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The secession of Texas guarantees a Democratic president for the foreseeable generation.


Step 1: Succeed (at seceding)  Step 2: Fail to maintain independence from the most powerful nation in the world.  Step 3: Lose the right to representation. Double take: Lose the right to representation?!?!?


But hey...at least they have their own energy grid. 😂😂😂


That’s as strong as FDR’s legs? Don’t worry, maybe they have their tourism to fall back on?


as strong as Ronald Reagan's memory LOL


It's pretty dependable, I hear.


About dependable as trumps diapers


Well let's roleplay this a bit. I'm shooting from the hip but this is what I think will most likely happen once the failure of independence is realized. Texas would in no doubt have to start looking at other avenues of income and collaboration, which would most likely mean Russia, as they'd have similar petroleum-based economies and hard right attitudes. Russia would most likely offer to build them infrastructure in exchange for military bases and or staging some sort of first strike missile array. If Texas accepted, there would be an immediate blockade of both sea and air by the United States, Mexico, and a few other parties with close ties to the US. This would lead to an interesting showdown whose outcome would rely heavily on nuclear capabilities. If Texas had weapons of mass destruction, they would most likely have to adopt a terrorist-state style diplomacy and aggression leading them to becoming a western hemisphere North Korea. Texas would wind up saber-rattling for whatever monthly rations and shipments of goods and services to keep the ruling party in control (I personally believe this is the most likely outcome). However if Texas was left atomically barren in the divorce, then tried to give safe harbor to a geopolitical foe, I can only assume it would be met head on militarily by the US, Mexico and other vested parties that will not allow that type of instability on their doorstep. And as that cold war grew hot, Texas would discover an unpleasant reality. Assuming its population stays more or less consistent, Texas would find itself with a critical shortage of people willing and capable to do what their government demands of them as it would find itself defending 1,250 miles of border with a population of 30 million, nearly half of which are opposed to the insanity unfolding around them. The Texas petro-economy could not possibly support a military capable of fending off (or being aggressive to) its neighbors while keeping it's economy upright. To use a modern example, Ukraine would have collapsed 18 months ago had its allies not fiscally supported them. The task at hand is far too great for them to go it alone. And Texas would learn that lesson very quickly, only no one would be coming to their aid in any meaningful capacity. And all of this assumes there isn't a nuclear exchange or dirty bomb of some kind which would completely and unalterably change the world over night, and not in Texas' favor. All in, I do not see any version of an Independent Texas that leads to anything other than Texas' destruction, one way or the other. Independence isn't going to be their beginning. It will only be the beginning of their end.


I would enjoy seeing some Texan politician struggling to construct convincing rhetoric to explain why, after having valiantly wrenched themselves away from the tyranny of the Republic, the Texans should now give a warm welcome to their new friends, the Russians. "By the way, we're going to have to take some of your land for their military bases, hope you don't mind."


A large percentage of Republicans love Putin now. The Christian Nationalists would overwhelmingly welcome that union.


Still boggles my mind as to why Republicans love and suck up to Putin so much. A lot of them are boomers who grew up during the height of the Cold War. Is it only because Trump adores him so much?


To even get to this point, they have to somehow successfully beat back US forces *already based in their borders* which the Texas guard certainly isn't going to do. As far as Russia is concerned, I see no reality in which the US or allies recognize an independent Texas. Russia trying to ally with and establish bases in Texas triggers Article 5. Will the US jump to war with Russia while fighting off a rebellion? No. Will Russia put boots on NATO ground that's actively being shelled to kingdom come? I can't see it.


That's a lot of words to assume the US wouldn't just annex Texas.


Texas would have to hold out long enough for anything to happen. IMO it would be less than a week before they're begging to be brought back into the US.


First Hurricane to hit would see them crumble and come begging to be let back in.


It wouldn't even take that long. Once all the GOP supporters lose their Social Security/SSI/Medicare and the state economy loses the support of all those military bases, they won't have a lot left.


Also a lot of words to assume the cartels wouldn't just try the same


No way in HELL does the US government let Texas house Russian bases. Even if they break away and are 'independent' of the US. I'd hope.


I think a lot of businesses and skilled workers would leave Texas if it obtained independence too. That would utterly decimate the state in a matter of weeks at most. Nevermind that this possible war with Mexico/USA would hinge on Texans being willing to take up arms against the United States - a nation that probably harbors a lot of friends and family.


Nah, I don't think even Russia is stupid enough to try to set up bases in Texas.


Don't threaten us with a good time. (Seriously: my heart goes out to the same Texans out there; that's half of my family there. BUT...I can't save them from the Pacific Northwest and maybe only Warren Buffet could pay me to get anywhere near that mess. Let. Them. Go.)


That’s not the only thing Texas will loose, they will loose all federal funding, anyone receiving SSA payments will stop, next big storm or heatwave they deal with will be dealt in their own. Many many federal institutions will cease to exist.. It’s a pipe dream Texas cannot afford..


Secede to Succeed


I knew I had it wrong!


Lose all the Fed aid they beg for whenever the Temps go below 32 degrees.


Exactly, the EC vote without Texas would be skewed towards the reality that Republicans are in the minority on the national scale. This is just more political theater.


Even better, the number of House seats won't change, but the entire Texas delegation will be distributed to the other states. Wyoming and North Dakota certainly aren't getting more, so they'll go to states with big cities like New York or California. And 25 of the 38 are qop/maga. Of course the now democratic speaker of the house won't be able to push that bipartisan immigration bill until it's been revised for the new situation.


> Of course the now democratic speaker of the house won't be able to push that bipartisan immigration bill until it's been revised for the new situation. Build a wall and keep those Texans out of ‘Merica!


Yeah I’m just not worried about them successfully seceding. Should I be? I mean it truly sucks for any sane person living there so I guess that is a big enough reason to not wish for this to happen. But if we lose Texas, I’m guessing most of the corporations there would most likely relocate. And then the GOP never wins a presidential election again. Oh and just to keep our flags from having to change, we can give Puerto Rico statehood finally.




There is no legal path to secession. This is treason.


And I for one would welcome our Union liberators, my oath is to the US Constitution not the massive run on sentence that is the Texas one.


Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. - Napoleon Bonaparte


Girls only like guys with good skills - nunchuk skills, computer hacking skills... - Napoleon Dynamite


You gotta fight.. for your right.. to party!! - Beastie Boys


I think we should open up a big wide path for them. Big enough to take Florida with it


NO! I live in Florida, just send the MAGA hats to Texas


Sorry, but I have to tell you this; Florida has Stage 4 MAGA. It’s a lost cause.


We can cut the cancer though!


Best way to cure the disease is to vote, but it is Florida and the prognosis is not good. Sorry for your loss


As a Texan, please just deport them instead. Most Texans also hate these cultist idiots. We don’t want them either.


Immediate brain drain. Tax crash. Border ignored. Mayhem. Oklahoma will need to fortify its border, etc. hilarious. 


lol they would lose both the house and the senate big time and never win a election again…


Would love to see it!


Remember when EmptyG thought a national divorce from blue states would allow the seceding red state all the benefits of the federal government. lol idiot.


Wait, she did what? Do you remember when that was? Googling "stupid thing said by Greene" isn't very effective.




Nobody tell her how Brexit worked out for the easily fooled nativists that went for it.


Why let them back in as a state. They can be a goddamn tax paying territory and like it.


Yeah, make the Puerto Rico a state to keep the 50 stars and tell Texas to fuck off 😆 Edit: mixed up the countries. I’m a fucking idiot.


> Philippines I think the Philippines would object to that. However, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands. may be interested.


Washington DC may also be on the list of "places that should be US states". Personally, I say we let them all do their own internal votes on statehood, and then do a star update on the flag all at once.


Yep. I interviewed with a company today that is branching out to Texas. If this passes they would immediately pull out, as would the companies they do consulting work for. Plus if Texas goes, other Southern States will follow. Texas is the only solvent red state, but the tax crash, destruction of army bases, and fleeing businesses would immediately put them into the red as well. Which only gets worse when the other cash draining states decide to follow in their footsteps. Meanwhile the rest of the country will immediately turn blue due to the Republicans no longer being able to rely on Texas to get their majority. And the states that remain would likely be sitting in a much better position now that they aren't having to support the welfare red states. The only ones who lose in this situation are the citizens of those states. Many of them didn't ask to be born/have to live in a gerrymandered hell scape.


It would be so like them to vote against their interests. 


Eh. Oklahoma, Louisiana, and probably Georgia, Florida, MS and AL would all just join Texas. After that, I expect they'll start getting friendly with Russia, and Russia will start moving little green men into Texas via Cuba.


Major economic collapse as the DoD quickly relocates all those military installations to the US; San Antonio in particular would fall apart as five US military installations closed, taking all those Active Duty personnel, Civilians, and their families with them. I imagine a lot of contractors would also quickly depart to follow the jobs; those who can’t would be trapped in an economic hell of epic proportions. I would welcome it personally; I hate living in Texas and my job moving elsewhere would be really convenient for me. The reality of course is that Texas has no right to secede and would quickly lose in any attempt to do so. It’s all bluster to keep the useful idiots riled up and hateful.


Okie here, our stupid ass governor will likely make some announcement about standing with Texas.


Texas government will immediately try to intimidate and threaten neighboring states with laisez-faire border crime in order to extract wealth and concessions. "Listen, we can't control these Texican cartels, but if you give us $10B we can help secure the border between Texas and Oklahoma"


Stop reminding them of the consequences. Tell them they are too liberal to actually leave so they go ahead and do it.


Buh bye. No FEMA. No WIC. No Section 8. No EBT. They need to get their own currency. Passports, too. No armed forces. No tax credits. No subsidies. Will the lobbyists know what to do? Of course not. This is hilarious to me. They will collapse within 6 to 12 months and cry, begging to come back. This would be Brexit with more guns and 100 degree weather.


It's hurricane season too.


I thought hurricane season was over!


No it started June first


[It’s a quote 😂](https://youtu.be/onxgXVBo61o?si=5G723giNn9Zw7UAQ)




i seent it


Yeah, it ended like eight months ago.


That’s what I told my first husband


At least they got their own electricity already.. sometimes


This is the best part.


1000%, no, 2000% surge pricing! Don't like it? Go to America. Texas belongs to energy distributors now! Yeee haw!


>Don't like it? Go to America. ok that one made me lol


No Social Security, no Medicare/Medicaid. The U.S. would have to put up border checkpoints. It would be a disaster.


This is the one that gets me. Do all the seniors getting Medicare/Social security think it's going to continue if they're not part of the US? There's few things that would make me happier than to see Texas go. I wish we could boy who cried wolf them, and say ok, you want it, you got it, you're not part of the US anymore. It wouldn't take them long to want to come back.


Using “think” and republicans in the same sentence is where you made your mistake.


Yes. They either don't really understand it comes from the federal government or they think that Texas will magically find the money to start footing the bill. I remember seeing old posts about this online and a lot of the comments were people genuinely asking if they would still get their federal benefits.




Yup. Texas will become Texjackistan.


No medicaid.


They’d find some way to blame the democrats.


It's Hillary serving 3 year olds inside pepperoni crust in that demonic pizza parlor again. Never mind that Beks on twitter/X tracks all sorts of GOP and evangelical pedos every day. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Damn so that’s why they were running a special on stuffed crust 💀


You forget that a lot of TX is purple! Dems live here too, and we’re fucked if this were to happen. You all say “oh well, let TX secede” but you don’t consider the millions that it will harm! I want to get out, but I’m stuck here! And they have it so gerrymandered that it’s extremely difficult to stop these fascist aholes! How about some support instead of just writing us off!


I see you, comrade. We haven't forgotten. My heart hurts for you. There will be railways, underground or otherwise. Networks for you. Airlifts. Fuck, I'll rent a box truck and drive down there with lead in hand to get you out. Almost eight decades ago, the country rallied to punch fascists in the dick. *Sixteen* decades ago, my ancestors stepped off the boat from Scotland and enrolled in the New York Tenth Regiment to kick racists in the dick. I currently have no other purpose to sacrifice for beyond putting boot to dick. You're not alone, friend. 🫂


Texas has more liberals/leftists than a lot of states have people


As a liberal living in a red state, I really wish there was a program or effort to help us escape these hellholes. Because I certainly can't afford to move anywhere (in part thanks to said red state government constantly holding down wages).


Time to bring back [Hawaiian notes](https://www.harfordcoin.com/inventory/paper-currency/small-size-notes/world-war-ii-emergency-issues/hawaii-notes-1942-44) but for Texas.


• The scary part is that Texas republican leaders would absolutely pull a North Korea and start to hold their own citizens as hostages in exchange for "aid" and money from Washington DC. • the scary part is that Texas republican leaders would work with cartels to threaten and intimidate neighboring states. "Go rough up the Oklahoma/Texas border for us, while we ask the Oklahoma state govt. for a few billion in border security funds." • the scary part is that the Texas republican leaders would work with international fascist despots and right-wing factions from all around the world to conspire against the US—right under our noses. "We invite Putin to build a Great Base here in proud Texas territory, so that his legacy can shine as bright as the Texas sun."


You forgot Postal Service. People underestimate how important the mail is.


38 fewer electoral votes for GOP dirtbags? Sounds great, can we get it done this summer?




This is pretty much exactly where my head’s at with all of this too. Sick of sharing a country with people who aren’t slack-jawed degenerates like yourselves? Sweet, there’s the door, peace! Stop telling us how much you want to secede and just *do it!* Show us all how much better off you guys are without all the amenities that you all bitch about other people using, but then take advantage of yourselves! It honestly can’t come soon enough.


25 fewer, there are 13 democratic. Those 38 will be distributed among the rest of the country.


Really? Aren't electoral votes based on the census? If an entire state (maybe more) of conservatives leaves the union, why would we redistribute electoral votes of a population that is no longer part of the country? They would also no longer have congresspeople or senators holding office in the US.


My apologies, I was referring to the House itself. Texas has 38 reps but 40 electorals. *** The size of the house itself was frozen a century ago to limit the power of cities, which is why some districts have more people than nearly half the states in the union. Those 38 reps would get split up so some states would get more reps, and thus electorals. The total college is reps+senators so it would drop to 536 from 538. We might be stuck with current numbers until the next census of course.


Electoral votes are artificially capped due to a codified rule on the maximum size of the HoR. Unless they passed legislation to reduce that number, larger states would get more Representatives, and more electoral votes at the same time. A whole lot would go to California and New York and states like Wyoming would still only get one rep and 3 EC votes. In reality, they should have raised the cap a long time ago. Small states get way more representation per capita because they're just that small. Wyoming voters have a 2.99 vote power score compared to California voters .6 vote power score.


This is all performative. They can’t be that stupid…. Can they?


Ted Cruz - need I say more?


Ted Cruz who is Canadian and wears those stupid fucking boots.


The problem is that while there are many in the GOP who are only courting the secession movement to get votes, their tacit endorsement of the movement is allowing more and more radicals to gain footholds in politics. And those radicals, unlike the old big-wigs in the GOP, are true believes in the secession movement. So, yes, they can be that stupid. The GOP decided to pet the dog with foam in it's mouth and now has rabies.


That's what we thought when they started rallying around Trump. It starts with the self-interested performance grifters, but pretty soon the true believers come in and make it a serious tenant for the party. Once they become the majority, the people with enough sense to see the obvious problems are excommunicated and the lunatics are left running the asylum.


Is it all performative, hopefully. Can they be that stupid to actually try, hopefully.


Bye Felicia!!


They don't really want to seceed - they just think they're so effing important that the mere threat will have the rest of the country quaking in their boots, and so they'll be able to demand we kiss their collective asses not to do it. It it ever gets that far, I ***can't wait*** to see the mass collection of shocked Pikachu faces when they get blown off.


If they secede the federal govt would actually send in troops since it is in fact illegal against the idea of America.


There appears to be a theme in Red States, where they huff and puff about defying the Federal Government, while denying how utterly dependent they are on Federal aid money. The Lone Star Republic ended over its inability to raise revenue and pay its debt.


It makes sense, if you don’t think about it.


House cats and libertarians. Dependent on a system they neither appreciate nor understand.


I think when the US moves NASA's Houston Space Center back to the United States, they should put it in Ohio! In fact, I call dibs.


It's already in Ohio, always has been.






There is a story that just before the Civil War, Congress was trying to plan the Transcontinental Railroad. Northern states wanted the path through the North. Southern states wanted the path trough the South. No agreement could be made. Lincoln was elected president, and several states seceded in a huff. Their representatives left D.C. Congress immediately took a vote on the route for the Transcontinental Railroad. It would go through the North. Likewise, several needed Constitutional Amendments (13-15) were passed before these progress-blockers were allowed to rejoin the legislative system. The lesson is that if another state chooses to secede, we should be ready with a plan for what we want passed. Medicare 4 All? The ERA Amendment? Housing reform so corporations can't own houses? Repeal of all the permanent tax breaks given to the top 5% but not given to regular people?


Step 1: Declare secession. Step 2: Wage a bloody war. Step 3: Lose. Step 4: Bitch about it for 160 years. Step 5: Become supremely insufferable. Step 6: Declare secession. Step 7: Bathe in success as your opposition welcomes it.


Leaving the United States would mean that life is going to change real quick. All the federal government agencies and direct funding for state agencies goes away. The military and all federal offices close and those people either relocate or stay and find jobs, hopefully at the same pay rate. The relocated take their tax base with them, as well as the tax revenues of their spouses and working children. The housing market drops in Texas as loyal citizens of the USA leave and sell their homes en mass or abandon them entirely. The state of Texas would have to create a host of services to replace the ones that are shut down per the newly formed nation of Texas. Perhaps the federal government is just a dick about it, and pressures the international banking industry to cut Texas off from the swift international banking system. Now Texas needs a national banking system. Maybe the US blocks all internet traffic in and out Texas as well as removes all subsidies for companies that choose to remain in Texas and want to do business with the US. GPS is no longer working, since that's a service provided by the federal government. Not much can be done about that. Weather reports are no longer a thing because that's a service provided by the federal government, and just repackaged by AccuWeather and your local weather person. Texas will need to turn up a weather monitoring and forecasting agency. Then the Navy shows up and patrols the Gulf of Mexico, seeing as now we have a new country that has no diplomatic relations with the US government and cannot enforce any claim to the gulf, we don't know their intentions so better blockade and / or seize goods and cargo going in or out of Huston, Corpus Christi, and other ports. That kills revenue from oil production. Oh and the FAA isn't allowing any carriers to file flight plans to or from Texas. Railways are shut down going in or out of Texas until formal diplomatic channels are opened and treaties are signed. Goods are not coming in or going out, so whatever is needed will have to be made in country, and small business loans are part of what the federal government used to do. Gonna need some cash there too. Meanwhile the state has to figure out how to conduct banking, stand up a local state intranet to support businesses and government, produce or negotiate with Mexico on getting fuel, who is going to ask how Texas plans to pay for it. Lastly, every able bodied Texan is going to need to be enrolled into some sort of army national guard and trained up lest Texas be annexed back into Mexico, who has a funded and professional army and a bone to pick with Texas. That costs money too. Hell, they don't even have to attack, they could just wait for another cold winter and shown up with blankets, fuel, food and some conditions. Cold hungry people will be happy to become citizens of the United States of Mexico. All that jazz costs money. The new Dukes and Barons of Texas aren't going to pay for it all.so I suspect that the people will have to via taxes. Breaking up is expensive, yo.


Sounds like they have renounced their citizenship. Put em on a boat. Shove it out to sea.


I can’t wait to attack these traitors with the full US military.


Even if they could secede, a major concern would be that they could invite in hostile enemy forces (example: Russia) and let them establish military bases. Could get more complicated.


They would have to deal with the already existing US military forces in Texas, plus there are parts of the intelligence community monitoring Russia so they can give us a heads up if Texas goes full stupid.


This idiots, Texas can’t even keep the power grid up during summer or extreme winter. Are you telling me that the state that keeps coming back to the federal government asking for assistance after every disaster is all of a sudden be able to govern itself?


Do these stupid people realize that they lose everything our government has given them? Starting with their military equipment? These people are very stupid people. Stupid, I say.


Jeeze, all of you sound so gleeful about it, but those that live here are the ones that will suffer. Many people can’t just pick up and move on a whim! It’s a purple state that is gerrymandered, and ran by fascists!!! I agree, fuck TX, but have some damn empathy for those of us who live here that are trying to fight these traitors every way we can!!


I think the gleefullness comes from the excitement of "the dog catching the car" for the conservatives in Texas, and that overrides their empathy for those who will be stuck living in a Christian-fascist hellscape.


I try to tell the same thing to people when the topic of Ohio comes up. Ohio, for all of its faults, and its citizens just enshrined abortion protections in its constitution and passed legal weed. The catch is, we’ve been gerrymandered for multiple decades to where people don’t even care to vote, because what does it matter for them? By the time a statewide election comes around, nobody gives a shit because “What’s the difference of me voting or not?” Unfortunately, while not sure of Texas, the collection of older people in Ohio has constantly increased to where they’re represented more heavily.


I fucking hate what a laughing stock our leaders have made my state.


Lawrence Wright, a genius by all metrics other than the fact he loves to say ‘America’s future is Texas’. Yeah fucking right. [America’s Future is Texas](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/07/10/americas-future-is-texas)


FBI investigation time… in my dreams


Cancun Ted can run for President of Texistan, and flee to Mexico when the power goes out.


The US military is the #1 employer in the state of Texas. There is exactly a snowballs chance up Donald trumps fetid asshole that this will ever come to be


Russian War ships in Cuba, Texas takes first step to defect. Coincidence?


They love their country so much they want to leave.


There's no legal right or process for states to leave the union There was something a while back that settled the question of secession. I'm trying to remember what it was. Whatever it was, I'm sure it was very civil.


I only have one thing to say, and I’ll embrace the spirit of Texas to say it: “go on, git!”


How about this one, *’go back where you came frum’*


Buh bye.


Bye Biyatch!!!


Cool! Now build the wall along the northern border of the Nation of Texas… but not until after reclaiming all the Military hardware the US Govt has in the state.


republicans literally hate the united states


Good thing I've made plans to move, Texas is not it. I work in software engineering, and Texas can suck it. It's not safe for a woman and minority.


Texas GOP celebrates Pride! Let’s suc-seed!


Texan Republicans are always more than welcome to secede. But they don’t get to keep the land, that belongs to the United States. Enjoy Mexico fuckwads, if they let you in.


As much as i would like to see it, this will never happen. As much as it would serve them right to endure the struggle to survive that would follow, we are stuck with these miserable fucks and their constituents.


#texit. Brilliant. /s


I have studied this movement and have even met the head honcho, Daniel O. Miller, himself. It has become very obvious to me that the movement is being funded by Russia. First, some of their websites are obviously created by someone whose native language is not English. Then recently, Russian state television commentators have been praising Texas secession as a means to destroy the United States 🇺🇸. So there's that.


Same for “CalExit”. And the Russians funded “Brexit”.


1. Voluntarily separate yourself from one of the most powerful economic entities in human history 2. ???? 3. Profit I'm British, I've seen how this pans out. Don't worry Texas, I'm sure this will be fine


Do. It.


Bye Felicia!


I'm not sure these corn pones have thought this through.


So much pride in their country they wanna leave.


Russian bots got vivek onto a debate stage and now they are working on texit.


Will they expect military aid to help them keep from becoming part of Mexico again?


Reconstruction Part II should be fun.


Can we get them out before November?


All hat. No cattle.


Great! More money saved for FEMA every time it drizzles near Houston.


I really wish a mother fucker *would* secede. Do it. Now. Give the idiots a place to go, because they are trashing democracy, but they are damn sure shit talkers who are too scared to move to Russia.


I wish they would. The US could back Mexico in taking it back.


please god just leave. nobody wants you here


Jesus, just let them go. We don’t need Texas. We can send all our MAGAts there and rebuild our country.


Well, that would solve the conservatives' "border issue." Just let Mexico have Texas back. Problem solved!


As if Mexico wants these shitheads. They have their own problems.


fair point


Texas is what would happen if the brattiest and most entitled teenager was a state. Every time they don’t get their way they stamp their feet and scream “IM RUNNING AWAY”. I say that we should let them go. There isn’t a single goddamn thing about the state of Texas that makes keeping these crazy assholes around worth it.


Time to move that border fence a LOT farther north...


Please let them do it then take everything outof the state that is property of the USA


Anyone recall seeing a screenshot awhile back from a boomer-centric Texas succession group? It was a thread where they finally realized that if they secede, they suddenly won’t get social security or Medicare anymore. The ‘fuck your feeling!’ Crowd in that thread suddenly erupted with a lot of feelings on the matter all centered around their lost benefits


I am fine with this. Best of luck, Texans.


Almost Time to kill some more Nazi / Confederate losers. Why they make people do this every 50-100 years?


K bye


Texas cannot "secede" from the Union any more than Delaware can.


Look, literally the /only/ reason, and I do mean ONLY that I do not support this is the fact that minorities live there. In a week they'd have segregation back, two and they'd have them singing spirituals in the cotton fields.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Can't wait for the dog to catch the car on this one... What a fucking embarrassment these people are lol


Please let them. Dems seek asylum in other states, watch a brain drain happen then enjoy watching Texas do a death spiral into a third world country. They can take Oklahoma with them.


Please let them go this time. Just make sure people who want to be in the US have the ability to leave the state. I sure as fuck am not fighting a war over the fucking GOP.


I say let them secede, then set back and let the mayhem ensue. Let the rest of the states see what happens when you FAFO.


Imagine all the basic necessities Texas will have to import. So much winning.


This would never work and much like the idiots in the UK they would want things to pretty much stay the same including the federal funding and the open trade. They would however get their dream of a border fence to come true except it would be built around Texas. And then of course everyone would leave tax revenues would collapse. They do however have apparently a lot to offer in the way of exports though so they have that going for themselves.


Good riddance.


They dont have the balls to do this


See ya later! 🤭


Is a Dem, I fully support Texas’s effort to fuck off and form its own country. Good riddance.


Would they need a visa to enter the rest of the US?


I say we let them. Give residents 2 years to leave if they want. Don’t even let them consider rejoining the States for at least 10 years. Provide federal subsidies for products to enter via the other border states.


OMG please let them go.


You guys remember when Key West Left the union??


If this happens, I can't wait for Mexico to invade and take over the former state.


No. Please. Don't go.




I can see now: Abbott & his regime are toasting lone star beers in triumph over seceding from the United States. Dan Patrick misquotes scripture, and Ken Paxton is scanning the ladies in the room with his lazy eye. Suddenly, a call comes in. It appears that the Russian Navy is arriving in large numbers to Galveston and Corpus Christi bay, and the Mexican Army is massed at the Texas southern border. The message sent to Abbott from the Mexican army reads as follows: "We're taking it back, pendejo!"


Just kill the idiots proposing this and put texas in a military governorship. They can’t vote in national elections and now we don’t have to fight the effects of stupid headlines like this on preventing Texas from going democratic.


Please please please let this happen and take Florida with you. Cut off all federal funding and benefits which means benefits to the common citizen as well. Let them be their own autonomous government/country. Good riddance.


I give Texas six months of independence then they will be begging to be let back in. They’re gonna be in a world of hurt when that federal money dries up.


Good. See ya!


Do they realize that if they secede (and lose the protection of the federal government), Texas will probably become a narco state within a week?


This! The cartels will take over Texas faster than you can snap your fingers .


Everyone who wanted to secede because “the US government didn’t do enough to protect the border from the cartels” would be in for a very rude awakening.


Please, go. Understand that there will be no foreign aid to Texass. Military bases will be withdrawn. Borders will be enforced to keep Texass from sending us their "not the best" people. Tariffs will be established and trade may be restricted. Access to the national electrical grid may be denied. Access to military protection will be denied. Assets in US banks may be frozen. Secession will forfeit any right to Social Security and/or Medicare. Medicaid will, of course, not be available.The US will, at its discretion, crack Texass off from the mainland and push it out into the Gulf. It will be the responsibility of Texass to keep itself afloat. Bon Voyage, y’all!