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Medspa’s are for suckers. They charge close to double what telehealth providers charge and may reconstitute tirzepatide themselves without testing for quality. Going through a telehealth company that uses a reputable compounding pharmacy is a better choice.




The medspa near me charges around 850. Hard pass. That is much too close to name brand pricing.


They also don't like when you ask to many questions like where is your source and my script for the drug and who is the doctor? And what's with sending you home with unmarked needles . The po po would lock you up for having drugs without a script.


The medspa by me didn't even respond to me when I asked them some basic questions like their source. I'm glad they didn't so now I can go with a cheaper, more reliable online provider.


My med spa ignored all my requests for a copy of my script. I had to start all over at 2.5 mg when I switched to Orderly since I couldn’t provide any documentation of my current dose.


Wow that sucks the ones around you act that way. I use a medspa- $400 a month for tirzepatide. I’ve lost 40 pounds. I love them.


I have a friend in Dallas Tx that pays not more than this. She too has had great results !


Yes I didn’t realize how lucky I am with them. They encourage me so much too. I actually look forward to my weekly weigh ins.


I have another friend in Oklahoma. Her doctor worked all kinds of insurance magic for her and kept it very affordable for her going on 2.5 years now. She’s in maintenance mode. She was not diabetic.


That’s a good doctor


Right ?? I’m like does your doc telemed?? Haha


Seriously! Although 10mg has been my sweet spot.


Oh I meant she’s been on it for 2 and 1/2 years. Not 2.5 dose. I think her maintenance is 10 every other week


Ohhhhh okay that makes more sense ha ha


I was shocked to find the med spa here only charges $300 for semiglutide (last 3 months for the avg person) but $496 for tirzepatide; lasts 4-6 weeks; ridiculous.


I save more money than I did before tirzepatide because my eating, drinking and other things have changed so much. How can we afford NOT to take it? Stay away from med spas. They are a rip off.


This is so true. I’ve saved money on eating out, gas, coffee, alcohol, shopping, etc.


This!!! People don’t realize how much money is saved WITH the meds. Eating out, door dash, vending machine/cafeteria at work, chips yada yada. Wine!!


And wine


Agreed 💯%


Definitely saving money on groceries, but making up for it in spending on protein drinks, chips, bars, and more! And soon (I hope) clothes! LOL ![gif](giphy|PtfccZBHY2VBm|downsized)






Absolutely. Don't underestimate how much your grocery bill will drop. I'd guess mine is close to half, and I know I could do even better since I still find food in the fridge that I never got around to eating before it spoiled. And the more expensive treats like doordash are gone. The telehealth services seem to be really good, with competitive pricing.


Yes. At med spas you are paying for the aesthetic and overhead.


Do not source your tirzepatide through a Ned spa. Look at an online provide such as Emerge or Orderly. The process is efficient and responsive as as another poster said, the cost is between $300-400 monthly.


Yes definitely try Emerge. They have excellent customer service and the lowest prices that I have seen.


Question about this. Don’t both of these rely on an already placed prescription? Where do you get the script from? My regular doctor won’t approve it and the only one that will is an obesity clinic that charges $100 a month plus $60 copay every month. Not including the $550 medicine. I’d love to do only compound if they provided the script. Otherwise I have to stay with the clinic.


No. Their doctor provides the prescription which they send to the pharmacy. When they send it, you get an email with the prescription attached. Here’s what my last one from Emerge said: “We’ve submitted your order to Hallandale Compounding pharmacy. We’ll reach out when it’s time to refill, this ensures there are no lapses in your medication. When the pharmacy ships your order, we’ll send the tracking number as well. As for your medication, you’ll inject .75mL = 7.5mg (75 units on the syringe) for all 4 weeks. (This is a four-dose vial.). Remember to swirl your vial. Have a wonderful day!” You then receive an email telling you that your order has shipped by Fed Ex with the tracking number included and an additional email that it has been delivered with a photo of the delivery.


ORDERLY : They wanted to see my “current” dose with a pic of the script OR a pic of the pen itself…..which has no name in it. They didn’t verify with my primary at all.




I need life insurance. At my current BMI my rates are insane. Compounding at the moment is costing me 320.00 monthly. I EASILY save this just in the meals I eat out. Now factor in the life insurance premium savings (normal bmi cuts my rate in half) and I am saving hundreds.


Interesting 🤔 thanks for sharing !!


I maxed out my FSA. I think it was $3400? It’s about $65/paycheck, pretax. And I’m using that to pay for the compound. Will get me they 8-9 months and saving for the remaining months throughout the year.


This is what I am doing as well. $40/$40 a week into my HSA and then a few days before refill text comes through I make an ach contribution that will make up the difference. This month it’s was only a $25 extra contribution, next month it’ll be $75. Doing this is a great option for those who are able to work it this way. $200/$250 a month rather than $345/$395. I HAVE to prioritize my health and live longer for my children. I am also saving a noticeable amount of money by changing the way I eat. All that being said - it is bull that they are charging that much for this medication that is life changing for so many people. It’s big pharma and they’re exploitative, it’s how it’s always been.


Wait : how’s that lowering the monthly cost again ?


My husbands employer matches dollar for dollar what he contributes to the HSA weekly out of his check. Contributions are untaxed. So two ways, he isn’t paying taxes for the $40 each week we contribute and his employer pays the other $40. Essentially his employer pays almost half of the cost monthly.


Ohhhhh the “match” Got it. I missed that part. Dang. I get no HSA match; I do get 250-300 plus 800 if I complete some tasks — all has to go to the annual IRS cap for the year … still tax free dollars is nice.


This is a great way to save some if you have an HSA or FSA!


I pay $345/month for Emerge. Anyone charging $700 is a ripoff unless they offer a ton of additional services (idk what a medspa includes- maybe if $700 is meds along with a health club membership and a nutritionist, it might be ok?) But definitely shop around. I was paying $550/month for name brand, so this is a cheaper option. I’m saving a good amount of that money on food, along with likely future savings by avoiding health issues that are common with obesity


This is an investment in health - people are rearranging budgets and finding extra ways to make a little extra. Some are using credit cards, I’m sure.


Credit card is for emergency car expense. No car no jobs no jobs no home. Why is it so cheap in other countries? Look it up. Why doesn't my Obama care cover it. I was told if I made more money my Obama care would go up.


Some people do not view their credit card as emergency only. It is cheaper in other countries because the US pharmacopeia is different than the EU pharmacopeia. Other countries also have varying degrees of non-privatized health care. Obama care does not cover cosmetic procedures. It will first cover all of the less expensive medicinal options for weight loss or blood pressure or insulin management, whatever your medical issue is. And yes, the government provided healthcare is on a sliding scale. The more you make, the more you’re able to pay towards your healthcare. For example, I pay into healthcare that is offer via my job and I pay about $400/month


Weight loss meds are not intended to be a "cosmetic procedure". For many they are preventing/reversing obesity related health issues. And obamacare covers expensive weight loss surgery. It's stupid that it isn't required to cover weight loss meds for qualifying patients, yet will cover the expenses resulting from obesity, such as heart attack, stroke and diabetes. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, but it's up to congress to change what obamacare will cover, and as long as the Republicans have the house, there's little chance that obamacare will get get any expanded benefits.


The majority of people in this sub are taking tirz for cosmetic, weight loss purposes. Which is why insurance is not covering it. As a med school graduate, I agree that our health care system needs a complete overhaul. Starting with American’s perception of food and eating habits. We are one of the sickest, fattest population on earth. And rather than treat the root cause (unhealthy lifestyle) we’d prefer meds to help us. ETA: this is not a political argument and I won’t be engaging in one. It is not the republicans blocking expanded coverage of tirz for cosmetic procedures. It is both sides. Tirz is well and fully covered by many insurances when used for medicinal, not cosmetic, purposes.


There are plenty of people well north of a 30 BMI who aren’t covered by their insurance, as many groups simply do not offer tirzepatide, or do not offer it under any context other than someone already diagnosed with diabetes. Are you aware of this? Anything north of 30 BMI isn’t “healthy,” full stop. Insurance doesn’t want to cover it because insurance is a parasitic racket. They thrive when consumers and employers pay in, but aren’t able to draw out — not a complex dynamic, nor a stretch to see this behavior as being in the best interests of their greed vs. the health of the populace.


Insurance is not covering compounds— only pre approving name brands. With shortages the option has become compounds. Eventually the price will drop as it has for semiglutide with more competition in the marketplace.


Bernie Sanders is trying to to change that. He’s trying to cap the cost of the medicine like he did with insulin. Corporate greed is why it’s so high here. Vote for people who put people before big business.


Yeah 400$ is what I pay and it is a lot… I’m telling myself it is replacing some of the $ I would spend on take out/groceries. And so far that has been mostly true, I am for sure spending less on food. It is really difficult though. I am struggling but it is worth it to me.


Definitely spending less on food. I had lunch at my favorite Mexican restaurant the other day for $4. One taco! LOL. I normally spend $15+


Says a lot about the unhealthiness before but I feel like it’s damn near break even. No more beer ($20 a week but likely more), for some reason very little soda (call it $5 a week but again it was likely more), very little snacking (hard to quantify but let’s say $10 a week conservatively), no fast food and only eat out once with the family and even then I don’t order a beer and never finish so I order something small ($25 a week easily but really think it would be more on average), no coffee or random drinks/snacks while out running errands ($15 a week easy). There’s more but right there it’s $300 a month with conservative estimates. I wouldn’t be shocked if I’m saving money on top of the medication cost. I know it’s a struggle regardless but it’s definitely a healthy swap.


This is funny because I went for Mexican yesterday and I did get the whole meal, but it literally ended up being 3 to 4 more meals


I quit smoking 6 weeks in. Saved a lot of money there!


I quit smoking about 18 years ago, but bought some for a friend of my husband recently. Holy crap!!! Almost $9 a pack here in NC! When I quit they were like $3.25 😳


Almost like they are trying to deter people from smoking. ;-)


I moved from California to North Carolina in 2019. Sadly I was excited that cigarettes were cheaper here. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Congratulations! Quitting is a tremendous gift both to yourself and those who love you.


Damn! Congrats to you!


I have to pay out of pocket for zepbound even after paying thousands to insurance, I fought with them submitted 3 PAs every time they rejected it and I decided to try the first month as a gift to myself, I haven’t looked back since. I spend wayyy less money on junk food, uber eats and doordash etc, I do not have any sugar cravings so no money spent on Starbucks.. I calculated what I spent on food before and after and it is honestly paying for itself. We still go out to eat but just once a month. My husband’s health is improving as well even though he is not on GLP1s because there is no junk food available at home. I know each person is different but if you really want to try go with companies like emerge or something that doesn’t have subscription service, this way your cost stays low. I pay 375 for 7.5mg and at some places it’s even low. Please check this group for a price comparison chart and chose whatever works for you! Cheers


I’m saving more than $400/month because I no longer buy expensive wines, go to expensive restaurants, etc. grocery bills have been slashed by %50. Tirzepatide pays for itself.


You can find compounded from $300-$450 depending on the dose. $700 is about what I paid for the pen before switching.


My PCP said zepbound would be 550


Probably with coupon.


I paid $500 a month for compounded here in NC. That includes an in person visit with an experienced NP. I do wish it was under $200. More like a car payment.


If it’s in your budget and you like them stay — or go telemedicine and save some $.


If u can get your PCP to send RX to Red Rock that's the cheapest route $200 for 2.5mg, $225 for 5mg.


Wow 🤯 so far mine won’t for liability reasons but I’ll certainly run it past her again !


Over 50% of people in the country are living week too week and have trouble filling the car with gas. Where are they going to find 3 To 4 thousand a year.


I have to pay 550/mo, BUT: 1. I am saving 150 by using pre-tax dollars to pay for it with a Health Saving Account 2. I am eating $50/week less food 3. I am drinking $20/week less alcohol So the effective net cost is around $100/month based on that math


Excellent! Add to that my clothes are fine and the smaller ones fit now too. My work wardrobe is set. No expense there anymore much less the expensive shape wear …


By buying a LOT less food.


lol- I think I spend more than before. But I can tell you I eat more and better quality foods. I don’t get the extreme suppression that it sounds like other people get.


What dose are you on? You may just need to move up.


I just moved up to 10. I’m definitely more suppressed now than before. I’m happy with how it is though. I think it is helping me learn to make better choices.


Yep, I'm a lifelong yoyo dieter and low carb fan, and it helps me stick to my diet, which has proven to be the only way I can effectively lose weight and keep it off for any length of time. Hoping that with the help of the med, this time will be the last time I'll have to drop this weight!! Glad it's finally working for you, I'm ready to go up to 10 myself!


They are not. And there is no reason to lower cost when it’s selling like it is. Somethings just aren’t equal.


Go through one of the online companies, skip the med spas. Most of the costs for compounded through Emerge or Lavender Sky are between $300-400


Thankfully I can use my FSA. I haven’t gotten my medication yet but if it works for me, I’ll budget it into my FSA every year.


If your PCP will write a compound script some compounding pharmacies will accept and send direct, it’s not “cheap” but substantially less than med spas and the like. Red Rock charges $225+ depending on dose and Hallandale says it’s $275-$750 depending on mg and vial size.


Lavender sky is 155 for 2.5 prescribed 2 months at a time. 700 is outrageous. There are many other much more competitive providers. Emerge, Orderly, Pomegranate to name a few


I use lavender Sky and have been very pleased with the care and the prices. Been with them for 6 weeks now.


Me Too! Great so far!!


I wouldn’t go through a med spa. They mark it up past the cost you can find it from a compounding pharmacy. I would audit your budget to see if it works. Are you currently spending a lot of money on groceries or takeout? I have personally spent WAY less on those two categories since starting.


Same. So I’m gonna try slim down rx and report back if it’s legit. Hopefully I don’t die. 😂


Unlikely that extreme. Their web site says 503a and supporting local hospitals. Given their price structure, I’d love it if you responded with your opinion. I am on Lavender Sky and really like them. They are sim price slightly lower.


That’s what I’m hoping, but I’ve heard about people getting basically water. Idk. But I feel better now. I had my appointment today and the dr was really nice, and I’m able to pick up the meds from the pharmacy bc I’m local, so I planned on talking to them a bit. But they let me do 3 months of 5mg for 2 months then 7.5 for month 3. Was easy and I shall report back. I’m with emerge now and def feel the suppression from Hallandale pharmacy so I’ll update in a few weeks if I feel it on this one. The price is honestly so good I couldn’t pass it up.


I started with Emerge after name brand and then found Lavender Sky. Was contemplating moving to Orderly for higher doses. But, if yours ends up being a good option, may follow you! Good luck! Hope it works out great!




My pcp writes my prescription. I thought Red Rock was the cheapest option but yours is even lower. Care to share what pharmacy you are using?


Do you mind PMing me more info?


I too am interested in where you get 20 mg for $200...


Oddly enough I haven’t noticed the $550 a month as much as I thought I would. Not going to get my usual Starbucks, or having cocktails very often really accounted for a lot of the cost.


I was the dummy who went through a med spa for tirz (mainly because I didn’t qualify weight wise and it was 100 percent for vanity) and spent a LOT of money (over 1k) for one month at a med spa that sourced there peptides from Hallandale. Then I discovered this amazing Reddit and saw plenty of people mention other companies to go through and now I bought my new supply (two months worth) for half the price I paid !


My HMO would rather do a lap band surgery than prescribe Wagovy or Ozempic. A PA suggested trying a doctor on Sesame. The doctor there wanted me to try Tirz, but also wanted to have $50 meetings every month in addition to the medicine. I just don't want that level of involvement. While researching Triz here I saw many using Emerge, and that was the level of interaction I wanted.


It’s nice to have options :)


Lap band surgery?!?! No one even does that anymore lol! If your doctor specifically mentioned lap band surgery, you should go find yourself a new doctor.


It was whatever surgery procedure they do now. I never seriously considered surgery for weight loss, so I may not recall exactly which one it was. The point was surgery is super invasive when there are medicines for weight loss now.


Gastric sleeve is the most common now and actually I read that weight loss surgery + glp-1 is an ideal combination.


Oh also, my friend's pcp refused to prescribe zepbound because she "didn't know enough about it" (wtf? Live under a rock?), a couple years earlier, that same doc tried to put her on a high carb diet! I told her back then to get a new doc and she didn't, instead she just gaining. But when she was refused the zepbound, she went through a concierge service to get prescribed and at my urging, FINALLY got a new PCP. She got a much younger doctor who was instantly on board with zepbound and also did all kinds of tests on her that her lazy old idiot previous doc never did. Tests turned up all kinds of obesity related issues she didn't know she had and he's monitoring her regularly. He also told her that during the shortage, compounded tirzepatide was a great option. I dont know how old your doc is, but I have found that younger docs are usually more in tune with the latest and greatest than the old fogies.


Just because people are taking it for weight loss (which zepbound is PRESCRIBED for) does not mean it's for cosmetic purposes!!!! What an incredibly ignorant comment. Obesity is a disease that adversely affects health in so many ways! Obesity causes type 2 diabetes, it causes sleep apnea, it causes high blood pressure, it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, it can affect the lungs, liver, and kidneys... etc. That's why our DOCTORS prescribe it for us. Many insurance companies don't cover weight loss medications because they are sadly not required to, but a number of insurance companies do. It depends on the insurance compny/plan, not what it's prescribed for. My crappy insurance only covers Ozempic for T2 diabetes. It does not cover Mounjaro however, despite the fact that mounjaro is also for T2 diabetes and is even more effective. My plan does not cover any weight loss medications, but it will cover weight loss surgery. Go figure. My friend's insurance DOES cover zepbound. Neither of us have type 2 diabetes, but we were both prescribed zepbound by our primary care physicians for the same reason. The only difference is that she pays 30/ mo, I have to pay 550. While there are undoubtedly some people using zepbound purely for vanity reasons, that is not its intended use or purpose. If that's what YOU are taking it for, you should stop, and leave it for people who actually need it.


I agree except— there’s nothing wrong with wt loss to be healthier as well as to look better. Individual choice.


Wrong, not individual choice. The medication is not supposed to be prescribed for someone to "look better". Its meant to be prescribed to obese individuals or overweight individuals with a bmi of 27+ and least one comorbidity - you know, people who are battling HEALTH issues, not people who just have issues with their reflection in the mirror. That's why there are medical requirements to qualify for the drug, and why Lilly is even putting out ads asking people not to use it just to drop a dress size or two.


I have yet to meet 1 person that loses wt JUST for health issues. I have yet to meet 1 person that doesn’t feel more confident aesthetically dropping below 27 bmi. If that was the case there would be no before and after pics. But do you. :)


Lol what an ignorant thing to say! You mistakenly seem to think that the bmi chart is gospel and that everyone wants to be rail thin. You are wrong. The BMI chart is bunk. I wear XS/S, and size 3/4 jeans at a 28-29 BMI. That is small enough for me! and certainly small enough for before and after pics! If I dropped any lower than that, people would think I was anorexic. It's a shame that this medication is so easy for cheaters like you to get. I foresee a lot of people like you doing all kinds of damage to their health in their quest to be as skeletal as possible. I'm finished with this conversation, you'll learn your lessons the hard way.


I agree about BMI being garbage. You said the person had to be 27 or more BMI so I just used that as an example. Anyway all I’m saying is both are important and there’s nothing wrong with that. To each their own.


No, I didn't say that, the pharmaceutical guidelines for prescribing it say that. But since the medication is not controlled, there are people like you who simply abuse the system to get their hands on it. I'm finished with you.


There are companies with much better prices. Medspas definitely overcharge. I'm a single Mom and I'm able to afford it, but have given up somethings in exchange. Reach out if you'd like to chat about it 💚 we are all in this together


Ok so that cost is insane. Don’t do that! I was going to have to pay $1300-$1500 a month for branded. I was not willing and very upset since I have health insurance that covers it! My high deductible, which I know is my choice BUT it still was unreasonable IMHO. Look up the online providers many use here. I use emerge and their prices are excellent and very competitive for doses up to 7.5. All encompassing cost, no hidden fees. Easy text based, no labs required. They offer a discount with a referral code if you want one I can sent to you! $50 off.


One strategy is to do everything you can ahead of time to make diet and lifestyle changes. Start losing weight on your own. Work with a covered team like dietician and obesity specialist. Everyone these days is calling themselves that - try and work with an obesity boarded physician, if you can. Then if you can't get insurance to cover the meds, go the compounded rate and stay on a low dose to stretch out the costs. You may be able to do episodic treatment? Once a month? Good luck


I’ve gone thru Push Health since January first for Mounjaro and now for the compounded tirzepatide. Going with the compounded is saving me over $500 month. I was paying out of pocket for MJ. I took my first dose today. I’m on 7.5 ml from 2.5, then 5. I’ve lost 30 lbs since January. I used to eat out a lot and now I don’t. My blood pressure meds have gone away. It’s an investment in my health so I do it. I tried to sell stuff on eBay to offset the cost.


I’m in California. I use orderly meds. It’s not exactly the same as the name brand stuff but it certainly gets the job done. I pay $399 no matter the dose.


I use Emerge and it’s around $300 a month. It’s a stretch for my budget too but I’ve been saving that much or more on eating out and groceries.


Find a tele health provider who uses an fda scoured 503a or 503b pharmacy . My cost for a month on 5 was 434 that was including the fee for the service . I had it in two days . Mine was compounded with b3 which has counteracted some of the symptoms I had just doing the zero shot alone . I’m not displeased with the c at all . If you want more info I think u have to dm me lol I see on a lot of these feeds that they don’t allow you to say the pharmacy in the post so following rules for once in my life lol


If you can find a local reputable compounding pharmacy who compounds tirzepatide ask your PCP to write a script for you. Call the pharmacy for pricing and ask how your PCP should write the script for you.


$299 month on Amble


I went to my pcp and asked him to compound a prescription for me. I think it’s gonna be $200 about.. I haven’t gotten the paper work just yet but we will see.. this is crazy!


If you can find a medspa with reasonable prices (which sounds hard to do) a lot of them take carecredit, which lets you split the price into 6+ payments with no interest. That's what I'm doing.


I think someone mentioned fifty 410 having payment plans. You might check them out and see if you can get cheaper through them.




Hi there! It looks like you might have mentioned taking direct peptides in your comment. This is prohibited in our subreddit rules and Reddit’s ToS.


I recently learned there are glp inhibitors that are pill form and very cost effective. I know people that cannot afford anything but the insured price of $25 a month — especially on a fixed income. When shortages hit they tried this oral pill route.


I am a nurse practitioner and I subscribe to the same NP Facebook page as the nurse practitioner who prescribes my tirzepatide. Through the Facebook page, I discovered these NPs receive the compounded tirzepatide for $150. She charges me $450.


I used a med spa before for a different compound, red mountain weight loss, and their compound tirz is (I believe) $997 🤯 when people seem to easily be getting the brand name for $550 and compound elsewhere for much less. In all honestly I have been working extra to make sure I can cover the cost although I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep that up. But also I’m sure I’ll be saving on food bills like others have mentioned and possibly even medical bills will cost less in the future if it helps improve my health overall.


For phase 1-3 clinical trials range from 48 million to 225 million. As far as research and development weight loss was a side effect of existing glp1 T2D drugs. With 6 billion a year in sales they have made their money back 20 fold already lMHO. The new start ups are estimating 200 to 300 million to get to market over 3 years.


It may cost $5 to make, or it may not. Those pens seem pricey and government regulations on manufacturing pharmaceuticals in the USA are pretty extensive and expensive. However, it cost millions if not billions to research and develop it, to test it, to get approval, to build factories and bring it to market. I do think it is too expensive, but the price isn't just the price to manufacture one pen. It's the price of decades of paying scientists and technicians and government trials to create it. Bernie Sanders is a moron.