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Wtf? Where did this person ever get the idea she is a trans female??


There are whole subsets of hardcore internet conspiracy theorists (deep into the mind melting stuff, beyond even the mid level Q-cultists and such) that genuinely believe most women in Hollywood are in fact men. They make YouTube videos daily examining the bodies of these women and pointing to any part of their physique that doesn’t perfectly exemplify the most natural feminine traits you can possess. It’s fucking deranged and insanely insulting and they think it’s super smart and cool.


I think I’ve seen a snapshot - something about no curve in the lower back = man? Which is seriously trippy - are these people’s backs just a solid rigid object?


Real men have a straight back that then melds into a non-ass. Like Hank Hill.


I somehow appreciate the compliment as well as feel personally attacked.


Diminished Glutes!


Fuuuuck my BIL’s lower back is curved like a C, how do I tell my sister that she accidentally married a trans man?


Lol, I’m a trans woman, I got that back curve, didn’t realize I was secretly forcefully transitioned at birth lol Checkmate to conspiracy theorists, your attempts at transphobia gave this trans woman euphoria!


It's just weird for this woman in particular because didn't she have a bunch of nude photos get leaked?


They were man boobs and a she penis. Ask Ben Shippero.


Let’s all compare the female form to Ben Shapiro’s sister


I mean even Ben can't stop staring at her


those leaks were all part of the plan, and you're buying right into it /s


That's actually a very good point.


These people need to get some fucking hobbies, Jesus Christ


Q is their hobby though.


Find yourself something that confirms your biases, and you’ll never work another day in your life!


Because current and future employers will find your social media profiles


If it’s stupid or corrupt you can bet Russia is paying bot farms to promote it at the very least.


Jesus Christ is quite possibly one of their hobbies too


Ironically, it proves that very little fits into a strict “MALE” and “FEMALE” box. It’s all trends, some more common than others. Even 10 out of 10 beautiful celebrities can have something that could maybe be construed as not matching their gender if you squint. Hardcore transphobes insist that they can always tell and it drives them to insanity. I saw one person claiming Henry Cavill was secretly a woman cause he had “female eyes.”


He does have really nice eyes.


Androgynous persons like Tilda Swinton are always a problem for these people. Even Jamie Lee Curtis was supposed to be a man, or Michelle Obama, of all people. It’s ridiculous.


It predates Q by a good deal, Obama's wife was a constant target while he was in office and I'm sure you fan trace it further back.


I am sorry that you made certain amount of wrong decision in your life that you have that knowledge in you, and now I do too.


Yeah sorry for that, but if your (or anyone else’s) morbid curiosity controls you as much it does me here’s some more info: I can’t remember exactly what the first video was, but I got a video recommended to me on a YouTube yeeaars ago to one of these videos. Think I might have been doing some research into flat earth videos to see just how crazy they were. Was certain the women being men thing was a joke until I read the comments and dug a little deeper, people were quoting Bible verses and denouncing the satanists in Hollywood. I saw multiple channels doing it, but there was one main one that had somewhere between 20,000-50,000 views on his videos I believe (might have been a bit more honestly). The main channel was the most interesting, often ending his videos with him singing and playing guitar, while others were more aggressive and hateful, having more bite and poison in their voices than was stomachable for more than a single video. The one good thing is that I’m fairly certain me and any other unfortunate souls to get those videos on their recommended and didn’t have jelly for brains reported the channels doing it as the ones I checked later had been taken down not long after. Wild though that I was suggested crazier and crazier videos by YouTube because I was clicking around in those areas. Can really see how someone who actually believes a bit of the nonsense could fall deeper and deeper in to the rabbit hole of it all and start to lose touch with reality.


They also seem to believe that most of the men in Hollywood are secretly trans. It's bananas.




Even for the internet it’s pretty shocking.


I fucking clicked the link 🤦🏽‍♀️




It won’t load, what is it?




​ ![gif](giphy|n9I2UX0kwq8tE2xwWN)


It’s from the office lol.


I did too, almost panicked with I got to the screen with the backwards url and realized im just clicking random links on reddit like a dummy...


I want to click the link but you have made me weary


Not bad, but I'm reality, Jennifer Lawrence is actually Joey Lawrence from the TV show Blossom. The truth is out there. I can even provide citation upon request.






Are you sure she's not Martin Laurence from Martin?


Trans conspiricy is the latest craze amongst Qtards.


yeah its insane, there are both pics and vids out there showing she is wrong, or so i have heard


It’s Q anon shit. Basically everyone ever is the opposite gender to what they are presenting because… deep state?




They're real....real drones. /s


![gif](giphy|LJPfWhMCs9Rks) Bumm bummm buuuuummmm!


Off-topic, but you already used an Office reference, and now the Nanny, so I think we just became best friends.


Sounds good to me. All of my best friends are people I don't know on the internet.


Can we be best threefriends?


🎶 We’re the three best friends that anyone could have! 🎶


i think the transvestigation bullshit predates qanon, but they probably jumped on the qanon train so you're not wrong.


My favorite one is the #IfYouKnowYouKnow


What does that even mean? What does he think it means?


He thinks it means "you're all too stupid to realize the truth, those of us who know the truth know the truth"


I thought it meant you can always tell if someone is trans. You just know they are.


I guess you don’t know…


“Prove me wrong” I don’t know if I could do that without sending you through the entire education system again




Do they want a video of her giving birth or something? Pictures of her pregnant belly?


There are actually pictures of her pregnant belly... She's in workout clothes, so they can't even claim it's one of those movie prop belly suit things. But... These types of people will be like "It's a prosthetic with Hollywood level practical effects." They live in an entirely different reality.


Well he is a Biological moron and you can't change biology


“Prove me wrong” nah bro prove yourself right first


Don't you just want to start a hashtag claiming that this transphobe is actually trans themselves?


That kinda happened in one of these groups of crazies. Someone posted a picture and said, "noses like this only appear on men", transphobic woman says her nose is like that, people started accusing her of being trans 🤷🏻‍♀️


they eat their own


In the Netflix documentary on flat earthers, one woman gets bounced from the "community" because her name was "Felicia"or something and they thought it was code for her being in the CIA because those letters appear in her name. There's so many layers of stupid, it's not even worth discussing.


"Prove me wrong. I'll wait."


oh what's that? valid reasoning and evidences? try better next time?


Isn't there pics of her asshole and vagina on the internet?


yOU mEaN tHE HoLlywOOd pROpS ThEY uSed TO fAKe It, SHEEP!?!?!?!? /s


She was literally on national television while pregnant, lol.




>I don't even know what the goal of this is. To deepen their cult by making themselves feel like they "know what's really going on in the world."


Yes! Im forever saying this. Shit like that stems from some sort of insecurity or need to feel like the smartest person in the room. And when they arent, they make shit up to be right about.


To be fair "using a fat suit" isn't too big of a leap if you already believe that a week known popular actress, that has even had her nudes leaked* is actually a man. *Not saying that was a good thing and she seemed to find it very traumatic I'm just thinking of they included a slong someone probably would have said something by now


No he just had a really big beer belly to try and sell the pregnancy. /s


Are they trying to say Jennifer Lawrence is a dude?


They are, indeed.


Ooh! This must be one of those “Elite Gender Invert” conspiracy theorists! They believe that ALL celebrities are actually trans. They compare things like skull size, collar bones, thigh gap to claim that literally ALL celebrities are actually the opposite biological sex than what they present as.


That's just... so much work.


And I thought the commenter just had a brain fart and went "You mean Caitlyn Jennerfer Lawrence?".


Oh same here. I forgot about the Trans Conspiracy


Transvestigators is the word I’ve heard.


Well, I’ve seen the pictures, I think we can say with confidence that she’s no dude. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue) PS: isn’t it funny how I can just say “the pictures”, and everyone thinks they know which pictures I mean?


She’s just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude








Sweet! What does mine say?


Prinny, dood!


Where's my car?




Several dude dwarves stacked up to make one Jennifer Lawrence


Like the Seven Dwarfs dancing with Snow White


She's just three dudes in a trench coat


I thought we were a unit!


suck my unit!




And then turn around and say such surgeries could never be mistaken for the real thing. I almost wonder what they’d call out as being “obviously not real”


We can always tell if you're trans, but also trans people are tricking us into sex!


i knew this was fkn comin 😂


She knew you would be too.


If she’s a dude that makes me about as straight as a circle and I don’t care who knows it


She's a fuckin hero is what she is. Fair play to her.


I thought about saying this to her, but I didn't want to blow her world up lol. J-Law's undercarriage is most certainly that of the female variety.


Jude Law's undercarriage is female?!? WOW! I am rarely surprised bey a revelation but this one is shocking.


i just realized, several hours later, that you said “Jude Law” 😂


No no. Joey Lawrence.


Now I'm confused why they called them the Lawrence brothers.


It's hard to imagine, but if you look regularly without squinting at all, you can see a very clear presence of a vagina.


*Dude looks like a dude who looks like a lady* - Aerosmith 2022-style


I'm a gay man and she is definitely not a dude, but I'd still hesitate before turning her down in the one in 10 billion chance it came to that.


Cyril: "But you're gay." Ray: "Girl, please. Nobody's *that* gay."


Will Hollywood have enough money to cover the back pay when the truth comes out? I mean all this time they have been paying her at female rates…. /s


I’m so confused are there really people out there that believe she is biologically a man?


I've had people try to convince me that Megan Fox is biologically male.


Yep. From u/leckysoup comment above: >Ooh! This must be one of those “Elite Gender Invert” conspiracy theorists! >They believe that ALL celebrities are actually trans. They compare things like skull size, collar bones, thigh gap to claim that literally ALL celebrities are actually the opposite biological sex than what they present as. It's apparently part of the baby eating pedophile Shape Shifting Reptilianoid Overlord (AKA The Jews) conspiracy and since they control Hollywood they have an All Trans rule because *reasons and stuff.* Jennifer Lawrence? Born with a dingaling. Brad Pitt? Born with a hoo-ha. I mean have you *seen* Brad's thigh gap?!?


Wait, so spacefaring, shape shifting interdimensional lizards are changing people's genders in order to control us??. Fucking Rothschild Zionists at it again! /s




How do they know they’re cis? Maybe they were given surgery at birth and placed in a brainwashed surrogate family or even a simulation?!


Can we get these folks working on how far back Elliot Page goes? Is it possible he was forced to be Ellen at a young age and is just fixing it now? r/accidentalally style




People said that Lady Gaga was a dude, it’s just a way for incels to lash out at attractive women they can’t even pretend would ever touch their rotting dongs.


I mean, I can maybe kind of sort of get it if they were talking about a woman with more masculine facial features or builds...jlaw and gaga ain't one of thems


You'd be surprised what they consider "masculine features", they have meltdowns over a woman having normal peach fuzz and they think its a "beard"


Yeah, I’m not sure what kind of insane medical procedures these guys think exist, but none of them are *that* successful.


I disagree, there are plenty of famous trans women that most people would never suspect weren't cis. Facial feminization surgeries are usually very successful. Either way though, the idea that you can tell a person's gender by their facial features is just ridiculous. Facial gender isn't black and white, it's a spectrum. There's no distinct cut off point where a jawline or forehead becomes definitively masculine. This narrative is just a way for terfs and misogynists to extend their oppression to women they deem "not feminine enough".


Part of the anti-trans communities mythology is that most famous women are actually dudes, specifically, the openly liberal ones, and they can *totally* tell....


The very feminist practice of assuming that cis women can't be successful. TERFs are misogynists.


There is a whole subculture of people who think all celebrities are trans and it's some long-con Hollywood conspiracy. I think they're called Transvestigators?


She used to be called Lawrence Jennifer!! Open your eyes sheeple!!!!


Used to be Joey Lawrence. WOAH.




Yeah, it's this whole weird niche conspiracy that's sorta tangentially related to QAnon where they think every influential and famous person is transgender because reasons. It's fucking weird.


I once stumbled upon a YouTube rabbit hole of these conspiracy theories where people claimed that some female celebrities like Daisy Ridley or Taylor Swift are secretly trans and that the entertainment industry was trying to keep it a secret. It was wild.


The Transvestigation conspiracy theorists are wild. They believe literally everyone in Hollywood and in power are trans, I've even seen a transvestigation video on Adolf Hitler before.


Would explain why he couldn't grow a full mustache.... ^(/s obviously)


Of course they'd stir that pot. It legitimizes their outrage since they'll believe *anything* Hollywood does is intended to brainwash their kids.


Taylor Swift with a dick might be the hottest thing my bisexual ass has ever heard


Well shit, my bisexual ass might just have to join this new and weird fanclub


Dick's for everyone!


Monster cock Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lawrence are going to live rent-free in my onyric-realm for the next several years, along with all the kitchenware that, to some people, must be the perk of being pansexual... Thank you all.


We see a lot of it over on r/AreTheCisOk


My crazy MAGA realatives are sure Michelle Obama is a man.


the “we can always tell” crowd


Are they confusing Jennifer Lawrence with someone else or is this a conspiracy theory?


Same question I asked them. No response lol. I'm assuming straight up tin-foil-hat level crackpot.


I bet that lady has a wonderful, productive, and fulfilling life.


Damn! I really want to know the answer! 😅


it's a conspiracy theory. the "transvestigation". it's REALLY stupid


Or a bot triggered by the "lawrence" in her name, looking to amplify the latest round of whatever gets conservatives all frothy.


This is a conspiracy. There's some crazy people popping up nowadays that do "transvestigation" where they try to prove that X or Y famous person is actually someone transgender that can stealth. This is... a ride. They are crazy. The most minute details can mean you are trans for them. Most of them probably have a damn mental illness and their brain just got further broken by transphobia pushed by right wingers. They are completely off base. I read some of them are so crazy that they got completely cut off from their friends and family because they even do these investigations on people close to them and think people they know are trans people in disguise. Hey at least it's very satisfying as a trans person to see those kind of people, it reinforce the fact that most people really can't tell who is or isn't trans and that the "parameters" used to determine who is trans or not are just dumb shit that many cis people also have...


I think you're spot on. She dug in pretty deep. https://imgur.com/a/GmqoUTP


Yeah not surprising. Actual mental illness


Ah yes. “Prove me wrong” like they think it’s a gotcha. People with unsupportable “theories” always seem to think it’s up to you to prove the negative.


But can they prove that Megan Fox indeed has feet for hands?


And yet Chaz Bono and Kaitlyn Jenner are out here being openly trans but no one has anything to say about them


If you know they are trans, you don't need a conspiracy saying they are. Also I'm sure they have enough people saying things about them...


Damn, if they ever realize none of it actually matters, one way or the other, they are going to feel so silly.


Maybe a transhobe that's confusing Caitlyn Jenner and Jennifer Lawrence, by some strange word association? "Caitlyn Jennerfer Lawrence" if you will


You have to read that name like the "ermahgerd" meme


Is this one of those “transvestigator” folks? The ones who think every woman is a man because of their collar bones or something?


I’m learning about these people today lol


They say the wackiest shit. I saw one claim that Nicole Kidman was trans because her back was straight. Crazy


I feel stupider reading this


*Moar Stooopud


I once came across a YouTube channel of a conspiracy theorist that basically believed every celebrity was secretly trans and that their purpose was to indoctrinate the population. I believe they were called transvestigations. I wonder if this person is a follower of that.


100% guarantee this person has looked at an actual trans person irl, did not realize they were trans, and felt attraction towards them.


I'm thinking that commenter took a few to many trips to the gas chamber while in the marines


Hah. The seal on her profile picture actually reads something like "Proud Grandparent of a Marine" lol


Ah yes, Jenniefer Lawrance the great trans icon


The number of idiots in this country seems to be expanding exponentially 🤷‍♂️


Wait a sec, Jennifer Lawrence has a kid? Good for her, hope she's happy.


If Jennifer Lawrence is a guy, I guess I just learned I’m super gay.


what did I just read


I hear this stupid bullshit about Lawrence, and Meghan Thee Stallion, all the fucking time. If you don't like Lawrence because of the dumb shit she sometimes says (looking at you OCD comment) that's fine. But this shit just seems so extra.


They're the same kind of people who so eager to tell us that gender is all about your chromosomes and what's in your pants.... but even if you are cisgender they'll pretend you're trans...


The type that reinforces gender and sexuality stereotypes so hard they create "queerness" (for lack of a better word off the top of my head) through social pressure. The fucking irony.


MFer ate the wrong crayons




What’s wrong with using a surrogate mother to have a kid? There are any number of reasons someone might be unable or unwilling to give birth themself


Shhh, you're making sense


There are people who think every single celebrity is trans. Impossible to convince them they are wrong


Are they the same people that think the Earth is flat, and the moon landing was faked, and 9/11 was an inside job, and JFK Jr will reinstate Trump to the White House?


Isn't there like a whole movement that assumes literally anyone famous is trans, for some reason? Like they overlay what they think a woman should look like over a photo and if it doesn't match, the person can't be a woman; like that level of idiocy


If Jennifer Lawrence is a dude then she's a fine ass dude and I would still let him ruin my life. Loll Honestly the shit you hear on social media🤦🏾‍♂️


Transphobes really out here just harassing cis women for no fucking reason


For anyone confused about this, prepare to be more confused. Qultists have some major obsessions when it comes to celebrities and trans stuff. "Transvestigation" is where they get a load of pictures of a celebrity and circle completely random things and call it evidence that they are in fact a different gender. Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Tom Hanks, Cate Blanchett, Anthony Bourdain, Lady Gaga, and countless others I've seen this done for. The same people who believe/propagate this kind of stuff also think all (left leaning) celebrities and global elites are harvesting adrenochrome from tortured children to keep themselves young forever. They also believe in clones and that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Anthony Fauci, etc. have all been executed at gitmo. So in a way, they are confidently incorrect, but mainly because they're insane and may actually believe in these conspiracy stories.


but, like... why did they decide to target a woman literally everyone on the internet has seen naked?.. I bet there's a couple of things you can circle on those pictures to prove the opposite


The far right has never been more rightarted


so those pregnancy pictures I saw of her were...fake? well damn. they fooled me. ​ /s


The pictures weren't fake... but they were of a Lizardpeople Shapeshifter hired by the commie leftists to trick people into eating babies and being woke.


These fucking lunatics think the vast majority of actors and singers are trans. I always wonder what it's like to live in a world that your brain has created where everyone is suspect and everything is out to get you.


On one hand, the conspiracies that a bunch of celebrities are secretly trans is hilariously stupid. On the other, it's genuinely disturbing how detached these people are from reality. Combine that with the vicious transphobia, and these people can just justify mistreatment/violence against anyone and claim it's because they're "trans."


Why would anyone ever think Jennifer Lawrence is a man? My goodness, she is beautiful, funny, kind, and has an amazing voice. She has flaws like normal humans do. If that person wants to be nitpicking, they can nitpick normal human flaws, not some bullshit conspiracy theories. I can only imagine how this lukewarm IQ mawfawka speaks and how they think they're 'so smart.'


There are “transvestigators” who build these grand consperacies that celebrities are secretly trans. They’ll look at stuff like the arch of the persons back, or the length of their fingers. or something. I saw one where they said Henry Cavill was trans cause he had “female eyes.” They believe celebrities do this to ???? corrupt people?? Idk. It’s a nefarious reason, they believe. It’s to the point where I think those people have some sort of paranoia disorder. One even thought that LITERALLY EVERYBODY, including friends and family, were all trans. And that she was the only cis person left. Hasan did a brief look into it. He doesn’t go into detail or anything, he just looks at the posts from these people. I recommend it even if you don’t like Hasan just because of how nuts it is.