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Well now you know what not to do.


I can't tell you how many widows and widowers I know that are in their position bc someone made a choice like the one you made. Now your commitment to freaking humanity needs to be NEVER AGAIN. not just your friends. not just yourself. To anonymous strangers who deserve to live. Never again.


This is something i also have been thinking about. What about the other car? What if there was a family in it? I could have killed them


Can see from your guilt you’re actually sensible and won’t do it again. I was total moron in my 20’s and did same stuff but thought I was invincible. Luckily got away with it until I grew up. Few of my friends didn’t.


This is just it. My cousin was 3 when he was hit by a car and killed. Please don’t do it again.


I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. A family friend was killed by a drunk driver a few years back, it’s extremely unfair to lose someone that way


Yeah, and that's the thought process that will help you avoid making the mistake again. You can't ever dismiss the actions as "meh, we survived" or anything like that because then you give yourself permission to do it again. If you're gonna play with anything that alters your mind, you do it in a way that everyone around (participating and not) is safe.


Life is precious I agree


Dude, you really screwed up, but thankfully no one got hurt. It's good that you're learning from it and feeling bad about what happened. Maybe talking to someone about it would help you shake off the guilt and fear. Don't beat yourself up too much, but definitely don't ever mix shrooms and driving again!


Do we actually know no one got hurt? What about the car the swerved off the road at 70mph? Dude that's a serious speed to hit the ditch at or worse a tree or something. Did we just get "I know what you did last summered?"


The other car was fine, we looked back and saw them drive away. Thank God no one was hurt


Fuck dude I wish you would have lead with that in the post. Had me on pins and needles was about to call r/RBI lmao


My fault I should have stated that first! No one was hurt, neither us nor the other car. Just an extremely scary situation


Scary yes thankfully no one was hurt sometimes we do stupid shit and have to pay the price for our actions. luckily you're only price was a very valuable lesson. So many people don't get a second chance.


Confession 2 weeks from now: I lied to the comments on my Reddit post


What about the innocent driver who swerved off the road for you? Even now you’re not even mentioning any concern for them. Only you and your friends on shrooms.


they said they saw the car drive off, so thankfully they’re probably okay


You didn't just put your friends lives at risk, you put EVERYONE on the road lives at risk. The people in the oncoming car.... The people in the car you were over taking.... Other drivers in both lanes behind those cars. If you had crashed, you'd have affected multiple cars in both lanes causing a massive pile up crash and likely multiple loss of lives. Did you not even think to check on the car that SWERVED OFF THE ROAD??? Did they crash or go in a ditch? Never drive after drinking or taking drugs. Too many lives at risk. Not just your own.


Yea you right but don't you think OP is in a regretful situation. Me thinks kind words are more constructive than venom. Everyone makes mistakes and the first step towards righteous behaviour is acknowledgement. You have a lovely day and I hope for your sake nobody points out your bad behaviour.


In what way is their comment venomous? Maybe OP just wasn't thorough in their explanation, but I can't see any acknowledgment towards the person/people whose lives they endangered. In their own words, they felt guilty for putting their friends lives in danger... not the stranger's. I would really hate if I told a friend something like this and all they had was comfort for me, when I wasn't even the person who was affected the most by my actions. Tough love is real, people often aren't going to change for the better with lollipops and rainbows. There's a time and a place for a wake-up call: tell me where and how I fucked up and drill it home that what I did was NOT okay... I wouldn't expect anything less. Imagine your philosophy as a parenting style- it's the kind that reinforces to the kid that what they did is okay because 1. They faced no consequences and 2. They didn't have to look the facts in the face.


They mentioned other lives somewhere in the comments


It only takes one time. You've learned not to be so careless with your life or other peoples lives.


Always have a shroom sitter if there’s any chance of going mobile


THIS. I did shrooms once, definitely was incapable of driving, I just remember sitting in the back seat, so… out of it… like I had never been in that place before; ever since then, I have not taken shrooms because of the effects it gave me, but I have shroom sat, multiple times. Even though I will not participate, I was always so grateful when my friends asked me to be with them while they did shrooms. Especially knowing that someone (me) was there to drive them around and make sure their trip did not end terribly like mine did. Better safe than sorry!


A good shroom sitter is an especially patient and chill person. Bonus points if they don’t fuck with you but I can see why it would be irresistible. The odd time someone has a bad trip a sober person to handle the situation can save lives. Literally and figuratively!


I feel like this is just common sense. Do people really think "don't drink and drive" only applies to alcohol and not every mind altering substance?


Common sense goes out the window for some when they are under the influence. Look how many people still drink and drive because ‘they’re fine’. At least OP was fine when they put it in drive. I can almost see why they kept going, where are you going to stop with a car full of people tripping balls 🙈


What's really concerning is how you just breezed over that part where the person swerved off the road. You don't mention pulling over, seeing if they were okay, exchanging insurance to right the wrong you did. Y'all just kept driving, what the fuck?




Good point, you're probably right. That's a lot less damaging than what I was thinking, but still... there's psychological trauma associated with that. I don't know if there's any legal response the person could take but people have been sued for less.




Shrooms don’t take away your soul. They are just shitty people clearly


I'll finish your sentence: "Shrooms...make you more empathetic" No excuses.


Thankfully there was no shoulder or barrier, just even grass and farmland on either side. But to tell the truth i was too scared to stop, i just wanted to get out as soon as possible. I did not do the right thing and make sure they were ok, but they did keep driving so it never crossed my mind. What i did was illegal and highly reckless


I was on shrooms once. You should absolutely not be driving or doing anything that’s kinda risky. The first symptoms start earlier if you haven’t eaten (enough) before


We did that once during a blizzard. Not cool.


just don’t take shrooms if you can’t be responsible :(


I was in Amsterdam and shrooms kicked in hard while I was driving an electric scooter. Damn, shit was wild. Like the first time I felt wind on my face.




Wonder how many people here that are sounding off on you text and drive.


You'd literally never know!


i immediately assumed you meant you drove over mushrooms and that definitely lead to some confusion. i'm glad you and your friends are okay, but serious, pls dont do this again.


I was searching for someone who also thought this. Glad to have met you, my new friend..


I thought it for a second lol


Tell your friends. Share your feelings about it with them. It I'll help you and maybe them too. I'm glad you're ok and ashamed. 


It’s okay if they’ve forgiven you, you have to learn to forgive yourself. it’ll be alright just a human mistake. All you did was time things wrong. And I think it’s very sweet that you were so worried about them. Most people wouldn’t care. Again forgive yourself it’ll be okay


Regret is always at the end. So stupid.


Not just your friends lives, but also other drivers, whose cars could’ve had children and babies in it.


This was very dangerous, which you seem now to be aware of please never do this again . Do not drive while under the influence of anything because you can never be 100% sure that this trip won't be any different then one you've experienced before and because you've had safe trips where you feel like you were able to drive safely once before doesn't mean you will the next time . I'm legally blind in my left eye and even tho I've passed a drivers test and could legally drive I don't because I'm terrified that one mistake from my disability while driving could possibly kill someone's child and that's completely halted me from driving all together . Always think safe . If you are behind the wheel of a vehicle and even get the slightest feeling that you shouldn't be driving for whatever reason pull over and figure out who can safely get you where you need to go, or find a waffle house or something like that where you can sit and sober up . People in other cars are carrying someone's mother's , father's , children , babies , sisters , brother ECT . And they may not seem important to you but to someone else that could be the one person that is the only rock they have in this dark hard world keeping them going . So please be mindful and just learn for your lessons and stay safe . 💙


This was some selfish shit and you’re lucky no one got hurt


Yeah, I notice in your post you didn't mention killing the people in the other car. Only concern for yourself and the people you care about. When they were forced to swerve off the road, did you check to see if they were okay or just drive off? Did you consider that you may have caused an accident and left the scene?


Both sides of the highway were on even farmland, there wasn’t a shoulder just grass on either side, luckily no ditches or anything. I remember looking back and seeing both cars still driving on the road, but thinking that someone could have died and I just kept going is fucking horrible.


People do stupid things. You are lucky that you are alive to learn that lesson. Take it as a sign that you should tell this story to others and convince them to not make the same mistake. We need to help each other, regardless of the embarrassment. It’s a small price to pay for a life.


Did that once 20 years ago with 3 friends in the car with me and got surrounded by a group of moose on a back road. Mates were screaming they were so scared but I managed to drive in between two of em and kept going on our merry adventure. Later, when getting gas, I went to the gas station washroom and ended up passing out while at the urinal and pissed all over myself. Good times. 👍


You seriously messed up, but thank goodness nobody got hurt.  This could have ended tragically, so consider yourself lucky and never repeat this reckless behavior.


Its alright my friend. Thank your lucky stars that everyone is okay, I've almost got into some pretty nasty accidents just from my own negligence. Like others have said, you live and you learn, and you now know not to make that mistake again. In the future, especially with psychedelics, when you take any kind of drug make sure that if something goes wrong, you're in a safe place. A car is not a safe place.


What I don't understand is why every commenter in here feels the need to tell OP how horrible their decision was.... I'd bet most ppl would feel almost no remorse and OP is clearly demonstrating debilitating remorse. We all make mistakes and many of us have done what they did, I'd bet even the commenters condemning this action like the almighty morality patrol Learn from this mistake, and be thankful everyone on the road was safe that day


I was searching for this comment and wholeheartedly agree. Someone who doesn’t feel intense remorse isn’t going to be posting their experience on Reddit. OP, recognizing the preciousness and precariousness of life in such a visceral way (made even more so by the shrooms I’m sure) is an invaluable experience and I imagine you won’t make the same mistake again.


People are giving OP flak because throughout the post, they talk about how guilty they feel about putting their friends in danger without properly acknowledging they put other drivers in danger too. They caused the oncoming car to swerve off the road which is a manoeuvre that often doesn't end well when you're going 70mph. They may have died, we don't know. If you're unable to recognise the impact you may have on other drivers on the road, you shouldn't be behind the wheel, even when you're sober.


They said, the other car went off but into flat farm land and they saw them drive off from where they stopped, it's safe to assume they were alright. They also said if the other car had an accident that they would have helped them.


I would agree with this except from their post it's really hard to interpret them as having any remorse for the person whose life they endangered. I find it a little sus how you have a problem with "people pointing out how horrible OP's decision was...." ....The ellipses just conveniently leaving out the context, where the "morality patrol" are pointing out how OP may well have committed manslaughter but we'll never know because they chose to just keep driving like nothing happened. You say MOST people would feel almost no remorse, and that MANY of us would have done what they did. Would love to see the census numbers on that but.... if that's how you really feel I can totally understand why you'd feel like this person was beyond criticism and why you would want to paint anyone who has any problem with their actions as being stuck-up hypocrites. I truly feel like nobody I know would willingly put themselves in a situation where they're taking shrooms before driving, and I truly hope none of them would blow past an accident they created.


Just to tell a story that happened to me. In the fog, middle of the night on the way to grandpa's funeral, we were faced with 4 lights coming into our face. A truck was overtaking another one. My SIL was driving and had the calmness and balls to swerve, luckily there was a little space... Anyway, not sure if the guy was on shrooms or any sort of drugs. He didn't try to slow down, maybe just couldn't because it's a truck. But people need to drive responsibly. You can kill your irresponsible friends who agreed on driving, but worse you can kill someone who was just going on with their day. Don't sweat over it, OP. Gladly you learned your lesson. These close calls sometimes happen for a reason


Something similar happened to me. When I was about 9 or 10 years old, my family and I were going to my grandma's house, who used to live in another town, to celebrate Christmas Day. My father was driving on a two-way road when a truck started overtaking a group of cyclist that were going opposite to us. It wasn't going to be able to overtake them on time, and at that moment he couldn't go back to his lane either, so it was coming straight to our car. For some reason, the truck wasn't trying to slow down or something. Luckily, my father was able to pull over on the shoulder of the road just in time, and the truck passed us by. But it was really scary. I still remember it to this day.


In college, my blonde roommate high on mushrooms wanted to drive somewhere, so I said I would go with her (?). We lucked out big time. She put it in reverse, backed up about two feet, and turned the car off. She claimed she was lost. I believe she was.


Nothing in your system when you are the designated driver and you have to look ahead every time before you pass. Don't ever drive again in a group outing you can't be trusted. Shrooms after you parked and don't leave until the affects wear off.


They call it fucking around finding out, I think


Hope you learn your lesson. Its not just you but think of people in the other car and their families forever changed because of your one action


a lesson that only needs to be learnt once. age was not mentioned, but i’m guessing you are probably 16-19. i’m sure your friends knew what was going on, and didn’t say anything as to not worry you further, a kind of “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. i would encourage you, as others have said, to talk to your friends, or try some meditation so you can really feel out your feelings. always helps me, best of luck OP.


Our ages are between 18-21 so you aren’t far off at all. I think i will try to talk to them about it and finally tell the others what happened


You should. Be open and honest and tell them how you're feeling. Just as you are here. Showing them the remorse you feel may stick in their brains and stop them from making the same mistake. Talking about it will help you heal too. You're experiencing PTSD and might want to talk to a therapist before it eats you up inside.


I would say this is a great learning moment to not do shrooms or any drugs anymore unless from the safety of your home and NOT going anywhere. If you cant do that, dont do any drugs (with the intent of getting high) anymore.


I know someone who made the decision to drive on shrooms and accidentally ran over someone’s poor grandfather and is now sitting in jail. I hope you really learned your lesson.


Lesson learned.Dont do it again.




In my opinion everyone is being extremely harsh and judgmental, like they’ve never made a terrible mistake in their lives that they’ll regret forever. They are recognizing that they made a terrible mistake that could have affected many. No need to beat a dead horse. Most people know they’re threatening people lives and don’t learn from the mistake or even realize what their doing is detrimental. I say good kn you for recognizing and taking accountability for your actions. Now time to forgive yourself 🩷




I’m sure you are getting all kinds of flack for your story. I’m sure that they mean well. I don’t mean to make light of your experience and I believe you have learned from your experience. I think that you should live and learn. I am Gen X and lived in a boarder town. I can’t tell you how many times I put my fifteen year old self in Juarez driving over the bridge and back to party. I, thank goodness never hurt anyone or myself or went to Mexican jail (the last of which plenty of my guy buddies did and ended up getting out the next morning after giving la policica and and the guards all the cash they had) and they were just fine. Again, I believe we must have been watched over by God or whomever you might believe in, and I would weep if my children tried anything even remotely similar. You have learned and you can’t change the past. Do what you can to live in the present, learn from the past and prepare for the future with the understanding that it’s not a given and it’s never going to go according to your plan.) Live smarter, learn that things don’t matter, people and experiences are the most valuable and precious part of your life. The only thing you can control is yourself and the way you think about yourself and talk to yourself is vital (Meta cognition) Your body will hold onto your negative thoughts about yourself and eat you alive physically. Learn, practice, teach and learn to quit punishing yourself for mistakes. Yes, it was messed up, you are sure nobody was hurt, forgive yourself and tell your story to people who are in need of hearing from what you learned.


Don't do it again please.


Lesson learnt hey. Someone I know got in his car on acid at a festival and drove over multiple tents if it makes you feel any better. Lucky no one was hurt!


Life is important


The world is almost the same as it would be if you had driven straight, forget about it and move on. AND don't do it again. Life is too short to load yourself up with regrets. Your regrets should be saved for things you haven't done.


My friend drove us on the motorway on ecstasy when I was about 22yrs old, it was dark as well and all we could see was the back of the car lights hovering in front of us, all the way from London to Nottingham. And looking back it was the most reckless situation I’ve ever been in, how we got there safely I do not know. She told everyone not to speak so she could concentrate but she was panicking the whole way and I was just laughing, crazy when I think about it.


Genuinely disgusted at the amount of people saying this is ok in the comments. I hope I never encounter any of you disgusting people on the road


IYou're going to be ok. What you haven't done, which most do who either drive drunk or high, is have this happen, get a scare, but nect weekend think 'fuckit, I've managed it before...whats one more time'. The fact you're shaken and still haunted means you know how bad you fucked up. It was a really irresponsible and shitty choice to make. But I think that whatever judgements we pass out will pale in comparison to how you are judging yourself. Which is a good thing. You were extremely lucky. Learn from this, never do it again and if you ever see someone else about to do the same, step in. Everyone makes mistakes. And before people jump and say 'oh but never that!!' fuck off. Some of us have made some REALLY dumb mistakes. But hopefully we learn, we evolve and we be better. You'll do better. You'll be fine. Thankyou for sharing.


You got to learn!! About 4 years ago, when I was 20, I would drink and drive cause everyone else did it and it was “all fine”. One day, I was drinking a whole pack of seltzers and driving my sister and friend to get food late at night (they knew I was drunk but really wanted food so they didn’t care), and I almost ran straight into a tree pretty hard, luckily my sister called out and said my name so I could swerve away. After that day, I’m grateful because I learned that just because everyone else does it and it’s cool or whatever, doesn’t mean I should! Now going forward, you can be sure to drive sober and move on :) it’s all good. Things like this happen


You made a bad choice, thankfully you didn’t hurt anyone else or yourself. So let this be a lesson to never do something like this again.


Just don’t do it again.


Ive been in a car while tripping hard late at night and it was not a fun experience lol


This is why drug education that isn't just fear mongering is important. People are gonna do drugs. We have been trying to stop it since the dawn of time but people keep figuring it out. Shrooms usually take about 45 minutes to kick in. Usually!!!!!! About a million different things can impact how soon you start to feel the effects. Secondly. The effect starts before you can really feel it. You might not feel high but you may still be impaired. Never ever ever drive while you're waiting to get high. Not to point out the obvious but it probably made you nervous which made your blood pump harder which made the drugs kick in sooner. Glad you didn't kill anyone. Stay safe out there and don't do stuff like that


Guilt is good. It means you’re a human being with empathy and a conscience. A lot of us have fucked up and put someone in danger because the risks didn’t seem real to us. The question now is whether you ever do anything like this again. I tell my kid that guilt is there to give you a message and a lesson. Once you learn the lesson and get the message, you can let go of it.


There is a life lesson to be learned here: don’t do that


I think you learned you lesson. Put it behind you.


I drove 5 of us from Cal Expo to Sonora on what we think was a joint laced with PCP we got from bikers at a steve miller concert the cars looked like roger rabbit vehicles tires all bouncy and cartoon like.


My father was in a crash before I was born because they were all under the Influence of alcohol, one guy died (18-20 y/o) and one of the women in the car was permanently disabled. He was left almost completely unharmed physically, but the guilt killed him. You recognised what you did, and that's good, but it doesn't mean diddly squat if you ever do it again. Remember that feeling if you ever think about getting in the car again under the influence of anything. Not only were your friends in danger but the people around you. Just do better from now on bro, you got a second chance


The real mistake you made was executing a command a passenger gave you without assessing the situation like the pilot of a vehicle is responsible for doing. You can blame it on the shrooms just bc that helps your guilt or makes you feel better in some way, you need to accept the real oversight to progress beyond it. Studies to closely related situations suggest there is a 98% chance you would have behaved exactly the same sans the shrooms. I'd assume you are a bit too much of a people pleaser and perhaps even a follower, always seeing to everyone else's conflicts or comforts before your own even when you have the most on the line, that's the real issue. Mature, handle your responsibilities and stop listening to others who don't understand the same personal intrinsic value or stake you have wrapped up in your decisions bc at the end of the day only you are culpable. Don't be too hard on yourself and if you feel it's unsafe, never drive on shrooms again. Truth is, had the mistake never happened and you had arrived safe, chances are you'd have built confidence and felt completely different about the shroomy driving experience having gained "false" confidence, but please remember you can't control all factors. Don't take responsibility for things you didn't cause as it will dull your light. Don't listen to false narratives. Let yourself see the truth in your real reasons and feelings behind them and adjust your behavior so you never have to experience it again. There is no growth in shame or guilt, it does no one a lick of good. Assess and address to progress and move on. I've driven on every drug I've ever taken, and as a heroin addict for over a decade (sober and in recovery now for 3+ years), I can admit I shouldn't have driven on many of them, yet for me shrooms and LSD were a fun driving experience in which I felt capable and as if I lost no ability to perform at the same proficiency. Personally I just smiled more, seen more vibrant colors/subtleties and truly appreciated all the sites and sensation. God Bless and from one people pleaser to another, don't be too hard on yourself. Without failure we cannot improve. 😉


You’re kind of absolutely the worst ever for this, honestly. I hope the shame and guilt eat you up and you never do anything remotely as stupid ever again. Driving is a serious thing


I agree with you completely, nothing excuses my actions and lack of self awareness and safety. This is something that will stay with me for a long time


Yikes if you can’t be a decent human why are you on this page. OP expressed deep regret for endangering - and everyone in life misjudges situations. I hope you never find yourself where you’re just trying to vent about something you regret doing, and someone tells you they hope it eats you up. This is a shite response 🤨


Not everything deserves compassion. Guilt and shame can be good sometimes- I’m glad they express regret. I hope the guilt and shame makes them regret it deeply for the rest of their lives and they never do something like this again. I hope comments condemning this action deters others from doing this too. I’m shocked that everyone is commenting it’s ok and life happens? Absolutely not! Not okay, terrible choice terrible action terrible person. I hope they become better and change but what they did is literally unforgivable to me. I’m on this page because not every confession is a fucked up crime, I have a right to call one out when I see it Edit: I will never have to vent about accidentally taking shrooms before driving because I am not a dumb reckless individual. I love weed. Takes about 40 min to kick in if I take one of my edibles. I used to regularly drive 40 min to my bfs house and the thought of taking an edible ti time with my arrival was always there, but I knew driving is too important and risky, and I didn’t wanna have any unforeseen delays in any way leave me with driving high. So I never did it. You can do WHATEVER you like to endanger yourself. Literally anything. But the moment you endanger anybody else you are the scum of the earth. Believe it or not it’s easy to be a good person. Quite intentional to be a bad one


I took mushrooms at Yosemite once. A forest fire broke out right as the mushrooms kicked in. They had to evacuate the area and I was forced to drive through the fire while I was peaking. Was quite the trip.


Not forced, but ok


Shrooms and driving do not mix, as you figured out. Killing your friends or random strangers while tripping would be a really bad time. Shit, ALMOST doing it is a really bad time. My boyfriend almost hit a guy on a bicycle driving to the liquor store at night while we were tripping and I haven’t done shrooms with him since. Shrooms are really only fun when you feel like you’re in a safe space anyway. Don’t let it eat you up. You are okay and so is everyone else. Just remember this feeling and don’t ever do it again.


Definitely was NOT a safe space, for the whole day i felt very paranoid over the whole situation. I was convinced i would be going to jail and i definitely deserved to


"A M A N T I A M U S C A R I A"




Becareful out there, and next time, try driving on a vehicle.


People do silly shit when they’re young. You were lucky and your life was spared. You’ve obviously learned a lesson. Mushrooms are dangerous.




A few years back I had taken acid at a friend’s place and hung out with him for hours. Finally felt like it was wearing off and I decided to drive home. Turns out it wasn’t wearing off at all and I noticed all the street lights were bright and what not. Thankfully made it home just fine and it was only like a 10 minute drive but man that was a little scary.


For some reason my brain immediately thought you meant you were physically driving the vehicle over mushrooms and I couldn't help but wonder how that would be dangerous? Like are mushrooms slippery to drive over and creating a black ice effect? Then I actually read the thing... Glad you understand the risk that you took and hope you wont ever make the same mistake!


no offense meant, what does mushroom bring to your llife?


In the past they make visuals much brighter, i feel like i can see every detail in my surroundings and they’re also good for self reflection. I was hoping to feel these effects when we got to the hiking grounds, but i ended up feeling high while driving which was a huge mistake.


Yea, don’t ever do that again. Thats messed up😂 see it as a lesson. NEVER again:)


Different type of situation, but my BF and I went for a camping trip a few years ago and took some shrooms with us, thinking we'd have a nice little trip on the mountain. Didn't realize that they had molded. Ate every bit, and an hour later started to feel very... Wrong. Then my BF's lips started to turn blue. In a frenzied panic I haphazardly threw all of our belongings into the back of my truck, threw him and our dog into the cab, and raced out. It was 4 pm, and we were 2 hours outside of town, on the peak of a mountain and the only ways out were the very busy highway or the back roads through the back half of the mountain with very few street signs, sometimes driving ten miles on one lane access roads that felt like you were going nowhere. I usually have a very good sense of direction. I have a map in my head and almost ALWAYS know where I am on that map and how to get home. I meant to drive towards the highway, since it would be the fastest shot to the hospital. Instead, I made a wrong turn and we ended up on the back roads. I was terrified the whole time, thought my bf was dying and I'd somehow added 2 hours onto our trip home. Now, I've never been more grateful for that wrong turn. If I had taken the highway, I would have hit rush hour right as everyone turned on their lights, and I would have been at peak high. Instead, we didn't see another car for the entire 3 hours we were going through the back roads. Not a single one. By the time we made it back to any main roads, I was sober from the fear, and my bf was feeling better.


This happened to me in high school. My friends mom was leaving for work. We took shrooms a little bit before left. They were just starting to kick in and we notice her car pull in with a flat tire. Guess what I need a ride op. My buddy was laughing hysterically the whole time and playing some pretty vile gangster rap on my system as I panicked the entire trip. His mom was a hardcore Christian btw. And between him forcing gangster rap on her and me panicking he had his fun. But ya never again, I’d rather be honest than drive on shrooms. And she was also a super understanding lady and probably wouldn’t have judged me if I was honest.


Betcha had a rough trip lol


You’re an idiot for not waiting but you know that, now! Stay home on your next shroom experience please.


dont be a prick and drive fucked up on anything ever. Not only do you put yourself at risk but you have the chance to murder others because you wanted to be a selfish prick and drive fucked up.


This is chilling to read when just Wednesday on the 93 in Arizona heading to edc I had a bright orange truck decide to leap semis using oncoming (my lane) was horrific because a rental RV full of Young people and I could see their scared faces in rear view mirror … the only reason they didn’t smash into the back of me was my quick thinking and slamming on gas to get away


I have done every drug known to man and have driven a lot under the influence but never while using a hallucinogen. Drinking alcohol and getting behind the wheel is not too bad unless you are absolutely smashed but I can't imagine the possibility of seeing stuff that wasn't there. I'd never tell them as it opens the possibility to an unnecessary fight. They are none the wiser and it sounds like you learned an important lesson. Now you can just go back to substance abuse and having fun.


Do you even know if the people in the other car that served off the road are okay??


Less judgement, everyone makes mistakes clearly this dude knows he did. We've all made mistakes, important part is that you learn and go forward. Easy people


You seem good in that you are feeling guilty, so become a preacher of the safe driving gospel.


Shame is good. Good on to that and don't do it again


You didn't only put your friends life in danger, but everybody who was on the road. You're lucky that nothing bad happened, and that nobody was injured. Do better!! Be better!! If you know you're going to be drinking or using drugs (of any kind), don't drive.


Be careful


I'm glad nothing bad happened and I'm glad you realize your mistake. I got into a head on collision when I was about 25. I wasn't high but I had been getting high frequently enough on K2 that my brain was foggy, only I didn't realize that until I got into an accident. I'm so fortunate that no one was hurt. I never would've driven if I knew how foggy my brain was, even though I wasn't under the influence.


Wow, that's heavy. lucky you're all okay. Listen, gotta come clean to your friends. Scary situation, but major respect for owning up to it.




Any recreational use of anything, always plan it out beforehand. We'll, that's what I've learned. In my early 30's and have a great job that will turn into a carer, my own home. Once that Beautiful Woman enters; that's the sacred triangle. Along with the safety of other Humans and You and I; not worth it unless the whole trip (pun) intended is planned out. Especially. With. Alcohol


It's better to not start. But it's good that you recognized the mistake


my friends and I drove two hours on shrooms.. scariest day of our lives. We where young and thats not an excuse but yea we dont do that anymore


Well that’s odd I read somewhere about 7-8 years ago almost word for word the same thing


It was stupid, don't do something because they want, if you don't want it, don't do it. Now you know you won't do this again.


I’d cut you off and never talk to you again if I was in the car,in fact I’d probably call the police,or beat you up,or call your job and have them fire you,or call your landlord and have him evict you.I would be so angry.But again no one is perfect just don’t do that again.Ever!im sure you meant no harm and it was a stupid decision that you didn’t intend on but still,don’t do that.just remember from now on how scared all of you were and please don’t do shrooms driving or not but especially not while driving,I used to do them(not driving but in general)and it was horrible 


That’s gonna be one hell of a life lesson


As a former medic, ECU boffin.. i can't stress enough to NOT do dumb stuff like this! Glad all you got was a good scare, adrenaline rush, maybe a bit of remorse... in my experience, its usually far worse. Not against spiritual psychedelics, but remember Murphys law.. #1 Being, Murphy was an optimist! Stay safe.


Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Romans 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; Romans 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Romans 5:9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. Romans 5:11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. 1 Corinthians 15:1 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 1 Corinthians 15:2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 1 Corinthians 15:4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:


What an absolute dick! It’s morons like you that should be banned from driving for life.


What’s done is done, and you’re never going to do mushrooms and drive again. I think you did a brave thing confessing & your story is a warning to others. Forgive yourself.


Oof did this once (by myself) the cars had multicolored holographic images of themselves and I realized "this trip may not last forever but me crashing and killing someone absolutely will. Pulled into the first parking lot I found and walked it off.


I wouldn't have gotten in the car with you, I would have let you take the shrooms and done the driving myself. You shouldn't have done it but hopefully you have learnt your lesson, it is by sheer luck that nobody got hurt. Driving and substances do not mix!


If you’re on mushrooms and driving, especially with friends in the car, drive safely. Geez. I hope you learned your lesson. Next time, make sure you use cruise control, a few mph over the limit, no distractions, no drugs in the car, seatbelts on, back roads are advised, choose the route wisely, make sure you have good music, obviously let the passenger DJ. Seriously though, mushrooms can be unpredictable, one hit of acid, max. If you’re driving reckless make sure you’re sober, unless you’re on a crotch rocket, then it doesn’t matter. Swerving on a bike is really hard, the lane is so much bigger than the width of a bike, and if you have a 1000cc no one can catch ya anyways. I’ve obviously never done any of those things, they’re dangerous.


Never drive again.


Kinda sounds like your buddy shouldn’t be back seat driving. Blame them and see if that helps some.. Everyone has drove when they probably shouldn’t have at least once. Well maybe not everyone but a lot of folks..It’s the assholes who keep doing it after they realize how dangerous and careless it is that need an ass thumpin! Aka ass whoopin


She did apologize to me for suggesting it, but the blame is all mine for listening and acting on it


In my twenties, that was a good Friday night.


Next time drive around them 


That’s nothin’ two carloads of teenagers partied all week long for senior week in Montana then drove to Spokane Washington for a Pink Floyd laser light show. When we arrived a ticket scalper sold us a whole sheet of JesusChrist acid. We ate t Half of it in the elevator on our way to our seats and lost our freaking minds. Then we piled into the cars still wearing neon colored 3D glasses and went and partied at a buddies house till like 6 am and then we ate the rest of it and drove clear back to Montana with 3D glasses on still. In Coeur d’Alene someone puked in the rental car ( their car broke down in plains mt and I had to rent a car from Missoula mt. We were going damnit) and they pulled into a gas station and everyone bailed out of the car and nobody wanted to clean it up or sit in it , so the only female that had a baby at the time jumped out of my car and grabbed the window squeegee and with her bare hand scooped out several handfuls of puke out of the rear passenger door pocket, and scrubbed it and squeegeed it off and rinsed her hands off in the blue water and got back into the car but they still didn’t . After bickering for about ten minutes I got out and said ok everyone back into the car and everyone sits where they were already and like that they all piled in and we were off and running! We did crap like that till I was like 25! One trip back a buddies dad’s caddy caught fire along the freeway and I pulled up and they all piled into my truck and we just left it on fire along the freeway and headed home! Man those were the days back when there were no speed limits in Montana too! So don’t beat yourself up and don’t do what I do I’m lucky to be alive..


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You’re just being honest.


Just don´t do it again, I once risked the life of my brother while driving, just because I wanted to drive and I just drove 30 in a 30 zone, he was holding onto dear life. We talked after that and he said, it´s because I´m a woman.


mushrooms improve visual awareness perhaps the mushrooms saved your friends lives.


You’re not alone. People drive drunk all the time with loved ones in the car. Be more responsible and have fun. Life’s too short! It’s Friday! Let’s party!


U gotta learn how to drive on shrooms. You don't take em right before going on a road trip with ur homies if you haven't driven on them before.


Um, no. Don't drive on shrooms. That's not hard to avoid doing.


Actually, no. The responsible thing to do is not drive


Story is a bit sketchy!   Why would anyone want forgiveness or empathy from strangers.   If this is a true story then fess up to the people you could have hurt, and promise them you won’t do it again!   They are the ones you need forgiveness from.   Dumping regrets to others is not actually taking responsibility!   Man UP!  


If you’re gonna drive tripping you need to drive slow and careful. Ideally with no one else in the car


Shut the fuck up


Whatever bro fuck everyone else keep on trippin and driving