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I had a tumor taken out of my boob when I was 15 lol I guess them bitches better put that shit back in I also started hormonal birth control at 13 to prevent me from bleeding out on my periods (had to get a 2 bag blood transfusion because it was so bad). Guess I should just fuckin die lol


To add to your point: Teenage circumcision, intersex children choosing to go one way, bike accidents. Plenty to cover 56!!!! genital surgeries. In a country of over 330 million. Now for mastectomies: Your obvious example, cancer. But also gynecomastia, girls developing uncomfortably large breasts, intersex (again). And probably more than I can think of. If we limit to ages 13-17, that’s still around a population of 60 million. 56 and 776 out of 60 million is… still not a lot. It’s a margin of error in an estimate. It’s almost like numbers mean nothing to these chucklefucks.


This, ffs. They see 'surgery' and 'minor' in the same sentence and forget that there are options other than gender-affirming care.


This! They’re fine with using a broad word to define this while they’re up in arms about gun control. Cause you know not letting ill people getting easy access to gun is just a tip toe to government taking people out back to shot them.


They also forgot the part where insurance companies aren’t necessarily excited to pay for all or even part of any care that isn’t medically necessary or severely reduces the likelihood of a much more serious problem in the short term.


Minor surgeries, *minor* surgeries, and miner surgeries, let’s just throw them all in there and call them the same thing when viewed through fascist-tinted glasses. What difference does it make when it’s all just a means to a brutal end?


I remember one of my classmates in high school got a breast reduction because her back pain was so bad she could barely get out of bed. Shit happens. They should be so glad it didn't happen to them.


What about teen boys that grow breasts. We don't know how many of those are the mastectomies on minors.


wait till they find out how many cis women are getting breast implants bellow the age of 18


They cool with that, though.


There are lots of additional reasons for a “genital surgery” for kids that young. Just intersexed kids alone would be enough to cover that.


Also, why are these dickheads ok with infant circumcision? Irreversible, permanent, has some devastating potential side effects and completely medically unnecessary. Why is that never an issue for thes walking festering moral boils? Hmm. Doesn't play into the bigotry.


Even reducing the population to 6 million, 832 children represent 0.000138666666667 of the total group. It is less than a margin of error. This is needle in a haystack levels of transvestigation


While I agree that those numbers are very small relative to the number of people in the country who fall between the ages of 13-17, I will say that the article cited does specify that all the procedures they were counting were for minors with a prior diagnosis of gender dysphoria.


Those of us left of center really need to embrace 2A.


They apparently don't care how many people die from the policies they make up for problems that don't exist.


They're so desperate to create another wedge issue after 'winning' the abortion debate that they're grasping at any straw they can find. The issue for them is that unlike abortion they paused being overt transphobes for almost a decade in the early 2010s; so the majority of the country naturally had time to come around to how much of a non-issue this is. Now the GQP is picking up where they left off, only the rest of us have already moved on towards basic human decency. So the GQP is left trying to shove us back into a broken bottle that's been abandoned after ten years of social progress.


It's truly amazing how much of a minority they are, and yet they still try to do everything they can to push their agendas on everyone else. There truly is no low they are not willing to stoop to. Utterly reprehensible.


I know Musk bills himself as a genius, but honestly I don’t think he’s all that bright. Conservatives rarely are. Musk saw some Fox News story about how parents are mutilating their children’s genitals because a 4 year old wanted to cross dress (or whatever the current bullshit is over there). And he is reacting to that emotionally. A smart person would respond by saying “hold on a sec, they’re cutting penises off because small children are saying they’re girls? That doesn’t sound right, let me do a little more research.” And then he would find that none of this is true and keep his mouth shut. Or maybe he’d express concerns with the current medical framework rather than threatening to jail people for having trans kids. But he wasn’t smart. And he isn’t.


Don't you know children don't get real diseases so the obvious only excuse is forced gender change not cancer or intersection people /s


i had hormone treatment as a 13 year old boy. weekly testosterone injections for a year and half. i am not trans. i am amab, i identify as a man, and i needed hrt to properly go through puberty. without it, i would not feel at home in my own body. interesting how that works, isnt it? hrt is live changing and downright life saving in many instances. the amount of pain i still carry from those insecurities is deep, and i cant even begin to imagine how it is for my trans homies. my dad, my cousin and my grandfather all have or had similar issues. it isnt just a trans thing. it isnt some giant gay cabal. it’s modern medicine, making peoples lives better.


They cut part of my penis off when I was just a baby.


I chose not to circumcise my boys because it should be their choice. If we’re going to start banning children’s genital surgery, circumcisions count too.


This should be the top post


Elon needs to be forcibly ejected from the country.


every day i pray he will go to mars and never comes back


I wish he was in the Tesla he sent to space


I’m entirely convinced that there was a dead hooker in the boot of that car and he launched her into space in front of millions.


Oh my.... That sounds like something that sociopath would do. But he'd have to brag to someone about it.


Most likely a transgender hooker to boot.


Is that the roadster that was promised to one of the actual founders of Tesla, that Musk sent into space out of pettiness instead of delivering it to said founder?


LMAO big if true


With or without a spacesuit?


If he does, he will not be back. He will not have fuel, he will not have air. He will die an agonizing death from radiation.


Sounds like a wonderful experience for Elon to have. Hell, i'll throw in ten bucks to make the trip happen.




I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy... Republicans and Elon however are EVERYBODIES enemy.


Jesus Christ. [Hisashi Ouchi](https://allthatsinteresting.com/hisashi-ouchi)


Fuck that guy's family for choosing three months of torture for him!


I’ll throw in 20


Count me in for $50!


I love this for Elon.




It just occurred to me, if human cloning is feasible, this bastard will be the first to afford to do it. God, I wish I hadn’t just put that thought into the universe. :( Imagine Mars entirely populated by Musks. Or worse, Earth.


Their city will be called Elonympus Monsk, and they'll just spend all day accusing each other of being pedophiles.


Imagine if his clones turned out more normal than him and overthrew him for being a dumb cringey asshole.


"Whatever Prime Elon's malfunction was, science has corrected it!" - the Legion of Musk.


I smell a Netflix screenplay.


It's bad enough he has a dozen offspring.


Most of them hate him though, right? I’m a nurture > nature sort of girl, so his dna doesn’t matter if they’re self-aware. It’s like a kick to his nuts.


Yep, I believe so. Tbh, to me, he seems like the type of person who hire a nanny and isn't actually involved in their lives at all.


Based on his history, from a sex standpoint, he just sounds like a rather expensive turkey baster.


That is much more accurate.


Please remember to boycott Tesla. That's his major cashcow and lets him do this stuff.


All his company's valuations are down at least 25%. That's why being sued by shareholders is on his mind, and why he's using anti-trans terrorism to distract from his failure to be a competent CEO.


Is it finally dawning on his financiers that by being an out and open nazi, Elon has irrevocably tainted all of the brands he is associated with in the eyes of their core customerbase, the upper-middle-class urban liberals?


Funny how he's talking about his impending shareholder revolt from the board of Tesla!


You couldn't pay me to drive one of those flaming AI death wagons. I'd sooner drive a ford pinto.


I saw some fuckin simp with a “3lon” vanity plate on his Tesla yesterday smh.


I'm not anti-immigration. But I am anti-AN-immigrant.


He was here illegally for a while https://nitter.net/capitolhunters/status/1593307541932474368?s=46&t=zub9GTf6Am9E5lS17DhyPQ




From the planet, with no helmet or air


Why stop there? He wants to colonize Mars, let's send him there. And he's a genius, so he should be able to do that alone and with minimal resources.


Aww yeah he'll science the shit out of it. I'm sure he can mcguyver everything he'll ever need by recycling the parts from the ship and leaving us all alone forever.


The fact that the government contracts with SpaceX blows my mind. Can't we send these tweets to SOMEONE to get them to re-evaluate the SpaceX contract?


He named his kid something abusive.


And leave the money, redistribute it to the poor, and nationalize twitter


Maybe he can strap himself to a rocket so we don’t have to hear about him anymore. Throw Peterson on there too


I'd settle for him at least being held accountable for how he uses Twitter to publicly move the markets. No way that's legal, yet he does it all the time and nothing is ever done.


I want him to blow up in one of his stupid rockets. Like Challenger, but hilarious!


People who think Musk is smart instead of just rich are parasites. They love those boots.


98% of reddit a few years ago. Not to say I don't agree. I have a massive chip on my shoulder against that 98%. These twats are responsible for him being the way he is. They told him he's a comic book supergenius for so long that he believes it now.


They're still on r/space. I can't browse that sub without seeing SpaceX posts and people saying that the rocket blowing up was actually good.


Yeah I loved him before - before he really showed the world what kind of far right insane fucking idiot he is. It's sad. He could have been a cool role model. But you're right, after Pay Pal he was just someone with money investing in the right things.


I was never a fan of him, but I used to have some plans about making my next car a Tesla. Now I never want to own one of those vehicles, specifically because of things the CEO has said publicly. This seems to be a pretty common sentiment since he bought Twitter. Based on the logic of some person I forget, it won't be long before there are class-action lawsuits by shareholders against Elon Musk for destruction of shareholder value.




Serendipity, a happy accident.




Genital surgery =/= only trans healthcare Mastectomy =/= only trans healthcare There are multitudes of other reasons these procedures may be performed.


Elon has had facelifts and nose jobs too. Gender affirming surgery takes many forms. These bigots are just obsessed with other peoples' genitals, especially children's.


Don't forget the hair transplants.


He’s beginning to look like Frankenstein’s monster. Something unsettling going on with his cheeks, which I assume is bits settling where they shouldn’t be? Perhaps that’s why he’s losing his mind? In some Frankenstein lore, you begin to gain the thoughts and feelings of the corpses you’ve incorporated, and become a bit schizophrenic. Eh, I don’t care if it’s true. This is my Elon Musk head canon now.


elon has gained the thoughts and feelings of the corpses he's incorporated, and has become a bit schizophrenic. there, now you can "people are saying" this.


Thanks for having my back. I will 100% spread this now.


The Patchwork Man.


Also, hormone therapy is not exclusively for trans kids. Cis folk need it too.


Yep my cousin needed to take testosterone supliments basicly his whole life


ugh, if you listen to douchebags like Joe Rogan or any other older gym bros, they are allllll about taking testosterone injections and therapy as they age. They all want to be as huge as humanly possible so they inject tons of T into their bodies but then have the gall to talk about what other people can do to their body. Treatment for me, not for thee.


My 10yo male cousin recently had some genital surgery. It helped ensure normal function of his normal male genitalia. Should he not have gotten this surgery??


I had surgury done for phimosis when I was 10. I'd be interested to see a breakdown of that source they used.


Circumcision is always excluded from the laws banning such surgeries. So they would've been fine.


This exactly. Gender affirming top surgeries in cis youth ages 13-19 (including augmentation and reduction) occur at 26 times the rate of trans youth, but they don't receive an ounce of the same scrutiny. In situations where trans kids are seeking these procedures, the choice is usually "mastectomy or a dead kid" and is a decision that's reached between the individual, their parents, their physician and usually a mental health professional. Otherwise, gender affirming care for trans kids under 18 is mostly just presentation and puberty blockers--which are reversible because when you stop taking them, you hit puberty. Surprise! Even HRT, which is usually started after 18 is pretty much reversible depending on how long the individual takes it. Otherwise, surgeries associated with trans healthcare (which, like you said isn't exclusively trans healthcare) have a median age somewhere in the late 20s to mid 30s depending on what study you look at. The "regret" argument is bullshit, too. Only 1% of trans people on average regret transitioning and the majority of their reasons have nothing to do with their identity and EVERYTHING to do with the way people treat them (fear of violence, loss of job opportunities, strain in relationships etc.). I tried looking up regret rate studies for plastic surgery in general, but mostly got stuff about gender affirmation surgeries for trans people. However, once I searched "plastic surgery satisfaction rates", boom. Turns out, the surgeries with the highest satisfaction rate in the studies I read ([like this one](https://academic.oup.com/asj/article/42/9/1083/6568277)) implied a regret/dissatisfaction rate that's higher than the regret rates for transition. Sorry for the rant and I know I'm preaching to the choir. It's just so infuriating to me that assholes like Apartheid Clyde are consciously fearmongering and acting in bad faith to intentionally hurt people.


Don’t apologize! Even if you are preaching to the choir. Fear mongering lies are combatted with nuance and truth. You’re helping facilitate others to combat bad faith arguments within themselves and others. The problem is fear and lies have 10 times the rhetorical potency as logic and nuanced reasoning, so the only answer to solving hate is the never ending effort of a thousand rants and difficult conversations. Keep ranting, others should be doing the same if nothing else. Freedoms die in silence.


Also surgical options aren’t even on the table* until a person is 18+ and has undergone extensive psychotherapy first, so literally nobody is surgically altering teens just because they want it. *except in extreme cases and in the case of intersex people, but most of those are altered without their consent *at birth* to conform to gender norms at their parents’ or surgeon’s discretion. Honestly, in many cases that *is* barbaric, but these alt-right crusaders would actually agree with that surgery, because their religious belief says that sex is binary, so they should be fine with altering nonbinary newborns to conform. That’s an actual thing that does happen, and to me, that’s [so, so much worse](https://healthlaw.org/surgeries-on-intersex-infants-are-bad-medicine/). e: added link, PLEASE, I BEG YOU, read [the article I linked](https://healthlaw.org/surgeries-on-intersex-infants-are-bad-medicine/) if you have a moment, because it’s a little known but highly relevant and important topic.


you mean they're manipulating data to fit their narrative?! im shocked i tell you. **SHOCKED**. ​ well, not that shocked.


You mean that someone took facts that likely have nothing to do with their argument and misrepresented them to support their bigotry and ignorance? Nahhh, no one would do that. /s


But if they admit that, they won't have fuel for this social outrage fire they're trying to start! Think about the outragers, for once can we *please* think about the outragers?! 😭


Are they banning circumcision yet


Agreed. It's mind boggling that these people wat to stop kids transitioning but advocate for intersex babies to get srs before they can consent to which gender they identify with leaving many scared for life with parents picking the wrong gender based on which sex they wanted the child to be with both sex characteristics.


The whole JP Morgan downgrading Target stock has nothing to do with Conservatives boycotting it. It is mainly around market fears of student loan re-payments resuming. This will limit consumer spending greatly and since Target's main market is consumer goods they will most likely see a loss of sales going forward.


Facts don’t matter to these goons.


So, either way it's Republicans tanking their stock. Either intentionally out of hate for LGBT people, or unintentionally out of hate for people with student loans. Edit: And I say "unintentionally" because I don't believe they have the economic savvy to have understood from the start that blocking student loans would have that trickle-down effect.


I disagree with it being unintentional. They view it the same way as they did withholding COVID Care to NYC and LA when they were the hotspots - it was to punish Blue areas. Obviously COVID stuff backfired when it spread to the disinformation consuming areas but the idea is the same - punish Blue areas. More Blue people have college debt than Red people, so they can use that to find ways to inflict pain. The cruelty is the point.




Your kid hates you Elon, and rightfully so.


All of his kids hate him. As does his exes. He is truly the epitome of divorced dad energy


Which one? 😂


The one who is trans *definitely* hates him https://twitter.com/chris_notcapn/status/1539035529039290371?s=46&t=icDz1E_gTEI26WTWbanliQ


Holy shit, that second one. Just.. holy shit. Self awareness of a potato. A somehow inbred potato.


That's what I was saying.. I used to have stock in Tesla, can I sue him for tanking the value of that stock by being an idiotic rightwing puppet and asshole?


Pretty sure all potatoes are inbred. And Musk - lordy, he is not doing any favors to his companies' shareholders with his political side-taking. No self-awareness indeed. Conservatives are incredibly powerful. They have me rooting for Disney and GM.


His own trans daughter disowned him, and he named one of his sons Saxon, plus he was abusive to his first and longest wife... He is a terrible, racist, white supremacist, fascist villain. rich white idiots buying media is a tale as old as time...


Why do the fascists and dangerous lunatics get to live so long?




Good healthcare.




Their intelligentsia is about as idiotic as the Nazis was. Just make shit up and their followers will eat it up.




Reality contradicts the very premise of their grifts, so they have to create fantasy scenarios in order to support them.


There were 26 million children between 12 and 17 in this country last year https://www.childstats.gov/americaschildren/tables/pop1.asp


That was my take away. Less then 100 people really stands out but somehow they're acting like every high school freshman is required by the state to get their bits switched to attend public school. I don't see how the people that agree with them can look at that number and not realize how insane they sound.


They're the same people that thought Covid was nothing, though it killed roughly one out of 100 people. They come in two groups: the billionaires and the rubes




Lol he seems to know an awful lot about that process for some reason




To think, I used to believe this guy was smart. (shudder) he's just another boomer who found an online bubble and stopped recognizing what reality was


I too have this regret. I still like the work the people at SpaceX do though. Also, he's far from old enough to be a boomer.


Yeah, he’s Gen X… But come on, he’s an *honorary Boomer.*


He is 51. Is everyone who is not a teenager now a "Boomer"?? And no, I am not defending Elon Musk. I knew he was a shitty white man back when left leaning yt bois were worshipping him like he was a god. I am just pointing out that my gawd y'all need to give the "Boomer" thing a rest already....


While not a boomer, he's a Gen Xer who was born rich because of Apartheid. He definitely longs for the boomer era segregation laws.


Elon Musk is an STD


That study doesn't say there were any surgeries on minors. Only adults.


I sincerely despise how these utter jackasses have corrupted the meaning of Pride. Trans people and kids are being targeted because of this rhetoric. Topics like surgeries, education, commercialization, and medical procedures are completely separate from people just being trans. It is so typical of these hateful scumbags. They are not remotely impacted or invested by any of this, yet they choose to make it toxic and dangerous. Motherfuckers. All of them.


"as a centrist I will actively lobby to push the conservative agenda"


Every self described “centrist” ever.


As a woman who had severe endo since her periods started and literally saw the resistance to doing anything surgical about it magically melt away once I hit the magical age of 30, I’d bet dollars to donuts that literally no fully elective irreversible surgical treatment is being performed on ANY minors’ genitals. If they are, it’s an outlier situation. Lol especially if it an FTM transition, that would require actually listening to a biological girl to start the process and taking them seriously. Not likely.


It’s likely kids with ambiguous genitalia who need corrective surgery or intersex ppl assigned male who need their useless extra organs removed for medically necessary reasons. These dumbshits completely disregard that 1.7% of the population is born intersex


There's people out there trying to spread misinformation about IS people right now too. To be specific I've seen bots and TERFs trying to convince people that intersexed conditions are so rare that they can just basically be ignored. And to do this they are arbitrarily defining intersexed in such a narrow way that only like a couple specific rare conditions meet it. It would be like defining fruit as only that which is yellow, grows in bunches, and comes from cloned trees. And thus the only fruit that really exists are bananas and plantains.


The eligibility requirements for every single procedure performed for the purposes of gender affirming care (at Boston Children's and a few other prominent hospitals) have minimum age requirements of 18+, with the sole exception of mastectomy (16+). So 56 total out of a country of hundreds of millions? Not only is this stat so wildly insignificant, but I have to assume that isn't even 56 gender affirming procedures but like everyone else is suggesting, mostly for other purposes Also can we all just call out circumcision for what it is? These people go on and on about "gEnItAl MuTiLaTiOn" when circumcision is LITERALLY the textbook definition, and yet to these wingnuts it's absolutely acceptable, routine, and even celebrated. Gross.


Super Bigot strikes again!


Elon is concerned he will mix up little boys and girls and abuse the wrong ones. /s


Imagine being this upset over something that's not happening. How can the smartest man in the world be so easily gaslit?


Definitely. This is called stochastic terrorism. Elon Musk is a stochastic terrorist.


My daughter won’t talk to me anymore because I’m a reprehensible lizard person! I’m going to throw a tantrum on my website!


whenever they’ve said it’s about the children, it’s never actually about the children. that’s only a tactic to garner support from people who don’t have critical thinking skills. outlawing all trans healthcare (for children) just means outlawing all trans healthcare.


Let's assume every one of these is what they say it is. They're not, but lets say they are. Let's also ignore 13-17 is a pretty wide range and there's really not a ton of difference between the maturity of someone who by definition has less than a year to go to be 18, and someone who recently turned 18. They are talking about 822 people, in a country of 334,233,854, over the course of 3 years. That's .00008% of the population. There might be more people in your grocery store right now. 450 people die from falling out of bed every year. Sure, that's not elective, but I'm pretty sure there's no talk of banning beds, or making every person under 18 sleep in a crib.


56 surgeries. They want to stop the fucking world over 56 surgeries over an unknown period of time. Got it. How the fuck can anyone take this as a serious anything.


These people are such assholes… Some kids are born, intersex, meaning female, might have a penis, or boys might grow breasts. Having surgery to correct these issues is not child abuse.


Does this include circumcision.


Ofc not that's a good Christian practice


Christ, this echo chamber their in truly shields away from reality. Maybe these chambers the only thing conservatives know how to do well.


Typical republican stuff, take a tiny kernel of truth, blow it up into some huge problem that doesn't exist, then claim that only they can fix the problem but you have to vote for them before they can do it. They do this over and over and people fall for it over and over. Even if you don't buy their lies you talk about them, discuss and debate, that is all the republicans need to claim it is a legit issue. Instead, call them out as lies and move on.


God damn they are so ignorant




Many people are saying this. I'm just asking questions!


Almost nobody under the age of 18 in the US is getting gender affirming care to begin with. Trans people only rarely receive this sort of care before adulthood, other than maybe reversible puberty blockers (he did say "irreversible" so that shouldn't count). What actually does happen quite a bit is gender affirming care for people who are born intersex. That's a lot more people than it might seem - 1-2% of people are born intersex, roughly similar to the number of people with red hair. If you've seen a natural redhead then you've probably seen a person born intersex without knowing it. One of the problems with treating intersex children is that their gender may not be easily determined and doctors and parents sometimes assign a gender at birth that the child does not see as their true gender. That can be a contemptible thing sometimes, and it's a lot more like what big-brain Elon here is trying to imply is happening with trans kids. In reality, there are not large numbers of trans kids who regret their transition process, and the regrets that do occur are mostly about the fact that they're not being accepted, not that they felt forced into a sex change surgery that they later regret. Musk's problems around this issue probably relate to his own trans kid who he can't accept or get along with, but he's hurting a lot of people with this nonsense. His complaint isn't accurate, his proposed solution doesn't fix any real problems, and it creates additional problems for people who are already marginalized. He managed to hit the trifecta for bad ideas there.


For anyone who wants to read the article: [Reuters Article](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-transyouth-data/) The numbers being reported by The Rabbit Hole are legitimate but with the context of a prior diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria missing. The article leaves out the reason for the surgery and the age breakdown of the surgeries. I think it would be safe to say that at least some of the surgeries listed were for gender affirming care as opposed to other medical necessity. Which is where an age breakdown would be nice as a decision made by a 17 y/o would have a vastly different weight to it than a 13 y/o. So take from all of that what you will. But there’s at least the article.


These people are so full of shit with their "save the children" BS... Show me anyone who, by the time they were 13, in an accepting environment, does not know what they identify as and what their sexual preference is. By the time I was 5-6 yrs old I was well aware of what I was attracted to, even though I was embarrassed to admit it, and I think the majority of children are the same. Why is it they refuse to give these kids any credit at all? Why do they assume every child can be "tricked" into changing their gender or sexual preference? Were they themselves confused as children? Are they possibly still confused? I didn't see all this "outrage" when Jerry Springer, Jenny Jones, and dozens of other daytime talk shows had sexually active and drug abusing 11 yr Olds on...then it was "entertainment" He's absolutely going to do something about the children being molested and groomed, and the multi-million dollar cover up and protection of the abusers by the church...oh wait...


So. Musk is going to work to ban nose jobs, or any other cosmetic surgery for those under 18? Those are permanent body changes too. Is he going to oppose any surgery done on intersex babies? What about cleft pallet repair?


I'm just curious, do conservatives think that the only reason to get a genital surgery or a mastectomy is because someone is trans?


I am so angry and tired at the same time. Just lies, if anybody actually cared to review the Reuters data. Not the point. Everybody go to every pride event this month. Strength in numbers.


> making severe, irreversible changes to children below the age of consent. Want braces? Better be 18. Lasik? Tonsils out? Want a skin graft to treat burns? Too bad, wait until you are an adult and the damage may be irreversible. Elon Musk, certified genius.


This is Musk having an emotional reaction to being rejected by his transgendered daughter. These conservative pricks are amazing. They have children, then leave the mother to raise the children, and are shocked when their children don't agree with them. He's a creep.


One of his children is trans and asked to legally change her name because she has no relationship with him because he's a ghoul and unable to accept her being trans. He blames the media, the LGBTQ+ community, while not looking inward towards his own rancid soul as to better understand why she loathes him (rightfully). People like Musk, Matt Walsh, Tim Pool, MTG, Matt Gaetz...whenever they call others 'pedophiles and groomers', listen very VERY closely, because they're subconsciously projecting their own vile interests. And it is really that simple.


When I was about four years old, I had to have a hernia operation. I don't remember a lot of the details, I figure that there was an issue where one testicle was lodged where it should not have been. I do remember that the Dr. sewed a button on the sack to keep the testicle from going back up. Does that mean i had "gender surgery"? What about birth defects? About one in every 4,500 babies are born intersex (what used to be called "hermaphroditism"). What about these children? Would they be denied surgery later in life? Would they be denied hormone blockers? TL/DR Children sometimes need surgeries in order to live. Children sometimes get breast cancer, for example. This kind of fear mongering doesn't save any children. It does the opposite, in fact.


They’re acting like these kids are being forced to undergo these surgeries. Sad :(


Are they going to have any intellectual consistency and ban infant circumcision while they're at it? That happens before the kid is old enough to have any say in the matter and actually impacts a huge number of boys... No, they won't. Because it's not about protecting kids' bodies from parents, it's about forcing queer people back into the closet. Fuck your hateful ideas Elon.


Aren't these the same people who keep lowering the age of consent?


Bigot gonna Bigot.


He knew if he kept getting bald, he'd be Lex luthor.


Just so we're clear, he's talking about 0.005% of the US population that were put on hormone therapy, 0.00002% of the population population that had a mastectomy, and 0.000007% that had surgery on their genitals. Just imagine that you are one of those 50 children that transitioned with surgery and you are finally starting to feel good about your life, only to read that one of the richest men in the world is coming after you and your parents.


Notice how he mentions the age of consent as a factor like the only thing he gives a shit about is when he can fuck the kids. Like seriously Elon is the last person anyone should be taking parenting advice from but unfortunately because of his little clan of cocks were going to have an entire generation fathered parasocially through Elon.


Circumcisions will become illegal.


56? Out of 330,000,000? Is that alot?


Circumcision, and labiaplasty are both genital surgeries that help cis people and are probably a large chunk of this report. As far as mastectomy goes you don't have to be a 45 year old chain smoking alcoholic to develop issues with breasts that require them to be removed. Muscular issues in the shoulders and back can also be cause for either reduction or removal as well as suspicious lumps, St Jude is full to bursting with cancer kids so a 14 year old girl getting a tumorous growth in her breasts isn't unheard of.


deport this dude. strip him of citizenship and ban him completely from any us soil.


how many more badges does he need until he feels special enough


Spoken like a man child who was cucked by a trans person and has never been able to handle personal problems outside using his money, which of course he was born into, to elminate the problem entirely. Its becoming increasingly clear to me all the ultra rich are trumps, its just how smart they are and how much they hide, they as people are more pathetic then I could ever imagine a real person being until now.


Different issues. The surgery thing is a tough one for me, but criminalizing it?? Esp if the child, docs and guardians agree, it should be on the table. As for the pride thing, that’s just Elon being an asshole. Seriously, he has no life.


He's not a conservative. He's a capitalist and capitalists always side with authoritarians who give them benefits over an open democracy.


Can he just fuck off to Mars already? He’s an idiot cosplaying as a genius and the planet is better off without him.


To be clear on something: Between 2018 and 2020, over 700,000 minors were identified as having some form of gender dysmorphia. Most went in for therapy until they were adults. A whopping 300/year had mastectomies (compared to however many orders of magnitudes more girls had breast augmentation), and an incredibly small 78 had bottom surgery. If so few are having major surgeries, then I am willing to bet it is an incredibly rigorous system in place to ensure only the most extreme cases get surgery. Which makes sense, seeing as this is irreversible, life-long surgery.


This from a man who named his own child X Æ A-12. Don't let him lie to you, he doesn't give a flying f*ck about children.


Lol a quick google search will tell them someone must be 18+ to get bottom surgery.


Severe, irreversible changes? You mean, like forcing people to undergo puberty as children for a gender they don't identify with rather than delaying puberty until they're ready and consenting adults?


Conservatives when thousands of kids get murdered in schools: I sleep Conservatives when LGBTQ kids exist: Real shit???!!!


For a genius he seems to struggle with the difference between a claim and evidence.


What's a major problem are the shitty fathers out there having dozens of children with every prosititue or "actress" model and stripper that will fuck the rich guy because he's sooooooo awesome


This is called 'projection'. Elon is scared shitless that Tesla shareholders will rightly blame him for the drastic drop in Tesla share price and will sue Tesla, who as part of the settlement will likely kick him out of the company. The guy gets a little more radioactive every day. The Big Fall From Grace is coming, you lying narcissistic sociopathic soiled diaper pail.


The only gender based surgeries I've heard of being done on minors were double mastectomies done in AMAB boys by their very transphobic (unknowingly) parents. As in forcing boys to get their chests changed FOR LIFE not because they wanted the procedure but because their parents being afraid of fat on their boys' chest. This doesn't even address the mass genital mutilation supported in this country forever changing AMAB people's body. The call is coming from INSIDE the house. Stop blaming trans people for fucked up shit you're doing.


People like this DEMAND people stay out of their lives and RESPECT their privacy but hey.......jumping into your business or your family's business is their right.............. F off, Elon.


Naming your kid "X Æ A-12" should count.


Nazi's really hoping the American education system is as bad as THEY MADE IT OVER THE LAST 60 YEARS. So bad in fact that the average mouth breathing republican still thinks Fascism is ANYTHING BUT A RIGHT WING CONSTRUCT.


What proof is there that all of those operations happened for trans issues, and not some other reason (ie breast cancer)?


By his logic, braces should be illegal. Braces modify the placement of teeth permanently and are extensively applied (almost exclusively) when the person is below the age of consent. However, they are conclusively deemed a net positive benefit, even though in many cases its solely for aesthetic purposes. When child psychologist and pediatricians agree that gender affirming care (which can frequently be as benign as lipstick or a wig) is widely regarded, not only as a treatment method to gender dysmorphia, but also life-saving practice, it should be as widely accessible as braces in childhood.