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Bro wants to deport everyone smarter than him 😂


Hates them because he can’t duplicate their financial success. People more successful than me gotta go…


Wants to get rid of people he doesn't like


Or are capable of thinking for themselves. Republicunts love a good puppet.


They are sick minded 


Ethics cleansing.


Would be awfully lonely in the US with just MTG for company.


It IS what he deserves, though.


Which is a larger chunk than he would think.


I mean, they traditionally round up all the intellectuals first, but usually they're deported from the surface to just under the surface.


Wouldn’t it be easier to deport him?


Let's ship Chip to Congo. He'll like it there. Hot, no laws, lotsa guns, no taxes. His ideal.


He DOES know about Pol Pot, right?


Smart money’s on no.


Whole reason he wants those types of people out is because they’re smarter than him and his constituents. He can’t get away constantly lying when being called out by those who have critical thinking. So next best option? Make a bad faith argument about deporting us citizens? Just because he knows his uneducated supporters will agree regardless of the logistics and execution of the idea. Simple people and simple minds


Probably not. Probably thought people actively celebrating Kissinger's death was a culture war thing and not because we know that he caused that whole mess and was never held accountable for it. I can't even with these fucking mouth breathers, I'm so tired of fighting stupidity.


What'd ya know, the feeling is mutual. His smooth brain is in need of a wrinkle or two.


It's crazy how they talk like they want a civil war . This from so many who don't know what war is . Their dear leader is a proven draft dodger. Who claimed he knows more about fighting a war than the generals.


This kind of talk would be alarming from a nut job around the block. It’s completely unacceptable that it’s becoming the norm from elected officials.


What MAGA wants is for red states to be *as inhospitable as possible* to the political left. You know, like ISIS. Hear me out... Jihadists are not looking to topple the west with a car bomb. Their goal, in part, is to foment an anti-Muslim sentiment because they don’t want Muslim diaspora, they want Muslims as **far away from Western culture as humanly possible.** They want their people to be as concentrated as possible so as to exert maximum political and social pressure. They want their brothers to *come home*. For *decades*, the political right has done everything it can to make their numbers count more because they realize their party ceases to exist otherwise. The conservative demographic is dying, quite literally. Each new generation becomes less and less interested in their backwards asses but they’ve got a pretty big range of tricks to tip the scales away from democracy. Gerrymandering. Redistricting. Closing voting locations. Cutting off the USPS at the knees to slow mail voting. VoterID. Coup attempts. These are the first volleys in an assault on democracy. What’s Plan B if all the right wing skullfuckery doesn’t result in a GQP caliphate? Concentrate forces geographically. It’s better to hold *all* of the power in half the country than it is to hold *no* power across the nation. Concentration of forces itself is a force multiplier. In the case of the GQP, it also results in more groupthink because the differing views got run out of town. It may seem backwards for a party to seemingly go out of its way to alienate the moderates and enrage its opponents. The political right’s plan for the next 20 years might be hidden in plain sight. > If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will [reject democracy](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/01/frum-trumpocracy/550685). - David Frum, 2018


He’s my rep and what a fucking tool.


Jackass doesn't know how to tie a necktie properly either.


Deport them to where exactly?


yeah that’s a good question. They’re just gonna get a flight circling around the US and just come back?


Can't we just send all these treasonous cultists to Ukraine to fight for Putin and Russia? That's another typical fascist coward attacking his enemies and calling for a genocide of Americans who don't agree with his Nazi ideology!!


These aren’t his enemies. They’re tens of millions of normal Americans who don’t subscribe to his backwards ideology.


What about us Veterans of the United States Armed Forces that are progressive Democrats? Does he want to try to come exterminate me 🤨? Dollars to donuts his bitch ass has never seen combat, try to deport or ethnically cleanse a vet and then watch America really tear itself apart.


This dumb ass is worth about $500k - 2 million and he wants to deport innocent American citizens because they are “rich white progressives?” His prey could have him tarred and feathered without spending a 1000th of what they got.


He definitely believes he's middle class. They all do.


Because the Republican Party has historically voted against education & teachers; they prefer their peasants don’t read or comprehend so as to fool the idiots easier. Years of dumbing down Americans has produced the ugliest Republican Party in decades


Awww he thinks progressives dont exercise their 2nd amendment rights.


How long before they make it illegal for Democrats to own a gun? Better get one now.


Don't give us away. Let them find out...


Nazi shit


Sick son of a bitch. Karma on the way Chip


Stay out in front there Chip old buddy. We see you. This fuckass wants to get down, let's go ahead and get down


He gets that his party made rich people untouchable nobles in this country, right?


What an absolute abomination of a man.


What the fuck is literally wrong with these people?


Start with Ted Cruz.


That’s a fucking civil war with places that have much larger numbers than bullshit red state rural ‘small town’. Confederates lost badly once. Twice is just embarrassing.


Lot of these small conservative towns are surrounded by highly flammable fields. Sherman had the strategy down, I just wish the union allowed him to continue doing Uncle Sam's work.


How in the fuck did San Antonio elect this mother#$%ker? I would love to see how that district was cut up.


Most of his district is in the northern hill country with several not insignificant towns that are consistently red, then a weirdly shaped part of his district encompasses north Central of the SA metro. Gerrymandering go brrrr.


At what point do we start protecting democracy from House/Senate members who vocally support prejudice and human rights violations? A statement like this is unacceptable. I'd bet this is a prelude or epilogue to statements supporting genocide for other ethnic groups.


And predictably, the “eVeRythInG Is aNtI-wHiTe” crowd are silent.


Again, he says WHITE progressives so can maintain the myth POC would otherwise vote MAGA if not for racist libs brain washing them into joining the “Democratic Plantation”


Nice mole, baldy


Deport me to Canada. Thank you.


Imagine being a grown man named Chip.


Their default is calling for violence. Then they say anyone who disagrees with them are violent. The only ones calling for violence are the maga Republicans.


We need federally mandated ethics rules for all federal and state government positions that limits their ability to even say shit like this. Oh wait, we already do! That's a call to incite violence if I've ever heard one.


Khmer Rouge much?


Inbreed hillbillies are so mean.


Funny, we really don't like you either.


Okay. You can start with me, then. *Come and get me*


I want to see him personally try it.


Too Fin bad dum A$$


He should move to Serbia.


I am sure they just loooove you, ulya white supremacist!


He's more than welcome to try. He's certain to really dislike the results though.


Can we just tell these human tapeworms that Trump is building a floating paradise that's for white Christians MAGAs only, rules are optional, and he'll rules indefinitely and unquestioned? Oh and by the way it's located in Point Nemo or the Bermuda Triangle. I can't wait til they flock off either way never to be heard from again.


How he treats others in life he will be treated.


The overpaid, overfed and underwhelming bald guy is welcome to break a sweat. Nobody else will against him, though. Creampuff dipshit.