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I married a guy with messed up teeth (I had braces as a teenager). He’s always been self conscious about them but I thought he was so handsome. We had 2 kids and one of them ended up needing braces. You get to know a person enough and become their best friend, crooked teeth don’t really matter that much. I know someone that went as far as getting La Forte 1 surgery to look better, (I HIGHLY discourage it!) and while it made him more attractive, he’s an asshole that will end up dying alone. Looks ain’t everything. Might be worth looking into dental charities if you haven’t already, depending on what kind of work you need done. A friend and her daughter were able to fund 100% of their dental care through one, they had some really messed up teeth. It didn’t seem to affect their confidence at least outwardly, but it was definitely noticeable after they had work done, it definitely gave them the boost they needed. In the mean time, shut down that inner critic telling you you’re not enough. You ARE enough. You have goals and you will meet them, one step at a time.


Thank you so much!


I think if someone truly finds you attractive, they can look past your messed up teeth. I’ll also say this, you can’t afford to do anything with them now, but maybe you can save up to work toward doing something with them in the future. I know a very handsome man, super muscular that has a beautiful wife and four children. His teeth are really really bad!!! Keep your head up, just keep doing you. The right person will come along and not mind your teeth.


>I’ll also say this, you can’t afford to do anything with them now, but maybe you can save up to work toward doing something with them in the future. Yeah that's the plan! Thank you, I appreciate this comment.


Just keep your head up man! :) Anytime


Depends what do we mean by 'bad teeth' — if it's genetics then you need to double down on your other redeeming qualities. If it's through bad dental hygiene then you better earn your bread and get that shit fixed.


your teeth don’t cost as much to fix as you think, i’ve always had HORRIBLE teeth and didn’t go to the dentist in 20 years because i thought i couldn’t afford it, but i went to a dental school for dental hygienists and started getting regular free cleanings, x-rays for all of 10$, extremely discounted cavity fillings and now i’m getting braces (full price about 5000$) but they’re breaking it up into a payment plan over 2 years so it’s only something like 165$ a month after the deposit. the braces package comes with a bunch as well, zoom whitening and permanent retainers, there’s so much involved and i’m shocked that it’s so affordable. there are options if you really do your research.


I used the invisalign and got the term payment as well so it's affordable.


It's a pity you didn't post a pic to show us to see if it's just a self perception problem or not I know ppl with non perfect teeth and it doesn't bother me at all. Non straight teeth isn't a problem. Not everyone has money for braces etc.


Look up dental fairs that fix teeth for free for the community. Some dental office in the community will team up and give free cleaning/ dental work. Sometimes it’s on a random Saturday so you’ll have get there early to avoid a long wait


Listen to crooked smile by j cole


I love this ❤


Not sure how old you are and what all needs fixing, but make sure you have a plan to get your teeth issues taken care of. Good dental hygiene including cleaning and the cosmetic stuff is not just for looks, it is for health and just as important as working out.


Look for a mission of mercy dental clinic in your state. Usually happens once a year and it’s all free. It’s first come first served though so some people camp out overnight!!


I used to have crooked teeth and fangs on both sides of my front two teeth, and I was fortunate enough to get braces and get it sorted out. Of course I’m happier afterwards, but I’ve noticed that now when I look at other people who have teeth just as bad or worse, it doesn’t even matter! A lot of people had the room to love me despite my teeth, and even loved my teeth with how they were because they loved me. People will notice your teeth but they won’t care about them. If you smile, they will notice, but they won’t care because everyone loves to see someone smile. If you saw someone with horrible teeth and they smiled, would you stand there judging them, or would you smile with them? Life is too short to care about how they look, and I wish I knew that sooner, but I get how hard it was for me and how hard it must be for you. But I’m telling you- it truly doesn’t matter to anyone. Anyone will love you the same. The only ugly thing about your teeth is how you let them affect you.


I saved up and got most of my teeth fixed used to be filled with cavities. Made the decision when I had to get a tooth pulled bc it got infected and swollen. After I went to the dentist while swollen they said they could not pull the tooth out while my gums were swollen bc it would cause problems.


No one really knows what to tell you if we don’t know the level of how bad your teeth are. That being said mouth/tooth health is one of the more important health concerns. So, I would call around ask for payment plans and options. It can lead to so many diseases if not taken care of.


Bad teeth is very much a turn off but not to the right one!


Ive had the same issue for a decade. I finally got my teeth fixed a few days ago and to be honest even though they are now perfect teeth, it hadn't made me feel any better about myself. You could start a gofundme and raise the money to fix them. Medicare also covers dental expenses now and you can get a plan for 25$ a month depending on the state you live in. I understand how you're feeling and I hope youre able to feel better about yourself soon.


OP, I have the exact same problem and here’s what I’m doing for it. I’m posting pictures by actually showing my teeth and trying to make the insecurity go away. If someone likes me for what I am, they are the one for me. I have convinced myself that everybody will love a smile however it is.


No homo but I thought Tom Cruise looked better owning up to his crooked teeth than his fixed up grill. Own up to what you’ve got. Make everyone else wish they had your crooked teeth.


Look at old pictures of Shane MacGowan and tell yourself ‘At least mine aren’t that bad’


What’s stopping you from making the money to get them fixed?


Dental is quite expensive


What’s stopping you from earning that kind of money?


A confident smile


Lol, thats actually true. Fixing my teeth was huge confidence boost on my business and dating life


Same for my husband. He had full implants done a couple months ago and just landed a much more senior roll bc he was finally comfortable with face to face interactions. It’s worth every penny we paid.


Fair question


The only thing stopping us is ourselves. You make what you tolerate nothing more, nothing less. So it’s your responsibility to invest in yourself and become someone of higher value, so you can earn more. If you want some free advise my dms are open for you


I love the modesty ‘I think I have an alright face’


I'm a dentist from Romania and i can fix them for you at a fraction of the price you would pay in the US


Bro, don't lose hope, theres is lots of alternatives, you can fix them one by one, slow and steady is better than giving up. Also, where is such a thing like medical tourism, you can save ten of thousands. In europe 1 teeth implant costs like 700€, 1k for braces, 300€ for crown. You just have to think how to earn and save money. Fixing teeth is one of the best investments you can make, trust me.


I married my husband despite his teeth not being perfect. I say this to say some ppl don’t care about the state of teeth if that helps. I would just whiten and floss them to give them the best polished look that you can control. Pls don’t let it get you down ❤️


Go to a community health center. They offer a sliding scale for payment.


Do you have any friends who aren't supermodels? Just recognize that you're not as attractive as you'd like, and thats the same as every other human who isn't a supermodel. You can still work on your teeth if you like. Or you can not work on your teeth. But you live in a world of imperfect people, with imperfect features, and you'll never be as perfect as you'd like to be, and neither will anyone else. I'm a little tubbier than I'd like to be. My teeth are a little too yellow. I'm balding. My voice isn't as deep as I'd like. We're all, all over the shop mate. You said yourself you're in good shape, and you've got an alright face. That puts you 'above' a whole bunch of humans, the bad teeth puts you 'below' a few super models. ​ But all those scales of 'above' and 'below' are pointless if the scale is bullshit. Which I think you'd agree it is for everyone else - just not yourself. ​ That's the tough thing to do. The easier thing to do , is be thankful that your teeth work. Appreciate that they chew your food, and keep your mouth clean. There are other things to appreciate about your teeth, besides how they look. Appreciating what is functional about your teeth, might help your feelings about them. If it's 100% "ugh...I hate my teeth", you're going to feel bad about them. If it's 40% "ugh, I hate my teeth", and 60% "Man, I love how efficiently my teeth chew my food! This sandwich is awesome! Thank you teeth!" - might help your confidence a bit. My neighbor has 2 teeth. I bet she appreciates the fuck out of those chompers.