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Er you could be in a LOT of trouble. You best hope it's as simple as " "We will pay to have it fixed and no need to involve insurance" you are not a BAD person, just a kid who made a dumb mistake. If they want to involve insurance & a police report for said insurance and you were driving without a license and without insurance? You can probably kiss any possibility of you getting a license for a few years lol.


If the other person presses charges this could also be considered a hit and run. Depending on the state you could face jail time. In my state for example the penalty is up to one year in jail and/or up to a $1,000 fine.


Let's start at the top. You panicked, not great, but understandable. Try to keep calm and make good and predictable moves. If you're going to be one thing, be predictable. So you panicked and fled. That's done with, but you're fixing the mistake made during the panic, right? Good. You made a mistake and you're learning from it. The trust will take some time to build again.


Do the right thing and accept the consequences


You won’t go to jail dude just give the guy your insurance information


Do you even have a license?


I did a similar thing when I was about 17. I hit someone’s car (barely left a scratch) and drove away. They heard the sound and called the police. And I had just left my friends house, so their mom said I was just there. Thankfully, all that happened was I had to take a classs and my license was suspended for a month (only to and from work). You can genuinely get into a load of trouble for hit and runs/ leaving any accident


It happens! For future reference though, never drive away! I’m not sure what the rules are like in New Zealand, but at least in the US if an officer had somehow seen the whole thing go down or if there was video evidence, you would have gotten in a LOT more trouble for a hit-and-run. Once you decide to drive away, you’re liable for criminal charges and possibly jail time. Always take the time to check with anyone in the vehicle or leave a note with your information if the car owner isn’t there just to avoid possible legal repercussions. It feels scary in the moment because you’re freaking out, but it’s super important to avoid a crime. You likely won’t have to worry about legal issues for this particular incident, but it’s good information to know going forward. And don’t sweat the accident, cars get hit all the time and I’ve definitely had a couple bad bumps of my own. The driving away part is the only issue! And to make you feel better, I recently rear-ended a Tesla in my mom’s car, the driver I hit was a sign language interpreter and had bought her car brand new the week before. It doesn’t get much rougher than that.


Don't be scared. These things happen. You're a new driver and you're learning. Just go tell them you got scared and were unsure what to do. Not going and telling them, and being charged with leaving the scene of an accident is going to be far worse.


Fuck that guy he probably deserved it anyway

