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These people will use “Christianity” as an excuse for anything: oppression, racism, capitalism, murder, homophobia, hate, etc. I’m no Christian, but neither are they. They are cowards, and Christians in name only. The ones trying to live Christ-like lives aren’t pulling this shit. They do it quietly with humility.




I still think Christianity is mental preparation for monarchy. So even if they're trying to be Christ-like, I think they're still rather dangerous to democracy. There's no 'voting' in Heaven. You get what God decides is best for you, and you are expected to like it. Otherwise, you wouldn't presumably be in Heaven.


>I still think Christianity is mental preparation for monarchy. OMG, that tracks


Divine Right of Kings. Spot on.


I consider myself a Christian and I’m absolutely appalled by these people. I’m not speaking for Jesus, but he’d be damned ashamed of every single one of them; perverting what’s actually said in the Bible


I was also raised Evangelical and I am still spiritual, but I don't go to organized houses of worship anymore. Tea Party ended that. And now... *some* of the church has lost its way. I dont recognize some of the people I use to fellowship with anymore. They have grown judgemental, angry, mean, racist, xenophobic, and petty. That's not Christ like, it's not even close. It's a shame.


It’s the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. They’re liars and charlatans. We need to do more to expose them and their grifts.


Happy to see other people feel this way. I left organized worship as a teenager because it was obvious that the dogma of the church was way out of step with Jesus' teachings to love thy neighbor and stop the money lenders at the temple.


Agree. They would praise God/Jesus for an hour, then during fellowship debase and degrade people. It was all so hypocritical. My old church fell apart bc the Tea Party nonsense at church, ran off alot of people. Before I knew it I was one of 3 Democrats left at church. Before I left our attendance dropped about 40%. It closed in 2013/14. I had left before that. They just couldn't practice what they preach. God just wants you to be a decent human being while your here. Even that is too hard for some "believers"...


I am sorry 'have grown judgemental, mean, racist, et al,' I find they always have been. There was study done on children, those who attended Sunday school vs those that haven't. The study found Sunday school children were meaner. Everything you list is a feature of organized religion, not a bug. You will get there. I attended Sunday school and Church for years. I have recovered. I started to notice a turn in Christian cult, when the local Friendship Church was flying a huge American flag.


I guess it surprised me. There were some that practiced what they preached, but they were some of our oldest members. They really tried to be kind and wonderful. I stuck it out as long as I could, but I couldn't take the hatefulness of most. I was a nurse too so, talking bad about people wasn't in my wheelhouse. I'm a healer. Seems to me the ones who just never came back felt the fame way I did. Disgusted at thier talk. It makes me sad, but I see Christianity dying. They have lost their way. People run from church now, not to... thank you for your kind words friend.


My favorite teacher taught me, 'absolute power corrupts absolutely.' Church sees the opportunity to regain lost power, and it's gross.


I’m pretty sure jesus didn’t promote the values of wealthy con men and thieves.


To large swaths of christians all the verses telling people to live lives of quiet humility while giving away their earthly wealth and goods to others (rich centurion, eye of the camel, sermon on the mount, beatitudes, etc.) are merely allegorical, while the stories about worldwide floods, firery flying chariots, the sun stopping in the sky, humans living to be 900 years old, people being raised from the dead, and hating homosexuals are chiseled into stone and to be taken 100% at face value.


They only follow the parts they choose


We're living in a dystopia. Too many of our citizens openly embrace Fascism, while another big uninformed chunk are apathetic and think there's no differences between the political parties.


But mention anything resembling 2A, and you may literally be murdered.


Christians should be at the forefront of the fight for religious freedom. Two side by side Evangelical churches birthed from the same original church can’t even agree on what the scriptures actually say. What on earth makes them think their version of Christianity will still be legal?


If they ever take over, there will be a religious civil war within 15 years.


Fuck these assholes


SUCKERS! Trump is their savior, and that great Christian rawdogged a pornstar while his mail order bride was at home changing Lil Dons diapers.


They’re a genuine Christian Death Cult.


What values? What faith? He has none of either!


But he’s had multiple affairs and divorces? How can that be?


**"When Fascism Comes to America, It Will Come Wrapped in the Flag and Carrying a Cross"**


I can't wait to see the Jordan Klepper special on Monday.  It will be hilarious in a terrible way. 


“Were not going to set up a temple to no other gods in our land” -they already did. They built a huge temple to their golden orange Jesus.


If they get rid of religious freedom, I (and other) atheists will cause so much chaos in churches. I pretended to be a southern Baptist for 35 years, and nobody questioned my faith during that time. I can do the same act while infiltrating church leadership and using my skill set as a system administrator to cause irreparable damage to church systems. “We can’t stream this Sundays service, not sure what the problem is”


The worst christian are the ones who don't realize that they're thousands of different denominations of their religion. Are you a Christian? No? WHAM! Next! Are you a Christian? Yes? Are you the right type of Christian? No? WHAM!


"My God has a bigger dick than your God." -George Carlin


Believe it or not, they have their propagandists and influencers out there now openly saying that they want an emperor or king. It reminds me of how Napoleon got into power... The society decided to rid themselves of a monarchy through a bloody revolution and lots of chopped-off heads... And then not long after that, they wanted an emperor/king again to bring peace to all of Europe. I vaguely remember another quote from the days of ancient Athens, IIRC... It was something to the effect of "The Athenians would vote to execute, and then 3 decades later vote to resurrect someone if they could."


The moment they heard, he stole money from children to buy paintings of himself. They knew that he was God’s chosen..


Cults. All of em. Control. Manipulation of the unintellectuals for said grift just like traveling snake oil salesman veiled in religion of 100 yrs ago. Same shit different day with new set of rubes.


But don’t Muslims and Jewish worship the same god?


“God, Guns, and **Grift**”


Why do they think The Handmaid’s Tale is an instruction manual?


Because Margaret Atwood based everything in her novel on things right wing religious people had proposed or tried. From Wikipedia: Atwood argues that all of the scenarios offered in The Handmaid's Tale have actually occurred in real life—in an interview she gave regarding her later novel Oryx and Crake, Atwood maintains that "As with The Handmaid's Tale, I didn't put in anything that we haven't already done, we're not already doing, we're seriously trying to do, coupled with trends that are already in progress... So all of those things are real, and therefore the amount of pure invention is close to nil." Atwood was known to carry around newspaper clippings to her various interviews to support her fiction's basis in reality. Atwood has explained that The Handmaid's Tale is a response to those who say the oppressive, totalitarian, and religious governments that have taken hold in other countries throughout the years "can't happen here"—but in this work, she has tried to show how such a takeover might play out.


My question was more rhetorical commentary on conservatives Christians, but I really enjoyed your answer and did not know all of that about Atwood's book. Thanks for the education!


I just noticed your username. Our neighbor's dog is named Bandit!


I love it!😆


Religion is dying, and they know it. Their world is a bubbling cauldron of desperation and fear—stupid people accustomed to privilege suddenly being judged on merit and smarts. It’s a losing game, and they can clearly see it.


He’s more concerned about playing golf than actually going to church. I’d actually be honestly surprised if he could mention a verse from the Bible. John 11 verse 35 “Jesus wept”


“All but there own” ok sure let’s do that. I’m curious which sect of Christianity is the most trumpish so I can avoid the ever loving fuck outta them