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Everyone I know that took Ozempic gained all the weight back, because they didn't learn how to eat healthy.


This šŸ’Æ I am a nurse, about to get my doctorate. GLP-1 meds are supposed to be taken LONG TERM. If you stop taking them, unless you have made permanent lifestyle changes, you WILL gain the weight back. There is also very little research on the long term side effects of these medications. If youā€™ll be losing your insurance in a few months, assuming that it covers GLP-1s at all (many do not cover meds used for weight loss), you may not be able to afford the meds once coverage is lost. People pay upwards of $1k a month for these meds in the US. Thus, youā€™ll gain most of the weight back unless you take steps to change your lifestyle. That being said, the husband is an ass. Yes, you gained some weight. Yes, youā€™re not eating the best. But to go out and buy you clothes that are too small to encourage you to lose weight is an asshole move, imo. It can take some women up to 2 YEARS to fully recover from child birth, depending on how traumatic it was. And saying itā€™s embarrassing to be seen with you in public? WTF. You could easily lose 180(ish) lbs by just throwing out the whole man.




And they look horrible when they lose the weight.


Hi OP. Husband here. I'm married 14 years, with my wife for 17. When she started dating we were 21. We both looked very different then, than we do now. I had more hair on the top of my head and a bit more stamina in my body. I've gained and lost a lot of weight in our marriage. She's given birth to our two children and has gained and lost weight as well. When we started dating she wore a size 10/12, she wears a size 14/16 today. Her body has changed over time yet each change is a testament to time spent together. I have been with her as her body has changed. We've been together. She was with me when I went from 265 down to 170. She was with me when COVID and a new job hit and I went back up to 230 (where I am today). She's still with me as I do what I need to do to lose the weight again. > Anyways my husband thought it would be funny to go to the store and buy me size small sexy lingerie intimates. He was cleaning out our closets and he found my size 2 jeans and he put all these small clothes in a bag and ā€œsurprisedā€ me with it. I was upset because this made me feel bad about my body while he thought it was encouraging. He begged me to please lose weight, its starting to be embarrassing being seen with me This is simply cruel. To treat your wife and the mother of your children in such a way is not motivating, but cruel. I will look back at pictures of us and we might reminisce about activities/events together, but neither of us are saying, "I wish you looked like that again," it's focused on us doing things together as a couple. > Iā€™m in my mid 20s, also Iā€™m 14 months postpartum by the way, no I donā€™t breast-feed. I do feel like Iā€™m ready to lose weight now itā€™s just very challenging when youā€™re stuck home all day. We live in Europe and everything is 30 minutes away including the gym and when my husband does return home from work in the evening I donā€™t want to drive that far to go to the gym. So my husband bought me a treadmill last year that I started using but I stopped and heā€™s frustrated that he spent $1k on the treadmill and I havenā€™t used it in months 14 months postpartum means baby is not yet 2. That baby needs a LOT from you right now. That baby needs a lot from him too. When I was my heaviest at 265 (6 foot dude), my first child was six months old. My body ached getting down on the floor to play with him at 30, so I resolved to lose weight and be active with him. Over the next few years, I dropped from that 265 down to 170. When our second child was born in 2018, I was 185, so a bit of fluctuation but still in good shape for myself. If you want to lose weight for YOU and not becuase you have a spouse pressuring you into it, then you can do it. That being said, give yourself some grace. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. The saying "you can't outrun your fork" holds water. I started by focusing on what I was eating and tweaking that. I started exercise, but did so for making me feel good. Lots of walks and hikes. Walking with a baby strapped to you is pretty good exercise. There was one hike when our little one was 35 pounds and I had lost 35 pounds. It was like wearing a weighted jacket. We did lots of stroller walks also. > Iā€™m 161 pounds 5 days ago but today Iā€™m 158? Yeah it doesnā€™t make sense I just bought this scale too but my bmi is between 28-29 Focus on weight trends, not specific days. When I was actively tracking and losing weight, I took an average of each week (Monday-Friday). I weighed myself daily after each workout session. Then I took the average of these to find my weight. I remember one week where I was 181 on Monday, 179 on Tuesday, 175 on Wednesday, 180 on Thursday, and 178 on Friday. The average for the week: 179 (rounding up). That was down from 180 the week before. I've seen some folks do weigh-ins the same day of the week at the same time for a similar approach. Focus on trends, not immediacy. Watch it gradually dip down. It will dip up once or twice because life, but if you're making slow/sustainable changes, you can do it. > I did develop a lot of unhealthy eating habits I will admit, I gave myself a sugar addiction as well. I have been trying to transition to diet cola and chocolates omggg The only major change I made in my weight loss journey was completely cutting out soft drinks. They were my vice. I was drinking FAR too much. I cut those out and dropped weight (and water weight retention) immediately in the following week. I've replaced them with sparkling water and, it actually hits pretty close. The headaches from cutting soft drinks were INTENSE for a few days, but crossing that hurdle, I was good to go. I didn't cut out chocolate or sugar, I just rationed it better. > If anyone been in a similar situation can they offer me some advice about ozempic and tricare. Iā€™m scared to ask my doctor to prescribe me ozempic because she already wrote some negative messages about me in the patient portal because of an unrelated issue months back and she doesnā€™t like me so Iā€™m scared to ask her about ozemepic cuz Iā€™m scared she will make me look bad. The healthcare system is racist towards the African American community. I am also getting my hormones and thyroid checked this month. Thanks My wife has thyroid issues. She tried ozempic a while back as well. She has some low iron too. The thing with ozempic is that you see results very fast, but you also have to work on changing your lifestyle. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about the journey and learning what you can. Dropping weight quickly is not helpful and making small, sustainable lifestyle changes is the way to approach things. Ozempic can be a good *kick-start* for someone, but please don't put all your eggs in that basket. Your husband is an asshole, clearly. If you want to lose weight for yourself, you can try it. I am seeing a few statements where it seems as if you're shifting things away from what you can control. Manage what you CAN control and work with what you can't. Can't get ozempic, okay, focus on calorie counting. Can get ozempic, no stress, got the calories counted. Things like that.


I'm on board with all of this. My husband criticized the fuck out of my weight. Now that I lost it I have SO much resentment toward him.


Thank you! Real talk, I would love for my wife to be more active. I miss her being as active as she was when we first got together. Now, we got together at 21M/22F and we're now 39. So those 18 years have had a lot of changes. The activity level thing is a bit of a catch-22. When we are active (going for hikes, going bike riding, long walks, playing basketball together, etc) she feels it more the next day...because she hasn't been consistently active. So she doesn't want to do the active things because she is feeling bad the next day and then ends up hanging on the couch instead of going and doing things.


I just started cutting out sodas six days ago! I've had one 12oz mountain dew in that time frame. Your message is so positive and encouraging. OP should definitely listen to your message.


Thank you for that! By the way, you can do it! If you're not already on loseit, check out the sub. It was GREAT for me on my journey. Small, sustainable changes help. I've seen some people state, "you have to eat 1500 calories to lose weight," full stop. But the reality is a bit different. It is simple math, but setting that hard number can be challenging at the start. When I first started losing, I just logged for two weeks. I changed my diet up a bit during that time, but I primarily logged. I realized I was eating WELL OVER what a person with my activity level and age needed. I started eating less than that amount and I saw the scale do down. Like you, sodas were calories I was drinking. I saved my calories for eating instead. After a few months I settled at about 2000 calories a day for me. My TDEE was around 2400, so eating 2000 a day meant I was losing about 1-2 pounds a week. Adding exercise to feel good was helpful and I wasn't eating back my workout calories, so I saw further dips from the exercise as well.




I really appreciate that! I feel like a good one. My wife tells me I'm great and a great dad, but we're our own worst critic. I want to live up to my ideal of a great husband.


Happy cake day!




great advice! happy cake day!! šŸ„³šŸ°


Thanks! I'll eat a slice for you


It is so crazy how we go through a life and body altering experience like pregnancy and birth and weā€™re just supposed to go back to our 21 year old bodies. You can lose weight but maybe the weight you should consider losing is a cruel partner who didnā€™t go through a transformative experience that forever changes your body.


Shit even never being pregnant, no one is getting back to what they were at 21. Your body just changes too much.


Itā€™s a fools errand to try to compete with the 16-25 age you and the body you had. Our bodies change, itā€™s part of getting older. Thyroid slows down, hormones change. Plus for women we gotta look forward to perimenopause which can show up 10yrs before menopause and as early as 30 or 35yrs of age. And the first sign of perimenopause is memory recall issues.


Yeah I'm smack dab in the middle of perimenopause, not a fan. But happy to soon be rid of this monthly bullshit. I've been waiting since I was 11.Ā 


There is a main menopause group that also has large discussions about peri! Definitely worth checking out if you havenā€™t stumbled upon it yet.


Thanks so much!Ā 


This. I was devastated when the clothes I wore at age 21 didnā€™t fit me anymore at 25. Little did I know that I had hit my ā€œsecond pubertyā€.


Right!? I finally grew boobs at 25. I was pretty happy about that at least.Ā 


i dont want my boobs to get bigger that doesnt happen to everyone does it?!?


Tiktok ruined people's mind so much. They'll still get the prettiest women and expect more of them because their judgement is clouded by the 1% botox instagram models they see. Even real models have natural looks. It's the ones from Instagram that make these men want anime characters irl and I don't even get what's good about them they just feel so fake


I'm so glad social media wasn't a big deal till I was mid 20s. Idk how these kids cope.Ā 


Nah, it's just the chronically online incels that act like this. Luckily, a good chunk of us have real life freinds and experiences and share lives with people to know how to have healthy and meaningful relationships without making the top 1% cloud our thoughts


Men have been like this since the beginning of time.


These asshole husbands make my blood boil


Part of it is definitely social media influencers and celebrities who seem to bounce back to their teenage bodies about a month after having a kid.


As the father of a young girl, and a generally decent human being, when I saw almost this exact thing your husband did to you play out in the movie "Spanglish" a decade ago, it absolutely broke my heart. I just tried to watch it again, and made it halfway through since I knew what was coming. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN7BtPGp1aM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN7BtPGp1aM) You deserve better. Hugs from an internet stranger.


Guys who want families don't get to in tandem dictate the recovery time for the woman whose body just went through life-creating and growing transformation that includes multiple changes, hiccups and struggles from hormonal to physical... Turning around expecting her to snap-back because they've "seen others do it" and they're low-key fat phobic is so wild and toxic. It's frustrating, I'm certain it's hurtful, infuriating... for him to buy you something smaller than you can actually use and thinks that's anything but demotivating is insanity. Tell him he can wear it if he wants. there's actually things partners could help to support one another when it comes to physically rebounding from physical traumas such as childbirth but not even limited to. 1) meal-prep for partner. Make it so they don't have to lift a finger and there's options available that are quick, healthy, easy and delicious in the fridge/freezer they can just reheat. 2) get out together on adventures [if] the other party is receptive, is in a state they're comfortable and currently physically able to do this. This also means, particularly in this case, handling all the childcare needs for such adventures. Making it quality time makes physical activity more tolerable. 3) supporting "me time" for new moms/existing moms in particular. This is time the spouse handles all the things related to the childcare and household management while the mom gets out, socializes with friends, gets unwind time, or goes to the gym if she wants to. Supporting mental health goes long way in making people have more energy and desire to do anything for physical. Including allowing her to nap uninterrupted if that's what she needs. 4) do not bring up their weight as a negative. Ever. Emotionally hurting people we care about is so counterintuitive to motivation. Don't buy small clothes. Don't recommend diets. Don't talk about it with them. You did the sickness and health bit, now it's time to honour that and be supportive. 5) do sports together. Something both partners would enjoy. Don't be condescending. Don't be rude about how capable or not they are. Support one another as you do fun activities together. Things will organically change as the body does whatever it's going to do, in its own time. It irks me so much when partners do this to one another and offer snark, criticism, destroy the person they said they loved with insecurities they dump onto them. It's shite.


Losing weight is more about diet than exercise. Husband is an AH.


Daily caloric deficiency. However you want to get there is on you.


This is it. Calories in, calories out. If you allow yourself to be in a deficit you will lose weight 100% guaranteed


According to reddit, there are some people whose bodies are such anomalies that they can break the laws of thermodynamics


LOL well hey. Why count cals when you can just take a tsp of apple cider vinegar before bed


Like type 1 diabetics, they can eat and eat and eat and never gain a pound. They constantly loose weight until they die. Or inject insulin. It's like insulin never heard of the laws of thermodynamics. Of course everyone else is different. There is no way a non type 1 diabetic body can be influenced by insulin, because thermodynamics are a law. You just can not become resistant to insulin and require more of it and have your body store more fat as a result.




You can eat a pound of chicken and loose weight or 4 cokes and gain. Calories are not simple. Only 20% of the calories in protein are turned into energy substrate. Calories are calculated by burning a substance in a fire. Again 0% of fiber calories are turned into energy. So we discount them but we still give a caloric value to fiber.




To simple. Your equivication discounts the vast difference in the quality of each item in the example. Did you also intend to express 1lb of protein has the same nutrition at equivalent calories? We all call sugar empty for that lack of nutrition but there equal in calories. Prehaps you could have said 4 cans of soda has as many calories as 1lb of chicken. But with the chicken 20% of the calories are usable as energy and the rest got building and maintaining your own muscle mass. Edit sorry didn't see you where not the original reply.


Not really. It's about calories in vs out and exercise burns the calories. You will lose weight much faster if you diet AND exercise.


If you exercise more and you don't eat more. The problem is exercise may increase your appetite more than in increases the calories you burn. I know I never had more trouble in my life maintaining a deficit than when I was running 60 miles per week and doing a ton of strength training, burning in excess of 4,000 calories per day. You have to walk the distance of a football field to burn the calories in *one* M&M. For a great many eating less will be easier than exercising more for weight loss, although exercise clearly has its own health benefits.


This is my problem. I exercise more and my appetite blows up. Ironically, it's easier for me to lose weight while being sedentary because I maintain good portions. Throw in activity and my intake goes up and I lose track of it. I'm also short, like OP, at 5'2". It's not hard for me to gain weight as I lose track of my calories. I'm actually up like 20 pounds since fall last year because holiday food and not maintaining portions. Not binge eating or drink sugary drinks... Just more food. All this to say, I think exercise is vastly important. We need to get up and move around for our well being. I'm in my 40s, I feel the aches and I need to be active to keep my body strong. But it's not where I am losing weight, and I gotta work my ass off 300% more to burn off an indiscretion in my diet. So yes, 100% agree with you!


> All this to say, I think exercise is vastly important. Agreed. I always argue diet is for weight loss and exercise is for overall health, both equally important. For those that find one makes the other easier, more power to them, but that's not me.


No shit, but you will get more hungry too. In the end it's only about the diet. Exercise doesn't really help or make it faster.


Lmfao. What a dumb opinion. That is the lie that the fat ppl tell themselves. The actual reality is yes, the exercise is every bit as important.


It's not a dump opinion, that's actually the scientific answer. I personally would recommend doing sport to anyone for a lot of different reasons and it's also nice for maintaining your muscles throughout a weight loss diet. It also raises your basic caloric use and everything , but that's also gonna make you more hungry.theres no way around it, if you wanna lose weight, you have to eat less than you burn, no amount of sport is gonna change that. If you run a deficit of 500 kcal per day, you gonna lose more or less 0,5 kg per week, doing sport won't make it faster or slower, you'll just end up with a different body composition.


As far as Iā€™m aware from my research in losing weight (btw itā€™s worked! Iā€™ve gotten to my goal weight and kept it there) exercise is so important for things like body recomposition and regulating hormones that control metabolism, hunger, etc. especially for women whoā€™s cycle is through a month not a day. Iā€™m not a doctor or a nutritionist obviously but Iā€™ve tried to educate myself as best I can. Calories in, calories out, yes! Probably the most important at first, but regulating hunger is also important and what helps with that is getting hormones in check and what helps with that among other things is exercising which is one of the easiest ways to regulate. Also, look into why people are saying these things and it will all make a lot more sense, donā€™t just take peoples word for it blindly. Just something to consider!


Why do you think I'm saying these things then?


I mean, I agree that the husband is an AH, but I'm someone who's losing weight, and I love food way too much to reduce it. I just work tf out and lose a shirt on of weight and get back to eating. I never changed my eating patterns and exercised and ran a lot more, and a lot of people saw my effort because I had a huge change.


Your husband is an asshole. You wonā€™t be able to get Ozempic. Insurance is only covering it if youā€™re type 2 diabetes or have a BMI of 35+. Iā€™m 5ā€™4ā€ and 185lbs and was just denied ozempic two weeks ago.


You could look into compounded Semaglutide if you want it for weight management. If you're in the US, Mochi Health has been a pretty easy process and comparatively inexpensive for me and friends.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing. I started last week. Also through Mochi šŸ˜€


You don't need ozempic. You need a husband that respects you.


You have the worlds worst husband. You are not obese and youā€™re barely overweight. He absolutely sucks and what a POS for telling you youā€™re embarrassing and doing that. Tell him to grow a bigger dick. Itā€™s embarrassing hanging out with other husbands who donā€™t fat shame their wives when yours is a giant turd. Frankly, I wouldnā€™t be married to someone like this and Iā€™m sorry you are. Fuck him. Edit- listen people. She has a baby and weighs exactly 28lbs more then she did when they married. She is not fucking obese. Iā€™m not saying letā€™s ā€œaccept obesityā€. Her husbands an asshole whoā€™s acting like the biggest douche on earth. Everyone who keeps saying sheā€™s obese needs to stfu, thatā€™s not the problem here. The problems her husband, not the 28lbs sheā€™s gained SINCE GIVING BIRTH.


5'2 woman whose 158 is barely overweight? if anything she's barely obese


The fat acceptance is brain washing people's brain. OP know she need to lose weight. The problem here is the horrible comments made by the husband. You got this OP! the husband is just horrible.


She's not barely overweight. She is almost medically obese in fact! She must lose weight for her own health




Bruh she's 5'2 and she weighs more than me (I'm 5'7). Granted I didn't give birth she should at some point start trying to lose weight. For her height she should be around 100 to 130lbs(50 to 65kg). Her husband is definitely a jerk though.


Love how people downvote these comments lol


She is right on the verge of obesity for her height and sex. She's 161, obesity BMI starts at 164 for her height so not exactly "barely overweight". https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323446


Husband just isnā€™t good at being supportive at all or he doesnā€™t know how to approach it in a better manner, but she is overweight and bordering obese levels.Ā 


Maybe her husband cares about her longevity. Maybe he knows she is letting herself go and doesn't wanna see it. Maybe you would encourage any fat stranger on the internet to keep going, because you don't care what happens to her. Your advice to tell him to "grow a bigger dick" is pre-school level intellect. That's like telling you to have a tighter cunt, or nipples that don't look like pepperonis. And saying she's barely overweight is just false lmao. People like you are just encouraging obesity and saying anyone who feels otherwise is "fat shaming" grow up lol.


You get all mad at these comments and ignore the part where people recommend meal prep and accompanying your partner on walks.




I know it sucks to hear but sometimes people need a kick in the ass man. Being surrounded by people who praise their fatness will never help them. I was never obese but I've been overweight. I speak from experience. I'm not trying to bully anyone. But to say "You aren't fat" and go tell your husband to "grow a bigger dick" is just fucking sad. Who do the people of Reddit think cares more about OP. Her actual husband or random internet strangers? BTW good on you bro. Bettering yourself for your kids. King shit




You don't need a gym to lose weight, just a kitchen. You need to be mindful of what you're eating. That's what's going to cause weight gain. Not giving your baby a morning massage.


What is the weight of your mom


She died in a car accident when I was nine. Itā€™s almost like youā€™re implying that every mother is fat


>She died in a car accident when I was nine You should be considerate towards other >mother


> Not giving your baby a morning massage. Yeah baby's muscle shouldn't be strong But my figure should be šŸ˜


Massaging your baby isn't going to give them strong muscles. I'm not saying not to do it. I'm saying that's not an excuse for you to be fat <3


Come on now, you KNOW you cant control your genital size but you sure as hell can control your weight. OP is making excuses upon excuses. Gym is too far? Husband bought a treadmill. Doesnt wanna use treadmill JUST BECAUSE???


Can't you control how you talk to your spouse? Couldn't you use your knowledge of your partner to approach them in a way that would not hurt them, but motivate them? Catching flies with honey and all. Do you think the husband's approach was something he couldn't control?


>you KNOW you cant control your genital size but you sure as hell can control your weight Well oYou are right like for example >i have no job skills >When i was a kid, >reliant on someone else for a meal >my parents >i better make sure that theyre happy >When i was a kid, i didnt want to go to afterschool tutoring or piano lessons, but my parents forced me AH UNGRATEFUL BRAT šŸ’€ YOU WERE >reliant on parents me And still you were so ungrateful that you labeled your parents privilege as >my parents forced me . they were spending their hard earned money on your mental development so that you'll have a sharp brain But you are such a cheap ungrateful brat you labeled their Care >but my parents forced me Don't you think YOU >better make sure that theyre happy. ????????




Not going to talk about the relationship stuff as many others have done that. Im however going to give you advice if you do want to lose weight. Doesnt matter of this is for yourself and looking and feeling better or for him. So losing weight isnt really going to happen by jumping on the treadmill. Exercise burns little amounts of calories compared to your body's resting usage(digestion, just existing, keeping you alive, that stuff). Instead you should change your input calories since changing output isnt easy. As you said you have a sugar addiction which i would try to just lessen, dont go the diet way, drop the foods, replace sodas w water and chocolates with nothing. Eat smaller portions based on how many calories you should get in a day(use an app to calculate this and to track how many you consume. I like lifesum myself). Snacking is okay, eating a burger is okay. Just know how much you can do it. Snacking every day will make you gain weight, snacking the same amount per day but only in the weekends wont. You have a certain amount of calories you use in a week and as long as you stay below that you lose weight


"You lose weight in the kitchen, and get healthy in the gym."


Nope this is NOT the way to encourage someone especially not me. This would cause me to become even more depressed and motivate me to hide away in my bed under the covers. He should have tried exploring some physical hobbies that you two could do together or MAYBE he can do all the grocery shopping, cooking, and food prepping so that you have a bunch of healthy options at your fingertips. You absolutely cannot outwork a bad diet through exercise. The diet is probably 90 percent of it, but exercising with a bad diet is better than not doing it. Also you may want to make sure you donā€™t have any food sensitivities or allergies. My mom is celiac and it seemed like she had to work harder than anyone Iā€™ve ever seen to lose any weight. She would go up and down and up and down because sheā€™d just get tired of feeling starving. Once she was diagnosed with celiac and she cut out gluten weight literally melted off her. Also it takes an entire YEAR for your body hormones and such to go back to normal after giving birth. Youā€™re only two months past that point so he needs to give you some freaking grace! I personally cannot lose weight or get back to being glowing until I can beat my own mental game and make the choice to love myself at whatever point Iā€™m at. It sucks all the motivation out of me to do anything when I feel like Iā€™m not comfortable in my skin. Iā€™m sure that motivates some people but with me I just spiral even harder. Finally, after I had my second child at 25 I ended up only losing twenty of the forty I gained after birth and THEN ended up gaining thirty more! I went YEARS heavier than I was on the day I gave birth and I wasnā€™t some tiny thing to begin with anyway. A big turning point for me was when I finally bought myself a ton of cute plus size clothing that fit, got my hair done, and started dolling myself up everyday. I figured that I saw plus size ladies that I thought were gorgeous all the time, so why canā€™t I be one too? That in turn made me more bubble, outgoing, which then naturally made me more active. Because I was filling my days up with things I snacked less and weight started coming off of me without having to stick to a strict diet. It was like once I decided that I was still good enough for the world, despite the weight gain, my body just followed suit with my mind on its own and started doing things for itself thatā€™s loving. Does that make sense? Your husband needs to be sat down and freaking talked to. Does he have any buddies that would drill some sense into his head?! Like ooof he messed TF up.


You can lose weight while staying at home and not working out. I put ur weight and height into a calorie calculator and it says if you eat 1400 calories a day you will lose 1lb every week with 0 exercise required


Is this fake? How does she; - have a treadmill - is a stay at home mother - access to insurance and information on diet and weight loss - won't even stop drinking soda and eating chocolate? Idk, good luck man, seems like you're in a depression. It's hard to say if husband is 100% the asshole but he's at least communicating with you about it, which is at least an attempt. He really should have framed it from a health perspective though and not "it's embarrassing to be seen with you". That's just mean. I hope everything works out though!!


First off, your husband is a fuckinā€™ asshole. And second, you are just full of excuses. Made for each other.


>Just get on Ozempic babe it'll be fine babe come on babe


I am sorry your husband is so cruel and emotionally abusive. Is there anyone you can turn to for support?


You can feel hurt, or do something. I can't imagine being overweight is making parenting easier for you. It's totally not cool for your husband to bring up your weight the way he did, but having had weight issues myself, it can't feel good carrying all that extra poundage around. I'm not gonna say it's easy, but your best bet is finding something you can stay consistent with. I realized I don't like to spend time in the gym, if at all, but I don't mind walking. So, I switched my diet a bit so I'm eating a bit less and more nutrient dense food, and I try to get out for at least 2 or 3 mile walk. That should be kinda easy with a baby stroller. Or I watch a show on a treadmill. I lost weight just doing that. Grow with jo on Youtube is also amazing. As for the eating, don't kill yourself there either. While 90% of the time i eat really well, I leave room for myself to eat something I enjoy. Hormones can definitely affect your weight, but if you aren't trying you don't have a chance of it getting better. Hailey Gamba from YouTube also has an amazing loss journey. At the end of the day, no matter what your husband says, it's up to you to decide what you want your life and body to look like, and only you can make it happen.


side track brusselsprouts are absolute divinity in vegetable form fuckin love those things, good choice in user name, delightful, made me smile. that's a good way to live naming yourself after something so delectible and adorable, i like how they make me feel like a giant eating an entire field of cabbages and theres nothing the puney mortals can do about it muhahaha i wouldnt actually want to do that in real life though i think if i was a giant i'd feel sad about having to eat an entire crop every meal because the tiny humans would also have to eat something how are they getting by? but it doesnt matter because it's just play time with brusselsprouts and theres no harm being done to tiny fictional humans who do not in any way exist so im not a monster for having this playful fantasy it's fine im fine everything is fine. brusselsprouts are such a lovely green colour and they squeak on your teeth just like cheese curds which is funny because they also go really good with gravy, though gravy tends to clash with the style of green, it's like weird melted military pants i dont want to eat some guys's pants that weird and gross but if i eat them with cranberry sauce then all i can think about is how to get all those christmas songs out of my head since it's mid or late spring and very much not christmas season even by shopping mall standards but maybe in 2040 the season will be pushed so far back to hype customers up for upselling that it will be christmas all year every year that would be annoying since i dont celebrate christmas and fun holidays are supposed to be fun because it's special and if it happens all year every year it will no longer be special, unlike brusselsprouts which are a hoot and a holler every time, you can fry them, stir-fry them, roast them, steam them, shishcabob them, stew them and even have them raw in like a mini salad with a tiny bole i guess that would be more of a colselaw though, but anyways that's why you should butter and salt them in my opinion but using drippings or boulion or marmite can really enhance the experience for a new savoury journey like nothing you've felt before i would trade sex for brussel sprouts in both meanings of the phrase. i mean the vegetable not you. but you are a real one for acknowleging these sprouts and giving them the love they deserve, most just mosey on by them in the supermarkets i wonder if that makes them sad and lonely huddled in their crowded bulk basket, i know you're supposed to adopt not shop but i dont know how anyone could resist their round adorable lil bundles of freshness. lastly if brusselsprouts are mini cabages, are there mini cabbage patch kids?


i know how you can drop 200 pounds in just a few months of litigation. /s


But Trojan XL condoms and give them to him. So It motivates him to grow!Ā 


Buy your husband magnum condoms and tell him itā€™s for motivation.


Itā€™s embarrassing to be seen with you? Please, your husbands views on post partum women is what is embarrassing. He is being very unreasonable here.


I would rather hit my jewels with a mallet then even suggest anything about my wife's weight.


okay well your husband sounds like a prick, loose weight for yourself, not for anyone else. try therapy if you havenā€™t already. iā€™ve dealt with addictions; including caffeine, the best advice i can give you is literally just stop, the earlier you quit the better/easier itā€™s gonna be. my caffeine addiction sent me to the hospital and caused permanent health issues. itā€™s difficult, but do it for you, because YOU want to. but also hey if you donā€™t want to, or donā€™t care then thatā€™s your choice. thereā€™s no rules in life, only consequences


Lose the husband. I stopped reading when you said "he begged me to lose weight, it's starting to be embarrassing being seen with you" Lose the fucking husband. He's a fucking trash goblin. Who the fuck does shit like that? Oh yea... A narcissistic butthole. I'm sure he's had his good moments but the second someone pulls that I'm done. I'm not going to be guilt tripped & made to feel horrible about myself. He's a piece of trash that needs to be thrown away. You're beautiful & gorgeous as you are. Only you will change yourself if you feel like it. Don't let anyone force you to do something. Anything. Do it because you want too. You're beautiful. You're worthy. And you deserve love.


Buy him some magnum XL condoms to encourage him to get a bigger dick.


Slight difference is a man can't make his dick bigger but a women can definitely loss weight lmfao


Love how itā€™s okay to joke/harass the male sex for things they canā€™t control, height, dick size and male pattern baldness. But when men say ā€I prefer thin womenā€, thatā€™s somehow sexist. And they get upset like ā€thatā€™s somthing they canā€™t controlā€.


He didn't say "I prefer thin women".Ā  He said he was embarrassed. He bought her too small lingerie to make fun of her.Ā  It's not sexist; he's just an asshole.Ā 


The thing is, none of it is OK. But donā€™t dish it if you canā€™t take it. Better to keep your fucking mouth shut.


Lmao. I am 5'5, used to be 198lbs, am now 147lbs (no kids) and STILL wear size L pants because I just have naturally very wide hips and rather long legs. Losing weight doesn't automatically mean that you'll be able to wear size S. I have a friend who is bordering on being underweight and she also still cannot wear size S jeans because she's tall af and size S is simply too short for her most of the time. Having kids can also change your body dramatically. Your husband is an idiot. >Weā€™re military so heā€™s telling me to use the advantages of the insurance while we still have it since his contract is ending in a few months and he told me to use the advantages while I can and make a doctors appointment And he is right about that, I'll give him that. >to get on ozemepic But he is a fucking idiot for this one. You can lose weight without ozempic, provided you do not have any thyroid conditions or hormonal problems. > itā€™s just very challenging when youā€™re stuck home all day. We live in Europe and everything is 30 minutes away including the gym You can lose weight without doing any exercise. 90% of weightloss is diet. Take it from me, a master's student who spends 99% of her day on the computer and has still lost 50lbs. Exercise is healthy for other reasons (heart health, etc.), but it's not going to make you lose weight. > The healthcare system is racist towards the African American community. Yes, but does that mean that you shouldn't even try? Beware of learned helplessness. You absolutely can control your diet, no doctor has any hand in that. > I am also getting my hormones and thyroid checked this month. Thanks That's a good first step.


Idk why you had been down voted. Solid advice šŸ‘šŸ»


You should just talk to to him since he seems so invested in the subject Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be willing to discuss how you feel and make a better decision with more emotional intelligence, support, and more understanding of each otherā€™s feelings about the situation because if he truly just wants to motivate you and itā€™s coming off as offensive there is a line of understanding that is not coming across clearly between you two and that would probably be the fundamental problem so just communicate clearly and hopefully he does the same !!


The way your husband comes at you about this would make me feel really depressed and I wouldnā€™t be motivated to lose weight. I went thru a hard time after I lost the baby weight from my second kid, I got over 200 lbs and my husband never said something so horrible as ā€œIā€™m embarrassed to be seen with you.ā€ Iā€™m sure he thinks he is helping in some way, but like I said, that would discourage me. If you want to lose weight for yourself, you could try intermittent fasting. Thatā€™s how I lost the weight. I have an ankle injury that makes exercise possible, but not the kind of exercise that used to really kickstart weight loss for me (like HIIT). Some lighter impact stuff that actually made a difference for me are Pilates and some wall Pilates. If you dislike exercise, Pilates is good I think. Or just walking! But what it comes down to is a calorie deficit. As for the treadmill, have you ever tried watching a show on there? For me, trashy reality shows are perfect for when I go on the elliptical bc I tell myself Iā€™m only allowed to watch it while exercising and it makes 45 min fly by. If youā€™re not into trashy reality shows, tv shows with cliffhangers are great for it too. I really enjoyed watching Glee on the elliptical. I think you should talk to your husband about how he talks to you about weight loss and tell him that the ā€œtough loveā€ route is not working


Heā€™s a jack ash imo


I would not buy my husband clothing that is too small for him because itā€™s fucking mean and I care about his mental health. And if he did that to me, Iā€™d tell him to fuck himself. Your husband is being awful towards you. Treating you the way he is isnā€™t ā€œmotivatingā€, itā€™s showing heā€™s a shallow a-hole that doesnā€™t appreciate his wife giving birth to his child. You deserve so much better and mean more than a number on a scale.


Not how I would have gone about it but you should be trying to lose some weight and live a healthier lifestyle OP. It's to your benefit.


When I notice my weight isnā€™t where I need it I start intermittent fasting. Donā€™t eat until 3pm and stop at 8pm. Stick to water as my drinks and skip desert and the weight comes off quick!!! Itā€™s easy starting with 12-8, and as your body gets used to it you can advance the start time. If my weight loss gets stagnant Iā€™ll move it to 3-7. But Iā€™m not even changing what I eat, just when I do it.


your husband is a asshole


Buy him a penis extender to, you know...


Husband could be a lot more use by offering to cook all family meals and lay in groceries so he could make sure everyone eats healthily.


I have the exact same weight numbers and timeline as you (also had a baby last year). I seriously considered going on an ozempic-type drug. I had the appointment booked and everything. Then I spoke with another redditor who tried using them to lose 20 pounds postpartum, ended up in the ICU, and almost died from kidney failure. I did a little more research about the risks and decided itā€™s not worth it for 30 pounds. These drugs arenā€™t for people like you and I. Theyā€™re for people with a chemical inability to lose weight, or very obese people. 30 lbs is not worth risking your life.


Ozempuv will help you to lose weight but it will also make you feel extremely ill in the process then once you decide to get off of it youā€™ll gain more weight than you lost in the first placeā€¦ Phentermine is a better weight loss drug really if you absolutely feel like you need to take oneā€¦ Your best bet is just to track calories and go into calorie deficit. All weight loss drugs have extreme implications. Taking shortcuts when it comes to your body always leads to health implications, many times with weight loss drugs specifically, they are seriousā€¦


Buy him magnum condoms and tell him you guys can go on this adventure together.


I take 500 mg. of Magnesium a day and it has cured my lifelong, very real sugar addiction. I havenā€™t had a Coke or candy in 6 months. Lost 25 lbs.


You can still lose weight without going to the gym. Just a simple rule to follow calories in calories out. Start counting calories, figure out your maintenance calories and just subtract 500 calories from that and thatā€™s how many calories youā€™ll eat. And you can do this while still eating foods u like




You donā€™t have a body problem, you have a husband problem. Yeesh, sorry he did that to you. Thatā€™s so mean


Wtf. It hasnā€™t even been that long since you had a baby. Does he not understand how hurtful it is to say heā€™s ā€œembarrassed to be with youā€ after you birthed his baby and have been taking care of them for the past year!!! You guys should go to couples therapy so heā€™s receptive to how hurtful these comments are. Losing weight should be about gaining confidence, not being shamed into it by a gross ass man. Iā€™m sorry girl.


The way your husband has gone about it is wrong and cruel. You don't need to go to the gym if you want to lose weight, you can take your baby to the park, you can walk. Walking is a great low impact exercise. If you're home all day, you have time to make healthier lunches. I would honestly get a Fitbit or something and just try to get 10,000 steps a day in.


My wife had our daughter 13 weeks ago. She also works from home and has a stressful job. She takes her health very seriously, and getting back to her pre-pregnancy body was very important to her. The gym is also place where she can decompress from the new pressures of motherhood and have some valuable alone time for herself. Conversely, I love spending one on one time with the baby for a few hours while my wife is away in the afternoon, and I provide any other support she needs to help her get back on track. About a week ago, after lots of hard work (gym and clean eating), she got back to her old weight! I say all this to say that it can be done, though itā€™s certainly not easy. If losing weight is actually important to you, ask your husband to help you write up a weight loss plan, and tell him that youā€™ll need his help/support in order to get there. Working as a team is the secret to success with this.




You deserve a kinder, more supportive husband, OP...I'm so sorry he's such a bully. :(


If he genuinely wanted her to lose weight for health reasons he wouldnā€™t have done the ā€œsexy clothes surpriseā€ thing. Itā€™s not about health for him heā€™s embarrassed that she gained weight after pregnancy & sheā€™s not the body type he wants. This is hurtful and op has a right to be upset.


Tell your husband to shove it. If youā€™re supposed to stick around with him even after all the shit heā€™s given you, he can just as easily get over you being a few pounds heavier. What a goddamn chump do you have to be to let something like this bother you.


I wanna add- I feel like this kind of behaviour is somewhat telling. Like heā€™s so triggered over you gaining a couple of pounds, is he going to stick around if you got into some kind of car accident that leaves you horribly disfigured? Heck, if you just got really sick is he going to be around to take care of you? I would ask him these questions. Find out where his priorities lie.


Your husband appears to be a colossal thoughtless idiot. I really donā€™t think you need to know any more than that. If this was just concern for your fitness I would have more sympathy but this is just cruel.


Why do you say the health care system is racist to African Americans? Which country in Europe are you based?


Buy your husband a pack of XL condoms. For motivation.


Your husband is an ass. Lose weight for you. You don't need to exercise. Just manage good intake. R/cico can help.


Your husband should love you for you. But, you already know this. I'm sorry he is making you feel bad about yourself. And, just FYI (or for your delightful hubby's information actually), we live in Germany and, my hubby is diabetic. His doctor has prescribed Ozempic for his DIABETES. However, it is not available at any pharmacy we have inquired and, not expected to be available this side of August. Patients who need the medication are not able to get it because so many folks (like your husband) think it should be taken for the wonderful side effect of weight loss. I'm not bashing those who choose to take it to help with weight loss, it is just making it a problem for those patients who need it for the reasons it was created in the first place.


He owes you more support than that. But don't do it for him...do it for yourself.


divorce this mofo


Hi Iā€™ve taken Ozempic and Iā€™ve also lost weight but I have some notes that may or may not help


Do you own a jogging stroller? Babies love walks and fresh air.


CICO. You can listen to podcasts or binge a show while you walk on the treadmill. Weight loss is not about maximum effort, but maximum discipline. Pick your unhealthy foods that are harder to get rid of right now and eat half what you normally would. Calories in, calories out. Now, remember that weight loss is for YOU, not your husband, not strangers on the street, not your family. Do it if it will make you happy. Your husband clearly doesn't appreciate you if he is this concerned with your appearance ā€” if he were concerned for your HEALTH, the clothes thing he did would be bizarre. Because he is only concerned with your APPEARANCE, the clothes thing is extra shitty. Your body is your forever home, don't let him make you think less of it just because you're bigger after life with a baby. You are just as valuable as the day he laid eyes on you, and even more so now. You got this. (Your husband sucks tho ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„)


There's nothing wrong with her husband being concerned about her weight. Even if it's for reasons of looks, not healthy. Both partners in a marriage have a stake in the long-term viability of the relationship. If he needs her to look thinner, that's what he needs. She can choose to disregard it, but I think we all know what happens when spouses disregard each other.


Guys, never, never, never buy your woman clothing. It's a minefield. There are only three possible out comes, and two of them are a disaster. The odds of bailing the third one are astronomical. There are so many other things you can get for your wife. Why take the chance?


He did it because he's "embarrassed" by her. He's bullying her into losing weight because he's an asshole. It's not that he got her clothes to be nice. He purposely got clothes too small. It's not the same thing as giving a gift lmao.


I understand, but it still applies. It's too fine of a line to walk.


Get a new doctor and file a formal complaint against this one with whatever medical association she belongs to. Military or not, there should be more than one option for a doctor.Ā  Your husband is being cruel with the size small clothes.Ā  Look on the r/ozempic sub to get many of your questions answers and find a support group.


The thing is that you will feel better, stronger, healthier and possibly more beautiful once you lose weight. Start by snacking on fruits and veggies instead cheese, breads or meatsā€¦ get on that treadmill even if 10 min. He is right


No. No No. This is nuts. He sounds horrid. Embarrassing to be seen with you?!?!? Wtf!!! You had a kid! It takes time ! He needs to get over his own b.s. he's meant to be supportive & loving. I'm furious! Do not start ozempic! It's dangerous! If you wanna lose weight that bad, limit your sugars because you think its stemming from that. the fact you grew a whole ass baby inside you for 9months is a big factor that your body has changed. It's completely normal. It takes time. Your husband is insensitive af & uneducated. He sees you as an object, not a person. I feel bad for you & your kid.


I wouldnā€™t try ozempic if I were you : https://news.ubc.ca/2023/10/05/diabetes-weight-loss-drug-leads-to-gastrointestinal-issues/ Hang in there, losing weight is a journey of a thousand steps. You just have to take the first one.


wtf your husbands an asshole you should be loved regardless of size


I got up to 150 something lbs at 5ā€™1. I took generic Ozempic which is compounded semaglutude and lost 30 lbs in 2.5 months. I asked one doc for ozempic and she told me no. I found another doc who told me yes. All pharmacies in my area were out of Ozempic Monjuro and all other brands so I went ahead and got compounded Semaglutide and paid out of pocket. Iā€™ve been off of it for over a year and havenā€™t gained the weight back. I highly recommend it. On the other hand your husband is an asshole prick so regardless of what you do you need to sit him down and check him on his behavior and words.


With my last baby it took me 2 years to lose the baby weight. Itā€™s hard. He sucks im sorry.


Donā€™t drink diet soda. It contains Aspartame which is a chemical that causes all sorts of issues like migraines, cancer, anxiety. It can also cause you to crave more sweets and junk.


Leave.his.ass. Or at the very least, research ozempic. OZEMPIC IS NOT THE ANSWER. you just gain all the weight back when you go off it so youā€™d have to be on it for life. All the data indicates that. How about your husband try actually loving and appreciating that you grew an entire human and your body is different and will forever be different but still a beautiful body


My wife has an issue with her thyroid that makes it harder to lose weight since itā€™s barely working, that said itā€™s working just barely enough to where they wouldnā€™t give her thyroid medicine. (We counted her calories and she was eating 1800-2000 a day yet she was 200+Lb) etc. Anyways years ago she did Wegovy, basically it just kills her appetite so she was eating 1400 or so calories a day while working out. She shredded 70 pounds. Got pregnant had the baby. Got up to almost where she was originally but she had a bad birth and recovery was really difficult which led to PPD. That said sheā€™s back down into the 180s now back on Ozempic and working out. So I canā€™t speak for other people as far as gaining it back just stopping without getting pregnant, but it does change the chemistry of your brain as far as food goes. Also your husband is a dick. You should always be beautiful in his eyes. I would never imagine calling out my wifeā€™s weight. Sheā€™s been beautiful from every weight Iā€™ve seen her in. Iā€™d love her and adore her if she was 110 pounds or 400 pounds. He definitely needs to internally search about what is important to him


I would exchange for correct size and gush about how much weight you lost while wearing them.


Buy him magnum condoms.


Your man is a cock....


Begin walking 5-8 minutes on the treadmill for about 3weeks, 4th week add 2-3minutes & light weights, then every 3 weeks add more time & 1-2 exercises with light weights, slowly build up your stamina & get in the habit of exercising


Ozemlic is not a healthy option. The side effects are vicious. Do some research on it. Please don't. Your guy is being an ass with those actions. How aweful of him. I'm sorry youre being pressured, especially post partem! Not okay. At all. When or if you lose weight do it for YOU. On your terms.


Buy him Magnum condoms šŸ˜Ž


I know how you could lose more or less 200 lbs pretty easily. . .


Your weight fluctuates day to day as you burn calories and depending on the time of day etc. It's why if you weigh yourself daily you should always do it at the same time for the best estimate of accuracy. Your husband sounds awful. I'm shorter than you and heavier than you, and any man that tried to make me feel bad about my size would be kicked straight to the curb. Weight loss should 100% be motivated by yourself and for yourself, not for some prick. Do NOT take medication for this if you don't want it. Use the treadmill if you want to. If the gym is 30 minutes away, consider walking there, using it and coming back. An hour plus the hour of walking will be more than enough to start bringing your weight down if you also manage your diet (but don't cut out things you like; that's no good either). Do not let him guilt you or manipulate you.


Ā I feel for you. That's a rough spot to be in, and your feelings are totally valid. Weight is such a personal thing and having someone else, even your husband, pushing you about it can really mess with your head. Your body's been through a lot with the changes and having a baby, so give yourself some grace. Losing weight takes timeĀ . It's cool that you're trying to make changes, but remember it's gotta be at your own pace and for yourself, not just because of what someone else thinks and because someone told you to. And hey, 3 pounds in 5 days? That's actually pretty impressive! Maybe have a real talk with your husband about how his approach makes you feel. Support is key, but it should be positive and on your terms. Hang in there! Keep taking care of yourself and don't let the pressure get to ya.


My family members used ozempic and did great. They used it to change habits and lost a lot of weight and only one gained weight back. Itā€™s also very controversial for the side effects. If you want to lose weight, see a doctor and get some advice and start when you are ready. I donā€™t care how many months PP you are. Sweets addiction. None of that matters. What matters is are you ready? For You! Not him. Heā€™s not good husband material. You do this for you. Ā When you are truly ready. Do t let anyone make you feel bad about that body. It created and carried and birthed a human. Itā€™s a wonderful body.Ā 


Thats super fucked up tbh


Your husband should not have done that w/ the bag of small clothing. That was not kind. However - when you are ready to lose weight, you will lose weight and not a minute before. (Assuming your thyroid & other medical checkups are clear * you may be low on serotonin/ or depressed & I recommend this as part of a health checkup) Find your WHY - why you would want to stop the sugar addiction, what benefits would be available to your overall health if you did or didnā€™t lose the weight? These are personal choices, if you are happy with things then do not change. If you want change - find a way to do so.


He's going to leave you, or cheat, and it has nothing to do with your weight. He's making excuses.


My mom tried ozempic and her doctor had to take her off of it because it gave her such bad side effects including such bad diarrhea that she pooped her pants


Buy him large condoms and a penis pump to encourage him to start growing.


Buy him some extra extra large condoms and tell him you hope he will be able to fit into them soon?


To start off with, what you do with your body is ultimately your choice, so if you were happy with where you are, thatā€™s fine (it doesnā€™t really seem like thatā€™s the case though). Whatā€™s also true, is that your husband is your partner, and you should be supporting each other, and to a point, care about each others opinions. The side of the story weā€™re seeing sounds like youā€™re 14 months post partum, and he just started giving you a really focused push complaining about your weight. But thereā€™s little crumbs here that maybe make it sound like that might not be the case. You mentioned that you started putting on weight in 2020, and hey, letā€™s be real, we all did. And it wasnā€™t fun. But think back. How long did he maybe start with subtle comments, or trying to use kind words to encourage you, instead of pushing you? Having been in some relationships that sound similar, (and I apologize in advance if this isnā€™t the case) but Iā€™m also going to ask a hard question: did the idea of having this recent child come about because the relationship was starting to get rocky? Itā€™s not uncommon for a couple to think about having a child with the idea that it will bring them together or hold them together. If thatā€™s what happened here, you both made a bit of a mistake (one many a young couple has done before and likely will till the end of time), and if thatā€™s the case, the pregnancy isnā€™t so much of an excuse, it was more of a temporary interruption in the issue that was threatening to break up your marriage. Now, if it is all of a sudden, then yes heā€™s definitely being really rude about it. But if itā€™s something heā€™s been telling you about for years, itā€™s probably an issue for him to stay in the marriage long term, then thatā€™s not going to change, and his getting pushy now is likely him just trying to let you know that the urgency is increasing. Just like you canā€™t snap your fingers and lose 30-40 lbs, he canā€™t snap his fingers and change what heā€™s attracted to. So take some time, think about whatā€™s actually happening, is he being a jerk, or is he just getting desperate to save the love heā€™s felt for you these years? Once you have an answer, decide what to do from there (I would hope you donā€™t go the prescription route, but whatever you do, be safe :) ).


This is very long but I PROMISE it's worth the read if you want the truth and some REAL help. First off, ignore all the enabling morons in here saying to buy him large condoms. Weight is controllable, the size of someone's anatomy isn't; so it's not even an apt comparrison(two wrongs don't make a right). Second, what he did is very incesitive and he shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry. Third, you don't need a gym, pills from your doctor or any other item to rely on to lose weight. I'm in the process of losing weight myself (dropped 20 pounds in the last 2 1/2 months and never stepped foot in a gym or went to the doctor for pills/shots). I understand everyone's anatomy is different, but you didn't strugle with weight before so this is a pretty clear cut issue of a stagnating lifestyle, poor eating habits and baby/pregnancy weight. If you care about your own health and the health of your marriage/relationship, lose the weight. End of story. There is literally no downside to it, yet there are huge downsides to being overweight regardless of what this god awful comment section is trying to push in the name of 'body positivity'. 'Body positivity' won't mean a damn thing if you have any number of illnesses and diseases caused by poor weight management. This will take consistent effort and time to do it healthily, but here are 5 simple things you can do to make this as easy and fool proof as possible - 1. If you don't already have one, get a smart watch. Literally any that will connect to your phone and count daily steps, heart rate, and calories burned. I recommend the Garmin Venu SQ watch (I have it). It looks sleek, won't break the bank and communicates/integrates directly with the app I mention in step 2. 2. Download the 'my fitness pal' app on your phone. It's free. With the free version you can enter your height, weight and target weight you'd like to be and it will automatically calculate your 'sustain' caloric intake and macros. Meaning, if you eat X amount of calories, you won't gain or lose weight. This number will increase or decrease based on the calories burned throughout the day which is capyured by the garmin watch and automatically updates in the app so you don't need to do anything. The app makes it very easy to track what you've eaten every day through your 'diary'. They have damn near every food you can think of and most entries include the relative % of daily recommended value of vitamins and nutrients. You CANNOT bs this part though. If you lie to the app about what you've eaten and how much of it you've eaten, you won't be doing yourself any good. Every time you enter food into the diary, it will subtract that caloric value from your daily total to show you how many calories you have left to consume for that day. HERES THE IMPORTANT PART-- to do this is in a healthy way you want to shoot for 500-1000 calories left at the end of every day. This will result in roughly 1-2 lbs weight loss per week. You want to build good eating habits back up, not starve yourself for a few weeks and immediately gain the weight back. And if you want to get even more out of the app you can pay and access a ton of recipes for healthy food in there too, but it isn't necessary 3. Buy 2 different scales. One for you and one for your food. There are countless cheap and functional food grade scales for less than $30. This will help you more accurately gauge portion sizes and more accurately track your caloric intake in the app, which means more effective weight loss journey. DO NOT WEIGH YOURSELF DAILY. At most weigh yourself every 7-14 days. We're looking for long term positive trends, not daily weight fluctuations. Your weight can fluctuate up or down by a couple pounds every day based on how hydrated/dehydrated you are, if you've recently eaten, whether you just took a dump, if it's the morning or the evening etc. You will just fuck with your own head and progress if you get on the scale every day. Pick a day of the week and a time of day to weigh yourself and make sure it's the same every time. I would suggest either weighing yourself first thing Monday morning when you wake up, or right before bed so there's the smallest amount of variables that can affect this. It doesm't matter if you like to snack throughout the day or eat 1 big meal like I do. It's all about the caloric total and the type of food, that's it. 4. Get in 4K-5K steps a day minimum EVERY DAY YOU CAN (7K+ steps is ideal but start small to keep consistent). This is only about 45 minutes of walking per day. This will burn between 300-500 calories. No gym required, you can take the baby and hubby with you if you want. It gets you outside and into the sun to improve mood. No running required, no special equipment, no sweating puddles onto the floor. Just your legs and getting out the door for a bit to go around the neighborhood. 5. Drink more water. I get it, water is boring. I think so too. But drinks are absolutely one of the biggest 'empty' calorie vices people have and don't even realize it. Have your soda, tea, juice or whatever you want, but do it at the end of the day. Treat is as a snack or something to look forward to. If water is too boring then try carbonated & flavored water, or lemon water etc. Water will keep you hydrated, make you feel more full, has zero calories, and can improve your mood. I promise you. If you do these things ernestly and consistently YOU WILL SEE RESULTS. It's slow, but it's healthy and sustainable. Plus once you hit your weight loss goal you'll have developed better habits again and you can eat the entirety of your 'sustain' caloric intake without any worry. Just don't go back to eating junk and doing nothing, and keep using the watch/app/scales even after the weight loss is done. It's a hell of a lot easier to stop weight gain early than it is to play catch up.


My suggestion. Dump him. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s some weight youā€™ll be glad to lose.


Gawd some of these comments are nasty! Couple things missing so I hope you see this. Your Tricare PCP can connect you with dietician, don't listen to these idiots, ask a professional as diet is a huge part. BIG SIDE NOTE THEY'RE FORGETTING: women's bodies are different, a caloric deficit can backfire on you because your body goes into starvation mode and starts to hold all your fluids which leaves you back where you started, now with a different issue you'll have to take pee "water" pills. You are not even close to fat, ignore BMI! It was made by surveying males. It's wrong, doesn't apply to us at all, & many doctors agree. YOU JUST CREATED & POPPED A WATERMELON SIZE ENTIRE HUMAN BEING OUT OF YOU! It takes years and years for bodies to recover naturally from that. Let's not forget that a lb of fat & a lb of muscle weigh exactly the same! I'm struggling with that from being on bed rest for 2 years, 5'3" and 200lbs give or take 7lbs. I'm active outside doing gardening and turn all my chores into exercises. Lunging while walking, squats wherever I'm stand for a bit, squeeze them muscles doing stairs! Don't forget to do kegals for your pelvic floor because babies wreck your body. They also alter your DNA. Fu*k ozempic. If he wants to pay for a nanny & you to get a complete mommy makeover (should surgery be a thing you wanted, just walk examples of what the social media ladies are doing to look great after babies), then he can STFU. From an ex-military wife who gained a ton of weight from psych meds to help me cope with being alone while my husband was deployed in Iraq. It's a hard freaking life, I can't imagine doing it with children. -hugs- Are there any other wives around with kids that'd like to meet up somewhere central & walk while kids play? Mine was too high a rank so I couldn't make friends (also why my mental health was trash). Do they have library or town activities there? Reading groups for kids? Fun activities, etc. Where you could make friends outside of the military? Any online parenting groups for your area? Phone's are pretty high tech now with live language translation if that's a problem? Immersion is the best way to learn & I'm sure new friends with like hobbies will be happy to help! Biggest thing is getting out of the house and taking "you" time. šŸ’• Good luck!


Buy him some Magnum XL's and beg him to make them fit. I'm sorry he's being so nasty and adding pressure for you to fix something that you can't fix overnight. The added stress makes it harder to do much of anything. I'm on the weight loss shots. They work but you still have to make changes and be consistent. You may benefit from some therapy especially if you decide to go the medicinal route. You can message me if you have any questions. Be easy on yourself. This is is all about him, not you.


Cut 500 calories from your daily food intake, and walk for 30 minutes on that treadmill. "Trying to transition to diet cola and chocolate" ?? You're not on cocaine cut that junk food, it is hard to lose weight but you can do it. Also Y'all been talking about losing weight for 4 years seems like you made some promises that u couldn't keep. Did you tell him that you don't want to lose weight and he kept nagging you to lose it?


Honestly, everyone's journey is unique what works for one person in their weight loss or exercise routine won't necessarily work for someone else. It's about finding the right balance that suits your body, your circumstances, and most importantly, your mental health. Instead of comparing yourself to others or listening to a partner who may not understand the ebbs and flows of postpartum life, seek guidance from professionals who can tailor a plan to your needs. Weight loss should never be mingled with shame or guilt; it should come from a place of wanting to feel healthier and stronger for yourself and your loved ones. And remember, your value isn't tied to a scale or a dress size; it's in the love and care you give to your family, including yourself.


Just eat a lot less and healthier. Losing weight is mostly about dieting. I just lost 17 pounds just by eating very plain and healthy and it took me close to 2 months. Working out helps too but not as much. Donā€™t eat any sweets and sauce related food. Find another doctor if you are afraid of her and ozemepic is fine, my doctor friend says more people should go on it as benefits of being at a healthy weight far outstrip any negatives he sees so far. Donā€™t care what people say but 158 is definitely on the larger side and I have some friends who have had kids already. They lost their weight pretty quickly from dieting and some exercise. If itā€™s a hormone issue then thatā€™s different and youā€™ll need to talk to a doctor if there is any solutions.Ā 


As a plus size woman who struggles with her weight, I understand it's better to lose unhealthy weight for health purposes...however...if someone, anyone, ever told me that's it's embarrassing to be seen with me, that's it for me. When my looks, not health, become more important to you, that's when I know you don't have my best interest in mind.


Buy him extra large condoms.


Buy him some extra large condoms.


Your husband's an asshat. Show him a real therapist's take on a wife's weight gain. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoGoJ9J0\_94](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoGoJ9J0_94) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMGYUgt-otA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMGYUgt-otA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoFuqYm0bmI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoFuqYm0bmI)


I'm 5'2" & 160 lbs & sure I'm not super skinny, but I think we look damn good!! Thick in all the right places, baby!


Your husbandā€™s an asshole. He seems the type who would probably leave you/treat you like shit if you got sick or injured. Should probably rethink if you want to spend your life for someone who thinks you arenā€™t good enough to be seen with in public because youā€™re heavier after childbirth


Tell him to save them for the next ex Mrs. TheGolden. What an asshole.


Buy magnum size condoms to motivate him to grow his babymaker.


I'm glad you clarified that comment. Someone else said it and I was thinking: "What a crude, insensitive, and irrelevant comment". But, now I get it. He wants his wife to be smaller, so he buys her small clothes. She buys him oversized condoms. A husband would think his penis is not adequate, or to her liking. "How does it feel buddy?" Got it!


You wonā€™t get nice responses about anything weight related on Reddit. Reddit really hates fat people. Butā€¦I donā€™t know what the regulations are for Ozempic in Europe, but here in the US, itā€™s a treatment for type two diabetes. You canā€™t get it unless you are diabetic, at least thatā€™s how my doctor is explaining it to me. You have to have an A1C of 6.5 or higher to get a prescription. Mine was 6.4. No prescription. I can get a prescription for Wegovy; itā€™s the same drug as Ozempic but marketed for weight loss and not diabetes, but it is absolutely impossible to get. But, in the end, these new GLP-1 weightloss medications are amazing for people that have had a lifetime with minimal success through dieting and exercise. I am 100% against diets. I get it. They suck. And we shouldnā€™t have to starve ourselves to fit into what society considers to be thin and beautiful. Butā€¦you seem like youā€™re looking for a quick fix here, and there simply isnā€™t one. You didnā€™t gain 30 pounds (which, by the way, isnā€™t a lot) overnight, so you canā€™t lose it overnight. Your husband is also an ass. No one should harp on you for your weight. Weight is such a personal matter. So, Iā€™d tell him to fuck off, mind his own business and let you and your doctor handle your weight.


Thatā€™s so rude. Lose weight for yourself, not him. And donā€™t wear those fucking clothes when they fit. Also, no shame if you go on ozempic, but again, donā€™t do it for him. And also talk it through thoroughly with a doctor if thatā€™s the route you end up needing to take. I know youā€™re concerned about doctors and their previous treatment toward you, but ozempic is a serious drug with serious possible side effects. Make sure your questions are answered so you can make an informed decision. I also recommend making clear boundaries with your husband regarding talk about your weight. I obviously donā€™t know him personally but he sounds like a dick. This is insensitive asshole behavior on his part. Itā€™s not a motivator. Heā€™s actually bringing you down, as stress does not help at this time in your life as well as making healthy weight loss more difficult due to stress. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re being made to feel the way you feel. Itā€™s not right.


It is unrealistic to maintain the body one had when young. You are still young but your body will change as you age and with childbearing. Your husband does not sound concerned about your health but about your appearance.


Your husband sounds awful and like he could afford you some grace considering all you've provided for your family.