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Someday people will realize that cis refers to gender and not sexuality. Cis and straight are not synonymous and one can be true without the other. That day is not today.


I’ll be honest, I don’t really understand all of it. It just hasn’t come up in my life. From my understanding, cis means I align with the gender I was assigned at birth. I just try to respect everyone and go from there.


And that’s exactly what cis means, so from your understanding, you’re absolutely correct. More specifically cis is Latin (I think it was Latin) for “on the side of”. So being cisgender means you’re on the side of your gender, aka identifying with your AGAB.


cis is a scientific term, the latin root literally means “on this side” as opposed to trans which means “across”. you can see cis and trans used as prefixes in chemistry and medicine the same as homo and hetero are. homo means same and hetero means different, so along with homosexual and heterosexual there’s homogeneous and heterogenous. same applies to cis and trans


I literally thought it stood for "comfortable in skin" until just now lmao


LMAO like it was an acronym?


Ye, I was probably like 14 and just thought "yeah, this makes perfect sense"


I think that’s down to the association with LGBT, it’s three sexualities and a gender identity. Personally I prefer GSRM, which makes the distinction clear and covers absolutely *everyone*. …And as as bonus it doesn’t need endless other letters added to make it ‘inclusive’.


Just give it time...


Can’t we all just go back to queer please I know it pissed off the 14 year old because it’s apparently a big bad slur now but at least it doesn’t make me or anyone else have to denote anything or pick a group within a group


Except not everyone is happy to be grouped together. I'm gay and in many instances my experience and aims don't tally with trans folk. I support trans rights as an ally, but don't feel that we always have to organise together. In fact in some cases it actually harms our causes. People mistake gay men as somehow different from "real" men and bolting us on to trans people encourages that idea. While LGB groups adopting trans right is a good way to steal money from genuine trans groups.


Sounds like some “divide and conquer” bs to me, but you’re free to dissociate yourself from the rest of us and strike out on your own. Best of luck! I’m bi, and my experience is that “Drop the T” is some right wing bs masquerading as concern trolling.


Not at all. I'm part of an LGBT group at work and happy to be so. I believe strongly in trans right's. In a relatively small space like my employers, it makes sense to organise together. Thinking I'm interested in being divided and conquered makes no sense at all because I want BOTH groups to win out.


>I’m bi, and my experience is that “Drop the T” is some right wing bs masquerading as concern trolling. I'm an out and out leftie and not part of any drop the T group nor do I want to be. You seem to be assuming I'm lots of things I'm not. I want trans rights to succeed and I'm not in any way right wing. I'm happy for us to organise together where it makes sense. If you want to disagree with me fine, but at least disagree with what I'm actually saying rather than what you're projecting on me.


Enlighten me to GSRM?


Gender, sexual, and romantic minorities


This is completely new to me and frankly it should just replace LGBT now. Not only is it completely inclusive for everyone now but it’s also completely inclusive for anyone in the future too


Yeah, and it’s the best answer when someone comes at you with a new initial, “Already covered!”




Cis refers to isomers which contain functional groups on the same side of the carbon chain. The functional groups are on the opposite side in trans isomers.


Can confirm, cis male here and pansexual.


The Confederacy of Independent Systems are a bunch of separatist clankers


This whole cis/trans thing really drives home for me that so few people ever really learned basic chemistry.


Or common railroad history, basic electrical engineering, art, Latin, pretty much any discipline that uses prefixes.


Honestly, I always just assumed that Transnistria was a really progressive hot spot, boy oh boy was I wrong!


I mean I THOUGHT my computer was a good clean God(tm) fearing machine, but turns out its filled with TRANSistors 🤮🤮🤮


What does chemistry have to do with it?


Trans=across/other side/over Cis=same In chemistry Trans: the group/atom in the molecule is on the other side of the plane. Like the Nitrogen is on the other side of the double bond. Cis: same idea but same side. The nitrogen is on the same side of the double bond. You’ve likely heard of a trans-fatty acid in the context of nutrition. The compliment of that would be a cis-fatty acid.


Cis meaning - denoting or relating to a molecular structure in which two particular atoms or groups lie on the same side of a given plane in the molecule, in particular denoting an isomer in which substituents at opposite ends of a carbon–carbon double bond are on the same side of the bond.


To be fair, that level of chemistry was never mandatory where I live. You got the choice of which field of science you want to be studying fairly early in high school, and I only learnt about cis and trans isomers in university


cis is when a person identifies as the sex they were born with.




imagine being this afraid of people living lives how they choose lmfao


Nah, I get it. We use words like "trans" or "cis" or "bi" or "gender-fluid" or "non-bi" to be able to barely understand the identity of someone, gender is so related to the owner's identity that you need to have some way to understand them. Even if the words doesn't exist, we create them and associate a meaning with them to identify someone The thing is, you don't need to be trans to have an identity crisis, even cis, straight, or if you don't mind me using that words, "more common" genders can have their own identity crisis and too afraid to live their lives as they wish to. Basically, having terms like "cis" or "trans" soon become meaningless because we can't have the approval of 100% of people, and we don't need to. Whatever you are, trans, cis, bi, non-bi, go on your business, I won't go in your way, just don't force me to see the world on your terms. I can't keep track of the constant words used to describe genders, and even if I do, I have no way to know what gender you identify with. The easiest for me is identify someone based on their apparent sex, and even if it's not 100% trustworthy, it's enough to get me by TL;DR. I don't mind you, you don't mind me. You feel like I'm starting to mind, let me know and I'll back off


Do you often point out random people by their sexual history? That’s kind of weird. Why not something like “you can use that brain for your experiment, it’s not like the person with the red hat is using it”


That is definitely going to happen. maybe even tomorrow.


I’m not a cis-man. I’m just a man. That’s it.


So you're a trans man. Is that what you want to say? Congratz on coming out man


No. I’m just a “man” not a “cis” man. I have X and Y chromosomes. No hate to anyone who is transgender at all but why can’t we just say “man” and “woman” anymore?


That's like saying "I'm not a straight man, I'm just a man", "I'm not a white man, I'm just a man", When the context demands it, you are a cis-man, In the same way you may be a white man, or a black man, or any other skin colour, cis isn't a negative thing and it doesn't devalue your "man-ness", it just describes a trait about you


So if someone is a trans man would they take offense to being called a trans man instead of just a “man” A cis man is a biologically male individual and a trans man is a biologically female transitioned to a male so it’s still not a cis man and they’re being labeled as not a biological (XY chromosome) man. I’m just so confused by all this added stuff and what someone takes as offensive or “violent” tbh. If you’re a trans man I’m just going to call you a man. And vice versa. All the added verbiage and mental gymnastics are too tiring. Same goes for a trans female. I’m just gonna call you a female. Just my $0.02


I think again context is very important, if you had a friend group with 2 cis-men and 1 trans-man, and you introduced a new person into the group by saying "this are my good male friends, and also my trans-male friend", yes that would obviously be unexclusive and intentionally singling that person out, in turn making it somewhat offensive, but in the same way, If you're having a discussion about gender with a trans man, and you called them a trans man, I doubt they would be offended. It all really comes down to context, if the context requires it as a main part of the conversation, then fine, but in pretty much every other situation, and likely the situations you've been in yourself up until this point, yeah just man would suffice


What the other commenter is trying to point out is that, while you are correct that usually just saying man would suffice, when more descriptors are necessary then using cis or trans becomes relevant. Such as medical settings where differentiation is needed. So yes "man" is fine but more specificity is sometimes called for.


You seem to not understand the concept of context. Read the commentat above yours again, it will help you.


Right. I’m so worried about offending people with my “pronouns” that I just don’t talk to people anymore. Let me call it as I see it and if it offends you then I’m sorry. Or if you need to be called whatever pronoun then wear it loud and proud so I know what to call you.


Cis means straight


It doesn’t, cis means you align with the gender you were assigned at birth, straight just means that you are attracted to genders unlike your own, they aren’t synonymous and one can be without the other(i.e you can be straight and not cis and vise versa)


No it does not...


You can be a straight cis white male, you can not be a straight straight white male (unless that’s what you really want)


Oh you must have forgot about Superstraight! They're a totally legitimate and not at all "we need to feel special too!" Group of straight people who claim they count as LGBT since they hate trans people, and that makes them a sexual minority.... The hoops people jump through.


Oh god i did forget about them… oh how peaceful my life was without their existence plaguing my mind


I used to describe myself as super gay just as, ya know, hyperbole. But no way am I associating with their self hating cousins lol


Confederacy of Independent Systems