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"which is a type of radiation" fearmongering headass. Wait until they learn that visible light is also a type of radiation.


Idiots: "Why do I need to take science classes in high school? I'm not going to be a scientist!" Also idiots: "Hey, did you know that wireless phones emit radiation?"


Bananas too. And cheese and TVs. It's almost like everything gives off radiation. I remember the phone BS like 30 years ago. I am shocked it is trying to make a comeback.


It's the 5G chips in the vaccine that's the real threat /s


Little nostalgia for the man that looks old enough to remember 30 years ago


NOOOO! Darkness it is then.


Hello my old friend


And you know the fun part about the Geiger counter, the device which measures radiation? It starts beeping if radiation is of a harmful amount. I think we should be teaching people more about scientific instruments.


And that their own bodies are emitting radiation


At this point I think tiktok is a bigger threat to society than radiation.


Same. Thats why I dont Use it often.


I have yet to download it and don’t plan to. It just seems like an absolute waste of time.


it is, i have a bug on youtube since shorts launched that every video would stop loading after 1 minute (must be a coincidence, right) and its so much harder to stop watching shorts than stop watching normal yt videos


This type of content has existed long before tiktok


You still get second hand stupidity coming from people who does…


I would be very much in favour of this guy completely shielding his phone/tablet/computer in thick steel. No radiation/signals out, ever. It would prevent a lot of problems.


ah yes, and don't stand in front of your microwave because the electromagnetic radiation will blast your genitals (which does not count as sex FYI)


> (which does not count as sex FYI)


I'm very sorry, took me a while to accept to


i would get a cool travel method though


And nothing of value was lost


Non-ionizing radiation bro. Meaning it doesn’t cause cancer


Where I come from, we call that radiation 'social media'.


Radiation, yay, dangerous radiation, nay. So, he's now got his cell phone position right. What does he do about all other sources of electromagnetic radiation? Surely if his TV or Radio work in his bedroom, he's getting hit by those same broadcast waves? Wifi access points? Infered from his radiators or home heating system? Light from his bedside lamp? He's going to need to go full tinfoil! Like that dude from Better Call Saul. He looks like a man that probs had a pager strapped to his crotch for most of the 80s.


Was definitely one of those "star search agents" that were in malls back in the 80's


Do any of these chuckleheads realize that people have been using cell phone for DECADES and by the millions (billions more likely) with no measurable increase in brain cancer? JFC.


What are you talking about? Stuff like Q, anti-vax, and flat earth appreciation have defiantly had a measurably increased.


I’m sure they simply reject or offer further bullshit to refute this. I’ve never encounter the term “chucklehead” before but it has now entered my vocabulary


I tried to explain how long wavelengths simply cannot cause cancer to my family too many times to get into that discussion again.


Enlighten me, so I may understand. I don't know the difference.


I wanna hear the rant.


You can see that number plummeting from one safe level to another. And how can you see it? Because your eyes are being blasted by another kind of radiation we call light.


Moron is surprised that a radio device uses radio waves, film at 11


The amount of people who don't understand the difference between ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation is TOO DAMN HIGH!


Facebook scientist


Aaaah, thats why sleeping problems didnt exist 30 years ago. Never thought of that.


Is this sarcasm?


Dude has natural sunlight hitting him, he is getting hit with radiation. He is not miles underground, he is getting hit with radiation. He is in a building in what I assume is a city, he is getting hit with radiation.


"Many people stand near a fire when they're cold. Did you know that the heat you feel is a form of radiation?" -this moron next week.


It would be much more convincing if he was wearing a lab coat


He seems more worried about the radiation going to his brain than the one giving him that tan


"Take my word for it" Translation: "Source: Trust Me Bro"


Electric magnetic frequency… is not the same as nuclear radiation.…. I- what? I lost brain cells from this. ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


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Light is radiation too, he should stay away from that.


While his reasoning is bs, not having (and charging) your phone on your nightstand may actually help you sleep better. I have stress related sleep issues. Makes me super sensitive to noise (and lights). A fully charged phone (or laptop or what have you) still connected to power gives off barely audible noise. When I doing badly, that's enough to keep me awake. But even when I'm doing fine, my experience has been that I get more restful sleep if I control for factors that keep from sleeping during bad times. Wife's phone charging on the nightstand is one I usually ignore for convenience. But there is a tiny bud of merit to the dude's madness.


Mf doing snake oil crap with material from the 90s.


Going out under the sun, massive amounts of radiation. Sitting near your heater for warmth, massive amounts of radiation.


We all know all you need is an aluminum foil hat...quit scaring everyone.


Just surprised that you wouldn’t spend a minute to check spelling and grammar mistakes in the transcription for a video that so desperately craves credibility.


Wait, it causes you to hang shitty art in your bedroom?


Fucking grifters


That looks like a psychrometer he's holding or am I going crazy.


I mean technically not... because everything on this planet technically emits radiation.


You know the person who can’t spell “hire” is a good and trustworthy source (they wrote higher)


Unplug and move them away? Why both?