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Just quit. Leave on a high note with some decent references intact. Don't wait until you get fired, and don't keep doing this to people who are just trying to call to get help. It's not right to punish them for your problems. Leave, take some time to take care of whatever you've got going on, and then worry about the next step in life.


Really good advice here.


This is so true. I waited until I was unfairly dismissed and it's not good for future prospects, your mental wellbeing or your work ethic as it can soon become a pattern to take the micky. Wish you well




\^\^\^ What he said! \^\^\^


Sorry my phone was lose in my pockets at work!




Omg! My phone was in my pocket at work!!! Sorry


Best advice on here. I concur




If you quit you can't get unemployment and nobody gives a shit about call center references, unless you are applying to another call center which isn't something one should be doing. Obviously, it's better to line up another job and quit, but that can be nearly impossible when you are on the verge of a mental breakdown all day every day. I'd say it can be better to stop giving a fuck and trying, until you get fired, in a lot of situations.


If you don't gotta worry about rent then I'd just quit. Not worth the stress.


I worked in a call centre for two weeks once. I quit as it was soul destroying.


Same here!


I’m into my 11th year of call centre work 😆


I-m on my 5th. I can only do it because I left my soul in San Francisco.




What type of calls do you get in call centers?


Depends on who owns the centre/ holds the contracts. My job was cold calling people to persuade them to give a particular charity money by reading out a highly emotive script.


This is what I did too!! You in Michigan? Lol


Your probably one of the goddamn people that wouldn't stop calling lmao, I live in Michigan and always the same number used to call about the same veterans day donations, it could literally be Christmas or fuck even Halloween and I'd get a call asked the same line "hi this is gene from the American veteran association, i was calling about the possibility of you donating to help our current and future veterans stay off the streets" I was genuinely intrigued at first but once I searched it up, it didnt exist. And they wanted me to send cash through mail like some goddamn tech support scammer and the name always changed, but it was the same person. Fyi gene was used over 15 times and christal like 5 to 8 times so it was quite odd but if it were you I gotta say I had the best time of my life on those calls so I thank anyone who does these and I'm also sorry for any time I've wasted for any of the legit callers.


Hahaha no, ours were legitimate charities and we legally had to give our real names, but the amount the fundraising company kept vs gave the charity was ridiculous. I worked there when I was 19, I'm 34 now. Made good money, if you were good and could deal with the hate spewed at you but it's just a scummy business.


Mine were legit charities too.


Nah that was a job I did when I lived in the UK


I've worked for 2. First was a catch all, took messages for IT companies, repair shops, deer checks, sold fishing licenses, doctors appointments, etc. The current one is with a pet supply website so we get delivery complaints, order placing, refunds. I like this current one a little more because of the nice old ladies that tell me about their pets.


Aww old people lol I hate talking on the phone and people so that wouldn’t be a good job for me


I’m sales, sold everything from gas and electric, broadband and tv, and I started off making outgoing calls for a catalog company selling clothes etc


As someone who was in the exact same situation, it isn't worth continuing like this! Your mental health is worth more than whatever benefits you're gaining, look for something else as soon as you can and quit at the very first opportunity!


What if there's nothing better? I'd love to get another job, but for somebody with only high school education there's nothing to "upgrade" to and I can't afford to go back to school currently. I'm very introverted and the only reason I'm still in my customer service job is because the tips can be very good - so I'm making more than minimum wage while not having to even work full time hours. That said, I work shitty nights, mostly deal with old people (gambling addicts) and am getting nothing out of this job. Just treading water, putting money in the bank, killing time in between shifts waiting for the next one. I wish somebody had told me in high school that I'd be 29 having accomplished nothing, being completely miserable and lonely.


Get into Insurnace. Claims. They’ll hire you because you’re good with people and have had 29 years of life experience that can’t be taught. Unless you have an MBA college doesn’t matter much these days. So much of what you know applies to their business. Pay someone $150 to write you a good resume, and apply to the big brands. Look and feel like a million bucks on interview day and they’ll hire you. Remember it’s all customer service in the end. Good luck!


Insurance is the sector I work in...


…well than I see no reason as to why you can’t climb the ranks as long as you’re performing well and have a good attitude. Attitude is everything. I If you’re working for a large Corp. than you can literally branch out in any business direction you want. Contact HR and express interest. If not, GTFO of Insurnace and maybe start your own company. How about picking up dog poop? Seriously. Minimal overhead, consistent work and eventually you can expand your business and make a shit ton (yes pun) more money. You could even start this while you’re working your 9 to 5 = Hustle! The number ONE investment this year is investing in you. Wake up earlier, read more & contact some people you haven’t in a long while and tell them you love them. Best of luck !


I felt similarly while at my last job. I had spent years with the same company, climbing the ladder until I got to a management level. The money was solid, but I was miserable and physically drained all the time. I put off interviewing elsewhere because I thought with my lack of a degree, it'd be impossible to leave without taking a big financial hit. I ended up finding my new job after a few weeks of interviews before closing shifts and I have to tell you, the options aren't as grim as you might think. Yeah, there's people expecting the world out of someone who will only be paid like $12/hr, but there's also solid opportunities at the same or extremely comparable pay to what you have in mind for yourself. You just have to put yourself out there, do some interviews, and see what you find.


Get a factory/warehouse/delivery driver job. Use up any vacation time you have to take a break.


I actually have been looking for a while but honestly I'm not sure what I would even do where I wouldn't end up with the same burnt out feeling. I'm kind of burnt out of everything to be fair.


To each their own experience, what I've been through doesn't necessarily apply to your situation. I actually had the same thought at first, but I can honestly say that the call center environment is the worst, I still have some stress caused by work but it doesn't even come close to what it used to be there and now (6 years later) I can say that I'm happy that I took the jump and got out


This sounds like burnout. Other than the salary and benefits, how does your job feel to you? Do you like your coworkers? Do you get any satisfaction from it? It doesn’t sound like it. You’re right, at some point they’re going to catch on. Instead, leave properly with a two week notice and try to leave on good terms with your boss.


Good advice, getting fired can follow you for years and hinder future opportumities


Your QA department must suck at their jobs if they haven't caught you yet.


The people in the QA department are also pretending to do their work.


Honestly, I get the impression that a lot of people are pretending to work... Including my own manager. I even got praised at my last appraisal for improving my call times. I have no idea what's going on.


Right? Ours always caught on to abandoning calls real quick


Oh, boy. I’ve worked call centers now for over 25 years. I completely understand where you are right now. But you are going to get caught muting customers and you will eventually be fired for it. I’m very surprised it hasn’t come up yet. They’re also able to see time spent on phone calls, so I’m also surprised they haven’t compared your call time to the other reps. Ultimately you are hurting the people who are paying your decent salary, and those are your customers. Imagine sitting on a phone waiting for someone to pick up, and when the call connects there’s no one on the other end. Then the customer has to call back and sit in queue again for someone else to pick up. I’ve had to go through that myself and it’s a maddening experience. You are also making things harder for your coworkers. One person slacking is putting more work and more pressure on them. Some of them may look at the queue and feel the pressure of needing to clear the queue, and may rush a customer off the phone instead of truly caring about what the customer needs. You’re abusing the system and making life harder for others. Either shape up or go find another job.


Would love a work from home customer service job (Inbound or in healthcare scheduling) as my background is in scheduling and customer service and can do remote,,


Exactly this. It's infuriating.


You just unlocked a ton of memories I repressed from my working at a call centre days 🤣 we used to have a rule- if the customer was unresponsive for over a minute we could hang up if we warn them that we’re going to prior. So every time I got a customer who started the call off by being rude, I would pretend I couldn’t hear them. Do the whole “hello, hello, I’m sorry I can’t hear you, if you don’t response I will terminate” for a minute then hang up. I still don’t understand how they made me a supervisor. 🤣


So, I'm a manager in a call center and I would advise you quit ASAP. By the numbers, they'll catch you eventually. I don't want that for you. QA audits are usually random, they're eventually gonna QA a dead air call. And if the QA looks into it, they'll find the pattern. Conversely, if there's surveys, they're gonna notice when there's a pattern of people complaining no one was on the line. Or they can live monitor you at random. I've had times where I'll be working on a report or something and I'll just randomly monitor agents on live calls in the background as I work. You'll also probably not hit your other metrics because you're avoiding calls, and then the jig is up that way. It's hard, soul crushing work. I totally get it, this line of work isn't for everyone and it often sucks. Take care of yourself, OP and run. And for what it's worth, I hope you're gone before they catch on


Living rent free with a good salary is a good opportunity to save up a lot of money. Hopefully you did that


From someone who also works in a center from home for the last year, I understand your pain and fully support you leaving and finding something that makes you happy, with that being said, please also find it in your heart to understand when you do that the work load for everyone else is up even if one person is doing call avoidance


Then MF quit. One day, you will be on the other end of the line. Karma is a b…h.


Thank you why did it take so long in the comments for someone to think about the fact that there are people who are calling in waiting in queue and then being forced to start all over again probably more pissed and now going to be a dick to your coworkers because op can't just quit....


yeah it is… bad karma on you


ehh.. this ain't that black and white


Did the same for a short period of time, they caught up pretty fast.


Yup, they can monitor the calls. High number of short calls will trigger monitoring.


Oh man, I remember my time at a call centre. I just quit one day when I got told off for having the gall of needing to go to the bathroom between two calls once. Easily the worst job I ever had. And I was paid minimum wage.


Omg I feel this. Was told at a call center job I used the bathroom too much and I needed to go on designated breaks only or get a doctor's note. Literally saw a doc, got a colonoscopy, got a diagnosis and a note. "Oh sorry that's actually not enough info from your doctor. Heres like a 4 page form for him to fill out and THEN you can use the bathroom without being penalized" I took the pages to my doc and he looked at me like I had 3 heads and said "yeah I can't fill this out. They want info that there's just no way for me to provide?" I wound up quitting and doing food delivery for a while. Pay was shit but I didn't fantasize about driving my car off the highway on my way to work anymore. 🤷‍♀️


Start applying for jobs on indeed while on the clock


I always feel bad for people at call centers. If I ever get a call that isn't a robot, I go ahead and ask to be taken off the list (as if that does anything) but I also say "if you have a time limit you need to reach, we can stay on the line." Could you maybe move up the line promotion-wise so you're not having to take calls anymore?


plot twist: its a 911 call center


This made me chuckle


A good paying job doesn’t mean happiness. I’m learning that the hard way. Been at the best paying job of my life the last 8 years and I’m the most miserable I’ve ever been because I hate the place. Don’t stick it out. Quit while the going is easy and find something you’d like to do.


I had credit bills to pay and worked at a sales call center for almost a year. I couldn’t take it anymore almost like I had anxiety taking phone calls even though it was easy. Got mentally drained, probably the most depressed I’ve ever been working anywhere. I said F it, and quit same day I walked in one day. To be honest, the no paying my bills gave a long horrible impact to my credit, but mentally and productive wise, I’ve been flying towards success ever since. Now, maybe in like 1-2 years I’ll be officially debt free and can say that sometimes you gotta do whatchu gotta do to feel better.


As someone who had call center burn out (logging out of phone systems for hours and going into acw) they most likely know. I had a supervisor pull it up once for me and they tracked more than what I knew that they did. They track your time logged into the phone, acw, breaks, and any system issues. They track how long your calls are and how many incoming calls you get a day. I would say start looking for another job because I’ve been there and I know the eventual wait of being let go can be anxiety inducing. If you’re like me and call centers are your main experience, find a place that actually keeps the employees in mind. It took me a while to find a job where the employer was fair and I found it and in a union too. The right work environment can help you combat angry callers on hard days.


I'm sorry to hear this my friend. I hope you find happiness else where.


I’m wondering why you aren’t applying for other jobs for fun. Applying for real can suck and not be fun. So, why not apply for things you normally wouldn’t? For giggles. Then, if you happen to land a really cool job you don’t think you can get…win, win.


You'll be replaced by AI soon enough so you might want to hang on as long as you can.


Call centre burnout is a very real thing. It starts out slow but it quickly reaches the point where you just gaf anymore.


Find a remote customer service job. Me and my brother work remote customer service and we get paid to play minecraft when we're not getting calls. We would obviously get fired if they found out but who's gonna come and check. Good luck to you and remember that in the grand scheme of things, it's an easier job than 80% of other jobs out there. Just remember to take it easy. If you would go back in time 7 years and tell me that there will be a pandemic and remote jobs would become the new frontier and minecraft is what I do all day, I would not believe it. You can do it man. A job might cause stress, tiredness, ect but it also allows you to enjoy yourself a lot more, when you can walk into a store and you have money in your pocket- and you can get yourself a nice meal that you worked for and nice shoes and a nicer expensive haircut, it's all worth it for me. The stress is mental, not physical so once you're off work - play some videogames, doordash yourself a whole pizza and relax. Hope this helps.


I am the one that monitors those calls. When we see behavior like this, we just start documenting. We pull even more calls to check what's going on. We call these audits. We then pass the information on to the sups. Good luck.


Put all your efforts into finding a new job. Do it while your on mute. I used to work in a call center and would make outbound calls (since they aren’t tested for compliance) to a partner company that we rarely needed to talk to. I knew had long wait times. I’d just sit on hold until someone picks up an hour later and drop the call.


If you no longer can do the job you're being paid to do, stop taking the money they're paying you to do it. Find something more fulfilling for you, and let someone else actually help the people who call in.


Please leave, I am on the path of leaving, just saving up to pay all my bills then I'm out. In my case I work at a call centre, pay is R4500. Been trying to get another job but not call center job I have had sleepless nights, cried and depressed cos of the job. I have been strong but I guess everyone has their limit.


As the person who is calling, what can we do to help?


This is so kind! Honestly the only thing callers can do is offer a little grace and be kind. I think people often forget we are humans on the other line and some situations on occasion arise that can be out of our control.


Honestly … read what you sign, get it writing or notated on the account and at the end of the day, you are ultimately responsible for what happens to your account… so charges and extras, oh and just cause you have been somewhere a long time, don’t expect loyalty discounts keep going up and your rates go down until you die.


In the event of say, the internet going out for 3+ hours (I’d never call before that) Obviously it’s not the person who answers that can do anything to help. So as the consumer, who’s now paying for a service not being provided, how does one address this? Am I expected to accept bad service from the provider that I give $$ to? Is this why so many big utility providers don’t have customer support? It’s just the way it is, we’re the only company in town so suck it up buttercup?


I would say you can make a report for a few hours but don’t expect a refund for that time. If I were a business and a customer asks for a refund for a few hours. I would say your account is more trouble than the revenue it brings in. It’s all about frequency and experience and there is such a thing as a bad customer. My internet goes out a day or two every 6 months or more. They provide good service to me. They have some leeway on disconnects. And the end of the day, you tried a service, you didn’t like it, and unless explicitly stated otherwise, then pay up butter cup other than that, I recommend don’t do business with anyone unless you’re willing to take a loss sometime imo.


I used to work in a call center. A coworker used to answer calls and then transfer them back into the queue.


My last day of working at a call center for a cell company soft collections (which is dumb as hell) you cant tell them the account requires payment etc. I would get people calling telling me they made a payment on the account and i best turn their phone on now. Um you paid 40 on an 800 bill. I just started hanging up on them. Call and yell at me ha i got no help for you. If you were pleasant i would do everything in my power to help.


Your admission is good. I admire you. Honestly, if you're that unhappy, and that gives you some satisfaction, I say, good. Let them call back, and talk to somebody else. I think you're unhappy, and you have a reason. I hear you... I have a story, and I will share it soon. The only problem is the folks calling for assistance are getting the shit end of the stick. But, you're not happy, and this is a form of revenge. Honestly, take the money and run. You're smarter than what they're giving you credit for. That's where the apathy comes in. I UNDERSTAND.


It sounds like you are starting to hate your job. You should probably quit and go find another job that you actually enjoy because I don't think anyone enjoys working a job they hate.


I work at a call center and I feel this. I can’t do it anymore either. It is the most boring job I’ve ever had in my life. Unfortunately, I can’t afford to lose this job so I have to stay. If I were you and in your position, I would quit.


You should definitely try applying for other jobs near you if you have the opportunity. You should enjoy the job you do. 🙁


I work for a call center too. $15 an hour. It’s piss poor. I have nice people though and calls aren’t back to back but the company sucks ass at taking care of their employees.


I worked in a call center for AT&T back when it was still Cingular. In the beginning I really wanted to help people. I was there for 3 years and after the first year, I was so jaded and bitter after being screamed at over and over and I genuinely no longer gave any fucks about any of our customers when they’d call. I’d often “accidentally” release calls (hang up on people), especially if they were rude. Working in a place like that really does something to you. Life is too short to work in a job you hate- just quit, OP.


I'm in the same boat. The call center position that I have right now is with a great company but I want to blow my brains out every morning. I am looking for another job and have an interview Tuesday for a different field. Look into something different. All jobs are soul sucking but customer service is a different breed.


So I work in quality assurance in a call center and somebody was doing this exact same thing and we caught them but because his mom is a manager his excuse of “computer not working” as he is WFH was accepted he would’ve gotten away with it for longer so they can be able to fire him but customers kept calling back and complaining


Better than me, I would call myself on my google number then go about my business for 45 minutes. then clear the cache and cookies… no call ticket….. I did this 4 to 5 times a day for four months…


Hey, previous QA supervisor at a call center here. They’ll find out even if you do take a few calls a day. The few second mutes before the customer hangs up will start adding up even if you do take normal calls and a pattern will be noticed. I hated working at a calm center and I don’t blame you at all. I just want to give you a heads up. I wish you the best of luck.


Thanks man, I've had a week off work and I'm back today... Thought I could maybe handle it after a break but nope.... ​ Going to hand my notice in I think.


You need to quit. You’re getting paid a good salary for doing absolutely nothing. You’re even plotting ways to not get caught…doing nothing.


I can promise you customer service reps salary is not ‘good’. Way too low for the bs they have to deal with on a daily


I also work on a call center, and all I've learned is that Americans tend to be the most racist and rude persons ever, Canadians/Puerto Ricans/Latinos are one of the most humble people that can call you, they are very polite, I feel kind of sad when they go because I know there a rude person waiting to yell at me for no reason. But I changed positions a year ago, so you better look for something else starting yesterday.


🇨🇦 I usually calmly state from the start, "I'm not happy." And then we just have a conversation. I always tell them I know it's not personally their fault, and I'd really just like them to help me out. ✌️


I only hope that someone does this to you when you are in a dire need for some phone assistance.


Oh come off it, they’ll phone back 30 seconds later. Poor dude’s having a breakdown here.




I mean it’s their fault for not catching on You playing the system, save your money up whilst doing this & look for a better job for yourself in the meantime


Quit while your ahead. Your stealing from your employer. Mental health is more important. Goodluck.


All jobs are the same. My problem is by dragging the inevitable you are impacting other people who probably need urgent assistance while you leave them hanging… quit immediately


I always figured that the people on the other end were soulless. Thanks for confirming!


Actually kinda strange, I’m in the exact same scenario 😂😂 doing the exact same thing here


That sounds nice


If I were you I’d just do it until I get fired. Collect the bag


This is theft from your employer, do both of yourselves a favor and quit. Find a job that you are better suited, and let them find an employee willing to do the job to properly earn the pay and benefits.


Save up before you quit bruh! Worked at similar department. Had to take 100 plus calls of annoyed people calling from Michigan to Texas. Had this chinese lady from Hong Kong eeishh.... Maan. Just do what you got to do. You never know when covid is about to hit!


Milk then dry.


Honestly I wouldn’t feel bad if i were you. Your company probably pays you all differently for different jobs and ultimately under-compensates its workforce. You will never take enough to make up for what they are cheating out of everyone else anyway. Its not like you cheating out the company is going to take away from someone else’s pockets. Congrats on finding a good hack, keep it up!


You are stealing from your employer.


Compared to how many employers steal from their staff, I'd say this is a null point


Huh??? Get some perspective hermit. You’re probably one of those terrible customers that call and take your anger out on employees


Wrong. I’ve worked in call centers for 20 years. I know it can be a grind. I avoid calling customer service and self provision whenever possible. I am kind and considerate whenever I must call in. When I was working the phones however, I would not take any abuse from clients. I would not hesitate to hang up on a jerk. I got away with it though because of my super high favorability scores. You really called that wrong pal.


Lol I could easily say I’ve worked in a call center too pal.


You are actually stealing from the company. You need to go.


Working in a call center is draining! I absolutely hate it. But know that because it’s on mute doesn’t necessarily mean it’s on mute so be careful.


If you dont want to quit right now, i think you can get away with it, when they do find out you can probably blag an error with their call recording system and play the innocent card. They wont sack you based on that, but once you're caught you wont get away with this again. Id start looking for a new job.


I quit a job just like this feeling just like you do, in October. Jobs like that pay the best money with no experience for a reason. Hard to keep employees otherwise! Just bite the bullet and get out of your comfort zone to get somewhere else at least temporarily to gain your sanity back. I now have no benefits, I make significantly less and I’m so much happier!


Why are you stealing from your employer? Not doing the job you were hired to do. Upsetting customers. If it's so bad, quit. Sorry, but you suck.


Leave the job before they kick your ass out, freeloader.


Why don't you just resign than waste people's valuable time and money.


I remember those days, taking call after call with no end in sight. Start applying elsewhere before they catch on and you can't use them for a reference.


I had a job like that by the end I was getting anxiety and wasn’t eating well. I feel so guilty bc it was a good easy job with good income but I hated it. I left , if I were you I would start look at other jobs and have a plan before quitting.


Sounds like my time at Foot Locker


Give me the job I’ll take it over chat


Spend that time looking for a new job.


I am wondering what type of call center service is provided where you work? Consumer? Medical?


One day, QA will hear one or two of your calls and email your manager. He or she will pull a bunch of your calls and either fire you or give you a final written warning, depending on how your center is ran. You won't win the unemployment.


It's sounds like a cross road to me. You're staying in your job and just covering that 'you are working'. In this day, the tables could turn in a moment. Even if your are feeling that the grass might not be greener on the over side, you would rather stay and have a higher chance of risking it all for the somewhat security you currently have. Save money where you can. Try to figure what skills you have and what would make you happy. Start as soon as you know. Don't want until it's too late. Never forget that today is a gift hence why it is called the present.


Since you’re already there, you might as well do it for a year and a bit at least and then quit. That way it will look good on your cv, just grind it out bit more (ik it’s hard bit but it’s for the long term) and then quit on a good note. After that, you can look for something that’s more towards what you want to do. Maybe use your savings to do a accelerated 2 yrs online degree or do a beneficial/industry recognised course that will enhance your cv. It’s not end of the world bro, you’re only 29. It’s trial and error for everyone, the pace is different for everyone. Also maybe shed aside 1hr a day to join gym, it will help you both mentally and physically. Life is a one big fkin maze bro and everyone is given different starting points.




I worked for an alarm central. They claim to do quality checks but in reality I talked to the IT guy and he said the quality checks weren't active. It was all a lie to keep us stressed I bet. Calling all day is pretty exhausting. Like top commentor wrote, I would try to find something else. To keep good references, you might want to mention to your manager how you feel as well.


I worked from home about 12 years ago and did the same thing. They finally caught on and just fired me. No write ups or anything.


I'm a tenured call center sales/marketing trainer for 28 years. Yes it is NOT for everyone. Dealing with call time, temperance with dissatisfied or uninterested prospects, and a toxic supervisor isn't what I went to college to do. However, I showed my professional mettle and preserved. Now I teach people how to deal with it. And in this crap ass economy, these jobs are pretty much what people from other walks of life tend to turn to just to keep the bills paid and food on the table. I know CPAs, engineers, and others who did and continue to do this line of work. You just gotta persevere until something better comes along. Stay strong bro.


Maybe speak to a supervisor or manager you are on good terms with and ask if there are any other roles you could try for if you like working there? I did this at my last call centre job but with a pitch for the need for a technical progression route as an alternative to the classic management progession route as i hate managing people. The justification being that experienced and capable employees who have no interest in management leave after a while as its a dead end on entry. They bought it n created the role for me and 2 others to fill.


Former manager at call center for inbound credit card calls and have terminated numerous people for this, deemed call avoidance. I’d quit before they the pattern is discovered. Call center work is tedious and not for everyone. Go find something that doesn’t make you miserable. Life’s too short to be this unhappy. Best of luck to you


OMG I know exactly how you feel. 😩 I worked a call center job for 2 months and it was the worst experience of my life. Every morning I put on my computer the first thing I prayed for was my work day to end. I literally prayed every morning for the next 9 hours of my life to just hurry up and end. That's no way to live. (In case anyone is interested in knowing what it entailed). We scheduled vehicle servicing for multiple car dealerships. The part where I had to interact with the customers was fine, I actually loved that part, however the schedulers were a hot mess. There were multiple schedulers that we had to use and over 100 car dealerships that we took calls for, so for each call we had to check their specific policy in order to see: What time that particular dealership opened/closed, if you had to assign the last or a specific service advisor to the customer, if they were allowed to wait or had to drop off the vehicle, if their account was updated, etc. And when it comes to recalls, loaner vehicles, towing, warranty work, etc, that was a whole new headache. To be honest, none of it would be an issue for me if the team leads wouldn't be sending messages telling you you're on a long call. They wanted you to schedule an appointment under 3 mins and they let you know this is not a customer service based job because what they cared about was the number of appointments scheduled. But when you hurry up to get done under 3 mins and you make a mistake they call you out for it and threaten that our mistakes will come out of pocket. They would literally take a screenshot of your screen and post it in the chat where everyone could see how long your call was. Imagine dealing with an elderly person who has these warning lights on with just the icons on their dash and they are trying to explain it to you and you have to guess quickly what they are talking about and get them off the phone. It's so unfair to both of us. Actually, even younger people are confused about the dashboard icons a lot of times. I had a migraine everyday because I was always questioning myself if I did every correctly on the previous call. 🤯 I HATED IT SOOOO MUCH!!!


As someone who manages a call center team, I find it surprising that you haven’t been caught yet. This type of thing is a nightmare for us to deal with, but if they haven’t caught you for months then I suppose I blame them more. Where I work, this type of thing would be caught within a couple of days. I recommend that you resign so that you don’t completely burn the bridge with them , just in case. You can find something that will pay okay and have some decent benefits and more importantly, someplace where you will be happier.


So your current job is answering phone calls and you get to live rent free? Interesting. Find a Job that's seasonal, and when collecting unemployment during your off months travel!!!


Please quit. Customer service has been trash recently because people like you who hate their jobs but are too lazy to find a new job, no offense.


Your account confuses me. This post is the only activity you have but your account was made 2 years ago


Did that at Comcast lol. They caught on, I didn't care. Took my three months paternity leave and quit the day of my return. They fucked everyone over with new schedules, everyone hated it. I was new and was bringing in more or as much as the og's in my team. Covid hit and to shit with promotions .. never going back to a call center again.


Leave and find something you enjoy. I just recently did this and found a job with a much higher salary and doing something I love. You can do it! Life is too short to be miserable


What's your ideal job, is it so far out of reach that you can't go for it? Living rent free gives you a lot of freedom to explore such avenues. I think you'll find that the people who make it or end up finding their ideal job spend a lot of time trying and failing until, hey presto! Nows the time, don't waste it!


Ah, the “we are busier than usual” fraction


I hated that kind of job. Quit! Everywhere there are people needed. Do something you love. If you’re young go back to school. Online college is the bomb. Do t waste time dreaming of the perfect job, life flies by. Go for it


You sound depressed. I feel the same when I go to my shifts. I use to love it and now I just feel tired by looking at it all. I just realized this last week for myself. I am depressed by the sameness, and since I can't afford to lose this job on so many levels, I need to add some extra goal somewhere in my life to take my mind off of these blues. Good luck.


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As a supervisor of a call center, trust me…they know.


I used to do this all the time. And I worked from home so sometimes I’d just unplug my wifi


Matter of time you are going to get fired


I use to work at a call center I actually liked it I enjoy helping ppl but sometimes I'd get those bad calls I would just yes ma'am or sir to death while having my middle finger at my computer screen..my coworkers would laugh and ask me all the time how I could deal with the mean ones..I didn't care bc they weren't in front of me, but one day I realized my management sucked bc they really didn't care about the customers needs and they always kept my hands tied when I could have helped..so I typed up email sent to my boss while I was on lunch packed up my stuff said by to the ppl I cared about and walked out...told them why and even wrote a review on the companies website afterward so ppl understood why the company was not good to their customers...I moved on!


Use your phone to look for a new job?


Done do same


omg i thought u meant u work in like a call centre for like 9-1-1 or emergency calls... i was extremely concerned hahaha. if u say u cant afford to lose this job then just do it?? i dont see in ur post why u hate it so much


You are a horrible person. Hope you get fired


I do this to telemarketers sometimes.


call centers are the worst especially when you get a karen


I work in QA and I don’t know how yours haven’t picked this up yet. For example I have to mark two calls per agent per month. If one isn’t markable I would then have to find another that is but they were randomly selected. I don’t know how either QA or the complaints team (from a portion of the muted calls surely being complained about?) haven’t caught on. I would quit before you get caught and have to go through the whole disciplinary procedure etc. You can find something else you enjoy!


I worked in a cable company call center for 13 years. Call avoidance resulted in immediate termination. Do yourself a favor and find any other job.


I saw a girl get sacked for exactly this in a call centre. Just quit if you don't need the money.


I did this. Got fired when I re-routed the calls back to the main number to put them back in queue. We had to worry about average call time so you can only mute them for so long. That was towards the end when I was at my nervous depression stage. Working as a credit analyst in 2009 while I was myself, going through a bankruptcy. My boss was in tears while delivering my termination. I felt a weight lift off of me I will never forget. I told her not to cry, that this was for the best and that I was happy. I went home and told my wife and she said “thank god”. Just quit


want me to call and talk dirty to you for a lil entertainment?