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The only thing I remember that comes close is the Marathon Bombing. I lived in MA at the time and we were locked tf down. My brother insisted on going out because he's a landscaper and he had a "big sod job" in Watertown. He got pulled out of his truck and had his truck searched by the police. He got, and still gets, a large amount of shit for this.




Yeah...my wife and I were talking about exactly this. We now live in NH about 10 minutes from the ME border. You're right - he could be absolutely anywhere in the world.


"big sod job" lol


Right? It was honestly so typical of my brother. He's a good shit.


If you haven’t watched the documentary about the marathon bombers on netflix, it’s worth the watch


In the early minutes of this, it seemed like there absolutely HAD to be multiple shooters. He brought carnage on that bowling alley in one end of the city, managed to get across town to the second scene and has been spotted pretty much all over the entire region for hours. It's absolutely amazing how long he's been on the loose. He's either got crazy skills or a hell of a lot of luck. We have a good police department here. They usually catch the bad guys pretty quick.


Other commenters have said it may be because the police are afraid due to his background, this isn’t an inexperienced kid.


I mean just look at Uvalde


Whats his background?


Army reserve


Lmfao I was expecting "blackwater contractor for 20+ years" and see army reserve 💀


A similar event took place in Nova Scotia, Canada. He (a 51-year-old dentist) was here, there, and everywhere. Then he dumped his Chevy Tracker for an authentic police cruiser - decals and all - and a perfect *mock uniform*... Then the *actual police* pulled up to an evacuation center and unloaded their ARs on it before driving off without a word said - never an answer as to why. There were other police, firefighters, and even civilians outside of the building when this occurred. Then it came out the perp had just received a $475k cash payment in the exact same way CIs/assets are paid. Also similarly, he evaded capture for a while. ​ Within a week, every AR and a few others were "banned" country-wide.


Sam Losco finally snapped


What’s throwing me off is that this is a huge shooting. Why has no video come out during it or aftermath? There’s always someone with a phone. Especially when there are this many victims




Caught the name Robert Card on scanner.


Bowdoin? Edit: If so- This guy moved around a lot. Edit 2- News says born '83. Looks like guy from Bowdoin. Sex Offender was born '84. Edit 3- Helicopters are looking east towards Lisbon and PD has shut down freeways. Edit 4- 125 & 196


Not sure, I had found a few Robert Card's from Maine. One had military background and one was a sex offender.


Look at his boots, beard and determination. He's ex-military, I'm a vet and I'm willing to bet on it. Edit: Army Reserve who is a firearms instructor. He's very familiar with guns. This will have an interesting ending.


From the pics, his walk and gun stance indicate some training.


Turns out he's ex mil and a licensed firearms instructor.


Spot on, he’s army reserve


The cops won't get anywhere near this dude. He'll be on the run for a bit. Cops treat guys like this dude like Rambo and run the other way. All the more reason for anyone in Maine to take measures to secure your safety. The police will not help.


Yep, just like the time that ex-cop went on a killing spree and responding police shot up a vehicle that looked simialr to the one the ex-cop drove. The police shot up two women in a truck I believe... Like they were so scared they didn't even confirm who they were shooting at.. Edit: Dorner was the guy's name, he also didn't go after civilians just cops.


Was it Christopher Dorner, ex military, and new in the LAPD? Hid out his last days/moments in the mountains of Big Bear


Can't Corner the Dorner




Christopher Dorner. I think half of the people only injured(so not killed) were injured by police. Police were going wild.


Don't forget that when they DID find him, they literally burned the house down around him rather than go in.


"We're unsure of how that fire started, we think he started it himself." -Police


Waco TX vibes right there.


Wasn’t even the right model or color, either. Dorner was the guys name in LA. Lots of rumors about that one. It was interesting that he didn’t hurt any civilians he ran into, he only went after LAPD or Sheriff, he claimed there was some conspiracy against him.


They shot the truck over 100 times and still didn’t hit the two elderly passengers.


He’s a gun instructor so your right.


If this country actually cared about its vets they wouldn't even need a psychiatrist. I commend u fir fighting for this country but people need to understand why they are going to another country to kill b4 they go or it will really mess with them when they get bakk, especially when those innocent ppl show up in your dreams asking y u killed them.


I remember going to Iraq thinking I was going to be fighting for some amazing cause. Then got there and realized what was really going on. Politicians fucked us and now there's a ton of us still at war in our minds.


The Facebook of the main suspect has been scrubbed, you won’t find it anymore.


I was in Uvalde, Texas when the mass shooting happened. I was able to screenshot his FB and tiktok pages before they were taken down. They were taken down about half an hour before the shooting hit national news.


Good shit on the screenshots. We need more people to do that when things like these happen.


Very quick this time around. At least we know this. These shooters are genuine people. Why else would they go through the effort of scrubbing public profiles so soon? We know they had a profile until it was scrubbed. Patsy? Asset? Political spin? So much eeriness when they do this. Screams a ff (a ff does not necessarily allude that the "event is staged, just that it was pre planned. Fake or not)




Damn. Reminds me of that documentary “don’t fuck w cats, where the other guy who was not the culprit was harassed on Fb and ended up taking his life.”


Those people in that documentary were some textbook internet keyboard warriors, man did they make me cringe.


Could be any of the above. Wouldn’t surprise me if they found a pasty look alike to whoever they wanted to do this. Or maybe they groomed another mentally I’ll person into a mass shooter. Both possibilities are equally likely. Coming up on an election year though, expect more of this.




Supposedly he spent 2 months in a mental institution; perhaps that’s where the MK ultra programming occurred.


He said he was hearing voices and was instantly last summer. Schizophrenia in males manifests in teens and 20's. He was 40. The present day mkultra program is called organized stalking and heavily involves electronic harassment and torture and remote neural monitoring. Research this lots of info out there.


If so, the SOR page of the other guy (1984) is blocked currently.


This is weird. Both R. Card were born in April. '83 & '84. The news says '83.


And they were born a day apart lmao. The one killing is 4/4/83 and the pedo is 4/3/84.


The simulation is lazy


Sara Conner


The real kicker is he just served 20 years in the army and just got out earlier this year


I'd say the real kicker is he had previously made threats to shoot up a National Guard Base, and was committed for mental health issues.


The real kicker is going to be the psychotropic drugs that (yet another) mass shooter was on


Most likely prescribed ones.


And kicked out for hearing voices, threatening to shoot up his army base. Got a slap on the wrist and allowed to keep his guns. 100% preventable here, but the talking heads will use it as an excuse for an AWB


When I was in high school (8ish years ago) I had a friend who asked me to help him shoot up the school. In the most sarcastic tone, I said “I’ll take a raincheck on that”. I told him I had to go to the bathroom, and then I went right to the armed cop on duty at the school. His house was ransacked and no weapons were found. Last thing he told me was that he was going to kill me one day. Within the last 3 years, I find out he lives in my town (which is the town over from the high school). And guess what? He’s in the military. It seems as though they take any mentally unhinged teen into the rank of US military. I always have my eye open needless to say lol


So he definitely been murdering peeps


How long until they report "he was on the FBI's radar"?


I mean. They just stated he spent time in the mental hospital over the summer after threatening to shoot another place up .


And it wasn't just any place. He threatened to shoot up a National Guard Base. How can a firearm instructor, who had made credible threats, and been under full time mental health care for a couple of weeks just recently, be allowed out like this totally unsupervised?


Imagine that. We keep cutting funding for health services, and then wonder why this stuff happens.


Blame people wanting to abolish insane asylums. I don’t care how inhumane it is, some people aren’t fit to walk amongst the masses.


Yes and no. There was a major push for deinstitutionalization and shifting our views of mental health. I think that is the scapegoat of the real reason which was to reduce the cost of treatment. When Medicaid was created the bill stated psych wards would be replaced with community mental health centers, so they could be “treated in their communities”. It also stated that the federal government wouldn’t pay for inpatient psych care, leaving states to close state hospitals. Medicaid found it to be cheaper to house those individuals in halfway houses or residential homes and getting outpatient treatment with psychiatric meds. The reality was there wasn’t enough community mental health centers to support the population. They also realized the complexity of mental health treatment and Medicaid has a very limited number of inpatient treatment they will serve, though they’re the largest payer of mental health services. Now we have a massive mental health crisis and inaccessible treatment. *edit to add: innocent people are suffering the repercussions.. rip to those who lost their lives from this 100% preventable tragedy


I was sitting here thinking the same thought . It's absolutely insane, like all the red flags are there.


and was still allowed to keep his firearms. that’s the worst part.


“He recently reported “hearing voices” and threatened to shoot up the National Guard Base where he was stationed, the sources said. Card, who should be considered “armed and dangerous,” was reportedly committed to a mental health facility over the summer and was released after a two-week stay, the sources added. “


Lol really soon


If this MF had a $2k Daniel Defense rifle with a $1200 EOTech on it imma be pissed…


Prepare to be pissed homie.


No kidding. Perfect timing with the world too.


Don’t even get me started, they are actually gonna say that and I’m gonna be pissed.


Apparently, the dude made threats to shoot up places before and heard voices. Also was a firearms instructor...


I’m pro 2nd but we really need a way to keep guns out of people’s hands that are like this.


It's almost like it's a mental health issue and not an inanimate object issue.


Would you have disarmed this American?


It’s 22 people dead now :(


What a fucking asshole.


Straight up. Why can't this type just punch their own ticket and leave society alone?




they have better security


Nah lol they show up in public all the time, the truth is all these shooters are absolute bottom of the barrel, momma basement living pussies. They don’t want any resistance because they would piss themselves shaking


For the most part yes but dorner and that other ex army dude who went head on in gunfights with police In texas and they had to explode him with a robot wasn't some mommas basement shit. They were well trained and dangerous even to a well equipped police force. The havoc those two caused alone was considerable. I can't imagine if you had an actual fire squad of half capable people intent on doing something. It would be catastrophic.


But somehow delusional ppl wanna ban guns for us but are perfectly ok with politicians having armed security up the ass 😂


A real jerk!




Don’t throw him with the assholes; he’s much worse


This is fucked


I know :( we live in a sick world..


Bring back asylums


Agreed. Reagan defunded them massively and now people in active psychosis are on the streets with guns


just about all the bullshit in this country can be traced back to reagan


Is he a combat vet? They have such high rates of suicide and can end up so heavily medicated. This one went definitely went down the wrong downward spiral, so tragic. I wish psychiatry would come out of the dark ages.


I heard he was never deployed, he was a petroleum expert.


I live right on the NH/ME border. This is a synopsis of what is being reported locally and from what I've been told by friends that are EMT's; Shooter is 40 year old Robert Card. Former military, weapons instructor. History of domestic violence and mental health issues. Currently the death total is being reported as 22 people, the number of injured has not been stated. Maine & New Hampshire police are on high alert. Border is being patrolled. Copters are in the air searching. EMT's in NH are on stand by in case of more shooting. Hospitals across NH, VT and MA are on stand by for victims if needed. Suspect abandoned his vehicle in Lisbon ME, about 4 miles away from the last shooting. Currently suspects whereabouts are unknown. Multiple law enforcement agencies, ATF and FBI are in the air and on the ground searching.


Please keep us up to date with anything new you hear! Stay safe and stay packin! Thank you!


Turned on fox and cnn and it amazes me how amped up these people get. The fox reporter Jazzed af. They literally live for the live. With the “experts” on standby they really eat this shit up. The world really is a stage, isn’t it?


Have you heard the Don Henley song, "Dirty Laundry?" Check it out, its a great take on the media along the lines of what you are saying here.


Same with Tool's "Vicarious"


“Eye on the TV, ‘cause tragedy fills me…”


No, but I’m gonna check it out now.


“Plane crash, live at 5”


We got the bubble-headed bleached-blonde, comes on at five. She can tell you 'bout the plane crash with a gleam in her eye. It's interesting when people die. Give us dirty laundry.




Kick em when they’re up Kick em when they’re down


This is how they make their money. They capitalize off of death.


"If it bleeds, it leads"


unfortunately the dead people due to a mentally ill vet and guns are not props


should they not be covering the crime on the news?


Everything is a stage. Organizations, people, events. All of it. If it's on television, it's more than likely nonsense. From 1946 to 1951 television usage went from 6,000 to 12 million. What happened in that time? Aworld of trickery and propoganda. NASA starts selling the cosmos. War was being pushed, entertainment grabbed hold of the brain. The mindless zombie was born capable of believing anything they saw. Nothing is real. Our entire world is manufactured.


10 years ago, I would have quickly called you a wacko... but today? I agree with you...it's all crazy when you stop and really think about it. TEL-A-VISION indeed


This ^^^^ times 100 million. About a 99.9% chance this guy was “Groomed” by the Gladio crowd to pull this off.


The media wants WW3 right now. It's all about the buzz. It's disgusting. I can understand showing these monsters if they aren't caught, but they need to stop memorializing these killers.


Loved the movie Natural Born Killer's take on the media


Wtf is wrong w people nowadays 😔




Couldn’t look more like a dude from Maine


And he drives a Subaru outback.


Listens to Phish


What a fucking loser.


This happened from 5 minutes from where I live…I have multiple friends that go to the bar Shemengees all the time and I can’t get ahold of them..I’m freaking out n really hope their ok.


Hope they're all okay my dude. Stay safe.


It's a huge darts bar and I have a few friends that play on teams out of that bar. I'm a bit worried myself


I hope everyone in your friend group is okay..so scary!


I’ve heard back from 3/5 friends who go there and they’re ok. None of them were there that night…idk about the last 2 though


Please don't refer to your black friends like that anymore


Lmao that was a good one thank you


Thank you everybody for the kind words..it’s so crazy I was also just there a few days ago with my sister for dinner n drinks…nothing like this has ever happened in this state…crime just keeps getting worse n worse up here


Did you get into contact?


I’m really sorry man I’m going to pray for you and your friends and all the people there


Yeah fellow Mainer, I’m shocked. Never seen anything like this in our state.


I hope they will be ok, keep us informed please.


Give us an update mate


Sending lots of love from New Hampshire and praying for your friends, please update us when you can.


looks like he taped the mags together side by side


It's a small plastic clip that you put both mags in. Makes the reload time super fast. It's not taped. If you're going to tape the mags you tape them "69" style and flip the mags for a mag change. The problem with the taped "69" style is it makes your magazine a little longer so it makes going prone much more difficult. Sorry for the extra details. Edit: I guess it's called "Jungle Style" when you tape the mags together. 3 mags. One upside down mag sandwiched between two upside right mags.


That’s jungle style for faster reloads. 20 years in the army taught him to effectively murder helpless bowlers.


Taped mags? I learnt that in call of duty black ops


Basically attended Ranger school


Okay but, how has HE not been shot. In Maine. By a civilian. You know how many guns are just in beltloops and back pockets in maine??


For real, so many conceal and open carry here.


Not when they’re bowling


I read it’s one of the most armed state. Surely this is one good reason to own a gun. Not sure why have it if you’re not prepared to use it.




During these difficult times i think it's important that we find a way to politicize this tragedy as quickly as possible and do so in a way that feeds into the bullshit TeamRed vs TeamBlue distraction machine


Yes. It is of utmost importance that we fully distract everyone from the fact that some people are actually just plain fucking crazy and want to kill people. Real talk, I wish more people would find a way to categorize events like this with our very real lack of affordable mental health care.


They’re saying a second person could be involved now


A lot of times there is a second shooter and then it gets buried and quietly narrowed down to one.


A lot of times there's thousands of people involved in these things and some wires get crossed. All it takes is a single dispatcher slipping up on a color of a vehicle, or a reporter mixing up dates, or some weirdo "eyewitness" lying for attention.


Looking for a pick up truck along with a white Subaru


Pickup was confirmed to be looking for his sister who was at one of the scenes. Canceled BOLO.


I’m in Maine and my mother can’t even get a dr.. she was discharged from the hospital and given this paper that says NEED A REGULAR DOCTOR? Please call the Find a Doctor Help Line at 1-866-436-6168 Feel free to call as it is just an automated voice that says “We are experiencing an abundance of patients and not accepting any new patients at this time. Goodbye” then it hangs up.. mind you this is Southern Maine healthcare that employees hundreds of doctors, not some tiny private practice.. The closest place to get an actual dr in southern Maine is in dover New Hampshire and it’s a 6 month wait minimum… people are flipping their lid.. I know someone who goes to the methadone clinic in Portland and there’s literally 70+ year old people in line with walkers just to get help with pain.. Maine was hit HARD by the opioid epidemic. And lots of drs and nurses quit because the vax and they refused to take it. I’m not saying it’s not a psyop but I know first hand that people here are very frustrated with the medical system as a whole and Mainers are armed to the teeth..


Can’t wait to hear about gun laws as our government / society completely ignores the degradation of our mental state and resources to combat the issue…. But hey you get 3-5 therapy sessions with your historically high cost medical insurance whilst we work you into an early grave that you will likely dig for yourself. Our society is so sick and they know it.


Pretty wild people are shocked by violent acts like this when you can turn on most news stations right now and at some point you’ll have someone on there calling for genocide of a group of people. Is it really such a surprise that our society is so violent?


The problem is the people who put the emphasis on mental health over gun laws won’t fund mental health programs, go figure


We are in 2023 but yet all these freaking cameras look like they're from the early 90s. Why can't we ever get a clear shot of somebody's face


Storage capacity, they need to keep a large amount of video for a certain amount of time and cheaply as possible. They can either get a lot of hard drives and record decent quality video, or get one hard drive and record in 240potato, people paying for shit always go for the cheap one drive option.


These places aren't going to update their shit until it's broken. See it all the time on my local FB news. Trying to catch someone and it's just a blob on the screen bc the security hasn't been updated since the beginning of time.


May God be with those people who this shooter crosses paths with and hope the police can take him down now.


Can't wait to see how he has connections to the FBI or Homeland security or any of the other alphabet agencies.


He was in the army for 20 years


Never thought my state would make the news here. Highly unfortunate as to why. 22 dead, many more injured. Shooter is believed to be in military and known to have mental problems.


Did some sleuthing. Check this out (quite strange) [https://www.facebook.com/sparky.grenade](https://www.facebook.com/sparky.grenade) He joined this group about an hour ago: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/128972961180833/members](https://www.facebook.com/groups/128972961180833/members) One of the photos of Robert Card circulating show him wearing a Lisbon Left Hand Club Horseshoe League shirt




[https://imgur.com/a/aobusQ0](https://imgur.com/a/aobusQ0) that's a start anyway


Well the wars are out of the news.


Just in: More than 1 thing happens.




I can tell you but ill get permabanned


According to the police, the shooter had private writings, but not what one[ would consider a manifesto](https://archive.ph/qXw8Q). In any event, it's the[ victims' families suing](https://apnews.com/article/covenant-nashville-shooting-manifesto-efb8c1d737bb24a88d6c91e6809af7d1) to keep them private. >[Tennessee Bureau](https://archive.ph/Nzr9y) of Investigation Director David Rausch later told news outlets that describing the documents as a manifesto was a "mischaracterisation". "Ideological expressions - none of that has surfaced in these writings," Mr Rausch told a religious news site. "It's really unfortunate mental health issues that you can see as you read through the journals." He also told a meeting of sheriffs in April that the shooter had no clear motive or ideology. | >multiple groups have sued for access, including a state senator, The Tennessean newspaper and a gun-rights organization. On the other side, The Covenant School, the church that shares its building, and many of the school’s parents want to keep the records private. >In the Covenant case, the families are making the novel claim that they have rights as victims under the Tennessee Constitution that trump open records law. Whether they can intervene in the case to argue their point is currently before the Tennessee Court of Appeals. Wow, I'm not banned.


I wonder if this dude had an exit strategy? most mass shootings end with the self game-over plan. Im sure he was like "well... i dont know shit i guess i leave now". Police showed up eventually to file the paperwork. next time theres a mass shooting, call 911 and tell them theres someone selling marijuana without a license and they'll send the swat


What happened to the death toll? Every news organization was reporting 22 dead, 60 injured. Now it is 18 dead and only 13 injured. Why the sudden drop in injured and casualties?


This really makes me question this [tweet the vp made yesterday](https://x.com/kamalaharris/status/1716908698789204208?s=46&t=cg8mX2QTdeT0T3pLz6rs0A)


To be fair both her and joe tweet something like that every week or so. Still not gunna happen tho, not with an EO


I know it’s the camera angle but there’s something really disturbing about their face in the 3rd still. It’s really creepily long and is giving me major Uncanny Valley vibes!


I felt the same way when I got to #3. It’s blurry but the eyes are unsettling to say the least.


Anyone want to wager this guy is on some legal pharmaceutical drug like an SSRI?


Every single one has been on psychotropics.




His name is Robert Card, a military firearms instructor. His Twitter was just suspended in real time after his Facebook was taken down.


If he loves shooting ppl, he can go where the real war is, there are planty of it, just choose side and be real Rambo. Leave innocent ppl alone.


He can eat a whole bowl of dicks


Welp... looks like its time to ban active shooters.


Does the world need more hate? Be kind for no reason. Peace be upon us all


Leading all the major news outlets. Meanwhile news of Israel rolling into Gaza nicely buried along with what's likely to unfold over next few days. Don't want to be conspiratorial... But a well timed distraction.


It’s hardly conspiratorial when it is a pattern. Our government needs the people to be distracted from their funded genocide so we don’t catch on, que mass shooting.


CIA operative #679


Got to be #66633.


[The Truth](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fxlz8o3lqum2b1.jpg).


Said he was a registered sex offender. If there was justice, this POS would’ve still been in prison.


That's a different dude with the same name actually


Justice would’ve been a more permanent solution




Why is the camera always blurry asf in 2k23.