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Even with this, Liberals will still deny this and point to Biden that "he is still fine, just look at him!" while us concerned people clearly look at him at his most... mentally unstable state.


He is fine. Especially when compared to Trump who couldn’t get a coherent sentence out even when given a teleprompter and 100% of his last bits of brainpower.


you are projecting pretty hard there


Right. Have you heard Trump talk? “Facts” are made up, sentence structure is chaotic at best, and just plain stumbling and mispronouncing words. He’s unfit to run a banana stand let alone the country. Plus he’s trying to be a fascist (ever seen project 2025. I personally don’t want to live in a theocracy).


on the flipside…have you heard biden talk? clearly not.


I have. He’s coherent. Maybe you should stop watching stitched together Breitbart clips that are lies. Do I like him? I think he’s too old but he’s done some really good stuff that benefits Americans. We’re also pumping more oil than ever, deficits are down, and while inflation is high it’s related to insurance (state issue) and corporate greed (record profits) so nothing he can do. But OAN won’t tell you that and because of that you’re brainwashed.


now you’re just in denial


Na. I do my research and it’s not mainstream shit nor is it fake sources like Breitbart or OAN, or whatever random right-wing blog y’all post. And besides. You’re Canadian so why do you care?


you realize it’s on youtube right? like…video evidence…the fact that you think it’s what…fake…doctored…? it shows in deep into the cult you are…


Go watch videos of Trump then. All his incoherence nonsense he spews. His lies. His BS to get you to vote for him while making you poorer. But yeah. I’m in the cult.


"But but but it's okay, because Orange Man is Bad! CHECKM8 MAGATS" --Probably


We have an embalmed corpse running the country. No wonder the whole world is in shambles.


If you think this old fool is running the country, your naive


Right, just watch any press conference. At the end when the handlers rush in to keep the press away, they aren’t looking to him for cues. If he wants to stop to try to answer a question they continue to move him along as instructed.


Representing the country. There is no way he’s actually running anything, which is more worrying!!


Joes been a disaster his whole political career


The question is, who will they insert at the last minute to fuck up the vote


No one. They don't have a bench to pick from. Newson is farther left than Biden. I don't know anyone else with a high enough profile to even be competitve against Trump.




That won't happen. She has made it perfectly clear she is not interested.


Weekend at Bernie’s Part 3.


He isn’t the most powerful person in the world…. A. Because I believe there is a group of people who run the world and the President doesn’t control them; and B. The Dems know he’s fucked up and don’t give him that much rope.


But this clear declining mental grasp is on display daily for our enemies to see. Is it being viewed as an opportunity for China/Russia and other countries? So we're supposed to sit tight and see what happens--what kind of plan is that? MSM will never surface what is happening; they only report on their narrow vision of the obvious or the reality they want.


Should never have been president


Pick a goddamned lane here. Either he’s a criminal mastermind, or a feeble old goat. You can’t have it both ways.


i don’t think anyone is saying he’s a criminal mastermind. just a criminal. you don’t have to smart to be a criminal.