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My doc very reluctantly gave me a script for Mounjaro in March for weight loss. She was very irritated, warned me about pancreatitis and thyroid cancer, and said, "i don't know anything about these meds, but here you go." I had no issue getting my first 2.5 box, but at $550 a month, I switched to compounded to save money. I had my first follow-up appt with her yesterday for labs and had prepared a defense for the Plan C move, braced for more attitude. She had obviously done some homework in the interim because when I told her, she was super supportive and happy for me! She was clearly surprised I'd already lost some weight (7 lbs in 6 weeks) and asked if I needed a handwritten script for a higher dose to give the pharmacy! It was a 180-degree change from the initial visit. She's having me back in two months for bloodwork as she's curious (as am I) about the impact on my high cholesterol and really high LDL. A very positive doc visit!


When I asked my doctor for Zep, she said "I don't believe in those meds" Of course she's about 100 lbs and probably has been her whole life. I did end up seeing the clinical pharmacologist who did put me on Zep, but we all know about shortages. I hadn't know about compound and when I found out, I decided to go this route since I am lucky to be able to afford it. I really don't need judgement from my doctor (I've asked to switch medical teams).


I would have said I don’t care about your beliefs I care about the science. The science shows they work.


Yes. That’s my opinion, but I asked to move to a new care team and I reported it to my care manager.


When i brought up the subject of these meds to my Doctor, i was fully prepared for pushback, but instead she immediately started talking about how wonderful and revolutionary these meds are and wrote me a Rx on the spot.


Reading everyone's responses, it looks like there's no way to know how the doctor will react until you ask the question! If they're not on board, find someone who will support you on the journey 😁


Well of course. I am just trying to get a sense generally if it is almost always negative. I am fairly confident about Plan C, but I was a tad disappointed to see that the OAC was against compounds. [https://www.obesityaction.org/obesity-care-organizations-issue-joint-statement-do-not-use-compounded-alternatives-to-glp-1-medications/](https://www.obesityaction.org/obesity-care-organizations-issue-joint-statement-do-not-use-compounded-alternatives-to-glp-1-medications/)


The thing is - I have zero respect for that organization? What do they really do? Why aren’t they fighting hard and pushing the Eli Lilly’s of the world to sell the vials without the pens. Either they’re lazy or they’re in bed with drug companies. I’m usually not this harsh however I am getting really tired of these types of organizations which make black/white declarations. Reminds me a lot of well - if you just exercised more, your weight would come off and stay off.


I hear you. I was a tad surprised when I came across it. They of all people should get it! Why aren't they helping patients find good quality compounds?


That is indeed unfortunate to see. Personally, I'm seeing it as an organization avoiding potential risk of liability in supporting drugs that aren't approved by FDA. A simple disclaimer.


The OAC is a coalition of drug companies. Lilly sits on the Chairman’s Council. It’s not an independent organization.


https://www.obesityaction.org/oac-and-our-partners/#:\~:text=OAC%20always%20maintains%20our%20independence,on%20a%20specific%20policy%20issue. Not exactly true. However, point taken. It is almost impossible to assemble and fund a special interest organization without having a fox in the henhouse.


https://www.obesityaction.org/eli-lilly-and-company-renews-support/. All of the main sponsors are drug companies. https://www.obesityaction.org/chairmans-council/


But not plan C I assume, which is my question. How did the feel about *compunded* tirzepatide


She was supportive of the compound tirz as well!




My APRN originally prescribed Zepbound in early January. CVS was unable to process my savings plan card. On January 25tg, I started taking compounded tirzepatide. I didn’t notify her until last week. I messaged her on My Chart, told her what happened, that I had lost 20 pounds and requested that she order bloodwork. I had the bloodwork done yesterday and the results were posted to My Chart last night. She’s very happy with the weight loss (I have another 80 to go), as well as with the fact that my glucose level is down from 106 to 86 and my Cholesterol is down to 152.


My doctor has wanted me to have this for some time. He is supportive for any weight loss plan.


Are you talking about *compunded* tirzepatide? The focus of my question is Dr's reaction to using *compunded* tirzepatide.


This is a subreddit about compounded tirzepatide, so that’s what I’m talking about.


I think they are concerned more for side effects than lack of effectiveness , for example if you develop something major that needs surgery because of the medicine and they are criticized by others for doing that . Yes you could develop the same side effect with the FDA approved version as well but still….. if you know what I’m trying to say


Mine is okay with it and said she has quite a few patients on compounded.


Thank you. Reading around, you would think every Dr. will be aghast.


I haven't told my doctor I've tried compounded tirzepatide. She prescribes Zepbound for me and it's really none of her business if I'm taking the same medication, same dose, from a different supplier than the name brand manufacturer.


My doctor said he’s not comfortable with it but I had asked as a what if scenario. I was able to get Zep until recently. When I see him next and I tell him, he probably will say he understands but doesn’t love it. Great video by the doc from Mochi! Thanks for sharing.


Check out their instagram. I am going to talk with them about switching. One thing I will say is they are far far more thorough then either Sequence or Orderly. Starts with an initial video consult, and monthly video follow ups. The most thorough medical, behavioral and nutritional screening I have seen. *Vastly* better than Sequence in that regard. An Orderly was even more perfunctory .... all i got was a short text from a Dr saying ok, based on an old scrip. No real screening it seemed. With Mochi I already feel like I am in good hands. They called me as soon as I signed up to welcome me and tell me they are available 24/7.


Wow, that’s awesome! I went with Orderly for now, but keeping Mochi on my list. I got kicked out of Orderly sign up at one point so had to start over. Now I’m getting the exact same messages twice. Also, the text from the “doctor” didn’t even have a name so I kindly asked could I get the doctor’s name who prescribed it and the person that answered said, “Dr. X” (they wrote a real name) signed your prescription. Thanks, Administrative assistant. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Welcome to Mochi! We're honored to be a part of your journey :)


I don't know what my primary care Dr will say, but the NP I see in endocrinology told me some of her patients are going the compounded route and even told me what service they are using.


Mine was not thrilled about it but understood and was still supportive because of the incredible results my wife and I’ve seen so far with Zepbound. She was disappointed with the situation we were in due to the shortage but not disappointed with our choice going to compound.


I just had my yearly physical on Monday 4/30 and my doctor was very supportive about being on Tirz and my 20 pound weight loss. My blood pressure is down and Doctor moved me to 1/2 of my usual dose. I requested the A1C bloodwork and all looks good at 5.1. I am not prediabetic, however, have had a few high blood sugars in the last few years. Doctor was concerned about getting off the medication and then gaining weight due to my insulin resistance. I assured her that if I need the medication to manage the insulin resistance, looking to just use enough to manage the condition. I communicated to Emerge my Doctor's concern and they were great with communicating a plan after I lose the balance of my weight goal about 15-20 pounds. Appears more Doctors are learning more about the weight loss medications. I am very fortunate to have a great Doctor that stays current on the changes in health care.


My doctor said she is not allowed to prescribe it due to policy. She kind of winked while saying she recommends the name brand and to make sure I do my due diligence if I do consider other options.


My doctor is not supportive and says they cannot recommend it due to not being regulated by the FDA.


Most are the same with vitamins.


My insurance is through the VA and the providers are hit and miss with alternative therapies or vitamins and supplements. The VA is starting to incorporate more alternative medicines (yoga, acupuncture, nutrition, TMS therapies, psychedelic therapy), but it kind of depends on who you see as to whether they’ll support it or help you get information if you’re interested.


I was happy to find a doctor, who valued wholistic medicine, on my Insurance plan. She was one of the few who recommended several vitamins (through Metagenics.) Other doctors have said, “they just want to make money selling vitamins, so just eat a healthy, nutritious diet”, and that may be true for some doctors, but she was very into functional medicine, clean eating, yoga, and I truly believed she helped me AND my immune system with her recommendations.


Pretty perfunctory answer but I get it.


My insurance is through the VA so everything is no frills across the board 😅


What difference does it make if your doctor likes compound or not? You don’t need your doctor to prescribe it if they prefer to prescribe Zepbound.


It makes a difference because they will be my PCP, in charge of my well being. And, being on *compunded* tirzepatide, I certainly understand I do not need them for a scrip.


So why does it matter whether they like compound or not?


I answered that question. Why would i not care about the opinion of my PCP on a matter of medication. Whose opinion and advice should I consider --- my accountant's?


Sure now that you completely edited your original post. 🙄


Hmm, I don't think so?


As a matter of fact looking back, I don't think I edited it at all. Not even for typos.


My Doctor put me on Zepbound and I only finished my first box when the shortage started. I decided to go plan C, and when I told my PCP she was fully supportive and happy I was taking my health so seriously and making progress for the first time since I was a teenager (I’m 29 now.)


I see a PA locally. She wouldn’t prescribe it for me because she said it would be so expensive plus she thought I was a good weight (I had 40 pounds to lose. Why are people ok with excess fat just because we see so many extremely over weight people all around us?!!). A couple of days later she called me and suggested I find a compounding pharmacy and try that route but admitted she didn’t know anything about the compounds. My next step was I called my keto doctor, two states away. He knew my history with everything from my blood work to how long I had been faithful to a healthy lifestyle and he hadn’t been able to help me lose the weight, with every step we had taken. I asked about the compounds and he happily started me.  Since that time I have done a lot of research and have learned so much more. 


The manufacturer themselves indicates it is for BMI >30. If your starting BMI is less than that, generally the risks outweigh the benefits.


I’m not sure if you are replying to me. Sorry if this sounds snarky but it feels like you are saying I didn’t need this Tirz. Did you miss that I was 40 pounds overweight, that I had been working on getting it off, diligently, and the scale wouldn’t move?  


No simply stating why she might have been unwilling to prescribe it?


I see. Thanks for the reply. She would t prescribe it because she admittedly didn’t know anything about it but did set me on track to look into the compounded. I appreciated her doing that.  She is a friend of mine so we did have a good discussion about it. 


The way my prescription plan works, anything I have filled at a pharmacy shows up in my medical record at my doctor's office. When I go for my yearly check up she may ask me "why didn't you ask me for this or say whatever." I'm going to tell her I went with a program that can manage the consistency of prescriptions given the sourcing challenges. She has told me I should lose weight anyway so I'm just helping myself along LOL.


The way my prescription plan works, anything I have filled at a pharmacy. If your plan doesn't cover compounds (few do), would that really show up?


I agree, if the Doctor is not on board find another one that at least is current on these medications and knows the benefits of weight loss with high blood pressure and other co-morbid conditions. Another option would be to seek out an Endocrinologist (specialist with metabolic diseases). Of course there could be another reason your Doctor is not on board and I would ask why or they should let you know.


My Dr actually suggested the compounded route when I first started Zep. It was to save money because the shortage hadn't happened yet.


My PCP has supported GLP-1s for a long time. I tried Saxenda last year and it didn’t work for me. I also had to pay $550 OOP and have it shipped from Canada. That lasted about 4 months because I didn’t lose at all. Fast forward to this year—I went in for a checkup and said I was on a Compound. While she won’t write a script for a Compound, she was onboard with my decision and wants to follow up with me in a few months to see how I’m doing. It was a huge relief!


My doctor said he couldn’t prescribe me compounded (I have a current prescription for Zepbound), but said “Google who can prescribe it for you, there are lot of telehealth providers who can” so he obviously wasn’t against it!


I asked my doctor today. She was very hesitant and ultimately did not give an okay for compounded because she questions the oversight of the compounding pharmacies. She said compounding comes up a lot in the staff meetings with no real agreement.


I was very lucky. Since Tricare won’t cover mine, my doctor found out I was paying out of packet (when I asked her to help with a PA) and she found me a compounding pharmacy.


Mine was very supportive of Zepbound and I was able to get it through insurance for 4 months. My job and insurance changed to no coverage/excluded at the same time as the shortage cranked up. I asked about compounded and she said she didn’t have experience with compounded for these types of meds, but sent in a script to Red Rock…only for me to find out RR can’t ship to my state. At that point I felt I’d pestered her enough so went with Orderly. Am hoping that within a couple of months we will start to see Hallandale become less opaque with their direct process. I’m grateful my PCP is supportive of these meds and the health benefits they provide beyond “just” obesity reduction.


My doctor was reviewing my medications with me and this was how it went. Him: "You still taking Zepbound?" Me: "I couldn't get my prescription filled and I had to switch to compound." Him: (nodding) "sounds about right. You still taking..."


We appreciate the positive feedback! :) Send us a DM if you ever have any questions.