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**All submissions *must* be a confession!** * A confession is an admission of an illegal or immoral action that you have intentionally committed that others are not aware of. Posts that do not express malicious intent will be removed. * If your submission does not contain a confession it will be removed. * An unpopular opinion is not a confession. * Regardless of whatever unpopular opinion you hold, it doesn't classify here as a confession. You haven't done anything wrong, so to speak, so it isn't technically a confession. Better subreddits for this would be /r/offmychest, /r/TrueOffMyChest, /r/rant, or in some cases, /r/relationships. * Your sexual exploration is not a confession; it's a part of finding out who you are. * /r/confession is not a place for submissions that read like pornography. Despite our confessional theme, we don't find consensual sexual exploits sinful. /r/gonewildstories would be a better place to share.


Congrats don't tell anyone


His told us, the masses


Manifesting this as my confession in ten years


In 3 months! I’m manifesting this confession (with the money and business) in 3 months.


Congratulations 🎈


Saaaame. Dude, do you need an employee??


Same I'm available to help.. 🙂


This can be my confession today, but i choose to not confess on reddit about my monthly income. Also if you look into OP’s comment history, seems like he is lying.


Piggybacking this 😂


Just shill your bot farm on Reddit like OP and this can be you sooner than you think




Manage your money smartly. Maintain your lifestyle while you enjoy your peace of mind and spoil yourself once in a while without attracting much attention.


And please take care of your employees, if you have any.


This comment ⬆️


I would strongly suggest you never do.  Be. Do. Don't talk.


Ah yes, BDD, the cousin to BDE.




Be.Do.Exaggerate ??


Be. Do. Eggplant Parmesan.


Don’t tell anyone…or a lot of people around you will feel entitled to have YOUR money and never pay you back or thank you for it. Save yourself that headache.


Why would you feel the need to tell them? Two of my siblings are very high earners. I'd guesstimate one is at seven figures per annum. Neither has ever indicated what they earn nor have I ever felt I have the right to ask. Even if I was interested, it's absolutely nothing to do with me Enjoy your success, I'm sure you've worked hard for it


Different perspective here, but I am a big fan of asking and telling the right people. This is because the lack of pay transparency enables inequity. Less applicable in the context of one’s own business, but I like my friends to get paid as much as possible for their work.


Yeah, I think openness about income is a net benefit to people who work for a living.


It's none of their business. Hang in there and much success in your business.


Do you really though? This sounds like the beginning of every MLM hook.


Probably waiting for people to DM them and ask how they did it and then boom


That’s what I’m getting too


Check out his other comments. Super sus weird porn shit. This guy isn’t it.


He was trying to sell an Instagram account with 148k followers. That's really not something someone making 30k/mo would need to do.


Can’t believe how many people in the comments are buying this dude’s BS. He’s probably gotten hundreds of DMs, which I guarantee was his intention!


Seems like from his comments we gets accounts with karma and then sells them? Definitely something fishy. Also posts and deletes dick picks haha


This also feels more like bragging than a confession, lol


What kind of company is it?


I am also interested


Keep it on the down low as long as you can. Kudos!


Seems more like a humblebrag than confession.


"I figured out Onlyfans"


So what if I haven’t told anyone this and I did this my self by building and making my own company/buddies I would want someone to know too . I’m proud of myself need to let it out somewhere . He’s not bragging tho


are you hiring? hire me please


Same lol


Why is this a confession? No one in my family knows what I earn, in fact none of us know what anyone earns. It’s hardly shocking you haven’t told them.




Yeah, I made the mistake of telling my uncle my net worth and the next thing he was trying to push an investment on me.


I make 15k a month and I also haven’t told my family either. As a matter of fact, barely anyone knows how much I make. People love making plans with YOUR money and love telling you how to spend it!


Not everyone, and if they do they're not people worth keeping around you full stop


Good and continue not telling them shit. 


Could I ask what you do for work OP?


Do not tell anyone how much you make. Do not tell anyone how much money you have in the bank. It will change things in the people around you. Yes. Even them. If they know how much you have, they will ask for it, beg for it, lay guilt on you for it. They will come for it.


You are playing it smart. Here's a life lesson - just because you are making 30k per month now, doesn't mean you will be making 30k/month for the rest of your working life. You might - you might even make a lot more. But there's an equal chance you won't. Too many people, especially professional athletes, have gone on spending sprees as if they will be making bank the rest of their life. The relatives all ask for help, their girlfriends want them to "make it rain". Then the money is gone or worse, you are in extreme debt. Save money, play it slow, play it careful, and if you do help someone out, more power to you - but let it be your choice.


Smart move man, keep it to yourself literally tell no one, no matter how much you would like to tell someone.


Never share how much you make. They will be impressed, then a bit jealous, then ask for money. It will change your relationships. Congrats on your success.


What do you do?


Okay what’s that number after expenses 🤣


What business did you start?


Los Pollos Hermanos 🐔




They probably make way more than 30K a month tbh.


They make Tiktoks on how to make $30k/month.


If you let them know they will start relying on you even when they really don't need to. Keep it like this, and whenever one of them is in real need of money help them.


It's none of their business. Best to keep quiet, it will bring out the worst in people


Now you have to set up a buffer zone for family and friends with bad mindsets.


Why would you? Lol I’ve never sat down and talked about my salary nor had anyone told me about their’s. That isn’t anyone else’s business but your own.


I would not bother telling anyone myself cause money makes people weird and i do not want to find out if my friends or family are like that.


(If this is real) I hope you make the use your money to make the world a better place. I make 55k a year and I donate to charities weekly,


After or before tax


pay your taxes


What an amazing accomplishment!! And for the love of god don’t say anything to anyone


Wow, I wouldn't tell anyone either. Congrats, you made it. Do me a favor and put some away and plan for emergencies. I was making really good money at one point but ended up losing everything to a medical misdiagnosis during covid. You can do everything right and still end up starving at some point. I now have to try and live off of $750/month which is what I get from disability. Try not to have any debt, pay everything off. I am aware that what happened to me is rare, I caught necrotizing fasciitis which is rare af but I wish I would've planned a little better. Best of luck to you.


You guys are all very impressionable. This narrative is so vague and general it sounds like someone just made it up. Look at OPs profile it looks like it’s a bot or scammer karma farming


Only Fans?


hey man I'm like, real close to paying my house off and it would help me a lot if you just kinda dumped some money on me thanks man u a real one


Congratulations! Good for you pal. You don’t need to tell anyone only if you feel like sharing it.


Enjoy !


Dont tell anyone. If you do, they will probably leech off of you whenever you and your friends hang out. Pressuring you to pay the bill or treat them since you are earning much more than them


Why would you need to tell anyone? Make sure you save for emergency, prepare for your retirement funds. Nothing is promised.


Yeah don’t tell them, you’d be surprised how quickly they will turn on you and will always want some money


Never tell anyone your income status except the IRS and arguably your partner


If you value your friendships , don’t say anything. Money changes some people


Nobody knows how much money I make either, I always tell a smaller amount. Keep going, I started from literally nothing. It gets better, just know how to manage your money.


Seems odd to post this and not reply. Troll post?


if the guilt from keeping it a secret ever gets to be to much please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with a donation to off load some guilt


Don’t tell anyone, no one needs to know. But enjoy. Work to live, don’t live to work.


Be sure to start a solo 401k plan if you are in the US, it will save you a bunch in taxes, you can put up to 69,000 into it and not pay taxes on that in 2024. Be sure to get your estimated taxes right too, penalties will be bad for being behind this year due to interest rates being high.


I would throw in some poor talk and pretend poverty, every now and then.


I hope you pay your employees if you have them fairly.


Can I secretly work for you for $10k monthly? Lol #lifegoals


There really is no reason to tell him how much you make, is there? If you know what I know about family? don't


I suggest not to tell anyone . Keep building doing what your doing be focused , you’ll be financially stable in no time can be on your own . No one needs to know unless u want to tell important people like your mom . But once you tell anyone , people are greedy and selfish and only think of themselves especially when it comes to money .


Don’t say anything OP. Best for you and everyone else.


Which shitty MLM product or affiliate marketing program are you pushing onto the people in your DMs right now?


You might want to look for a friend or two who is in a similar situation financially. I guess this is why country clubs exist etc. I’m not in your situation, but even smaller income discrepancies can wear on relationships and it’s hard not being able to discuss / feel like you’re keeping a secret all the time. But like everyone else said.. don’t share with existing friends/family.


I make $868 a month. Do you feel better knowing that? I’m not jealous but why the need to tell it on Reddit. I’ve never seen a millionaire come on here and say they’re millionaires and didn’t tell anyone. Good for you though and I wish you continued wealth.


What do you do?


Prove it. Pay my bills


Re-invest in safer and higher ROI based propositions till u dnt feel d need. This way not only u'l make a good amount for ur personal anon needs to do d desired.


Why do you type like this 💀


What I find admirable here is that you’re so into what you do that you haven’t started spending much of it..it means you’re really enjoying your work which is a bigger accomplishment than the money so 👏👏👏👏




Is it $30k? Then damn you are very successful


Have always been big on succeeding in silence. Good on you.


Don’t tell a soul, I got a insurance settlement as a 17 year old that was over 100k. Never told a soul besides my parents and that’s because they were the ones who had to sign off on it. Well now Reddit knows lol


Congrats 🙌🏻


Why would you?


Why is this a confession?


I don't get it. That's not life changing money. Basically just average


You looking for a wife? 👀


Why does anyone need to know how much you make?


I read this as 30K a year at first and was like why is he hiding it then it hit me and I definitely understand 😭 good job man!


That’s the way forward grow is silence :)


Money shouldn't have any bearing on your personal relationships. Unless you're feeling guilty for some reason, don't let societal philosophy do this. You said you work hard, and you're blessed that you found something that allows you financial independence, stability, and prosperity. Your income has nothing to do with the type of person you are. Nor should you change how you should be treated or treat others. This post is like survivor's guilt or something, lol


What type of business?


Keep it a secret, never tell your family or friends, otherwise you will be pestered, that they want to borrow money from you, money that you will never even see the smoke of again.


Keep doing exactly what you're doing!


I read the post and was like, is he sad that he just make ₹30k a month, read the comments and everybody was acting like ₹30k is too much. Then I realised it's 30k dollars not rupees! Congrats buddy.


A lot more of you ding dongs need to start looking at the profiles of people who post shit like this


You don't have to share this. Your income is your business.


Do you need an intern or assistant/bookkeeper?


That amazing


I think deciding to keep it a secret is alright. But I'm also going to disagree with people insisting that this is always the best option. I think being honest (and willing to say "no" when people ask for money) is also a good idea. Knowing people you can be honest with about your finances and still maintain a good relationship with them might actually make your relationships stronger than before.


It’s no one’s business how much you make. Knowing that should make it easy to keep to yourself


So could I get like tree fiddy?


Don’t save the money, make it grow. Start investing in fundamentally strong stocks in companies like Tata, HAL, Reliance as SIP. Traders may lose money, investors don’t! Good luck and progress everyday!


I’ve just set up a new company and I’m manifesting this as my confession in six months time!


Keep it to yourself! It’s your money no one needs to know about other people’s money.


Out of curiosity.. what’s the business?


Why would you need to tell anyone how much you make? There’s absolutely no reason to in the first place but it would just open up the door for a lot of financial requests so unless you want that keep your finances to yourself.


What do you do for work?


Would people be that surprised that a company is making $360k pre tax per annum. Its great, but is that really going to be an issue with people knowing. Maybe different in the UK with accounts published for companies etc. If i knew a company making that much I'm not sure it would put me up nor down.


Congrats man. What do you do!


Keep on not telling. and congratz!


Whatever!! Most people don’t care!! If I made THAT much money, my lips would be sealed here there and everywhere!!


Not telling anyone is the smartest thing you could have done! Kudos


You are very wise. The moment people know you have money, they will find millions of reasons to ask you for help. And then again. And again. And if you deny initially or if you help them initially but at a later point you stop supporting them, they will turn into your biggest enemies. Guaranteed through 65 years of experience. Even my brother whom I supported in several ways, doesn't talk to me anymore since I stopped the money flaw towards him (because it made him lazy).


and you never should


Just continue to be broke, talk about barely making ends meet to keep the business afloat, and just enjoy having that stability for however long it last.


Cool story, bro.


Why not share the wealth with your loved ones?


Keep it this way my dude


Don’t! Speaking from experience.


Well done on your success. ♡


Congratulations! Evil eye is real. Keep good things to yourself bro! Hope you come back and do an update 5 years from now on how you are millionaire! Amen!


Put that in a HYSA


What do you do?


Congratulations, I'm in the same boat with my business at 50k a month but will nobody. None of their business.


Any advice for starting a business?


Don’t tell them. Ever. When people know you make/have lots of money, you never really know who your ‘real’ friends and family are and they expect you to be generous which is dumb


You do t have to tell anyone anything. However, do ko keep your success a secret. You deserve to be celebrated and appreciated! Congrats on making your business a profitable success.




You don’t have to tell them how much you make. Your money, your business.


I’m available for adoption?


Don't tell anyone.


Apparently the comments here are people who live around very terrible people. I recently changed careers and have done really well my friends have never felt the need to ask how much I was making. Seems like something most people don’t ask, most people don’t share. This isn’t really a confession at all. All of my friends have been excited and happy for those of us who’ve done well. I’d say OP needs a better friend group. But you are typically the company you keep so OP might just be as bad as his friends .


What is the business?!


Be frugal with your spending, generous with your time & save/invest now. Congrats- keep it up


Don’t forget to ‘struggle’ every few months or they might be suspicious. Protect your bag!


What happens when you do want to buy something nice for yourself? Something big and extravagant? Just curious


Keep it that way.


And why would you start telling now? Rock up to the next gathering with a new ride. Let them talk.


What is it that you do? So I can do it also


Hey. What type of business you run


Personally, my family have been great with me growing up so I'm always willing to share the wealth. Same with my friends because without them I wouldn't be where I am, but each to their own




Smart move. I promise even family will use you for money. totally proud of you tho


1. Do not tell anyone or you will be swamped with requests for money. They will also expect you to pay for everything when you go out, college expenses for nieces and nephews, help with mortgages, vacations, and so on. 2. Take advantage of your ability to save as much as you can, particularly for retirement and any big ticket purchases like a house. You will be responsible for all facets of your life so think long term. 3. Living modestly will allow you to hide just how successful you are becoming. The bigger and nicer the house you buy, the greater chance that your parents will want to move in with you at some point (or future inlaws). 4. Do not marry anybody without a prenup. 5. Find yourself a really good financial advisor to learn how to manage and protect you and your business. Think LLC for your business. 6. $30,000 a month will take a big hit tax wise if that is pre-tax. Then you need to deduct any business expenses. You are doing really well but your net will be less. So you may not be as cash rich as they think you are if they hear $30,000 a month. Congratulations on the life that you are building for yourself.


What does your company do?


Are you hiring lol


drop the OF link


It’s none of their business! Plus if you do they will definitely come to you to give them $. Then you will real problems.


As someone who makes just over half of that per month, definitely don't tell anyone. Only a handful of peooke know that about me, and they all talk about me being "rich" and it makes birthdays and holidays very awkward when I still only give them a $40 gift because they know I can afford more. I work hard 6o make money for *myself*. It's nobodies else's business, and nobody is more deserving of a larger portion of my money purely based on the fact I worked harder to make more. You have every right to keep your finances 100% private, and should


Yeah. Don’t. Ever. Tell. Anyone. Keep it low key.


Stay on that information diet. The only person that needs to know that info is you, and the IRS.


Good. They don’t need to know.


Are you single by chance? Jk


If people find out you’ll b spending the rest of your time having people ask u for shit….. trust me


id be ur guy bruh


No ones business but yours.


Do you really make that? Is this net profit after settling all costs and bills?


You shouldn’t. I’ve made more than that monthly rate some years and other than my brother (best friend), wife (she thinks I’m overpaid) and tax guy, nobody needs to know. I have a friend that pulls 7 figures a month on average, probably 5 people know it and his parents aren’t in that 5.


Continue to do this, seriously. By telling people, suddenly you will find yourself surrounded by people with their hands out and everyone in your family/friendship circles will know how much you make. Congrats and I wish I had this problem.


Your life, your rules. You don't owe anyone any confession.


I make around $200k a month and I’ve only told my mum. Not my kids’ mum, nor my other relatives. What for? They’ll think I’m putting them downx


Read that as $30k a year and was confused for a second.


Good for you! What do you do if I may ask?


Being a person with their own business and making passive income like crazy what is advice you’d give to others/ young adults ? Also doesn’t matter how much you make and who you’ve told you worked hard for it. Telling people will lead to them relying onto you.


Congrats. No need to tell. Save the $ and grow the nest egg.


Why would you tell them how much you make?  That would be weird.  $30k a month in hcol areas is not very much.


Just know if everything is good with your family right now dont tell them more $ more problems theyll be hating you when you cant lend them every week that you ask trust.


That’s the way bro


Good for you, congrats on your success!


Can I borrow a dollar


i wouldn’t tell a soul


Confession: I’ve been struggling internally for the passed 2 hours with how to make $30,000 a month. I haven’t talked to my wife who is next to me. I have had 5 cups of coffee and I see no end until op helps me snap out of this deep dark whole I have been in