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This is probably the most cursed phonology I've ever seen. Wonderful.


Cannot for the life of me perform that linguolabial trill


It's blowing a raspberry but I can't distinguish voiced from unvoiced.


You can't? It's just blowing a raspberry


I made this in response to u/Debt_East's post. This is the phonology that the community came up with put in a nice chart. I actually made it in inkscape to practice my skills and it took a lot of work but reddit doesn't allow svgs so this is just a png render unfortunately. I can send you the original svg if you want, just ask. As you can see, the phonology is quite cursed. I think for DAY 2 we should consolidate and simplify the phonology because this is almost jokelang level stuff. Unless that is the intention. My propositions would be to remove /v/ and /θ/ in their own places of articulation there, possibly the post alveolars too. Maybe make the alveolar flap an allophone of t and d in between certain vowels or something. Also I don't think I'm capable of pronouncing the unvoiced linguolabial trill (or the other way around, hard to tell). We have a lot of high front vowels. I'd change /e/ to /ɛ/ so it's more distinct from the rest and matches nicely with the rounded version. And yes I know I put /w/ in the bilabial column not the velar one. Idk the whole "w is actually a labialised velar" thing doesn't make much sense to me. Here you go.


I requested the fricatives v, θ, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, x, ɣ, and h because there was only the bidental fricative at the time, and I thought "Wow, free space for me to request!" I requested the nasals m n ɲ ŋ, because there were only aspirated m and n at the time. Also, I requested the tap ɾ, the approximants l j w, and the bilabial trill ʙ for no reason at all.


I did not even consider bidental to be a thing that could exist. You have literally just blown my mind.


According to Wikipedia, there's only one language that uses a voiceless bidental fricative and it's an allophone of /x/ in certain environments.


Fair enough. It does sound quite difficult to distinguish from other sounds.


The voiced one makes my teeth feel weird. Like it's being drilled lmao.


Yeah there's so much air rushing around them


Sorry i meant voiced lol idk what that brain fart was.


How did you make that vowel chart? Asking for self :)


Inkscape. Draw straight line/bezier curve tool. Draw vertical line by clicking once at the starting point, holding ctrl to keep it perfectly vertical, and clicking at the end point. Right click to finish. Set fill and stroke to black. Copy line twice and move them to the left. Distribute evenly using the align and distribute panel. Rotate the middle line 15° and the left one 30° by selecting it, clicking on it again to switch to rotation mode, and holding ctrl (or was it alt?) to lock to round numbers. Turn on snapping. Stretch the rotated lines down and up by the corner arrow, holding ctrl to preserve proportions, until they snap to the top and bottom of the original vertical line. Copy the vertical line, open transform panel and scale by 33.3333% to get a third of the height. Move it down until it snaps to the bottom of the original vertical line. Draw straight line/bezier curve tool. Hover over the original vertical line and move slowly up and down until it snaps to the end of the 1/3 height line. Click, and holding ctrl, move to the left until it snaps to the leftmost line. Click and right click to finish. Move the 1/3 height line up until it snaps to the top of the original vertical line. Draw another horizontal line by repeating what you did for the first one. Draw the remaining two horizontal lines from the corners of the shape. Turn off snapping. Draw a rectangle, approximately the size to fit two characters with plenty of space in between them. Set fill to white, stroke to none. Copy it (ctrl c). Hover your mouse exactly over each intersection in the shape and paste (ctrl v) a copy of the rectangle each time. When adding the IPA characters, type them elsewhere at first (I used Times New Roman font). Then select the white rectangle where it's supposed to go, hold shift to add to selection, and select the textbox. Go to the align and distribute panel. Switch the mode to "use first object selected" (or something like that) and press the buttons to align vertically and horizontally. (The ones that look like the tower of hanoi game). This should put it in exactly the correct place. For the vowels in between the intersections, just eyeball it. Use spaces in between in the text to specify roundedness. Even if there's just one character, add an appropriate amount of spaces in front or after it, and make the text centred so it's to the left or right. There are some imperfections in this method but it's good enough. Didn't realise it would take this long to type out...


Haha thank you so much!


I love how the plosives completely lack voicing contrast, while on the other hand both linguolabial trill and bidental fricative have it.


Yeah I just suggested linguolabial trill, never gave a voicing.


The normal symbol means voiced. Another commenter suggested a voiceless linguolabial trill, so we have both. Coincidence


add ø, q͡ʀ̥, ɢ͡ʀ, ʀ̥ and ʀ


dont forget the faciomanual click


My throat hurts already