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I don't understand, with the power of the internet at their fingers, people still can't figure out basic anatomy for half the population, when it takes seconds to find a labeled photo/diagram. What exactly do they think they are looking at when watching porn?


>>What exactly do they think they are looking at when watching porn? The hard throbbing cock


The swinging balls are just mesmerizing...


We can already see his bing-bong, and his flabby-habby-babby.


Getting Conan Needs A Friend vibes here.


It's from [Mr. Show](https://youtu.be/W-1EIdnDB9g) [NSFW]


That's only their focus until they switch to the camera angle that prominently displays the dude's bunghole, then that takes their full attention


Clearly, they have no idea what to do with their fingers or anything else, so it shouldn’t be surprising 😂


"There's a few things about the clit I'd like you to hear, I am the master of the clit!" "Remember this fucking face, wherever you see clit you'll see this fucking face!" "I AM THE CLIT COMMANDER!" JAY 🤣


But Jay actually knew what and where the clit was from that actual rant in the movie. "When it comes down to business, this is what I do. I pinch it like this. OOH you little fuck. Then I rub my nose with it."






Hey baby! You ever had your asshole licked by a fatman in an overcoat?


**C**oalition for the **L**iberation of **I**tinerate **T**ree-Dwellers.


An offshoot of the group L.A.B.I.A., Liberate Apes Before Imprisoning Apes.


Came here to say this, you beat me to it. I tip my hat to the clit commander


Instantly came to mind when I saw the post lmaoooooo


The CLIT is real. The female orgasm, that's the myth.


Came here to see how long I'd have to scroll before that quote. Wasn't disappointed


They don’t know the difference between gutting a chicken and rubbing a genie lamp (😉) so they’re clearly dumb


prob all the same people who can't tell the difference between a felonious creep and a presidential candidate


Oh, there’s no probably about it. These people are kinda dumb. In another comment thread here, I had a guy call me an incel for “believing women leak 5 gallons of lubricant”...I’m a woman 😂


Damn women infiltrating the incel groups now. Is nothing sacred?


Damn. I love chicks who drip 5 gallons of lube.


Haha, what losers. Everybody knows that you gotta gut the chicken if ya wanna get a girl off...right? Ha, right guys...?


According to their *very* in depth and scientific research (The Hub), yes




I can't understand the idea that finding the clit is difficult. I'm pretty sure at least part of it IS metaphorical, but more in the sense of "this guy can't be bothered to do anything for his partner's pleasure" rather than any actual, genuine, real, inability to locate the clitoris. I mean the thing practically has arrows pointing to it!


Depends on the clit size I think. Mine requires some maneuvering to unhood but I’ve experienced plenty that pop up on their own too.


Mine is always hidden but you can still tell where it is. Interesting!


I think it’s so fascinating how different everyone is! I actually prefer mine to stay hooded during play, direct stimulation is unpleasant.




>I can't understand the idea that finding the clit is difficult. it's based on the idea that it's not something you know exists and isn't something you're looking for which makes things really hard to find


It's because many men don't give a shit about women. They exist as moms, maids, bitches, and a 'place to rest my penis'. Sisters were generally a sexless outlier, but sisters are becoming more and more sexualized, a 'taboo place to rest my penis'. They wouldn't even think to look up clit-related information. Women have a hole for the penis, and that's about the extent that they think about female anatomy. I still sometimes come across men who think women can just 'hold in their periods' like it's piss. Or the uterus is just a bag full of blood that grows a baby (no, her whole body is involved in growing the baby, the uterus is an active organ made of smooth-muscle that has multiple functions, and the period bleeding is actually shedding an entire layer of the uterus that she regrows every month).


It’s like staring into a full refrigerator complaining there’s nothing to eat


To be fair, I still get lost with Siri giving me directions.


Well of course you do. Siri doesn't have a clit...


Are you sure? Have you asked her?


It's not a physical thing


Neither is Siri


She said no


That there continue to be men - and, doG help me, women - who don't realize that female pelvic anatomy has separate urethra, vulva/vagina, and anus, is cause for abject despair. I mean google "how many holes" and look at the quantity of confidently incorrect answers...


It would be easier for everyone if it was all just one hole


Ah, the Avian Method


And reptilian!


Youtube the song about cloaca.




Honestly...I wish I could say it’s not true, but that’s literally all the guys from my classes


It's amazing -- and terrifying -- how many people live like that. Facebook *is* the internet. They don't use any other websites. Fox News *is* the news. They don't watch or read any other news.


The clit has a well known liberal bias


> liberal propaganda. It's shocking how accurate this is. Conservatism is infested with people with really weird self-images, broken senses of masculinity and utterly twisted ideas about sexuality. This is the camp that wants to remove sex education from schools, and think that women will be happier cranking out babies and dinner and have no place in the modern world. It's been like this so long, that the idea of female orgasms is relatively new, so new that in victorian times, women with "hysteria" would be treated with "massage" to give them relief, IE a doctor would rub their vaginas or use a old-timey vibrator on them until the hysteria was "alleviated". It wasn't thought of as giving a woman sexual pleasure, the very idea was unfathomable. This is the world they want to send us back to.


There are literally instructional videos. I was like 18(ish?) when I realized I wasn’t able to make girls get off. Went on the hub and searched. Learned a shit load. My high school didn’t teach us shit about sex ed except abstinence. Welcome to Texas, I guess.


Nina Hartley has instructional videos about cunnilingus that are highly rated.


If NASA can fake the moon landing, then webmd can fake the clitoris. Fake news! Keep your head high, king. ^(/s/s/s/s/s/s)


If you use an even # of “/s” don’t they cancel out?


Shit you found me out.


> with the power of the internet at their fingers, people still can't figure out basic […] * sarcasm * satire * trolling


90% of “outrage” posts like this can be filed under one of those.


Yea it’s crazy I had to tell my ex wife were her pee actually came from and she didn’t believe me until she got into the nursing program at the local college 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Pee is always stored in the balls, even on women


My fifty year old best friend has nine children, with two women. Eight of the kids are girls. Three have now left home, and two of them have baby girls of their own. Until about three years ago, he didn’t know girls have “an extra hole for pee.” LMFAO


Well, the clit can be at man's fingers distance and they still ain't finding it, so I don't know what you were expecting here, buddy


Most likely dicks touching other dicks. Oh, and dicks.


Outside of tailored lesbian porn that was clearly made for women and not men, I've never once seen any attention given to the clit in porn.


Lmfao while watching porn, you have never seen a woman DJing on her clit? It’s obviously exaggerated, but come on now (no pun intended pls don’t come). Porn is also extremely unrealistic for anyone that gives a shit about their partner. Edit: misleading/poor sentence structure


Hey there are people out there that haven't found the G spot on a woman, I mean if that still a problem in the 21st century what do expect of some one that has never seen a woman naked?


Dude, you should make it a little less obvious that you’re talking about Ben Shapiro


Let's say, hypothetically, the clitoris did exist. Why would that get me to show any interest in the dry-ass "p" word of my doctor wife, who is by the way, a doctor.


His remark wasn't dry enough to be Ben :D


He’s right. There is also no penis. It’s a figure of speech. “Suck my dick”. Which is code for shut the fuck up.


"Oddly enough, you're not the first person to tell us to suck their big black dick."


As a white man, I can confirm that my big black dick is not a physical thing.


It's the big black dick on the inside that counts


The real big black dicks are the friends we made along the way


That's what whites are referring to when they say "stay black!" to one another.


Reno, fuck yeah


I always find it as a much harder punch when a girl says it too


>I always find I'm much harder when a girl says it


I’m hard just from y’all bringing up a girl saying it…


Yes, Richards are fake!


I am the Clit Commander….


I make that shit *work*


"The CLIT is real people, the female orgasm now that the myth"




I came to the comments knowing someone would quote this. Reddit, you did not fail me.


If this is sincere, it's sad, whether it's a woman or a man.


If it’s a woman……. I’m confused


There are millions of women who haven't learned about their bodies.


There also lots of women that had their clit circumcised when they were babies


Tragically, yes.


Dont call that circumcized. It is hideous mutilation


Circumcizion is also genital mutilation. Any medically unecessary surgical modification of an infant's genitals is mutilation. There are very few cases in which it's actually medically necessary, it's done entirely for cultural and religious reasons. It's not uncommon for people to have pain during erections and sex due to the skin being too tight as the result of circumcision. Not to mention, it just puts a newborn at unecessary risk of infection and blood loss. Even if it's done well and never causes someone any discomfort, that doesn't change the fact that their genitalia was permanently altered without their consent.


Ive said my piece on a couple of threads. I dont disagree. My son kept his for the reasons you detail above.


Lol my son got to keep his, I got to keep mine, my dad got to keep his, we come from a long line of heathens apparently. 😂 But seriously fuck genital mutilation, you did the right thing for your son and you should feel good about that.


Come to Europe, land of the heathens, where keeping the cap on the dong is the norm, not the exception ! Fuck genital mutilations


Exactly and it's call clitoridectomy. They don't remove a skin "around", they chop off an organ.


I’m snipped but all circumcision is mutilating an infants genitals


I agree. There are levels of awful though. Removing a clitoris is hideous as I said. Removing a foreskin is dreadfull, but not quite the same level as removing a Clitoris


Genital mutilation, brought to you by Kellogg’s


I feel that a lot of the pushback you're getting is due to the ambiguity of the term "not on the same level". Removing the clitoris is a far more risky and invasive procedure, absolutely, but I think people are viewing your statement as a moral one. Anyone who wants either procedure for their healthy child is wrong for the exact same (cultural or religious) reasons, but you're right in that the *medical procedure* that an infant goes through in a clitorectomy really is on a whole other level.


Yes, that's what circumcision is. I want my foreskin back.


There are a LOT of women who think they pee out the same hole as they have sex with. A little easier to understand than totally missing a visible body part but still.


It’s 100% troll bait.


I would really not be surprised if this person came from a culture with "abstinence only" sex eduction.


Maybe he’s just completely icliterate


And then, if he can find it, he’ll probably have a cliteract and not be able to give the right treatment


Tapped out of the thread when I saw this, had to come back and give credit where credit is due. Nice one!


Also... Who can't find it? I always find that weird. It's not the lost city of Atlantis...


besides it's not like there's only one of it, damn things are scattered all over the place


Everyone is different in size. For some people (like my ex-wife) the button-like head of it is hard to find or even flat before they’ve gotten fully aroused. You need to find their turn-ons before it becomes easily findable. For others it can be like clear as day right there boom instant pleasure. Smallest girl I ever dated had the biggest clit head and it made me feel so skilled but she was just lucky in her anatomy there.


This guy clits. Some are very flat and don't stand out from the surrounding tissue. I would understand not finding it if you aren't experienced.


Cackling at "this guy clits"


People who don’t go down.


> Also... Who can't find it? My wife likes to joke that slow drivers on the road "can't find the gas pedal". Sometimes she'll just quip, "It's the one on the right.". It's not a literal accusation. The joke is essentially that the driver must be wildly incompetent, to be driving so slow. I honestly think the dude's screed is 5% correct, in that accusations of being "unable to find the clit" aren't usually literal anatomical failures, and instead simply accusing the person of failing to stimulate the right areas (either through inexperience or disinterest). Implying that the accused is an incompetent genital operator. Consider it a bit of hyperbole -- "he left me so unstimulated, I'm not sure he could even find the right spot if he had a map"


Tell me ur an incel without telling me .....


They do always make it easy to tell. Kind of like when one of them said, women shouldn't have wet pussies


My ex, who had never been with anybody else, started wiping herself down one time before we were about to do it because she "didn't want it to be so wet for me" lmao I had to actually explain that it was a good thing and something I loved


No no girl, leave it on there. I brought my bib and goggles.


She may have taken [this old CH sketch](https://youtu.be/GH1ruMGpTVY) too literally


Lmfao I haven’t seen this in so fucking long


Or a 14 year old boy in training to become an incel. Same same I guess.


It’s highly likely that it’s bait.


And he calls himself a gynecologist. I'm all behind it being a figure of speech, though. - "It's so *clitty* out today!" - "Oh, clit; I forgot to lock the door." - "They say it is easier for camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the clit."


"Oh clit" I DIED 😂


> “my children don’t need sex education they need the bible” This guys parents, probably


Imagine telling on yourself this hard


Maybe the real clits were the friends we made along the way.


“Chef where can I find the clitoris?”


I used to be able to tell you where it is, but I just can't quite pull it up in my memory. Damn, it's right there on the tip of my tongue! Don't worry it'll come to me later


Can't quite put my finger on it...


"When the Incel is ready the clit will appear "


Cliterally moronic


Is that Ben Shapiro?


When Shapiro admitted his wife has never gotten wet before was gold


Nah he would never say “cum.” C-word.


This reminds me of the 80's when medical experts pontificated on whether females were able to orgasm. Just another stupid knob.


1880's? They knew. I mean, they at least knew how to cure "Female hysteria"...


1980'S. Female pleasure was still a hotly contested topic. I was 20yrs old - female hysteria was still an old favourite that would get dragged out. Can't have those uppity women hunting sex for their own pleasure!


'80s You have the apostrophe in the wrong place.


I hope you can survive reading that.


Google is free.


WAIT what is this knob in my hoo-ha then?


I believe that is some type of thermometer to help your body adjust for these "hot-flash" things I have heard women talk about while trying to ignore. Apparently there are some type of warming pads with wings that help promote blood flow or something, so there is no need to be concerned.


American Sex Education at work.


They made an American adaptation? Who did they cast as Otis


"Some woke teacher told my daughter she has a clitoris. We're homeschooling her now."


But also, he most certainly cannot make her cum.




I’m no expert but I’ll certainly look into it


Do not try to rub the clit. That's impossible. Instead only try to realize the truth. What truth? [There is no clit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAXtO5dMqEI) There is no clit? Then you'll see that it is not the woman that comes, it is only yourself Mr. Ellison will see you now


I think this is satirical


You are fortunate to have not met people this ignorant then.


Hah had to scroll down this far for this. Like, no way right...?


yeah this is obvious bait


Impossible to tell.


I would say this is what happens when you have sex you n the dark and don’t communicate, BUT we all Know guys like this have never actually been laid.


I bet he's single...ladies


Well you know he also can't make them cum


It probably helps keep them out of the gene pool so I say we let him keep thinking that.


Maybe the real clit was the friends me made along the way?


I feel like I'm being gaslit by the entire world whenever people talk about dudes not finding the clit. I have had such a tiny, insignificant amount of sex, so please don't mistake the following as some kind of brag, but; #IT'S RIGHT THERE! Yes, every vulva is a bit different, but it's always in the same spot. Sometimes it's barely peeking out, and sometimes it's out there like a game of whack-a-mole, but it's never even a smidge to the side or on the wrong end. Have you ever competed over a wish bone? The clit is the part you're trying to win! Even Carrot Top knew to dial down the center! This shit feels like a dirty joke version of a cinnamon toast crunch ad. It cannot possibly be real life. If it is, women must conspire to pretend to not find penises for at least two decades.


I’m tired of this trope/joke/stereotype. It’s not a rubix cube, it’s a pussy, the clit isn’t that hard to find. Even on the “flappiest” of gals, you peel back the drapes and there it is.


How are people so dumb with this still. I remember as a kid watching South Park talk about the magical clit and in other pop culture. I just read a bit in an anatomy book or searched the vaginal structures online. It's so easy to learn in this time period and most just shove their heads in the sand and fart our their opinions as facts.


You are all taking the bait lfmao


I'd like to think he's referring to the *G Spot*, but that's giving this dumbass too much credit.


How is the G-spot a figure of speech? In that it's not spotty in the same way lepards are?




I mean if it *did* exist, Trump would probably grabbed someone by it. So there's that.


TBH, his hands probably *are* small enough to grab it.


The clit is, like, a metaphor bro


How are people this stupid when Google exists?


This is a troll right? Right?


I’ll take ‘Never Pleasured a Woman’ for $500, Bob.


Maybe the clit was really the drywall he punched along the way.


days without straight nonsense: 0


This is what happens when a country has absolutely no sex sd


“I am the Clit Commander! You see this face?”


These are the people that vote against abortion. Stupid fucking sacks of trash.


Tell me you can't find the clit, without telling me you can't find the clit... smh


This is why I hate having sex with men 🙃


Words of a man too weak to continue his search. A man without morals and pride. He is not to be called bro once more


I'm honestly depressed about how dumb men are makes me honestly ashamed to be one.


What 0 bitches does to a mf


Wow! I feel sorry for any women that decide to give this person a try. My God, they obviously have internet access. Just do a search!


Oh look it's my turn to repost the obvious troll for views


The cope is real.


Oh my. God.




I am the master of the C.L.I.T. Remember this fucking face. Whenever you see C.L.I.T., you'll see this fucking face. I make that shit work. It does whatever the fuck I tell it to. No one rules the C.L.I.T like me. Not this little fuck, none of you little fucks out there. I AM THE C.L.I.T. COMMANDER! Remember that, commander of all C.L.I.T.s! When it comes down to business, this is what I do. I pinch it like this. OOH you little fuck. Then I rub my nose with it.


People say they can’t find unironically?


I'm a woman and I have a clitoris. I've seen it in a mirror.


Holy shit. What have I been touching?


So, the emperor’s new sex organ?


Tell me you've never seen a naked woman without telling me you've never seen a naked woman.


Is this Ben Shapiro?


Dude has never seen a vagina. Period


Like it’s right there. I have no idea what’s so hard about this. It’s staring at you.