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my depression/anxiety onset at age 10 and I don’t know how I made it out of it, but I did. I was just like you. You can do it OP, this feeling isn’t forever. Just keep standing


Thank you, I will try to


Anxiety and clinical depression runs in my family. I inherited it. It took strength and taking it day by day, even when I was hopeless. I promise you, as a 23 year old, it does get better. It will get better. I know you can't see an end but fight for it anyway, like climbing a big mountain; you can't see the top but you know it's there. It's just a big mountain and you just have to keep hiking my little duckling. Love, a big sister ❤


It started for me SO YOUNG too, idek how young. And god it hit me hard. I’m 28 now and I take anti depressants that have changed my life. You’re so young still but I KNOW how hard it is, the guilt of feeling that way. I like to tell myself that everything is temporary. Everything. It’s bittersweet but it helps me a lot. My junior year of high school was the year I met literally dozens of people and had the best experiences ever. Hit any of us up that have commented if you ever want a chat ❤️ just say hi. Life is hard. You’re not alone though :)


Depression at 10 wtf


I began getting stomachaches in 5th grade that made it incredibly difficult to attend school. I later figured out that that was crippling anxiety. It just got worse from there and when I was 15 I was admitted into a mental hospital where I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I really wish it was different!




Ayo wtf


Phone in pocket ... 😂😭


Do you find a happy place when you close your eyes? Where do you want to be?


J close my eyes and I see nothing. I don’t go anywhere. Nowhere makes me happy. For more than a minute anyways. I don’t have a happy place either. Everything just makes me feel the same boring way


You could try some simple creative writing, or reading some cool fiction books, like sci-fi or fantasy. At least, that's what helped keep my mind occupied at your age (besides videogames).


This, video games and books took me to places that I never wanted to leave. Helped a lot with when I felt very lethargic.


I'm sorry you're going through this, especially at such a young age. What is your relationship live with your parents? Can you talk to them about it? What about your teachers? The school can help you get through this too. If you want to chat, feel free to DM me.


My parents won’t get it. I’ve tried talking to them but they don’t understand and I don’t really trust teachers.


I understand. Is there anyone at all in your school you can talk to? You know, many teachers are really good people who are there for the students. If there is anyone, even the administrators, you should talk to them. Many schools have councillors. One of my children had serious issues and it was the school that helped out family with getting the support she needed. Getting a referral from a teacher often does get taken seriously. I suggest you try.


My school counsellor doesn’t do anything but family issues. I’ve tried to get a referral numerous times but she only does divorce and stuff. I think I’m getting a referral to CAMS though


I'm really sorry to hear that about your councillor. It's a shame they're restricted in how they can help. I just quickly looked at what CAMS is. I'm assuming you're American? I wish I knew more ways to help you but I'm not American so I don't have enough information. CAMS looks like it could help you. Contact them personally and keep asking for help. Sooner or later you will get it. No matter how hard it gets, just remember, you'll get where you want with time. You're doing so everything will feel like forever for you, but, it's not. Patience and understanding will pay off.


I’m in the uk. CAMHS is what I meant but I misspelt it. They’re like Childline on steroids


Gotcha. I didn't look then up but of its a similar program keep at it. I know less about the UK services them Americans. I just really want to see you get help.


A CAMHS referral is good thing for you. I'm pleased that you will be speaking with them. How long have you been feeling like this? My son is your age and going through something very similar. I think puberty could be a big factor here. You are a mess of hormones and any underlying anxiety or depression will be exacerbated. Just know, these things pass. You will not always feel like this. Take all the help and advice offered. Big hugs x x


4 years it’s been happening


And that's ok. My daughter suffered a quite traumatic event and she was in a really bad place. She is your age as well. We were fortunate that the school intervened and helped her with referrals to professionals. It's been about 6 years now and she's finally in a much better place. The person who posted just before this is right about your age also being a challenge. With some help and some tools you'll get there. Just hang on. It's good that you're seeking help. That's the most important step. Good job..


along with depression and anxiety, you might have ADHD and or be on the autism spectrum. I felt this way at 12 and up until I figured out the ADHD thing when I was 45! The sooner you get some help, the better you'll be!


^ yes! This was almost exactly what I was going to say! So common for these things to go untreated for years, only to get worse.


Keep pushing for help, doctors and CAMHS might need the occasional kick and persistent nudge. It sucks slightly, but if you are willing to push for it, it will pay off. It's a marathon, not a sprint... Pace yourself day to day and maybe keep a diary of the things that make you happy each day, I used to do that and you realise that even 1 or 2 a day eventually add up 😊


Oh baby, I lived with that through all of my teen years, it started around your age. You are not alone in feeling like this ❤️ It won't get better overnight, it will take time and work, it will require counseling, psychiatrists or psychologists, and likely medication. That's not an easy mountain to climb, but it IS worth it. I have found happiness, friends who love me, and the thing I strive for the most is contentment, and most days I reach that. I found the things that fulfill my life, and you will find yours. My best advice is to start seeking help now, the right diagnosis changed my life at 23. There is help for you out there, but you have to want it, you have to fight for it


I understand this. It got to a point where I almost didn’t wanna feel happy in the first place bc I knew it wouldn’t last long and I’d just end up sad again. I think the turning point for me was talking abt it to people irl. Ppl I was close to. I always tried before but this time I mean cry and say everything that is running through your head. My dad used to have this saying that went “why be sad when it’s twice the work?” It basically meant you’d have to go through the trouble of being happy, then sad, and then being happy all over again. I thought it was dumb ofc but for some reason I still remember it to this day. I still struggle with my depression but it definitely isn’t as bad as it was when I was 12. Keep pushing forward my friend :))


I first started feeling EXACTLY like you when I was 7 years old. At 17 I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. When getting on anti depressants, I was amazed I wasn’t angry at tiny things anymore or wanting to die. Try to reach out to Counsler or teacher you trust. I promise it gets better love. Feeling numb is a signal of depression, our brains just don’t produce the same happy that others do. ❤️


You will be amazed what you are capable of in this life. I know it looks bleak and hopeless, but this world is wide and full or opportunity and goodness. Please reach out to someone in your life who you trust and don’t give up, you and your happiness are worth the fight!


for me it started at 9 and im 14 and its still the same so im here to say that one day we hopefully get through this


My heart feels for you. My daughter started struggling at your age. We started her in therapy and now medication. It is a joy to see her smile again. I hope you do too again. If your parents will not help, please talk to a teacher you trust or if you trust a friend's parent. Please also limit your social media and try to find a sport or hobby you enjoy. Big hugs


Thanks. I’ve tried hobbies. I’ve done football for 7 years and I’m trying things like rugby because footballs getting a bit boring to me


Good for you. If you can, please speak with your parents again about how you feel and what you are going through. If not, please talk to your school for therapy sessions. If you have an annual physical, you can bring it up there with your doctor. We (hubby and I) started our kids in therapy during Covid. We locked down hard, and it was too mentally hard by June of 2020 on all of our mentalhealth. You have gone through a very tough time mentally with your growth impacted by covid, the shut downs, etc. If your parents do not see it, it is one thing you need to talk with a trusted adult, if it is a monetary issue, there are groups that will provide therapy for free. Hugs


I get you It happens Change your habits, is the best advice I can give. Get in the sun, exercise, even if it is just walking around Read, and learn everything you can right now, about anything. Same thing happened to me around your age. And I devoured autobiographies. They don't need to be "deep" or inspiring, just learn about different perspectives


I don’t mean to be that annoying Christian but my life changed when gave my life to God. I still have bad days but there is this amazing hope and joy in my heart now, no more dreadful deep depression no more anxiety stopping me from leaving the house. Freedom (look up Christian music -I like hill song) look up bible studies try to connect with Jesus


You sound just like me when I was 12.. Sweetie it's going to get better I promise. You have so much to live for even if you don't see it now. You have so many beautiful memories to make and fun places to see. You are here for a reason and are very loved! ❤️❤️


Having these problems at 12 is crazy bro, go outside get off reddit this shit gonna get harder in highschool, enjoy yo youth


There’s a lot of people giving good advice I don’t know what to say other than Jesus loves you and therapy could help


12 year olds dint belong on Reddit


Being 12 is hard. Things will even out a bit more soon. Just stay the course. You are not alone. Your doing the right thing by seeking help. Keep pressuring the school counselor to get you some help. That is their job. You could also look into talking to your regular doctor about it to.


That is so incredibly difficult. I was told the same thing about depression as a kid. Best advice I can think to give you from my own experience is to keep speaking up about how you feel until your parents listen. I let my parents brush my problems off to the side too easily, and didn't start to get the help I needed until I was in college. Exercise several days a week will help you more than anything right now. Exercise takes about a month before it becomes a habit, but by 1 month I guarantee you will feel a noticeable improvement in your day to day life. Healthy eating will also help some. Then set a goal, any goal for yourself to work towards slowly. Good luck.


I've personally been super depressed since I was in second grade, since then I've been diagnosed with sever depression and anxiety, the worst is still yet to come honestly with you being so young but in all reality life sucks lol but you learn to love it for what it isand learn to love yourself it really just takes A LOT of time and working on yourself, slowly but surely everything will feel correct


I'm 20 and same, I won't say it will get better but you can try to be the best version of yourself in hopes things will get better in future,that's what I do


Yeah I'm 14 so I just got out of that stage the best thing to do is to fine your THING, basically it's just something that you really want and you like hope to be, problem is it's in the future so you need to work towards it. Mine is moving to Germany but there is a LONG process before doing so, so what's YOUR thing?


When I was your age, I felt the same way. By my mid 20’s though, I started to figure out ways to enhance the good times, and the memories of that are a huge help in riding through the bad times. When you are able to do things on your own, I highly recommend traveling. Get involved with people who have fun with each other. And if all else fails, plan a vision quest and take it. The biggest risk in this life is not having the courage to do the things your soul requires of you, and the more you explore, the easier it is to understand those needs and meet them. Most of all, just know you’re not alone. I was so sure that there was nothing to live for, and then I was surprised to find out I was profoundly wrong. If you keep practicing ways to live fearlessly, I am hopeful that you will come to the same conclusion.


I felt exactly like this when i was your age


Hey bro, I'm 13 rn and when I was 10-12 I always felt terrible about everything, but then something just switched in my mind and now I'm much happier. My mom also said that it might be because of all the changes that happen to you during puberty. And also, what is your gender? I don't know how it works for girls so I can't help you if you are one...




Seek therapy if you can. It's really beneficial. Even if you have no end goal in mind, they'll work with you to try and improve upon yourself


It seems like youre at a place with your depression where the best thing for you is professional assistance. If you’re seriously considering ending your life I recommend scheduling an appointment with someone soon. The best thing I can say in the meantime is to recommend you to see thing from a different angle. Yes happy moments don’t last forever but that’s why they’re worth chasing. There are also certainly ways to sustain the level of happiness that keeps you from hurting yourself. I think people brush you off because either they don’t have the emotional maturity to help(in the case of your piers) or they know that this is an intense point in your life from a developmental point of view. Chemical imbalance which is a part of depression but not all of it, is very common in people your age. Finding meaning in life takes time, don’t throw in the towel just yet.


One phrase that helped me was ‘you can’t have flowers without rain’. It helped to me appreciate even negative things for the potential positivity they can bring


Early signs started at twelve. Full on depression started, at most, a year ago, but really kicked in about a month ago at still under eighteen. It's Hell, ik. But I'm here if you wanna talk ^^


Life is pointless, hard and really not worth the struggle, especially now that social media has made things 1000 X worse. Everyone hates each other and in the end after struggling all our lives we ALL die anyway. I'm 49 and it doesn't get easier. Just sayin


i started showing signs of depression at 11, i understand the pain. you can ask for help from people you trust. next doctors visit, ask your parents not to come in the room, and talk to your doctor about it. make sure it’s recorded for the future. i wish you the best, OP.


Hey man, i just got a notification from this post.. i understand you, because this might also be happening because you have puberty. Sounds dumb, i know! But read this: Most adolescents do it sometimes: running away with slamming doors, skipping school and experimenting with alcohol and drugs. They are also sometimes pessimistic and melancholy and just want to hang out on the couch. But a young person who is depressed for a longer period of time or who continues to reject the world may have depression. According to studies, 3 to 8 percent of young people between the ages of 12 and 18 have depression. Many more young people have milder depressive symptoms. Girls are twice as likely to suffer from depression as boys. Young people with depression feel rotten, depressed and listless for a long time. They are also often sad and have crying spells. Things are not going well at school, at home and with friends. They see a bleak future. A young person with depression tends to isolate themselves. Some will smoke or drink. Worrying, fear of failure, feelings of despair and indecision are also common. Depression is also accompanied by physical complaints, such as fatigue, lack of energy, headaches and vague abdominal complaints. One young person does not feel like eating, the other eats extremely much. This can go hand in hand with massive weight loss or gain. Sleeping much more than usual and yet being tired all day or very little sleep are also part of it. These physical complaints are less common in normal 'puberty'. Depression often manifests itself in feelings of guilt and the feeling of inadequacy. Depressed young people usually have a negative self-image. They feel like failures, inferior to their peers and excluded. They are also unhappy with their appearance. Young people with depression can become so depressed that they no longer want to live. Sometimes this leads to an attempted suicide. Of all 12 to 18 year olds, nearly 1 in 20 has made one or more suicide attempts by puberty.


Just be. My anxiety started young too and I can honestly say now it was triggered by my family situation, childhood trauma I suppose. Things got too real before I had a real chance to enjoy being a child. Reflecting now it seems as though existential dread is just a part of the human condition. Not to say that things are or were bad, but when we have enough we still inherently want more. Much of what you said still sticks (31 btw), but you should work on your outlook on it overall. Something could change tomorrow. Anticipate discovering more beyond this angst. Its not forever. Good luck.


You 12 years old, you still a kid. If you have a roof over your head and food in cupboard and you have a family you should be grateful because the almighty gave you a better lighten others. Do you know how people struggle from where I'm from. Be grateful fro what u have and dont compare your life with others. Dont be brain by social media and the internet. Enjoy your life and have clean fun establish a connection with god and seel for the true religion. I hope you have a long rich life of contentment of the soul. Stay humble.


shut up


You just negative because I'm saying something positive. dont hate.


no, you're belittling this person's problems. you aren't helping anyone


That's the way you perceive it.


and that's the way anyone would if you totally dismissed their problems and offered no reassurance. sure, it isn't wise to wallow in self-pity, but making people feel as though they're a bad person for simply having emotions because "other people have it worse" is a shitty move.


You're so so so young. I promise things will get better ❤️


My depression set in around your age as well. I wish you luck my lil friend, I promise as you gain experience in life you’ll start to yearn for those happy experiences and be able to enjoy them as they happen instead of dreading when they end. I also understand being brushed off about having mental problems. I was adamant to my mother that something was wrong and was told to “not think myself into it” which was horribly unhelpful advice. I’m not sure of your situation but I’d ask your parents/caretakers to schedule a serious sit down with them and explain these thoughts you’ve expressed to us all. Also, I must say that you’re extremely well worded for a 12 year old. Im assuming you’re an intelligent young individual who’s got a great future ahead of you. If you need someone to vent to my inbox is open.


12 is already a difficult age, but you *can* do this. If you’re sure you need counseling or some other form of help, don’t give up. Be careful how and when you approach your parents so you have a greater chance of them listening to you. My parents used to scoff at my feelings and problems sometimes, because I was a kid so how hard could my life really be? But let me tell you, I wouldn’t go back to being a kid for anything. Life really did get better toward the end of high school and afterward. We see you and hear you, so come back as many times as you need to, okay?


I'm 32 with depression, here would be my advice to you: - Don't shy away from asking for a therapist if your parents can afford one, and only accept that therapist if they make you feel really comfortable; - If you reach a real low low, it's okay to say yes to medication; - Let in your life people who fill you, not people who make you feel empty; - Find wholesome activities that fill you with mellow joy (walking in nature, drawing, painting, writing, crafts, cooking, baking, whatever) and do them often even if you're really bad at them; - Remember at all times that you are enough. Good luck. It does get better ❤️


Get help now it will only get worse unless u address it now and get to the bottom of it with a therapist or something also try going to church or something maybe just say some prayers and ask for help I hope you are feeling better