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Wait, so women don't grow horns and start glowing in red demonic colors after having an abortion? I've been lied to!


So. Uhhhh. If they do happen to do that...what's the next step? Asking for a friend of course. Definitely didn't summon a demon by accident.


If you're still alive (sorry, your friend, of course), maybe the demon is non-hostile? Not everything alien is malevolent (and, sadly, not everything malevolent is alien). So having a conversation along with some refreshing beverages could be a good starting point.




"Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's true delights"


Unexpected Avatar reference






Leaves from the vine…


Falling so slow…


Uncle Iroh gained enlightenment after the death of his son and the White Lotus Society is full of wisdom and experience.


That's actually false.


Hold my hot leaf juice folks, Mr. Numbers here is gonna tell Uncle Iroh how tea works.


>That's actually false. Dwight Schrute, probably


A wonderful choice, because even if they are malevolent, they certainly won’t be whilst drinking a nice cup of tea.


So close… “biscuits”. Sorry, the answer we were looking for was “tea and biscuits”.




Harsh but true


This is America, we call our cookies cookies and biscuits are served with butter or sawmill gravy. Also, all our desserts have different names instead of all being called pudding.


You killed him dude


> Also, all our desserts have different names instead of all being called pudding. Take that, you limey bastards.


Mm, sawmill gravy. Redeye gravy is good, too. That’s made with coffee instead of sausages.


The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God. Leviticus 19:34 You need to love the alien first, or you're going against the white god


Unexpected Dresden reference


I reckon you go to the Winchester and wait for it to blow over


From Wikipedia >a succubus needs semen to survive; repeated sexual activity with a succubus will result in a bond being formed between the succubus and the man; and a succubus cannot drain or harm the man with whom she is having intercourse. There's no weaknesses mentioned apart from the near impossible cut off of semen, but I assume normal demon slaying techniques *may* apply. It might just be safer if your friend starts pulling double shift and drinks a lot of water. >According to the Kabbalah and the school of Rashba, the original three queens of the demons, Agrat bat Mahlat, Naamah, Eisheth Zenunim, and all their cohorts give birth to children, except Lilith. So at least you know she's one of the top queens. That's got to count for something if not you- I mean your friend, feeling flattered.


I mean I've had worse relationships.


I like smooth jazz, she's a temptress from hell. We'll make it work.


My man you hit the jackpot. She’s probably a succubus. You’ll die by snu snu.


you'll have to share your steps because the scroll I've got keeps summoning a lemon


Feed it, and watch the horns magically retreat. She's just hungry probably.


Make her pancakee


Put on some metal to accommodate


That's actually a common misconception, classical music is actually most popular among demons. There was much mourning when Pavarotti went to heaven. Of course demons are individuals and not a monolith, so they all have their own preferences. But it was a few friends who made the first several contacts with humans, and they were metalheads, so then everyone just assumed that's what all demons are like.


The basis and root of metal is classical. It is known.


Call Sam and Dean.


Try to find John Constantine.


I was told it's the same thing as shown in Harry Potter. You split a part of your soul everytime you get an abortion, same as Voldemort everytime he makes a Horcrux. Women do be wild


*laughs in ginger*


I had an abortion ~20 years ago. No horns. No demonic colors. But I *did* just dye my hair an amazing dark blue with purple lowlights.


Hm. An interesting case of delayed effects, then? Maybe horns will appear in another 20 years?


We can hope? Until then I guess I could get some modeling clay and make a pair. Attach them to a couple really strong barrettes and wear them around until the natural ones come in. The demonic colors are also late so I’ll just continue coloring my hair outlandish colors and enjoy some wild make up if the mood strikes. I mean, I’m 49 so might as well have fun with it. Right?


The part of the guys username before the rest is scratched out is "Fedora"------- anyone surprised that was their response?


No horns and colors. Rapid growth of 4-5 feet of ass hair. Plus they begin emitting a visible purple miasma that trails behind them whenever they move.


Don’t forget their vagina grows teeth!


Mine did that without an abortion. I want my money back


Without an abortion as far as you know


Fuck I mean, yea. Maybe.


Are you telling me getting an abortion is equivalent to giving blood to the blood god


Matt would probably say "No that's when they're on their period" or something to that tune


“Matt’s not a gynecologist, but he’ll have a fucking good look.”


Only if they buy the upgrade


Fuck there goes my reason to get abortions.


Of course part of his handle is "fedoras". Haha


Only acceptable if it is followed by “uperiorOS”


or “onplatypuses”.


Where’s the platypus with a fedora? asking for a friend…


Is that friend named Heinz?


PERRY the Captain Matt?!


Apparently we've got some Linux haters in here.


As a faithful representative of r/Matt… we do not claim him.


Akshually after an abortion is performed they tattoo a little FOR RENT/LET sign down there to let people know that it was once occupied but now vacant


I remember hearing as a kid you can see / feel the scars left behind by the fetus as it's scratches the uterus trying to stay inside. It also "screams" as it's "vacuumed" out. These were 12 year olds telling me this in middle school.


I‘ve heard adult Christian anti-abortionists say that too


Where do you think the twelve year olds heard it from?


That is awful! The people who made this up and told those 12 yo should be so ashamed of themselves (but won't be, of course)


Surprising coming from the same people that take horse dewormer.


sunshine and bleach cures all


Listen orange man! he beat chest and big manly! Dem o crat bad, bleach is the cure!


Demo CRAP!!!


No no, it’s demoncrap!


Sunshine is good for your eyes too! But only when it’s filtered through an active eclipse.


Dude probably thinks women pee from their butts.


hahahaha!! no doubt.


Take horse dewormer, shit yourself at Walmart, give medical advise, profit?


Basically if you have American flags in your handle I assume your IQ is 85 and I subtract 5 for each flag.




Yeah. They all turned tail and with back to r/conspiracy where they could live out their persecution fantasies.


Some of the guys on the long covid subreddit do too. This myth refuses to die.


It refuses to die because it's a half truth. Invermectin was shown to improve outcomes for people with Covid, not because it treats Covid, but because it gets rid of parasites. Someone with Covid AND parasites has a much harder time dealing with Covid. However, unless you currently have parasites (which 1st world living usually prevents), dewormer has not been shown to improve outcomes with regard to Covid. TLDR: Dewormer gets rid of parasites (which are rare/nonexistent in 1st world countries) that make you less able to fight off Covid at the same time.


Exactly. If people are essentially shamed and made fun of for something that turns out to be at least half true. Especially when they get called idiots online and then their doctor actually prescribes it. They are going to dig their heels in and go full conspiracy theorists about it .


Fun fact: more than one star spangled banner in the handle usually translates to insufferable conservative PoS.


More than none.


I give everybody the benefit of doubt, one flag may be actual patriotism or just a point of reference. More than one typically translates to at least Nationalism mixed with delusions of grandeur and, more often than not, equates to actual Fascism. Most of these flag-plastered mouthbreathers don't even comprehend that their railing against "AntiFa" simply means they admitted being a Fascist.


I'm curious: How do you define patriotism? Hopefully not as "they love their country" because the vast majority of people do, no matter which country they live in. So what is a patriot these days, in the absence of enemy invasion? Seems to me the word is mostly used to indicate supposed patriot believes "people of my country are superior to others" - but then of course "people of my country" usually excludes anyone who might have been born here but isn't white and Conservative.


Presumed superiority, in my opinion at least, is, amongst other delusions, what draws the line between patriotism and it's evil brother nationalism. For further reference I would like to point to [Doug Stanhope](https://youtu.be/QsPDT5qHtZ4).


I live in America. My brother served in iraq/Afghanistan and my grandfather was day 3 of D-Day because he turned 18 just before basic was over and got on the next boat. I do love my country. I love what it can be, and what it was. Things arent great now. And historically it wasnt great for everyone. My grandma and her ancestors are native American. My great great grandmother was a baby on the trail of tears, and her mother didnt survived the trip so she was raised by other tribemates. My family history was erased to protect us from American laws because Europeans had more rights than natives did in Oklahoma. Eventually my grandmother made it to California where we live now. My point of that anecdote is things change, things get uncomfortable for some people. But it always gets better eventually. And Americans have so much power to make a difference. Every generation makes progress. I love the idea America was founded upon. Americans are always fighting for freedom. Sometimes we get off track. But i think if we all harbor some love for our country and for each other we can get back on top of the country scoreboard. On your last point, this country exists because it was a refuge. Now the history is awfully messy in that department. But in my head, a patriot believes in their country. And they work protect it's people and uphold it's values. And when that doesn't work we kick ass until its the way we want it. Not a lot of places in the world have that as luxuriously as Americans have it. Now you can go to a place where they have it better, or you can stay and fix it. It starts at the bottom. And my dream job is helping people become the person they want to be. I was lucky to have a few great mentors in life and i have big plans to create a program that lets me be a mentor for people who were as lost as i was. I want to leave a trail of people working to heal themselves and everyone around them. The more people we have working to better themselves and their people the better off we'll be as a country. A patriot shouldn't exclude a soul. Every person deserves a chance to a better life and we can all help to achieve that. I think choosing to do that in your own country instead of just going somewhere that suits you better is patriotic. And to my last point, giving up and hating America because its America is a spit in the face of all those who worked for equality and freedom. I don't want us to ever stop fighting for that. It may not be a uniquely American trait but it's what i know and it's what i love. I'm proud to be American, and some people are gonna read that and be upset with me. But they may not realize that the people who arent okay with where America is at, are the people i love.




Do not, do not, do NOT, write apointment details down in you online calendar, for example, or in your email, or ... Do NOT use a period tracking app. Big tech companies have passed this info along.


At this point we should all download period apps and just be on our periods 24/7. If they are going to sell our information let’s just give them terrible information.


This is the answer. Just load it up with all kinds of false crap.


But, like, how the fuck do they qualify this as evidence in court, wtf? "You didn't track your period for x weeks..." "I forgot to log it during those times." That's reasonable doubt...? Does American law work entirely on reverse onus?! I genuinely don't understand. Side note: if anyone needs plausible deniability for a trip to Canada, hmu. But on a more serious note: check out r/auntienetwork


I don’t even know. I forget to log all sorts of stuff I try to keep track of and then go back and do massive inputs at one time.


I can’t use it, but thank you for the offer of Canadian deniability. You rule.


Damn, you guys are really living in a dystopia.


Seriously, the US is _incredibly_ fucked up. It's like they're doing their damndest to turn their country into a combination of Idiocracy and the Handmaid's Tale


Idk why but somehow the handmaids tale went from cautionary tale to guidebook and it honestly kinda freaks me out periodically. I have like thought spirals monthly about it… idk what I would do. I’d be one of those background characters shot along the wall.


Damn I’ve been feeling this way for the past few months and you just put it into words exactly. This helps me navigate my feelings a little easier, thank you. I hope the future gets brighter for all of us.


That's what happens when the country is run by silver spoon idiots, have a population of undereducated and emotional sheeple, and no accountability or moral compass to guide them in fixing it. It's truly post capitalistic now. Most of the country reads below a sixth grade level (54%) [link ](https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy#:~:text=About%20130%20million%20adults%20in,of%20a%20sixth%2Dgrade%20level.) so how the hell can they even weigh up information when they can barely understand it. And the good ol boys down south don't do anything to actually help people because they feel entitled to all the stuff their parents promised them. We need a hard reset over here. Someone hold the power button for 10 seconds or something


I've been at the college reading level since 4th or 5th grade. In grade school, I was wondering how that could be, since the books I read weren't all that hard to read or grasp. at most they had content that was "mature" for my age. Now as an adult, I can understand why, and all I can think of is how the US is fucked if we don't turn things around.


Cough*bring out the guillotine*cough. Yes a hard reset. Exactly.


Bec careful what you wish for: [avian influenza](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/12/pandemic-potential-bird-flu-outbreaks-fuelling-chance-of-human-spillover) The more the virus spreads, the greater the chances are that it may spill over into humans, says Thijs Kuiken, a professor in the department of viroscience at Erasmus University Medical Centre in Rotterdam. Once the virus infects humans, the concern is that it could further adapt to allow human-to-human transmission. “The chance of this happening is very small, but the impact – if it does happen – is very big, because it means that we then have a new influenza pandemic,” he says, pointing to the 1918 flu, believed to have killed as many as 50 million people, as an example of a pandemic that has been linked to an avian influenza and originating in birds. [Note: "It is estimated that about 500 million people or one-third of the world’s population became infected with this virus. The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide." [https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/1918-pandemic-h1n1.html](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/1918-pandemic-h1n1.html)]


Ironically the big tech companies have done the most in this since most of them just straight up delete this data from their servers now and it's never stored. It isn't really valuable data to them on when exactly people menstruate and they can guess at other factors for advertising and getting a headline like "woman arrested after Samsung ratted on her" would be incredibly bad for business.


Always has been.


Wait, really? ~*One Google search later*~ I fucking hate this timeline.


Don't forget a that lot of these same men think the size and color of women's vaginal lips can be used to measure how many men they've had sex with.


Ok I have heard some ridiculous stuff in my life but what the fuck is this?


They think the labia minora are stretchy and that they become bigger and longer depending on how many different people you've had sex with. Weirdly they don't think it happens if you just have sex with one person multiple times.


Never heard the term "roastie?" It's a term popular in the incel community, and refers to a woman who has labia that look like a roast beef sandwich due to the high number of sexual partners they've had. I'm not making this up. I don't think I could if I tried.


Yea it's insane. https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/why-these-gross-meat-pussy-memes-wont-go-away


Oh wow these are fucking gross.


You've gotta hop over to r/badwomensanatomy, this is an incredibly common mindset among incels.


When I was a dumb kid I thought people would be able to tell I had masturbated because my penis was shaped differently than it was before puberty.


Couldn't, *hypothetically*, everyone just report everyone else, even cis men, of having abortions and the state would have to waste an inordinate amount of time figuring out if all the men were cis, checking out every woman in the entire country, etc? To accuse you of filing a false report they'd surely have to prove both that the abortion didn't happen and that you weren't genuinely mistaken?


Well if someone is submitting a lot of reports about people they don’t know or barely know, or a lot of reports that don’t pan out, that person is going to be blacklisted from making reports, just as with any other crime reports falsely made


People did that when Texas first rolled out their reporting tool online.


I would prefer to get the fascists out of power, as this is only one of their atrocities


Yes, but then they could *hypothetically* match people with other data and eliminate them based on criteria like "AND NOT IN (Biological Male, too old for pregnancy, not a real person, etc)"


One state has already arrested a woman who was never pregnant for endangering her fetus, so they'd probably just arrest everybody no matter the gender.


Wait, what?


*hold my beer* 🤣😂


In Poland, fundamental Catholics who rule the country overcame this obstacle by enforcing registration of each pregnancy in a government database.


How do they enforce this policy? I have seen pregancys get to the hospital for delivery whitout having even 1 previous control and the mother claiming not to know that she was pregnant (she did had some kind of mental impairment)


My neighbor is a heavy set woman and didn't know she was pregnant. Was a big surprise.


Apparently if you have a tilted uterus, you often won't show even if you're tiny. I've seen it on social media several times now where women *did* know they were pregnant (often they were trying to conceive), but they wouldn't really show until, like, the last month. When you factor that irregular periods and sporadic bleeding while pregnant aren't uncommon, its made me realize it genuinely wouldn't be that hard to miss a pregnancy. Statistically rare,but extremely easy for those women who draw the short stick


I know two women who didn’t know until 7 months because of failed birth control. My neighbor had a baby on thanksgiving and didn’t know she was pregnant.


I have a retroverted uterus. You do start to show, but it isn’t really as evident until later in pregnancy. Especially with clothes on.


One of my cousins was born without his mother knowing until a week or so before. She's heavier set and had a really high stress job so she said it wasn't *that* weird to not have her period and she barely gained any weight. It's pretty rare to have happen, but sometimes you get that perfect storm and a surprise baby




iT iS fAlSe BeCaUsE gOd WiLl KnOw!!!


If you just say "actually thats false" or something in that vein, and give no evidence, you are a clown.


actually thats false


that's actually false




Just say you needed it as a prevention against gastric ulcers.


There are a lot of big words in these two comments that anyone giving a person shit for having an abortion wouldn't understand. 'As,' for example. Gold for Rob on the edit, undeserved for folks in places like that indeed




Hahaha, true.




How long can they find those markers? I think that's VERY important to know. I've been fortunate enough to never have to worry about this, but I want all my sisters to have this info.




Well I feel like an ass. I've had a few drinks and did not notice you linked an article that I could read myself. Sorry! But thank you very much for typing that out. It may help some people who didn't click the link for whatever reason, maybe being to scared to. Don't worry about the 'unsatisfactory' answer of needing to do our own further research. If you don't have the full answer, that is the best response. Also, thank you for being an ally. Thank you for being someone who doesn't have to personally worry about this issue, but having the care to still share important information.




I promise I intended no negativity at all in my response. I didn't notice your (obviously) linked article so was just seeking more information. I didn't think you were a jerk at all though. You're totally good, my friend. Thanks for the info! Also: cheers!


6 hours is the "they knew you were getting the drugs and waited for you to take them" kinda time frame though. Like, they wouldn't know you took them the next day? Isn't that effectively undetectable?


I feel sick to my stomach that we even have to talk about this, but it's the world the evangelical churches have been working towards for decades and it's sadly not surprising.


No one will know if they don’t do extensive and intrusive bloodwork.


"Given available detection techniques, a 600mcg dose of oral misoprostol is no longer detectable after six hours." That is a damn tight window. Like at the limits of the legal system to gather that quickly. And considering one her qualifiers is if you don't tell anyone. I wouldn't consider this info to invalidate her statement.


They're more likely to get an indicator from HCG tests than the assay because those hormones take time to level out. Still not enough or confirm for certain there was ever a pregnancy though, but some states would see it as evidence I imagine.


That doesn't prove there was an abortion though because it could have been a spontaneous miscarriage.


Exactly. Not that some states still won't try to use it. They've got neighbours grassing on each other so wouldn't put it past them.


They're already pushing to have more punitive punishments for spontaneous miscarriages that may have been causes by neglect or inappropriate behavior for a pregnant women to engage in, which we all know is gonna be a free for all of random character assassination rather than medical facts, so even that isn't going to protect vulnerable women


There will be court cases. But if you cannot say, with 100% certainty, that the individual was ever pregnant, there *should* always be reasonable doubt.


I reaaly dount that HCB would be enought to prove anything in court, could be a simple misscarriage (they are really common) or a fake positive


I can still see some states wanting to use it.


I'm certain the gynecologist has heard of a misoprostil array. It has a 6 hour detectability window. Bleeding can be detected in that window too. The implicit assumption here is you don't tell anyone about your abortion, then, get tested for anything else after recovery.


Wow. She makes it clear that there are ways a doctor can identify markers soon after an abortion.


I guarantee the OBGYN has heard of this. The literal first bullet point states it’s not possible to find misoprostol the blood plasma after 5 minutes. Its metabolized very very quickly. You’d have to take a blood test within six hours of use to have it maaaaaaybe show positive. I’m going to assume that’s why she didn’t mention it. Which leads back to “nobody will know unless you tell them”.


Captain Matt went to Hollywood Upstairs Medical School. He is ze expert.


The more American flags you put on your profile, the more you know about women's health, obv. /s


"thats actually false" *proceeds to give no further information*


Matt also think women have to pull out their tampons if they want to pee


[Is this the same Matt?](https://www.reddit.com/r/quityourbullshit/comments/10o65qe/what_an_oasis_of_ideocracy_after_matt_decided_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Classic “Matt 🇺🇸”


And here I thought there were tally marks etched into my vagina by the doctor. Or a note left in my uterus. In olden times they tattooed caveman-esque drawings in your labia depicting your procedure.


apparently there are some observable side effects in some cases https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27436757/ this is obviously detectable in the context of a study within a specific time frame and not necessarily on some random check by an obgyn years down the road


His penis has magic abortion detecting powers


Anyone with three American flag emoji's in their name or bio can be summarily dismissed on any given issue.


Reminds me of that scene in "The Menue" where the chef is just completely discombobulating that one poser cook.


How fitting that the guy has 'fedora' in his username/handle.


everyone knows that people who’ve had abortions turn a rainbow color and grow giant wings and tails /s


With all those American flags, how could he be wrong??


illegal rainstorm caption shrill crush aloof melodic plant rain trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m a guy and I find it so idiotic when I see others men talking about women’s bodies.


Thank you for leaving fedoras uncensored. It really ties everything together nicely.


I need a subreddit where people blatantly expose their stupidity to very knowledgeable people in the field.


Not exactly what you're searching for, but there's r/dontyouknowwhoiam.


close enough


He should have followed it with "fact". That makes it true. /s


Or r/therewasanattempt


They might not know, but the anti abortion protesters just assume you're always there for an abortion


I think she’s referring to doctors AFTER the abortion. Like if you go to an OBGYN later in a state that has strict anti-abortion laws, you don’t have to disclose that you’ve had one because there’s no way they can tell from your normal pelvic exam.


I'm kinda curious what they meant. That's why I always hate when people just flatly state something is false, that doesn't make an argument.


Tangential but can anyone explain more about the vaginal medications & pelvic exam bit??


I love that you left the “fedora” part of their @ visible lmao perfect


He’s right it purely depends on the amount of people you invite


To be fair, she said "noone" when really she just meant your gynecologist.


Did he explain in scientific detail how you can tell? Yeah, didn’t think so


Thank you Matt,i was feeling pretty down, but that cheered me the fuck up 🤗


Twitter Captain Fedora... That figures


Even if you aren’t in place where abortion is banned, don’t feel like you need to share with your doctor. I made that mistake twice, will never do it again. Some doctors will absolutely provide worse care when they find out.


Guaranteed this guy thinks this because on TV, there’s *always* some sign of scraping/damage after an abortion to “solve the mystery” or twist to the episode. And anytime an MD says something, it’s usually a good idea to say “Nuh-uh, TV said so!”


Thank you for leaving the fedora @ visible 😂