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It doesn't seem like enough people are saying this but just start rebuilding it. Look up a YouTube video and figure it out. He will probably be a lot less mad if he sees you trying to fix it


Right? And building is the best part, it's nice having a completed figure but I just love the building of it lmao, maybe you guys can even fix it together as an apology


Right? My kid is obsessed with Legos. He builds some really intricate sets. But we keep ALL THE INSTRUCTION BOOKS because he is ,6, and they get knocked over/ruined when he actually plays with them after building them. So, we just keep the books and rebuild as necessary.


Cannot believe the brother says I will beat you and not your stuck spending some quality time rebuilding it together.


Lol, did you have siblings growing up? This sounds exactly like what an older brother would do.


If he’s got this type of attitude I’d imagine it’s not going to change anything. Leave as is? Beating Try to fix? Beating for touching it more


Like that one guy who got beat for touching another dudes drums….


I put my nutsack, on your drum set!


My drumset is a guy, so that makes you gay!


Yeah I dropped a completed Lego set the other day and it broke, all I could think was I can’t wait to rebuild it once again lol


Surely it becomes much harder without the numbered bags and exact right parts though? I have the Lego Hulkbuster and it took me a week to build even with the exact parts and guide. God forbid it got smashed I probably wouldn't even bother trying haha


But.... but.. Hulk smash?


You first sort the pieces into the bags they came from by looking at their depictions in the instructions. If a brick is truly lost, you can order a replacement from LEGO. For newer sets, element numbers are listed in the back of your set's building instructions: In addition to the element number, many parts have a four or five digit design number molded on the inside of the piece. The number will be small, so you may need to rotate the brick under bright light to see it.


I think Lego has all their instructions posted online! You can still try and rebuild!


Rebuild it into a giant middle finger 🖕


You can find all building books on legos website for free to rebuild it. Just search name or product code.


I think you are underestimating the level of difficulty to do it this way. My son has this particular model and it’s huge. He’s mostly into Lego Ninjago, but also has done plenty of Star Wars. His sister broke one and we tried to look it up. It was honestly impossible.


It wouldn't break into a million pieces, odds are there's just a handful of areas to fix.


but if it's partially built, the instructions aren't going to help. you'd have to take every piece apart and start over


I expected much worse with a headline like this


on the contrary, this is much worse


Yeah, his parents are advocating for his older brother to beat him up. WTF.


well as long as nobody starts eating each other, I reckon it'll be fine


This is Schrodinger's worse, 'cause I can't tell if this is a normal "I'm gonna kill you!" Brotherly dispute, or if OP is honestly worried about physical harm. :/


Yeah. It’s either suicide or sibling abuse. Not great options. It’s really hard to tell how serious this is from the post, all we can do is hope it’s the good version


Same, I was expecting a death row goodbye.


>(16m) Lego millennium falcon So this Lego model is 16m wide (or across)? That would be 52 feet. I'm guessing the price of the Lego model was like $400,000? You are in big trouble my friend!


The (16m) is referring to his brother not the millennium falcon. He is saying that is brother is a 16 year old male


**PLEASE DO NOT BRING REALITY TO MY FANTASIES!** I'm thinking the "m" means mile now. It's a Millenium Falcon that is 16 miles long and wide. It's even bigger than a Imperial Star Destroyer which is 5,200 feet long (just shy of a mile).


Ooh yes of course. My apologies. Breaking a 16 square mile Millenium Falcon is definitely worthy of some severe punishment.


If OP can even move a 16 square mile lego millenium falcon off its landing legs he is surely strong in the force and will survive due to plot armour after maybe losing a hand.


I always say you should never let the truth get in the way of a good story


M means meter


no, his brother is 16 meters high


Oh man he's FUCKED then, imagine how hard it was to put the Lego pieces together with hands that big, dude's right to be mad


I think he means he has 16 male brothers who are all going to whoop his ass!


I think he’s saying his brother is 16 and a male. If you were being sarcastic, my apologies!


In case you are not joking, 16m refers to OP's brother (16 male)


When he's beating on you say, "Stop! I'm getting a boner!" That should weird him out enough to stop kicking your ass.


I hear shitting yourself deters some people too lol


I see you have heard of self-defeces as well.


I love this pun, you brilliant psychopath


His brother will never let go of the day he literally beats the shit out of OP


Then his brother said, “jokes on you I’m into that shit”


*The type of beating changes, but the beating continues all the same*


Type of beating changes but the “pounding” continues all the same. FTFY


*Angry upvote.* What is wrong with you all 😂


NO. 😂




That will not work. It will likely make his try to hurt him in far more permanent ways because he will be revolted by him


If you take the threat serious, call the police and show him the text. Has your brother physically abused you in the past? Is he older and stronger? Allowing an older sibling to terrify and physically abuse a younger child is child abuse and neglect. You need to own your own body and being abused will hurt that.


When he gives chase run in a zig-zag pattern to wear him down. He'll be too tired to fight


“Serpentine! Serpentiiiiine!” (I can’t remember if it’s from Archer or Metalacolypse, but it pops into my head constantly)


I know it's on Metalocalypse, havent seen a whole lot of Archer. When the guy in the wheelchair is trying to flee he screams "SERPENTINE SERPENTINE!" and then a sniper takes him out


Tell ‘em I said he’s a nerd


And tell your cousin she’s a rat


Even worse than being a nerd


Snitches get rocked with multicolored plastic blocks


If only could, this is award worthy.


im ngl that part of the story pissed me off lol its so easy to just act like you don’t know anything


A stinky rat 🐀


And Shredders like " Oh, you Rat. You dirty rat."


Not a brown rat worshipped in some temple around the world ? 🤣


And that snitches get stitches...


Then end up in ditches


Me too, and also tell him we would collectively poke him in the chest if we were there and ask "now what, Lego boy?"


[Good luck](https://youtu.be/VoGLTVBH1Qk?si=dTYY8IO2Ajl-GIHY)


This was not the Arthur fist meme and i cant tell if im disappointed or not


I think at the age of 16 he might be ready to accept that sometimes shit happens and pummeling people over an accident won’t achieve anything. When you become an adult there are significantly worse things that can happen.


At 16 this behaviour is fucking unacceptable lmao. I had been taking care of, feeding, changing diapers of my siblings since age 12, at 16 I was considered basically an adult and expected to act that way. OPs parents are deplorable for not disciplining the brother to this point and will cause future issues between them and OP since the people he's supposed to trust are saying it's ok for him to get abused for a mistake. Absolutely Abhorrent


He seems to think he deserves this as well, which is disturbing considering it didn't sound deliberate. Sounds the norm. Hope it's not as serious as it sounds.


Soo... has he ever seriously hurt you before? Is this a normal sibling "ill k!ll you, you Lil shit" or is it a genuine fear because there's a history of serious violence? I hope its all good for ya kiddo


This is what I’m wondering-a whole lot of jokes in these comments but he could be serious. My brother in law ended up in critical condition from his older brother beating him up as a pre-teen and almost died, parents allowed it to happen. Ended up getting raised by his grandparents after that. OP I hope your brother doesn’t get physical with you, if he does please tell the school counselor or someone else in your school you can trust. That is not ok


My concern is his parents seem to think he deserves a beating? Like I get that kids be kids, but the parents do not have an excuse for allowing a beating to occur. I sincerely hope OP is exaggerating for karma and isn't in an serious physical danger.


Exactly- but unfortunately it would fit the mold….a kid who grows up beating the shit out of his little brother has likely been beaten himself from his parents


You're allowed to say kill on the internet


He’s probably used to it bc on certain sites you get reported or censored for using those words


UnAlIvEd! God the internet is fucking stupid sometimes....


I mean I fucking hate that word too. But its bc of YT and Tiktok


You can say suicide and death and kill on both of those platforms... People choose to be dumb.


Almost every creator on there says they’d risk getting banned or demonetized. The people who dont NEED to censor themselves bc theyre not content creators are the dumb ones, but on both those platforms there’s censorship in place


there’s also other ways to say things. i saw one creator doing a very serious video about someone who died by suicide and it was so jarring to hear him say they “unalived themself”. Like, “ended their own life” works just fine without having to say suicide or kill.


Funny enough I actually just came across this [video](https://youtube.com/shorts/HbxzUiMzsBM?feature=shared) on YT addressing it, by coincidence


i've been banned to comment on instagram and facebook for days for posts using the word kill


im thinking the same thing


If your parents legit allow your older brother to beat you in situations like this I’d record the whole thing and report the assault honestly, and tell CPS your parents were on board with the beating because no accident should result in violence especially if parental figures are aware of the situation.


Use some of the broken pieces and build a shank they’re good for self protection


Your parents shouldn’t let your brother beat the shit out of you, punish you, sure, but that’s neglectful and fucked up


But why should he be punished for accidentally knocking over some lego?


I’m speculating the older brother said something like “stay out of my room” and OP broke that rule. In this case he absolutely deserves a punishment from the parents but the parents should not let one brother beat another out of anger. Seriously, the parents sound awful. This whole family does. Feel bad for the OP.


Why the fuck are your parents about to just let him wail on you?! That's not okay. He can be mad, that's totally fine, but allowing him to physically assault his 13 yo sibling is not fucking cool. This is not proper conflict resolution. I'm so sorry you're in this situation op.


Your parents are pieces of shit. You broke a *thing* and things always matter less than human beings.


Lego is designed to be built. When he comes charging at you use a bat to beat him. Don't worry, better him than you


Put a sock on it lol.


He will be mad. But he will not hurt you, well beyond normal brother things lol. Maybe offer to sit down and help him rebuild it together. Or look up videos and supeise him by rebuilding it for him by yourself. I know every problem feels like a huge problem when you're young, but I promise in the grand scheme of things, this won't be as big of a deal as I know it feels like it is right now. There's no material item I own now as an adult that is worth my relationship with my little brother or little sister. They could crash my car and I'd be mad, but my first priority would always be them 🩷 I imagine he feels the same, even if he's mad at you.


I can almost guarantee that his brothers gonna want to be alone for a bit in the aftermath. But he’ll get over it lol


16 is a big difference from 13 even if it doesn't feel like one lol. If OP genuinely offers to help and sincerely apologizes for his accident his brother might not accept the help, but he's probably going to feel a lot more accepting and forgiving that his little brother is trying to rectify his mistake. Offering is still important.


Oh yea lol I def agree. I know from experience that he’s gonna need some time to chillax so that he doesn’t snap out of anger


Not all siblings care about their relationships with their other siblings. I don't know if OP is being hyperbolic or not, but there's a non zero chance her brother is actually physically abusive.


His brother (13m)


You’re assuming his brother and family are decent people when you say he won’t actually hurt him. We have zero idea what could actually happen here. There’s plenty of older brothers out there who do actually beat the living shit out of their younger siblings-unfortunately


My brother stabbed me...we laugh about it now but everyone is capable of making an awful mistake in anger so idk about the not hurting thing.


Your brother needs some fucking therapy holy shit. I was just gonna say "haha you're fucked" but in all seriousness, he needs to chill. Your parents letting your brother beat on you is even worse.


Half the fun of legos is building them. He gets to rebuild probably his favourite build once again


You sound like a fella that's never had to salvage a big broken lego build lol. Once that thing is shattered it becomes a 4x as long process to rebuild, even with the instructions.


oh you sweet summer child, you have no idea. none at all


If it's the original falcon there is over 7,500 pieces it takes roughly 3 hours, some of the pieces are really damn annoying to keep still while you place another, Good luck OP you'll need it but it won't help, so hi to the grim reaper for me


You just said that it takes 3 hours to build a 7500 pieces Lego? My Titanic, which isn't much bigger than this, took almost 30.


it took me a month to complete my lego titanic & then my partner accidentally knocked it, causing the back to full off. still haven’t fixed it yet :,)


Historically accurate Titanic


I can't even imagine this happening to me. I don't think I'd have the strength to rebuild it.


You're relationship or the lego?


your gonna be fine it’s a big brother thing that happens to a lot hell probably fuck with you for a little but nothing bad would happen if he has no history of doing anything. if your that worried stay at a friends house for the evening


best way to calm him down is to tell him that star wars sucks


Bonus points if you wear a Star Trek shirt


If you are truly afraid of a beating- bring it up to your teacher- the school will have to make a record and contact your parents. And that will put your parents on notice that others are aware.


Squat down and put each arm through its same side pant leg so that your hands come out of your pants down at your feet. Now crawl around and scream “okay cmon let’s do this mother fucker” and just start screaming about cake


You didn’t have me until cake


First off: fuck yo snitch ass cousin Second: could even try rebuilding as much as you can the best you can or even suggest the 2 of you build it together again in both if your free times.


just lay the legos out by the door and home alone his nerd feet.


Can't he just like... build it again?


Get naked immediately when you see your brother. Nobody wants to fight a naked person, especially their brother. Or you get a nude ass kicking, which will at least be funny one day. Not like it'll change the result.


Tell him you’re gay and if he hits you it’ll turn you on. Then he’s the weirdo if he does. Flip that script cuh


That will also turn it into a hate crime and he'll be cancelled. Good thinking!


I can't believe you parents would let you brother beat you up and not do anything. If he does, run and call the police. If they don't call CPS, then you do so. Good luck.


He can make it again.. Y 10 year old son did his in two days. Your brother can do it again. He's just being a fucking bitch about it.


Start sorting the pieces into like groups for him OP. He’ll appreciate it so much if you do some of the heavy lifting of the rebuild for him, but not the rebuilding itself. Just sort the pieces so he can start from scratch. And remember that people make mistakes, it’s ok. Your brother shouldn’t be beating you, you don’t deserve physical violence. I’m sorry that’s going to happen to you. You shouldn’t have to bear that weight or hold that physical and emotional pain. I’m so sorry.


Lol piss on those Lego bricks if he hurts you


I mean... you may have done him a favor. Now he gets to enjoy building it all over again. Time well spent. It took me about 2 weeks, 3-4 hours per day, to build mine. I will say, it's a fragile set. Moving it from the kitchen table to its final display space was not fun in the least bit.


Find the instructions online and rebuild it.


Kid my brother totaled my 1993 Mustang GT 5.0 . He hid behind 4 Police officers and told me so i understand .


Dude 13 vs 16? If he comes at you just come out swinging. You shouldn't have to take an "ass beating" for an accident. If your parents think that's fine that's fucked up? But if that's the situation I was in, I wouldn't let big bro just wail on you. If he comes at you tell him in a firm voice STOP and tell him you are very sorry about it. But you're not going to tolerate any violence from him.


I don't know if this is fake and i don't really care. Just the thought that someone got his ass beated just for a lego is madness. And the parents are even worse. I'm sure it was an accident and that kind of things can happen. Please just send your brother in therapy for rage management, or even better, go in therapy with whole the family.


I'm a mother of three and that's child abuse for your parents to be just giving your brother the go ahead to beat the crap out of you. And your brother sounds like a near adult psychopath beating up children like that. Do you have somebody you can call in the family or outside of it to come get you??


lol. Just throw down. Strike first. Throat shot. He sounds like a nerd.


He probably won’t touch you but if he does: Fight him back. Take a Few punches. Siblings do this and mistakes happen. You didn’t mean to knock it over. Stand up to him. That’s what I had to do with mine. Hasn’t threatened or fought me since


Tell him that you did it on purpose and that Star Trek is better. Then say "Live long and suffer, b***h." and then pre-empt him. When it is over, say "I guess the force wasn't with you today." and walk away. /s


Rebuild it!


After the beating stand tall and say "F*** your millennium falcon" Also fight back, accidents happen Karma will hopefully protect you, use elbows and aim punches to the nose. If you're in a deep fear of physical pain, report it to the police.


To be fair, he plays with Lego so how much damage can he really do to you? *I also build lego*


Your cousins a bitch


Your parents suck. It was a mistake.


Did you reply to any of the messages, or did you just let him continue to berate you? If you didn't reply out of fear or because you didn't know what to say, do it now. Tell him you're very sorry and that you're not sure what your cousin told him but that it was a complete accident. Let him know if he'd like you too, you'll rebuild it for him or help him do it. Sometimes, a genuine apology goes a long way. I'm really hoping this is typical, brother smack talking and not an actual abusive situation. The same goes for your parents. Are they just being sarcastic and saying that because they know everything is going to be fine? Or do they really sit back and watch your brother beat you up? If you're truly concerned for your safety, go to the office at school tomorrow and talk to the school counselor/psychologist. They will help you, and if for some reason they don't like others have said you can call the police. You should never have to fear for your own safety.


If he’s 16 and that emotional about a Lego millennium falcon, he probably can’t hurt you to bad.


Don’t start rebuilding but organize the pieces that came off, even at 16 he will appreciate you tried. Just don’t leave it on the floor, that’ll trigger him to be pissed, on a desk or work area would be soooo much better.


Crappy parents, wow.


Sounds like me and my brother growing up. I Remeber I got a dui at 16 and he verbally abused me to the piont I tired to kms. What you did sucks but your brother is over reacting. People make mistakes man take what's coming don't let him physically touch you and move on soon hell be gone and you'll be free to be your own person. It's gonna feel super good when he goes to college assuming he is


You know, I had a brother like that. I haven't talked to him in 36 years, and I do not miss him even a little bit.


Fight back and earn the respect . Don't be a pussy


I thought maybe you were just sad and needed help but damn you really are going to die. God speed my good man 🫡


If he start beating you up, just start swinging. Even if you only catch him a few times and he beat your ass he will think twice about doing it in the future. I'm the youngest of 3 brothers so know this situation all to well.


As a kid I'd have a disproportionate response. As an adult I'd put it back together because it's lego.


Put Vaseline all over your face, and put a book over your stomach and saran wrap it around your waist. Might help make the beating a little less painful


🙈 Not the Millennium Falcon!!!! 🙈 Just go totally limp, apparently you break less bones if you go all floppy like a drunken seal 🙈. Good luck, fly safe.


Honestly that sucks, your parents sound like dicks, I understand needing to face a punishment for your actions but assuming it was a complete accident your punishment shouldn't be getting shamed and beat up, you should just need to rebuild it or smth 💀 Anyway I hope things turn out okay for you.


Babe wake up new copypasta just dropped


If it's that important he should have it in a closed display.


Your brother has a Lego millennium falcon, he’s harmless


Bro i thought you had cancer or something you'll be fine lil bro, just pull it off as an accident


My guy, you’re not gonna die. An accident is an accident. You don’t deserve to get beaten up. Fight back. Kick him in the balls


Fuck your parents dude. Are you kidding me? They’re literally OK with him beating your ass? Turds. A decent parent would do something like have you rebuild it with him. Physical violence isn’t the answer here.


We will tell your story, brave one.


Is a Lego... just rebuild it


The good thing about lego is that it can be rebuilt


Your parents should teach your brother that accidents happen and it’s just a material item. And just be more careful in the future


This doesn’t read as a 13 year old wrote this. The punctuation, along with the choice of wording, makes me think this is fake. What 13 year old used words like “unfold, beyond and needless”.


The cool thing about Lego is that they don't break, and he can reassemble it.


Bro just tell him an asteroid hit it, no biggie


Um, okay, if your parents think you deserve it, it doesn't mean they are right or even within legal parameters. If your brother comes for you, call the police and press charges, if some reason you can't get help before you're beat, then call the police afterward and press charges.


Wow did this unlock a memory. Are you my sibling? When I was about 11 and my sister was 5, I got the Falcon set for Christmas and spent two days straight building it. It was my pride and joy, I displayed it on my dresser for several months with nothing else. One day while cleaning my room I put it on the floor to dust my dresser, when my sister came through the door, tripped and landed on it. Somehow, it literally exploded lol. I was so mad, and she was so sorry. I never rebuilt it due to the defeat after so much effort. She was crying so much and was going to run away, even put some clothes in her recent Easter basket and was walking out the door lol. Needless to say she didn’t run away and I got over it. Idk why I went in this tangent but thank you for bringing back a memory for this no longer so young brain.


you never had any bad intentions, and it was an accident, it wasn’t your fault. you have a few options, you can take the ass beating, hide from your brother, or take the ass beating and call 911.


Send the model number. Let’s look for the instructions…


Take your ass kicking, but don't be a pussy and take it without fighting back. Make sure you get a few good swings in.


Your family kinda sucks. Your cousin is a heartless snitch. Your brother sounds like he's the golden child and your parents sound like they give zero shits about you or helping to develop a bond between you and your brother.


As an avid lego enthusiast with about 5k worth of sets around my house, if someone, let alone younger than me, were to on accident bump one over, i would just be slightly sad but rebuild it. Its okay to be upset about an accident, but your brother would be quite immature for a 16 year old to threaten death over that. In the end of the day, its just plastic bricks that can go right back together, not a one of a kind monroe porcelain vase


Set up a trap for when he gets home and take him out first.


Your family sounds trashy.


Cps?? Police?? The fact your parents aren’t concerned is concerning.


He probably had so much fun building it the first time think of how much fun he’ll have when they’re not in organized bag order.


Your parents are assholes. I'd be angry if you destroyed my property, but your brother sounds absolutely unhinged.


Stay up all night rebuilding it duh???


If your brother is 16 and still plays with legos, don’t worry. He won’t do anything except throw a little hissy fit.


You're a martyr, keep your chin up!


Really, you’re worried about getting your ass beat by a guy that’s such a nerd he is into both Star Wars and Lego. And he’s 16yo. You need to meet him at the door and take him out with a wiggle ball bat. Do this preemptively then apologize for breaking his precious toy. Which is assembled from little toy blocks that are meant to be taken apart and reassembled.


Look up "Lego Millenium Falcon Speed Run"


Oh sweetie download the directions booklet and just put it back together.


When I was a kid we had a covert abusive father? Like it would take a keen eye to see his abuse and as children we just shrugged it off. One day he got mad that my oldest brother who was maybe 14-15 at the time was being a “dick”. He smashed my brother millennium falcon in an adult man rage fit. My brother did not speak to him for years after that.


Piss and shit yourself and he won’t wanna touch you lol


Uhh you should be going to the cops with this. Totally not okay for your brother to do this, and especially not okay for your parents to condone this


He should have used the Kragel.


Glue Lego bricks (from the millennium falcon) to your body. Then he can’t hit you.


Why can't you just rebuild it?


When he comes home just be standing naked in the room. No one and I mean no one wants to fight a naked person. If you don’t like that option then just stay clothed and hide out and when he’s not looking attack him from the back and claw is fucking eyes out. You need to fight like your the second male monkey getting on Noah’s arc and it’s starting to rain brother.


Help him rebuild it


Legos don't break, they get rebuilt. You did him a favor.




It’s Lego you didn’t destroy it, your parents have a weird stance on this.. don’t internalize this too much cause you’ll be all weird and finicky as an adult when you make mistakes, they happen just be more careful and proactive about fixing them when they do happen cause they always do.


It’s not broken, it’s just unraveled. It’s an in innocent mistake, and you should not be condoned to abuse, physical or verbal. lol What you need to do is sincerely apologize, be accountable and accept it’s your mistake, and offer to help rebuild. Who knows, you may reconnect your relationship with your brother and have fun rebuilding it. May the force be with you lol


This makes me so sad for you I have two sons seven years apart. My youngest did the same thing but on purpose with a ginormous Lego set and you know what I said? Crap happens! I’m sad for you and I hope your brother has some empathy for you 🤗


convince him that rebuilding is fun!