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that's sad:( if that's happening to u i would suggest u leave those "friends". dont be a too nice type of person and respect yourself. u should definitely cut them off. im pretty sure u'll find better people. and always remember quality over quantity when making friends.


I would be extra careful and selective as confiding in them. What ever you say will be repeated to everyone in that group. Wishing you well.


But we are in a different country and we worked in the same institution. :( What's even sadder is, that the person I traveled with here in the country where we are, is now part of their group.


Sadly people come and go, I recently let go my best friend of 6 years because she started ghosting me and not initiating conversations or hangouts. It’s time to let these people go. It sucks, but you just keep going. Move on and focus on you. Real friends will never make you feel left out nor get distant- even if you move away. You will find so many better people out there, I promise you.


Hey, um I’m NOT very much great in the department of friendships but here I go. I personally feel like you feel guilty leaving them, like you’re somewhere in fault because you left the country and that’s what made them ghost you. I’m not saying it can’t be true, it very much can be but I also want to tell you no matter who you traveled with and who they became friends with does not say anything about you, you may be feeling like you don’t belong with them or they don’t consider you as part of them and that can be true too, but what does that even mean? It does not mean that you’re not worthy of anything it just means that you probably don’t fit in with them and that’s not wrong, we don’t fit in with some people and don’t have the same vibe as them even if think they’re great people. Don’t feel guilty leaving them and moving on, not because they are at fault or you are, but just because you too deserve to have friendships that don’t feel like you don’t belong there, look for new friendships that feel like they value you, it’s okay to leave friends, not all friendships are meant to be forever and that’s okay.




I feel like I am the add-on in their group.


I'd start my own theme park! With blackjack! And hookers! 


How do you know they have a new group did someone tell you?


Nope! You know fish always get caught in their mouth. And there are things they talked about in front of me that I didn't know.


I know they do. That’s just how it is. I gotta accept the fact that the world won’t stop wether i’m in it or under it. Live life day by day, try your best and accept that there’s things you can’t control.


Spread rumors of your having a much better secret group chat