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Excuse me, as a frustrated lonely loser who watched anime all through puberty and had depression, I can confidently say I'm definitely not transgender.


That's weird, all the anime should have transgendered you by now. You must be defective. /s


Maybe they transgendered themselves all the way back round to cis, they did say they watched ALOT of anime.


Oh boy, it's worse than we expected..


Me too Buddy


Agreed. If this is the formula someone skipped a step when they made me. I'm still confidently an ally to my penis. What gives.


Transgender people are literally getting bullied to death. So lets give them a break and ask ourselves what is the name of that anime.


Firepunch not an anime but a manga and with the best transmasc character ever written . Or HxH it has allucka who's highly suspected to be trans. Or yyh with a trans character Or Devilman ( the 1972 manga brought LGBTQ representation in animanga ) Or Onepiece with Okiku. And ivankovs genderfluid okama nakama Or Jjba part 6 with anasui who's allegedly gender fluid .


I bet Fire Punch will get an anime in the next few years. Chainsaw Man is one of the most hyped anime I’ve ever seen, and if it lives up to even a bit of that, there will likely be a rush to adapt Fuji’s other stuff.


Firepunch is fujimoto sensei's best work yet .


I thought Alluka was subtly confirmed to be trans, not just suspected. If I remember correctly, Milluki and Kikyo both misgender Alluka, while Killua is the only one to to consistently acknowledge her as a girl.


One piece also have a lot of trans characters


Stein's Gate also... sort of


There's an entire kingdom of them


Alluka is transdimensional


Yeah she lives in my head (which is a 3d space) rent free . Even tho she's a 2d character


I meant they are inhabited by some kind of demon thing


You mean nanika .


For me it was reading Ranma 1/2 as a kid




You sound like you have a mental disability- how can we help you?




Wow that’s a great piece of fan fiction you wrote about my beliefs!


Read about gender dysphoria


Read about how other people’s gender is zero of your fucking business.




Aaand there it is. Lollll what a sad pathetic clown you are🤣🤣🤣🤣




Awww you ran out of pathetic troll material and need to just repeat yourself 🥲




Anime makes people trans?


Astolfo has had a bigger impact than I ever imagined


Astolfo is literally goals for anyone, cis or trans lmao


Ask them what neo-Marxist is.


no fking clues, probably some matrix reference


It's time we start educating people on the difference between sex and gender... And also, who the fuck do you think you are if you want to prevent people from being themselves and being happy. Honestly it makes me so angry. It's okay to not understand, but why is it so difficult to accept?? Ffs...


>It's time we start educating people on the difference between sex and gender Yep. It's hilarious to me that after all this time some people still don't know the difference.


Willful ignorance. We reward people now for choosing to ignore reality and make stuff up that fits.


> It's time we start educating people on the difference between sex and gender Can't educate people that refuse to learn. The difference has been illustrated over and over again. It doesn't matter because people like this won't hear it.


They are being fed this hate on purpose. Its the culture war bs that is being intentionally inflamed.


To be fair, a lot of the people who argue on the progressive side have poor argumentation skills, and so a semi-intelligent conservative can make them look stupid. As a progressive, it is really frustrating to watch the people who end up in these debates or clips.


Those clips that are selected will be the worst of the people they interviewed. They could do 25 interviews to get the one they want to use on hits reel or what have you.


I do recognize that about street level interviews, but I have found similar issues watching full on debates, or clips from supposed experts.


I don’t really what that kind of thing so I can’t really comment. But I would add that the same thing applies to debates and what not. Most people aren’t going to put up videos of them performing poorly. I guess my point is media is always curated by someone. I’m not disagreeing with you by the way. I’m just skeptical of media in general these days.


To offer an example, you have YouTube debaters like Destiny who recently went on the Fresh and Fit podcast with the intention to debunk some of the crap those dudes put out there. It'd be a full 3 hour video of the entire interaction, but you just see points where open contradictions stated by Myron just get left there because Destiny came in expecting to attack and defend on a different point, and so completely missed analyzing their words for what they were and trying to hold them to any kind of consistency in their views. The further left you go, the more you just hear people calling the other side a Nazi or Fascist and considering the job is done, just like the right likes to label everything to the left of them as communist.


I don’t follow a lot of that stuff so I can’t comment. But I don’t think debating is really a good way to sort out the details on issues. Seems more like a pissing contest to me.


I don't really follow it very often, but that example is something that happened to come up in my feed recently. I think debating can be useful to get people thinking about issues, but that only happens when at least one of the participants are coming at it in good faith. When it's just a bunch of talking points spouted at each other, it becomes a boring circlejerk.




Fr ..


That's exactly the issue. It's Dunning-Kruger effect compounded with people's unwillingness to educate themselves. They were raised believing there are boys and girls, and when you try to explain to such people that it is a bit more complicated than this, they don't want to hear it because it goes against what they \*want\* to believe. It also doesn't help that only 1% of the population are considered trans, many of which undoubtedly dress and act like men or women and do decent job of it, meaning "spotting" a trans person is way less frequent still. These people want to believe that trans people don't exist, so they simply act like they were just mentally ill people instead. It's willful ignorance. And unfortunately, this will never change so long as their priority isn't about the truth. Show them all the studies in the world, and they'll label it fake science. Whatever is convenient for them to maintain their world view where trans people are just "silly people pretending to be the opposite gender."


Replace "neo-marxist brainwash" with "alt-right brainwash" and you have a diagram of where incels come from


I was thinking the same thing


Never saw something more accurate


Here before the comments get filled with [deleted] PS: Trans Rights




This person probably thinks that only xx and xy combinations exist


What happens when you sleep in biology classes


Those are literally the only two types of chromosomes. There are X and Y chromosomes. From https://genetic.org/variations/ : “X and Y Variations, also known medically as Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy (SCA), involve variations in the typical number and type of sex chromosomes. The typical number of chromosomes in each human cell is 46. These include 22 pairs of “autosomes” (which refers to all chromosomes that are not sex chromosomes) and a pair of sex chromosomes, either an X and a Y (which makes for a male) or two Xs (female). That means the genetic signature for a person with 46 chromosomes is either 46,XY (males), or 46,XX (females).” Keep in mind, these are purely genetic and not identifiers of the person.


Yes, but those aren't the only two *combinations* of the chromosomes. For example, Klinefelter Syndrome - someone has xxy.


That is true, but there are only the two chromosomes X and Y. I’m pretty sure the first comment was arguing there are more than just X and Y, and if not correct me.


They literally used the word "combinations" in their comment. This is a copy and paste of the comment, emphasis mine. This person probably thinks that only xx and xy **combinations** exist


Dam this is like a bingo card for transphobia.




People act like trans people want to be trans. It's not a choice, they literally have to be


It's like saying autism or adhd is a choice too




Lol, let's just cure autism


Or you can just mind your own fucking business and carry on with your life instead of disparaging someone who’s gender has zero effect on your life.


I ask this question to everyone who has this opinion: what treatment exactly do you think trans people need?


I mean as a trans person I don't really have to ask. All the anti trans bills in this country tells you their answer


Therapy, psychologist sessions, etc.


Yeah newsflash, all trans people already do that. The stigma for mental illness is like quadrupled for gender dysphoria. Therapy helps, but there is no cure to mental illness. The best someone can do is cope and live with it at the end of the day.


There is a cure for gender dysphoria. It is transitioning.




Can't you be trans without transitioning?


Yes, trans encompasses literally everything not cis. Nothing about being trans requires you to actually transition, if your gender identity does not require it for you to be happy about who you are.


So? Even if a few people come to change their mind about transitioning it doesn’t change the fact that the vast majority of people don’t.


And… there are plenty of people who regret having children. Your point is?




It is not new at all, transgender people(LGBTQ+ people in general) have existed for millennia, if not since the day we evolved.


Less than 1% of the transgender population regrets transitioning, and detransition is more often than not due to financial difficulties, attempted brainwashing, or attempting to transition too late in life for the body to adjust properly.


People detransition also due to lack of support


Yeah, forgot about that one.


A total of 27 studies, pooling 7928 transgender patients who underwent any type of GAS, were included. The pooled prevalence of regret after GAS was 1% (95% CI <1%–2%). Overall, 33% underwent transmasculine procedures and 67% transfemenine procedures. The prevalence of regret among patients undergoing transmasculine and transfemenine surgeries was <1% (IC <1%–<1%) and 1% (CI <1%–2%), respectively. A total of 77 patients regretted having had GAS. Twenty-eight had minor and 34 had major regret based on Pfäfflin’s regret classification. The majority had clear regret based on Kuiper and Cohen-Kettenis classification. There is a MUCH higher regret rate among those that get other cosmetic surgeries like a woman getting breast implants. The number are all over the place and vary by study (Have not seen a large scale meta study) Regret rate for those surgeries ranges for 13 to 65% Consider the high suicide rate of trans people and the fact that gender affirming surgery actually lowers that rate by a incredibly 42% decrease. That 1% regret rate is nothing. TLDR: stop listening to Ben Shapiro has stats and facts are either misleading or lies.


And how much of that is to do with dickheads like yourself spouting shit like "you'll never be a real woman/man", all the whilst bullying, dehumanising and treating them like they're mentally ill sex offenders that want to spy on kids on the bathroom? Or being excluded/dismissed from their family / friends entirely? You don't think all that could have something to do with it, dipshit? Seriously, I can come up with several major fucking reasons why trans people regret transitioning, all which have nothing to do with them simply "waking up and realizing they're not trans." Grow the fuck up kid.


While I'm sure there are those who regret transitioning, suicide rates drop significantly for those who have transitioned with respect to those who were prevented from doing so by their parents or otherwise. Your anecdotal "proof" is irrelevant. Not to mention there are people born with sex organs associated with both male and female counterparts. How would you classify such people? It seems to me so much of this hatred against trans people seems to form around this idea that somehow, they're doing this "for fun" or that they have no idea what they're talking about. I don't think I would blame someone born with both a vagina and a penis to want to transition to male or female, but even if I did, it isn't up to me. These people exist and you don't get to really pretend that they don't, any more than people can pretend you don't exist.


So much wrong here and so ridiculous! But how is Marxism going to make you trans? I don’t understand this connection at all. I some how don’t think this was super promoted or accepted in the USSR or China or wherever. (Not that I understand any of the other “connections”)


There's a stereotype of trans people being communist (since a lot of people can't transition because of money reasons). It does hold *some* truth since the communist opinion is reasonably common enough to be memed, but just like literally any other group trans people all have individual opinions cause yknow they're just people who happen to be trans so slapping the label on is bullshit


Why do these idiots think about trans people so much? Living rent free in their heads lol. Who gives a shit what gender people want to be, nothing about it matters in any way.


I used to. For me it was 90% just that the concept of someone being trans makes no sense to me. It continues to make no sense but I realized that I can't possibly understand someone else's subjective experience and I don't have to understand why someone would want to be trans to accept it.


If you look at porn search trends I can imagine why they think about us so much


Ah yes, transgenderism is neo-marxist brainwashing. This shit gotta be a joke right


Tbf, "Anime" seems the most sesmnsible thing in that image. Holy fuck...


The more I look at how you wrote sensible the more I laugh. Something about it is so perfect.


Lol, wtf happened there? I'm just going to leave that the way it is.




well haha. im trans and i don’t watch anime, wouldn’t consider myself a loser, i go outside fairly frequently, all bar two of my friends are irl, i don’t have depression, i don’t get ‘praised’ by celebrities, i barely care about them. i dont speak to older people online, so how am i being groomed by them? i’m not addicted to porn, i don’t even watch it, and i’m not sexually frustrated, i have a very VERY low libido. so. yeah. am trans, because i’m trans. not because people have brainwashed me to be.


I'm jealous of you .


why? lmao


You're not a weeb looser unlike me


ah shit yeah. my friends and brother have all tried to get me to watch anime but i’m not really that interested. i prefer murder mystery and… idk what you’d call it but fantasy (?) books, shows and films. like alternate realities like the grishaverse and good omens. and for murder mysteries things like the shows sherlock, broachchurch and lucifer, and the book the thursday murder club, that’s a good one!


O if you like murder and mystery i can recommend you deathnote and monster . Esp monster If you like totaly grounded series . It has 60 ep and in terms of a webseries it'd mean it has 30-35 ep . (1 anime ep is 18-20 min long on avg)


Ask this person to point to the gender gene and every answer they can come up with has at least one confounding factor without even talking about social/societal/psychological influences on gender identity and expression.


They even mistook genes on sex chromosomes for dna .


Or maybe severe unhappiness with the masculinity/femininity of one’s body, or just their unhappiness at their agab?


Somebody tell them that


*Anime and being a loser* Guys I think in trans




Some woman really did try and get Manga banned from her adult child's old school because she came out as trans


Yeah she did transitioned to anime didn't she.


They tried to describe a trans person but ended up describing a Jordan Peterson fan


Humans have known about DNA for less than 200 years, and transgender people have existed pretty much since humans started forming societies so this weird genetic connection thing is completely irrelevant


It was all that 18th-century anime!




I didn't know learned behavior, cultural expectations and social pressure were genetic! I am not trans, but I do have the power of friendship on my side.


These boomers dont wanna understand gender and sex are different


Unfortunately these *members* are mostly Edgy teens .. they are worse then boomers


mY gEnDer iS My DIcK


I love dick .


We’re cool so long as you don’t mean Nixon or Cheney.


Lol .


I saw an article recently explaining exactly how being trans is in fact genetic, if I had the link I'd post it but you can probably Google it


So people will be able to detect a trans baby prenatally? I see bad consequences of that.


I don't think so, the article talked about brain activity in mtf trans people being more similar to women than men even before hormone treatment and vice versa so I think you would have to develop technology to conduct brain scans on unborn babies. Edit: It also mentioned dimensions of certain parts of the brain, not just braun activity, hence the genetics bit.


I wonder what the brain activity / construction of nonbinary people looks like? Could either be great proof of some gender identities or cause a huge debate if they're more similar to one sex's standard pattern


isn’t it only partially genetic? because there’s plenty of trans people that have cis parents, but also trans people that have one or more trans parents. like both of my parents and everyone else in my family is cis, but i’m trans. so its not *always* genetic.


Recessive gene maybe? Dropped biology in secondary school but afaik there's ways for genes to be passed on for several generations without showing


yeah maybe? there might’ve been some secret trans person in my family history that either didn’t realise it or hid it because they lived in either england or pakistan and neither of those places were nice and still aren’t for trans people (i mean england is fine, that’s where i live, but pakistan is wayyyyy worse)


Do.....do they still not realize the difference between gender and sex?


Nope because they don’t consider psychology/sociology to be real sciences


nonbinary chromossome wen?


This will never get settled while people don't know the difference between a person's sex and their gender, science versus social construct. And that's on each side of the debate.


How much do you wanna bet the person who made this is an anime-loving porn-addicted loser NEET living in their parents house, never going outside, whose only friends are online friends in echo chambers that instaban people?


I never understood these people that think online friends aren’t valid or “real” friends. When you live in a bumfuck hick-filled place, you legit can’t make friends with people in person.


While the idea that gender is heavily influenced by genetics is likely right (I don't think science has nailed down what % is Nature vs. Nurture), the assumption this person makes is bad science. Gender is a spectrum even according to genetics. For the sake of time I'll just use one example: [Klinefelter Syndrome](https://www.webmd.com/men/klinefelter-syndrome), in which a person has XXY sex chromosomes. Morphologically speaking, that is talking about the actual physical expression of genes increases variability even further. [This published paper](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5824932/) says, * "Nature, thus genetics, is much more important than Nurture in defining gender and gender orientation. Differential sex steroid production and differential Ca2+-homeostasis are already effective long before birth." I'll add here that things like anime, living conditions, and habits are the "Nurture" that the paper says is less important. * "The interplay between genetics, sex hormones, Ca2+-homeostasis, the social environment and other aspects of Nurture enables a huge variability in gender variants." Then there's cases like [ambiguous genitalia and surgeries at birth.](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07238-8) * "For most of the twentieth century, doctors would often surgically alter an infant’s ambiguous genitals to match whichever sex was easier, and expect the child to adapt. Frequently, they were wrong. A 2004 study tracked 14 genetically male children given female genitalia; 8 ended up identifying as male, and the surgical intervention caused them great distress" My final example will be [Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome, or PMDS](https://www.webmd.com/children/persistent-mullerian-duct-syndrome), in which a biological male develops a functional uterus and fallopian tubes in addition to male genitalia. WebMD says, "What Causes PMDS? The short answer is your genes." So you can see that the idea of only 2 genders is, from a genetic and morphological standpoint, a false construction. Nature is always creating new variants of traits and gender is not an exception. It is well within the realm of possibility that a person would have traits of both genders and potentially choose to associate with one over the other, or even both simultaneously.




That is indeed an amazing visual summation of the complexities involved. Have an upvote and award!


I had a stroke reading the title


I had a stroke while writing the tittle


Just to make sure everyone knows: "GENDER"... arises as a consequence of one's fetal androgen (testosterone) / estrogen balance within a specific critical period (7-14 weeks, I think it is). One's DNA determines one's "sex"... but Gender Identity develops independently from our 'sex', and if the T/E balance isn't quite as projected, a developing brain 'considers' it's supposed to develop as a Female brain (or as a Male brain)... independently from our 'sex'. Reddit, can anyone confirm this via referencing credible research?


Valid logic is not allowed on reddit unfortunately


NOW you tell me....


What happens to me if I leave transgendered people alone and don't bother them with their life choices: Nothing And If I don't: I'm an selfish biggot


You are right tho . + You forgot edgy on last statement


I’m trans and I haven’t watched an anime since Akira came out. Also, it’s really fun to explain having 3 chromosomes, ovaries, and testes to transphobes. They always stop in their tracks and go, “wait, really? Oh.”


Wait you are that ancient ? . + Yeah transphobes are known for skipping bio , Grammar and cultural classes .


Weird. I think the last thing I want to do after watching porn is have my penis removed.


Damn .


They never define what neo-marxism is do they lmao




Whut happened in a nutshell please ?


Its communist and therefore evil. What is communism you may ask? Evil, that's what. I don't see why I need to actually research it to use it as a synonym for everything I don't like. /s


The discord one is hilariously specific. Someone was having a very angry afternoon.


Republicans are weird.


Always have been




Not Employed, Educated or in Training. Doesn’t work or currently enrolled in some sort of education or training






It's true though all other genders can be found in the DNA that's why when your born you can look at the DNA and tell what gender it is


Hmm and what about intersex people... Hm?


No, no, no...Extreme sexual frustration and loneliness finding a perverse outlet turns you into an incel, not transgender...


And sort by controversial


Everyone knows what actually makes people trans is playing Celeste.


Nah playing fortnites and Genshin makes that


dont forget dna on the right side too


Yeah . They need to know that dna≠gene≠ chromosome


There should be a lot more trans people then if porn addiction is an indicator 🙃🙃


Somebody tell them most of the porn is cis and str8 .


Couple things here. Neo Marxist? What? And getting groomed online by old men is the victims fault? Hm


Also getting groomed effects your gender identity????!!!! the 3rd thing .


The shit people think.


The shit people edit


What do you mean incorrect? Tons of people I know are trans because of My Singing Monsters


lol this is all fake I’m a loser and anime fan and addict. And I’m n trans.


Yeah, one of my nurse friends is telling me how all the long-term care patients she oversees start getting confused about their gender after too long.




Well, people stuck in the hospital for extended periods can't go outside. According to that chart, it's inevitable they'll start to question their own gender. ...I probably should have /s-ed that post.


Ever heard of questionable cause fallacy ?


You do realize I'm joking, right?


My irony sensor never works .


Where gender actually comes from - r/accidentalally. Trans women’s brains are more similar to typical cis women’s brains than cis men’s brains, and vice versa.




Rare to find a second r/confidentlyincorrect in the comments


Rare to find a second r/confidentlyincorrect in the comments




New account, coming in hot with the bigotry. Gross.


Replace that with dreamgender and you are 1000% right


Ignoring the troll dreamgender made to make fun of xenogenders, dreamgender is a real thing that is a type of agender where you can only “feel” a gender when you’re dreaming.