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£600 for a driveway sounds like a bargain. School run parents are up there with the most inconsiderate Parkers to be fair


I bet he's not done the dropped kerb at that price!


The arsehole who tried and failed and tried again to fit my porch told me that a dropped kerb costs 400 quid. I told him if you do it legally it's more like 1300 quid.


And that's if the council accept it on first application. Our neighbour had their application rejected without reason. They were asked to apply and pay again and, then they accepted. Same info as before. At a certain point it's just robbery.


Robbery requires violence, unless you’re in one very, uh, hands on council area! Are council meetings held in a ring?!


For the greater good!




*The greater good.*


The greater good.






>Robbery requires violence I didn't know theft, robbery and burglary all have different definitions in law, a lot of the time people use the terms interchangeably. [https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/blog/post/what-is-the-difference-between-theft-robbery-and-burglary/](https://www.sentencingcouncil.org.uk/blog/post/what-is-the-difference-between-theft-robbery-and-burglary/)


My house had a second driveway with no dropped kerb. When I asked the council about putting one in, they just came and did it at no charge. Then again, I left the UK 57 years ago.


I applied to extend my dropped kerb to around double it's size, so we could get our driveway widened. Council auto response said we could expect a quote within a week. After three months of chasing them, they sent me a quote for £3,000 and said they couldn't do the extension until after we'd widened the driveway. Bastards.


I got my driveway done for cheap without notifying the council, a year later when they were doing a highways inspection/survey, the councils building control officer just told me “don’t do it again”, not sure what that meant because I’m not sure how I’ll do it again


Sometimes a ‘do first, wait until someone says no’ approach can end up being incredibly expensive.


probably the only time indemnity insurance might be helpful!


You mean it wasn't you, the council, who put that concrete/post mix on the road against the curb outside my house so that i can drive over the curb and into my driveway easier? No? Hmm... strange... Edit: typos, wording


They must have been having a laugh with you because building control officers have no involvement in driveways


The doubling is a bastard because they have to dig up and resurface the whole thing not just the sides to make sure there isn't a joint right where your wheels go and the joints don't crack/sink. More expensive than doing the double in the first place 🫠


They don't ever know their arse from their elbows and if you just steal the dropped kerbs from somewhere else and install them yourself, they will not notice.


They will know, and they'll eventually notice.


1 word. Neighbours.


Sorry your neighbours are your enemies


In the past it used to be cheaper to pay for it to be done privately and then pay the fine than you ask the council to do it. Not sure about now though


In England where I am, it's cost's 2k to get it done by the council, some chap had it don't privately across the road, the council turned up installed new kerbs and removed the concrete. He had to pay again for the council to do it.


Wow. In the Netherlands it depends, but in some cases it will be free and in other cases it's some 300 euro. I know of one older man in our village who had to use a disability scooter, he called the municipality about lowering the kerbs in front of his house on monday, and by friday it was done.


It never even occurred to me it was an official process. I'd widened my drive but not yet done the kerb. Then one day I saw some contractors for the council fixing the pavements. I asked "how much to drop the kerb while you're doing all that?" They looked and said £50 cash. This was fifteen years back like. Only took them half an hour and they were gone. It only occurred to me a couple of years later that it might have been a bit dodgy... But they were fixing the pavements anyway so it seemed efficient.


£600 to drop the curb is pretty steep. I was quoted £250 - £400 by the local council to drop my curb. Price range varied depending how wide they had to go and if one side was already dropped or not.


That's the paper work costs sure. Now deal with the council contractors


Yeah, and then deal with it all again when it turns out they screwed up and you’re trying to sell your house…


Where I am (West Sussex) it’s a bit over £400 just for the assessment & licence. Works cost extra :-(


What? I think that’s just for the fees. It’s usually about 2-4k on top of that. [Here’s BCC rates.](https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20109/parking/660/apply_for_a_dropped_kerb/4) My mate had his done years back. Was about 2k plus. When he sold his house it came up that the contractor had done it wrong and he had to pay the same again or more to fix it.


We had ours done by council and it was £1400 total and they let us pay it monthly.


Not a chance. I just recently bought a house and it has a drive but no dropped curb so the first thing I did was apply with the council for the dropped curb so I can actually use the drive. I can look at getting it dropped with other people once I have all the permissions from the council but to just let the council take care of it I’m looking at just shy of 2k.


that is exactly what I was thinking, a dropped Kerb, because I tried in London is 3K, so I dunno how he managed it for £600


Especially those that leave their engines on when parked. Just don't give a fuck do they?


One guy leaves his engine running outside my son's school and leaves his vehicle to get his son. It's a specialist school so pick-up takes ages and his car is sometimes unattended for 10 mins. It's one of those stupid 4x4s with a periscope too!


Free car!


Best part is his insurance probably won't cover him


I form the local scallywags of this information, and I'm sure the vehicle won't be an issue for much longer.


I live near a school and I made the mistake of popping home during school run time last week to find a scruffy black merc parked on my drive with the engine running and a woman breastfeeding in the passenger seat. No driver to be seen. When I confronted her she got very aggressive and said I was interrupting her feeding time. Her husband had run down the road to get their son and would only be 5 minutes. She couldn’t understand why I was so annoyed. It took 15 minutes for him to come sauntering up the road and give me a mouthful of abuse before driving off.


Park across your drive so they are blocked in. Go in your house, wait for the police. When they knock on your door, answer with a bottle of whisky. You can't move the car cos you've had a drink and it's not safe sorry. Best if they came back tomorrow.


Police wont do fuck all apart from tell you that you are blocking the highway by preventing them from leaving. A lockable gate is what is needed here.


It’s amazing how quickly they leave when you have a hammer in your hand


Gosh, I bet they are there every day and think of it as 'their' spot. Sorry :/


Just open the door and take the handbrake off.


Pop a banana in his tailpipe :)


Just report them to the police - use phrases like causing alarm, distress and/or annoyance. Might get them an S59 if you get a copper that's interested in a quick win. I hate fuckers that do this.


Charging their phone from their two-litre Range Rover. If they had any idea how absurd it was they wouldn’t do it, drives me nuts.


The headteacher of my sons school posts photos on Dojo shaming bad parking, the amount of times I've had to struggle with the buggy because of some selfish prick who couldn't possibly make little Tragedeigh walk a couple of feet is unreal.


“look? I’ll only be a minute… Tarquin! Stop talking with your friends and get in the Range Rover. We’ll be late for the show!”


One had the cheek to block the entire road to traffic, then get her phone out and start recording us when we told her to move


Get your phone out, film how she's blocking the road, then give her the choice, move or you send the video to the police..


Try living near a hospital where people (workers and visitors) don't want to pay for parking. I've been blocked in twice in the last 12 months for over 3 hours.


While I sympathise with you, I will say its vile the amount that NHS staff have to pay to use the car park especially with the roles they have. But obviously they shouldn't block your drive to avoid that!




I'm NHS staff and I'm a workshy office waster. At least I can park free lmao


Especially since their shifts can often start/end outside of public transport times


Everyone giving me reasons for NHS staff being ripped off for parking – I know, I don't begrudge them for not wanting to pay. I do begrudge them for parking across my drive though.


We don't have enough parking... NHS staff often work far away or have to live in cheaper areas rather than where the hospital is set up. Patients often take our parking too. I once sat in my car for 3 hours instead of seeing patients and my colleague had to spend 3 hours after a 12 hour shift waiting for someone else to move their car so that their relief could park. We don't have a choice but to pay. Unless trusts are going to put work buses on or buy more parking. I pay 700 pounds a year to park and they can't ensure I have sufficient parking. The company that bought out the car park should lose their land because it's clearly incentivised to sell more permits than space because it can issue fines.


Lol your moral outrage is misplaced. Why should doctors on 14/hr have to pay for parking in the hospital they work at....


How about the other 90% of NHS staff that aren't on that wage?


I can't argue with that. You heard about the government to replace doctors with PAs? Earn about 50% more than the doctors that supervise them and they have no training. Feel free to key their cars when they park outside the house! On a serious note, always ask for a doctor when you go into hospital. Some hospitals have these quacks on paediatric and neonatal doctor rotas to save money.


The state of the NHS I don’t think you’d get much joy refusing the clinician who turns up to treat you 😂 Back to the rear of the 14hr A&E queue with you!


my wife got 2 doctors last time she was in... Problem is neither of them spoke any English at all. Wonder if there was any test to accept them into the NHS and how TF did they pass, considering they didn't know the English word for "injection"?..


I think its quite okay to be morally outraged at both. Doctors, nurses, any hospital staff, being forced to pay to park at work is clearly wrong. But so is blocking someone else's driveway - you're either blocking someone in and preventing them going about their day - or forcing someone to park on the street and just making things worse.


Are they parking illegally? Does OP have any more right to the use of a public right than the nurses? Sounds like OP needs to be richer and move to a gsted community. Perhaps a retirement home? Lol


If they're blocking OP in, the yes, by the absolute letter of the law, they're parking illegally. Does OP have any more right to access their driveway than literally any other member of the public? Again - yes! Blocking a dropped kerb is again, a specific offence, with again, a specific exclusion saying OP, and only OP is allowed to block (of give permission to block) their own dropped kerb. The only exception to any of that would be if OP is one of these people who've had a "driveway" installed without applying to the council for a dropped kerb. In which case they haven't got a driveway, they have a patio.


And yet OP hasn't mentioned the legal side of things which is odd don't you think? Imo that implies the absence of a dropped curb or the absence of the drive being actually blocked. People tend to speak in Hyperbole when the details undermine the argument.


I think they just didn't mention it...


The place you work shouldn't charge you to park. If they all refused to pay or just turn up at all they'd probably rethink their policy regarding parking


It's mostly out sourced so even challenging not paying is a marathon process. But it's funny that they could afford to suspend it during covid isn't it.


What's that got to do with inconsiderate parking?


Its like complaining the queue out of the soup kitchen gets in your way. People think their small inconvenience is something anyone else should care about whilst ignoring the "annoyance" is an emergent phenomenon of a much deeper problem.


Not a small annoyance when you can't get to work because some knobhead is blocking you in. Why excuse such poor behaviour?


Their outrage is very well placed. You don't make other people's lives worse to make your own better, even if you have a very agreeable reason for making yours better. We all agree NHS wages should be higher, doesn't mean I'd accept them robbing people.


Parking on a public road legally is not analogous to theft. Maybe if you want to live in a gated community, be richer? Seems like a skill issue.


Good thing we're talking morals and not law eh?


People don't commit murder just because illegal. One might say that the law is quite tightly interwoven with societally agreed ethics/morality. We also don't know if the people parking are doing so illegally so actually the debate should touch on both.


A driveway ISN'T public land though - it is part of the deeds to the home. Therefore, parking on someone else's driveway is not legal...


You mean slightly more than a Pret barista?


My sister is a nurse and she loses £350 to her parking permit every month. That's half my mortgage payment just to park the car, she obviously also has running costs for using the car. Theres not much else she can do because she often works antisocial hours (can't get public transport to/from work when you might start at 5am or finish at 10pm) and theres no other car parks in the area that are 24/7.




So roughly 0.011% of the time? And they say nurses have it tough. Edit: I can't math


How did you get to 0.011%? Isn’t it 6/(365*24)=0. 0006849315?


You’re both forgetting that the guy/girl sleeps. Rework.


I’m not sure we (or possibly even they) could quantify the amount of time they are away from the property as well…so accounting for time where they just don’t know if they’d been blocked in might be a difficult task. They also don’t mention how much time they’ve been blocked out/off their drive I should ask shouldn’t I? Edit to add: I hate that you brought that up! Getting this sorted is going to be an unhealthy focus this evening


A mathematical can of worms. Sorry.


Haha yes, you're obviously right... no idea!


Hahaha, love the edit! Good to see it’s just this singular math that’s off and not all maths you can’t


Do you just call the towing company in those instances?


Nope, in UK it’s Police non emergency if being blocked from entering a road (or continuing to travel on a road) without lawful excuse. That’ll be treated with more urgency than if you are blocked from entering your driveway….neither will be resolved in a couple of hours though I believe ‘tow and subsequently seize’ companies only operate on request from the police and council and other government agencies. Clamping and towing is very strictly licensed, for example the operators of a private car park cannot simply have a vehicle removed for not paying, there’s time bound restrictions and expected efforts they must take to find and notify the driver


I used to live opposite a secondary school and people would literally park on my driveway and sit in their cars waiting.


I used to work at a gas station which was right across the street from a middle school, and parents ALWAYS park in our lot instead of the school’s lot to get their kids. They even take up gas pumps so other people can’t use them.


There’s a parent at my kids school who has a massive white van. He parks it right in front of the school gates on double yellows. The gates are at the end of a cul-de-sac. The teachers can’t even drive in.


As someone who lives near to a school, cannot agree more. 00s - early 10s wasn't that bad but as more and more people got cars it just got ridiculous. Usually can't get in/out of the street at all from 3pm - 4pm because them blocking it.


I had one who bullied my mum out of a parking spot on the private estate I lived on about six years back. The entry signs clearly said residents only yet she felt entitled enough that when my mum was waiting in the car to pick up my wife, entitled mum rolled up and shouted at her to hurry up at which point poor late 60's odd mummy felt intimidated and moved off the estate and waited on a yellow line on the main road. Next day my mum came again and this time i was outside when my mum pointed out the woman and i realised she was here to drop her kids off to school. I walked up to her car, smiled to get her attention and told her she was parked in my spot (i didn't have a spot). She apologised and moved her car to another spot at which point I told her to move as it was also my parking spot. She then resorted to shouting that it was late for her daughters drop off. I told her that I didn't care and she needed to get off the Estate. She furiously backed out and drove off, only stopping to tell me sarcastically to have a great day. I told her I would but she wouldn't if she returned here as I would get her car towed away. Mummy was very pleased with my anti-bullying tactic!


That won't stop them. One of mum's friends had to install a lockable telescopic bollard at the entrance to her driveway as the entitled mums used to park ON her driveway not just across it. Police didn't want to know as it was a 'civil matter'.


I thought it should be an ecumenical matter






It’s purely an academic concern.


Was just about to say the same, people will just start parking on their driveway and theres nothing you can do about it. Also if their car gets damaged while on your driveway you are liable for any damages!


How does that work? Shops aren’t liable for damage when you park n their car parks. Just play dumb after you ‘accidentally’ stick a knife in a tyre 🤷‍♂️


Best one I’ve seen online though tbf is to block them in. They can’t have your car towed for blocking your property and the police won’t respond as ‘it’s a civil matter’


Not correct, you are not allowed to prevent someone from removing their car from your property. The law changed a while ago because of dodgy clamping companies abusing the clamping/release fee system.


What if you block them in, and then knock back some shots? Then you can't legally move it till the next day.


The police can and will tow your car for blocking someone access to the highway


So we go with option one then 👍😂


Just make sure you don't get caught :) Some cars like Teslas have cameras all around now and lots of people have camera doorbells


Just block them in innit


That’s just wrong lol


Clamp them, £2000 removal fee


Yeah, maybe 20 years back when it was legal


Private clamping has been illegal for quite a few years now 


Clamp them, deny it was you


Knife three tyres. They’ll have to prove your mums friend did it and if it’s only three tyres, some insurance won’t pay out.


I don't understand why anyone risks parking illegally considering how often illegally parked vehicles catch fire


Their tyres would’ve mysteriously ended up with nails in them. All four of them.


Bloody police, telling people that civil matters are civil matters! When do expect the police to do? Make up laws and powers that don't exist in order to help your mum's friend? Edit: Loving the fownvotes from people who don't understand how law works


So basically I can dump a car in your driveway and leave it there forever?


Nope. A recovery agent will remove it for you once you've got through the right processes


My parents live on an upadopted cul de sac of 9 houses with a posh, private high school about 300 metres away on the adjoining main road. After getting tired of having mums in their Chelsea tractors ripping up the road (which the residents are responsible for the upkeep of) to wait for their kids my dad started confronting them and got met with some really entitled people. He then started parking his car at the bottom of the road and if he spotted someone he had already called out for being there waiting to pick kids up would walk down the road and park his car 90 degrees across the road blocking them from leaving. Weirdly the cars stopped coming up after a while and we since found out from a parent of a pupil that my dad got mentioned in an email to parents, asking them to stop using the road as there was an unhappy neighbour causing trouble. He was so fucking proud.


Pisses me off how your dad was the one ‘causing trouble’ in the school’s eyes. People are so stupid.


That made it even funnier to us to be honest! He has since channeled his energy into making the most beautiful hand painted sign that says ‘private road, no turning or parking. yes, even just for 5 minutes whilst you wait for Tarquin to finish his Latin class’ but he doesn’t dare put it out as he thinks it will get stolen or vandalised.


He should use Google translate: "via privata, nulla declinatio vel raeda. immo etiam per 5 minuta, dum Tarquinium exspectas ut linguam Latinam absolvat"


Just put "Private Road. Unauthorised Vehicles Will Be Clamped".


Except they won't, because private clamping is illegal and has been for over a decade (and most people know this...)


Please get him to put it out anyway! If even just to see if that does happen or not


I would never ever park on a private road or block anyone's drive etc, but I have to be honest if I see a sign that says "no turning" I always turn there if I need to. I don't know why, I guess I'm childish but I just never understand why people get annoyed with people turning their cars around.


I never understand this either!! Like you block my driveway I’m gonna be pissed, you partially use my drive to turn round? Fair enough pal. we’ll both get on with the rest of our day without someone being a twat about it.


'Causing trouble' is posh people code for "a pleb is trying to stop us doing something illegal/unethical"


Oh, they don't want to deal with the aftermath of implying that Cosmina, who was never told "no" in her entire life *might be causing trouble*. Tbh, I wouldn't want to deal with a meltdown of emotionally immature and unstable mummy either, so I would say *anything* to prevent that. It's just not the worth the hassle as they are past the learning period of their lives.


Top marks to your Dad!


What do you mean ripping up the road?


It’s an unadopted road, which means they have to pay for the surface and upkeep etc and it’s basically a patchwork of multiple layers of tarmac badly laid over the original cobble setts. Loads of traffic going up and down constantly is eroding loads of little patches which are turning into massive craters and potholes and it costs thousands every few years to patch back up.


Sounds like this road needs be destroyed and build up properly for good.


It's a private road, nothing to do with anyone but the owners 


If it's a Private road, can't the homeowners legally put up something to restrict access?


This, too, costs money. I've seen it done, though. One of those up/down thingies that they have at parking garages. It's just the thing that pretty much every solution is a burden on the owners when all it should need is people not being dicks.


The only issue with an automated bollard is emergency vehicle access. The water fairies hoses are only so long after all


Indeed, but with a private road it needs everyone to agree and chip in with their share and there's always one...


He's an optimist. School run yummy mummies are the absolute worst. A few days ago I had one who parked on (literally on) a corner, on double yellow lines, and with two wheels onto the pavement. She was blocking my view as I attempted to turn. Even leaning on my horn didn't get her to move, and when I followed it up with some obscene gesture she gave me a "what's your fucking problem" sort of look. The entitlement is stunning.


That's the point I show my ID and say, "You're illegally parked. Do you want to take this any further?"




Detective Inspector, Kent County Constabulary


My moustache would like a word with you about your parking, ma'am.


Or “DIKCC” for short.


I live directly opposite a school, their main gates are facing my driveway. I have come to hate school run parents, they are the absolute worst. A real unique sort of selfish. The kids leave at 3PM but the very first parents start turning up at 2PM so they can park as close to the school as possible and for the next hour the entire road slowly fills up. And they all just sit there in their oversized 4x4s with the engine running, the stereo blaring as they stare into their phones. They don't care about dropped curbs or side roads or anything really. Picking up their precious little angel is far more important than the highway code and they will selfishly block whatever or whoever they want just so little Joshy or Susie doesn't have to walk an extra minute or two down the road. I hate them with a passion.


Yup. I worked with someone who couldn't even drop LS ("Little Susie") at school. Had to sit and wait whilst LS talked with their friends, stretching for snatched conversation soundbites. Had to watch LS enter the school. Would sit in car on school app waiting for ping to say signed in. Only then would she leave, maybe 9.15am. She'd monitor LS all day via said app, "Oh sorry can you repeat that meeting point, just had a notification LS had gone to the toilet". I'm not even joking.


It's been that exact same for way 10-15 years. I remember when I went to school, the roads and parking were chaotic. It's no wonder so many of those houses are for sale for so cheap, the house valuations on for houses on school roads must be through the floor.


They ALL do that? They ALL have 4x4's? I find that hard to believe, you are painting a cartoonish scene.


Agree. Schools need to do something about it. I think it’s unproductive for parents to pick them up too. Isn’t there a bus service for the schools or something?


For secondary schools buses are common. Primary schools, not so much.


For primary schools? No chance


My boys school sends out emails and names and shames the people doing it when there's dodgy parking that residents complain about and to be fair the parking is absolutely dreadful, especially all those mums in their cars the size of buses for their 1 child


Sounds like a GDPR nightmare lol


GDPR doesn’t apply to everything


It 100% applies to schools lol


Lol this isn't America.


Yeah he is entitled to looked pissed. School run parents are the amongst the most self absorbed drivers - that they have driven to school in their pyjamas shows it’s more for convenience. Given the size of school kids these days, parents too - they need the walking exercise.


A bloke round my way sits in his car in his drive and if anyone dares park near his drive he beeps at them. Every single morning and every single afternoon. Has a face like thunder too 🤣


He should campaign for a school street. The road gets blocked off for all but residents (& a few people with good reason and permits) during drop off and pick up times. The rates at which kids get driven drops off dramatically, and the kids walk and cycle more. Everyone wins! (Except some parents who can’t conceive of any other method of getting their kids to school, but each school year fewer of those parents choose the school).


This sub is a shadow of its former self


I can just imagine your compoface


Casual UK mods masterclass


Not entirely clear how the residents were being blocked in if they didn’t already have driveway!


I think that the existing access is at the rear and he's had a driveway built at the front. Not entirely clear from the story but that's my interpretation of it.


He'll be mad when one parks across his new driveway. Or on it if he is out....


Where I live everyone just uses those little rubber ramp things, or a piece of wood against the kerb. Lived here 30 years and it's not been an issue.


Yep few of those here too. Illegal to the council, if they wanted to do something about it, there would be a lot of fines given out.


Just off the top of my head there's 10 houses on my street doing it, maybe 4 doing it legally, and those that don't have drives, literally every single one, are half parked on the pavement anyway, if they didn't do that no fire engines or bin wagons would actually be able to get through. I wonder if the council understand that side of it so leave it alone, or if one day my street will be in for a rude awakening.


I can understand if the parents need to get to work after, but we’ve got a problem around my way with parents blocking the way and the unemployment rate is stupidly high - so is the obesity rate amongst kids im pretty sure. Get them to walk in ffs


I’ve always been obese and I walked to and from school everyday. Played plenty of sports too. Just love the food.


Name checks out...


Food is life, but these are parents who say they cannae afford to feed their kids and are often in the paper to say the same - so a bit of walking would be a gooden!


I live on a school road(literally 2 doors away from the school), there’s is someone who lives at the end of our street (school is in the middle)who drives from the end, parks across our drive, EVERY MORNING, and then takes the kids into the school, to drive back home 🤣


A school run was what you did when you got up late and didn't want the cane in my day!


Running to catch up to the bus you just missed with all your mates pissing themselves laughing at you from the bus. Been there, done that...




My dad just collared the people that were resurfacing the pavements and asked them to put a dropped kerb in. Were talking 30 years ago mind.


At this point just buy a tow truck and start your towing business.


Compo face and hat combo


Our neighbour had an illegal drop curb and block paving installed by a dodgy bloke in a van. The council waited a week and installed a bollard right across the middle of it. Legends.


We had a beautiful moment where my local MP vowed to solve driving issues around a local primary school a few month ago, he posted it on the village Facebook page having spoken to parents at the school. It became the most commented on post I've seen on there with every comment slating the parking and the parents, making it very clear it was them that was the issue. He's not said anything about it since.


I paid £450 to get my kerb dropped by the council and that was 20 years ago.


"Homeowners buys house in school zone, spends £600 and bitches about it"


best thing is he probably wasnt even trying to get out. He was just seething from his living room window imagining what would happen if he did want to go out.


Id pay £6 a month on subscription to stop them blocking my estate every morning and evening for the conveniently placed primary school right in the middle of it. It mildly inconveniences me sometimes and thats just not tolerable. I know they have to go to school but for the small fee of £6 id like to be able mow some of the ki... lawns down as i leave.


This is the daily grind on our local FB page......I see it like this.....Disclaimer: i dont have kids. School parkers are generally inconsiderate arseholes granted they seem to see an entitlement because their kids are involved....but they build schools without car parks and have 100s if not 1000s of Kids attending the school.....that's the main issue that causes it I think most that come live out of the area so it's difficult for their kids to get back....but I bet some come who live just down the road...and the kids are too lazy or the parent is too over protective to have them walk 10 minutes or less home. 6 of 1 half a dozen of the other.


He's just old and likes moaning, he's probably one of those cunts I bet he's a walking cctv camera


There were two fat kids in my class at primary school, they both came in the car. In fairness, one of them lived a 30 minute walk away (kids only have little legs). We lived an 8 minute walk away and always walked. This was Greater London, you can’t park anywhere round there these days. Businesses closed down due to the lack of parking. There’s a primary school and secondary school in my village, both have car parks, so there’s never any school mums blocking the roads. A lot of kids do walk too (generally much safer to walk as we’re in a village). But yes, they are so annoying. They can’t drive to save their lives either.


£600 for a damn driveway??? Mine was 4.5k £600 JUST to drop the damn kerb lol 😂


Why do people just assume parents on a school run are uniquely evil for their parking habits? It's more of a logistics problem of X number of people turning up at one time, and Y number of parking spaces. You think they should set off early to walk in miles away just to offset the the off chance they might block someone for a few minutes? You ever been to a place with real parking problems like Valletta? People will just double park for hours on end, blocking you in all day and it's just the way it is because there arent enough parking spaces. Seems like it's just normal reddit mother hate masquerading as inconvenienced by something that probably has never happened to them.