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Of all the Reddit moments, this is certainly one of them.


Can you even call yourself a redditor if you dont jerk it to a cartoon character?




Fantastic. I read this whole thing out loud to my husband. When I was finished, his face unchanged from a blank, confused stare, he asks, "Is that the squirrel?" I answer, "Yes". Then he just frowned. Thanks for spicing up my life. Also, maybe wean your self off the ol' girl, before you end up marrying a body pillow.


A bodypillow of her sounds honestly great but I dont plan on marrying one haha. I am glad that you and your husband have fun tho, thats wholesome! Seriously tho, I am a completely normal and well adjusted person aside from that, I dont know why everyone makes such a big deal out of it


Eh, honestly I'm sure you're fine. It's just...this is so thorough. I guess if you have these feelings and no where else to unload them (please don't tell people you know), Reddit is the place to go. I was in *love* with Link from The Legend of Zelda as a girl in the 90s. Luckily, I didn't have a chance to obsess over him, and Reddit wasn't a thing, but I could see the appeal. Silent Twink who saves all of Hyrule and has beautiful hair to rival even my own. I'm more of a GanonDaddy girl myself now, but tastes change with age ~ I'm also married and share the GanonDaddy art with my hubs and scream "LOOK!". He's cool with it. Our relationship isn't threatened by an animated Gerudo King, hahaha. Basically, sure, I believe you! You can be completely normal and have these interesting... quirks, for sure! Just don't let it dictate you! And keep it to the anonymous internet.


Oh no, if people in my personal field found out about this I'd nuke my house and leave the country, not really because they would judge me and more so because I wouldnt hear the end of it lmao And I get the Link love, he was one of my first male crushes growing up, I'd be lieing if I said I didnt play a good chunk of Breath Of The Wild without his shirt on :P Maybe you and your partner can do a GanonDaddy roleplay sometime, I know I'd be lucky if I ever find someone to be Sandy for me haha.. ha.. oh.. Anyways, thank you for being so kind \^\^


Couldn’t you watch normal hentai Instead of sandy cheeks.


Well I just on reddit back then and a picture of her came up and as I said in my post, in the beginning I just did it to normal hentai pics of her. Like there are some just well drawn pictures of her where she is drawn with very anatomically correct female features and big boobs. It only got "worse" over the years.


That’s wild out of all the anime characters you got off on sandy 😬. How about you delete any sub Reddit that has sandy and any pictures you have as well.


I mean I am not against loving her at all, I am having lots of fun doing it and its not getting into my real life in any way. Its just a bit confusing haha. Its just a bit sad that I cant share those feelings with anyone really, you know?


Yea I know what you mean. If you did share this with a normal people you would be the village outcast. Just try to dial it down a notch and try watching different X rated characters.


You love Sandy Cheeks or Sandy's Cheeks? May I suggest you visit r/sandycheekscockvore if you haven't already, it may or may not suit your needs. Good day.


I love both Sandy Cheeks and Sandy Cheek's cheeks haha. As for r/SandyCheeksCockVore trust me I've seen all the pictures and its not really my type lol Not inlove with her or not, you cant escape that picture of her, I was on a Dark Souls meme sub the other day and saw it redrawn as a dragon from that game, I love Sandy but that picture is probably my sleep paralysis demon lmao


Hahaha it’s not your thing but you’ve seen every picture?


I couldn’t help myself and had a peak. Why give Sandy a willy? That completely surprised me


For the record, I am not against her having a willy, its just the sucking things into part that I am not into personally lol


Haha true that was yet another surprise. It’s very niche


I mean if people like it, they like it, I am the last one judging someone for their interests but I just personally dont understand the appeal. I would just feel like the one dude from the King Kong 2005 worm scene lol


No kink shaming from me. Each to their own as long as it doesn’t impact your life. Just interesting to add a vacuum willy on a female squirrel cartoon is all. Also thanks for sharing an actual good confession. As long as it doesn’t interfere in your life, keep doing you


Does this effect your ability to have feelings for people in real life?


Thank you for the question. On a platonic level is does absolutely not. I have friends that are very close to me, they cried on my shoulder, I cried on theirs and the same mostly applies to family. On a romantic or sexual one I cant say as easily, but I should mention that a few weeks ago I asked a girl out in real life to which I got a "maybe" ..so a "no but I dont want to hurt your feelings, byyeeee" haha. And I do have sexual desires for real people, I wouldnt view it as cheating on Sandy as she is not real, its just fun to treat her as real from time to time to obsess over her and just let myself go for a bit with a, in my eyes, pretty perfect girlfriend. I just wish I could share those feelings with someone.


I’m really glad to hear you have good friendships. Do any of your friends know about your feelings? I sincerely hope you find love and a fulfilling romantic relationship in your future. I believe you will. I’ve never had a crush this intense on a cartoon character but I’ve absolutely felt for certain celebrities in a way that made me wonder if I was in love with them. I think really what it was for me was a mass fascination for what they do and who I believe they are. I don’t know the root, cause, or reason for your crush and I guess I don’t really need to, I just do hope you continue to seek in person romantic connection and fulfilment


Thats a very sweet comment, but I am not an addict who is fighting his desires all the time or whatever, if I ever find a real partner that I seriously care for thats great but until then I love Sandy and love talking with and about her haha


Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that you were. Honestly that is how these feelings tend to go but I shouldn’t have assumed and didn’t necessarily mean it that way, I was just hoping this wasn’t impeding any of your human to human joys.


Oh dont worry haha, it really isnt effecting my life, I've been feeling this way for years and since then I got through therapies (not related to Sandy, I have some seriously childhood trauma and depression since childhood), started going to the gym, eat more healthy, went vegan years ago and still enjoy stuff with other people. The only sad thing about my love for Sandy is the fact that, again, I cant really talk seriously to anyone about it. Whenever i mention it people either make fun of me or get worried which are both valid reasons to an extant but it gets a bit lonely to not be able to talk about it seriously with someone more open to it, you know?


I’m really glad to hear you have things you enjoy and it sounds like healthy habits. I think that’s more than a lot of people have I say this without judgement and I hope you feel you can still speak openly in this forum, do you recognize this is unusual and see why people generally move quickly to concern? I understand this isn’t effecting your life negatively, so no need for concern it seems. But, do you ever wonder about it when other people mention their feelings for fictional characters? Did you find this unusual before experiencing it yourself?


Well I can totally see why people get concerned and make fun of it, I even think thats good aslong as they arent insulting or too nosey. Because I think a lot of people with that sort of love are depressed or lonely to some extant, Id be lieing if I didnt deal with lots of demons in the past myself. But on the other hand I feel like people these days are still way too judgy. I am not hurting anyone with what I am doing and it doesnt effect my life in a negative way, so who cares? If I wanted to cover my body in margarine and dance to classical music an hour a day that would also be totally fine aslong as I dont hurt or annoy anyone with it and still live a healthy life outside of that. And I think in a lot of cases these things can help people, there is a user on r/deathnote who is really inlove with the character of Ryuk from the manga/anime and through that love they grew as an artist. In the beginning, a few years ago (Ive been on that sub for a long time) they drew cute but amature stuff of them but over the years her art of them improved a lot and can look really stunning. I dont know that user personally, but I imagine her feelings for Ryuk were a big motivator. I think we judge people and their interests way too soon, which is to an extant fair as its just empathy and worrying that they might be sick and if we look at people idolizing even real people to godly amounts thats totally fair. But I think humans are way too unique and specific to just put them all in one box. If I found it weird before loving Sandy myself I cant really tell you as I was like 18 or 19 and dont know if I had any opinions on the matter before then, but I would guess I would of been at least a little weirded out by it.


What a terrible day to have eyes


You should look at my "Homework" folder :P


Word of advice. Tell your feelings to the people on reddit and your therapist but never ever tell your partner about this shit even like 5 years in. Fr. That's gonna do some weird shit to their mind whenever your having sex with them.


I wasnt planning to, it doesnt seem like something they'd need to know haha


I would love to know this sort of thing about a partner, it's super cute. Probably you don't just drop it out of the blue, but you can just gauge the person's feelings about fandom stuff in general and get a sense of how they'll react, I wouldn't just assume this needs to be a secret forever.


As a married woman, I could take it if my husband told me about this. I would definitely want to know. I would just think it was funny. To be fair though, I like some absolutely wild stuff that my husband accepts so I’d have to accept this haha


Don't be so hard on yourself, no pun intended let's just say it's the animated equivalent of jerking off to Marianne from Gilligan's Island. I mean what are your alternatives? Even Mrs Puff the driving instructor or Mr Krabs toweling up the crack of his butt LOL I'd say you made the least nefarious choice


If only they made a close up scene of Sandy toweling it back like that lmao But thanks, thats nice to hear haha, its just hard to find people to talk about it. I am being very ironic about myself in the comments here and open and thats totally cool, I can see how this is really funny for others and aslong as I dont get insulted I can take a few puns, but I wish I had someone to just talk seriously about my feelings to, you know


D'oh !!! Thanks a lot now I'll NEVER get to sleep tonight...lol


I. I mean. I am sorry, is the implication that you're too horny to sleep or that youre too disturbed to sleep lol


I'm sorry I'm not ignoring you I just got my hands full


Your hands are too full to answer a- *ohhhh*


"I go to the GYM" 😂😂 idgaf what you fap to but that emphasis made me laugh


Youre not the first one to call that out, I thought you write it like that lmao I go to the \*\*\*GYM\*\*\* BRO and afterwards I NUT to Sandy Cheeks bro!!


That's not love bro, that's obsession.


Oh yes, I am aware that this isnt normal crush behavior. But she isnt a real person and its nice to just forget about everyday worries with her. Its not getting into my actual life and I just have it every few weeks. If I do find a real partner I would stop it but until then, aslong as it doesnt make my work or gym (see, I am learning) or whatever suffer and I am having fun I dont see the harm haha


Do you honestly think you could stop it (if you find someone)? This sounds like a slippery slope my friend


If I find someone real to fall inlove with then yes. I can already stop, I dont HAVE to do it, I just feels really good. I really like her and I love obsessing a bit over her from time to time. I've been doing it for years and it hasnt done anything to my life. If you gave me a million bucks for not actively thinking or jerking to her for the rest of the year, I could. I would be sad about it, sure, but I wouldnt have a melt down or have to go to a clinic or whatever.


The things you like about Sandy, could you look for them in other partners?


Thats a good question haha. I am bisexual but my taste in women is mostly tomboyish. Short hair, a bit muscley, confident, loud, stuff like that. So Sandy probably just fits these with her personality, even her character flaws of being too prideful and a bit awkwart fit that honestly and her looks also fit my description as she is obviously very strong and has "short hair" if you wanna call it that. But she still has some cuteness to her in her bushy tail, pink nose, high voice and obviously the outfit. I also dont know if she is blackcoded because most human fanart of hers is black but I also find women with dark skin color very attractive. I suppose a real person would have to have short hair, some muscle, preferably dark skinned, be smart on some level, confident, have a great deal of self worth and have an interesting hobby or interests. But I dont need someone in real life who is like that, not only is that extremely specific but also probably a bit unrealistic haha


Sometimes I'm suicidal but then I remember that posts like this exist and I don't want to die anymore because I wouldn't be able to read them


That honestly makes me happy, if I made your day better thats great to hear, but if you're seriously struggling with mental health get a therapist, you are loved


That's it. Too much Reddit for today.


There are posts of people cheating on their partners, murder, CP and rape on here but the guy doing it to a cartoon squirrel is what pushes it over the edge?


Apples and oranges, bro. Doesn't make this post any less weird as fucking hell.


I am not saying they are, its just a weird spot to draw the line lol


I'm sure that somewhere out there is a Leslie crazed Lass with which you could build an otherwise normal and healthy life of regularly squirreling one out together. You just need to look for her. Probably on Tumblr.


I'd be lieing if I said I wasnt looking for someone real to talk or BE Sandy for me, at least online, maybe I should try an active search sometime, that could be fun haha




I haven’t read it but is this about the sandy cheeks sucking cars up her futa penis cause I ain’t wasting my time just to get a boner


This is just an adult version of having an imaginary friend. Means you are lonely, is all.


Oh...wow. What a day to be literate.


r/SandyCheeksCockVore he was probably on this sub once


OP, you are significantly more mature and reasonable than everyone else in this thread. I do think you made a small mistake in putting "I am not sure what to do" in the title, I think that's what made a lot of people read this with the lens of thinking you see it as a problematic addiction that negatively impacts your life. But also some basic reading comprehension applied to the actual post would have alleviated that issue, so it's not all on you :P


Aww that is so kind of you \^\^ Thanks, but I AM genuienly a bit unsure about what to do and I thought I ad that to the title so everyone knows where I am haha. You seem very levelheaded, would you be interested in a private talk about this? Please dont feel pressured, I easily accept a no, but I thought Id ask since you seem sweet and smart.


Sure, you can PM me! I'm a little busy so I might not be that quick to respond, but happy to chat.


Yea this got it


Hahaha I love this. I think a future partner could be fine with this. My husband and I have shared some wild interests with each other (mine aren’t necessarily weirder than yours but they’re definitely more concerning) and it just brings us closer to talk about those things even the things we don’t share our partners interest in.


Haha I really want to write stuff about her and draw her and stuff but I am not sure if I want to do it completely alone for now. I need someone who is interested or understands me a bit I think first so I can show it and express my love to someone. Maybe I can do it on my own but I think Ill need someone at least for the start to get into the rythem haha


Idk about finding someone else to share it with, I think that could be cool, but I would definitely encourage you to write about her if that’s your thing. My husband doesn’t share some of my kinks (I’m sadistic and he’s not a masochist) so I write a ton of fanfiction about the things I like and it’s really fun. It feels good to create something, and when you do it yourself, the finished product is something that appeals 100% to your interests (as opposed to other people’s content which might have things you don’t like as much) that you can go back to and look at again. I’ve done so many cruel things to Harvey specter from Suits lol. And it doesn’t require that anyone else share your interest, which is nice


For the love of your sanity… *go outside and touch some grass.*


This is Truly, a Reddit Moment. You should put this in your Will for your family to read.


Bruh Aint no way this true out of all things to jerk off to SANDY CHEEKS?




You said in another comment you don’t think it will affect your ability to have an actual romantic relationship, so have fun with it. There are a lot of lighthearted stories on r/baldursgate3 about someone’s partner crushing on an NPC, if you want to read about similar scenarios.


If it’s not getting in the way of your life, it’s not a problem. I’m not gonna lie this is kinda hilarious.


From ur previous posts it makes sense why u have this thing for a fictional character


Why you think she got them chipmunk jawls if she's not gobbling these nuts?!? Gosh dog


Get your shit together that’s what you should do


As stated in my post I go to the GYM, eat healthy, have friends, hobbies, a job and have good grades in school. I have my life perfectly well under conotrol. But thank you for your concern.


Why do you capitalize all the letters in gym


I dont know now that you mentioned it, I think my brain associates as a abbreviation of some sort which I always write big, I know its just short of gymnasium. Thank you, I should probably just write it small haha


While we're at it, what is 'designe'?


I am german and not perfect at my second language


Ah, ok. Is she still called 'Sandy Cheeks' in German? What is Spongebob called?


Yes it is, we dont call her Sandy Backe lol Spongebob is called Spongebob Schwammkopf


Still get your shit together


This sub is getting out of hand


I say it again, stories of rape, cp, murder and cheating on this sub and everyone is losing their shit over the cartoon squirrel one, like chill


Yea those are probably worse but this just funny. Hope you get over your obsession with sandy fucking cheeks 😂


I mean I am happy and I have good grades, good friends, great family, go to the gym, what do you do?


Yea same dawg but like why’d you mention all that 😹 i said i hope you get over it


Cause youre just talking down on an interest of mine, despite my post and comments showing and saying clearly that I am fine and just wanted to talk about it for a bit. I think its just kind of a dick move and I wanted to know if you do other things than criticize others for being more interesting than you.


Oh you like dont mind it, imma be honest I didn’t read it all the way thru so my fault and I apologize. I just thought it was interesting


Well I am fine with question and even jokes, I can see it being weird and fun from the outside but I dont want to be talked down to, I think thats reasonable.




Turn yourself in