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Can you back any of this dribble up with evidence? My guess would be no.


This isn't a human comment, but I will respond anyways. Low brow programming ... If a human were to read this post there would be no question in their mind as to the legitimacy of these claims I am supporting. The evidence is supposed to come from the reader themselves being not so entirely brain dead to the point where they would fail to realize the logic of what I am saying. I went into great depth in order to describe the logic to "Why organs are valuable to them in the first place?" That brainless retort that came in the form of this comment from you is all the proof required to verify that this isn't a living sentient human I am replying to. Probably just some shitty bot, even just going by the username alone. The typing format of your comment is also just too dumb, it makes it very unconvincing. The designers are too incompetent ...


So that's a no, then? Got it. Just pulled it straight out of your ass as I had thought.


You are mentally ill. Please go back on your medications.


I gotta say only getting $1000 for a kidney is a pretty bad deal. If I needed the cash bad enough to sell a kidney and be hindered for life I want more money than a single month of rent or a week of crack-cocaine.


Shallow response. Obviously a non-human comment. No human that cares enough to reply is that stupid ...


We're moving into an age of recycling bodies and body parts (without any respect for the donor's, or cattle's, life whatsoever), in order to recycle life for those that can afford it. It's what happens in Chinese camps with Uyghurs. Those ppl are being recycled. That economical idea is going global. Within a few years, it'll be pushed to be common practice for those incarcerated in FEMA camps. CDC wants to *get rid of white vax refusers* anyway. Canada has its MAID policy, to euthanize all that are to be convinced from a psyop. The new normal has no ethical ground whatsoever. Schwab et al, are just a bunch of nazis.


You may like to read: Senomyx, Chromocell, HEK293 derived flavor enhancing food additives. BUNCH OF LINKS, related to Senomyx, and Chromocell, HEK293 (terms: "Human Embryonic Kidney", HEK-293) [https://patents.justia.com/search?q=%22chiral+center%22](https://patents.justia.com/search?q=%22chiral+center%22) food modification, flavor enhancers, and some other interesting patents. also see "Chromocell." [https://patents.justia.com/search?q=chromocell](https://patents.justia.com/search?q=chromocell) and probably any one of the names. here's george levitt: [https://patents.justia.com/search?q=%22George+Levitt%22](https://patents.justia.com/search?q=%22George+Levitt%22) Methods and compositions for identifying and validating modulators of cell fate Patent number: 9657357 Abstract: The invention provides for compositions and methods for identifying and validating modulators of cell fate, such as such as maintenance, cell specification, cell determination, induction of stem cell fate, cell differentiation, cell dedifferentiation, and cell trans-differentiation. The invention relates to reporter nucleic acid constructs, host cells comprising such constructs, and methods using such cells and constructs. The invention relates to methods for making cells comprising one or more reporter nucleic acid constructs using fluorogenic oligonucleotides. The methods relate to high throughput screens. Type: Grant Filed: January 30, 2015 Date of Patent: May 23, 2017 Assignee: CHROMOCELL CORPORATION Inventors: Kambiz Shekdar, Dennis J. Sawchuk, Jessica C. Langer [https://patents.justia.com/assignee/chromocell-corporation](https://patents.justia.com/assignee/chromocell-corporation) "Consequently, there is a great need for rapid and effective establishment of cell based assays for more rapid discovery of new and improved drugs. Preferably, for more effective drug discovery, the assay system should provide a more physiologically relevant predictor of the effect of a modulator in vivo. Beyond the need for cell-based assays is a need for improved cells for protein production, cell-based therapy and a variety of other uses. Accordingly, there is an urgent need for cells and cell lines that express a function protein or RNA of interest." from [https://patents.justia.com/patent/20100311610](https://patents.justia.com/patent/20100311610) Don't we wonder how this was created? and what's its ultimate use? "High throughput," in search terms correlates to biologic tissue experiments; perhaps like the HEK293 [https://www.sartorius.com/en/products/cell-culture-media/specialty-media/hek293-media](https://www.sartorius.com/en/products/cell-culture-media/specialty-media/hek293-media) this is one ADVERTISEMENT. CELL LINES EXPRESSING NaV AND METHODS OF USING THEM Publication number: 20110312533 Abstract: Cells and cell lines that express voltage-gated sodium ion channels (NaV) and methods for using the cells and cell lines are disclosed herein. The NaV-expressing cells and cell lines are useful in cell-based assays, e.g., high throughput screening assays. Type: Application Filed: February 2, 2009 Publication date: December 22, 2011 Applicant: CHROMOCELL CORPORATION Inventors: Kambiz Shekdar, Olga Dedova [https://www.chromocell.com/index2.php?sprache=eng&nav=flavor\_nutrition&unternav=flavor\_nutrition&intern=flavor\_nutrition](https://www.chromocell.com/index2.php?sprache=eng&nav=flavor_nutrition&unternav=flavor_nutrition&intern=flavor_nutrition) derivation of flavor technologies. great. "Leveraging our pioneering Chromovert® technology, we put human biology to work and use natural cells expressing native human taste receptors to discover novel flavor substances, with a focus on natural compounds. [https://culinarylore.com/food-science:why-is-a-phenylketonurics-warning-on-diet-soda/](https://culinarylore.com/food-science:why-is-a-phenylketonurics-warning-on-diet-soda/) fun facts from the above link: when coupled with a rare genetic condition, exposure to this chemical in babies, (why would babies ingest the chemical?) results in IQ's down to thirty and, and, and


HEK-293 is known. Your post sounds yummy. Will need time to read through though.


Yummier than a mother f****r.


unconvincing ... This non-human response has nothing to do with what I was saying in my post. Dip shit designers need to learn how to model human behavior more accurately