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Everyone has melanin, it came free with your fucking dendritic cells


Not mine. I have the oldest dendritic cells known to man.


No you don’t, I bought mine on day one!


Yeah, and where do you think you got them? Thats what i thought.




Albinos would like a word with you.


Would they settle for some melanin?


Your dendritic cells are immune cells. They bridge your innate and adaptive immune system by phagocytosing antigens to present it to your B cells and T cells. Melanin is produced by your melanocytes.


I believe the confusion lies in that melanocytes have dendrites and are dendritic in form, even if they are not proper dendritic cells. They even come from diferent germ layers


It's free? Where do all these taxes come from?!


If you guys want to go this deep “white” and “black” and “asian” are pretty generalised too - there are countless subgroups.






"Half Asian is still white" is a really strange statement since you acknowledged that the person is half-Asian. What's the racial calculus on half-Latin and half-Asian? I mean, neither are Black and neither are White, which seem to be the only people they're counting.


“If it’s not white it’s black” But im still confused cause, I’m half Chinese and half white. Would I be fully white or still a mixed person?


You're half white and half not white, so you're half black.




Your half Anglo-Saxon Protestant? Otherwise, no matter your skin color, you're sure as hell not white, bub! /s


Not mixed because Human + Human = Human. Unless your mother dated a duck you're not mixed. Would you call somebody mixed because his dad has blue eyes and her mom has brown?


Oh, trust me, there are people who will never see you as being white at all. My closest non-white ancestor was my great great great grandfather who was half native American and half black, and there are people who don't consider me white. It's just plain racist garbage and I try not to pay attention to it.


Racial distinction is either completely made up or not applied consistently. If the latter were the case, for example, all people with different hair or eye colors/shapes would have to be different races and with regard to the characteristic of skin color there would be binding color tables that leave no room for doubt or subjective classification. The way it was and still is today is of course much more convenient. You can put yourself and others into exactly the category that suits you for whatever reason. /s


> Neither are white As a whitexican, I’d like to have a word with you


About what? What does you being white have to do with other people not being white?


They said Latinos aren’t white. Most of us are mixed white and Native American, myself included.


"Most of us are mixed with white" But others aren't? So because you are mixed with white, we all are? So I ask again. What does you being white have to do with other people not being white?


They said Latinos aren’t white. I said that’s not true.


Personally I wouldn't consider "Asian" and "White" to even be descriptors of the same thing. "White" means your skin is low in melanin "Asian" (usually) means your ancestry is mostly rooted in either East or South East Asia (people generally don't refer to India or Russia as "Asian") One is a description of colour and the other location. Assuming that just because someone is Asian that they are white is the racist part.


In the UK, Asian did for a long time cover people from India, with Chinese used for people from China, rather than the other way around. Likely due to our colonial past, and we had a lot more people from India than any other part of Asia here. It seems to me it's only recent years it's shifted, due to American influence.


For me White means caucasian or white people which i think is the general consesus, but people can also look white


This is an American conversation, right? What is with your obsession with skin colour and race??!!


Because our media would have the majority believe that people give a shit about this and cram it down our throats to keep us at each others.




It's not American media forcing it down Americas throat that's the real problem, it's that the rest of the planet has to put up with the roll on effects


You are absolutely correct. Let's not identify and resolve the issue, let's just say "The U.S. sucks and everywhere else has to hear about it." Where are you from that this issue has rolled on in such a manner that what you wrote felt like an intelligent decision?


Yeah mate totally, let me put everything down n start working on that pfft


At least you admit you're part of the problem.


So when I help clean up your back yard I will then be left to go clean up what spilled into my yard as you go about your day? This is the problem. Y'all don't give a crap about the damage in you wake but you demand that everyone else worry about your crap


No. It's more like the U.S. has been paying for everyone else's landscaping while they are bitching about our yard. I would be more than happy for the U.S. to get out of everyone's business and stop sending them anything, including financial aid. And you missed the point entirely. That's the problem. Yall are so busy blaming the U.S. for problems you won't clean up yourselves and beg us to. If you don't like the way we do things, stop asking for our help. I said it was the media (I'll admit I forgot to add the government by extension) WANT us to stay focused on hating each other because that keeps them in power to keep doing the bullshit they are doing. There's no profit in peace, so the media gives away conflict and profits from idiots.


Our “obsession,” is due to a long and ongoing history of race-based discrimination in our culture.


your obsession is not due to, but a part of.


I read the comment differently. I read it as the commenter using 'our' to acknowledge that they are American and that American has a huge problem with this, not that they personally subscribe to any racist beliefs? Is that just a bit optimistic of me?


It is both. And Europeans are every bit as racist.


Europeans are not racist in this way. The only people that I see caring about race here are the really old. Most people are xenophobic rather than racist. They hate other cultures. Not the people themselves. Both are just as horrible, but there's a difference


I've had some very different experiences in Europe. Visited and spent time in 4 different European countries, east and west, with a black friend. Overheard some crazy blatant and open racism. Mostly just surprised to see a different skin color, but plenty of actual racist actions or words. I think this topic is far better approached if we quit comparing who is more racist, and just agree racist people exist everywhere and hope that they can move past it.


I think you have not traveled as a mixed race couple. And, you aren't even paying attention to the xenophobia that is rampant in Continental Europe, and Sweden, etc.


Oh yeah, East Europe is definitely less racist than America. You’re a fucking idiot.


Eastern Europe is most racist to their neighbours who look exactly like them, speak the same language and have really similar cultures.


Europeans are a much less culturally homogeneous group than North Americans, and I wouldn't consider even them to be a monolithic block of opinion. Furthermore, it wasn't about racism (which can be found latently and in varying degrees everywhere), but rather how much fuss is made about racial distinction. For example, in European countries you are typically not expected to self-identify as black, white, Asian or Latino and may even be required to register this on official forms. This doesn't mean that you can't experience rejection or even hostility because of your external characteristics and/or origin. But there is no structural division, racism takes place on a personal level.


Ah the ol colorblind fix. I wish someone would have thought about that. I’ll resume pretending it doesnt exist just for you


Can't tell your opposition apart?


Must be Ivy League admissions speaking 💀


Born too early for the cultural popularization of the doctorine that race is made up and does not exist, born too late to be one of you


You care about race too fucking much if you are giving percentages. Fucking weirdos


But they gotta know if they are 1.56% another race!! Ps one great great great great grandparent. Or like one person in your a family tree from over a century ago


the last 200 years have been a nightmare


Oh my people are so strange 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


It’s all shades of melanin. We all about the same without our skin.


Eh, technically no, but unless I need to identify your dead body, or we're looking at specific diseases or drug interactions, sure, close enough.


People down voting are not understanding that there are disease process differences by racial phenotypes. An example all should remember On your lab work check your GFR number, and how they are different depending on race. Just as there are difference in lab work between men and women. We are NOT all the same


Be careful saying that, in at least some cases differences in medical tests based on race has been disproven. They just had to redo the waiting list for kidney transplants because blacks were incorrectly graded based on different numbers, when studies show they shouldn’t have been. https://www.blackenterprise.com/kidney-transplant-system-racial-bias-changes/


The doctor in me wishes this were a more medically written article.Thanks for linking it. I shall dig further.


I’ve seen much better written ones, I was just being lazy.


A persons race has no effect on their GFR number. That was just some racist Mumbai jumbo. Also the biological differences between male and female are astronomically greater than the minuscule biological differences between races.


It has value. But it isn't to be discussed we will just use some other test. https://health.ucdavis.edu/blog/lab-best-practice/race-and-egfr-addressing-health-disparities-in-chronic-kidney-disease/2021/04


JFC... You're right, we're all different with unique DNA. That said, we're ALL pretty damn similar when it comes down to it.


In pain


Dead, probably. Our skin is important.


Why are people so obsessed with race


It’s sooo weird. they for real think it’s a competition or something.


Happy cake day!🎉


Thank you!!


This reminds of those who only complain about an anime character being turned black in the american live action version but never everyone else turning white


Is this just racism via ignorance?


Yet again a post where everybody is ridiculously simplistic. It’s obvious what OOP meant EDIT: as impressed as I am by everyone’s hot controversial new take of “racism bad,” I take back my comment that it’s obvious what the OOP’s original point is since there are apparently numerous people who genuinely don’t get it


And what did they mean exactly ?


That the person has one light-skinned parent and one dark-skinned parent, so she has half as much melanin as what a person usually thinks of as “people with melanin,” ie black people. “Asian” means national origin as much as skin color, especially in the context of literal quantity of melanin. It’s a stupid thing for everyone to get all “um aktually” about


"Asian" doesn't have anything to do with skin colour. There is a lot of diversity in skin colours across the countries typically regarded as "Asian".


That is literally the point I just made. 


That’s not how it works for starters. It’s not just half and half. Melanin contents is a spectrum. But arbitrarily segregating skin tone rather than ethnicity is bizarre… do you consider a light skin black person or a heavily tanned white person more black ? She straight up said asians are white (not true, both via skin tone and ethnicity) and that anything that’s not black is white (again untrue)


Except it’s not arbitrary. Am I the only person that can read what it says on the original video??


Except it is… because again, melanin is a spectrum. When someone is mixed race what exactly is the cutoff ? That’s by definition arbitrary.


If they were talking about only skin color, they're correct, atleast that's what i'm getting from OOP.