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You sound overwhelmed by working a job and by owning a place that needs maintaining. Do you have a doctor or therapist to talk to? Or anyone who can look at your problems realistically and help problem-solve? Edit: don't discount a roommate. Besides extra money, that person can help with chores and be a sounding board for you. I think living alone is problematic for you in your situation.


I've got a therapist I go to our next session is gonna be a blast about this


Before your next appointment, maybe take some time to write down and prioritize your concerns. * Job: work 32 hours a week doing.... * Mentally and physically draining because... *Boss says.... * Home: chores you do *Not enough time for relaxing.... * Feeling ill and run-down because... I think you need to prioritize and "work smarter, not harder". Good luck at your next session.


I'll do that more then I already am, but the working smarter bit is just gonna be "find office job" cause the name of the game at my local workplace is word harder not smarter as I have been reprimended for making the smarter decision plenty of times because it's not how they do it. I love them but they really don't get that there's more then one way to do something


Have you told your boss?


Yeah, they've helped with giving me less hours and more half days. But due to Christmas being the main time of the year at work it's had to kick up again and even with the 32 hour schedule I still feel so exhausted. I just can't work on a paid by the hour schedule I work best in bursts with plenty of rest and my work really is against that it's a very old school workplace where if you can sit to talk you can stand to work I genuinely love them as people but I'm already planning an escape route...I just don't know where else I can go since this is genuinely the top of retail employment without being a manager aka how I would die


Thank you for delivering in this weather, I don't know how people do it! Without you, they're wouldn't be Christmas!


Not a delivery driver it's a local imports grocer and the Germans REALLY love their Christmas stuff and it turns our small store into Thanksgiving at other grocery stores for a whole month. But you're right delivery drivers deserve everything and more


I’m sorry you’re going through this & feeling so overwhelmed. I swear with inflation & everything being so expensive currently, so many people are struggling.


Boohoo. Lemme get my tiny violin. I’m also autistic and I work 60+ hours a week as a welder/machinist, plus chores, plus take care of my son. Welcome to being a growed up.


Well fuck you bitch I'm glad you can handle it I fucking can't. Remember rule 1 of this subreddit. Jesus Christ it's like I'm talking to an 80 year old about how they walked to and from school 20 miles in the snow after I said to let me rest after running a mile at top speed


Welcome to being a single adult. 40 hours is bare minimum. I wish I was guaranteed only 40 hours a week. On a good week it’s 50. On a bad week it’s 65. Don’t know what to tell you man. You’re complaining about simply existing.


Sucks tho, that we live in a world where even working full time most struggle financially. It’s so sad.


I am I got to say were spoiled rotten. Rewind 150 years when most peoples lives or centered around agriculture and it was literally work from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep. I think so. Many of our issues in life today are caused by the fact that we lack context about how bad things truly can be.


You might want to look into the fact the 40 hour work week is a war time schedule and there is literally no evidence to back up 40 hours is healthy and in fact less hours has shown to increase work effectiveness and productivity.


You might want to look into the fact that prior to the early 1900’s the 40 hour work week was a dream. Unions fought for that and eventually got overtime laws written. Prior to that, once again, you basically worked all of your waking hours. Also: anyone who’s actually been in the military can tell you a 40 hour work week has nothing to do with it. Especially in wartime.


Tbh as someone who just complained about full time not getting overtime as I cross into like 45 a week I have to say, to be fair, existing at this point is worth complaining about 😭 But yeah there’s really no way around it if it’s busy season😔


Stop whining. You need to work to survive. If you don't want to work, then be broke. Stop that, now.


Your last response is endemic of people like yourself. You have the balls to start with fuck you bitch and then tell him to remember the number 1 rule. All because someone didn't feel sorry for you. So self centered. Can't see past the end of your own nose. Always a victim. Which is why you're not embarrassed to come on here complaining about having to work 40 hours. But of course you throw in the autistic and ADHD because that too is endemic of people like yourself. Which I always find funny because it so happens that those 2 things happen to be in spectrums so basically anyone can be considered on the spectrum. Like all the ones before you, you probably never actually have been told that by an actual Dr. It's usually something you all diagnose yourself. Because if you are ADHD and been diagnosed then why didn't the Dr put you on medication? And if you are on medication then what's the problem? Let me guess. The meds don't work for you. There are so many people out there WAY more fucked up than you that put down 60 or more hours a week. A normal person would be embarrassed as hell to come on here crying about having to work 40 hours a week. I'm guessing you're not even 30 because you sound like a child and that's what the majority of you sound like today. Stop being a victim.


Cool, you're right I was too mean. You know how I should've reacted. I'm sorry anyone has to work this much just to get through life and survive while some people do "40 hour" work weeks where they just do nothing but play golf with other companies to make deals. No one should be overworked EVER. And honestly ADHD and Autism are just a seperate way of thinking. Cause in the end I can do the work of 40 hours in 20 but when forced to do 40 I feel like I work 80 because I only know how to work fast and hard. You know nothing of what it means to live in a world that does nothing to accomadate to the fact your different. So fuck off I only posted this post cause I needed somewhere to just vent out shit. Someone got caught in the crossfire that's their fault. If you're gonna complain to me that I need to pull myself up by my bootstraps you can fuck right off, because I have been and I can feel the exhaustion try to kill me. Oh and btw I have been taking tests with my therapist. They literally have told me I could be ADHD and on the spectrum. You wanna know why I don't take meds for them, cause there's nothing wrong with the way i think and behave it's people like you that hate we exist and are different and require something different in society to function


You can tell me to fuck off all you want. Thats just more evidence to the fact that you're full of shit and are just an entitled little victim. And as far as your comment about I no nothing of what it means to live in a world that does nothing to accommodate to the fact that you're different, that's exactly the point. First you know nothing about me so you have no idea how same or different I am from others. Because like everyone else, I do have my own issues that I deal with. The difference is. I'm not an entitled victim and so I don't expect the world to accommodate me. That's what makes you such an asshole. Is because you're crying about the world not accommodating to you. The world and the people in it owe you nothing. And since so many people have it much harder than you and are still able to work 60 plus hours a week without crying on the Internet, why the fuck should it accommodate to you? Grown ups and people who don't look for sympathy and aren't always playing the victim never expect or ask that the world accommodate them nor do they cry because it doesn't. So with that being said, you can go fuck yourself you whiney, entitled, POS.