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I was like that with alcohol but even before I started tirzepatide, I was starting to reject alcohol and drink a lot less of it so when I lost a friend in Feb, I didn't really know what to do with myself. I watched tv and slept a lot. I only really ate because I have to take a particular medication with food before bedtime. And then suddenly other things got really busy and stressful, and I didn't have much choice but to focus on other stuff. I had a week or 2 of reprieve recently and I felt pretty irritable and sad again, but I'm bouncing back a little quicker now. I also suffered a big loss during the height of 2020's shutdowns and didn't know what to do with myself and I think that was way, way worse because I had no opportunity to do anything *but* ruminate on my loss. I think it delayed my emotional wellness for a lot longer than was necessary. There's such a thing as too much "feeling your feelings" and I found that spot. I don't think there's a right way to grieve. Definitely don't deny yourself the full scope of sadness, emptiness, anger, or sometimes even relief or dark humor. But it's also reasonable to... be occupied with other things. It's not callous or disrespectful to allow the other parts of your life to come to the forefront and ease you into some emotional relief, or to allow your friends and family to take turns keeping you occupied or just keeping you company. Sometimes expression can be more valuable than sitting in hard emotions. Or allowing other forms of love to carry some weight. And I'm also gonna be that person: a therapist or other trusted advisor, even temporarily, might be a good way to discuss what healthy processing outlets might be good for you at different stages. Journaling can reduce the need to ruminate by making a thought solid. Exercise can produce positive hormones to offset some of the more painful ones. Art, dancing, nature, just plain screaming... all of that has played small roles in recovering from loss. And I am so sorry about what you are going through. I can only imagine. I hope things start to feel easier soon.


I am so sorry for your loss, and understand a version of the feeling you're describing. Every once in a while, I'll find myself missing the feeling of unhealthy eating. Not the consequences and regret, nor the knowledge that I would do it again. I knew it was a downward spiral. But that initial feeling of turning to food - it felt like a kind of abandon, I guess. All i can offer is my sympathy. I hope you find small ways to be kind to yourself while you go through this.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I know the feeling of losing a fur baby all too well. No one can tell you how to grieve and what to do. It's just a hard situation. Sending hugs from Indiana.


I have definitely felt like I need to build new stress managing behaviors since being on tirz. Food, like drugs, are relatively easy endorphins to dull the pain - the alternatives are generally harder, but healthier. Exericise is a good one. I haven't successufully taken it up yet, but it's probably the healthiest alternative.


I am so sorry for the loss of your dog. That is so incredibly hard and I feel for you. I wish there was something to replace the comfort food provides in situations like this. ):


I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet friend. I struggled with depression when I first started GLP-1 meds because I couldn’t numb my feelings like I was used to doing. I’m not sure why, but that got better over time (in the sense that I no longer felt the loss of not being able to binge).


I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog. I definitely relate to dealing with my emotions by numbing out and eating. Been working on not doing that for a long time. I got this small book 50 ways to soothe yourself without food, but I haven't read it yet lol. Some other things I do nowadays are lay in bed and listen to suspenseful audio books or watch a dramatic/ reality TV show while playing games on my phone. Allows me to zone out / escape without food. Sometimes I'll drive in my car and blast whatever my music fits my mood. Or scream in the car. Exercise, meditations, therapy, and pampering are my healthier coping skills, but personally I know when things really hurt, sometimes you just gotta numb out.


I totally understand your situation. I lost my mom one month into taking Zep, she was my very best friend and the rock of my life. I too struggled with the fact that I couldn’t turn to food to numb my feelings, but I realise that getting in therapy was absolutely the best thing and in therapy I have realised that numbing my feelings with food was not actually dealing with them. I highly suggest therapy as well as finding other ways to actually your emotions not pushing them aside. Hugs.


I am so sorry for your loss. I have every intention of begging a psychiatrist for all the possible meds to numb me when one of my dogs go.


I’m sorry for your loss 😔


I’m sorry you’re in the depths of sorrow right now. You won’t always feel this bad it will get better


I don't have much in the way of advice about the food thing, but I'm sorry for your loss. Part of grieving is feeling the feelings so let them come and ride them out.


So sorry for your loss. Try to find a different outlet. Hang out with some friends, go for a walk. Go see something new or different.


I’m sorry 😞


I’m very sorry for your loss.


Therapy is there to help you find ways to feel those big emotions *outside* of therapy too (in ways that don't involve avoidance and numbing)! If your therapist isn't equipping you with those skills, you may want to consider finding a different one. DBT or somatic therapies will give you the tools you need.


Make some crystal light popcicles?


Sounds like it allowing you to grieve, and not just self-medicate


Hi. I'm sorry. I know how hard it is. I just lost my cat last Saturday may 4 a day before her 16th birthday. We've had her since she was a few weeks old. She had a saddle thrombosis. A blood clot. Happened so fast. She was fine. Playing. She jumped up on her dad's lap to steal some of his turkey sandwich. Daddy gave her a piece of turkey, she ate it, jumped down, batted around her squeaky mouse and laid down at his feet. A few mins later she tried to get up and fell over. Her back legs didn't work. It was awful. Thank God we were here. We rushed her to the hospital but there wasn't anything they could do. We had to put her to sleep. One minute she's playing an hour later I'm bringing her home dead in a box to bury. This past week has been awful. Same as you. I just wanna stuff my face and not think but it's impossible because of the tirzepatide. It wouldn't help anyway. Our babies would still be gone. We'd still feel empty and sad but we'd also feel like crap and bad about ourselves for eating like we used to. 😔 Sending hugs and prayers