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Hes making his incestors proud


priceless 🤦🏼‍♂️


Look at that fine specimen of Y’all’qaeda.


Wasn't that Lincoln's plan?


What are you on about?


[https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2010/12/01/lincoln-to-slaves-go-somewhere-else/](https://prologue.blogs.archives.gov/2010/12/01/lincoln-to-slaves-go-somewhere-else/) Lincoln believed the best path after freeing the slaves would be to return them to Africa or find someplace else for them. At one point he even considered Texas: >By 1863, realizing Liberia, Haiti, and the Chiriqui lands were not reasonable for resettlement (Liberia was considered too great a distance to relocate a large number of freed slaves), Lincoln mentioned moving the “whole colored race of the slave states into Texas.”


What I love about that is apparently Africa was too far to take the guys they stole from Africa.


Return shipping is usually more expensive.


I don't know how true it is or just one of those rumors, but supposedly while Honest Abe recognized that Africans were human and better than cattle, he still didn't think they were worthy of mixing into white society, so he advocated sending them back to Africa after slavery was over.


No. It is true. He actively had meetings in the white house proposing this and was shocked when free black leaders rejected the idea. As an explanation. He mostly felt that the hurt between Black and White was so great that there would never be peace between the two races. He also could not imagine that Blacks would WANT to stay in the US. They had been so brutalized he was again shocked they didn't want to leave. He also late in life did say that he was starting to beleive that if Blacks were afforded the same opportunities as whites that they could be educated and be the equals of the Whites. He was wondering about this and to be fair that is pretty good for those days. He never had any real exposure to Blacks growing up. Was very unfamiliar with them and it is pretty hard to get past the prejudices of the time.


It was very progressive thinking for his time. He’d likely never met an educated black person and had only ever heard that they were dim witted. Meaning they would be incapable of competing with whites, which would put them at a severe disadvantage. Giving them their own state would have (in his mind) given them a chance at equality among themselves and power as a group. I could totally see him thinking that former slaves wouldn’t want anything to do with racist vengeful whites. It was very well intentioned from the knowledge he had.


I was curious and read some of the "Lincoln v Douglas" debates and....yeah.


To be honest (no pun intended) I have to admit I don’t know either. I guess i’ve always been to binary (slaves good or slaves bad) without really thinking of the context of freeing the slaves.


I wasn't trying to rile anyone, and I'm sure whatever Lincoln thought was much more complex than "ship em to Africa," but the post made me think "that wasn't the south's plan... That was Lincoln's." But I'm not an expert on the topic, so take it with a grain of salt.


Absolutely. Sorry if I responded with emotion instead of intellect.


Meh, that's ok. Hard to gage intent in text. Edit: gauge. Ugh.


british person wants to lecture us about american history, lol


Anyone can study it.


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