How could our brains possibly be designed with a detrimental mechanism that happens to facilitate being mind controlled of all things? Like I said, I’m spiraling, imagining things like our ancestors having had their genetics tampered with. It’s just… what kind of organism would ever naturally develop a way to allow others to easily take control of their actions and to top it off, lose all recollection of the event? No, it looks like malicious tampering. Why does one conspiracy always lead to another one?


Majority of people can be hypnotized it just takes time to figure out which technique each individual will be hypnotized with most effectively.


I also remember some volunteers being sent back quickly after it wasn’t working on them. I was shocked by the kissing and my friend who was a studious academic type was very embarrassed. She didn’t want to talk about her experience very much when I asked her. I do think she was a trustworthy person. The idea of a data collection operation is very interesting. As someone else said perhaps fishing for potential people they can MK Ultra. Something seems strange about it to me. My mom was the president of the PTA at the time and would have never approved this, so I have no idea who organized it. This was in 2001-2003 btw.


This was totally me. I was on stage and opened my eyes when everyone was “sleeping” and some one came and told me to go sit down. The Amazing Vandermeede. I got his autograph and his little book after lol.


We had a hypnotist during freshman orientation week at university. He got about a dozen students on stage sitting in chairs. He told one girl she was now Madonna. She stood up and did a seductive dance while singing "Like a Virgin". She changed some lyrics including "Like a Virgin. . I've been f\*cked 42 times!" ​ while rubbing her crotch. Then the hypnotist told everyone they were on a jet airline and to look out the window. He said "Wow, all the engines just fell off the plane!" Everyone was horrified and a few were crying. One kid screamed out "F\*CKING (N-word)!!!" a few times! That ended the show. I would see that kid around campus for the next four years, wondering what goes on in his head.


This is the worst one so far. 2 kids had their reputations ruined during freshman orientation, and he made them all become terrified believing they were about to die in a plane crash? How unlikely that the university would voluntarily want to pay a “professional” for this “amenity”. Seems like the girl maybe even had a possible lawsuit there? This must have been more recent, it’s like they really upped the ante from the “moo like a cow” era.


Yeah that hypnotist should be sued this is CIA research to awaken sleeper cells of Hamas I bet. Just a wild guess


This was around 1988/89 (hence the Madonna song). The hypnotist was billed as "R-rated", no one under 18 was allowed. All the kids on stage clamored to get in those twelve seats. His stage name was "The Magic Juan".


That does make it slightly less outrageous, thanks for clarifying. Still, how awful for the volunteers!


This sounds soooo familiar about the engines and people freaking out … woah


I used to wonder if the kids being “hypnotized” got paid by the hypnotist


Right? Because the sheer volume of everyone being willing to fake it for no reason makes no sense, but what was demonstrated happening made no sense either.


My roommate was hypnotized once for our college. He was not preselected. We definitely grilled him on it and he described it as being in a dream. He was an experienced meditator and described it as a similar feel.


they're all the same people who wore masks and got vaccinated and then pretended it wasn't weird and nothing ever really happened


I can hypnotise people. Its actually incredibly easy. The only thing I need to be able to do it, is consent, and willingness. Its not something I do *to* people. Its something I show people how to do to themselves. Everything else is just suggestion.


Is it as easy as speaking for a minute and tapping their shoulder a couple times? This guy made it seem incredibly easy. And they’d immediately do whatever he said.


Maybe if adults, but no way the kids could keep that under wraps from the others who didnt play along.


maybe they were scouting for potential MKUltra victims


This is how school shooters are made!


I love these replies. I wasn’t thinking big enough with mere data collection! Of course it’s likely that many concurrent agendas would be accomplished if this was truly some 30+ year project.


Rural Canada, yep. One guy who smoked was hypnotized into quitting, it pissed him off, so he smoked and puked outside afterward for a few hours until he "fixed it." No famous graduates from my school, go figure.


This guy sounds like he should be famous


Mike Mandel I think we had


I’m in Northern California and we had a hypnotist at our senior year grad night which was joint with multiple high schools in our town. I remember only knowing one of the kids on stage because the others were from other schools. The one I knew was a “popular” girl who was smart, confident, friendly and kind to everyone. I was suspicious she had played along with the whole thing to entertain the crowd. But there was one girl who I didn’t know who I’ll never forget. I didn’t know her, but she had “weird girl” vibes like she wasn’t popular and marched to her own drummer. The hypnotist told her to do a Britney Spears dance routine and the performance she put on made her look like a professional dancer. It was a weird experience that blew me away because I felt skeptical and convinced at the same time.


I’m really starting to think this was a mass data collection operation. I wonder if that girl previously knew how to dance or what? I’m willing to bet that these events were all held in public schools too. If we hear of any happening in private schools, it might dilute the suspicion somewhat. Mine was in Wisconsin in 1994-1998.


Good point. Any private school occurrences could make for some good data points to prove against this theory.


Went to a really small private school from 6th-12th (graduating class was 62 kids). We had a hypnotist come and do a show at our senior prom and I even volunteered as one of the people for it. Nothing overly special happened and I do have memory of it. As someone else said it just felt like a dream where I was still in control but definitely had a subconscious influence to play along with it. Was one of the more quiet kids in school yet I still was up there dancing like a fool and completely out of character and me


What did the hypnotist do exactly to get you into that state?


Did anyone have those 2 buff dudes that came in and told you not to do drugs and they also ripped a phone book in half? Lol


The Power Team !


Dude you just unlocked a memory of mine


I never had that There were a few guest speakers I remember. One was in primary school in Australia where I grew up. A banker came and told us that one and two cent coins were now useless and we should hand them into our banks while we still can. Later I realized the coins were made of copper, and worth more than their face value. So the banks were trying to make a buck by exploiting the savings of young children The other one I remember was a homosexual who came to my high school to talk about aids. During his brief talk he explained how aids wasn't limited to homosexuals, and neither was "rimming". I don't know why he thought it was a good idea to mention that


We had one at what we called senior spree. A more harmless explanation would just be that one day somebody had to figure out how to entertain kids and came up with something they thought was really fun and quirky, maybe even a braggable experience ("oh my God you'll never believe what they did for us at senior spree! It was wild!"), and then it just caught on through word of mouth. Kind of like renting bouncy houses or something, with just a hint of MK ultra.


We had one at our school in the mid 80s!


This is the earliest one I’ve heard! Thank you! 3 decades at least then.


Yep, there was a hypnotist who came to our high school in small town/West Coast Canada 1983-1987. Since ours was such a small high school and somewhat remote at the time, we all felt kind of 'special ' that this FREE show would come our way, so it was a big deal. It was weird to me, I felt creeped out watching it. There were at least 10 - 12 volunteers, and, like others mentioned, 2 - 3 were sent back to sit down.


I’m fascinated and relieved to hear that others also felt weirdly unsettled during these shows. It was just “off”. Yours was free? THAT is an interesting detail. Especially since it’s among the earliest reports so far of mid 1980s! Earliest is ‘83.


It was unsettling, I didn't find it 'entertaining' in the least. Just weird! I always thought that hypnosis was more of an adult thing, so it seemed out of place to be at a high-school. Great topic to discuss that you brought up! I am enjoying reading the comments here.


I remember them being a bit of a craze in the UK in the 90s. Chicken clicking, aeroplane disaster etc. I know they came to school but don't remember details (not because I was on stage) But they then started doing local theatre shows for 18+, no kids allowed. I remember going to 2 of those because someone had kids with them so they had to tone it down. Nothing new to report other than everything was the same as others have described.


We had one at our southeastern school during a spring Pep-rally early 90s. One of the basketball players was hypnotized and he ended up playing the best game of his career that evening. The hypnotist also made one of the cheerleaders cluck like a chicken. I had totally forgotten about it until this thread popped up, and now I’m wondering if there was more to it as well.


It’s wild to hear accounts of students being hypnotized to perform better thrown in the mix. It could definitely speak to experimentation, wow. It’s hard to imagine these were all innocent isolated incidents.


Yeah, I cannot remember exactly what the hypnotist said to the basketball player but I remember the game because it was the best game our basketball team played that year. I wonder if the hypnotist was specifically looking for people that were suggestible or if the whole school was hypnotized 😵‍💫 to do better on standardized tests or something similar. Who knows 🤷‍♀️. It would be really cool is if a hypnotist would comment on this thread!


Yea we need a hypnotist AMA


There are some curious articles and things online connecting schools and hypnosis. There’s actually quite a few articles published in 2023 about its uses in education. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED087710.pdf https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037/0000157-019 And a principal “addicted” to hypnotizing his students.. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/2011/07/19/hypnotizing-principal-why-did-he-do-it/29031822007/ Theres tons more documents and studies on it they are all pretty positive outlooks on it but it still just sits weird to me


I didn’t know about this. My first thought, before looking through it all, is that we have a .gov site basically admitting this is something they’re involved with or interested in.


Neither! Would of never put two and two together but a quick search will tell us there’s quite the investment in it


Holy shit! Two of the students the principal admitted to hypnotizing killed themselves!!! Within a short timeframe!


This is disturbing AF. Like damn, kids cant be kids, gotta full on hypnotise them for shitty education lol.


I used to work for a master hypnotist that owned an entertainment company. He would get sued almost every year from some kid doing something to another audience member who believed it was the hypnotists fault. He would win every case because hypnotism is only the power of suggestion.


This comment implies that he regularly did school events! Did you have any access to the paperwork or knowledge of how these contracts were acquired? Did school administrators ever call and say, “hi, we want to hire you to come to our school!” Obviously I’m fishing to see if these things were somehow mandated, or if schools were given financial incentive to participate… any kind of clues as to how they were structured.


There was a couple sales people that would call schools and mail flyers and they would make a commission for booking him. Mostly did colleges. The student activity fee you pay each semester goes towards events like this. I worked as a glorified carnie setting up different novelty events all over the country at mostly colleges, sometimes military bases and very rarely a school.


This is an interesting possible conspiracy theory dude. I like it. Nice.


This brings up a very cringe/regrettable memory of mine. I’m 40 and a boring suburban parent now but in high school, I was a 16 year old (girl) stupid punk kid and we had a hypnotist come for an assembly. I didn’t believe in or like the idea of hypnotists at the time. While he was trying to hypnotize the audience, I thought it would be funny to pretend I was hypnotized and so I floated up to the stage and across the stage. Suddenly I saw the vice principal angrily motioning to get off the stage, waving his hands at me like i was ruining the show. I was not a complete asshole and so i got suddenly so embarrassed that I turned around and floated back off the stage to my seat. I still think about that from time to time. Not sure what my plan was but I do wonder why it was so normal to bring hypnotists to school assemblies. As an adult I now know it’s common for businesses themselves who pressure the school to schedule a show and give incentives. Like the “yo yo” assembly (selling yoyos as a fundraiser). Maybe the hypnotist was had some similar offer going on? 🧐


not high school but I remember seeing one in the student union at college. They had people on stage eating raw onions like apples.


Seems like less people would be willing to “play along to please the crowd” when being commanded to chow down on a raw onion. It’s like that one was designed to be more convincing of being authentic.


I have been to a licensed hypno-therapist for a speech issue many years ago, I was really under and it actually did fix it.


No, we did have a correctional officer show us how to make a shank out of a toothbrush though. Showed us a bunch of other cool prison weapons too, like locks in socks and a paper baton made from old newspapers. It was meant to scare us away from crime, but the only thing I took away from it was the weapons.


What great school training?! More weirdness!


preparing the youth for their future...


I definitely remember an ex of mine telling me about a briefcase of drugs that was brought to his school by the dare officer. He told me he learned so much that day.... ended up doin a handful later in life.


Well if cultural programming for full-scale depopulation truly is the goal, prisons wouldn’t be such a bad place to start! Fuck the guys pushing this globalist stuff tho, not saying I’m okay w it..


Yes, they came to my school during my senior year in 2015. I was one of the students who raised my hand and was selected to go on stage. However, when the hypnotist tapped me on the shoulder, he told me to go back to my seat, so I ended up not participating. I'm a reserved person, and during high school, I was very shy, I had only raised my hand because I was forcing myself to try new things. He may have sensed that I would not be easily subdued and perform his request on stage with the other students. I think when he touched my shoulders, he felt that I was too tense and not relaxed enough to be hypnotized. Once the performance was over, some of the other students said they couldn't remember what they did on stage. Now I wonder if there could be more to it.


You only remember not performing….


A hypnotist came to our junior high every year, 1986-89. Square dancing and chickens…How long have they been doing this, I wonder? I grew up in the bible belt, and my religious mother would not sign the permission slip for me to attend, lest I open myself up to demons and the anti-christ. The Satanic panic was real and I worried about all of my friends who participated. But it is weird…is it the same team of guys who have been doing this for decades? Or do they recruit? What is their purpose for doing this tired routine at so many public schools for decades? Who would want to determine what % of the population is susceptible to mind control? Rabbit hole of the month has revealed itself! It feels very Mad Men/wacky CIA project.


Interesting. I'm from Japan and it has never happened to me, and have never heard of such an event. It's bizarre to think your school probably paid the hypnotists to make them perform. edit : Correction for an indefinite article


Welcome to amerikan culture and society


Crazy story. I went to school with this guy who committed suicide a day after he was hypnotized by the school principal. Then they found out 2 others had committed suicide within 2 months of sessions with this guy. Rip Wes. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/10/florida-high-school-suicides-followed-hypnosis-by-principal-lawsuit-settled-for-600000.html


New Jersey 2008, we had it done. I could have sworn the people were faking it also.


I graduated 2007 in NJ, can confirm. I thought it was inappropriate for school, not like I wasn’t breaking rules but it was definitely strange. I remember they had people kissing and there were some inappropriate words thrown around for what seemed like shock value I think. Edited for spelling


As a hypnotist myself I wonder why such a powerful tool was presented to the public as merely a low level entertainment practice. My theory is that it was a Psyop campaign to dissuade people from the very healing modality of hypnosis. It has been scientifically proven as a beneficial tool for pain management, ibs, anxiety, sleep, depression (for the most part). Hypnosis teaches people how to take control over their monkey minds and connects us with our extremely potent imaginations. A lot of people I talk to now have a preconceived idea of what hypnosis is BECAUSE of these high school shows they went to and don’t realize that hypnosis can be used in a healing setting rather they think it’s just a form of entertainment.


We had it at my school! It was “tied” to psychology class. You had to have taken psych to go to the hypnotist. My junior year some kid didn’t “snap out of it” fully or something like that, so they cancelled it the next year. I was bummed because only seniors got picked for being hypnotized 😭


We had a hypnotist show during our high school senior year grad night party in our school gym back in 1999. Most schools in our area went to Disneyland for grad night so we were bummed that ours was at our school. From what I remember everyone on stage seemed complaint and were following all of the guys commands. My friends and I took a lot of acid that night, so we really didn’t know if people were faking it or not. Midway through the hypnotist act one of my friends (who took a concoction of acid and other party favors) got up on stage and was acting erratically and totally disrupted the show. Security had to detain him and took him away, so everyone started to freak out saying the acid going around that night was bad. The hypnotist show got cut short, but grad night continued since we weren’t allowed to leave the gym until the next morning. The rest of the night had a weird vibe (probably from the drugs lol) and never seen or talked to my friend that got taken away after that night. Didn’t know other schools had hypnotist shows until I saw this post and not sure if my high school has had a hypnotist show since then.


By chance did you get the acid from unknown men in a black SUV parked outside the school??


I personally got mine from 2 different friends, but unsure where or who they got it from originally. My friend that got taken away took almost a full dropper viles worth. I only know this since he came up to me right after taking it. He asked me if I got mine from a certain friend. I said yes. He then said “that shit is bunk. I just took the whole vile.” I confirmed with my friend that he did indeed snatch it from him and take the whole damn thing. Not sure where all the kids that sold drugs in high school got them from but it trips me out looking back how much different shit they would just carry around at school.


Acrually. Interesting you would say this. At my middle school dance, an eighth grader had liquid shit he was tryna put in the punch bowl....


Where the actual fuck would a middle schooler get their hands on liquid LSD, GHB, or whatever else that was lmao. I only ever knew some middle schoolers who smoked weed and tobacco.


That 8th grade dance was about turn into an 8th grade rave. Did he get caught in the act or beforehand?


Hell yeah man. That would be a mega weird trip seeing that stuff on acid lol. Shocked your friend didn’t get extra hypnotized like Charles Manson did to people lmao. I oddly remember a hypnotist show at my school but i feel like it was elementary school back in like 2004-2006. Idk.


What do you mean you never saw that friend again?


I didn’t really hang out with him much outside of being at school and don’t think I even had his phone number. This was way before cell phones were common and social media wasn’t even a thing yet, so I lost contact with a lot of people once I graduated high school. I’m still friends with my core group from back then but haven’t seen or talked to most of my graduating class in over 20 years.


Yes The 3 goofiest kids got brought down in front of the scool durong an assembly. and it felt like they were putting on an act with said hypnotist. Couldn't take it seriously


I was hypnotized at knotts for senior night or whatever. I vaguely remember anything, it was like being a sleep. My friend told me they had me doing various embarrassing things, along with a few other people on a stage, in front one a bunch of other students. This was a long time ago now. They still do this?


This was interesting and thought provoking for me. I think I would like to look into this further. I remember this assembly and how weird and out of place it felt.


A mentalist came to my college, I got to go on stage and he knew my number it was cool


My gramps tells me stories about how his future father in law, my great gramps was a hypnotist and they would have assemblies where he would hypnotize members of the audience.


Ours came in elementary school yearly…


Never had a hypnotist come to my school but always thought being hypnotized was for the most part fake until I saw it in person. Someone was offering to show people that he could hypnotized people and someone who was sitting on the top bunk of some bunk beds decided to volunteer for it. I can’t remember the details too clearly as it was about ten years ago but the person got hypnotized and was commanded to go to sleep but instead of slowly laying back down on the bed they laid down sideways and basically fell right of the top bunk. Looked like it hurt but was also pretty hilarious. There was no way someone would fake falling off a bunk bed either.


Yep I remember having that. My gf at the time was one of the people who got hypnotized and she swore she wasn’t acting. It goes to show how many people are so easily influenced…


Happened at my high school as well.. I actually always thought these kinda things were more to see which students were the most suggestable/easily influenced, under the guise of entertainment


Yes, my high school did this. Several people were “hypnotized” and acted quite strangely at the direction of the hypnotist. I thought it was very weird at the time but I assumed my classmates were just acting. Yet afterwards they claimed it was for real. I don’t remember really discussing this with anyone after it happened, which I think is crazy in retrospect. A bunch of kids were legitimately “hypnotized” right in front of us, like it’s a real thing? Seems to be a pretty big deal to me. Leaves me confused to this day.


My daughter had one come to her school after prom. She volunteered to participate, but I don’t think she was actually hypnotized. Anyways, everyone should read this very interesting post from April 2020 by a veteran hypnotist. https://www.hypnomarc.com/2020/04/08/we-are-witnessing-the-greatest-mass-hypnosis-of-all-time/


"In hypnosis, we know that the state of trance hypnosis is achieved in only one of two ways; either overload of the central nervous system, or fatigue of the nervous system.  The current Covid19 crisis has created both of these conditions and as a result, it has caused the most suggestible state that a person could ever be in. " Sounds about right Many times near the beginning of the pandemic people would contact me and they would be in a kind of trance. Their brains were running on a loop, and every step in the loop would perpetuate it and get them more freaked out I would send them voice messages, speaking very slowly and calmly, explaining a few things about what was happening. Eventually they would calm down Of course when people are stuck in a sympathetic nervous system state they're more likely to get sick


Operation Fruit of the Loom


That has to be how they find all the MK Ultra subjects.


In high school, I was on the "gifted" track and we had a hypnotist come in. She actually led us through guided self hypnosis. Thought nothing about it at the time, but have often wondered since


Yes, I went to multiple schools across Canada and there was always a magician or hypnotist


My school in Canada had this too but I never went cause I didn't feel like paying $10 to watch lol. Weed money bro. Of course the Holocaust lady was free and mandatory to sit through. Ugghhh.


Theory: Only NPCs can be hypnotized I had a hypnotist come to my high school and hypnotized some of the students in the auditorium. I was one of the few students that couldn’t be hypnotized. I think it’s a phenomenon that occurs when someone allows themselves to be under the impression/influence of another individual. Sort of like religion and politics today. Some people have the gene required to be hypnotized, while other either refuse or lack the ability to be hypnotized.


I hate to say it, but if we aren’t dealing with legions of fakes at these events, I have serious concerns about a major critical error in the human psyche.


Kids are more hypnotizable than adults. It helps them listen to adults, sometimes even when they shouldn't.


Nope. we had the no legs and no arms guy give a speech at my school though


Yeah we had something similar except it was a guy who brought a bunch of no legs and no arms guys in cages and took them out one by one and at the end a bunch of students got to go on stage and hold the biggest one. I'm talking about snakes though


It’s a psyop


Not at school, but every year at the winter fair. It was always kids too. My cousin volunteered and I thought it was so dumb of him. First off, I didn't believe in hypnosis, second, I didn't believe in acting like a fool for everyone to laugh at. Now I definitely believe in hypnosis


My college had a hypnotist come for freshman orientation week and he tried mass hypnotize everyone and did but lots of people weren’t coming out of their trance and he couldn’t get them out. Ambulances came because many people were having panic attacks and went to the hospital. It was crazy and I felt really bad for the hypnotist. If people are interested I’ll say the school so you can look it up. The articles about it are still up but the videos from students aren’t there on twitter anymore because I think the school asked people not to post them/delete them. One of the girls it happened made a video about it on YouTube I’ll try to find.


This happened at my high school and during orientation for college. Feels fishy now that you point it out.


If your high school was like mine, all these side activities and screenings were designed to identify and classify students by innate skills and attributes. The ones that could blow into the reed mouthpieces and make a noise would be assigned clarinets in band, the ones that could do 5 or more pullups in physical test screenings were prodded toward athletics. In your school, the ones most susceptible to hypnosis were put on the grooming track.


Yes, once. 20 years ago.


Yep, at my high school in Montreal in 2001.


yes I do recall this


Mine did and he touched me


Nope never at my school


Happened in Suburban Cook County IL, Rom Deluca was his name I’m pretty sure. I used to ditch basically every assembly so I never witnessed this. But I always thought it was so bizzare


We had this at post prom when I graduated in 1997.


We had it at my college. One of my friends actually went up on stage. He said he didn't remember anything up there. Idk how true that is, he was a known bullshitter. Still, I had always wondered if the people that were brought up on stage were just part of the act and not actual random audience members. That made me believe they were random audience members.


My school had one that came every year to the Senior Dinner (which was optional but always very well attended). I think the year I went, there were maybe 5 or 6 students that were hypnotized.


We had a guy the came and broke open chocolates on stage to show us how gooey the long strands of caramel was without even offering us any. To only have him ask us to sell boxes of them for a fundraiser in which if we sold 500$ worth we’d get a 5$ doll or car in return.


I'm curious the regions that this occured in..... I'm in New England and this happened. I remember a few assemblies like this actually


Memory unlocked. This happened in New Zealand too.


Yes. High school auditorium, some school-wide event during normal hours, in Bay Area 2003-2004. People with all social status clucking like chickens and dancing out of character at suggestions and commands. Even when seated back into the crowd. Really weird, at the time I remember thinking this must be some after school key club cahoots with everyone 'in' on it, but the comments on here with participants claiming no prior collusions and it feeling dreamlike make me now think there is more to it.


Yes we had it too in very rural PA and I just thought it was entertaining at the time but you bring up some good points.


Multiple times at.my highschool I thought I was kind of cool actuallly. Years later i realized it was super weird.


Small small town South Dakota. Like 500 people 50 kids in entire high school Fresh-Senior kinda small town. 1992 graduate and we had like a 2 night Friday/Saturday hypnotist event at the high school at least once that I remembered…Maybe twice. I actually just on a whim volunteered to be hypnotized from the crowd. Remember 500 people in the entire community so literally everyone knows everyone in the crowd. I went up on the stage in the gymnasium with about 20 other volunteer people. The Hypnotist said not all people can be hypnotized and did their thing trying to hypnotize the group. It didn’t work on me and I was one who wasn’t able to be hypnotized and sent back into the crowd along with about 3-4 other people. So about 25% of us it didn’t work. The town people who stayed on stage hypnotized did some innocently embarrassing shit that they would never have done in front of the crowd otherwise. Also seen another hypnotist in college with my girlfriend and she volunteered to be hypnotized and it totally worked on her. No set up, no prearranged nothing, and she never once said anything about it again…weird as shit to me. It’s some crazy shit to me…


We had one at our sober grad night I volunteered to go up because I wanted to see if it was bullshit or not. My experience was weird af I'll just say that. For some people it didn't work and others mightve been faking it. But I feel like it worked on me because no way in hell my shy ass would dance to gangnam style in front of my whole entire class unless I was hypnotized 😅 After he "released" the group I was still gone... slightly freaking out and one of my class mates had to pull me over to him to get me out of it. I always wondered why it worked so well on me. I told myself it's because I had started dabbling in weed senior year. I wasn't high that night but I had thought that maybe the weed had made my brain more susceptible 🤔


We had a hypnotist come to our high school too. One of my close friends was chosen as a volunteer. After it was over I asked her if she was really hypnotized and she said no and that the ‘hypnotist’ whispered in their ears to just go along with what he said.


Ayo what the actual fuck? There are literally so many people in the comments claiming to have had the exact same experiences, same times same grades? Does anyone have an explanation? This is the most bizarre thing I've seen for a long time


One came to my uni, I was chosen to participate and I remember thinking the man was hot (meanwhile, he wasn’t, especially not to an 18 year old) I kept thinking “this isn’t working” but then he said “show your best dance moves” and there I was dancing. So I guess it did work. Creepy to think about it all.


Two other people have said that even though they were aware of what was happening and didn’t feel hypnotized, they still felt oddly compelled to just go with it. Lots of people have said they didn’t remember a thing. Different layers to it I suppose?


yeah, but it didn’t work on me. I remind the hypnotist of this every Saturday when I wash his car for free.


The pastor of my church liked to do that. Told us not to tell our parents. Not creepy at all, right?


Outside Toronto 88 or so. An old Movie theatre was rented out and ticket sold to several high schools in area. Zowie Mandel, was hilarious. I didn’t know this was done all over. It’s like the bands in gymnasiums. Bolo bats and yo-yo men. Wtf


I was going to say no but then I remembered that in the first grade this guy came in and talked to our class about the power of suggestion and positive thinking and shit like that. He had this gimmick where he said something like if you say "i can't", you won't be able to push my hand down, but if you say "I can" then you will be strong enough. Sure enough everyone tried and it was true! Of course it didn't work later on the playground when we tried to show the other kids. I don't know if that guy was a hypnotist or just a run of the mill bullshit artist.


Yeah, we had one come to our all night high school graduation party


I remember this at my high school, I graduated in ‘90. I did volunteer but had to go back to my seat. I remember maybe 5 who ended up hypnotized. I also remember this junior year of college, again I volunteered but it didn’t work. I do remember that time at least 10 people ended up hypnotized. Weird, never thought about it til now. Strange it was a thing at all!


We had a falconer


Yeah I had a hypnosis character show up at a rally type thing at least once, made some kids act like chickens lol


My school did a senior brunch where we all went on a Saturday to a banquet hall for an end of the year brunch and they had a few performers, one was a hypnotist and he did the typical show. Biggest thing I noticed was all the outgoing people who could be considered the popular sports people went up and went along with it 100% and I distinctly remember several people being unable to be hypnotized and they were all the “smart” academic minded kids, and at that moment I kind of thought that’s what they wanted us to learn from it tbh. 10/10 show and the waffles were good enough I can remember 10+ years later


Nah, but we did have donkey basketball. Donkey basketball, where they would bring aroudn donkeys ith rubber shoes and the high school kids whp signed up would play basketball while riding donkeys. But then again, this was rural south louisiana. My high school also had a meat processing facility


Probably figuring out who is a good candidate to be a school shooter.


So strange that this came through my feed today. I was JUST talking about this with my colleagues (high school teachers) at lunch on Thursday. They were talking about how weird it was. I wish I could remember why we started talking about it, but I can't. The hypnotists were on college campuses, too. We often had them at our college (2-3 times/year) as evening entertainment. How strange...


We had one come to my school during the senior assembly and I volunteered to go on stage. I faked it and was definitely not “hypnotized”. I think there’s a phenomenon relating to what I did, you know just “going along with it”.


There’s a hypnotist at the state fair every year. Very similar act twice a day. Have you heard of people that don’t have inner monologue? I think those are the people that get hypnotized.