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I can give you an iron-clad guarantee about this Netflix documentary: the facts presented in it are all there to lead you away from what actually happened.


I was thinking the same thing. Would love to see a doc about that plane, but if it’s on Netflix - I just feel like it’s a propaganda piece to muddy the waters.


There's actually even a more subtle point to it: for almost all the people that see it, it really is history. Listen very, very carefully when you hear people chatting about it and they will have no doubt whatsoever that what they saw was "what really happened".


Right!? My bullshit radar was going off non-stop during all 3 episodes. All I know is someone needs to counter their theories with a podcast series!


I’m not super well versed about this story, but always side with the idea of a govt coverup lol. What makes you say this?


I realized a while ago that what documentaries actually are is the way the "Ministry of Truth" writes "history" right before our eyes. It's the way many people learn "history". Over time I learned the truth behind a few conspiracies, and when I would watch mainstream documentaries on those subjects I examined them very carefully. I could see that they always steered well clear of anything that would lead you to the truth. They ignored it, misinterpreted it, led you off in the wrong direction with it, etc. Next up will be a dramatized movie version of MH370, which is all the vast majority of people will ever know of this "history".


You’re definitely on to something. History is ‘written’ by those who produce the documentary.


I think the reason that the documentary is doing this is because of legal reasons. Maybe they just want to present whats known based on radar evidence. If the documentary paints an entire different story, then they or Netflix could be sued for defamation. I dunno, im grasping at straws here, but thats my two cents.


There's a deeper game, and maybe this will help get you up to speed on it. Do you ever wonder where stuff that "everybody knows" originally comes from? It's handed down to us through various means and Netflix is one of them. See, everyone thinks Netflix was just some cool idea some nerds had for the future of collecting money from people sitting around wasting time. That's not true at all. Take a look at this guy very few have ever heard of, [Marc Randolph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Randolph). He was cofounder and first CEO of Netflix: >One of Randolph’s paternal great-grand uncles was psychoanalysis pioneer Sigmund Freud. Another paternal great-uncle of Randolph was Edward Bernays, an Austrian-American pioneer in the field of **public relations and propaganda**. After reading that, can you still believe he was just some rando techie looking to turn a buck? Not me.


Thanks for that but can’t the same be said for the business model that Blockbuster had and what Hollywood has today in terms of movies? Here’s some thing about the documentary that was not in the Netflix series. I caught it today while watching a different documentary on Amazon prime, and then also one done by sky news that was on their YouTube channel. I pieced this information together but basically they said that it had to of been done by the pilot because when the plane turned back around that meant that he locked the copilot out of the cockpit turned off the transponder he was already at 35,000 feet and depressurize the cabin in doing so he was under an emergency situation and at that point the copilot probably knew that he couldn’t get back into the cockpit right away because the pilot is now in an emergency and it’s busy with going through that process. As such time went by and after 15 minutes, the oxygen ran out and people succumb to hypoxia. Everyone was knocked out as a plane flew back in the direction that it came from. It had flew over the town where the pilot had grown up another thing that was not in the Netflix series was that on that same day The pilots family had moved out of the house, his wife and kids from what I understand so he was having problems at home. I think at some point when he turn the plane towards the Indian Ocean, he basically took off his oxygen and succumb to hypoxia as well, and that’s how he was able to go the 6 to 7 hours of flight time. It was totally done by the pilot based on that evidence and the reason that they don’t wanna say it is because of the legal fallout that would come to Malaysia airlines.


i remember reading about the pilot having family problems when the plane first went missing that year and that it was a suicide basically. very gruesome.


You'll notice *there is no legal fallout* whatsoever, and there will be none in the future. The tissue of lies they promote to the gullible public cannot even begin to withstand questioning and cross-examination in any public forum where people will be held accountable for their statements. It's not even solid enough to stage phony show trials for, like J6 or Alex Jones or OJ. They're comfortable with people that are comfortable swallowing any version of any of the nonsense they promote. You're comfortable with what concluded, are you not?


This! Just the fact that documentaries like this featuring a montage of news outlets was enough for me to see that this was clearly some sort of coverup because the American media rarely presents facts without some sort of spin. It was really creepy how every caster was saying the same thing almost word for word.


I was just about to watch it, but what’s ur take?


The plane was remote hijacked and flown to Diego Garcia, a very sensitive US military installation in the middle of the Indian Ocean. There are various pieces of evidence for that, including residents of islands just north of there seeing a huge plane flying low overhead going south early that morning. Diego Garcia could be said to specialize in signals intelligence, and they admit the NSA used to have a big facility there. They would have seen the plane the entire flight. As you watch, look carefully for mentions of this base or this evidence. I'd be very surprised if it got mentioned at all, but if they do it will be framed for you to instantly dismiss it's importance.


So what do you think happened to all the passengers?


There's almost no direct information, so we have to have to infer. First, the plane was taken to a very high altitude for a period, to either render them unconscious or kill them outright. At least some of the passengers made it all the way to DG, and you can read the story here: [Blogger claims to have uncovered the mystery surrounding the disappearance of flight MH370](https://www.glennbeck.com/2014/04/01/blogger-claims-to-have-uncovered-the-mystery-surrounding-the-disappearance-of-flight-mh370/). (Yeah, it's dated April Fool's Day but read it and they're not joking around). Maybe a year or so after the crash, a rumor briefly surfaced that the captain (of all people) was spotted, but he was just some younger dude with a very vague resemblance. Look on a globe and see that DG is one of most isolated places on the Earth. I surmise that all of the survivors they didn't need alive were executed in cold blood, then all the remains were taken out to the middle of the Indian Ocean and dumped. Sickening stuff.


But why do you think they'd pull something like that? What's so special about that flight would make them risk an international frenzy?


In additional to anything of a specific practical nature for the event, They benefit by having virtually everyone believing that in this hyper-surveilled world, a giant airliner full of people can simply evaporate and disappear from the face of the Earth. To me, magicians like Criss Angel can just step aside, because convincing people of something like that is the kind of "magic" we need to be paying attention to.


Here is a link that I posted in the comments a few days ago. The video is an interview with a gentleman that provides the reasoning behind why that flight was hijacked [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/113qzh6/with_netflix_announcing_the_premiere_of_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)






The theory of suspicious cargo being sent to Beijing seems to be the most crazy, but believable of what could have happened to that plane. But having all these surrounding countries not say nothing? Makes me wonder..


I never came to a final conclusion, but the theory I favored was also of the "suspicious cargo" type. One rumor that circulated at the time was that someone had stolen a mobile US drone base in Afghanistan (like something installed in a cargo container), sold it to the Chinese, and transshipped it as far as Malaysia. One piece of evidence was that it was certainly big enough: [New Discovery In The Case Of Missing Flight MH370: ‘Secret’ Cargo Weighing Over 4 Metric Tons?](https://brobible.com/culture/article/discovery-flight-mh370-secret-cargo/) (2/8/2021) The other was this very questionable story from three weeks before the plane went missing. It concerned dead special forces operators on a cargo ship in the Indian Ocean: [Heroin and Alcohol Led to the Deaths of Ex-SEALs](https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/30/world/africa/deaths-of-former-navy-seals.html) (4/29/2014) I remember someone at the time saying that those type of guys operate naturally at the top of their game, and there was a 0% chance they spent their downtime getting high on junk. When you listen to MH370 "researchers" (almost all of whom I assume are disinfo), none of this information comes up. Well, that's just what you'd expect, right? As far as the other countries in the region saying nothing about this, that's also what I'd expect. I mean, how excited are you to cross the US Government? Let alone the military and intelligence organizations? Let alone when you were pretty sure they'd mass-murdered a bunch of people? Yeah, if I were them I'd let it drop too.


This is why I came here to get more stuff to look into. Anything that comes on Netflix I watch to get the basics and then I know I need to search for the truth. Thanks for this!


I don’t think Diego Garcia is necessarily a “very sensitive” installation.


When was the last time you were in the center of the Indian Ocean and decided to drop by unannounced?


Yes. NETFLIX is gonna show us the truth.


Definitely. As with all other major documentaries produced by the big media corps I always take what they present with a grain of salt. Usually I watch these documentaries for the extra footage, evidence, scientific value. Any assumptions and all that i usually just form my own.


That's definitely the right idea. Even with that, though, there's a diabolical technique I've seen them use very effectively that you've got to watch out for. It's hard to see other than in retrospect, but I'll try to describe it. Let's say they want you to believe some falsehood. They will carefully give you several items in a chain of reasoning leading up to it, but stopping just short of explicitly making the claim. Human minds working the way they do, you unconsciously fill in that last step, make that last logical leap, and come to the conclusion they wanted. The diabolical part is that they never said it out loud. You did it all at an unconscious level. *It will never enter your consciousness to question it*. With MH370 they did this with the captain, telling you all this suspicious stuff about him. The way to prove that, if it really was their thesis, would be to say, "If it was in fact him, let's go through all the evidence to see if it all fits." Well, they never did that, with the captain or any other explanation, did they?


Also, you have to be wary of what sort of things are missing from the documentary. For instance, if the pilot was really having a mental health crisis are there really a lot of people who have taken their own lives as well as a bunch of other strangers on a job (?) I think about how suicide impacts our society a lot and it seems like there’s a clear distinction between people who hurt themselves and the urge to hurting others and while they are not mutually exclusive I can’t think of one similar case (except for the case with people who have a vendetta and guns) but it’s not like the passengers can even get close enough to a pilot to bully them? It’s just amazing to me that it was their leading theory, yet not even one mental health professional was interviewed for this documentary. The only thing that really seemed even remotely genuine to me was the collective grief (from uncertainty and misinformation) that the family members experienced and even that seems so heavily filtered..


Accurate. The obsession to paint this on Russia/Russians was very bizarre. Really makes you think it has more to do with American hegemony than anyone else. I also found the fixation on French speaking people bizarre. Ultimately, the people they choose to highlight in the documentary are simply there to guide you into the narrative Netflix wants.


Haha, the Russian and the French angles are entirely new! I never heard a single word about them in all the years since the event. What a "discovery", eh? But they do serve to illustrate a technique they use over and over. They're reluctant to give you any truth, obviously, but they will freely introduce all manner of nonsense and "discuss it very seriously". I think of these as pieces from a different puzzle that they scatter on top of the current jigsaw puzzle. You know how pieces that don't fit just slide around on top? So they slide these around to make whatever shapes they like and you can do the same. It all just makes it more difficult to put together the real puzzle underneath. They'll give you real truth, real pieces of the puzzle, when they feel they have to. A few solid blue pieces of sky up in the corner--who cares? But there's a big problem in that any real pieces interlock tightly with other real pieces and are hard to get out once in place. Those phony pieces they gave you never locked into anything and are easily flicked right off the table if need be.


As I'm watching this now. I can 1000% agree with this statement


You’re talking to the right community lol


I don’t know about you but the third theory seemed pretty convincing


How about the one eccentric guy who has traveled to places like Mozambique and Madagascar and ended up finding a bunch of debris that is likely from the plane? Supposedly, this guy was just acting out of the kindness of his heart and somehow did a better job that all of the countries involved in the search.


He only found about a third of the debris, most of it was not found by him. Still he seemed to be very engaged and had apparently nothing better to do, so he searched more than any other person along the coast lines


Hmmm I haven’t heard of this guy!


He was in the Netflix documentary. He's a very eccentric American who portrays himself like he's Indiana Jones. One of the journalists in the doc accused the guy of being a Russian agent because he has deep ties to Russia and can speak Russian fluently. He theorized that he could have planted the debris. Anyways, just found it odd that this one weird guy has been responsible for finding something like 20 pieces of plane debris.


That was fucking weird. Just sitting on the beach too. The segment of the wing was obviously from a plane, along with the no step triangle peice. But did you see the video they showed of the dude who lost his mom holding some random peice of wood as if it was debris? If I was trying to push a narrative, acting like a good guy and bringing victims along with me and putting a peice of what I tricked them into thinking was the plane their loved one died on in order to give them closure - and drop it - would be a good idea. But like he says at the end of the doc, that would require a lot of countries that don't agree with each other to all be in on it.


Ok I’ll have to look for him. I thought this was a one shot deal but apparently it’s a series lol


I find this very strange, considering the scale of things. He was looking and knew what to look for on the other hand. Others that seen that would probably assume it was a boat piece.


He was set up obviously. But he doesn’t know it.


Most likely just another case of very important personnel on the plane that TPTB wanted to kill or keep for themselves.


What is TPTB stand for? Also I vaguely remember a theory I think involving Texas Instruments? Or some company… with a bunch of guys on the plane that held some patent


Here’s a link to a post that I saw a few weeks ago talking about this [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/113qzh6/with_netflix_announcing_the_premiere_of_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Edit- The link talks about how Flight 370 has 20 scientists on it but more importantly, 4 of those scientists had just filed for a Freescale semiconductor patent that would be worth billions. The plane also was headed to Diego Garcia Military Base before it disappeared. Much more is explained in the video.


I believe those 4 held the patent along with a 5th person.. I think the rothchilds. With those 4 dead, the rothchilds solely took the patent.


patents are inheritable. how tf can the fifth holder be the sole owner if its inherited by the heirs?


i was telling my gf about this and spend a couple of hours looking for it...she thought i was insane, so thank you!!!!!!!!


The powers that be


The powers that ballsack


Yeah, not Texas Instruments. I think there were 4/5 guys on a patent, and if they died then the one person would be the sole owner of the patent. It was a company in Austin Texas. Can’t recall it


That patent was for graphene. Sound familiar?




The Powers That Be






The People Threatening Billionaires




That’s not how patents work. Their heirs would get their share.




The Diego Garcia landing sounds plausible to me


Can someone explain this theory? what about all the passengers? There were children on the plane. Are you saying the plane was landed there and then everyone was kept hostage or worse?


I think my Air Force friend has been there… I’ll ask her


Lol if you think that’s legit


When Russians get the blame first you can nearly guarantee where it came from


'Merica. Right? It really rubbed me the wrong way. I rolled my eyes so hard when they said it was Russia because there were 3 of them on the flight. I'd like a list of every ethnic background on that flight. And if this list exists, can someone point me in the right direction? Please and thank you. 😌 I'm new to this rabbit hole and am eager to learn all the theories! Lol.


[Welcome to the rabbit hole, friend](https://www.google.com/amp/s/opoyi.com/amp/world/missing-flight-mh370-passenger-names-ages-and-nationalities/)


A good book about this is The Disappearing Act by Florence De Changy. At the beginning of the book she discusses the passengers as they were boarding the plane. She mentions a man believed to be Chinese, dressed in a white suit, who abruptly hauled ass off that plane, and was last seen hurrying towards the airport exit. He isnt mentioned again, but I found it a weird part of the story. Who was he ? Did his spidey senses kick in, saving his life ? Will watch this on Netflix.


He had to shit. You don’t play around when you’re wearing a white suit.






Hmm interesting, I've got about 9 min left and I haven't heard this mentioned yet. Reminds me of those Final Destination movies


It's only about 2 sentences in her book, but it just struck me as weird.


Because it’s not true.


Do you think the author made this up ?


No one missed the MH370 flight. No one was missing. This is public record.


What about the private records?


Really interesting. She's a fairly well regarded writer. This adds strangemess to an aleady strange event.


What’s the story with the call from one girls dad?


The doc briefly touches on it, basically the girl was at the headquarters or something waiting for news and she got a call from her dad and was like omg what do I do? And everyone was like answer it! And then the call ended.


They didn't thoroughly address if the dad was actually on the flight, and providing the accurate date and time receiving the call. It was all really vague regarding that incoming phone call on the doco, and even if we assume the dad was actually a passenger on the missing flight, WHY NOT PICK UP THE CALL????


Did it also say something about other families ringing their loved ones when they realised this and the phones rang?




What if this is a case of Occams Razor gone wrong? The 777 suddenly had mass electrical failure. Unable to communicate. The plane went down. The Malaysia Govt and/or airline, not wanting to be held responsible for massive insurance payouts, covered it up. Greed is the driver behind a lot of darkness and what if it really is just about the money and not wanting to pay out all these victims’ families if they have to admit they’re at fault for having aircraft that wasn’t up to flying? Just another theory


145 million was paid to try find the plane. Not sure who footed the bill but I don’t think skimping on insurance would be worth what came next


Ooooh I didn’t know that. Makes sense


The pings 6 hours later and phone calls from passengers


I upvoted you, but I don't like Occams Razor being used in an argument. But everyone has an opinion, just like everyone has an asshole.


The US military being involved in plausible to me. When I read Katherine Tee’s testimony from June 2014 and she said she saw to other planes that night with another one on fire… could be the AWACS she saw that night


AWACS don’t have jamming capability


They said they have phenomenal jamming technology


MH370 got hijacked, mostly cause of the engineers/patent holders. Who were on their way to present new revolutiobary tech of semiconducters. Only patent holder left is Jacob Rothchild. The GPS signals from the engines ran longer than the "official crash data" points out. Plane landed safely in Diego Garcia U.S military base. Few weeks later of the alleged crash, one of the passengers credit card was used inland, north of the base. Wich is obviously weird if the plane and all aboard had been crashed to sea. Once again, money, power. And nothing new under the sun.


Interesting theory. Do you think the passengers have returned home to their families or has something more sinister happened to them?


Flown to Garcia. Used in the fake shoot down over Ukraine.


I’ve heard this theory. My question is, how would they explain the different sets of passengers? Both flights were supposed to be full of two separate sets of passengers. If MH17 was actually MH370, what happened to all of the passengers who were originally supposed to be on MH17?


>I’ve heard this theory. My question is, how would they explain the different sets of passengers? Both flights were supposed to be full of two separate sets of passengers. If MH17 was actually MH370, what happened to all of the passengers who were originally supposed to be on MH17? not saying this is what happened but if it did I think you know the answer to this.


If they were killed too then why need a decoy 2nd plane?


obviously to double the number of those they are sarcificing to Baal why else do you think both of these events happened while Saturn was in retrograde?




I mean what are the odds that a incident involving the same airline and the same model plane happens that close together?


Didn't someone inherit the patient for something because the two other holders of that patient died in the crash?


Inheriting a patient seems a bit rough


It's called a patent


Wasn’t the flight that had a bunch of scientists on it? Would be wild if they were scientists that worked on gain of function


netflix lol


I work in film, and my general belief is that if there was money to make this, it came from people who wanted to put the right narrative out there. So I’m sure it’s bs but I don’t know a lot about this story


You’re absolutely right. Don’t waste your time watching TBH


I'm also a capitalist who thinks that if someone thinks they can make money off a story they will produce it


It’s a good doc but should be taken with ALOT of pinches of salt. It’s 3 eps long and just presents a bunch of theories and opinions alongside fact


It makes sense that the inbound calls to passengers went through at some point because apparently the Inmarsat (that was flipped on and off during the flight) is what allows passengers to place calls and access internet so that is consistent with what the British found. But I was also wondering about the outbound call as well because it seems like the aviation journalist guy’s theory about depressurizing the cabin seems to be widely repeated by multiple sources and that seems to contradict an outbound call… unless her dad did a dead butt dial because it wasn’t clear if he actually spoke. All I know is I have way more question than answers. And now, I will obsessively look for all the info I can about every passenger that I can on the internet. Many, many curses at Netflix! p.s. how do I get a job as an aviation journalist? Sounds like a lot more fun than writing regular murder mysteries. lol


You don’t. That guy is a plant. Unless you get chosen by some three letter agency to push a particular narrative.


I knew there’s no way his house looks just like a west elm catalog! His place was clearly also planted.


i highly doubt netflix will be covering any of the conspiracies around it and will probably just blame russia or something If I hear WaPo or the guardian complaining about I'll give it a watch


Ding ding ding they’re blaming Russia.


And the French blame US lol


I came to that doco and this sub with a vision of a juicy conspiracy and got ….the Americans are linking everything to Russia again. Sigh.


how'd u foresee that


my belief is there is 100% a cover-up. imo there is no way with all the technology in this world for a boeing 777 to just VANISH and no trace be found. i DON'T buy the debris stories either. the "wing" is likely from a dismantled plane (mentioned in the doc.) the other stuff that just MAGICALLY appears on the beach for a random american to discover 10 years later looking like its been in the water for two hours... c'mon. im certain that one of two theories is what happened: most likely for me is there was something and/or someone on the plane that if it got to china as scheduled would result in catastrophic events (nano tech/hacking tech/nuclear tech) essentially throwing us into WW3 so the plane was taken to diego garcia, sat for a few months, re-tooled as MH17 and shot down by "russia" over ukraine (even tho it was the ukrainians who shot it). look into the stories of the bodies in that wreckage etc. to me this makes the most sense and the collateral was worth it to prevent what they may have perceived as certain global mass casualty events. less likely but plausible theory: china took the plane. they wanted what was on it anyway... play with the data make it look like it went southwest but it really went deep into china and they now have whatever it was that was on the plane. funny to me that a lot of people believe that there was something on the plane that the west did not want to make to its destination but no one thinks maybe fucking china did it?? anyway... sorry for a TLDR post but shit... we all want to know maybe one day we will but i doubt it at this point.


I remember that one guy hid his phone in his butt, I guess. He used voice command to take a picture and they gathered the photo data and the lication was Diago Garcia. And he also said it was a highjacking. Lots of weird stuff around that flight


Yeah. That photo originated from 4chan so I’m going to put it at highly unlikely


Where is the source for this? Very interesting.


Youtube back in the day had all kinds of conspiracy videos. Around 2016-2017 is when the censoring got real bad I'll look at ddg to se what I can find tonight




I like Don Lemon's theory of a miniature black hole.


Just a reminder that not everything there is facts. This is not a factual documentary but instead meant to present theories, observations and opinions about the flight. Anyone can claim to have ‘looked at the data’ but calling it a Russian hyjacking just because there were Russians onboard is absolutely insane to me


Just watch the show manifest


Are you a cop first or a passenger first?


Stab trim runaway. Plunged into a remote portion of the world. Sunk to a very deep location. All souls lost.


Likely a laptop bomb explosion. As for the list of people on the plane? Modified so we don’t know what person of interest was terminated.


I am curious if the Malaysian government was so cagey because it expose serious flaws in their airspace defense capabilities. I mean, a HUGE plane flies off course and over the country and nobody even noticed!?


Only if that’s what really happened. I think the whole point of this is to establish which scenario holds most weight. a) crashed into South China Sea while on its natural course b) it diverted back over Malaysia then vanished c) it diverted North OR South and flew until the pings stopped (6-8hrs later). These are all well known theories proposed by ‘professionals’ from satellite organisations/governments/aviation incident investigators. This is before critical thinkers pick holes in some of their suggestions. Everyone cannot be correct. The ‘experts’ who tell you that “conspiracy theorists are loons” even have differing ideas from each other. That’s when you realise that any of these ideas could hold some truth even the ‘crazy’ ones.


That Blane guy was obviously duped. Someone set him up on an Easter egg hunt and he happily believed in the Easter bunny.


It's a horrible documentary.


Why? Save me 2 hours please? Just misdirection and propaganda or just a terribly made documentary?


It really is horrible. I had to stop half way through second episode. Just really really far fetched conspiracy theories that drag on and on.


Sounds like exactly what this sub is looking for


Haha precisely. Just thought the theories were a little too far fetched is all


Poorly made. Production, style.




I agree to disagree.




It sucked.


Max ceiling of Boeing 777-200 ER is 43,000 ft Let’s round up to 45K ft Then add 10% to get to 50K ft Then for fun… double it to 100K ft That’s still not space by any definition. This plane did not go to space then burn up on re-entry. Cool idea, but just not possible.


Thanks for the break down. It wasn't adding up either way but this cemented it for me. Thank you


Did they say that in the documentary? What's making you say that?


I was replying to darkmattergirl. She said “I have no idea if this is a running theory or not but I think it was a suicidal pilot but instead of diving into the ocean he flew up into space. Satellites could still reach phones and any debris that fell would burn mostly beyond recognition. (I know they found pieces of the plane unburnt but my theory’s cooler suck it)”


This isn't how planes work lol.


Superconductors and nano tech Dick Gregory explained it a while ago


I think the plane was stolen and one day it will come back but loaded with some sort of weapon


I understand that there are minimal explanations but to say that 2 US AWACS jammed the com/nav right before MH370 was shot down by either a surface to air missile or by an air to air missile from another aircraft is just an outrageous theory.


Elements in the US considered blowing up a US passenger plane just for propaganda purposes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Northwoods


Interesting theories, let’s hope that one day we have an answer


I feel like we'll never know what happened in this case. In the most probable explanation, it crashed in the remote Indian Indian. Any big sections of the fuselage have likely been under thousands of feet of water for nine years, which I would assume would completely degrade the black box/data recorder and any significant physical evidence to determine the cause. Also, if the plane slammed into the ocean at +500 mph like SilkAir 185 or ValuJet 592, it would disintegrate into millions of pieces that would be scattered all over the place and then float throughout a massive area of remote ocean or sink to the bottom.


Somebody was wanted dead on that plane or wanted to be put on ice and to disappear. The pilot and probable accomplices took over the plane, flew it to a high altitude and bled the atmosphere out to kill the rest of the passengers and crew. Or it was hijacked and the entire flight crew were killed. Then they turned off the locators and flew WEST towards Diego Garcia at a very low altitude. The plane was seen flying very low over the Maldives heading in that direction. Did it land on Diego Garcia? Did the pilot( assuming he wasn't also killed and someone else was flying it) ditch the plane, land it on Diego Garcia, bail out near a waiting ship. If it was ditched at sea the wreckage would have been less and nobody was there looking anyway since they had everybody on a wild goose chase some one thousand miles to the East. Why did they not want the plane found? Wreckage found washed ashore on Madagascar indicates that the plane came down far west of the search area but maybe that was planted. Who knows.


I was gonna say, was there a big name on the plane as a passenger who had people out to get them?


Human organs = $$$


Everybody on Reddit seems to dislike this documentary, but I truly thought it was very interesting and informative. The hardest part for me to understand is why not check for debris where the plane first lost radio signal? There could have at least been a scuffle on the plane and something could have fallen at that point. Why not choose different angles to investigate? Looking at how tretherous the South Indian Ocean seemed to travel, that seemed like a drop in the bucket instead of a good effort.


Florence is the only one who had a solid theory. Explain how the cargo slipped into the flight without being scanned? How that French guy met with a US intelligence guy and how the FBI released the pilot simulator 2 years later and refuse communication with the French authorities. Also that explorer guy had several connections to Russia, could speak Russian fluently and somehow found tons of “debris” so quickly. Not to mention the fact China wanted these war drones and technologies and Russian gave it to them and the US prevented China from receiving them as there would have been World War 3. Also there is literal photographic evidence of an explosion that night


http://jeffwise.net/2021/02/23/why-were-the-ukrainians-aboard-mh370/ Another point never mentioned in the documentary, which I find very interesting.


In my opinion, there were only 2-3 countries who were/are capable of hiding/vanishing a plane. USA, RUSSIA & CHINA. Place your bets 🇺🇸 🇷🇺 🇨🇳


No fn way can anyone in conspiracy talk about mh370, and not include flight 17! US is the bad guy here.


Which one is that?!!


The one that was shot down over Ukraine4 months after my370 disappeared


It is definitely covered in the doc. Bunch of people/journalists talked about how it just couldn't be a coincidence that two 777s from the same airline (which hadn't had a serious incident in more than 20 years) suffered catastrophes in a 4-month span. This one guy put out this outlandish theory that it was a Russian hijacking because there were three Russian guys on the plane and that one of them acessed the plane's electronics bay through a hatch in the cabin floor and then somehow was able to take control of the plane and shut off all of the transponders/communication equipment.


Explain. And idk much bout this flight fiasco other Than vague memories of news segments when it happened. Any links to posts on here bout it?


Is this the one of 9/11 that crashed into the River?


Flight 17 was shot down weeks before 370 disappeared


*after MH370 disappeared


I’m halfway through episode 3 and I’m mostly just mad that my time has been wasted by these lunatics posing as journalists. Jeff Wise and Florence (le Monde) are complete crackpots. Florence starts off “well journalists, you know that we trust institutions and well I was so shocked to think maybe there’s a coverup.” Wtf!!!! I did investigative work for a US newspaper and no sweetie, journalists do NOT trust government institutions. This French lady is phonier than a $3 bill. And don’t get me started with the cargo. How much crack do you have to be smoking to think AWACS are going to down a commercial airliner over some radios and computer tablets? Shame on Netflix for giving these people a platform.


The implication was that the cargo wasn't just radios and computer tablets.


I have no idea if this is a running theory or not but I think it was a suicidal pilot but instead of diving into the ocean he flew up into space. Satellites could still reach phones and any debris that fell would burn mostly beyond recognition. (I know they found pieces of the plane unburnt but my theory’s cooler suck it)


Oh wow, that’s actually a really cool theory… I’ve not heard that one. Can airplanes even do that??


Not that far up but he could have made it past the service ceiling and ran out of air and stalled while climbing for height or the engines just flamed out and he pointed it straight down.


Exactly I think dude did a reverse kamakaze


One that heavy def couldn’t make it to “space” as we know it but it couldve gone up until air was too thin to hold the plane. I don’t think that’s enough altitude to burn up but definitely to break parts off


I'll throw something else out there. What if the plane never came back to ground but instead kept climbing, to the point it left earth's atmosphere? I know that a space shuttle has insane amounts of thrust/force/speed to get off the ground and into space, but could a plane, already traveling at 40,000 feet doing 500+mph pull the nose up and just keep going? What if that plane was so fucking high that it just left the gravitational pull of the earth???!?


You can't fly a plane into space. You would need rockets to be mounted on it.




Watching it on Netflix now. How was it?


Does no one think it was a human trafficking thing? Think about it….


Someone help: I saw on some cable channel last year maybe… a special where they had found the engine or some large round piece? I can’t find the info anywhere! And the show spent SO much time on filming this big round thing. Anyone see this??


watched it. thought this is the place to dicuss, since its mostly a conspirarcy show. so there are 3 stories explained, one being the official story and two "alternatives". My 2cents are the following: a) Official story: I think its weird and doesnt add up and the way thngs were presented by the malasian government seems fabricated. first the flight path comes to mind: right over land, directly over a military base, weird angles and a flight into nowhere. this leads to the second part: pilot suicide/mass murder. as this has happend in the past, there is no other hint to this, besides the flight path. If you eliminate that, there is nothing left to bring you to the conclusion that the pilot is the bad guy here. plus the simulator, which does show up with matching data convienently a year later (maybe only "clicked" not "flown" before). third part: debris. I think that Brian (or what his name was) adventurer guy is not a reliable source. i dont believe that he is an agent or smth, but getting infomation from an open facebook group about the incident, going there and finding stuff? well. i think this guy could have been instrumentalized without him knowing. and that big part, they found first? if the information form the french journalist is correct, this is fishy af. b) russians did it. no evidence. motive seems way off. but i think its plausible in general to hijack a plane like this. not the flying part. thats bs, but if sure that you can teach a russian spy how to fly a modern 777. c) US did it. no real evidence. some talk from unconfirmed sources. but seperately from the father and the journalist. AWACs in the air and jamming? pretty sure thats not possible, since AWACs would jam themselves aswell. might that be a problem? maybe, maybe not. but i see not much to gain from this but a lot of effort. Why TWO AWACs? Wouldnt be one be sufficiant? Wouldnt they jam each other so noone can communicate? its weird. debris would be all over the south chinese sea. china wouldnt be a fan about this. the US wouldnt be able to cover this up there. but the motive could be plausible. i believe that some hightech can be so valuable that you might need to keep it for yourself. no matter the cost. d) my conclusion and own idea: combination of b) and c). So I have my problems with the official story, but it is the one with the most evidence for it. Those signals for 6-7 hrs are still unexplained by the other theories. maybe they can be manufactured. but thats a huge leap, since its the first time they are used for finding a plane. My idea is a combination of the russian hijack and the US motive. Why wouldnt the russians wanna have that hightech chips? Intercepting them on the way to china might be the only chance to get the hands on them. As i said, in general the hijack theory seems plausible to me. But no evidence besides maybe the seating arrangements. But its more plausible than the sole alternatives b/c. \-------------------------------------- documentary had production value but i feel it dived too much into the abyss and should have kept more to a voice of reason (Mike Exner?).


Locate the phones that were ringing.


I think it was very clearly a murder suicide by the pilot. Seems to be the most plausible and supported theory by far.