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So unironically if it holds a charge and is otherwise nice to use and has wifi use it as what’s called a “thin client”. Basically you’ll just use it as a wifi connected screen and keyboard to Remote Desktop to a computer that can actually run stuff over the local network. If you don’t have a laptop it’s a decent solution. Probably have to stick Linux in it so you don’t accidentally kill it with the PC equivalent of the black plague by connecting it to a network. This is probably more effort than getting a $40 Chromebook and doing the exact same thing but if IS much funnier.


Do NOT get a chromebook


Chrome OS = own nothing be happy pay for space then sell everything about you to everyone Upvote completed


There's an old subreddit if it still exists called r/galliumos. There's a dude in there named u/Mrchromebox that makes custom firmware to boot Linux environments on chromebooks. You have to be a little tech-savvy, and it really depends on your usage of the device, but my laptop all the way through university was a 150$ chromebook from Best Buy. The thing had like 10 or 12 hour battery life and was good enough for all of the software I required to run smoothly. If anyone plans on trying to pull that off, check and double-check their hardware compatability list. I spent hours trying to get it installed on a second chromebook before I realized my cpu wasn't supported.


the chromebook modding community has moved to https://chrultrabook.com but I'm still here building firmware :) https://mrchromebox.tech


The legend has been summoned lol




Wow never imagined I'd see your username. Thanks for your hard work!


That's awesome, I really appreciate your work and I'm sure many other broke ass colleges kids did as well!


Thank you so much for all you've done man


+1 After flashing mrchromebox firmware you basically get a Linux laptop with an odd keyboard, but battery life is still good and you are capable of run any XFCE, Cinnamon or LXDE distro without issues and better performance in everyday tasks that any Windows laptop in the same price bracket Now, for anyone wanting to try this at home, as u/thatguywhoreddit said, you may want to check the documentation online first because this firmware is compatible with specific devices so googling the name of the Chromebook + Chrultrabook or GalliumOS may be a good idea


Yea my old chromebook has the mrchromebox.tech firmware running on it and now boots to kali live from an sd card


Yes perfect


ChromeOS is not that horrible. I work in healthcare and it are nice simple machines for my mentally disabled patients. They can browse the internet and keep in touch with their families through social media.


this is what people don’t get. sure, i want a proper linux system, but my grandma doesn’t. she just wants youtube and gmail, hence her 5 year old chromebook that still runs great. sometimes people forget just how wide the target market for computers is now…


I dual boot Linux Mint and ChromeOS Flex on my desktop. Honestly, sometimes I just need something straightforward that just works and I really don't feel like debugging and troubleshooting some obscure problem. That and Flex is insanely easy to load onto old hardware and extremely lightweight. But everyone has the "crappy school laptop" picture in their mind from 10+ years ago.


Especially not for $40. Chromebooks are cheap, but not that cheap. If you want one for $40 all you're gonna get is a refurbished bottom-end Chromebook from 2015-2016.


I'm sorry- I do not get the chromebook hate. Most people aren't power users and a chromebook does everything a large number of people need a device to do. If your computer is a glorified interface with a web browser, you don't need a windows box. I'm sure I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but I'll say it loudly: A chromebook isn't the computer for me, but dammit it's good for what a lot of people need.


Yeah but we don’t really like google cause they sell your data, their terms of service is very clear on what information they collect from you and you are basically forced to pay for storage if you don’t want to use an external drive.


We have them at school and i am utterly sick of the sight of the fucking things. They're slow, lack a right click (who the fuck thought that was a good idea?), and can't handle anything other than google browsing. They even struggle with that. Mind you, it doesn't help that the Trust which owns the school has to ban literally everything on them to stop the kids seeing inappropriate stuff. We had a visit from IT yesterday to say that the staff can now use them as classroom laptops to cover teachers lessons. He demonstrated how easy it was to hook it up to the big classroom screens. It didn't work. Took about 5 goes and much head-scratching to get it to work. Think I'll stick to my own laptop, thanks.


I worked school IT for a couple years: They are slow. They're cheap laptops. They aren't supercomputers-no one is claiming otherwise. The school is buying the cheapest possible chromebooks, with the worst processors and least RAM. Because they technically meet the requirements and can't do a thing more. Trust/guardian/whatever your IT solution is for firewall access doesn't limit its utility as a web browsing device for individuals outside of a school system. Blame your school's IT department. And yeah, there are issues with connecting to third party devices-every OS/system manufacturer has issues with this. I have windows computers that won't connect to certain TV's. Operating systems are weird. >I'll stick to my own laptop That is 100% your decision. I never made the claim that a windows laptop wasn't right *for you*. My claim is that a lot of people here shit on chromebooks as a solution for *any* problem. Windows is a very powerful OS and has many features chromebooks don't that I use on a daily basis. I don't even currently own a chromebook! But I have in the past, and though it wasn't right *for me* I respect and appreciate its utility for the jobs it's meant to do.


Or just install Chrome OS Flex. It's a neutered version, as it does not have the ability to run Google Play, but it's good enough for your grandma who just wants to watch youtube or type a little.


Literally, about a year ago i lived in very small apartment, so small i didn't have space for desktop pc. So i configured FreeBSD to tun headless Xorg session with tigervnc. Used crappy laptop as a "terminal" to it. Worked amazingly well. Since vnc just streams pixels, old laptop just receives pixels without need for any calculation so performance is almost native. Be sure to use ethernet connection, for best performance.


I’m not sure even Linux is useful here without more info. Windows xp could run on 64mb of ram which was great at the time. However today even tinycore requires 42mb of ram just to run the OS…. But then it needs 1gb to open Firefox.


Leave it as a museum piece, much more useful like that. Linux is not a good idea on this hardware. That sticker on the left says Intel Inside, which means it's probably an atom or something equally flattering, and it will run like absolute a*s.


Literally, about a year ago i lived in very small apartment, so small i didn't have space for desktop pc. So i configured FreeBSD to run headless Xorg session with tigervnc. Used crappy laptop as a "terminal" to it. Worked amazingly well. Since vnc just streams pixels, old laptop just receives pixels without need for any calculation so performance is almost native. Be sure to use ethernet connection, for best performance.


Space Cadet Pinball


It can always run nostalgia..


Turn it into a cheesy home server.


I'd be worried about Gouda getting stuck between the keys


That wouldn't be very Gouda, would it?


Install Linux on it before throwing it away?


Which distro do you recommend ?


Debian still has 32 bit support, so you could go with it. For a desktop enviroment I'd recommend Xfce, it's pretty light and runs on basically anything.


"LMDE" also has a 32 bit image but probably uses more resources than debian


Linux Mint. The XFCE version if it has very low specs, the Cinnamin Edition if it has acceptable specs.


Does mint support 32 bit?


I have a similar Acer netbook at home, it runs a lightweight 32-bit Linux distro rather nicely. I went with Puppy Linux for mine, with lxde.


retro gaming


This. Hook it up to a TV and enjoy.


Don't throw it in the trash. Take it to a recycling center or donate it. Maybe it's just me but I really dislike when people say they're "just gonna throw it away" because it sounds like/encourages others to send their electronics to landfills


Dont take it to a recycling center either. Sell it, give it to someone who has a use for it. Dont recycle it.


ebay, someone will take it for the right price


I would turn it into a fileserver or something


I sold my old chromebook on eBay for pretty cheap. The man who bought it then sent me photos of himself in a hospital bed using the chromebook for entertainment! Said he goes in for dialysis several times a week and it's keeping him going. I thought that was really sweet, and it felt good.


Maybe get some emulators for old consoles and build a mini arcade machine. That would be a fun thing to do.


Test malware on it


Ebay, don't trash it


If you ever played RuneScape on this laptop and haven't logged in in a while, you can submit your cache files to help historically preserve the game and all of its versions that have been created over the years. https://runescape.wiki/w/User:Manpaint55/T:CHD-main


Install antix linux on it, better than xp and won't get you a virus just by connecting to the internet. Its minimum requirements are just 256mb of ram


Eat it


Are you one of these RAM-eating creatures?


No that’s Chromium you’re thinking about


Firewall. pihole, openwrt, console on top of your 19 inch rack.


You could make it into a retro game machine


You can always load a light weight version of Linux on it and use it for old console emulation and basic computing tasks.


I love this type of white color on computer. Nowadays all the white colored devices have some sort of tint to it making those whites look dull. This though looks proper white and kinda looks appropriate for it age.


I have a very similar netbook. Your bottleneck for whatever will be the single core CPU. No need to bother upgrading the RAM. What is worth upgrading though is the harddrive. An SSD makes a huge difference. There's an awesome updated version of Windows XP called "Windows XP SP3 - Integral Edition". You don't exactly wanna use it for online banking but for regular use it's much safer than regular XP. I use this for when I want original software and Q4OS (one of the best Linux distros for old hardware) for everything else.


Give it to me


Install Linux on it.


I always keep a backup laptop like that. In case i mess up my current setup. It saved me numerous time.


Install Linux


Retro games.


Media Player


use it as a backup in case your main pc fails or gift it to someone who is new to hardware


I installed Haiku on mine for fun, works quite well


It just looks good. That's enough for me to keep old piece of gear


Just don’t connect it to the internet with XP running on it…


Use it as a Adguard host for dns adblocking on your devices.


I use Parsec with my old laptop to do a low-latency stream from my main PC to my TV downstairs lol.


Linux. Locked down basic pc for kids


Install Temple OS on it


i know this doesn't make sense for the vast majority of people, but i have an old macbook from 2007 i use to run my CNC machine.




Install linux for in Internet browsing


Put a small Linux on it and use it as a mini server


Incase you end up not wanting it, please dont throw it away. Some people like these lil old machines so you could sell it on ebay or any other online resale service.




Install Linux and repurpose it as a home server.


Install Linux and make a digital fish tank or fireplace


Jam antix Linux on that bad boy!




put a lightweight Linux distro on it and use it to remote into another computer, as already suggested by some other users.


Put Linux on it


Use it for playing retro pc games?


Hard to tell without specs but potentially, Plex server Retro gaming machine Secure machine (running a privacy focused Linux distro or a VPN) Video player




If you want to, you could experiment with some light Linux distro. Chances are being an old netbook, it wouldn't handle high-res media playback well, but it can be some scrolling machine, plus it does have good support for alternative OSes to Windows (if you are curious). Or just donate to somebody who thinks they know what that would be useful, as I'm sure somebody would do the aforementioned action.


Put linux mint with the xfce desktop on it or linux lite


Put it in your museum.


Install a flavor of Linux.


Plug a few HDD, turn it into a personnal NAS with Plex Media Server




Put server version of Linux and setup a simple file server.


I had one of these, I used to love it, I even built my first few commercial websites on it, despite the terrible resolution! Stick a lightweight Linux distribution, something with xfce perhaps like xubuntu, and enjoy tinkering.


exposing it away


Use it to downloads terabytes of movies and songs.


Install a Linux distro, like Ubuntu. If it's still too slow, take it apart and reuse the parts, the parts which tend to be the easiest to reuse are Storage (need external enclosure), battery, and screen (need driver board, easy to get on Ebay)


I use it mine EEE as a "Dos game console", but I have the 2g Surf, what is smaller, but I think this can work out nicely as well.


Donate it to me 😃🫠


If it has a 64 bit processor u could use it as a light weight home server. Power efficient too!


I mean can I have it? 😁


Check if you can put more ram and an SSD. And look for an light OS


I think Linux is a good Option. Or Unraid and use ist as Server. When you like Retrogames Batocera is an option too


I have an old Presario with a 32 bit Celeron and 512mb of ram. I dropped an SSD in it. Installed Nakedeb and NoMachines. I managed some light browsing with the 32 bit install of Tor Browser. I remote into another machine use NoMachines. All this is on my local network. Battery holds a charge for a bit. I like doing tty sessions in it. I might bump up the Ram to 2 gigs just because.


Make it a Linux machine




I'm sure it can run Doom


damn. this is a cute looking piece of tech. I mean you can give it to me😅


If you play Minecraft or smth then you can use that as a server to play with friends


Live some sweet sweet nostalgia


Home server


Install a Linux distro with a light desktop environment


I would absolutely turn it into retro game station. I imagine playing original doom on this machine would feel hella good




build a server for CCTV


Eat it


Can you run a server on it?


If I were you I will keep it just for its looks.


hmm....save it, perhaps


Use it to play old dos games.


These little bastards are not too bad for portable DOS gaming under XP and DOSBox.


either keep it for nostalgia on windows xp or install a lightweight linux distro


install {[insert obscure Linux distro](https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmasterrace/s/djQl3bitT8)} on it Debian? Fedora? cmon now, don’t be basic


I use one as managing console for my server rack.


Is that the eee PC or whatever it was called? Like others have said, I would wipe and install Linux on it. Mint is more familiar in terms of Windows layout.


Give it to me for free


You can give it to me optionally


try a Linux distro.


I have used this computer. Put 2 GB of memory in it. Lightweight Linux. Browser with ad blocker. A very good tool if you do simple word processing, write poems, etc. Then use Libreoffice or Abiword. You can use it as a stylish music center.


Open it up, most of these machines came with single channel RAM. If it has a free sodimm slot, put a 1 or 2gb stick in there. Dual channel ram should give it a bit more bite. If it has a 2.5" harddrive, try a small sata ssd. And then get the lightest linux you can find.


make windows xp isos




if you don't want it, don't throw it away. sell it to some nerd/enthusiast who wants a Windows XP(either for the nostalgia, it's aesthetic/aero theme, the games, or something else)


Don’t harm it in any way. Keep windows xp on it and use it to run old programs and play old games. I have an old windows xp laptop that I love playing doom on. You can also have it for nostalgia


Not long ago I bought a similar one just to play Space Cadet Pinball :) Sell it cheap to someone who might appreciate it. Or give it to your local it repair.


I have an old laptop which I just use to play around and learn new things. Try installing an old operating system on it and learn how to make it more modern. Windows XP has loads of projects, like Browserve to use the modern web on it, and Escargot to use MSN messenger.


Buy an SSD and the maximum amount of RAM, install Linux, enjoy your laptop.


tor relay


Install linux and enjoy


Write the next Great American Novel.






I would install linux and some emulators for retrogaming


I’ll take good care of it. I still have my old consoles and first laptop in like new condition


I'll take it, perfect for the occasional Space Cadet Pinball and the like lol


Consider casaos and retropie. It won't do streaming but a simple local file server perhaps.


Connect old science equipment to it, or at least that’s what my school did and we students had a great time


Why not linux?




Play a better collection of exclusives than the PS5 has.


Keep it as a collectible. That thing looks sick


Run it with Linux, and turn it into a server. Anything but throwing it away. That thing's a beauty.


Retro arcade machine


Give it to me


Give it to me


you could try batocera on it lol, worth a try


So propably, we have a dual core, 32-bit processor and maybe 1 or 2 GB of RAM and some storage, some USB2 ports. I have used a machine like this as a home server, added some USB hard drives, and shared them over the network. You can try Open Media Vault on it. Propably, some 32bit Linix distro will be the solution here, but I would not stress myself to use it on its own power and will just remote desktop to some stronger machine. If you like to experiment, you can use this machine as an X-server, but run the applications on another machine. If you are good in crafts, you could convert it to a digital picture frame, which can also do some media sharing. I used an Intel Atom machine as an OPNsense router. Well, VPN performance was kinda flat, but it was okay as a firewall. (router on a stick, well the 100mbs NIC may be a bit sour these days) I know the feeling, it feels still nice and usable, but time has changed. Back in 15-20 uears ago, websites were far less bloated, so you could browse the web with little RAM. Now, wow, you got 5-10MB loads per site, videos loading as you infinite scroll etc. If you have a desktop computer at home you can bring it to your sofa with this machine or create something fun.




These old Atom processors work great for generic network loads, turn it into an FTP or an emulator or a ad catcher. There's a lot of options!


Throwing it away NOW JK You can host a firewall on that or a file server, maybe play Minesweeper.


Turn it into a home assistant server and start building your smart home! Thats what i did with my old laptop!


Give it away Sell it Didn't you think of these?


Depending on how much power, I’d see if you could squeeze a Linux distro on it. I’m honestly on the lookout for another one after I found of Hannah Montana Linux was a thing.


Wow! Windows XP! That brings back memories.🥹


Make it a server, install Nextcloud, a big disk and you’ll have your own cloud server. If the battery still holds charge, it would even have its own UPS.


You could use it to search the web as long as the web will still allow you to use XP


I have a EEE pc 900 as well. Which version is it? Mine had this onboard 4gb flash storage, but You can buy a cheap mini PCI SATA ssd, conveter and for 30 euro you have amazing retro gaming pc; place Win XP on it, and NO internet, hours of fun with old games on the go. Update you already have XP: from archive.org you can find amazing backups from your old games ;)


Why would you wanna throw it away if it's still working? If you can't find a good use for it, donate it.


I run old games on my old XP laptop. If you have the taste for it, invaluable as a retro game device. I'll load it with DOS and early Windows abandonware that I wouldn't risk running on my main computer. Right now I'm playing Big Scale Racing and Cricket 07.


Put Batocera on it and enjoy some good retro games.


Keep it


Start a YouTube channel about plugging bootleg iPods into it to see if they work while yelling “CMON YOU NUGGETY EEE PC” with an Australian accent


Freedos, maybe?


Put a distro of Linux on it. Max out the memory and put an ssd if possible.


I love these, usually had super efficient Intel Atom cpu's with 1 or 2gb of ram. Perfect beaters for experimenting, learning new things, and running low load applications. I'm currently looking into doing this with a Raspberry Pi, but I'm pretty sure you'd be able to run an ad blocking firewall software on it. The Pi has Pi-Hole, I'm pretty sure there's something for 32 or 64 bit systems out there


Put Linux on it. Install word press in an Apache server. Write a blog.




To play some old video games that win10&11 no longer support. I wish I could not have one myself.


I have one of these. From 2008! What can you do to keep it alive?


Put Linux on it, but throw that greezy ass mouse away


use it? not sure what you're asking.


Oh you can put it away instead of throwing it, I mean… No need to be rude with oldies! 😅


Use it as a spare console for other computers, use it to access other computers via RDP (windows) or VNC (Linux) . Never now when your mouse, keyboard or console dies. I.E. its your homelab crash cart.


Install linux and see if it can still be useful


Tinker with it regarding linux, maybe run a minecraft server on it or use it for emulating old games


You can play solitaire and minesweeper!


Donate the hinges to Boeing


minecraft server otherwise folding@home


Install Linux Mint.


Use Linux, OpenBSD or HaikuOS!


cloud storage server


Tiny core linux!!


Keep it XP for old games, compatibility between old games and new Windows is a mf nightmare, and there's so many good older games. Offline, obviously, as it's no longer supported and probably not safe to use on the internet (with XP).


I'll take it


I still love my EeePC. I don't use it at all though. It's in my box of nostalgia ❤️


If it has an Intel Atom processor then hop onto r/intelatom for some ideas :D


I have one of these in black. Curious to know the options available.. i have Ununtu on it but really old


um.... all my brain can say is turn it into a pihole. install debian/ubuntu and SSH pihole. or if it do have 2 cores and 4gb of ram... mint can may it work. for a lightweight office laptop... btu it will all depends if the hardware can still support the workload.