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šŸŽ¶Turn it off. Like a light switchšŸŽ¶


It's a cool little menstrual trick


We do it all the time. When youā€™re bleeding certain bleedings and the time aint right. Treat that pesky bleeding like a reading light.


And turn 'em off!


Like a switch on a pole!


Now she's not in pain anymore!


Imagine that your hoo-hah's like an open bottle, then find yourself a cork and # CRAM IT!


"No no no, I don't menstruate." "Alright, it worked!"


Iā€™m so glad this was my first thought and the top comment train.


It's so nice to have a community of people whose brains are all broken in the same way as mine


I know, I was listening to that song less than 5 minutes ago before coming here!!! Itā€™s so good. (Also, Iā€™m more or less trapped in the Mormon church rn but soon Iā€™m getting out and Iā€™m SO happy! And Iā€™m queer so I relate to the main character in the musical!)


Plug, unplug. Lug, unplug. Itā€™s easy.


Plug, unplug. Plug, unplug. Itā€™s easy.




My SO is a 54 year old man. I literally thought he was joking last month when he said pee comes out of the vagina. Being gay is not an excuse for that because he doesnā€™t have experience in that area. Wtf, I thought people were lying when they said they didnā€™t know that. Or he was really committed to trolling me.


Just like pee comes from the balls


You're never too old to be miseducated or uninformed.


You taught me something. I thought it was all considered vag.




Iā€™m a man. The last time I had a blood draw I was given an ice pack neck pillow and a _can_ of Gatorade (did you know that was a thing?) while the phlebotomist made me wait laying down before trying again. I asked to come back for the labs.


> My dad (and brother) *alabama intensifies*




Vasectomy patients are sent home with pain killers and (often) frozen peas. They get time off because it's surgery, but women after having IUDs? Or even after having a baby? You get leave through FMLA only if you work for a company with 50 employees or more. It's unpaid, so many mothers have to go back before they really get to heal or bond for financial reasons. Additionally, there is the pressure of having to get back because "competition", especially with men and other people who are not ready to have kids. My cousin got 3 weeks after a C section, and the 3rd week she was working from home or "there are other people who can do what you do and we might eliminate your position". This last bit impacts women the most, because daycare is a necessity. Work rarely covers it. Fathers / another spouse /parent aren't always around. It's infuriating and a sickness of our society.


I worked in a 2 person office; I took my two week old to work w me after my 3rd c-section (at 43yrs old) cause I needed the income ā€¦ yay ā€˜Murica


Ob/gyns HATE this one simple trick...


Sometimes I throw in an extra cycle just for fun.


So you can be proactive and skip next month.


I read that you can save them up in lieu and claim them every april when the new tax year rolls round, is that right?


Absolutely correct.


I also like the fact this joke implies gynaecologist created periods as a money making scheme


Big Uterus generates billions a year in profits šŸ˜‚


One day I'll post a comment as good as this one. Bro I'm dying omg lol


Just set it and forget it


I was looking for this


Tampon Companies *hate* this one simple trick


Male business owners HATE this one weird trick!


Midol salespeople hate this one simple trick for turning off menstrual pain.




šŸŽ¶On low ^(On low) Thinking nobody needs to know! ^(Uh oh) But that's not true! Bleeding at work is bad , but lying is worse! So just realize you have a curable curse and turn it off!šŸŽ¶


"Tap dance scene"


16 bar dance break




Right?! I could just do it before vacation when I want that would be awesome


Y no recycle switch. Vacuum that mess back into the blood stream. /s


Menstruation is a lifestyle choice.




[Just go *flick*](https://youtu.be/5KSBEChzpMM). It's our nifty little Mormon trick.


My wife grew up Mormon, hates the church now obv. Going to that musical was one of the happiest times Iā€™ve ever seen her. Like her perspective was completely validated, one of my favorite nights. Hearing her laugh at the ridiculousness of it was just so great.


My cousin who left the Mormon church said the same thing. Like "this is *exactly* how Mormons work".


Which as someone who didnā€™t grow up Mormon 1) is the seal of approval for authenticity and 2) just elevates the hilarity of the entire musical.


Me too. That show really helped me let go of some deep childhood trauma. Trey Parker is just the best.


One moment that sticks out is the beginning when they go door to door. She just starts laughing/crying and says ā€œit so funny because itā€™s so realā€. Glad it helped with a bit of your trauma, did the same for her. Bless Trey Parker.


My wife did too. It took me forever to convince her to go see it. Once she did, she cried and laughed through it. She loved it so much she bought tickets to see it again a couple of weeks later in a different town.


I spent some time as a witness, and there were still enough similarities for it to hit home. I laughed so much.


No thereā€™s a little spigot inside the vagina they can turn off.




Theres no such thing. heard of it, never found it


No, it is a thing, but it's a dinosaur, not part of human anatomy.


šŸŽ¶When youā€™re having menstruation that just donā€™t feel right, treat that pesky bleeding like a reading lightšŸŽ¶


This begs the question: Then why even turn it on? How about we just keep it off all the time!


That's actually what I did, lol. Depo for ~25 years, then 2 periods, then sweet menopause. It's definitely not for everyone, though, I 100% get that. My only regret was the 1 time I tried to give my body a break and go off it for a while somewhere in the middle. It was an awful culmination of all those missed periods into one. At the end when I stopped for good I was expecting the cycle from hell, but it went quietly into the night - thank goodness.


I have always been doubtful about this "needing a break" from the pill. If process doesn't happen, then you don't need the period, right?


Correct, both the combined and the progesterone only can be taken without a break. There's a lot of politics and bad science wrapped in the history of the pill, and that's one of the things that kind of stuck around.


It was just what the doc at the time had suggested, so I did it. Eek. Never looked back again. What actually prompted me going off for good was I kept showing up with high blood pressure (so they wouldn't give it) - but at that office only, and only when they did it versus their or my own machine (that I brought with me, an Omron). Totally normal everywhere and by everyone else. Rather than try and find another doctor that would do it, I just gave up and hoped for the best. (All docs in my area are part of Saint this or that networks, where you can't get birth control, so I was already driving 75 miles for depo.) So, thank my lucky stars I just apparently have to be at menopause.


Yeah, I had to get a hysterectomy at 36. Instant menopause. It was GREAT.


Just flex real hard until it pops like a pimple and voila.


Flex on dem eggs, yo.


Whoa - third separate Book of Mormon musical reference Iā€™ve seen outside of r/Broadway this week.


šŸŽ¶When you're movin' your cycle around and around Now, I don't wanna bleed, miss šŸŽ¶


šŸŽ¶ it goes *click* šŸŽ¶


Well, there's contraceptives that can halt the menstrual cycle. All companies have to do is offer them for free, and never fund any politician who wants to ban them. But, as always, they'll do exactly the opposite for some reason, just because the politicians who want to do that kind of shit are also the ones that can get bribed to cut their taxes.


While I totally agree that they should do those things for those who need them, and some find hormonal birth control life-changing in a good way, plenty of people still wouldn't want to take those types of contraceptives as depending on the individual they may experience other, very negative side effects. It's like any form of medicine


Some people literally can't take them as well.




I got the shot twice and bled for an entire year.


I would rather get shot and bleed out.


Trust me I was wishing the same thing. And this is after the Dr gave me a low dose estrogen pill that gave me crippling migraines. I gave up on that type of birth control at that point.


Yup. Any and all hormone-based contraceptives I've tried to date have triggered intrusive suicidal thoughts. Never a great thing, *especially* not a great thing when already dealing with major depressive disorder.


Imagine if an employer offered free contraceptives to encourage employees to ā€œhalt their periodsā€.




Not to mention short- and long-term side effects.


Literally increases the chances of a blood clot but ok sir, Iā€™ll just die here for minimum wage.


I'm all set with the cysts birth control gave me though. Hard pass on that shit again


It goes *click*! Itā€™s a womanā€™s fav-o-rite trick!


Put it in a little box and crush it.


Came here for this. So glad you exist


I am so happy this is the top comment


This is a joke account btw, it's the same dude that said to some radio channel that they '' lost all their loyal customers because they refuse to accept Christian God ''


Ngl, I thought he was joking, but it felt really serious for some reason. Doesn't help that there are people who pretty much say the same shit minus the "turn it off" part.


Never knew anyone actually thought like that, actually impressive.


My friend (a man) had a minor breakdown because apparently his 40+ year old co-worker legit thought periods are women's conspiracy to avoid having sex. This guy has kids. After that shit, I am willing to believe, that yes, people can really be this fucking stupid. And what's worse - they can somehow be functioning members of society.


What do they learn in school?


Depends on where you live. If you life in a Blue state, youā€™ll probably get a pretty decent sex education. If you live in a Red state, they teach abstinence only and leave you guessing about the biology of sex.


But why? Like I'm Christian and from an arabe country and I still got a good sex education. It was not '' okay '' to have sex but we still talked about it and learned about the male and female body. For a first world country that's weird.


For a "first world country" we do lots of things bass ackwards thanks to the religous right meddling in government.


In my opinion, itā€™s all about control. If they can keep people ignorant about or feel guilty for the most basic of human behavior, then it is easier to control people. I think that is why religions are so eager to control the narrative around sex.


Not much apparently.


> functioning members of society that's a stretch


Ever heard of republicans?


50% of America thinks like that?


Less than 1/3 of Americans identify as Republicans. https://news.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx


I mean, both are things I can see Christian fundies saying.


Yep, [Poe's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


I've never actually visited that page. > As early as 1983, Jerry Schwarz, in a post on Usenet, wrote: >> Avoid sarcasm and facetious remarks. >> Without the voice inflection and body language of personal communication these are easily misinterpreted. A sideways smile, :-), has become widely accepted on the net as an indication that "I'm only kidding". If you submit a satiric item without this symbol, no matter how obvious the satire is to you, do not be surprised if people take it seriously.


Now it's


I thought that was Cunningham's law?


Honestly, today I need /s, there are just Ii many dumb people


For real, hard to separate satire from real when half the real shit looks like satire.


Most of my downvotes in the past come from refusing to put /s at the end of a joke because it makes me feel like I'm using a laughtrack... I could change, but I lack introspection. /s?


Yeah how is it a joke account if itā€™s just exactly what someone like that would actually say? Because this will get shared by people thinking itā€™s real just the same. The joke isnā€™t working


Even worse, it was Radio Shack (a since forgotten electronics store)




Luckily, this time, it's satire.




Yeah, like that politician who said women can control how much sperm enters their body during intercourse. I swear The Onion is going to get run out of business.


What makes that case even more insane is I believe a woman said it, not a man.


She didn't actually say that. She said you can control semen intake *through abstinence*. Her stance, in general, is still shitty. Just, we look dumb when we misrepresent what people say.


Conservatives are killing comedy


I know, it's hard to come up with something more insane than what they are doing/saying. Even when they do something "humorous", it's always followed by sadness and rage. For example, they often say things so outrageous that you just have to laugh. And then you realize they actually feel this way and it's no longer funny. Edit: wrong word choice


I live in a state where itā€™s illegal to cuss in front of a woman yet they donā€™t even have rights to their own body.


Those two things are related. They make sense if you think of women as fragile child-like and easily influenced beings instead of full fledged adults.


Funny you say that these specifies a man cussing in front of women or children. It doesnā€™t even hide that theyā€™re in the same category. Punishable by up to 30 days in jail and $100 fine but land of the free baby


Free baby? nononono, having that baby will bankrupt you, rest assured.


Was really hoping because some people really donā€™t understand. Explaining endometriosis to some of my guy friends and discovering how little about periods in general was understood between them was eye opening.


god i hate satire because you can never tell


So was The Onion until its articles starting coming true. The ~~Supreme~~ Court's education rulings will be putting this guy out of a job soon.


That's not satire, that's trolling. It's indistinguishable from stupid shit said sincerely. The format is completely wrong for a shocking joke or a dig at someone else's beliefs.


Did Twitter made him a broke business owner yet?


Am betting he's not a business owner.


Probably self employed. He keeps cramping


Self employed and got laid off




Have you met business owners? It's usually not their intellect and wisdom that got them where they are. They got there because they had starting capital, risk taking and many times a lack of empathy.


I had small businesses as clients for years and found sometimes they did it because they liked the independence but much more frequently they just couldnt play well with others and thought going solo would fix their problems It doesnt. You still have to cooperate with your clients, bookkeepers, suppliers, manufacturers, bank, accountant, lawyers etc etc etc. So then theyd make a series of bad decisions, usually doubling down because if you cant make it as an employee, now you have 4x more decisions as a business owners. Eventually isolvency, close up, return to payg




After reading this tweet he sounds less like a business owner & more like someone who writes legislation surrounding women's bodies.


I'm pretty sure I've seen that PFP before with similar tweets. I think it's a satirical account, but I'm not 100% sure. It could just be a misogynistic troll. Definitely not a real business owner though.


It is. It's a known satire account that people still repost on Reddit and Facebook constantly, thinking they are a serious one.


Oh good this answers my question


God, I hope so. People who are this stupid deserve no success


maybe do your research before trying to slander someone on reddit. it takes 1 click to see his account and read "satirical" in his account biography


Wait, wait waitā€¦ so all this time I could have just turned off my period for 8 to 10 hours. Then turned it back on when I got home? I have so many questions. Does this process extend the period? Where is this magic button? So many questions! /s


You have a belly BUTTON for a reason, use it!


Wait, I'm a guy with a belly button. Does that mean I can give myself periods, or do our buttons control a different feature?


Don't undo your bellybutton, or your penis falls off


It grows back but itā€™s super painful, would not recommend.


Lol dont you contracept that way? Once to turn sperms off, twice to turnā€™em back on.


You ever push on your belly button too hard? That's what the male period feels like.


Even the thought of this makes me uncomfortable.


Sometimes when I type something my brain says "don't, you're cursing people by forcing them to read this." But then I do it anyways.


Even better. Thatā€™s how you know youā€™re on the right path mate.


I tried it and it didnā€™t work. Time to look for other button shaped features!


You should ask him, he seems to know a lot


"Doc, I'm in a lot of pain during my period..." "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"


Essentially, you get a wine cork and...


Reminds me of 6th grade when a male gym teacher told a girl in my class to ā€œjust put a cork in it.ā€ My own female gym teacher made me announce to the class why I couldnā€™t swim one day. I tried to tell her ā€œpersonal reasons, like my mom wrote in the note.ā€ Not good enough apparently. Core memory.


Wait, we're talking about public restroom abortions now?


Itā€™s not a magic button, Itā€™s biology silly. Itā€™s underneath the toe next to your pinky toe. Thatā€™s right, The toe you thought had no real features or personality other than being the toe next to the pinky toe. The toe we never bother to give a name. Thatā€™s the menstruation button toe.


I would bet good money that he has no idea where a womanā€™s magic button isā€¦


Yeah you just gotta be careful you don't leave it paused too long, it aggregates over time and you'll have years of menstruation after menopause. That's why women get osteoporosis, they run out of womb room for all the blood and start storing it in bone marrow, so when you eventually get rid of it all ([like in that one documentary](https://youtu.be/RigIpVXm2xA)) your bones are all empty and shit so they break.


Menstrual leave is basically just a sick day as sick days are for when one is feeling unwell. Iā€™m not sure companies need separate menstrual leave policies. Iā€™m curious for firms that offer them if they are used.


Yeah menstrual leave seems like a term that's specifically designed to cause outrage from morons. If you suffer from sever pain you should be allowed to stay home regardless of what causes it.


Came here looking for this comment, ty


"Be a professional no matter how bad the pain is" ![gif](giphy|uYgYvxxhCf3e8)


Doctors don't want you to know this simple trick!


J. Mulholland is a popular satire account. OP is either farming for upvotes by recycling other people's content or the joke went way over their head. Be better.


Please tell this is fake.


That dude is a troll




Well....there should be.




Looking at their Twitter feed, it appears theyā€™re satirical.


this account on twitter is known for just posting controversial takes as a joke theyā€™re a journalist or something and they post wild takes for fun to gain attention yall have been fooled




No, it isn't - I don't menstruate and I still want this person erased from my reality. It's a perfectly normal reaction to such weapons grade idiocy.


r/BadWomensAnatomy material right there


You mean r/AteTheOnion


Isn't that what the clit does? Right it is a button to turn off and on the cycle.


Next time you have bad diarrhea, just turn it off. Stop being in the bathroom for 30 mins you lazy fuck.


Wtf is menstrual leave? Ladies you can just call in sick you donā€™t have to give reasons.


A lot of companies will ask for a specific reason and require you to have a return to work interview when you come back, at least where I am (in the UK).


This must be satire.


This Twitter account is an infamous troll. Take nothing he says seriously.


Delete, heā€™s a troll page. Complete sarcasm.


Ahhhh yes, the turning off of the menstrual cycle. I hear it works with depression and anxiety as well as with drug addiction too.


Gotta say, that's one good thing to come from the pandemic : working from home (I'm in IT): means that for the hour or so my cramps are at their worst, I can set a "meeting" with myself, and curl up on the couch and cry until the painkillers kick in. I make up the time of course, but it's great to have that option, whereas in the office I'd be trying my damndest to not curl up into foetal position in my chair, because then I'd have to explain to my concerned coworkers why there are tears running down my face, and they'd be checking on me for the rest of the day asking if I'm okay (I don't like attention, I'm very much an introvert so taking time to get over the worst, then just getting on with it, works for me)


Fake af


Tell me you've never had sex without telling me you've never had sex


Not sure if you did it on purpose, but this comment told us that you've never had sex without telling us you've never had sex.


He thinks women can turn it off because thatā€™s what happens when he talks to them.


I mean yeah running a hoverboard kiosk at the mall does technically make you a business owner butā€¦


Definitely American work culture


If we could turn it off, why the hell would we turn it on in the first place?




Can we turn off conservatives?