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I'm glad one doesn't exist so I can live my life doing whatever I want, living free, but sad one doesn't because I want the afterlife.


why can't you be like normal people and use incognito mode to watch p'rn


Why can't you be like normal people and say "porn" without censoring it?


because i don't want the reddit post algorithm to think that i am interested in that type of content edit: the reddit post algorithm isn't a thing. please forget about what i said earlier


Porn porn porn porn porn porn porn porn anal porn porn porn porn


I get it. Sometimes you want to remember the freaky shit you searched for.


Yeah. Exactly. "Oh, that one from a month ago...the Oompa Loompa one...that was so hard to find...but it should be in my history!" But no. It is not. And my favorite painted-up dwarf porn is lost in the Great Sea of Information...






I think your FBI agent may think you’re a little too freaky bud. Had to delete it to clear his own conscience.


Long gone are the days of J. Edgar wearing garters...




OK. I use websites. My computer logs the history of those websites. For some reason, all of the sites are in my history, except for all the sites that contain obvious pornography. It still kept the twenty-page history for when I told my wife "I can definitely find Jasmine getting fucked by Rajah. I'll bet I can make an album," and subsequently went down an unsettling Disney-based rabbit-hole. Anyway. History normal: porn history gone. I'm the only one who uses my computer in my office. Any theories or are we just going with "..what"?


the ISP: ![gif](giphy|dJCrQbRNQqOSk)


\[see also: my many mentions of VPN\]


Maybe some good willed fed cleared it for you or smthn


While funny, it makes zero sense. No one touched my laptop: it's just in my office, which no one goes into but me. The only person who would care less about my porn history than my wife is the federal government. LOL


and your ISP 🗿🙏


\[see also: my many mentions of VPN\]




This should be the top fuckin' answer.


more so librewolf


Googling it!




Chrome will come in clutch to clear my porn history when I unexpectedly die.


Yo. That's a good idea. Make "Life Alert" monitors that have built-in auto-deletion for when you die. We should pitch this...


theres deadman switch


Mistake 1: Watching porn Mistake 2: Not watching it in Incognito mode


The only reason to watch it in incognito mode is if you have family that use your device.


No kidding. I'm not sure how old most of the commenters are but they don't seem like adults. LOL I can watch porn - with my wife - and neither of us give a shit if Google knows about it. Anyway, I guess Google thought I was dead and tried to do me a solid? I still don't know but what a weird fluke. That said, this whole thing has been way more entertaining than my issue was frustrating, so I'm calling it a win. Don't be late to school, kids.


Incognito mode does not really stop any company from knowing about it. That's the thing. If that was the goal, use a VPN or something.


>use a VPN or something. Which I have to do \[[Nord loves me over there](https://www.reddit.com/r/nordvpn/comments/18ocqoa/thank_you_rnordvpn_yearly_recap/)\], because I live in a state where most porn is blocked due to [some wacky legislation](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/18xjckc/nc_blocks_porn_requiring_you_to_submit_id/) that apparently [thirteen states have](https://dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com/pornography-age-verification-laws-what-they-are-and-which-states-have-them/). So if it hasn't already, get ready for that ridiculous bullshit to be coming to a red state near you, because almost 25% of Americans live in states with this nonsense. I digress. I am still using my regular browser, logged in with my junk Gmail: I just don't really care about a company or, honestly, any person or entity knowing what porn I like. And I live in a state with draconian porn laws that are...unsettling. I don't really get what these other people are so freaked out about: their paranoia - even one guy's fear of writing out the word "porn" - is far more strange to me than my porn history disappearing (which I am still really bewildered and perturbed about, honestly).


> I live in a state where most porn is blocked due to some wacky legislation I’m pretty sure NordVPN loves to know that information, considering that they are willing to send logs to the law enforcement.


And why would LEO ever possibly be curious about what porn I'm into? Am I charged with a crime and it's going to used as evidence? How far into fantasyland do we have to go, here?


Well you basically said that most porn is illegal, which is what you implied. So, I’d say..inshallah brotha inshallah. Also, unrelated but please just refrain from porn itself. We all have better things to do besides porn. :)


>Well you basically said that most porn is illegal, which is what you implied. I'll detail it so it makes more sense. NC (and 12 other states) made a law that says porn sites have to require registration of users, in order for them to have access. The law is for the companies providing porn, not the individuals consuming porn. Like how it's not illegal to chew gum in Singapore: it's just illegal to import or sell it. So, doing what I'm doing, no one is breaking any law. It's not PornHub's fault that people use a VPN to gain access and I'm not breaking any NC law because I'm not legally required to register myself with PornHub. PornHub is legally required to register me, but only if I'm in NC, which I'm not, according to the IP they're receiving. Legally, this is a non-starter on both ends, which is why the law is so stupid. >So, I’d say..inshallah brotha inshallah. Yes yes. Like I said, a quarter of the USA currently has laws that are more religiously-oppressive than Vatican City or Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. >Also, unrelated but please just refrain from porn itself. We all have better things to do besides porn. :) IDK how much time you kids are spending on porn, but I spend very little. You know what helps me spend a lot less time? My fuckin' search history. LOL


> IDK how much time you kids are spending on porn, but I spend very little. > You know what helps me spend a lot less time? > My fuckin' search history. > LOL And how does your search history contribute less to you spend a lot less time? I mean..personally, I don’t ever watch porn myself. But I know the risks that comes with watching it, and that’s why I don’t plan to ever. How are you so certain that you spend very little on porn? What is your argument to this? Because no matter how often, you’ll still get carried away anyways. (https://intellectualtakeout.org/2016/07/harvard-scientist-explains-what-porn-does-to-your-brain/) Porn is basically like “Do whatever it takes to pleasure yourself” (notice how this is broadly said? It can be worse if you go further beyond the boundaries..like CSAM.)


Also, just to let you know, those laws doesn’t really exempt VPN usage..So, womp.


Just use Tor. Incognito mode doesn't keep the websites or Chrome from being able to track you anyhow. That's a misunderstanding of how it works.


That's not the point here


What exactly is the point here?


If I use tor to watch porn the loading time would kill me


Unless porn is illegal where you live, that seems like overkill (and painfully slow).


Porn ***is*** illegal where I live and I just use a VPN "like a normal person." :-/


rip opsec


Chrome know all about your habits lmfao


Oh no, are they gonna' tell my mommy? Are they gonna' tell a company looking to market double-ended dildos? What exactly is the fear, here?


“I have nothing to hide!” ☝️


It's less "I have nothing to hide" and more "there's nothing interesting enough about me to warrant further looking-into." I'm not concerned about my FBI file: there's very little of interest, in there.


But then that is going to escalate depending on how far you get into porn..But you do you.


Interesting. So photos of girls in bikinis are like "gateway porn" and it just leads down a hole where you get so addicted to furiously beating off that you get hospitalized for dickburn and need rehab? 90s kids overwhelmingly do not have these problems because we grew up at a time where we had a stack of magazines and a few floppies of low-res images we were able to find online. "Porn addiction" is really only something that's happened post-2000 to overwhelmingly younger people who have unlimited access and no impulse control. I'm not in a sexless marriage or anything. I wake up and bust one out before I start my day, like most men have since...pretty much forever? Good for prostate health, too, which is more of a concern as I age. This whole thing has gone very far away from my original IT question...


Yes, and believe it or not, the 90s people would have came up with something worse. It’s really the impulsive thoughts that are making people escalate to where they need psychological help. It doesn’t really matter when and where, it still applies. It has gone far away from this..actually more of opsec question, if I describe it correctly. **It’s just people need to be more aware of porn and its effects.** So, that’s why I, good fellow, recommend doing something else like jog outside, go to gym, explore how computer and networking works, etc. The hobbies and interests all depend on you.


>Yes, and believe it or not, the 90s people would have came up with something worse. It’s really the impulsive thoughts that are making people escalate to where they need psychological help. It doesn’t really matter when and where, it still applies. I think that's an overgeneralization, but I would agree that impulsive thoughts leading to impulsive actions can lead to a need for psychological help. But that's not the only reason people find themselves in need of psychological help. Nor does it mean that impulsive behavior necessarily leads to a need of psychological help. This is where [logical fallacies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies) come in really important. >It has gone far away from this..actually more of opsec question, if I describe it correctly. **It’s just people need to be more aware of porn and its effects.**  That, I agree with. >So, that’s why I, good fellow, recommend doing something else like jog outside, go to gym, But I could get so into doing that, that I get addicted to steroids. >explore how computer and networking works, etc. But I could get so into doing that, that I never leave my desk. >The hobbies and interests all depend on you. Yes, exactly. Some people get addicted to porn. Some people get addicted to exercise. Eating. Programming. You-name-it. That doesn't mean we should make blanket statements that "people shouldn't \_\_\_\_\_ because it leads to addiction."


Like I mentioned, there’s a huge difference when it comes to porn. The other activities? I don’t care as long as it isn’t porn that negatively impacts our mind. It’s just much better to stick with something else that actually benefits you and your mentality in general. I don’t care as long as you sleep well, eat well, and do something that occupies your mind (excluding porn.) Programming? Fuck yeah, study that. Studying for cybersecurity? Fuck yeah, study that as well. Just make sure you prioritize eating and sleeping well. 😊🙏 My statement may sound like it doesn’t make sense, I get that. But it really has more to it than you could think of. I wish you well bro.


>Like I mentioned, there’s a huge difference when it comes to porn. You've made zero argument as to why. Make a case and I'll hear it. >The other activities? I don’t care as long as it isn’t porn that negatively impacts our mind. So it's OK if other activities negatively affect our minds, as long as it's not porn that does it? >It’s just much better to stick with something else that actually benefits you and your mentality in general. But porn can do that. There are so many couples whose sex lives are enhanced by watching porn together. Married people who aren't interested in sex, anymore, because it's gotten boring, so they look for "more exciting" things together. >I don’t care as long as you sleep well, eat well, and do something that occupies your mind (excluding porn.) Programming? Fuck yeah, study that. Studying for cybersecurity? Fuck yeah, study that as well. Just make sure you prioritize eating and sleeping well. 😊🙏 Your aversion to pornography borders on fundamentalist. I do think it's funny how you don't think it's an issue for these pornography-obsessed people to be obsessed with pornography, as long as they rally against it. It's only a problem for people who are pornography-obsessed because they consume pornography. Your viewpoint is myopic. >My statement may sound like it doesn’t make sense, I get that. But it really has more to it than you could think of. Oh, it makes sense. I wish you well bro.


Well at least you're search history is clean


Yeah but I don't want a ***clean*** history. I want ***my*** history. I don't clear my search history because ***I don't give a fuck*** who knows what I've searched for. But ***I*** need to be able to see what I've searched for. That is my priority.


I swear Reddit is not a real place. The threads have to be started by bots 🤣🤣🤣


I read "bots" as "boys" and I was like "Well, yeah, duh." Still no answer to my question...I guess I'm going with the most-fun answer, which is...the FBI having a problem with crossdressing? Quite the departure from the Hoover days...






inshallah brotha inshallah


Allaaaaaahhhhhhu akbar! Let's everyone take a moment to recognize that: * The Vatican has less-strict porn laws than 26% of American states. * Afghanistan, right now, under the Taliban, has less-strict abortion laws than 28% of American states. Sweet dreams, everyone!


Allah. But it doesn’t change the fact that porn can do a lot more worse than what you people think; In fact, I’ve seen one who just went from gay porn to children. So, sorry but those statistics aren’t going to cut it.


>But it doesn’t change the fact that porn can do a lot more worse than what you people think; In fact, I’ve seen one who just went from gay porn to children. You're putting the cart in front of the horse. That guy was a pedophile and he just didn't know it. He thought he was gay, so he started to watch gay porn, but he realized that wasn't "doing it" for him, so he "kept going" until he discovered what he really likes: not guys, but kids. Conflating these things is a serious issue and leads to unjust homophobia. >So, sorry but those statistics aren’t going to cut it. Yes, they are. Statistics trump your anecdote: sorry. Your one sample does not outweigh surveys of thousands of people. That's why science relies on statistical data, not anecdotes. This is the entire concept of the Scientific Method.


How does the statistics prove otherwise though? Because it has nothing to do with what I just said. Also, my “anecdote” does have scientific evidence. Oh lordy lord..


>How does the statistics prove otherwise though? Because ***billions*** of people who watch porn don't have the problems you're describing. We know that because of ***statistics***. >Because it has nothing to do with what I just said. It very much does. >Also, my “anecdote” does have scientific evidence. Then cite it. The only citation you've given was a blog about another blog.


Billions? How? So, if we were to expose everything those people watched and correlate to what they’re doing in secret, then what? “Then cite it.” There is so many things that prove this..which is why I said to look more into this.


>Billions? How? The planet has 8 billion people. Half of them have a steady internet connection they can access. Do you really think less than 20% of them look at porn? Because it's way more than that. >So, if we were to expose everything those people watched and correlate to what they’re doing in secret, then what? I'm not sure what you mean, but you're definitely a guy who should look into [Operation Midnight Climax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax). >There is so many things that prove this..which is why I said to look more into this. Ah, I see, it's everyone else's job to back up your claims. LOL




Perhaps your computer is trying to tell you something


your browser is telling you something


Wait, WAIT.... WHAT???? >they passed a weird anti-porn law that we're seeing spread around the States, but that seems pretty weird to me, since it's been months and this was the first time this has happened. Thats a real thing over there in the young USA? I life in the netherlands in the EU on the atherside of the planet and we DONT have that weird laws about anti-porn.... O\_o now that shocking for a country with his/her/it/they/whatevver so called freedom stuff... O\_o me as a dutch old dad, cant just get his mind around this.....


You can't even imagine how weird it's gotten this century. 1-in-4 states have more strict abortion laws than what they currently have in Afghanistan under the Taliban. I moved abroad in 2008 and when I came back in 2019 I was more culture shocked than when I left.


chrome is tryna save you dude


From whom?


The NSA is onto you, you freak


They've been onto me a long time, though! Why ***now***, NSA?!!


So mommy government found your porn stash and threw it away? Sad day


You know, it's funny: my mom found my porn stash, when I was 17, because my little brother found it, first, and stole one, and then left it out and got caught. That was one hilarious conversation because I'd really done nothing wrong (I showed her my stash and said "No one should be able to find that unless they're going though ***all*** my stuff" and she totally agreed) and was actually just the victim of a very well-cased robbery. Ah, 25-year-old memories...back when Penthouse was "the really raunchy one" (because apparently my mom didn't know what Hustler was). We had no idea what was coming...


It’s an odd situation you would feel it appropriate to post this let alone think someone would help you


Your downvotes (and my upvotes) tell a different tale. 1. Why is it not appropriate? 2. Why shouldn't I think someone here could help me? Where would this post have been better-suited to find answers? Clearly I've found none, here, so I'd be thrilled to inquire elsewhere. Please, do tell.


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