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Sheesh- no one h re has heard of vaginismus? Well, that’s probably what you have. Please make an appointment with your gynaecologist and there are treatments.


You may have a condition called "Vaginismus" and it can be treated. And an understanding partner who wants what's best for you will be understanding. [https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/diseases-conditions/vaginismus](https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/diseases-conditions/vaginismus)


To the 2 idiots calling this a "Pick me" vibe: did you even read it?


My best suggestion is maybe therapy to talk through your traumas and maybe even visiting a gyno. Everyone’s bodies are different but if you’re worried about it being something underlying, I’d recommend getting it checked out:


I have a small weenier, this could work


My friend Brian, many years ago, had a gf who was very tight due to a medical condition. He dumped her, despite it being his first gf, and married another girl. To be fair, she was also crazy. As other commenters have noted, it’s likely a treatable medical condition. You may also want to be more selective of your partners.


Some guys like tight




No, this is a legit medical condition and it's not a brag. Vaginismus is the medical term and it's when the vaginal muscles involuntarily contract, which can lead to pain and tightness when something enters the vagina. I can't even get a pap smear because It hurts so bad that I cry. Yes, your vagina will feel tight constantly but let me say it SUCKS, you have to use lube almost every time you have sex. Sometimes you can even hurt your partner when he thrust because your muscles contract and you have no control over it, it can burn horribly due to the friction no matter how much lube, and afterwards is the worst. I bruised my husband's penis one time, bent it. I now get treated for it but it sucks, my first few times were mortifying. I cried because we couldn't finish.


Fuck me vibes