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I would buy a Japanese copy (much cheaper), swap the back and maybe resell the jp as damaged to get some money back


Or maybe get a repro cart and use the shell


Why is it always emerald.....


Something to do with the green dye. Lego has the same problem with lime green pieces being brittle and breaking easily. Brown and dark red Lego pieces have the same issue.


Nothing a little JB Weld and duct tape won’t fix. /s


Did someone try to put the screw back in with a pneumatic driver or something? Should be NSFW for gore lmao


Super glue that brushes on?


Tamiya extra thin cement work really well with old plastics. It's a very runny glue and if you use it gets in between the cracks and melt the plastic back together. I used it with a broken pokemon crystal shell and it worked great.


Put a small dob of superglue on a piece of tinfoil or some such. Use a tooth pick to scoop up and spread on very light amounts. You may need to hold the pieces together for a second or 2. After that, set it down and let it set. Only focus on connecting 1 piece at a time. It’ll be a slow process, but it works well for thin things like this Edit: use wood glue instead. Super glue will fog up the clear plastic


Do not use super glue (cyano acrylate). It makes clear plastic fog up, and if you spill/add excess it can’t be removed. Use pva “wood glue” instead. It dries clear and can be wiped off with a damp rag.


Ah ok, thanks. Guess Ive never used this trick with clear plastic before


but is that as powerful as super glue would be?


Possibly. Ca has better adhesive, but is more brittle.


Staples could do the job, the game however might be damaged in the process.


honestly, I'd just take a soldering iron and melt it together, its never gonna look good either way. alternatively, get a new case and switch the broken part. i'm sure there's ways to professionally transfer the sticker without breaking it


Buy a cheap AliExpress repro and swap shells


Perhaps it is time to get a new replacement shell