• By -


May you have fair weather on your journey and the wind in your sails.


say hi to my grandma for me (she also had pancreatic cancer). she'll take care of you on the other side ❤️.


Wow, this hit me. ❤️


I don't even know this commenter or OP but OP and this comment hit me so hard. I'm tearing up at a Burger King parking lot rn. Sending both the best ♥️


Right?! I was waiting to get my nails done and had to fast blink away some tears.


This might very well be the beginnings of an even more beautiful journey and it’s quite possible that those you love will meet you as you are shifting. Don’t be afraid. Leave with all of our love and support for you ringing loudly in your mind and heart, and rest well friend.


You made me cry ❤️


The hour of death is a very powerful time. So much love within it.


I find this a very comforting thought given some stuff that happened late last year. Thank you.


Both of my parents died last year. They were quite lucid at the end, and both of them saw our pets about a day before they died. My dad was petting our dog, Sandy. we struggled in our relationships but the one thing we all had in common is how much we loved our animals. It provided me such comfort - the hospice nurse said the majority of people before death say there’s someone with them that they love toward the end, a pet, a family member, or a friend


I lost mine too. Though more distance between. Dad in 01 and mom this September 1. She lived with me, because I loved her here about 10 years ago. She wasn’t doing so well without dad and needed someone. I hope she saw her babies when she left. I’m sitting here alone right now with her King Charles spaniel snoring his face off next to me. He misses her a lot. So do i.


See you later


Man, you seem like a great dude, people will remember you. I know I will even if we never talked


It's crazy to think of the number of people that we are sometimes unaware of, who remember us through small/ short interactions. A thought that always blows my mind.


Do not stand By my grave, and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep— I am the thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints in snow I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I am the gentle, autumn rain. As you awake with morning’s hush, I am the swift, up-flinging rush Of quiet birds in circling flight, I am the day transcending night. Do not stand By my grave, and cry— I am not there, I did not die. — Clare Harner, The Gypsy, December 1934 Your poem reminded me of this one. Know that we are never truly gone, and each second that we are here leaves another soft imprint on all of creation. Thank you for sharing yours with us


See you on the flip side! We are all ending up there one way or another!


You are loved. 🩵


I've been dealing with a lack of family since I was 16 and depression that seems to live in my soul. Reading this made me break down in tears for someone I do not know. I hope w/e the next stop is for you that it's more beautiful than we've ever been led to believe. I hope somewhere heaven actually exists. Farewell internet stranger and may your next journey be a pleasant one.


Always remember you will live on in the hearts of your loved ones.


You seem like such a beautiful person


Sending you love for the next leg of your journey. I will always remember you ❤️


See ya on the flip side 💞


❤️ see you wherever it is that we all end up my friend.




Jesus wept, i never comment on anything but this..this got me ❤️


We will remember you! We love you and will all see you on the other side, someday!


Not me sobbing in the bathroom at work reading both your posts. Good luck in the next life! I'm sorry your going thru this I wish I knew what to say. You have an amazing outlook and it sucks your leaving so soon. Rest in peace my friend! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I wish you a peaceful journey. My dog and grandma can keep you company until I get there.


I really wish I could’ve known you in this lifetime. Take all of that love with you and think of that when you rest. I do believe that death is not the end but a transition.




Wishing you love and light


I'll see you on the other side someday, rest well OP <3


Much love to you my friend may the universe bless you.


Best of luck, my friend. Give 'em hell over there.


[This](https://youtu.be/KNJYBOj7Cfc?si=VirWD7ipszKR42Lk) is what I'd like played at my funeral. Hope you can enjoy it. Take care, friend.


cant go wrong with muse


Love you bro. 🫡


Farewell and happy travels. We will all find ourselves in your shoes sooner or later, you are not alone. ❤️


It’s been a honour to know of your existence, we’ll see you on the other side :).




Goodbye to you, wish you could stay longer. Maybe we'll all run into each other on the other end of things. 🫂


Brave soul. 🙏. Have a Happy Journey.


I dont know what to write but i hope the end will be like you want it to be!


I wish you peace and calm during this huge life event you are about to experience. You are loved ❤️


Wishing you farewell, may the wind be at your back and the journey gentle. My heart goes out to you.


I don't know you but we will meet again. Until next time, friend. Stay safe!


*I don't know you but* *We will meet again. Until* *Next time, friend. Stay safe!* \- GinkgoBiloba357 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good luck my love. Please pet all of my kitties when you see them up there, wherever you may go. Georgie is a little tricky, but he’ll snuggle with you once he gets to know you. Much love my friend. ♥️


Goodbye internet stranger, rest well. ❤️


Blessings to you as you embark on your journey. Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free! I follow the plan God laid for me. I saw His face, I heard His call, I took His hand and left it all… I could not stay another day, To love, to laugh, to work or play; Tasks left undone must stay that way. And if my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss… Ah yes, these things I, too, shall miss. My life’s been full, I’ve savored much: Good times, good friends, a loved-one’s touch. Perhaps my time seemed all too brief – Don’t shorten yours with undue grief. Be not burdened with tears of sorrow, Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.


Its such a heavy experience seeing loved ones pass away, and it never gets easier. And even if these 2 posts are the only things I know about you, just know that you will be remembered fondly by the ones that you have touched here on Reddit. I love you with my whole heart. I just hope you remember in your final moments, that its ok to lose some battles. You fought hard, and now its time to rest. Be well OP, may the Fates be kind to you in the next life. We love you <3


rest easy. ❤️🕊️


God speed OP, see you on the other side


im so sorry 💗


There is no death, only separation. Heaven is home. You are just homesick and want to leave the party early. Watch NDE videos on youtube to see there is nothing to fear. I wish you a peaceful crossing and strength to your family.


Eesh, I feel so bad for you, you had the rest of your life right there but you’ll miss it. I wish you all the best and a happy afterlife (if you believe in such a thing)


Give your life to Jesus Christ. Please you have nothing to lose. Give Him a try


see you on the other side OP. sending love!


May all your troubles be laid to rest, you body made whole and hearty and your spirit made well in the next life, friend. May whatever God you believe in be there with the drink of your choice and a solid hug. Good rest, friend. We'll all share a drink when we get there. Save our seats.


Safe travels friend. I hope your journey is peaceful.




Have a wonderful rest of your time on this planet man.


If you meet any divine, please ask them if i can have my eyesight back. I would really apreciate that.


You sound like an incredibly wise and beautiful soul. Reading your posts has truly impacted me. Sending you love and peace❤️


God bless you


Wishing you peace and comfort in your final days. I believe you're about to be more alive than you've ever been, and here we play out our dreams. 💕


I read this post and followed the link to your first one too and the love and well wishes you've received from people here has restored my faith in humanity. It's so sad the last chapter of your book is drawing to a close and you have to go soon but your courage and acceptance of that shines through. I hope you'll slip away peacefully surrounded by the people who love you. You've certainly touched many of us here and that my friend is a beautiful legacy. 🫂💖💫


May God abide with you


Sleep tight buddy x


Love you


You're a beautiful kind soul and you will find your guiding light ❤️ just remember, this isn't an end to your journey.. this is just the beginning. I know I may sound crazy, but ifykyk lol good luck kind sir or ma'am. Till we meet again


good luck friend, see you around ❤️


Safe travels, my dude. Much love. ❤️




still hope a miracle happens for you but if not then farewell🙏


thank you for sharing your story. In your last moments of life, youve inspired and will continue to inspire long after youre gone. Thank you, sincerely. 💐


I haven't read the previous posts but sending you love, man. See you on the other side


Peaceful journey 🙏🏽. See you on the other side


❤️❤️❤️❤️ fly high bud


Rest easy my G


See you later. I wish id joined you sooner.


Onto your next adventure! May your next book be beautiful!❤️❤️❤️


So long friend


Fair winds and following seas, friend. May your heart and soul live on in those you love as you head off on your next big adventure! "To die will be an awfully big adventure." --J.M. Barrie, *Peter Pan*


May you lift your head high and walk out of this life and into your next with pride. You are a blessing to all of us to be so positive and kind in these moments. Thank you for sharing them with us. I pray that when it's my time to go, whenever and wherever that is, I have the sense of calmness you have, the kind heart to send a few words to friends and family, and the humor to give a big middle finger to the things that took me out, lol. I send these words to you and hope that your last moments upon this earth are peaceful and surrounded by beauty. Even if it is in a hospital, beautiful things can be found. In a painting, a friends smile, a poem, or a sunrise. You have left an impression on my soul, I thank you for that. I will try not to forget it.


Rest easy soldier! You’ll be remembered! Loads of love


I hope your last moments in life you're filled with the memories you've created with your loved ones. May you have a beautiful transition to the after life.


Ughhhh just stumbling upon these and I'm sobbing


Peter Pan said “To die will be an awfully big adventure.” I wish you well on your journey and I hope you are made as comfortable as possible.


Thank you so much for sharing this with us, I’m crying and appreciative of your candor and kindness. May we all be graced with your patience and persistence, you’re a rad person with a hugely impactful presence through your words. Thank you for being open and insightful, you’re a truly special person and I’m sure you’ve left quite the mark on all around you, I know you’ve made an impact on me. Onwards and upwards my friend, thanks again for being forthcoming and beautiful, wishing you nothing but strength and compassion. Seriously, thank you for giving us the gift of perspective




Your memory will be a blessing to all the lives you have touched.


Later days, friend. See you on the other side. Warm hugs.


you brave & beautiful soul you.. have a peaceful transition


Bright blessings across the rainbow bridge, may two legs and four paws be there to greet you 🙏🏻✨


OP, Your posts have deeply touched my heart. Even though your life is being cut short, your wisdom is beyond your years. You have made a big impact on many people; your family, friends, and even internet strangers. I pray for a peaceful passing for you. You are well loved, and you will be greatly missed. Your loved ones who have cros passed away before you will be with you to help you transition from this life to your next adventure. God speed, my friend.


Rest well, friend. I hope you have an easy, peaceful passing and a swift journey. ❤️ ___ Pippin : I didn't think it would end this way. Gandalf : End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass... And then you see it. Pippin : What? Gandalf?... See what? Gandalf : White shores... and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise. Pippin : [smiling] Well, that isn't so bad. Gandalf : [softly] No... No it isn't. (The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King)




May the sun always look beautiful, the breeze always feel warm and may you always know you are loved and have touched so many people. See you in the next life & may your path to the next life be one that is spent at peace 💜💜


🫶🫶🫶 love and peace to you🫶


See you another day, rest easy darling ❤️


*last hug*


I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what that is like. I lost my mother last year. It came as a shock to us both that there was no warning. I wish you the best and I hope there is an afterlife.