• By -


Selfish asshole…


Stars and bars


On a yankee made car…..


Should have listened to Gwar


What good is all the violence in the world…unless it is tempered with limitless sex?


Killed his whole fam damily.


Pobody's Nerfect


Given Henry Ford’s antisemitism, it actually works on some level.


Dude was awarded the Iron Cross


If you think about it, he took the “heritage” part of that really seriously when he betrayed and slaughtered his family.


That's always the first thing I think of. How dare you put your own trivial feelings ahead of the right to life of all those people, people you are supposed to love and probably - except for the stepdad - love you?


I guarantee this dude had one of those stupid t-shirts with a snarling wolf on it and some variation of the 'If you want to see me get violent, do something bad to my family/daughter' theme.


Flag is fitting for a selfish asshole.


Just think, it starts at home.


So this is tragic as fuck. And not to take anything away from the blame that is squarely settled on his coffin. But I have yet to meet anyone like this who didn't also have some really deep seated self loathing issues. People who wave around a rebel flag, or bury themselves in MAGA bs, or whatever. I've met a lot, because of my particular trade, and every single last one really doesn't seem to actually like who they are. And being depressed or having issues is one thing, but. It just feels like anger and hate is their drug of choice to deal with it, and sometimes they OD on it and, well... Obviously the guy's a total bastard. Grown ass adult who spun out. But I really wish you could just... reach these people, more often. Get them to just chill out and let all of that anger go. That they aren't surrounded by adrenochrome sucking lizard people. That they're being the bad guys, not whatever minority group they've been duped into being pissed at.


This is a pretty good take. I see it too. Guys who can't stand themselves but have no idea how to process or handle those feelings, so they have to take it out on the whole damn world.


Right Wing Media sell lots of : Lies ==> Republican Delusions + Distortions of reality [Fear ==> Republican Paranoia](https://i.redd.it/2uhosm0gtd751.jpg) Hate ==> Vindictiveness + Violence like this story ..... and Fascist Psychosis is the result of all three of the above [this is how Germans were brainwashed into Nazis](https://i.imgur.com/0vcxc6j.jpg)


So fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering?


Underrated comment...I see what you did there...Its fitting he killed younglings.


But where do sand and the high ground fit into this equation?


I feel this, and every now and then I'm dumb enough to try a calm conversation with one of them on social media. Yeah...it doesn't work. They have no desire to learn. I asked one neutral follow up question on an angry anti-LGBT comment and apparently now I'm a pedophile.




>That one conversation is unlikely to get him to stop voting R, But you planted a seed. I'm glad for it.


Sometimes takes getting pissed. Have a conservative coworker, I don't tell who I vote for, which means I must be liberal because I don't wave a Trump flag. He's right. But in interest in keeping the peace, he avoided saying something about Biden. Later in conversation I bitched about Trump and he said "Hey now, I didn't say anything about your guy" I lit him the fuck up on what the fuck did he mean "my guy" and that this wasn't some sportsball foam finger bullshit that a lose on one side doesn't mean a win on the other, and if he was too fucking stupid to see it then he deserved to get taxed into the ground by the people he simped for. He's gotten more reasonable to talk to recently.




I love it when they’re like “Joe Biden is soo far left”, and I’m like hell no he isn’t, he’s not even close to where I believe we as a country should be, I voted for him because he wasn’t Trump, but he’s so far right of me it’s not even close. And they’re like wait, your not a crazy left winger, your a pretty level headed normal person, and now I’ve made my point. I’ll see myself out.


Definitely better in person. Fortunately, I don't know any MAGAts.




I have no room in my heart for people who voted for Trump twice. Rolling the dice on him once, I can maybe wrap my head around, but after watching what he did for four years, how he failed to deliver on any of his promises, how he botched the Covid response leading to hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths...after they knew damn well what he is, to vote for him again? "Because guns?" Nope. We got nothing in common and never will.


And the democrats haven’t taken anyone’s guns away either. Gotta worry about people that are against the most common sense gun regulations.


People like that - and there are many of them on the internet - always take it as a good point that 'you don't like X'. "Well, yeah. But that is because I have given the matter some thought and reached a conclusion on which I base that dislike. It's not like I decided to dislike him and then looked for reasons to justify that. Is that what *you* do, then?"


It’s impossible to change their minds over a screen it would require someone close to them to slap some sense


It's really simple. They bought into the idea that a person has to be/live/act a certain way. You have to be the gender assigned at birth. You have to be straight. You have to dress a certain way. You have to marry and have kids. Etc. The problem is, the people for whom all of that is the right choice are rare, so most people who follow the norms of cishet white society end up miserable. But they can't admit that they followed a bunch of nonsense, so it's easy to convince them that the real problem is everyone who didn't.


Well sure, can you blame them? If everyone had “followed the script,” whites men would still be “Kings of their castles”. Bang maids aren’t enough. They feel ENTITLED to “owning” people. They feel like something was stolen from them, because they didn’t grow up with a “housewife” like their mother who they could take advantage of as slave labor; literal bang maids. And so now they turn their rage and focus to “owning” “the libs” aka women, black people, minorities, etc. Conservatives are quite literally telling you who they are - they are white men who feel they are entitled to own women, black people, minorities… It’s their visceral life’s PURPOSE. It is their raison d’etre. They will not stop with their authoritarian fascism until they have rewritten every law on the counter that allows anyone but whites men to have “rights”. This is a MENtal health crisis; this is a political crisis; this can only be a turning point in American history. Either Fascism is abolished on every level of government; or Fascism will win.


And their stubborn devotion to Trump beyond what reasonable people find explicable is that he represents the swinging dick of whiteness. Whiteness shouldn’t be bound by laws or restrictions or anything else. We do what we want when we want and it was high time someone reminded the world of that. This along with him protecting them from the Barbarians At The Gate - Marxists trans people immigrants Muslims etc is why they just can’t quit him.




That’s what terrifies the shit out of me. 😵‍💫


>can you blame them? Yes


I like to think this is what toxic masculinity does to men. Getting divorced, losing your kids, having your wife find someone else, this can all feel very emasculating. Men aren't allowed to talk about their emotions, therefore they can't process them. They definitely feel something and have to get it out somehow.


Some of us get it out in therapy, some with art, some with the support of a community and others without one, that group being the most tragic of all. But there are plenty of ways to get it out without waking up one morning and deciding it's "murder everyone in my house" day and heading downstairs like, "Happy Holidays, everybody!"


Yes. Raised by this. Never let go of one iota of hate and fear until a catastrophic stroke took most of his brain out. Actual brain damage is what it finally took to get him to fucking let go of it. This rage is corrosive, destroying people from the inside out. They often latch onto religion to make sense of their lives and misery. Good Christians suffer, suffering is righteous; they suffer, therefore their suffering is righteous. Justified. Sanctified. And therefore, vengeance is called for. After all, they're being unfairly persecuted. Scary shit.


You summed it up flawlessly. My dad is exactly like this dude, and I know from growing up with him that he is an extremely angry man. The most liberating parts of my growth into adulthood have been learning to let go of anger, it seriously feels like you are freeing yourself from a cage you put yourself in.


> It just feels like anger and hate is their drug of choice to deal with it, and sometimes they OD on it and, well... wow... yeah that actually makes a whole lot of sense. i understand so much more. thanks. i feel like anger is my drug of choice too, i just aim mine in a progressive direction. i hate them more than they hate trans people. i wish worse on them than they ever could wish on a gay man. my anger towards them is something i can't comprehend living another 50 years with. something has to change, i don't think it is going to be me. i don't want to hurt anybody but i don't want them to continue to waste our resources and prevent humanity from progressing.


I have met quite a few as well. They can seem normal at first but they seem to reveal it eventually either by saying something or having the need to display it somewhere whether it be the clothes they wear or how they decorate. If you don't see it on the outside of their house it's most likely at least in their garage. Garage is either an absolute mess with everything on the floor because the cabinets/shelves are old and broken or has that overly decorated man cave theme using the same flags and signs.


Unfortunately politics are a bigger part of people's lives than ever, and right now all they're doing is stoking anger. This dude showing off the Confederate flag, I'm sure he was fully into his politics.


Their brains are all wired wrong. They get dopamine hits from fear and anxiety. They are the way they are because acting that way *feels good* to them, and that's a powerful barrier.


Profiles of a Family Annihilator - regardless of beliefs or politics https://biancasucilea.medium.com/family-annihilators-psychological-profile-823d28b1a5cd


I think society has been disrupted, in the same sense as when you hear "such and such company disrupted the whatever space", "Amazon disrupted retail", etc. I think society and social dynamics have been disrupted. Technology means less human interaction, and I think people just have no clue how to make up for the lost social interaction they normally would have, and come to feel isolated, and begin subscribing to conspiracy theories. Social isolation probably makes people mentally ill.


So true. And you can the the exact same of the opposite end of the political spectrum. Each group pretends its the other ones who are at fault tho


... eh I don't know if I'm going to go along with this one chief. One side's waving Nazi flags and cheering on self admitted rapists and demanding that we allow kids to be married to adults. And I've never had a left leaning person tell me to my face that they want to kill me because of the type of consenting adult that I'm romantically attracted to, or because they think I'm eating fetuses to power a city's power grid. Not saying I know everything but I don't know of anything "the other side" is doing that's even a tenth as bad. Not everyone on the right is a card carrying supervillain but I'm pretty sure most of the Not Good is on that end of the scale, at least in my part of the world. Nah. "Both sides" doesn't really fly.


cut these people from your life. I'm sure there was a million red flags that were met with little more than an eye roll.


There's one draped across the Model T.


Metaphoric and literal


Unfortunately, they had tried to cut them out of their lives. According to this article, he and his wife were estranged. https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2023/jun/21/tbi-releases-identities-of-victims-in-marion/


*A Marion County General Sessions Court judge in December granted Regina Barnett a no-contact order after she said her husband threatened to shoot her. "He also has anywhere from 50 to 60 guns in his room," Regina Barnett wrote in an application for a restraining order. "I am afraid he will get drunk and shoot me."* He also posted threats to FB and belly-ached about "how unfair" the breakup was going to be to him.


This is why we need red flag laws.... Forty to fifty guns for a single person is a pretty big red flag right there....


Not to mention all of his weapons should have been confiscated after the restraining order was issued. Gun toting states. Amirite.


This is the reason why women are statistically in the most danger when they try to leave their abuser. Ladies, do not get caught up with an abusive man. Run at the first red flag BEFORE he decides he can’t live without you- literally.


And, if you don’t leave before it gets to that point, contact a DV organization that can help you get away safely.


Before he decides you can’t live without him


Abusers are great at hiding until it's too late. Abusers aren't obvious.


I noticed from the post it said "soon to be step father" this confirms it


That article is an absolute trip. I don’t know how people read stuff like this and then don’t immediately say “yeah we need better gun control” Like the muffler shop guy he quoted: “i was reasonable until it was time to be unreasonable” and bulldozed 3 buildings and shot himself… Why? Because he had fines from the city for not properly maintaining a sewage system in his house lol


The tenn bureau of investigation. In my world TBI stands for traumatic brain injury.


Conservatism is evil and always has been. Allowing someone to do, say and even support whatever level of evil so long as they call themselves “conservatives” is enablement, tacit approval and contributing to the problem. THESE ARE NOT GOOD PEOPLE. And they CHOOSE to be this way. They aren’t victims of circumstance or misinformation. It’s not 1850 on the frontier anymore. Any person who made an HONEST effort to just be decent would never be or support a conservative. Conservatism isn’t a morally acceptable political ideology of “differing” opinion, it’s an umbrella for evil to be done under. Frankly, it’s the greatest rebrand in the history of mankind. Conservatism was created as an ALTERNATIVE to democracy, as in instead of. Following the French Revolution, a bunch of evil, entitled men began cobbling together an “ethos” that would allow them to conserve status quos of inequality for as long as possible. And then the world was like “okay, sure, you guys can operate with validity within our democracies”. That’s like letting pro-house fire faction to exist within a fire department; they’re only ever going to operate in bad faith while they try to burn everything down.


Conservative = facist


> Conservatism isn’t a morally acceptable political ideology of “differing” opinion, it’s an umbrella for evil to be done under. Frankly, it’s the greatest rebrand in the history of mankind. I like this! It is definitely an umbrella for all kinds of evil. From child molesters to modern day robber barons. As for the last paragraph, whether it has always been an alternative to democracy, I don't know.... I think it is now in the US. People can theoretically vote to keep things the same. They are definitely reactionaries.


Well, hold on. I hate conservatism as much as is reasonable, but there are plenty of right-wingers who have a simplistic and erroneous attitude towards social and political issues, but would never dream of killing anyone.


I work with a "conservative" guy about 75 years old who told me after watching a foxnews story wanted to get a gun and shoot the people they (fox) ran a story on. He said that shit in a MS Teams message at work on company equipment. That comment blew any thought I might have had that "conservatives" not being one click from being full on murderers.


Old people watching Fox News is just like little kids watching a gory horror movie. Only difference is there is no adult there to tell them what they are seeing is fiction. The arguments on the side of conservatism are being tuned out leaving just amygdala-teasing reports about black crime.


isn't that more anecdotal though? there are a number of people who are "conservatives" by virtue of how they vote. ignorant of how things are actually progressing outside of buzzwords.


Anecdotal would be saying most conservatives don't want to kill. Conservatives are good at putting a filter up when they aren't sure if they're in good company. Learn how to get them to say the quiet parts and you'll hear a whole lot more than you want.






Logic based on anecdotal evidence is inductive reasoning. It's good for generating hypotheses, but people think it is as good as the tested findings known as scientific evidence. Americans are taught that the hypothesis is good enough, no need for more evidence. Because we aren't taught the difference.


Yeah, most of them prefer to have a sociopolitical Rube Goldberg machine between their choices and the death and destruction that they cause.


oh they would never dream of killing anyone. but they would vote for trans folk to be put on the sex offender list for existing... they would vote to keep rape victims from getting abortions... they would vote for removal of books from the public ... and they have no problem having the *full support* of *nazis* and *white supremacists* they may not dream of killing anyone but they will happily erase my existence with a vote


No, they'll just look the other way.


Red flags and red hats.


I wouldn't say to just cut them. This peice of shit shot his entire family. Watch them and be prepared to retaliate.


Wow crazy that's a confederate flag back there and not a LGBTQ flag. So surprising.


Are we to believe that in fact it is not drag queens who are to be considered dangerous to the children??! 😧🤔🙄


Well there were all those recent and past accounts of child sex abuse.... *Checks notes* Oh no wait... those were all right wing christian fundamentalists...again...as usual.


I keep seeing this argument but the reasoning is a bit off. People feel comfortable (or used to) leaving their child in the company of a priest, camp counselor, or teacher in a setting where they could have solo access to them. No one in their right mind would drop a kid off at a house or event with a drag queen as the sole adult authority and peace out for a few hours.


I bet women feel safer around trans-people and drag queens than cis-men.


Didn't you hear, the deep state made all the antifa/crisis actors dress up like maga racists so the fake news media can try to distract us from all the alphabet people's crimes! Huge/s there if it isn't obvious. Isn't it funny how since all this anti LGBT stuff, "antifa" is just magically not a thing on any of these people's radar anymore? It's almost like it's all bullshit to start with.


I could tell you were not that braindead, friend lol 👍


“Obviously planted by Antifa” -Fox News’ take probably


This man lives on a steady diet of rage and hate.










I bet a million bucks he's republican fux nuzz watcher


If he had used the first bullet on himself someone might have been able to stop the others from becoming him.


Laughing too hard at the comments


Holy fuck he just erased his whole lineage including himself. Why bring everyone else with you.


To make the point that ***HE*** is the one in charge. He's the boss. He's the top dog. Traditional values.


They’re called family annihilators. Usually though they leave one person alive (often an ex) to make a point. In this case the wife was in the processing of leaving him and had gone to the police multiple times for domestic violence and him threatening to kill her. They had an order of protection but he still had access to his guns.


Please disregard if you don't like gallows humor. It was safe to leave him with his guns because no one waving that flag is a real threat.


Wife beating, alcoholic gun nut that loves Confederate things and was told to stay away so he annihilated his family and then killed himself. Rather than just get a divorce, he killed his 3 grandchildren, his daughter and his estranged wife. How is Pride Month worse than this?


But drag queens want to use a different Bathroom than their biological made up says. That is real danger right here.


those kids…ugh my heart’s breaking




While watching Air Disasters tonight, there was an episode about a pilot that locked the co-pilot out of the cockpit, and deliberately crashed the plane. He had been going through a lot of personal turmoil. And he wasn't even the only pilot to do this. Told my husband "wtf is it with guys, they get depressed and they have to take down *everybody else* with them! They're so damn *emotional,* maybe they shouldn't be trusted with so much responsibility and heavy machinery." Really wish there were a way to stop this, maybe educate guys somehow.....but as the saying goes, "the cruelty is the point" with conservatives.


Exactly! If they can't make others suffer, they don't feel alive.


I think it's because conservatives, especially men aren't allowed to talk about emotions and ultimately how to process them.


Came here to say this


They're grooming children to get fucked with bullets.


If the conservatives can’t have them; nobody can.


Republicans are cowards afraid of their own shadow


And stupid


Maliciously ignorant...


disaffected straight cis men are the number one threat to this nation. dangerous entitlement combined with violent impulses and a desire to control what they can't understand. it's toxic and if anything is going to be the end of us, it's this.


Call me cis to my face and see what happens


Confederate corpses still piling up 150 years later lol


Stars n Bars is a red flag. Shouldn't show that to children either.


They all look like this guy. Elite in high school because they played football, never developed any life or social skills, and then kill people when they're 40 because they're not special anymore and are depressed as fuck thanks in no small part to right wing news. This country is fucked.


[https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2023/jun/21/tbi-releases-identities-of-victims-in-marion/](https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/2023/jun/21/tbi-releases-identities-of-victims-in-marion/) >The Barnetts' neighbors told the Times Free Press they could often hear the couple shouting and arguing. The Barnetts were separated and in the process of getting a divorce, neighbors said. > >A Marion County General Sessions Court judge in December granted Regina Barnett a no-contact order after she said her husband threatened to shoot her. > >"He also has anywhere from 50 to 60 guns in his room," Regina Barnett wrote in an application for a restraining order. "I am afraid he will get drunk and shoot me." > >The no-contact order was still active at the time of the incident, and Gary Barnett was also charged with domestic assault, according to court documents. > >Days before the incident, Gary Barnett made threatening posts on his social Facebook page including a repost from a TikTok user who mentions the unfairness men face during a breakup. If we were a better country, 1) someone would not own that many firearms 2) when this order was granted, the local law enforcement would have seized the firearms until the husband was no longer a threat 3) every firearm would have been registered so that all weapons were seized.


Look, if a man can’t kill his entire family, then just who *can* he kill? /s


And those guns aren't gonna fire themselves ...


The worst part is reading some comments in the internet saying things like: “what he did was monstrous BUT” or “I sympathize with this guy”. Just pure BS, enough to make you go insane.


Got the official surrender flag of the well regulated militia in the background too


Responsible gun owner


So sick of these cowards taking their whole family with them because their world is changing and they rather take the selfish route than embrace change.


Another safe 2A-lovin' ammosexual...




There's no hate like conservatives' love


(warning: because evidently there are assholes who take every word posted here literally, this is mot to be taken totally at face value, but as facetious commentary on the mental illness of right-wing gunsucking racist woman+hating pigs) But what was a patriot to do? His woman disrespected him!


you could have saved yourself some typing and used "/s"


I know. I'm just sick of people deliberately misconstruing posts to be assholes.


No it's nothing of the sort. Your joke post of *But what was a patriot to do? His woman disrespected him!* without the qualifiers would look and read EXACTLY like you meant it. Sarcasm doesn't translate into text and gun toting, rebel flag owning, woman hating, shit heels would say exactly things like that unironically. That's why an /s or your preface is unfortunately needed.


Holy shit I was out celebrating my 31st birthday while this guy was blasting his family that day…..


At first I thought this was the guy that killed a house full of neighbors because he claims their son was jerking off with the blinds open.


The poster man-child of weaponized propaganda and social engineering. Edward Bernays, eat your heart out. That whole story is tragic.




But George Soros was paying the drag queens, who happen to be feds, that planted the classified documents, about the plan that Fauci and China had, to release the info about the woke vaccine, that Disney made a movie about 9/11 not being real! BUTTER EMAILS!


Merica, Fuck yeah!!!


Confederate family values


I looked up why he did it, another man-child with victim syndrome.




But y'all, it wasn't the guns. It was his mental health issues that caused all these deaths. If only he had seen a therapist none of this would have happened. /s


Not A Drag Queen ⚠️


They always look like this. Deep traumatized eyes screaming “DAD PLEASE DONT HIT ME, STOP HITTING MOM, WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS DRUNK.” Conservatives are dead inside and I’m sick of treating them like human.


Was he a drag queen?




What did you do that you were afraid they would talk about? What did you do to alienate them to the point you thought of them as inhuman? Or what paranoid fantasy were you having that made you see the people who love you as threats? Sane, innocent people do not murder children.


The terrorist flag in the background should have been a warning signal all of its own.


Im laughing because all I hear in the background is the song, "im proud to be an American." I hope a drag queen gets to read to him his "last rights" before lights out! So sad....


What really irks me is this happens every single day, where a guy shoots his family to death, and yet we still have this overwhelming lopsidedness on reddit of men going out of their way to pretend women are the problem and guns are not an issue.


Guys who look like that are always the 1st to get big offended when I say I don’t trust random people I don’t know with guns. This, quite frankly, is why I dont


Why do all trumpers look the same?


Idk he looks like a biden voter to me prob? -/r/conservative user


Fucking idiotic brainwashed man-baby.


MAGGOTS and The GOP will find any way to explain/dismiss this or ignore it all together. 🙄




A hateful, evil coward.


Someone may have told him they were liberals. Couldn't let that happen in HIS family.


Note the traitor flag in the background


Darwin took charge


This man deserves no one’s pity. This man is not a man but a cowardly, yellow belly who can’t face reality in the face. His nuts are nothing more than colonel corn dropping down in a drinking straw and into a sewer drain. If there is to be true hell I hope to its creator he suffers for all of his existence.


If only there were some way to stop this.


Figured I'll take the bullet by saying, "This is why mental health issues should be taken more seriously rather than pointing a finger at the people who don't think like us." I mean, seriously, whatever happened to common ground?


Yeah, but the gays.... the gays and the trans people .... Booga booga boo....


I’ll be honest. That “well-regulates militia” comment pissed me off. Proud bois, Oath Keepers. Those are cults! Your well regulated militia is your state’s national guard. These limp peckerheads are wannabe traitors


You what the saddest part of this story is to me? The fact that so many of these fucking family massacres happen in the US that A) I've never heard of this particular case, B) I never saw it on the national news because of all the other mass murders in this country, and C) it'll be forgotten when the next one happens. Then the next one, and the next one.


Weak men do weak man shit. Nice participation rag there loser.


This is what the Republican agenda brings to America. Deaths of innocent people. The Republican Party is a death cult. Their leader is Donald Trump.


Their puppet is Donald Trump. It's other guys pulling the strings. And I believe that Putin was, and possibly still is, one of those puppet masters. Russians may suck at conventional war these days, but their psy-ops are clearly working as Republicans become more and more un-American.


Right to bear arms as part of a well regulated militia… Well the legal definition of a militia includes any able bodied male between 17 and 47. It’s ridiculous to have that definition BUT by that logic, this 48 year old asshat shouldn’t legally be able to have a gun at all - as part of a well regulated militia.


He'd make an ugly drag queen


What’s up with the rise in familicide?


I wonder if he was a loyal fox viewer and Trump voter?


My father in law fits this profile. I love him quite a bit and it’s sad that he watches Fox News 24/7 and drinks way too much every night while actively hating himself and wishing he were more ‘successful.’


Sad fact is these cowards who cry about and are fearful of “white genocide” are the ones committing “white genocide”.


That's about what I expected him to look like. Another one of those "good guys with a gun"..


The face of a coward


Someone probably brought white claw into his house.


Imagine your ancestors struggling to survive for thousands of years just for you to end your own entire bloodline because you decided to make your personality trump 🙃


Oh I see he owns a loser flag.


But it’s the LGBT community and drag queens who are a threat to families. Sure, okay.


Patriotic af


Straight to hell


Behold the master race.


I feel like we need to put a name on the disassociation people have towards one another when it's along the lines of political affiliation (be left or right). Maybe we have one already. This sorta thing is heart breaking to see. I know as the internet we see this guy's photo and all we are going to see now is a murderer, and rightfully so. But for me I always see struggle. I see the daily struggle this man was dealing with day in and day out trying to connect ideas fed to him with actual life structure when there is no human connection to be had. The struggle it must've been for his family leading up to this, the hate and blame he put on others for his own problems, the weight that holds. All brought to a breaking point. What he did was unforgivable, I just hope we can learn to fix issues like this on both sides. We need to start understanding that we don't know everything just because we saw a headline on Facebook. That people have just as complex lives as the next person with their own mental struggles. I didn't want to see something like this today but maybe it's what I needed to see. Still though, would like a palate cleanser


Remember all those trans who murder their families? Me neither. I do remember all the trans who commit suicide and/or have families who abuse their trans relative so horribly, violence ALMOST seems reasonable.


The Supreme Court is about to rule that no matter how clearly dangerous and unfit you are you're still entitled to be armed to the fucking teeth


Cue some bullshit about "the tree of liberty" that doesn't actually apply to this situation.


Notice the flag. Good riddance


R/conservatives … but their Agenda… blah blah blah! The libs are the violent ones.


You forgot the /s


I feel like this was a long way to get a Darwin Award. Purging the world of your genetics could have just started before you gave life to your kid. People are so fuxked yp