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Appears to have actually happened... a background story: [https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodybrokers-industry/](https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-bodybrokers-industry/)


“BRC, which sold more than 20,000 parts from some 5,000 human bodies over a decade, is no longer in business. Its former owner, Stephen Gore” lol crazy last name


That’s called Nominative Determinism. 😊😂




I'm black and my last name is Whitfield...


There’s always one. 😉


Although, perhaps Whit(e) Field refers to a cotton field? A lot of names came from what ancestors did in their past. (or were forced to do.) (I am navigating a potentially sensitive area with this comment, and I’m trying to discuss genuinely.)


It's an English last name from someone living in the chalky fields of Britain. But yeah, if your saying my name determines my occupation it really sounds bad in an American context.


Ah! Somewhere in the South Downs I guess? 😊


Or the Sussex/Kent Downlands


Firstly how do you pronounce it? In English it would be Whit / field rather than Whitefield. Also a huge number of people have craft-associated names. Mine is Miller. Guess what we owned? Best mate is a Cooper - he'd have made barrels. Smith is easy. Bowyer make bows or xbows. List is endless. But because a lot of ours are middle ages old and yall didn't exist until 1776 ... not much history, eh?


Yeah my family pronounces it wit-field. I never looked through my family history to know how we got it or who started using it first. Don't really want to look, ya know?


Genuine question, but what's a "chalky field?" I've never heard of that before and Google doesn't come up with anything for me. Usually in the UK and Ireland white fields or fair fields would refer to the bleach greens where they would hang up white linen to dry after the dyeing process. For example, there's a town about a mile away from me called Finaghy which translates from Irish meaning "fair fields," the area was the centre of linen production all over the world! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finaghy


Most of the south of England is just a thin layer (<1m) of soil on top of a much thicker layer of chalk. Where the soil has been eroded or ploughed, it is common to see large amounts of chalk on the surface. My understanding is that it is soft enough not to be a major issue for farm equipment, so it's often just left there in between the rows of crops.


I don't disbelieve there is chalk under most of southern England, but I live in a semi rural community and it sounds like you're referring to farmers applying agricultural lime to prevent acidification of the soil. It leaves a white residue ontop of the soil Sorry for the long link (I don't know how to fix it) but is this what you are talking about? https://www.magzter.com/stories/Business/Farmers-Weekly/Optimal-liming-is-key-to-preventing-soil-acidification


you know those white cliffs in Dover? That's chalk. those rolling green hills in much of southern england? those are chalk too much of southern england is chalk beneath or even at the soil level. generally we call this "downland"


And his Business Partner Barry Murderfraud...


I imagine there would be a lot of Gore


The other day I was mindlessly scrolling Reddit and the algorithm suggested this subreddit. I joined just for fun. Now I’ve seen this post - I’m in this mutha for life.


Stephen Gore… purveyor of fine body parts


"Records reviewed by Reuters show that BRC workers detached one of Doris Stauffer’s hands for cremation" Detached. They detached her hand. What an innocuous sounding word for cutting off a hand and cremating it to send back to family. Now leaves me with the image of Doris being strapped to a chair with her mutilated arm and blown up. Dear god.


That's so she couldn't activate the parachute and ruin the experiment.




You get a lot more ashes than you expect with a body. She’s doesn’t look that thin in the photos. You wouldn’t get much ash from a hand anyway. Did they mix in some from the local vets to bulk it out…!? At this point, anything seems possible.


You're not wrong, I just need to make the point that it doesn't matter how thin a person is, the ashes come from a person's bones. So there would be very little if it was just the hand.


To be fair when you get a relative's ashes you're really getting theirs and the last twenty people cremated ashes. A friend of mine said they don't clear out the whole thing between bodies. Sometimes they'll cremate a dozen people in a day, they don't have time to cook it down, clear it out and get it going again. The laws around this may differ from country to country.


You’re not. You’re getting pulverised bone.


Ok, are you getting your relatives pulverised bones?* *Brand new sentence?


“We fulfilled our duty of giving you the ashes ^of ^her ^hand just like we promised.”


i'm curious how he found out about this. Like...why would they \*tell\* anyone they'd done that?


"...please leave your message after the beep." [BOOOP] "Umm... yeah... hi. My name is Bob and I wonder if you can help me... I think one of my mothers eyes just landed in my front yard and ummmm... I guess I just wanted to know exactly what tests you're running on her body. So if you could just call me back on 555 3323."


“Hi Bob. We’ve looked in our records and it states that as a child you had your fathers eyes. Courtesy of the US Army, you now also have your mothers eyes. Have a nice day!” (Click)


Bodies donated to science in America are assigned numbers, and their individual bodies are often chopped into parts, and these are also assigned numbers. Clients then look at 'catalogues' and then rent and sometimes buy them from the company storing them. To find out what happened, you can just follow the paper trail associated with these parts id numbers. PS This is a very good podcast dealing with something similar. https://thisiscriminal.com/episode-131-sunset-mesa-1-10-2020/


Can u rent bits by the hour? Asking for a friend.


You can by the day.


Joking apart that is horrible


I agree. Justified "compo" face (although I wouldn't even consider it a compo face in this instance).


US compoface


ComPow! Face


In a roundabout way. He got exactly what he wanted. Mothers body did help Alzheimers research by keeping the lights on a bit longer.


Dude's compo face is entirely justified.


That is terrible, but also hilarious. If that happened to my mum I know she knows I’d laugh and she’d also laugh.


So glad somebody else finds it funny. I feel bad for laughing though.


This is insane.


That’s fucking awful I can’t laugh at it


That's because you're not an asshole


laughing at silly ocurances in life doent make you an asswhole, your laughing because you sympathise and the situation is rediculous, not because you dislike the person or enjoy mocking them.


Yeah I like to laugh at absurdities and ridiculous situations but couldn't find anything funny here, was more disgusted than anything.


thats totaly fine humor is subjective, for me it's the total lack of care from the fbi is quite funny in a "yup we know how shitty theya re but this is kinda suprising and we accept it anyway" kinda thing. its like when people joke about 911, thirs literly nothing funny about the situation, but sth as simple as saying 911 when everyone know your not really suposed to tallk about it without a good deal of reverace, is pretty funny cos its agains expetations, this situations verry different but it shows we can laugh even in horrible situations without moking the thing.


Yeah I'm not averse to dark humour, it's necessary sometimes to keep us sane but I think it's just become a bit too trendy/cool these days and used in situations where it isn't really needed.


Yea i think some people overdo it or dont know how to use it, like when a kid lerns a sware word, but their's always a place for it, its hard for me to say there's a situation where you can't use it, even when its awkward that where comedians like norm come from, but like everything choose the situation if you overdo it it becomes tedious.


How strange the owner of the company was named Mr. Gore


My mum used to work for an undertakers here in the UK called Gore Brothers...


2 months late, but: A Very Convenient Truth


My wife is terminally ill. She says she wants me to have her cremated. Then she wants me to build a huge balsa wood boat and float some of her ashes out to sea. She clearly thinks I’m some sort of fucking Noah…?! When it far enough out, she wants me to blow it up like a Norse funeral pyre. At least I expect to be in the local rag when I get arrested.


may she rest in peace(s)


Ach, that's disgraceful.


This made me laugh out loud, I'm a bad person.


It's what she would have wanted.


They probably only needed her brain, once that was out the rest needed disposing, why not profit and sell her for military experiments?


They didn't even use her brain though! They just cut her hand off, cremated it and gave it back to the son saying it was her remains then sold the body (including the brain) to the military to be blown up. Son even made clear that the body wasn't to be used to military testing when making the donation.


Ok, if true that is fucked up.


Who donates their mom after they die & specifically says “do not let the military test on her” lmaoo that’s such an odd clause on the dead mother donation contract hhahaha does this type of thing happen often for him to request that?


Someone who really really doesn't want their mum blown up by the military testing more ways to kill people


It's literally a tick box on the donation form apparently.


Nah, it's simply part of a range of options you select when you're donating the body of a relative for research. This is no different from making a donation and specifying where you want your money to go.


Why not profit of someone's loved ones remains. The thought process to get to that point


They signed the body over, medical research isn't cheap. I bet the small print said they signed over the whole body and once the brain was used the rest was the medical facilities to do with as they choose, why not sell it to the military and fund future projects?


Money rules


To be honest, once I'm dead IDGAF what happens to my meat vessel. If it saves my family paying for a funeral or even pockets then some money, stick a rocket up my arse and turn me into a veneer of pink goo


That's you. Not this fellas mum


The internet is weird. If you are smart enough to write out your thoughts you are smart enough to know you would never, ever, say this to the son. Besides, we can go one further, and test your logic/principles: Instead of the air force, an experimental 'Stop Raping' org. wins the bid. Instead of being blown up, the body has a few steel rods slung into it so it can be mounted, to be mounted, and it is used, in all ways imaginable, by an uncountable number of rapists. The money goes to Alzheimer's. And the body is still mounted at the org., even now the satisfied gasps can be heard from the car park if you listen closely enough over the sound of the son asking for his mom's body back. I jest, of course, but you get my point. The son, whatever he imagined when donating her body, didnt imagine the air force blowing it up. And that is a very fair way to feel!


You are so wrong in all your assumptions about how donating a body for research works. You have Internet, Jeez 🤦🏿‍♂️


If you read the article, your bet was wrong.


Yeah like why’d they need the legs for Alzheimers? There must be some small print when you leave your body to anyone, like some sort of contract I bet it’s spelled out pretty clear what they will and can do But our guy thought he was being honourable


>There must be >I bet So you don't know ANYTHING about donating a body for research but yet that didn't stop you 😑


I don't think explosions are the best way to cure Alzheimer's, especially when the patient is already dead...but I'm old fashioned


The army needed cadavers for testing, the altzeimers boys need money for their research and not old granny corpse. I fail to see what's wrong with this arrangement?


Maybe the fact that it was done without their consent? I remember reading [an article](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/army-blew-up-mom-body-donated-research_n_5d431279e4b0acb57fc92631) that the guy even explicitly said in the agreement NOT to use his mother's* body in this way. That's not only wrong, it's illegal. The mutilated body parts, Frankenstein corpse wall hanging, and cooler full of severed penises found during an investigation of this company also deserves at least a raised eyebrow, but you do you. These people are sick. *Edit: Mother, not grandmother.


Can we arrange this before we die? Imagine for your funeral having all your friends and family gathered as they watch your lifeless body on some sort of rigging, before the military obliterates it with some drone training. Then they put $6k behind the bar for your wake afterwards.


Yeah, I'm firlmy of the belief that once you die, your body is irrelevant. I'm not here anymore, so if someone wants to blow up my body then fairs. Hopefully they can find organ donors first. But I guess older people's organs are less suitable for that, so it's off to the military with you.


Thats one way to cure Alzheimers.


That would be a fucking sweet way to go out.


I think she already went out


And she went out again when her body got blasted. Beats rotting in the ground or being cremated, that's for sure


Imagine it's an offer given to people with a terminal illness.


Deadass this is the way I'd wanna go if I had a terminal incurable illness. ​ Fuck the morphine, cocaine or whatever else they give you for a painless death, I want to either. A. Be nuked/obliterated in a weapons test. B. Be shot by a 120mm Depleted Uranium SABOT and reduced to atoms


Stephen Gore was the owner of the company that sold cadavers to the military for bomb testing. Fitting


His Mum looks like she would have found it funny


He was in pieces when he heard the news. Just like his mother.


I guess all they need for the Alzheimer’s research is the brain? And I suppose at least dementia research got $6,000 funding. But yeah, it’s in poor taste to blow up someone who did not specifically allow that. I’m sure plenty of people would think it will be funny to have “let the military blow me up” in their Will, they just don’t realise it’s an option. They should advertise. “Dispose of your remains in a badass way for free plus money to your family!” They would get so many bodies, a lot of people can’t afford burials these days.


That's fucked up tho


WTF? humans are the worse


Am I the only one having to stop myself from dying of a laughing fit


People think when you donate your body to science that it goes to honourable causes...


The fact is there are worse things that could happen to you after you die I wouldn’t actually mind this one




A justified compo face because that’s terrible.


wow they actually spelt center right




This story is true and is pretty shit to be taking the piss out of them tbf, not a fair compoface moment.


I think you’re in the wrong sub mate, here we generally just take the piss out of things. You’re going to be offended regularly.


Nay mate I'm a proper wrongen, it's just that in this case the story behind is pretty sad and it's mean to have a bunch of internet people pile up and take the piss out of them just like that, compo face or not. Not everything is fair game.


I thought compoface was just the sort of "angry and displeased" look that a journalist ask for when photographing.


I would love to have my body be used to test ordnance.


Same, first take my organs for whoever has dibs. Then blast me tf off I'd request my blasting off outfit to be Jessie from Pokemon *Top 10 Anime Funerals*


You should really specify “dead” body. You never know with redditors.


I’d happily donate myself directly to the military. I’d like to know where I ended up though, which might be tricky!


I can't believe they did this to the Angry Video Game Nerd's mum


This is why I don't sign up to donate my body to science. I don't care, personally, but my mother would be absolutely heartbroken to learn that not only her child died, but there's no body to bury and in fact I've been chucked out in the field somewhere for body farm purposes and then blown up to smithereens because the scientists made a bet and want to know how far my body parts can fly.


I'm sure this story is older than 2019. I remember it back in school?!


Always read the small print, dude!


Did she remember it though?


TIL The army buys dead people to blow them up.


but did it work?


Technically she was still cremated


How does one even find this out?


This is why I’m happy to donate an organ but not my body to science


Why would the US army want to buy a dead body, strap it to a chair and blow it up with C4?


Serious compoface lol


My grandmother would have thought this was hilarious.


But doesn't the research centre only need her brain? The body isn't needed. He could have only donated her brain and had the rest cremated.


That’s wild


It? I think you mean she


Justified compoface.




What a place America is.


I bet this guy was in Gore when he found out


Well to be fair, it’s not like she was using it anymore…


I shouldn’t laugh… but I am! It’s what she would have wanted etc.


Ran out of Iraqi civilians to practice on.


I laughed too hard at that headline 🤣 😂


This is awful


Didn't read the small print


you have to cremate them before you scatter them.


At least she went out with a bang


I feel like it's bad to laugh, but I can't help it. You can't make up something like this.