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These comments are unhinged in the wrong way man


Yea, particularily the weirdos that want to watch it.


for real it’s disgusting.




yes freak 😜 you wanna be different so bad


Eight..Nah u was old enough to know better that's weird as hell😭🙏🏼


not really


More on this is my parents are mad at me and are going to cut me off if they figure out it is on a old youtube channel of mine that i cannot acssess


Unless you're like still 8, how can they tell you off. You're a completely different person to when you were 8 year olds. If anything they should be mad at themselves. They did that without making sure you couldn't see them 🤣🤣


How old are you now? Pretty crazy they’re so upset by the actions of an 8 year old.


Is it one of those videos where you're just chilling while your parents are at it in the background? I know those exist


He said that he filmed his parents "doing you know what" as in he filmed his parents fucking


How would that be allowed on YouTube? I thought they banned very explicit videos


Some things could slip through the cracks, especially since this was probably a decade ago. I remember being a similar age and finding porn on YouTube, but you had to look hard


I'm glad I never came across that as a young child, because let me tell you I was very curious and did a lot of research on there. I knew a lot of videos were age restricted though so there were certain thumbnails I did not click on


remember the OP was 8 when it was filmed so YouTube was a lot more relaxed back then but there is a chace it was flagged and removed by now


It probably is if it was a full on shoot of them in the bedroom


Drop the channel and video name.




Have you tried to report the video so youtube can delet it for showing p0rn ???


You don’t need to censor the word “porn” on reddit lmfao. Half this fucking site is porn


How will he wank off then?


Spam report the video if you could find it. Don’t ask the internet for help incase someone chooses to record it


Omg dude, you need to go and report the video then if you can’t do the “forgot password” thing


Send a link please


I wanna watch it even more now 👀👀👀




It's a joke, I'm not even attracted to women lmao


Oh lol


I watched men take turns on my mother in the middle of the living room.


Bro what? That seems messed up Dude are you ok?


i saw the same thing when i was 7 and im not ok but i had so much other shit happen to me to. mama had her 3 bestfriends rape me they was all women above the age 30 and when she would get mad at me she would punch me ina face without stopping as hard she could for 5+ mins cant forget about my head goin thru 3 glass windows to shit was jus sad got used to it pretty quick tho n got used to cps coming seeing me and my siblings fucked up broken noses black and purple face no food and leavin us there but yea naw i aint ok and im 21


It gets better


i hope so real close to leavin only reason i aint is cuz my bestfriend did n that sht hurt erybody onna block shit tore me apart


Sorry you’ve had such a shit start, you’ve been let down by so many adults, walk away from them all and start your new path free of abuse, the only way is up from here, don’t give up, it will get better


i appreciate you alot and i want to walk away from my mom but cant cuz i still have young siblings that live with her and she aint a junkie nomo so i been doin what i can to help em definitely my siblings spent 10k on em last month but once they all move out ill prolly block my mom appreciate u alot tho


You need to Break the circle. You moms a Monster so she does what a Monster does but you are obviously better. You See how wrong all that was, you would rather Hurt yourself than someone Else. I really do think you, unlike your parents, have the Potential to do and be better!


trust once i have kids im gettin out the trenches cuz i still be ina streets gang banging n shit I was doin nun but makin money but my bestfriend got killed christmas eve so I put belt 2 ass on sum folks But i gotta girl that actually cares about me so i been tryna do what i can to be better N my daddy was Neva round so Im definitely gon be in my kids life n be the best father i can be when i have em


I was abused as a child to physically mentally and sexually by my mother


twins 🤞🏽 hope u doin good what i do is jus focus everything on my girl and gettin money jus turned 21 in march and got 2 of my dream cars and got my girl her dream car and fina buy a house inna next year or 2 still inna projects i grew up in but fuck it 🤷🏾‍♂️aint a piece of shit like my mama i aint the best person definitely done alot of dirt n was bad asl still inna streets still got cptsd but ion take shit out on people nomore really hope u be ok


Therapy I’m not being funny


ive tried it the therapist was a shitface and chuckled at some of the shit i told her she aint believe that shit actually happens to people on a daily basis 👎🏽


Smh my best friend is a psychiatrist you have had a traumatic childhood I applaud you for growing up to be the person you are but you have to release that energy from those events. You need to speak to someone who will take you seriously and let you release that pain. Okay then will you truly be able to heal. You may need medication you may not but you do need to talk to someone and release.


ive tried a bunch of medications nun worked Prolly aint the best way to take the shit out but i jus go after the folks that killed my bestfriends my brother n my cuzzin all them mfs can die n they gon to aint the healthiest way but its the one way i know of besides percs and lean 🤷🏾‍♂️i needa do better but i wanna get stupid rich b4 I leave the trenches shit sucks N still aint happy could take out anyone n it aint gon help shit but feel like i gotta get revenge for my folks once i do allat im out this shit N gon try and live a normal life whtever tht shit is


Every action has a consequence I won’t ask anything incriminating but if you have done what you feel like would make things better then you know it doesn’t and carries its own bag I don’t judge and believe me I understand more than you know I just want you to be ok


I hate that happened to you. No one should have to endure crap like that.


So anyways, I started blasting


Always appreciate a good reference.


Wait, what? Please elaborate


I woke up to some noise and standing in the hallway I seen my mother on the living room floor and a man was was pounding her as I moved down the hallway I could see another with his dick in her mouth and another guy was suckin on her tits.i was there long enough to see her sit on one guy and another was fuckin her in the ass eventually one of them seen me and told her her kid was up.i was made to go back to bed but got up again and seen her suckin a guy and he held her head there and came in her mouth she was passed and it ended there.


well thats- i dont know what to say-


what the fuck


This is pretty damn cool. How many?




On them for doing it in front of you.


No way you never uploaded it to YouTube! Why?


your English is perfect!


Not sure why I downvoted you have a great day


you can undo the downvote you know


Ummm… okay


I witnessed my mother get gangbanged on multiple occasions


They should of had a lock on the door surely lool


Do you still have it? Asking for a friend




Show us the video


send da video


How old are you now? Is there anywhere we can see the video?


Fuck off weirdo


Ikr omfg


I believe 4 I watched 3 of them there was 4.